Targeted Individuals

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Article 32 of Geneva Conventions.

    Most people do not appreciate the large size of a Lockheed GPS 3 satellite - this image with one solar panel open. 24 of these monsters can track and attack you anywhere in the world. Manufactured in Littleton, Colorado, USA.

    Four newsworthy pieces:

    1. Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits scientific and medical experiments, and torture of civilians. The United States has been in a declared state of war since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions. For more than 35 years, the U.S. Air Force Space Command, U. S. Space Force, & the CIA, have been committing Treason and War Crimes against civilians.

    2. Military personnel have a Duty to Disobey Unlawful Orders. Military Personnel took an oath, "... to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic." The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809[890].ART.90 (20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the "lawful command of his superior officer." The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution, and not to those who issue unlawful orders. Under federal law,

    18 USC 242, it is illegal for any government employee to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and

    18 USC 241, it is felony to conspire to violate such rights. It is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

    3. Targeted Justice has identified 3 major corporations that are directly involved in the Targeted Individual program. Cease & Desist letters were sent to:

    - Lockheed Martin - makes the GPS satellites used for tracking everyone.
    - Raytheon - developed the Operational Control System (OCX) for ground operators at Schriever Space Force Base.
    - L3Harris - made the first Vircator microwave weapons, and wrote the tracking/navigation software for the satellites.

    See our tabs on the Corporations - we name the executives.

    4. From the 2019 ebook - "Preliminary Statistics for Targeted Individuals" - based on 746 member applications.

    Median Age: 46
    Median Years Targeted: 6 years
    Experiencing Organized Stalking: 92.5 %
    Experiencing Directed Energy Weapons: 89.0 %
    Experiencing Synthetic Telepathy: 75.2 %
    Experiencing V2K: 66.2 %

    Includes opinions of Targeted Justice, Inc.

    Richard Lighthouse@tau9

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