Sum of All Things by raxnae, Aug 29, 2010, 2:26:29 PM Literature / Poetry / Human Nature / Free Verse "Sum of All Things" So I've been sitting here lost in the abyss of my mind, Thinking on the meaning of life, I see the good things, I see the bad things, And now I hang my head low and cry, In a land of sand tears. The greedy corporate dollar rules our world, I see the genocide of tribes, A tragedy we cannot hear, I see so many violent crimes, It's a wonder I can sleep at night. I dream of things long since forgotten and long past, A place where the past and the future meet in the present, The Sum of All Things. The scales and the balance since the beginning, Must be even. I ask you now, what does it all mean, A time of reflection and collection, Can we pay our dues, the bloody price? Shall we live forever, or fade into memory? What does it mean to leave a legacy in a lifetime? It's all a matter of control and freedom, They murder ways of thinking with discrimination, Most of the sheep collect and submit, The wolves devour their own seeking domination and control, The lone wolf cries. Can you think for yourself, I highly doubt, Your conditioning allows, I broke free, These chains of binding. I run and never look back, Destruction in my wake, Another nature to rule, I am wild and free, You are the tool. There are so many shades of grey, They draw a line between white and black, Us or them, The foot cannot stand without the big toe, Let me get my hatchet. I ask you now, what does it all mean, A time of reflection and collection, Can we pay our dues, the bloody price? Shall we live forever, or fade into memory? What does it mean to leave a legacy in a lifetime?