Tartaria Decoded:part 1-9 - Can We Trust The Record? Vanilla Skies & Old-world Photo Manipulation

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 1
    Tartaria Decoded: Part 1 - Tartaria CONCEALED, Old World Reset, Mud Flood & World's Fairs - Intro video
    View: https://youtu.be/sCHyS3TtxMc

    part 2
    Tartaria Decoded: Part 2 - MUD FLOODS Cover Europe, North America & The World. Precursor to A RESET?
    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9zVUg95V5o

    part 3

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 3 - World's Fairs - RESET Of The Old World & Guardians of Antiquitech
    View: https://youtu.be/V8b9TGfmzTQ

    part 4
    Tartaria Decoded: Part 4 - ANTIQUITECH, Free Energy & The Mother Earth Sacred Geometry Connection
    View: https://youtu.be/7SVpfXSX6FY

    part 5

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 5 - GIANTS And The Old World Built For Giants? Skeletons, Buildings & Tools
    View: https://youtu.be/aZLv92Prkjs

    part 6

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 6 - Star Forts & SACRED GEOMETRY Structures To Alter Human Consciousness?
    View: https://youtu.be/ib6CKtI3_qA

    part 7
    Tartaria Decoded: Part 7 - Insane Asylums, Mind RE-PROGRAMMING & Old World Architecture?
    View: https://youtu.be/74ZHUlm7wZk

    part 8

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 8 - IMPOSSIBLE Engineering? 19th Century Structures Built w/ Chisels Hammers?
    View: https://youtu.be/e4NCmmz8Nbc

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 9 - Can We TRUST The Record? VANILLA Skies & Old-World Photo Manipulation
    View: https://youtu.be/IatpjRsincg


    View: https://youtu.be/IatpjRsincg

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    PUTIN declassified the TARTARIA archives. The official history is FALSE

    Geography, Hidden History, Lemuria (Mu)

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    PUTIN declassified the TARTARIA archives. The official history is FALSE
    “At school we are taught that before the advent of Christianity we were all almost wild people. However, many facts contradict these fictions. For example, in the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, the land of our ancestors is described as the largest and most developed state called the Great Tartarus. There are many documents and maps that support this. Some of them are in the Russian Geographical Society. These and other artifacts, such as the Chandar plate, testify to us that the level of development of the civilization of our ancestors was incomparably higher than what we learn, as official history tries to convince us. This level is even higher than the current level of development of our civilization.”


    From Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887:
    “Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, called the Great Tartary. Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea, called Kalmyk Tartar and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartar and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and finally Tibetan, living to the north-west from China. “​

    How did the Great Tartarus disappear from geographical maps in the 18th century? And why has the total falsification of world history become possible?
    The Moscow Kremlin website reports in 2017:
    Vladimir Putin met with the former President of Tatarstan, now the State Councilor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev, to present him with a gift – the map of Tartarus, made by the seventeenth-century Dutch cartographer Willem Blau. VIDEO
    What is the significance of Putin’s gift, observers wonder. The Dutch cartographer Willem Janszon Blau, whose work Putin presented as a gift to Shaimiev, was the greatest specialist in Tartarus.
    On the gold-framed map presented to Shaimiev, the territory of northeastern Eurasia from the Volga and the Caspian Sea from the west to the eastern ocean belongs to Tartarus. At the same time, the countries of Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East are shown to be under the control of the great inn. This, in particular, is reported by the TASS agency. The map also shows the borders of Tartarus, the genealogy of the great Han temples of Chingiz, as well as Little Tartary (Crimea), Great or Asian Tartarus, Tartaria, Desert Tartarus, Chagataisky ulus, Turkestan, the Kingdom of China and Old Tartarus.
    According to the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, Tartaria was a huge country. The encyclopedia offers the following definition of this gigantic state, plunged into the darkness of centuries: “Tartaria, a huge country in northern Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, called the Great Tartarus. The Tartars who live south of Moscow and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkask and Dagestan, those who live in the northwestern Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tatars and occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tatars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and finally Tibetans, who live in northwest China. ”
    Business Online asked its experts what such an unusual gift presented to Shaimiev could mean and what it means.
    Damir Iskhakov – Chief Researcher of the Ethnological Monitoring Center of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan: There are many such maps showing Tartarus – Little Tartarus and the Great Tartarus. Until the eighteenth century, European cartographers used this term.
    At school we are taught that before the advent of Christianity we were all almost wild people. However, many facts contradict these fictions. For example, in the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, the land of our ancestors is described as the largest and most developed state called the Great Tartarus. There are many documents and maps that support this. Some of them are in the Russian Geographical Society. These and other artifacts, such as the Chandar plate, testify to us that the level of development of the civilization of our ancestors was incomparably higher than what we learn, as official history tries to convince us. This level is even higher than the current level of development of our civilization.
    Why did they hide the plates from Tărtăria?
    Our past – the Great Tartarus
    The past of the Aryan Slavs is the past of our earthly civilization. There is already a lot of truthful information! You just have to look for them and popularize them as much as possible among all the peoples who want to know the truth…
    The movie “Great Tartary – Empire of the Russian” tells the true story.
    The Great Tartarus was and remains the greatest power in the world, which the world’s elites are trying to break into small pieces – specific principalities that would be easier to conquer to destroy the population…
    Putin declassified the Tartar archives
    Original by: Posted by u/One-Ad6450

    Notes on the Language of Tartaria:
    Yes, and no.
    To peel back this onion you need to “un-babble” the church’s counterintelligence and other assorted misdirection.
    The tablets are not in Hungarian per-se, they’re in the language modern Hungarian is based on which is now being called “magyar”.
    The name itself is somewhat tongue-in-cheek. This is not it’s real name, the name used by the people actually speaking the language, it’s the label that is used to obfuscate what it really is and to hide it in plain sight. But, we will use the term for now since it’s easy to Google.
    The language base called Magyar is the linguistic origin of Sumerian, Etruscan, Dacian “first civilization” peoples as well as many others. Sounds ridiculous given the timeline we are all indoctrinated with, but it’s true:
    Magyar-Etruscan affiliations
    “The presence of the Magyar language at such an extensive geographic spread going into ancient times is the proof of a once unified world-language of which the longest surviving remnant is the Magyar. “
    Also, please don’t get hung up on the modern idea of Hungary, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, etc. – these are all blinds to hide the common ancestry of these peoples and languages, what we would modernly call the Sauromatian peoples of Scythia. These people have been mentioned before on the forums and are a key to understanding the war that’s been waging between the old and new factions. That’s a whole ‘nother can of worms.
    Hungarian prehistory – Wikipedia
    “Most extant chronicles show that the earliest works contained no information on the history of the Hungarians before their conversion to Christianity in the 11th century.[35] The only exception is the Gesta Hungarorum, which is the earliest extant Hungarian chronicle, whose principal subject is the Magyars’ pagan past.[37]”
    The Gesta is one of the few surviving original texts of these peoples. Or at least that’s still accessible. Its a link back to the truth before the propaganda war began.
    In any case, the Tartaria tablets actually mention and show the “Sumerian” god Enki (Aquarius), that’s what the little guy with the fish tail is standing next to the goat (Capricorn). Also note the little sprig of wheat between the two, which is the same as shown in the “Sumerian” seal on the right. Same language. Different parts of the world. Different artistic flare.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    There were several types of alphabet used on this base language depending on the part of the world you were in and the time period. Coelbren was one of the earliest and was used for trade throughout the British isles, Mediterranean, Turkey, and North America all the way through China. There was also more than one form of coelbren, one of which we now call ogham. These are not “Celtic”, there was no such thing as Celtic. Total myth created in the 1800s to fill a hole caused by hiding the other groups. A modern term and idea and part of the great misdirection.
    In the above Alan Wilson link he mentions the “Cimmerians” using coelbren. Cimmerians are the same word as Sumerians. Pretty obvious if you just say them out loud.
    All forms of Coelbren can be read omnidirectionally as can it’s cousin Cuneiform. They can both be translated with the same base language. Its useful as a trade language as everyone sitting around the table can read the same document at the same time without the need to pass the paper around or flip it.
    Now, is this the later Tartarian language referenced earlier? Yes, kinda. Magyar is the base of that language, but they were using a different common alphabet later in the empire. Coelbren had long been replaced with the advent of printing. What you’re seeing is an evolution in a single language, not necessarily different languages.
    Also, just a fun aside. The pretty “nordic pagan” tattoo symbols so in vogue these days are a multidirectional sigiled form of the coelbren/ogham on the right (book of Ballymote). Right in front of everyone’s faces, yet no one is literate enough to read them.

    PUTIN declassified the TARTARIA archives. The official history is FALSE Geography, Hidden History, Lemuria (Mu) https://theserapeum.com/putin-declassified-the-tartaria-archives-the-official-history-is-false/

    Mud Flood And Tartaria Evidence In Canada | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (cosmosdawn . net)

    Tartaria Decoded: Part 9 - Can We Trust The Record? Vanilla Skies & Old-world Photo Manipulation https://www.cosmosdawn.net/threads/...lla-skies-old-world-photo-manipulation.15023/
    (need to find video 1-8, and, 10 forward

    430 Years Ago _ Largest Early World Map - Monte's 10 Ft Planisphere Of 1587 _ Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban


    It's No Mistake The Bear (russia) Is Prevalent On The World Stage Right Now~tartaria & Mud Floods


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Timeline Deception - Part I & Ii - Exploring Tartaria

    - Part I

    - Exploring Tartaria

    Nov 14, 2020

    Exploring Tartaria

    PART I :

    View: https://youtu.be/Mbfd3BZ_UAY

    In this video, I got over what I refer to as the "dual timelines"
    and go into a little detail about how they relate to each other.

    I try not to bore you with too many examples and technical details,
    but hopefully you get the idea! I also go over a few
    of the more major questions that you may have from Part I.

    There are some other more pertinent questions
    that I did not include, such as what is the "Rapture",
    and what was the Mudflood.

    I will throw out my theory on the Mudflood down the line.

    As far as the "Rapture" goes, please re-read 1 Thessolonians 4:17,
    and you tell me!

    Could the mortals at the end of the Kingdom
    be the ones who "meet the Lord in the air"?

    I'm not sure as I still can't quite make out what the Apostle Paul
    was trying to tell us.

    As far as a more detailed explanation
    of the Tribulation being in our past,
    I may not be able to get to that one any time soon.

    As someone who has had a weird fixation on eschatology
    since I was a small child, I'm relieved to not have to think
    about the Tribulation for a while :)

    If anyone else wants to tackle that one, by all means!

    But as I said in Part I, there are already articles
    and books written about how the Tribulation
    fits into our past, and what the mark of the beast was,
    and the number 666 and all that sort of stuff.

    So if that's something you're really curious about,
    there is information out there.

    Preterism is not exactly a brand new idea.

    Again, thank you to all of those who have researched in this field.

    I'm not going to list names because I don't want to leave anyone out.

    But I'm familiar with the majority of the characters
    in the Alternative History scene,
    and I appreciate all of your work very much :)

    And a special shoutout to my dear friend Nicholas,
    who has been a great researcher in this field,
    and has helped me to arrive at some of these conclusions
    as we hashed out ideas over the past 2 years
    through TTT (Tartaria Text Time).

    Thanks so much!

    Hope you enjoy :)
    ✠ My side channel:


    https://www.instagram.com/exploringta... ✠ Email: exploringtartaria@gmail.com

    part 2 of 2

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