Susan / Crystal Caves Of Atlantis, Keeper Of The Sphere Of Destiny

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 20, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    #crystals opening #timelink #windows
    opening a timelink window
    in a 'real' crystal vogel
    with 13 sides on each end
    13+13=26/8 + 13 planes
    = 21 + 1 =22
    or, 13+13+13+1=40/4
    = 4 main directions
    (full moon to full moon
    - 13 to make 12 complete cycles)
    - not that man-made chinese fake stuff
    A DiSCOVERY of:
    ~susan lynne schwenger @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d
    June 10, 2018 = i was 59 1/2 years old (60th year)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    6 Sided – Generator or Merlin
    A crystal with six reasonably evenly spaced sides
    and six approximately equal faces that all centre at the tip

    The more even and equal the faces are, the more powerful the Generator.

    Generators have the ability to store, amplify, transmit/project or generate energy.

    These crystals are not easy to source either….plenty of the points on a cluster or quartz points
    might have faces that meet at a point, but whether there are six of them and they are relatively even is the question.

    Many Generator crystals have been cut by man to have the six even sides (see pic below).

    To come across a natural generator crystal is a great find!
    As their name suggests, Generators generate energy so are good for charging other crystals.

    You could stand a generator in one place and create a circle of crystals around it that you’d like to charge.

    If you’re wary of putting some crystals in direct sunlight, such as Amethyst or Fluorite
    ~ charge up the Generator, program it to cleanse and amplify and then circle it with the stones that require charging.

    Et voila
    download. 969591.
    The only word of caution about Generator crystals is that they just be programmed with intent.

    Its no good to buy one and have it sat in a corner.

    I have various generator crystals set up around my home that are programmed for specific things.

    For example, in the relationships/friendships corner, there is a rose quartz generator
    programmed for love.

    In the wealth area, there is a large Citrine generator programmed to generate abundance
    and in the health section, a large Honey Calcite generator programmed
    for clearing and cleansing my digestive system, as that is where I hold stress.

    Generator crystals are also excellent as a stand alone centre piece of a grid.

    Or four generators could be set at the four compass points of a grid (N, E, S, W).

    Please Click Here to read more about Crystal Grids.
    Generators are probably THE best crystal to use during group meditations or healings.

    Place one at the centre of a circle of people and they will help to amplify and direct group consciousness.

    Generators can also be used in sole meditation. Just sit and hold it for awhile, until you feel really connected.

    Then direct all of your focus and energy at the crystal, with a clear intention.

    Then ask the crystal to release that energy to the person/place/situation and sit back whilst it does so.

    You can leave the Generator doing that for several days before it will need to be cleansed, charged and reset.

    This also makes it an excellent tool for distance healing.

    Generators can also be used in crystal healing, when programmed with intent

    ~ the crystal point can be directed toward an area of blocked energy and will emit energy in regular pulses,

    dissolving any stagnant or negative energy in that area.

    6 Sided – Generator or Merlin – Serendipity Crystals

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14k solid yellow gold
    Marcel Vogel cut vogel crystal
    *cut by the master himself !!!
    - dark deep purple amethyst crystal
    - cut into the Star of David
    - 4 triangles one side, 1 triangle other side
    For all of you who are into the healing properties of gemstones
    - purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages
    for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate,
    and sooth the mind and emotions.
    Back in the day, Amethyst was highly esteemed
    - worth as much of Diamond.
    It carries the energy of fire and passion,
    creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.
    The Hindu's believe it relates to the planet Saturn.
    The symbol of the Star of David has been known
    for thousands of years in religious tradition,
    as the shield of God.
    The Star of David has symbolized protection and strength to many who wear it.
    In Judaism, the Star of David, and extension of the Divine, or God, shielded the Biblical David in his battles.
    The hexagram, or 6 pointed star,
    is also a mandala symbol in Hinduism,
    that represents a perfect meditative state
    and balance between us and the divine.
    The downward triangle on the front symbolizes
    the sacred embodiments of the feminine,
    while the upward triangle on the back represents the masculine focus.
    These two energies intertwined ultimately
    represent the most powerful energy of all creation.
    In the crystal/metaphysical world, the Star of David gained momentum of power and use because of IBM research, scientist, and crystal alchemist Marcel Vogel who not only discovered that quartz crystal shaped into sacred geometry wand form
    could induce a powerful healing effect,
    but that a pendant could do so as well.
    This one was cut by Vogel himself,
    carved into the sacred geometry of the Star of David,
    and, given to a lama,
    this pendant was also blessed by a
    Buddhist Monk Kundrol Rinpoche
    during one of his visits to NY.
    The amethyst is beautiful
    with many inclusions and rainbows;
    lots of positive energy!
    6 Years Ago
    See your memories
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    April 10, 2017 ·
    14k solid yellow gold
    Marcel Vogel cut vogel crystal
    - dark deep purple amethyst crystal
    - cut into the Star of David
    - 4 triangles one side, 1 triangle other side
    For all of you who are into the healing properties of gemstones
    - purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate,
    and sooth the mind and emotions.
    Back in the day, Amethyst was highly esteemed
    - worth as much of Diamond.
    It carries the energy of fire and passion,
    creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.
    The Hindu's believe it relates to the planet Saturn.
    The symbol of the Star of David has been known
    for thousands of years in religious tradition,
    as the shield of God.
    The Star of David has symbolized protection and strength to many who wear it.
    In Judaism, the Star of David, and extension of the Divine, or God, shielded the Biblical David in his battles.
    The hexagram, or 6 pointed star,
    is also a mandala symbol in Hinduism,
    that represents a perfect meditative state
    and balance between us and the divine.
    The downward triangle on the front symbolizes
    the sacred embodiments of the feminine,
    while the upward triangle on the back represents the masculine focus.
    These two energies intertwined ultimately
    represent the most powerful energy of all creation.
    In the crystal/metaphysical world, the Star of David gained momentum of power and use because
    of IBM research, scientist, and crystal alchemist Marcel Vogel who not only discovered that quartz crystal shaped into sacred geometry wand form
    could induce a powerful healing effect, but that a pendant could do so as well.
    This one was cut by Vogel himself, carved into the sacred geometry of the Star of David, and, given to a lama, this pendant was also blessed by a
    Buddhist Monk Kundrol Rinpoche
    during one of his visits to NY.
    The amethyst is beautiful
    with many inclusions and rainbows; l
    ots of positive energy!

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