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Sweden is a small country but very sharp. Wallenberg is the core of the deep state, the shadow government or non-elected people ruling in the background or whatever you want to call it. Who's motto is Esse Non Videri, appear out of sight. They control the teleinfrastructure, telephony, broadband, 5G, etc. through Ericsson and the power supply through ABB in 184 countries, they control Nasdaq and the technology for 150 exchanges. They control SEB for banking, Astra Zeneca which makes vaccines, Atlas Copco which deals with mining and natural resources extraction, SAAB which makes weapons, battle plan, Redbee which has over 400 TV stations including. BBC etc etc etc All tech companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft etc. have their server halls in Sweden and pay license fees to Wallenberg to be available on the Internet thus Wallenberg has great control over their operations. In addition to this, which is also shown in the segment that finance research, education, legal education, education in weapons, democratic issues, etc. etc. The list can go on and this family is undoubtedly the most influential on earth. When Trump said he would “drain the swamp” he meant it. The mushroom that sucked out all the nutrition, all the liquid, all the wealth from the rest of the people on earth. With every day that passes we see the decay and to seem without appearing does not really work for them. Now the whole world sees how this ecosystem built by Wallenberg works and which benefits. They are behind the Federal Reserve Act, the Bilderberg group where Wallenberg is still chairman (there is interesting documentation on Wikileaks) and the EU. Intelligence services are controlled by Ericsson, eavesdropping goes through them and thus also Darknet, which they could easily shut down if they wanted. Sweden (or Wallenberg which is Sweden) is the sixth eye in Five Eyes only that they have control of everything without being involved. Wallenberg is the invisible enemy and the people in the shadows that Trump talks about. Sweden is neither neutral, no small country and definitely no humanitarian superpower. The suffering, poverty and misery that this family has caused the whole world is indescribable and everything is now coming to light of reality and we will be ashamed as Swedes. Which party or politician highlights this, no one, because they are added by the same family and no one is allowed to become a politician without Wallenberg's approval. So no we haven't had democracy either. Their time is over now! Cornelia Gustafzon