Tesla ~ Telsa's Scalar Energy Magnifying Switch Mode Generator, Patent # 568,176

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 12, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    • Brad Knight
      magnetic levitation trains, are great, but do not defy gravity.
      Hoover crafts or ground effect planes are great, bit do not defy gravity.
      Magnetic orientation in physical is great, but do not defy magnetism.
      Magnetism is great but is limited to iron, neodymium and......
      what else is magnetic in materials science?
      Electromagnetism, is great, but does not, explain nonferrous items,
      floating or gaining lift, such as a spider web based reverse unparachute.
      Electromagnetic seem limited in relation to levity (antigravity) phenomenon.
      Electrostatic flight, friction and drag, limits the speed one can ride a bike.
      80% of your effort is to break through wind. Only after 30 mph or more.
      Drag increases even more, the faster one tries to go.
      World competition for fuel efficient vehicles are often based on efficiency of fuel use
      and placement position in the race.
      So most all racers remain under 35 miles and hour,
      often lay down to reduce wind surface area drag coefficients.
      And average miles per gallon range between 120 mpg, to 1,200 mpg
      to best I an recall, someone got 1,700 mph.
      The spider silk kite effect demonstrates levity without wings.
      And only Bunielli's formula can be interpreted in electrostatic charge variance lift.
      Please prove me wrong.....and let me know, as if a am an ignorant child seeking to learn.
      Parameciums more through water, 6 times the length of their body, in one second.
      And it does do in water, which on a molecular level is 98 times or so,
      more dense than atmospheric air.

      Does anyone know of more exceptions?

      So here we enter into solar wave considerations, it is a difficult phenomenon to study,
      because it behaves radiantly in a 3 dimensional space. 3 dimensional radiance,
      is where Tesla speaks through the math of a "double imaginary number"
      for the same reason 2 dimensional math represents oscillating graphs on a wave function.

      The square root of negative one.

      3 dimensional radiant modeling, uses the square root of the square root of negative one.

      Thus creating a point of reference on all 4 quadrants of a graph.

      Amperage might increase the volume representation in such a mapping.

      Just an idiot, adding what little I know. I am not fluent in calculus or electrical engineering.

      Algebra rarely admitted why we were learning the gymnastics of problem solving.

      Practical application, escaped me.

      • Brad Knight
        Yet i have seen certain toroidal windings, when a current give,
        lifts and wabbles* (MAYBE, MEANS WOBBLES)
        on its own, on a wood table.

        Assumptions can make one stop looking.
        Anomalies tend to open back door possibilities.

        So I have to admit, this memory was not with me,
        as I wrote the above, and look at the below.
        Garge lab doers, open doors, theoretical deniers,
        try to lock, too often.

        As per below, I speak of Steven's comment.
        Way to go.

    • Steven B Halls
      From the Don Smith book, (details on my main timeline post),
      this has a rotating shape resembling figure 2,
      and it has induction coils wrapped in opposite directions.

      =AZUqkuw7eS5lqOf00mZ5JyDghv1BeVJfqd4STyFRQ-2LoqBfPgdKfMTHapuyWh-yN5rF9u6nfOYrYIhghj_C8PlSzWtH7SaodEltuJqzfUnfo8Up_W0CsjQDtu-rmm2hWijLU1XR2Dp4UfFHC7bbt4Y_nMhexqTw2fv4xGyZm6BVNnVIHJh2rRh6o3DgnBZ2GM8SXHeSk--KA6tP3JIv-l2e_l5umUqUXTrLM--M3ylk8Q&__tn__=R*F'] g_s403x403&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=t0kRj3TjD7IAX8jXlUa&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    • Franck VallĂ©e
      Any link to replicates ???

    • Steven B Halls
      Also from the Don Smith book, there is the white PVC tube, with induction coil wrapped clockwise for half, counter-clockwise for the other half. And the red wires in the middle are a separate induction coil of slightly larger diameter, like in Fig 2.

      =AZUqkuw7eS5lqOf00mZ5JyDghv1BeVJfqd4STyFRQ-2LoqBfPgdKfMTHapuyWh-yN5rF9u6nfOYrYIhghj_C8PlSzWtH7SaodEltuJqzfUnfo8Up_W0CsjQDtu-rmm2hWijLU1XR2Dp4UfFHC7bbt4Y_nMhexqTw2fv4xGyZm6BVNnVIHJh2rRh6o3DgnBZ2GM8SXHeSk--KA6tP3JIv-l2e_l5umUqUXTrLM--M3ylk8Q&__tn__=R*F'] g_p261x260&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=cEnNaMB6ex0AX-HB41U&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    • Ryan Dacosse
      There's something interesting about intermingling AC and DC.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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