Sui Generis Thread on Forum Moderators and Administrators

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    empty. Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 8:21 pm
    This time it’s everything about the Thuban materials…

    This thread left many with unanswered questions and for the benefit of the readers; I will do my best to clarify certain things for further consideration. I will try to be as clear as I can for English is not my first language. Although I never posted, I’ve read this forum since its inception … but some things were said here that are not true, and after much deliberation with myself, I am now compelled to step in sideways and say something about it.

    Understanding Extraterrestrial Life is key to understanding not only about who and what exactly are these “Et’s” and everything about them, but most importantly…ourselves. Human beings have an innermost connection with them and there is not enough data out there that talks about this link in detail. But times are changing, and I feel it is time to take responsibility for not only seeking data pertaining to this and other equally important subjects, but also to share it with others if and when they feel they need to, as a way of helping the collective reach the information they need to reach…much faster.

    This has been the intention of both Phoenix and Arachne when they decided to come to Camelot: to share. I only became aware of this thread a few days ago, and if I would’ve been asked my opinion, I would not have agreed to the way the postings were being made (with the double signature) not because I find anything wrong with it, but because I knew the Mods would not like it and would undoubtedly use it against the material itself. Ended up I was right but only as far as the Mods go, for I can now see the war of the archetypes… of the new “eating” the old. Nevertheless, and not to lose focus here, there was never the intention to hide the teamwork; hence the double signature was used since the first page of this thread. There was never an intention of deceiving anyone as Steve said. I know them both Phoenix and Arachne. They are my friends, and I have to say both of them are kind, giving people and definitely not trolls or anything of the like.

    Sadly there are forum “rules”, and rules are not meant to be broken… or are they? I say sadly because if people were civilized enough we would be living in a rule-free society without the need for someone to enforce anything upon us, but that is not the case…at least not yet. So what are we left with? The Modsquad police. Steve said they were issued multiple warnings, and that is just not true, at least not pertaining to the exact reason later used to ban them.

    Stargazer said:
    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.

    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.
    It's a deception in the MODs eyes...You think your are seeing the comments of one person and find that is not so.

    It may very well be against the “rules” but it’s not a deception because those comments were shared by both posters, simple as that. It was all a tech issue, since both do live in different parts of the world. We can go into the “technicalities” of the forum rules… but it won’t do much good, because at least for me, the most important thing here is that information was being shared, and now it’s not. And I ask you…ultimately who benefits from this? Who suffers the consequences of censorship? Who gets to decide this? Why? And is this fair to everyone?

    This “rules” scenario is “old world” and it has to die, in fact is IS dying already.

    Lita said: All true, and if they do try to come back with more tricks ..out they go again..smoke and mirrors...all of it

    The only smoke here is the smokescreen used to filter out what is not wanted out of FEAR, and this doesn’t apply only to forums… you can see it everywhere in society.

    Whatever happened to free speech? Steve decided to ban using the “rules were broken” excuse, but I feel that ultimately fear was the main reason. Perhaps fear of the unknown, fear of the PTB agents, infiltrators and god forbid, fear of the “evil dragons”. Although these kinds of ppl do have their own chaotic agenda, Phoenix/Abraxas is not one of them. He called the Thuban material “crap” only because he did not understand it, but that does not mean no one else does. Moreover… it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be shared in this forum either because this in itself goes against the principles of Camelot.

    Steve said:
    Doesn't that strike as odd behavior? like they were pre-typed, ready for posting?

    Some information was already typed as it was posted on our Thuban forums, they simply wanted to share the data so copy pasting it was the easiest method, and it was included only when it was appropriate to do so and within context with what was being discussed.

    Two people signed on to the same account - another oddity.

    One saw no need to create a separate account when the other was already there. No big mystery here, but if you still had your doubts you simply should’ve asked them. You did actually, but banned them faster than the speed of light without even giving them the chance to post an answer to your question.

    Both posting the same material in different threads - odd?

    I think the post to Lita was relevant. It was meant for her to read and make what she will of it, for if she would’ve understood it, it would’ve helped her. But you saw it as crap, decided to pass judgment, label it as such, threaten and do your bidding. However, Phoenix later said he would not have answered Lita’s thread, this was Arachne’s own decision. Yes, each of them have their own minds, and as much as people mistake the word Thuban with a cult, it is nothing of the sort. There is no one mentality, no leaders and no followers. Each one is free to interpret their own inner Logos and to live accordingly. In fact this is exactly what being a dragon means.

    Baiting a mod with a post?

    Misjudgment again. There was never any baiting. You are projecting your own insecurities.

    I guess you wouldn't have seen that.

    What kind of remark is this? Only you can “see”? Everybody else is blind by default?

    Nor are you aware of the warnings they received for doing such a thing.

    This is not true. There was never any so called “warnings” for posting the same material in different threads or having two people signed onto the same account. Because this is what you are referring to when you say “such a thing” right? The rest is mere speculation and fear based insinuations.
    There were only 2 messages/e-mails Arachne received from Camelot. The first one from Chakra on February 23rd informing her that her thread was moved to a different location, and the second one from Stargazer asking her to please refrain from posting pictures of nudity. (Since surprisingly those 2 cartoon-like art /pictures were found “offensive”)

    Did you check out their site?

    I’m sure you did…while in your “police duties”, desperately trying to find something “incriminating” to use against the “evil infiltrators”….

    The long and short of it is

    Are you to “enlighten” us all as to what the long and short of it is? Is this really how you feel? For if you do, you have some serious ego issues to sort out.

    they were trolls and they were here to cause havoc.

    Of course… the never failing “conclusion”. YOUR conclusion. But you are mistaken. Phoenix is not a troll and he wasn’t here to cause any havoc.

    I've dealt with trolls more than a few times over the last 10 years on forums just like this one.

    No need to mention your resume, your actions and words speak for themselves… and this supposedly “experience” in dealing with these matters failed you miserably this time.

    Everybody posts about disinfo agents, trolls, spammers and general disruptors coming into forums and creating havoc for the sake of creating havoc. Some just to take down a forum, which is nothing more than a game to them. Can you not recognize when it happens here? This isn't the first time these games were played out on this forum and I doubt it'll be the last. Steve

    You use the position you have to influence other’s opinion. You manipulate. You are neither a hero nor the protector of “Camelot’s honor”, imho, you’re just a “Richard” in disguise.

    Here was your question:
    why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.

    Here is the answer:
    The Reply to message #27938 to Steve, Camelot Forum Administrator and which could not be posted because of the banning:

    Sure dear Steve!

    As can be ascertained from the introductory message; we always worked in partnership as grandma arachne and as grandpa phoenix.
    This is why all posts were signed as Arachne or Phoenix or Arachne-Phoenix or Phoenix-Arachne.

    Apparently you do not like or give credence to the unification of things and the bringing together of the separatedness in the worlds of the beingness.

    Nevertheless, there are seven continents and they are all sisters in the umbrella of Gaia.

    Now there exist particular affiliations between those continents, say as effect of a common shared lineage or other 'inheritances' or 'birthrights'.

    The continents of Northern America and Australia form such a sisterhood in their linguistic inheritances and applications.

    So we felt it appropriate to display a supercontinental unity, without national boundaries of segregation; in working together in a symbol of shared responsibility within in a blended individuality.

    One day you will understand those deeper agendas of the spirit and the cosmic intelligences Steve.
    Meanwhile be well in your works on the forums and your unbiased and impartial administrations.

    Shalom from your Elders!


    I never promote one forum over another, ppl are free to read or join wherever they please.
    I do not join a forum to be part of the “in crowd” or to be popular, although I am very social
    and happy to make new acquaintances, that is not the main purpose for me to be “everywhere”, as I feel it’s not the purpose of the many lurkers who never become members of the forums they read. The main reason is to find information and share it…and this principle has been compromised here in this thread.

    Kerry, Isn’t there a place for Thuban material in this forum? I’m sure there is, for I know you are as much pro free speech as I am and that is one of the reasons I’ve always supported you. In fact you never agreed with the closing of the Thuban thread back in PA1, and even you and Tommy became members of Abraxas’ forum back in May of last year after being invited to do so shortly after his ban. I forwarded this invitation in the form of an e-mail from Abraxas myself, and I was happy to see your open mindness.

    For all those visual learners out there, here’s a picture to illustrate:


    But if one is not careful the same errors will be made… just look at the latest Avalon meltdown. Do not make the same mistake Bill made letting the wrong person take complete control of your forum little by little. I know it’s none of my business, but if I were you and would need to have one Super Admin in Camelot... I sincerely would not trust anyone other than Tommy. Abraxas was banned from Avalon exactly one year ago on March 9th 2010 and now from Camelot March 9th 2011…this is not a coincidence...

    To the readers in general I say this: A mod is not some “high priest” that needs your adoration, they are people just like you and me, and make mistakes. Yes they volunteer, but that should not give them the right to decide for others what is worth reading or not. That should always be strictly left to the individual.

    And to the Modsquad Police here I say this: Forums do not belong to the founders…much less to the Mods. Forums belong to the members…and we are not blind.

    Do we really need this kind of “reminders”?:

    “Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...”

    To me this feels like:
    “Just a reminder for people to remember to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste 6 times a day. It’s good for you…”

    It is already self understood that each one will do with the information what they will and that each one will know how to filter it their own way. Isn’t it? I mean, I would assume Camelot readership is not exactly at high school level. If you know anything about measuring energy, something like this feels more like a warning than a reminder. Unfortunately, some people let themselves be influenced by the Mods’ words and the Mods know this, but instead of being responsible with their comments… they choose to manipulate with their opinions. Very sad to witness… So be it.

    Kerry, I am not here to tell you how to run this forum, but although you may not need it, I’ll give you this advice anyway: keep an eye on your crew. Do not let the spirit of Camelot become infiltrated with power trips lest Camelot suffer the same fate as Avalon…

    In the Vesica,

    Sui 161471.

    Original thread in question that was just transferred yet again in an effort to bury it and hide it out of sight:

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] investigator Yesterday at 10:04 pm

    I admit I have wasted a certain amount of time reading these long posts, and was in disagreement from post one. I will state my opinion and be done with it. You can study science the rest of your life and never understand the babble being posted here. Can you guess why? It is utter bollocks.

    You're absolutely right Fohat


    Okay so it looks to me like the Thuban peoples feelings are hurt, because they feel they are being discriminated against? I am thinking maybe, they do not wish to follow the rules to a T, because it's kind of like Amish or indians not wanting to adopt their customs due to their spiritual beliefs? I know your not going to want to hear this, but I suggest you guys do the following to rectify the situation:

    1. Ask for the mods forgiveness, ask for their accounts to be reinstated after what period they think is fair, and agree to their rules
    2. Ask for permission for those two people to post on the same account, if they do not grant permission, every separate person posts with a separate name, and separate ip address.
    3. Follow the rules to the T dot all the i's.
    4. No nude pics
    5. Just post your spiritual message that your trying to get across, and don't try to debate with people.

    I think if you guys did that, the mods would gradually begin to accept you guys more, and you can co-exist peacefully. I think they think that your trying to cause trouble on purpose, when your just trying to post what you feel is spiritually important right? If you just did that I think they would start to trust and respect you, just leave you alone, and then you can do your Thuban thing. I do agree with you guys that they were probably discriminating against you, but if you just follow their rules, you can win their respect, and put them at ease, so you can post in peace. I'm a rules kinda guy, and you guys did agree with your free will to their rules, so I think the rules should be respected, but please note I sympathize with you. Unfortunately, I don't think trying to argue with them is going to solve the problem, but if you guys swallow your pride for just a little bit, you can win their respect, and you can post your spiritual message in peace.



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 10:35 pm
    Raven and Tony did nothing wrong there to earn the ban. I only became aware of the thread 2 days prior to their ban on March 7th. But the behavior of the Mods since the start of the thread was obviously hostile from the beginning. They did not like the material and they decided to censor it and bury the thread right away in spite of there being many members who were thankful for the posts and obviously interested in the material shared.

    I've come to realize they are so "establishment" it's sickening. Steve makes up his "rules" as he goes and so far even after I have addressed Kerry and Tommy personally in my responses, they have not said a word. Tommy has not answered my e-mail so far.

    I am in disbelief Kerry is letting this kind of Modsquad Police team run Camelot.

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Yesterday at 11:10 pm
    Sui, you're absolutely correct; Steve is a total 'Richard'.

    The same day I tried to start a 'Possible Ear Candy - TRANCOSO's Tracks' thread - - I was banned by Steve from the Camelot Forum for telling Chakra to go f#ck him/herself.

    Mind you, innitialy I was not banned by Chakra, nor by Stargazer, but on Steve's behalf, using the 'go f#ck yourself' remark as a`stick to beat/ban me.

    imo it was mainly - just - because he didn't like my attitude.

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    For the past 25 years I've been a deejay.

    Possible Ear Candy is ment to be a thread where I will post the many cherries on the cake, that I came & come accross.

    In order to built up this thread - as a dj set - I need to be the only one posting here.

    So please do not post any replies, comments, etc. in this thread as it will disrupt the 'flow'.

    I hope that's not too much to ask.

    Chakra wrote:
    Uh - well actually I find it is sort of ironic considering how 'controlling' this request actually is...

    You've declared your self an expert
    You've declared your intent
    You've declared anything else will 'disrupt' this intent (therefore inferior)
    You've used manipulative language to insure that others will conform and if they don't they are at fault.

    Is this a test? or just habit?

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    It's a habit.

    And yes, I am an expert, who was in a jolly good mood when he started this thread.

    You know what, just go f*ck yourself.

    I'm a professional dj & unless I sympathise with the people who want to book me, I'm paid $5000 for a 3-hour set.

    I thought it would be appriciated if I played you some stuff you normally don't hear or, if you do, at a club or so, don't know whom or what you're listening to.

    Apparently I made a mistake in assuming that all people are like me.
    You see, when someone tells me he's got something worthwhile to listen to, I do.
    Because you can't listen & talk at the same time.

    Have fun with TraLaLa, because I'm outta here.


    Now that's a thread killer! Say goodbye TRANCOSO - banned for swearing at a moderator.



    STARGAZER wrote:
    You were right to ban him Steve....he broke the swearing at a mod cardinal rule.


    Tran is a good guy....his ego gets in his way more than a little.

    It's like he burst into your home.....pulled your cd out of the player...broke it in 2 and announced

    THIS IS MY MUSIC ....bow down

    We could have been a little more enlightened and see if any good was going to come from this.

    But he was made fun of and immediately jumped on as an elitist

    I need to reflect on this a bit more...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:48 pm

    Where was it publicly stated that two people would be using one account?

    Where is it publicly stated that it needs to be publicly stated?

    Where was it even clarified as such so that the members knew exactly who made the post and who they were replying to or where the material even came from?

    Members knew exactly who made each post because each contained a signature. They knew as much as I or any other reader “knows” who the poster is. That is, I don’t “know” who they are…all I see is an Avatar and a handle and what they say… nothing else. If you mean readers not knowing exactly which one of the two replied to them or which one of the two they were addressing, it would not have made any difference as far as the purpose of the data transfer because even though they are both individuals and have their own ways of expressing themselves… the specific ideas they were conveying were the same. The picture is you standing in a room in front of 2 people and they’re both telling you the same thing.

    This was the first act of deception.

    This was not an act of deception. It was what it was. You just did not like it and choose to call it that.

    Everything beyond that extends from that deception,

    What exactly is “everything beyond that”? Are you talking about content?
    As far as I know you banned them as soon as you saw they were breaking some forum “rules”, without one warning about it or even giving them the chance to answer your question. You simply decided and said:

    I've just been waiting to catch you both in the act and now I caught you both.

    Say Goodbye Arachne(s)

    Showing to the world how “slick and competent” you think you are in your “troll-hunt” without even meaning what say, for you did not even give them any time to say their “goodbyes”

    which begs the question, where did the honesty begin?

    Imho, this is the wrong question to ask because the issue of true honesty has nothing to do with anything here. As Stargazer said:

    If Phoenix\Arachne had emailed Steve and Kerry and said...."Hey we are going to have 2 folks using this account and here's why"....I'm sure everything would have worked out.

    And probably still will.

    Point is, they were never given the chance to “be honest” as you call it with the Mod Police. You silenced them…and now you are asking where the honesty is?

    Censorship - that's a good one.

    No it’s not good. The word censorship, used in this context… is FEAR…nothing else.

    Guess that's why their thread is still visible on the boards for the whole world to see, including I might add, the links to the website where the material was pulled from.

    You guessed wrong. The thread “is still visible on the board for the whole world to see” not because you did not censor anything. This thread is here because you would not have been able to explain its sudden “disappearance" and because hiding information goes against the very principles of Camelot.

    What is more, threads do not “belong” to the people who start them. They cannot impose any individual “rule” as to the way a thread will go, and they shouldn’t either. No one should be able to influence anyone else in their thinking.

    How much raising of consciousness can be gained by deception much truth is in deception..
    Questions that don't require an answer.

    This here is an attempt by Lita to do just that.

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:50 pm
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #28825 1 day ago
    Stargazer wrote:
    Sui...u r focusing on the negatives...

    U missed the part where it could be worked out

    Please don't use MOD and Police in the same sentence.....that's not who we are....Peace SG

    Actions speak louder than words Stargazer.

    Sure I’ll stop utilizing them in the same sentence when the mods here stop policing. However, isn't this something a policeman would say as soon as you roll down your window and right before he issues you a traffic ticket?:
    "I've just been waiting to catch you both in the act and now I caught you both."

    Even if he doesn't say it...he sure is thinking it...while laughing inside giving you a semi-smile...

    Which brings me to this:

    Sure we have mods, but mostly they just move threads to it's correct categories and stuff like that, we hardly have to tell someone off or ban anyone.

    And we are all in for second chances and warnings if someone crosses the line, and if anyone get's banned (I can count all bans on one hand) it is only for 30 days, and sometimes not even that long, we are always up for a private discussion to sort things out if anyone wants to.

    Just Tommy's piece of mind on things

    This is an excerpt of a post you'll find here:

    I'll hold you to your word I expect you to un-ban my friends on April 9th 2011...the latest.

    Even if they don't ever come back to post here...they should be unbanned on principle.
    The number 9 means completion...and it would be more than appropriate that their more than unjust ban be complete by then.

    Especially since they were not given any prior warning of their possible ban, or were ever offered the possibility of a private discussion to "sort things out".

    See, I never focus on negatives Stargazer. I look at the positive side of everything…and I’ve gone into great debates assuring that absolutely everything has one. But that is another issue.

    Let’s refocus now, and see the possibilities….

    There’s still a chance for redemption for your “mod group” for if you do the right thing and stick to transparency, you will be no longer... "the Mod Police."

    Now that's what i call positive thinking. [​IMG]

    With anticipation,

    Sui [​IMG]

    Last edited by SuiGeneris on Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Today at 12:06 am
    TRANCOSO wrote:Sui, you're absolutely correct; Steve is a total 'Richard'.

    The same day I tried to start a 'Possible Ear Candy - TRANCOSO's Tracks' thread - - I was banned by Steve from the Camelot Forum for telling Chakra to go f#ck him/herself.

    Mind you, innitialy I was not banned by Chakra, nor by Stargazer, but on Steve's behalf, using the 'go f#ck yourself' remark as a`stick to beat/ban me.

    imo it was mainly - just - because he didn't like my attitude.

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    For the past 25 years I've been a deejay.

    Possible Ear Candy is ment to be a thread where I will post the many cherries on the cake, that I came & come accross.

    In order to built up this thread - as a dj set - I need to be the only one posting here.

    So please do not post any replies, comments, etc. in this thread as it will disrupt the 'flow'.

    I hope that's not too much to ask.

    Chakra wrote:
    Uh - well actually I find it is sort of ironic considering how 'controlling' this request actually is...

    You've declared your self an expert
    You've declared your intent
    You've declared anything else will 'disrupt' this intent (therefore inferior)
    You've used manipulative language to insure that others will conform and if they don't they are at fault.

    Is this a test? or just habit?

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    It's a habit.

    And yes, I am an expert, who was in a jolly good mood when he started this thread.

    You know what, just go f*ck yourself.

    I'm a professional dj & unless I sympathise with the people who want to book me, I'm paid $5000 for a 3-hour set.

    I thought it would be appriciated if I played you some stuff you normally don't hear or, if you do, at a club or so, don't know whom or what you're listening to.

    Apparently I made a mistake in assuming that all people are like me.
    You see, when someone tells me he's got something worthwhile to listen to, I do.
    Because you can't listen & talk at the same time.

    Have fun with TraLaLa, because I'm outta here.


    Now that's a thread killer! Say goodbye TRANCOSO - banned for swearing at a moderator.



    STARGAZER wrote:
    You were right to ban him Steve....he broke the swearing at a mod cardinal rule.


    Tran is a good guy....his ego gets in his way more than a little.

    It's like he burst into your home.....pulled your cd out of the player...broke it in 2 and announced

    THIS IS MY MUSIC ....bow down

    We could have been a little more enlightened and see if any good was going to come from this.

    But he was made fun of and immediately jumped on as an elitist

    I need to reflect on this a bit more...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    OMG Trancoso i did not know you were banned from Camelot. Btw, Chackra is a female.
    She's vile that one... this is her website:

    She is a Jesus Christ follower and totally fundamentalist she do well in a teleevangelist commune..believing in evil spirits and such. She is anti-intellectual. That woman is mental. She is part of the "dream team" of Camelot...

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:07 am
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Which brings me to this:[/color][/size]

    Sure we have mods, but mostly they just move threads to it's correct categories and stuff like that, we hardly have to tell someone off or ban anyone.

    And we are all in for second chances and warnings if someone crosses the line, and if anyone get's banned (I can count all bans on one hand) it is only for 30 days, and sometimes not even that long, we are always up for a private discussion to sort things out if anyone wants to.

    Just Tommy's piece of mind on things

    Well, I for one, was banned without receiving any second chances or warnings.

    And not for 30 days but for eternity!



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Today at 12:10 am
    My last response to Steve:

    The question of policing - in a sense, yes, that's exactly what we do. We have set forth policy here and we need to ensure the boards operate inside the confines of that policy. The combined implementation of those policies allow for the greatest, responsible, freedom of expression for the members in an atmosphere of trust and safety.

    Stargazer said to me you guys were not Police, but I already knew you were the Modsquad Police.

    You simply had no other choice but to admit it:

    I KNOW you don't give a DAMN what I think I'm entitled to, but the point here is you banned Phoenix and Arachne with the “troll behavior” excuse but they are not trolls. In your view they were not only “guilty until proven innocent”…but guilty period. With no chance to prove their innocence because “you have spoken” and everyone else should just accept it and be quiet.
    Phoenix and Arachne were also members, and wished to remain here posting in an atmosphere of trust and safety, but it was the Modsquad Police who came running to this thread with hostility from the start.

    I doubt very much you'll see a lot of the policy written down in some "rule book."

    In other words, there is no actual rule that states 1 user 1 account written anywhere here. This means that technically they did not break any rule. They were “ignorant of the law”. But just as it is in this twisted society, that does not matter…it does not give them sanctuary does it? The establishment is very rigid and makes up laws and enforces them indiscriminately in order to maintain the status quo of ignorance.
    How is a member to know they are breaking the “Law” if it is not clearly written anywhere? You are simply making these rules as you go along and applying them at your whim.

    The important ones are because they are directed at the members who wish to share what they have and read what others have to say.

    So now you are dividing the rules into 2 categories? Important ones and non-important ones? How is a member to know which ones are the important ones and which ones are not? Who gets to decide this? You?

    Policies that specifically aimed at preventing troll behavior, need not be included because a troll will never abide by them in the first place. Sharing accounts and playing tag team posting is troll behavior - only trolls engage in that sort of thing and not the regular members.

    You and your "Policies"... “Troll” has become to you, a convenient term you use much like the term “terrorist” or “enemy combatant” was used in the disgusting Bush administration. Everybody you don’t like automatically becomes one and gets sent to Guantanamo. You did not like Phoenix and Arachne from the start, you said it yourself:
    “You’ve been waiting to catch them both in the act” and so you threw that label at them and banned them before they could even respond to a question you yourself asked them a few minutes prior.

    Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about, you already have another forum to post on. It's not like you're forced to stay here. Hell, I even supplied a link to it for members who may be interested in pursuing your stuff.

    Of course you don’t want any “fuss”. This is why you moved this thread twice already in hopes to bury it so no one will see who you really are and how you run this place. Why hide? I thought Project Camelot was all for transparency but your actions show otherwise. In your eyes there shouldn’t be any “fuss”…there shouldn’t be any complaints, any logic, any reason, anything at all that would question your authority and use of POWER. No openness, no dialog…nothing!

    The entire ModSquad ganged up here to attack and this intimidated all the other posters from saying anything and speaking their mind. And this is just among registered many lurkers do you think are out there shaking their heads in disbelief?

    One of the mods told me I missed the part where it could be worked out…where is it? How exactly will this be accomplished? How if there is no chance for dialog?

    And I would like OPEN dialog done in public here on this thread. Nothing hidden. Nothing behind the scenes.

    You telling me I’m not “forced” to post here….of course I can see you wish me to disappear. The issue is not where I post or not. I am not the problem here. I am just a member stating my opinion if anything, but of course you would love to see me “thrown in Guantanamo” also. You supplied a link? This is not about supplying links…this is about banning 2 people who would otherwise continue to supply information, some here other than you and your Modsquad Police team, find interesting.

    What about their rights to discuss this material and ask questions?

    Tommy was right, your two friends are the third and the forth that we have banned - incidentally, that's 4 total. Also, I'd like to point out that he wrote that piece months ago, when none of this was happening. So now you use it by throwing it in his face to get what you want - sure shows a lot of respect towards Tommy. Nice way to treat someone who freely gave so much of himself so that the PC project would be a successful one.

    Of course he is right, I never doubted Tommy. But now you’re saying what he said is not important or does not apply or it’s not relevant anymore only because it was written some months ago?
    What a sorry excuse! And I NEVER disrespected Tommy.

    If anything it is YOU who is doing just that by not giving any validity to his words.

    I am not throwing anything in his face. I am only giving credence to what he said because I KNOW he is trustworthy, and I brought it to light because it was timely and appropriate in order to finally resolve this situation.
    You and your Modsquad Police force will be the ones who will ultimately end up destroying everything Tommy spent so much of himself building. This “Project” will only be “successful” in your eyes…much like Bush said the War in Iraq was “successful.”

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to create one for Project Camelot as well. The creator, whoever decides to do it, would have to make a post here in this forum giving their Skype name and he or she will have to add the members as they come... just a suggestion.
    Sounds suspiciously like suggesting policy. Also included is a suggested method for policing a policy.

    Since you are a Policeman, you see everything as such. This was merely a suggestion since one of the members here said the Camelot Chat was always empty. I only wanted to help, and I was NOT going to be the one creating it, but now I see that even in that, you see a method of CONTROL. Much like Richard and Celine owning the Avalon chat…. Pathetic!

    I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes.

    You don’t do it because you know you can’t. You have found yourself in a position of some “power” and has already gotten to your head with your “holier than thou” attitude that only tries to hide your ineptitude in dealing with real issues someone with a shred of common sense and some dignity would have no problem addressing. Instead you chose to HIDE behind the skirts of your female Mods here who only attack with insults and nails and have no logic whatsoever.

    My tastes or me finding another forum is not what's important. You are trying to divert the issue here...again. To be honest I always liked Camelot..I always liked Kerry...all I'm trying to do here is to give you a chance to do things right.

    Go ahead and address the "issues". Do as one of the Mods (Stargazer) suggested and try to resolve this. Can you bring yourself to do that?

    Would you give Phoenix and Arachne a "fair trial" and give them the opportunity to SHOW everyone here they were never "trolls" like you called them?

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    The above quote is exactly what I say to the people who think being indifferent or "comfortably numb" to what Steve did would somehow "make it all better".

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:45 am
    Steve is indeed a 'little Hitler' of the worst kind.

    I posted my 'go f#ck yourself' remark after three pages of endless bs.

    As far as I knew then - & still do - nobody ever thought of posting YouTube vids as if your spinning a dj set.

    I remember it was a sunny saturday afternoon when the idea occured to me.

    Only because I didn't know how to post videos on MoA I went to the Camelot Forum where it was very easy - I'm a digibet.

    So just to see what it would look like I started off with five tracks/vids & very politly asked not to post on the thread I started, explaining why & thought that would be sufficient & okay.

    Well... No fxxxking way that was okay!

    Steve immediatly started to debate my request but as I have no patience at all for for control freaks imposing a powergame on me, I became very irritable.

    Not in the least because my experiment was ruined right away, for no apperant reason but the 'because I can' one.

    Not just by Steve but by a whole bunch of losers - TraLaLa, etc.

    After an hour or so I was completely fed up with them and I said: "You know what, go XXXX yourself!" meaning all of them, not just Chakra.

    Anyway, PC & PA2 are suffering of the same problem: MOD POLICE.



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 1:46 am

    I am not surprised Sui. Often times people get a little taste of power and tend to develop an inflated ego where they then move into the fiefdom mentality where they get to make up and enforce all the rules. It's silly and they end up looking like idiots with all the puffed out chests and grandstanding. And it's a complete utter bore. I know folks like being at forums where there is a lot of traffic and the threads flow.. but when I last looked at Avalon (yawn). Pretty much the same at Camelot. GLP is dreadful at time with all the brain deadspace creating threads just to have someone look in it and it has no content, nothing of interest. Total time waster with those sorts of threads. I thought the rules Floyd set out work great. The fewer the rules the freer the poster is to exist in an atmosphere of openness. I'm sorry these things happen, but it's clear that for whatever reason, Steve is working on his own ego control issues just as Richard is. And so are B & K.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 8:00 am

    It is not surprising that Project Camelot forum is a lesser version of control freakery seen in PA2. Steve, Lita, Chakra they are all into St Germain/Clare Profit (or was it profet lol)

    After perusing the threads I decided that it was not a place for me, I am wacky and the kind souls of the Mists of Avalon tolerate my wackynes. It takes maturity to upheld unity and diversity




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    • Post n°13
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Spregovori Today at 9:56 am
    investigator wrote:

    Okay so it looks to me like the Thuban peoples feelings are hurt, because they feel they are being discriminated against? I am thinking maybe, they do not wish to follow the rules to a T, because it's kind of like Amish or indians not wanting to adopt their customs due to their spiritual beliefs? I know your not going to want to hear this, but I suggest you guys do the following to rectify the situation:

    1. Ask for the mods forgiveness, ask for their accounts to be reinstated after what period they think is fair, and agree to their rules
    2. Ask for permission for those two people to post on the same account, if they do not grant permission, every separate person posts with a separate name, and separate ip address.
    3. Follow the rules to the T dot all the i's.
    4. No nude pics
    5. Just post your spiritual message that your trying to get across, and don't try to debate with people.

    I think if you guys did that, the mods would gradually begin to accept you guys more, and you can co-exist peacefully. I think they think that your trying to cause trouble on purpose, when your just trying to post what you feel is spiritually important right? If you just did that I think they would start to trust and respect you, just leave you alone, and then you can do your Thuban thing. I do agree with you guys that they were probably discriminating against you, but if you just follow their rules, you can win their respect, and put them at ease, so you can post in peace. I'm a rules kinda guy, and you guys did agree with your free will to their rules, so I think the rules should be respected, but please note I sympathize with you. Unfortunately, I don't think trying to argue with them is going to solve the problem, but if you guys swallow your pride for just a little bit, you can win their respect, and you can post your spiritual message in peace.

    It is about the "principle" not the feelings. Also not about deliberately going against the rules. And one can not go against the rule if the rule itself is not stated but just made up as things "progress".

    1. Ask mods for forgiveness? Seriously? What for?

    2. There never was a chance given to arrange "permission" for something that was never forbidden in a first place. There also never was any ill intent by 2 people sharing same account. Also not sure if any of the two are still willing to participate....

    3. No rules were one was out of line, all posts and answers were stated in polite manner and elaborated upon.

    4. There was no explicit nudity although given how people "react" (their conditioning) i somewhat agree with you...yet it was not me making that post.

    5. People were "debating them"...asking answers were given. No one was forced into debate.

    The problem was not so much that 2 people were using the same account...etc... it was the content and that was indirectly clearly stated by their "clairvoyant" Admin. The rest was just used as an excuse to hide/shutdown/incapacitate the thread...since deletion itself could turn out to be problematic...even for their "standards".

    The moderators there a joke...with an awareness of a teenager. None of them will address any rational is simply out of their "universe" (a very small universe). SuiGeneris stated more than good points yet none will touch them as they simply can not measure up to it. I myself was a bit more "blunt" and it turned out as disappointing as expected...



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] investigator Today at 11:23 am
    Well the rules were clearly stated right here, perhaps it was missed since it wasn't sticky posted on every sub-forum, but it does clearly say 1 person 1 account account only. Although, I can understand about not wanting to give in on the principle alone, because they did blatantly diss the thubanites belief system, especially Steve.

    The 2 ip addresses for 1 account is a good example. They probably did not see the rules thread on accident, or did not want to follow that rule right based on their spiritual belief system? I am just saying if you logically know they have a personal bias towards thuban, then follow their terms of service perfectly, then they have no excuse to take any action.



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] reality=check Today at 12:08 pm
    Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
    Douglas Bader

    Funny how that Thuban stuff freaks out the neanderthals and Christians and combinations there of lol.

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. Spregovori Today at 1:31 pm
    investigator wrote:Well the rules were clearly stated right here

    Perhaps i keep missing it...but where on the given url (above) does it state that only one person can use the account?

    But i did see this "If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses." Too bad the mods there can not follow their own guidelines. So could be we have given them "uncomfortable" responses...

    Ok just went through it again...i can not find it. I can not even find 1 account per 1 IP... Are we both looking at the same site?

    I am a bit tired at the moment..could be i missed it...can someone double check?


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    • Post n°17
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. investigator Today at 1:39 pm

    Membership is subject to pre-registration and no one can post without first registering. By registering, the member‘s IP address is viewable by the moderators.
    This way, we prevent the list from being exploited for commercial or other purposes not related to our guidelines and can take steps to ensure our members privacy if exploited. Approval after your registration is imminent. If confirmation mail is not received within 30 minutes please contact support.

    Hmm thats a good point it does not say 1 member 1 account exactly per say. The rules appear to only be listed under the news sub-forum too. Most would probably interpret that to mean, not wanting 2 people posting under the same account though, by knowing the ip address. Certainly, they did not approach the thubanites material with a respectful demeanor on the other hand.



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    • Post n°18
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 1:48 pm
    reality=check wrote:Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
    Douglas Bader

    Funny how that Thuban stuff freaks out the neanderthals and Christians and combinations there of lol.

    Indeed...But it is pure FEAR...and it's not that funny when the ones who "freak out" are the ones in positions of power, for then oppression becomes the norm...

    1. How could someone be scared of information?

    2. How could someone who is scared of information would ever think of "graduating" or ascending into the higher dimensions?

    3. How could someone who is scared of information would dare call his/herself a true "Warrior of Light"? In this case I would like to know...what exactly is "Light" to them? What do they really mean when they say to you "love and light"?

    4. How could someone who is scared of information would think that they could EVER get to know themselves and who they really are?

    5. How could someone who is scared of information would be able to EVER dare go down the rabbit hole and be courageous enough to face what's on the bottom?

    Sui 161471.

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

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    • Post n°19
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. Spregovori Today at 2:01 pm
    Yes Arachne account was registered. Valid email was provided. Yes the IP is seen...that is is everywhere this days...(much can be seen)....also the IP was never attempted to be hidden or faked or anything....

    There was never any commercial "doings" of whatsoever...

    There was never any concerns from the two users that their privacy would be exploited....

    And account was confirmed via email and approved...

    Now how to interpret this? There are many philosophical discussion on the interpretation of law and how it "fits" or connects with the society but that could have a thread of its own and this is now law...just some guidelines... That is why i said to Steve he is making them up on his impulse (among other things) which was labeled as personal attack etc (among other things)...etc...

    And yes they showed 0 respect. Not to mention the rest....

    So there is no such rule...well there might be one in Steves troll handbook (pocket edition).

    No one was breaking the rules and if mods would ask like....enlightened individuals (as they consider themselves...)...of "hey man what gives, this acc is being used from 2 different parts of the world" anything could be sorted out in a very nice way....but NO.....they rather went into their child like ways....

    And when called on it...well...go look at the thread...patting each other on the back...making sure the "trolls" do not destroy the forum....trolls? Only in 1 (one) thread things were being discussed about...and in context and rational manner...and they call it trolling?



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    • Post n°20
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 2:12 pm
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job, once again, mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Young Arctourist is trying to stand up for truth and Lita intimidates him with threats....

    Warning for THINKING!!

    Now i say THAT has gone long enough!


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    • Post n°21
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. TRANCOSO Today at 4:46 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job, once again, mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Lita of the Love & Peace Police!


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    • Post n°22
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 11:32 pm
    Good Gad. Let them post in freedom and stop living in fear.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    floyd (2).

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    • Post n°23
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 4:51 am
    The way I see it. If you go down the pub with 5 of your mates and you start having a big discussion about how crap The Kings of Leon are when one of the lads think they are brilliant it can go on for hours and in the end no one is right or wrong they are just opinions. There are no moderators in the pub issuing warnings to the boys as they have their beer fuelled full on banter. In the real world, if someone tried to moderate a discussion they would be told to XXXX off in no uncertain terms. Thats how Dick got away with his arrogance because he was hiding behind his monitor acting like a twat. We dont tolerate idiotic behaviour like that which is why we are here and not there. (wherever there is these days)

    Moderation doesnt work,It stifles and creates resentment. It watches over the cementification of creative and critical thought. A little is needed (sometimes more than others)certainly but mods if you have them should always be unbiased. Unless of course they own the forum and can pretty much do and say what they like (ie Bill Ryan)

    Tommy is pretty cool over there and I think hes trying to do something useful... Rules are made to be broken as they say.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees

    Post last edited Mar 16th 2011
  3. admin

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    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. Floyd Today at 4:51 am

    The way I see it. If you go down the pub with 5 of your mates and you start having a big discussion about how crap The Kings of Leon are when one of the lads think they are brilliant it can go on for hours and in the end no one is right or wrong they are just opinions. There are no moderators in the pub issuing warnings to the boys as they have their beer fuelled full on banter. In the real world, if someone tried to moderate a discussion they would be told to fuck off in no uncertain terms. Thats how Dick got away with his arrogance because he was hiding behind his monitor acting like a twat. We dont tolerate idiotic behaviour like that which is why we are here and not there with Bill, Dick etc(wherever there is these days)

    Moderation doesnt work, It stifles and creates resentment. It watches over the cementification of creative and critical thought. A little is needed (sometimes more than others)certainly but mods if you have them should always be unbiased. Unless of course they own the forum and can pretty much do and say what they like (ie Bill Ryan)

    The problem with moderated family orientated sites is that they are not really living in the real world.(didnt charles say he wanted his forum to be for the over 18s. Well he certainly wasnt living in the real world) The world outside a forum is not like that at all. I know here we take world events very seriously indeed as is evident from the quality of our erudite and informative posters. Rules and impositions are enjoyed and installed by those who have a fear of chaos and others expressing themselves fully. It makes them feel secure and in control. Some personalities need this requirement in their lives whereas others do not.

    Having said that I posted a few times as I was realy into the anti Charles vibe that was going on over there (Camelot)and there were some good "Charles is full of crap discussions" there that would have been banished on Project Avalon. There was also a thread about Avalon (the place) and Arthuruan legend that I enjoyed but it got hijacked and ended up become unintersting. I think my last post on that thread was about Britney Spears or something which kind of tells which direction it was going on

    I never had a problem with the mods there or Steve because I am only interested in information. I have a philosophy when in Rome do as the Romans do so although I never read their rules I just posted on interesting topics. Unlike Project Avalon though I like Tommy and what he is trying to do there.

    If it works for them they will attract a certain type of poster and others will leave. We have a wide spectrum of users here and we are allowed to use naughty swear words which is fine but taste is a personal thing and we are not for everyone. Everyone is treated as an adult on this forum.

    Tommy is pretty cool over there and I think hes trying to do something useful... Rules are made to be broken as they say. Thats how new paradigms are created.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°24
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 9:05
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life •
    #29232 10 hours, 23 minutes ago

    • Administrator

    • Posts: 1010

    It was never about the material, even though I don't agree with any of it, the thread is still here, and always has been, for the whole world to see. I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site. We are a family-friendly oriented site that treats the subject of world phenomena and alternative views with a serious outlook. As long as I am here, it will remain as such.

    There are rules here - ones that even I must follow. And if I have to follow them, everybody else follows them. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    When you sign on as a member, you hereby acknowledge that the admins and mods have the final authority here. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    This should give you guys something to talk about in your Steve thread at MoA.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    • Post n°25
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. Andromeda Today at 11:56
    TRANCOSO wrote:
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job, once again, mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Lita of the Love & Peace Police!

    Rolling in the floor as I read [​IMG]

    Lita love and light provided you do as I tell you [​IMG] kinda defeats the concept of love unless is conditional love of course and that means it is co-dependant conditional love [​IMG]

    Now sheep... listen to Lita and do what she wants otherwise she will boot you out of Camelot never mind all the love talk, she will not let you see Queen Guinevere, sorry oooops, I meant Queen Kerry
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Some sanity please my [​IMG] is looking for a [​IMG] apparently she can not stand so much nonsense [​IMG]



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    • Post n°26
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:25
    Know that you are Love... Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey... & that's an ORDER!
    Lovely Lita



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    • Post n°27
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 14:20
    TRANCOSO wrote:Know that you are Love... Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey... & that's an ORDER!
    Lovely Lita

    Ok, I am wacky and don't follow orders [​IMG] are you going to bunn me Lord Trancoso? [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 14:25
    On second thoughts I think I am the one that will bun you Lord Trancoso, you can see for yourself:


    The bunning season in England has now open, you can find them in any shop [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG]

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    • Post n°29
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] orthodoxymoron Today at 14:29

    When we tire of Kicking Dick - we can go after Steve!! We gotta hate somebody - don't we???



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 15:52
    orthodoxymoron wrote:When we tire of Kicking Dick - we can go after Steve!! We gotta hate somebody - don't we???

    Yes oxy, and when we finished off 'Camelot Steve', we're going after... YOU!
    (And no, not because we hate you, just for fun...)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 16:00
    richard wasn't so bad...that is,these other assholes aren't really any better!
    that little pinhead will probly ban me from the camelot forum just for calling him a little 'richard' here
    what is it with these moderators,right?
    they can all go to hell as far as i'm concerned-as can kerry,if she's just gonna let them behave like richard...i'm slightly disappointed..well it just wasn't as much fun as i'd hoped-
    ah well
    yeah steve,you little evil pinhead....if you don't love the job,then let someone decent have is wrong with you people,right?
    ok sorry...i feel better now...haha



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    • Post n°32
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 16:16
    arctourist wrote:yeah-haha
    richard wasn't so bad...that is,these other assholes aren't really any better!
    that little pinhead will probly ban me from the camelot forum just for calling him a little 'richard' here
    what is it with these moderators,right?
    they can all go to hell as far as i'm concerned-as can kerry,if she's just gonna let them behave like richard...i'm slightly disappointed..well it just wasn't as much fun as i'd hoped-
    ah well
    yeah steve,you little evil pinhead....if you don't love the job,then let someone decent have is wrong with you people,right?
    ok sorry...i feel better now...haha

    I know the is mad moderator disease [​IMG] cow agrees [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    • Post n°33
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 16:21
    arctourist wrote:
    that little pinhead will probly ban me from the camelot forum just for calling him a little 'richard' here

    Not sure if there's a regulation in the 'Project Camelot Forum Bible of Rules & Regulations' (111 pages) on name calling on other forums yet, but I'm gonna PM my friend Steve right away!



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    • Post n°34
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 16:24
    ah who cares
    without me,the forum is really boring,seems to me anyway......and i guess that's the way they wanted it,and that's the way it's goin' t'stay



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 16:27
    arctourist wrote:ah who cares
    without me,the forum is really boring,seems to me anyway......and i guess that's the way they wanted it,and that's the way it's goin' t'stay

    Don't take Lord Trancoso seriously Arctourist, I am sure he must be jocking [​IMG]



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 16:30

    oh it's quite alright!
    i'm a huge music fan
    especially i'm into the stone temple pilots and weiland's solo stuff well as old-school stuff like focus,even kenny rogers-remember that song he did -and it was only years later that i found out who it was-on that song where he says he 'just dropped in' to see what condition his condition was in...



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    • Post n°37
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 16:39
    Andromeda wrote:
    arctourist wrote:ah who cares
    without me,the forum is really boring,seems to me anyway......and i guess that's the way they wanted it,and that's the way it's goin' t'stay

    Don't take Lord Trancoso seriously Arctourist, I am sure he must be jocking [​IMG]

    I was banned by 'Gestapo Steve' for something futile (imo) so he's no friend at all of mine.

    And I don't hate him either, oxy.
    That would be far too much honour for that f#ckface.

    • arctourist

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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 16:41
    i've never seen anyone banned for any good reason,honestly...
    i'm sure it's happened,somewhere,at some's just very very rare ,i reckon


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    • Post n°39
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 17:48
    You know - I'm starting to wonder about the bashing going on as it regards PA/PC V2 - Even though Its perhaps in a way warranted...

    The reason is kind of what Oxy has already said and I must applaud Him for It.


    IE - Is there always need to insert a Nemesis substitute or can those Who don't resonate with each other just admit It - And then be done with It ?

    This is called "moving on" and We all need to do It for Soul growth. Not necessarily as it regards the Issues over at PA/PC V2 but in a larger sense - To accomplish It for Ourselves as It regards that which does not resonate with Us.

    I did and thats why I left over there. I didn't need to Justify It - I didn't need to bash anyone while I did It - I just left as It did not resonate with Me anymore...

    Be careful of the Judge as It consumes All those Who adopt It's Mentality...



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    [​IMG] U know me...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 3:39 am
    You folks know me....and You know me as fair

    I hold you folks in high regard as I do your forum....

    I always thought of all of you as spiritually advanced....the higher UPs...

    I had no problem personally with the Thuban material...never bought into it myself...but I was fine to co-exist

    Even told SUI that it could be worked out....

    Then came the trolls...Setting the Mods up as "the man" and then padding their argument

    The "man" keeping us down...restricting us

    It could have easily been worked out...I would have helped

    Tran got banned...I tried to help there never contributed anything worth repeating but I went to bat for you

    Quote from Mod forum Camelot:
    Cmon guys.......Arc did not deserve to get banned over that crap XXX statement...

    So all you guys sit here and bash all you want.....You aren't walking in our shoes

    I'm thinking about giving up being a mod over this......In the whole wide cosmos

    Does anything ever turn out PERFECT...????



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 3:56 am

    Well SG - You can easily see some have moved on and as much has been said by Myself and others.

    The Mods here - I - Carol and Anchor to some extent in His limited capabilities now - Couldn't give a Rat's Arse about the doings going on over there now...

    We've moved on and have Forgiven. We haven't Forgotten but We have Forgiven as Mods and while some of the Member's here are pretty hot over what has gone on previously - We as AdMods have attempted to remain out of It.

    That said - I recently posted a Message in this Thread and also another in which I commented that to move forward - One must Forgive. Now while that doesn't mean Forgetting as that would imply the loss of experience and that which was learned - It does mean letting the Baggage go.

    I have counseled this as have the other Mods and while this Thread and a couple of others have been Cathartic (Healing) in a sense as regards what has occured over at PA / PC V1 - I do feel the Threads have run Their course or at least have outlived Their usefulness.

    Forcing others to not talk about something though is not Our way here at the MoA.

    We provide Counsel if We can and hope that the Counsel is taken but with that stated - Forcing others only affects the Soul growth of the One using the Force. This will not happen here but We do see and agree that if others are to see Themselves as having done the hard Work on Their own Dark Night of the Soul - Then They need to let this go before It consumes those Who will not.



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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 4:28 am
    Mercuriel wrote:Well SG - You can easily see some have moved on and as much has been said by Myself and others.

    The Mods here - I - Carol and Anchor to some extent in His limited capabilities now - Couldn't give a Rat's Arse about the doings going on over there now...

    We've moved on and have Forgiven. We haven't Forgotten but We have Forgiven as Mods and while some of the Member's here are pretty hot over what has gone on previously - We as AdMods have attempted to remain out of It.

    That said - I recently posted a Message in this Thread and also another in which I commented that to move forward - One must Forgive. Now while that doesn't mean Forgetting as that would imply the loss of experience and that which was learned - It does mean letting the Baggage go.

    I have counseled this as have the other Mods and while this Thread and a couple of others have been Cathartic (Healing) in a sense as regards what has occured over at PA / PC V1 - I do feel the Threads have run Their course or at least have outlived Their usefulness.

    Forcing others to not talk about something though is not Our way here at the MoA.

    We provide Counsel if We can and hope that the Counsel is taken but with that stated - Forcing others only affects the Soul growth of the One using the Force. This will not happen here but We do see and agree that if others are to see Themselves as having done the hard Work on Their own Dark Night of the Soul - Then They need to let this go before It consumes those Who will not.


    Thanks Merc.....There are probably more than a few lessons to be learned in the MISTs.

    A few things I do know...Steve is a GOOD man

    With a good heart.

    He does not have the ego or the bravado that Richard carried like a mantle.

    The man is humble and dedicated...on the scene and behind.

    He always had our backs and would go to the carpet for us.

    And ......we all are human and make mistakes.

    Over the Thuban banning....we could have worked something out if the communication lines could be opened

    Were we right 100%...NO

    Were the Archane bunch right 100%...NO

    We could have met in the middle before they made effigies out of us and burned us

    Well...I learned something.....And thanks for the advice Merc...Always appreciated...SG

    Post last edited Mar 15th 2011
  4. admin

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    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Yesterday at 10:52 pm
    Stargazer wrote:You folks know me....and You know me as fair
    I hold you folks in high regard as I do your forum....
    I always thought of all of you as spiritually advanced....the higher UPs...
    I had no problem personally with the Thuban material...never bought into it myself...but I was fine to co-exist
    Even told SUI that it could be worked out....
    Then came the trolls...Setting the Mods up as "the man" and then padding their argument
    The "man" keeping us down...restricting us
    It could have easily been worked out...I would have helped
    Tran got banned...I tried to help there never contributed anything worth repeating but I went to bat for you
    Quote from Mod forum Camelot:
    Cmon guys.......Arc did not deserve to get banned over that crap XXX statement...
    So all you guys sit here and bash all you want.....You aren't walking in our shoes
    I'm thinking about giving up being a mod over this......In the whole wide cosmos
    Does anything ever turn out PERFECT...????


    I know you did.
    And perhaps you also gotta admit it was a pretty bizarre exchange of posts. I wanted to try out something that hadn't been done yet
    & all I needed for that
    was ONE thread.

    MOD Steve, who might have been bored to tears, due to a very slow board - jumped on me as if I had started a Coup d'Etat & was trying to take over the whole forum.

    Instead of posting a whole lot of rare & excellent tracks & tunes to watch & listen to, I got caught in a bs quarrel with Steve & was ridiculed by a morron named Tralala.

    Not only did they ruin my idea, they also ruined my sunny, inspired mood.
    I got upset over the sheer stupidity of MOD Steve.

    A MOD is there for the good of the forum & should at least be able to act in a positive, constructive manner, & re-act with a bit of respect.

    Neither of the above qualifications ever saw the light of day, on that saterday afternoon.

    And if there's one thing I can't stand it's having my good mood ruined by virtual fools.

    Steve didn't try to settle our dispute, he was on a power trip showing muscle.

    What made me 'snap' was seeing the picture he's using as an avatar, of a dumb faced guy, every time he posted...


    OMG!!! That's him! He's stalking me!!!




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    • Post n°44
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 10:52 pm
    #29232 37 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011

    Thank you SuiGeneris for shortening that post, members are free to follow the link if they so choose.

    It was never about the material, even though I don't agree with any of it, the thread is still here, and always has been, for the whole world to see. I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site. We are a family-friendly oriented site that treats the subject of world phenomena and alternative views with a serious outlook. As long as I am here, it will remain as such.

    There are rules here - ones that even I must follow. And if I have to follow them, everybody else follows them. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    When you sign on as a member, you hereby acknowledge that the admins and mods have the final authority here. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    This should give you guys something to talk about in your Steve thread at MoA.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    [​IMG] Steve goes into a ban craze...!!

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:56 pm
    Steve wrote: "Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed. This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    See this? This is a written rule. You are promoting/showcasing yourself, especially your own self importance with little or no regard to others. You are also promoting your own philosophies.

    This is a final warning not to do it again.

    (Let's see how Sui is breaking my rules so that i can justify banning her....hmmm)

    I am not promoting myself...but then again you can interpret this "promoting" anyway you want, and of course that is exclusively up to you and your dictatorship here.

    I was the first one to say that the persona is not important but the content of what's being shared and yes, i know you will try to use this "philosophies rule" to attack any content you personally do not like. Thuban or whatever...and that is of course for the greatest benefit of all right?

    If Abraxas or Arachne's intention would've been to showcase themselves, they would've included a link to their own forums since the beginning. But they didn't. Same thing with me and mine. You were the one who put birthofgaia here.. not me.

    If i open my mouth and say anything, you can very easily say I am "promoting my own self importance and my philosophy"... see, you already think so... you have just issued me a final warning because that's what you've been looking to do from the beginning... ban me.

    You and your Legion of ModPolice here love to act arbitrarily and choose to "find" anything they don't personally like "disrespectful" and issue warnings left and right. I think this is an intimidating attitude to have towards members and lurkers alike.

    This is very much a bully mindset and stance and a misuse of power and I will not forget to mention it to Kerry when i get to speak with her tomorrow. Just to inform the readers here, I am also waiting for Tommy's response to an e-mail i sent him some days ago that he still hasn't answered. I wonder if they are even aware of this thread...

    You see... i am only here NOT to promote myself like I was accused of, but because i do not like injustices and I for one am not afraid of making a stand and speaking my mind when i see one.

    There is no room for Police in an enlightened society.

    Sharing data that people will not find online or anywhere else has all of a sudden become a crime. Because something sounds "weird" and cannot be easily understood... the "logical" conclusion is... it must be nonsense. Bah!

    My friends not only shared their "philosophy" in this thread but were opened to answer people's questions, and they did so out of the goodness of their hearts and not because they were seeking to gain anything from it. Much like Tommy said in his post on The Mists of Avalon Forum, he was not there with the intention of "recruiting" members over, but solely with the intention of data sharing....

    Phoenix and Arachne were here not only for the same reason... but ALSO they were willing to answer any question presented to them. That takes time and energy, and it is a shame that the flow of information was CUT, simply due to FEAR and i'll repeat what i said in the MoA forum:

    1. How could someone be scared of information?

    2. How could someone who is scared of information would ever think of "graduating" or ascending into the higher dimensions?

    3. How could someone who is scared of information would dare call his/herself a true "Warrior of Light"? In this case I would like to know...what exactly is "Light" to them? (they obviously don't know what it means because light=information) What do they really mean when they say to you smiling "love and light"?

    4. How could someone who is scared of information would think that they could EVER get to know themselves and who they really are?

    5. How could someone who is scared of information would be able to EVER dare go down the rabbit hole and be courageous enough to face what's on the bottom?

    Steve wrote:I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site.

    No one said all of what is on our forums will have to be included here, and Both Phoenix and Arachne were well aware of this. This was self understood. The "family friendly" condemnation of their pictures were proof enough of this, AND no other "inappropriate" material was introduced here afterward.
    Thubans are also aware that the content of some of what can be found in our forums may be offensive to some hardliners and Religious fundamentalists, but it is there nonetheless...It is there for a reason.

    Steve wrote:Sui made a post yesterday, of which, I instructed her to shorten the post and link to the rest. She did and I'm happy with it.

    I only pasted it fully because Phoenix asked me to do so as is, and btw, since someone did question this before: All data is original to Abraxas, and in the case of this thread...also to Arachne.


    And just as i was about to post the above, Steve banned my IP, not only that... he issued an IP ban on my friend fates too and most likely he banned Rok as well, and i just found out he banned Susan the Exchanger too and she wasn't even in the thread at all!!!!

    Perhaps my last post angered him to no end? He had to have the last word:

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #29406 18 minutes ago - March 15th, 2011

    Time to clean house


    (and not only locked the thread but took it out from view altogether (5,700+ views and counting) if he hasn't gone delete crazy already and sent it to virtual heaven.

    We Thubans have saved the entire thread in 2 different places...

    this short exchange is what I posted last:

    I will say this, the two people in question are free to contact me to begin dialogue; however, no attempt that I'm aware of has been made to do so yet.

    Imo dialog between you and them should've been attempted and would've been much more timely and appropriate BEFORE applying an IP ban. They cannot even read this forum anymore...

    Why they can't read this forum anymore Sui?

    Because Steve decided to issue them a full IP ban and that prevents their computer from even accessing the forum at all.

    A regular ban would've at least allow them the benefit of still reading the site as any other non member would.

    And that was it. Those were my last words there. Words that earned my ban when I only stated the truth.

    Words=Swords that cut deep when banning the falseness.

    Steve, since I know you are reading this let me tell you...this was a magnificent display of arrogance intelligentsia on your part.

    What you have done is legally called slander and discrimination on false pretenses.

    You just committed intellectual suicide for your integrity like Bill.

    How many people can you ban in a day Steve? Jeess, you must be really scared of dragons...
    The Ides of March...

    In the Vesica,

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Post last edited Mar 16th 2011
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. malletzky Today at 10:11 am
    Stargazer wrote:...

    A few things I do know...Steve is a GOOD man

    With a good heart.

    He does not have the ego or the bravado that Richard carried like a mantle.

    The man is humble and dedicated...on the scene and behind.

    He always had our backs and would go to the carpet for us.

    And ......we all are human and make mistakes.


    Not being a moderator anywhere altough I was once asked to consider to join the ModTeam, I can only presume that moderating is really a stressful job. Now look at that description above. The one who knows Steve well, can tell you more about how "different" he is too...which I highly believe he's exact as described by SG. Nevertheless...the following is not to be taken personal by any one, as it's only meant to maybe explain the background of the moderator job.

    About me...I would never ever do the mod job. Just for one reason: it requires from one to make judgements, to prejudice something about someone and his real intentions and finaly make a decission which at the end, will definitelly hurt the one or the other.

    And the very moment a person is brought in the situation to judge, especially on virtual forums, when almost no one knows another one...this person is lost. Lost in the endless spiral of knowing that acting according to the forum rools is inevitably but also knowing that humanly, the whole thing is wrong.

    Being a Mod is a kind of being a manager in a company. The one have to make decisions according to the company's rules, of course allways for the higher good of the owners. Doing this, one will inavoidably hurt the feelings of the one or other employee...and doing this...the one's doing no good.

    To be a good Mod or a good manager doesn't requier from the person to have only a high IQ. No way. A high IQ doesn't necessarily (or even oftenn) translate into a high EQ. The most important this person socially competent for doing that kind of job.

    I will paraprhrase here a statement from Daniel Goleman for a better explanation:

    "For what good is your high IQ, when you're an emotional wrack."

    Mainly, it's almost all about emotions.

    Quote from an unknown autor:

    When emotions are out of control, the emotional mind takes over and swamps the rational mind. Emotions have a mind of their own and can hold views independent of the rational mind. Goleman names five main domains of emotional intelligence: (1) Knowing one's emotion (2) Managing emotions (3) Motivating oneself (4) Recognizing emotions in others (5) Handling relationships.

    A most important emotional lesson, of course, is anger management.

    So you see, not quite an easy job to do. And we've seen a lot of examples during the last few years (many of you for much longer) on different forums, where the one or the other moderator didn't have the necessarily emotional competence (for the one or the other reason) to do the job properly.

    I will not name any...they will know for themself, just by making a small halt and looking back on their doings (and writings)!

    And for the other...who tend to think that the one or the other mod just sucks...well think about what I just write about. Would you want to do the job? Me not.

    Yeah, I know...many will say "hey fine, here you have another one who's stealing himself from taking responsibility". Well, it may looks like that...but it definitely isn't.

    You should understand...the inevitable judgments and the subsequent decisions required to do the mod job is not stipulated with my innerself. I just can't do it...I just can't innerly. I would go kaputt

    Therefore, I have fully understanding for the Mods everywhere and see the difficulties of their job...but only if I see that they have the appropriate social competences, I will show them my respect.

    And this is why I choose to be here in the MoA. The "social structure" of it's members is on a very high level and almost no moderating is required.

    With our social behaviour, with our ability to control our emotions we help the ModTeam here to actualy concentrate themselves of being just an ordinary members with almost no Moderator activities and doing so we help themselves to do their best to raise the quality of this forum.

    Just my thoughts here. I hope the one or the other will find it useful. But please, no THANK YOU's ... [​IMG]

    much respect

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
    So if you love ME, I love YOU too...


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    • Post n°47
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 10:32 am
    In fairness Ive never had a problem with anyone over there but ive only posted very few times on threads important and interesting to me.
    I wouldnt like to see it become another Avalon and im sure it wont but its their forum I suppose and they will do want they want with it.
    With Bill Dick and co it was different as they took a forum from its members and disenfranchised them in an arrogant and unforgiving manner. Thats why we have the hump with them and rightly so. Most ungentlemanly conduct.

    Im not suprised people get the beef with moderators and Admins though as forums in the conspiracy world are mostly very bad when they have them (heavy duty Moderators) and they let them do their thing. Moderation sucks and conspiracy theorists do not like to be controlled as its something they are fighting against in all its essence

    This forum works like a well oiled machine thanks to the excellent commitment, administration and almost zero moderation and intervention of Mercurial and Carol. The forum moderates itself. It works and its how the world should work. No hierarchies, few rules a common purpose and a bloody good sense of humour.

    Having said that I wish Tommy and Camelot all the best. I know she put quite a bit of work into that and she is comitted and I admire that in a person.

    Perhaps they should give TRANCOSO a mod job over there to level things out a bit and paint over the cracks!

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees

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    • Post n°48
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] mudra Today at 11:12 am
    Stargazer wrote:
    Thanks Merc.....There are probably more than a few lessons to be learned in the MISTs.

    A few things I do know...Steve is a GOOD man

    With a good heart.

    He does not have the ego or the bravado that Richard carried like a mantle.

    The man is humble and dedicated...on the scene and behind.

    He always had our backs and would go to the carpet for us.

    And ......we all are human and make mistakes.

    Over the Thuban banning....we could have worked something out if the communication lines could be opened

    Were we right 100%...NO

    Were the Archane bunch right 100%...NO

    We could have met in the middle before they made effigies out of us and burned us

    Well...I learned something.....And thanks for the advice Merc...Always appreciated...SG

    People from Camelot, Thubans and Misty ones it's never too late to forgive and heal what's gone wrong.
    Remember that when a mistake has been made God allows you a Uturn.

    It takes a blink of an eye to forgive and let go while defending ourselves by pointing fingers at what has gone wrong is a burden we can carry for ages and that does'nt lead anywhere but to run into circles.

    After all is said and done, more is said than done .
    How are we going to build a new world if it is'nt from the very best we have within.

    And it starts by realizing that every one has a very best within even when clouded at times .
    In that way we can move beyond imperfections and nourish what's matters ... the seed of Life itself.

    Polish your Hearts that we may all sit around the camp fire and see we are One.

    Thank you for your visit in the Mists Stargazer.
    I know that if there is anything you would really want to bring around you it is peace.


    Love for you all


    Do not walk behind me; I may not lead.
    Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow.
    Walk beside me, that we may be as One.

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    • Post n°49
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 7:16 am
    Maybe the mods in AV2 and PC are just afraid?


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    • Post n°50
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 7:57 am
    Andromeda wrote: Maybe the mods in AV2 and PC are just afraid?

    Morning Andromeda.....I'm a MOD at PC...I can only speak for me.

    I'm not afraid of:

    Things I don't relate 2
    Others points of view
    Ideas that don't line up with mine

    I am a MOD because I feel I owe a debt to Kerry and Bill for helping me wake up

    It's not about power or lauding over folks.....nothing like that.

    Mall summed up things very well...I'm not comfortable judging folks.

    Towing the company line and the such.....I feel I compromise myself if I do so.

    I'm doing this to give pay it forward.

    Well anyways...Peace SG


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    • Post n°51
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 9:35 am
    Stargazer wrote:

    It is not personal to you but Chakra, Steve and Lita have an attitude problem and they are the most active moderators. It will be lovely if you as moderator can convey to them the damage they are doing to the PC forum, because the damage is real and it is stopping people from participating.

    Personally I did not sign in into PC or AV2 regardless of the invitation of the later and it took me a long time to decide where I wanted to be because I am interested in good quality information and believe that we have to be able to agree to disagree without supression

    Fundamentalism of any kind is damaging, I am saying this as observer that looks to the action from the outside

    FYG I know there was an Andromeda in PC and also there is one in the Cassiopean forum but I am neither




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    • Post n°52
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] investigator Today at 10:31 am
    Sorry it didn't work out Thubanites and PC forum people too. Honestly, I think it could have turned out different if you had just let the PC mods save face, by settling it quietly and politely, and not trying to challenge them in public. I do think they were pretty biased against the Thuban material though. I got an honest question for you though Stargazer. Why is Little Grandmother or Mike Quinsey material allowed to be "promoted" , but Thuban rantings can't? They probably don't even make any money on Thuban material too, but Mike Quinsey and Little Grandmother are certainly monetized. It just seems kind of like they were getting picked on, because the political opinion was not liked, or they were just personally disliked as people. I'm thinking they just wanted to avoid the same Thuban controversy on AV1 on PC forum. I do think the Thubanites were rude to the PC mods, yet at the same time they did kind of just pick on them, while ignoring similiar behavior elsewhere, just because they don't like their personal beliefs.

    Take for example the Thuban section on MOA, there is pretty much zero drama there. If you just leave them alone, and let them do their thing, there probably would not be any drama with them. Is there any chance you guys could start over? The Thubanites could apologize so the PC mods can save face and agree to the rules, and the PC mods can make peace with them (privately not in public) agree to not pick on them, unless they knowingly and outlandishly break the rules, and are rude or something like that? Ahh come on give em a chance lol.

    Perhaps they should give TRANCOSO a mod job over there to level things out a bit and paint over the cracks!

    Sadly, it's to late for Trancosco, but at least Dominic777 (aka Kneeler123) became a mod and had some brief fun over there! A strategic genius he is of epic proportions that chap.

    Last edited by investigator on Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:08 am; edited 3 times in total



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    • Post n°53
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 10:45 am
    i've apparently been banned from the camelot forum for no reason other than a few people don't like me
    evil pinheads never like me-i'm cursed!



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    • Post n°54
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 11:06 am
    arctourist wrote:yup-
    i've apparently been banned from the camelot forum for no reason other than a few people don't like me
    evil pinheads never like me-i'm cursed!

    Wow! that is nany state on steroids [​IMG]



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    • Post n°55
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 11:52 am
    well,i did say,hey lita,i know you don't like me,do me a favor and spread it around..

    Post last edited Mar 16th 2011
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    • Post n°56
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 12:38 pm

    investigator wrote: I do think they were pretty biased against the Thuban material though. I got an honest question for you though Stargazer. Why is Little Grandmother or Mike Quinsey material allowed to be "promoted" , but Thuban rantings can't?
    Perhaps they should give TRANCOSO a mod job over there to level things out a bit and paint over the cracks!

    Sadly, it's to late for Trancosco, but at least Dominic777 (aka Kneeler123) became a mod and had some brief fun over there! A strategic genius he is of epic proportions that chap.

    To answer honestly.....I recognized the Thuban material from the first post because of PA1 situation.

    I told Steve my thoughts and let it go at that.

    I can only speak for myself here....I think it could have been worked out with Arachne\Phoenix until SUI started the smear campaign against the PC MODs.....

    I told Steve that this was a test of temperance and tolerance.

    Then the ExChanger joined and it looked like a dog pile by the Thubans.

    I personally believe everything has it's place as long they show respect for fellow members...bottom line

    Peace SG



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    • Post n°57
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 12:41 pm
    arctourist wrote: yup-
    i've apparently been banned from the camelot forum for no reason other than a few people don't like me
    evil pinheads never like me-i'm cursed!

    Arc....You posted comments just to aggravate...I know you are better than what you portrayed on PC...

    So now please be honest...Why were you there??...bored?

    I could point you to a nice trivia site.

    I don't think you should have been banned....but it was not up to me.



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    • Post n°58
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:56 pm
    Stargazer wrote:

    I don't think you should have been banned.... but it was not up to me.

    Call me old-fashioned but it occurs to me your opinion on who should or shoudn't be banned doesn't put much weight on the ModSquad scale, does it?

    Just kiddin' ST...



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    • Post n°59
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Stargazer Today at 1:04 pm
    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Stargazer wrote:
    I don't think you should have been banned.... but it was not up to me.

    Call me old-fashioned but it occurs to me your opinion on who should or shoudn't be banned doesn't put much weight on the ModSquad scale, does it?

    Just kiddin' ST...

    Nope ...I really did not have much say.....

    Arc had taunted and baited more than a few.




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    • Post n°60
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Reunite Today at 4:29 pm
    Stargazer wrote:
    I am a MOD because I feel I owe a debt to Kerry and Bill for helping me wake up

    It's not about power or lauding over folks.....nothing like that.

    Mall summed up things very well...I'm not comfortable judging folks.

    Towing the company line and the such.....I feel I compromise myself if I do so.

    I'm doing this to give pay it forward.

    Well anyways...Peace SG

    SG you seem like a fairly level headed person but I got to ask why do you feel you have a debt to owe towards Bill and Kerry?

    Kinda old skool paradigm vibes IMHO. Your higher self guided you to some info presented by B & K and that set off a trigger in your memories. Life will go on and more triggers will be set off to regain more memories. If you have any debts to score it's with your higher self that has guided yourself to exactly where you need to be. Not only that your higher self expects nothing in return (including donations)



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    • Post n°61
    [​IMG] thanks star gazer-for the nice thoughts,how thoughtful of you...are you sure you're a moderator-haha

    [​IMG] arctourist Yesterday at 7:22 pm
    well being a moderator of course you'd have to say something like that about me,just what do you consider 'baiting' or taunting'-?

    if you can't show some specific examples then your opinion means less than nothing
    moderators don't like me,we already knew that,and so they make things up to say about me...
    moderators are all the same..i broke no rules but the moderators,they don't care so there you go...



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    • Post n°62
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Yesterday at 7:28 pm
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    • Post n°63
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 7:41 pm

    Stargazer wrote: I think it could have been worked out with Arachne\Phoenix until SUI started the smear campaign against the PC MODs.....

    I told Steve that this was a test of temperance and tolerance.

    Peace SG

    Sadly he never had any real intention of fixing anything Stargazer. It was all one big charade for him. He chose to categorize them as trolls and refused to talk with them from the beginning. He wrote that little message there later in the thread saying nobody contacted him only to pretend he was open to dialog, but as he said prior to that...his decisions are final. He felt he didn't need to give explanations to anyone... he didn't like to be challenged...but if you are a fair moderator and you have nothing to hide, you don't run from challenge.. you face it and you work it out.

    There was no "smear campaign".

    Working things out was the reason I entered the thread in the first place, but I immediately realized everyone was so scared of saying anything.

    It wasn't about him tolerating me, if you really thought that then you missed the point entirely. I was not there for Steve to "tolerate" me... I went in there to set the record straight.

    Turns out I spoke with Kerry today and as I had imagined it all along, she wasn't even aware of anything. She was away on a trip for the last few days and had just come back. I informed her Steve had just banned 7 people and that I think this needed her attention. I also asked her about Tommy and why he hasn't answered me and she said she thought he was probably aware of it but didn't know for sure.

    7 people... one of them wasn't even a Thuban, and the other one wasn't even on that thread...

    Anyway, she will speak with Steve today and hopefully I will be able to talk to her about this in detail tomorrow when she catches up with everything that has transpired while in her absence.

    Let's see what comes out of all this...

    You see even after my own ban I am still trying to work things out...

    I went there for truth, fairness and transparency. Nobody else had the courage to call a spade a spade.

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu



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    • Post n°64
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Yesterday at 8:16 pm
    ah well
    it's all good
    for a little while,the camelot forum was fun..i did find a few people worth talking to or knowing...other than that,it was just fun,
    i wasn't trying to annoy anyone any more than their own annoying mannerisms are conscious-of course they're's nothing personal...
    anyways,i don't wanna be a complainer,i'm just glad some other people can see it in the same sense that i do- ( meaning the moderators and their excessive use of force/misuse of 'power')i know i'm not alone in that sense.....i do think it's a shame that so few people on these forums, actually ever say anything...if anything,that's what i was on about,just to see who's out there,and what not
    so it's a small world after all innit!
    i would hope a lot of disappointed people from both camelot and avalon find their way here because it feels friendly and i shan't complain too much about the past anymore if i can help it-
    after all,this is the result of all that's gone before,and i have to believe it's good for something-so greetings from the michigan and what's going on ?



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    • Post n°65
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 5:29 am
    arctourist wrote:ah well
    it's all good
    for a little while,the camelot forum was fun..i did find a few people worth talking to or knowing...other than that,it was just fun,
    i wasn't trying to annoy anyone any more than their own annoying mannerisms are conscious-of course they're's nothing personal...
    anyways,i don't wanna be a complainer,i'm just glad some other people can see it in the same sense that i do- ( meaning the moderators and their excessive use of force/misuse of 'power')i know i'm not alone in that sense.....i do think it's a shame that so few people on these forums, actually ever say anything...if anything,that's what i was on about,just to see who's out there,and what not
    so it's a small world after all innit!
    i would hope a lot of disappointed people from both camelot and avalon find their way here because it feels friendly and i shan't complain too much about the past anymore if i can help it-
    after all,this is the result of all that's gone before,and i have to believe it's good for something-so greetings from the michigan and what's going on ?

    Hi arc!

    I have watched the goings on over there and was amazed by the behaviour of those so called moderators. If I were you, I would not bother much with feeling upset about it any longer.
    Steve has kinda disappeared and now some of his, well let's be nice and call them 'cat walk models of his private guards of the harem' are 'threating' to also go if he goes.

    They have begun a frenzy of being under a so called 'Thuban attack' from a 'data machine' which became programmed by evil dragons from someplace.
    Even Kerry has posted, saying to take it easy in a manner of saying.
    The general standard of rational discourse over there is just about less than that of a kindergarten; so you might be missing some of the 'tv soapyness', but not much else.

    The few rational and emotionally balanced writers there are less than 10% in my considered opinions and I have been around a few forums in my times.
    So cheer up my friend; there are a few 'crackpots' and 'illusionaries' in this place as well; but generally the percentage of harmonious thinkers and philosophers is much higher here and the administrators here appear to be much more tolerant as a reflection of their founder.

    They are not going to ban you from here.
    You provided much fun and hilarious input over at camelot and you still have many friends there.
    Some thought of you as a nuisance; but such is life - cant win them all aye?!

    The trouble was the fearmongerings of the 'harem police' and this is like the Electra-Complex between Zeus and his daughters lol - no sexual innuendos are implied; however associated with the archetypes of that by the Jungians.

    Be well arc; I for one like your energy and your innocent approach to whatever crosses your path.
    Didn't some Camelotians think you might be 'Charles'? There you go; they mistake their identities easily over there; like light warriors for dark dragons and dark jedis for light cobras - better have and take them both.

    Be well and hello also to all the other 'Misted Hounds of the Baskervilles' - now where is Sherlock?



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    • Post n°66
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 5:34 am

    Shiloh - Sup ?


    Good to see You. I hope You and Yours are well in these times ?



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    • Post n°67
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 5:49 am
    Mercuriel wrote: Shiloh - Sup ?


    Good to see You. I hope You and Yours are well in these times ?


    Hello old palindromer!

    My house is well as can be in the chronos of the journeys; thank you for your thoughts.

    Interesting times are approaching as Ouranos meets Gaea from the chaos of the greeks and as Hades meets Ariel in Persephone.
    This was the symbol of Sendai; the opening of the abysses of the human mind; but you might know that.

    The Full Moon just before the equinox and the 8-year journey of Uranus in Aries will bring out the wars; so perhaps some incarnated heralds can help to minimise the physical destruction filtering through in manifestations of the unavoidable wars of the memeplexes.

    As the Vulcans say; Live long and prosper and give my shalom to Hadriel!


    Post last edited Mar 17th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  7. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 17th 2011



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    • Post n°68
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 5:33 pm

    well thanks shiloh
    yeah for sure



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    • Post n°69
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 6:00 pm

    Mod Steve is now an EX-Mod.
    He has resigned...



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    • Post n°70
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] mudra Today at 6:47 pm
    TRANCOSO wrote:Mod Steve is now an EX-Mod.
    He has resigned...

    What about the 7 bans Sui is mentioning ?
    Have they been lifted ?

    The problem with authority is that rules are something one uses and falls back on when common sense , dialogue , a sincere wish to understand and sheer empathy have become so shallow that natural power to move things towards a constructive course is no longer a driving force.
    True power is able to make from a stone a building block while autority will see it as an obstruction on the way and rule it out .
    The solution to any problem lies in raising ones power and by this I mean that power grounded in pure Consciousness that is creating expansion for all .
    One will find then that rules can be used very sparingly and that unless facing someone that is clearly heading on a completely destructive course the banning of another becomes of very little use and should be used as very last resort .

    Love Always
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    • Post n°71
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 6:48 pm
    that is great...
    i wanted to tell him that if he doesn't like the 'job' then just quit!
    now i wish i had when i had the chance-HAHA

    [​IMG]Silent Witness

    Silent Witness

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    • Post n°72
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Silent Witness Today at 7:02 pm

    All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    • [​IMG]Carol



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    • Post n°73
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 7:05 pm

    arctourist wrote:
    well being a moderator of course you'd have to say something like that about me,just what do you consider 'baiting' or taunting'-?
    if you can't show some specific examples then your opinion means less than nothing
    moderators don't like me,we already knew that,and so they make things up to say about me...
    moderators are all the same.
    .i broke no rules but the moderators,they don't care so there you go...

    This is a pretty big generalization that does not apply here.
    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    • Post n°74
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 7:07 pm

    hey spiritwolf!
    yeah who knows...we were told that people would be going a little crazy in these postmodern times...i can only hope i contributed a little to that...glad we're still here,even if we're restricted from some areas...i just go where god sends me-
    steve if you're reading this i forgive you-maybe now you can get a life-HAHA



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    • Post n°75
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 7:09 pm

    Carol wrote:
    arctourist wrote:well being a moderator of course you'd have to say something like that about me,just what do you consider 'baiting' or taunting'-?
    if you can't show some specific examples then your opinion means less than nothing
    moderators don't like me,we already knew that,and so they make things up to say about me...
    moderators are all the same.
    .i broke no rules but the moderators,they don't care so there you go...

    This is a pretty big generalization that does not apply here.

    hey,glad if that doesn't apply here
    i generally never make generalisations,btw-haha
    and if i do i'm generally wrong...




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    • Post n°76
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 7:27 pm

    Silent Witness wrote: can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours?


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    • Post n°77
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 7:36 pm

    Silent Witness wrote: All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    Just a glitch in the back room Barry. Merc hit the wrong button when he was renewing our domain name.

    Yes, the world is a bit more cuckoo since Japan and is going to go into a tailspin for the next 6 days. Lybia is going to be attacked by Britian, France and the US. Yellowstone may well erupt this weekend, California will likely have a major quake along with more from Japan. Things are intense right now with the SuperMoon and we are entering into the danger period this weekend.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°78
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Today at 8:08 pm

    Silent Witness wrote: All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    Hey Spirit...have you always been a part of the Mod team in Camelot or is it recent?

    and yes Lita has officially quit also.

    FYI Steve wasn't only a mod... he was Admin too

    Spoke with Kerry before but apparently she wasn't even sure of the reason Steve quit...

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu



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    • Post n°79
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 8:12 pm

    he was aware of this thread on this forum,i know that much
    so i can only hope he and lita will be reading this-haha
    and that they join this forum-the more the merrier
    they won't be able to threaten me or anyone,tho,so i guarantee they won't join...
    were they bullied as children,and so they had to seek some 'position of authority' to hold it over other people...that's my guess



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    • Post n°80
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Today at 8:13 pm
    mudra wrote:
    TRANCOSO wrote:Mod Steve is now an EX-Mod.
    He has resigned...

    What about the 7 bans Sui is mentioning ?
    Have they been lifted ?

    Love Always

    None of the 7 bans have been lifted.



    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu



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    • Post n°81
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 8:19 pm

    they're just evil
    they claim to care so much about the forum...yeah then they did the right thing by quitting...but no one who was banned was anything but a nice person with plenty to contribute...
    so i say SHAME on them!



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    • Post n°82
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] mudra Today at 8:21 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:


    In my vision I see them all gone and peace restored Sui.

    Maybe someone could post some wise words on my Light bulb thread ...
    How many forum members does it take to lift a ban ?


    Love from me


    Do not walk behind me; I may not lead.
    Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow.
    Walk beside me, that we may be as One.

    We are Living One Vibrational Energy


    Post last edited Mar 17th 2011

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°83
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] investigator Today at 8:42 pm
    Sirius Blue
    I can tell you this much, Steve is taking some time out for health reasons. I hope he will come back but he needs to focus on himself at the moment and the forum was taking up a lot of his time and energy.

    The Thuban thread does seem to have brought it to a head a little bit sooner but it might have happened anyway.

    Project Camelot is a target for agencies that want people to live in fear and disinformation so expect it to be a little bit rough at the moment seeing as one infiltration has just been shut out by Steve. They will try other methods.

    (They are making stuff up and claiming everyone here is a Thuban follower, when we just support freedom of speech. I don't even believe in the Thuban material, but clearly they were picked on, yet they did break the rules as well. However, other spiritual philosophies were promoted on the forum for a LOONG time and no action was taken against, other people promoting other spiritual philosophies)

    Translation: Anyone's, political or spiritual philosophy that I disagree with is a professional psyop, that is just trying to infiltrate the forum, and they need to be banned! I'm just making stuff up so I can maintain the forums hierarchy tralalalalalalalal. I just want to be able to insult anyone I want, whoms opinion that I disagree with it. The Thuban material is wrong wrong wrong, ban them ban them ban them. In the mean time friends please allow me to promote the brilliant spiritual philosophy of Mike Quinsey, and Kiesha Crowley.

    Conditional love and light.

    Last edited by investigator on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:49 pm; edited 3 times in total


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    • Post n°84
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 8:44 pm

    maitreya's the one!
    infiltration my XXX!

    Last edited by arctourist on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Silent Witness

    Silent Witness

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    • Post n°85
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Silent Witness Today at 8:46 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Silent Witness wrote:All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    Hey Spirit...have you always been a part of the Mod team in Camelot or is it recent?

    and yes Lita has officially quit also.

    FYI Steve wasn't only a mod... he was Admin too

    Spoke with Kerry before but apparently she wasn't even sure of the reason Steve quit...

    It was Kerry whom suggested all witnesses should be moderators of their own area within the forum, so hopefully that answers your question, just as I was a mod at the original PA. Pity about Steve, I found him to be a pretty decent bloke

    Silent Witness

    Silent Witness

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    • Post n°86
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Silent Witness Today at 8:52 pm
    Carol wrote:
    Silent Witness wrote: All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    Just a glitch in the back room Barry. Merc hit the wrong button when he was renewing our domain name.

    Yes, the world is a bit more cuckoo since Japan and is going to go into a tailspin for the next 6 days. Lybia is going to be attacked by Britian, France and the US. Yellowstone may well erupt this weekend, California will likely have a major quake along with more from Japan. Things are intense right now with the SuperMoon and we are entering into the danger period this weekend.

    Thanks Carol, I was a tad concerned for a while, hoping it was a simple error of sorts. As for the rest of the above, another day at the office then?




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    • Post n°87
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 8:54 pm
    Oy Vie - And then the Biting and the Scratching and the Kicking and the Biting...




    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...



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    • Post n°88
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 9:21 pm
    investigator wrote:In the mean time friends please allow me to promote the brilliant spiritual philosophy of Mike Quinsey, and Kiesha Crowley.

    Conditional love and light.

    TRANCOSO wrote:Contact: New energies challenge the old set-up
    Wednesday, 16 March 2011

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and watch the ever-changing levels of mass consciousness on your world.

    As problems upon Earth proceed to become more threatening, bear in mind that whereas the dark Ones can use force to achieve their objectives, the Light works in a more subtle way. Because it is co-ordinated across the world when it does cause action to take place, it is usually most powerful and cannot be stopped by any conventional methods.

    In fact it is the most powerful force in the Universe. Therefore regardless of the opposition against it, it will achieve its purpose. Presently it is increasing in its power levels, and will continue to do so all of the way to Ascension. Try not to be overwhelmed by the disasters that are happening, and know that there will be a positive outcome that will lift you up to a higher level. Much of what has happened was foreseen, but as it relates to karma – sometimes on a group level, it must be allowed to work through. From our point of view all will proceed as planned, and the Universe will finally ascend.

    A lot can happen in a short time, and as you progress through this year events are going to become quite hectic. The people are beginning to take charge of their own future, and will not stand for the old ways to be reinstated. They realize that what were supposed to be democratic governments in many countries around the world, were more totalitarian and not answerable to them. In fact in many of them voting was a sham, and dictatorships existed that served themselves by denying the people their entitlement. In waking up to what has been taking place, they have stopped the dark Ones in their tracks and opened opportunities for a regime change. Not only that, when they take place they will be changes complete with a new policy, that will address the wrongs of many hundreds of years. These new energies for change will strengthen the resolve of those dear souls who have stepped forward to challenge the old set-up. Their endeavors are supported by us, and we guide them so as to achieve the victory that will fully open the path to Ascension.

    As ever time continues to speed up, and that is a sure sign that you are well on the way to the great upliftment of 2012. Life goes on for every soul regardless of what they believe will actually happen come once that date is reached. In part you create your own future, but the fact remains that the final act will be Ascension. There is no necessity for great catastrophes or disasters, or masses of people dying as a result of them simply to reach that point in time. The only link between the two is the need to cleanse the Earth so that she is ready to ascend with you. So the remaining months will be filled with all manner of different happenings, which will gradually become more acceptable and beneficial to everyone. By then we will certainly have been officially accepted as visitors to your planet. In actuality we already have your acceptance, and the numbers of people turning to us are increasing each day.

    The course is set for your release from the Illuminati, and they strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension. Their days are numbered, and little time remains for them to continue in opposition to us. It will be with absolute delight that we finally remove the dark Ones from positions of power, and bring in Beings of Light that have been waiting such as opportunity to replace them. These are our allies that have already done so much to create a structure that aids our plan for your release. Also many, many of you have especially incarnated at this time to be part of the final days upon the old Earth. Each you have something to offer that will be called upon when the time is right. There will be so much activity going on, you may be sure that even at a local community level, you will have plenty to occupy you.

    Our appearance on your television channels will enable us to reach out to people to dispel any doubts that they may have about our intentions. We will go to great lengths to explain why we are here, and the plan to take you up to the end time. We serve you through the Galactic Federation, and Ascension is not the end of our presence with you, as we shall become your fellow travelers through the Galaxies if you should so choose. You will be able to visit the home of civilizations that dwell in the higher dimensions, and will be accepted as one of them. To say the least, you will be somewhat different to what you are now as you have yet to rise up to the higher levels of vibration. When you have done so, and work from your higher consciousness you will truly have become Galactic Beings. That is your present goal, and our help will be given to ensure you achieve it. These are all matters that we will need to introduce to you, and clearly it will be much easier when we are openly with you.

    We will have a common bond with those of you that do ascend, because you are cognizant with the understanding of the Source, and that it is All That Is. Respect, Love and Gratitude are our offerings to the Creator and we know that many of you share those sentiments. The truth of such matters is also important for you to know, and they will be covered in due course of time. A belief in God will carry you forward, until we can enlighten you although we must say that many inspired teachers are already on Earth. Following religion as such is not our way, as all knowledge can be found within. You have it now, but find it difficult to touch that level of your consciousness. For the time being trust your intuitive powers and follow their promptings.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and watch the ever-changing levels of mass consciousness on your world. With each disaster a loving glow arises from Earth, showing how much love and compassion is being felt for those who are the victims of them. It is bringing people together who see the need to take back their power, so as to create a new world that is based upon caring and love for each other. It is truly remarkable how far you have come in such a very short time. It was expected to be so, but until the time arrived there was no certainty as to exactly what you would achieve. However, Ascension is the Creator’s directive, and no one but the Creator can change what has been decreed. Knowing this it must have a positive affect on you, as you need have no concerns or worries about the end time. We of the Galactic Federation are geared up to move anywhere at a minutes notice, and well rehearsed in all aspects of our assistance for you.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey

    Source: ET First Contact

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    EnemyofNWO wrote:DEBUNKING SaLuSa

    " As problems upon Earth proceed to become more threatening " .

    SaLuSa isn't this evident now ? If you are really interested in this planet with so many "precious people " , ( I am being sarcastic now ) why don't you do something ?
    Put your money where your mouth is !

    "Because it is co-ordinated across the world when it does cause action to take place, it is usually most powerful and cannot be stopped by any conventional methods. " .
    Please explain to us the coordination of disasters taking place , a bit of early knowledge would save a lot of human suffering , don't you think ?

    " Try not to be overwhelmed by the disasters that are happening, and know that there will be a positive outcome that will lift you up to a higher level. Much of what has happened was foreseen, but as it relates to karma – sometimes on a group level, it must be allowed to work through. From our point of view all will proceed as planned, and the Universe will finally ascend. "

    So you say it was foreseen Ah ! And the perfect cop out for you is the use of the magic word " Karma " . The magic word that tell us that we must discharge our Karma or try not to damage anybody . The tricky thing is that when we are born we have forgotten who we are and what our supposed mission is . If we really have a mission wouldn't be better to remember what this mission is ? They say to us that kids starving in a world of plenty are victims of the human condition and the Karma . So the Karma is game of which a normal person has no clue . A person has no clue of the rules of this game and how it is supposed to be played . Imagine a person goes to the casino and plays a game without knowing the rule and not knowing whether he / she is winning or losing ……… SALuSa ,old boy , you must find another way to explain things without the BS Karma .

    "A lot can happen in a short time, and as you progress through this year events are going to become quite hectic " .

    Thanks for nothing , I already know this , I am awake and subscribe to a number of trend analysts.

    " The people are beginning to take charge of their own future, and will not stand for the old ways to be reinstated. They realize that what were supposed to be democratic governments in many countries around the world, were more totalitarian and not answerable to them. In fact in many of them voting was a sham, and dictatorships existed that served themselves by denying the people their entitlement. In waking up to what has been taking place, they have stopped the dark Ones in their tracks and opened opportunities for a regime change. Not only that, when they take place they will be changes complete with a new policy, that will address the wrongs of many hundreds of years. "

    Thanks again for nothing . Old hat stuff . ( Sarcasm here ) SaLuSa , have you read my book ?

    " There is no necessity for great catastrophes or disasters, or masses of people dying as a result of them simply to reach that point in time. The only link between the two is the need to cleanse the Earth so that she is ready to ascend with you " .

    Right ! If it is pointless then why don't you , with your fictitious powers ( sarcasm here ) don't do something ?

    " Our appearance on your television channels will enable us to reach out to people to dispel any doubts that they may have about our intentions. We will go to great lengths to explain why we are here, and the plan to take you up to the end time. "

    Are you claiming responsibility for the incident in England in the 1970 ? How do we know it was you and you are not an impostor ?

    "To say the least, you will be somewhat different to what you are now as you have yet to rise up to the higher levels of vibration. When you have done so, and work from your higher consciousness you will truly have become Galactic Beings "

    Promises , promises , but not even a hint of what are the advantages or disadvantages of this process . " Somewhat different " ….. vague BS ?

    "A belief in God will carry you forward, until we can enlighten you although we must say that many inspired teachers are already on Earth. Following religion as such is not our way, as all knowledge can be found within " .

    You say : "A belief in god will carry you forward" and " Following religion as such is not our way, as all knowledge can be found within " . Isn't this a contradiction or you really are saying that religion is only for Terrans ? Why don't you say that religions are a pile of BS and " all knowledge can be found within " ?

    "With each disaster a loving glow arises from Earth, showing how much love and compassion is being felt for those who are the victims of them. "

    OH Yeah . What about the grief of the survivors ?

    Has SaLusa got a compassion level meter ? Or he is a sadistic creature that enjoys people squirming under pain . It he was so advanced spiritually and technologically he would have intervened knowing IN ADVANCE of the tsunami disaster . Instead he dangles the ASCENSION CARROT just like the paradise carrot of the christians and Muslim . SaLuSa if , you exist at all , you are not more advanced then us . More likely you are a creature that feeds on the pain and the most vile feeling that humans experience .




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    • Post n°89
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Today at 9:33 pm
    hey i been following these channelings too
    so far it hasn't really made much of a difference to me...
    who knows who's who...this so-called ascension sure seems to be taking its time...what does it mean? full consciousness...i wonder if that's even possible - for anyone or anything but the absolute...



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    • Post n°90
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 9:39 pm
    I am LORD TRANCOSO of the GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIES, and exposing SaLuSa & her phoney gang of imposters for what they are (not) is a small, but important part of my Earthly mission. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    • Post n°91
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] arctourist Yesterday at 9:50 pm

    what's wrong with the federation,right?
    are they a bunch of lizzies,y'think?



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    • Post n°92
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 4:01 am
    Well lets hope that Tommy find some proper moderators this time and that there is no more bullying in the Camelot Project forum

    I am not pro or against anything, people are better off agreeing to disagree than trying to persuade others with their ideas [​IMG]



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    • Post n°93
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] JesterTerrestrial Today at 5:51 am




    Silent Witness wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    Silent Witness wrote:All mysterious goings on, can anyone explain why this forum was showing as no longer existed for a number of hours? As for Camelot and Steve, and possibly Lita et al walking too, whats that all about? Has the World gone a bit cuckoo since the terrible events in Japan?

    Just a glitch in the back room Barry. Merc hit the wrong button when he was renewing our domain name.

    Yes, the world is a bit more cuckoo since Japan and is going to go into a tailspin for the next 6 days. Lybia is going to be attacked by Britian, France and the US. Yellowstone may well erupt this weekend, California will likely have a major quake along with more from Japan. Things are intense right now with the SuperMoon and we are entering into the danger period this weekend.

    Thanks Carol, I was a tad concerned for a while, hoping it was a simple error of sorts. As for the rest of the above, another day at the office then?

    Yes Silent Witness...we are witnessing the mental break down of humanity as the truth comes to light on planet Earth. Enjoy the ride! [​IMG] [​IMG] The "Supermoon" was right in my line of sight out my office window! I woke up at 3am after a short rest and have been sitting here starting at it for the last 4 has just set below the horizon. What a buzz! Some very strong energies coming from it no doubt! This planet and the humans on it are getting turned around one way or another! Shift Happens!


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Peace Love and Eternal Groovieness!!!
    Michael Toldnes - The JesterTerrestrial Himself!!!



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    • Post n°94
    [​IMG] The Way...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:52 pm - March 18th, 2011


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Post last edited Mar 19th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  9. admin

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    • Post n°95
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 2:14 am
    SuiGeneris wrote:


    MARCH 18TH, 2011

    Full Moon Watch: Supermoon A Go-Go

    You’ve no doubt heard about tomorrow’s Full Moon Supermoon. What’s that about exactly?

    Occasionally the Moon misses the Earth a little too much and decides to move a bit closer to us during her new or full phase. That’s what will happen tomorrow. Astronomers call this a lunar perigee. But a guy named Richard Nolle coined the term Supermoon to describe the proximity. You can read his explanation here — a nice clarification because it dispels a lot of misinformation about the Supermoon too.

    Because of the curve of the Earth (and the crazy curve of your mind during a Full Moon), the Supermoon appears gigantic once she’s slid above the magnifying effect of the horizon. She’s so humongous that you start to worry that your roof will be damaged as Luna glides across the night sky. That’s a metaphor, actually, to let you know that this Full Moon might take the top of your head off.

    So, best be prepared, especially as she’s huge and super radiant in Virgo. And you know how obsessive and antsy the mind can become when emotions are pushed through the Virgin’s Mercurial filters (Ouch!) Read: slightly manic in the drive for perfection. But work it! Tomorrow’s a fantastic night to go through your home and pull out all of the XXXX you want to get rid of. That pile of Wayne Deyer books, the Milli Vanilli CDs, cooking utensils made in the shape of animals, that depressing peasant dress you purchased from Forever 21 — you get the drift. Think of creating a virginal space for yourself. If nothing else, our environment can mirror the clarity that we’re craving right now. And this creation of a temenos will go a long way towards soothing and supporting you through the wild ride ahead.

    Virginal also implies freshness. First-ness. As in “touched for the very first time.” And we’re thirsty for firsts right now. The itch for the new, the revolutionary, the unique, the untried keeps goading us. And yet the bulk of our psychic weight feels missing. Oy. The current planetary clusterfuck in Aries means we’re twitching, twirling and rubbernecking to get a sense of just what exactly the next new thing is going to be. But more, we want to know when movement will commence. Where is our gumption to move forward? In other words, where in the XXXX is Mars; the impulse engine? That’s the catch. (Oh, he’s their honey, lolling in a bathtub — playing with The Fishes. Making the most of all that hot water.)

    Mars in dreamy, scheme-diddling, mystical-minded Pisces wants another cocktail and a new Netflix subscription. This is the sort of Mars that likes to get a buzz going and then read trashy romance novels or watch lots of porn on the internet. At least that’s a Mars in Pisces when he isn’t tracking the finer frequencies of his destiny. My natal Mars is in Pisces and I can tell you that it’s a 24/7 challenge to align with such a (powerful) steam pit. The key to working with Mars in the Fishes is to allow the unconscious to do the galvanizing. This is tricky though because if you don’t have a working relationship with the unconscious (through therapy or 12-step or meditation or contemplation or the arts) you’ll have to move through a lot fog before Mars forges a coalition with the Boss — and that would be Neptune. Sounds like a Catch 22 doesn’t it?

    But keep swimming. Neptune will give Mars the goods when Mars’ passion is in service of Neptunian vision, otherwise it’s: “Ne’er-do-well, table for one!” And here’s Neptune’s wish list: glamour, beauty, dim lighting, world peace, Hollywood romance, science fiction utopia, peacock feathers, medical marijuana, and lots and lots of astrology. Like, astrology taught in the public schools and stuff. People put astrology under Uranus’ rulership, but that’s ridiculous. Uranus is a flinty, divisive planet. Uranus shatters rocks with his teeth because he’s curious about what’s in the middle. Neptune is mystical and pulls the etheric fluids of the heart towards a melting merge with the ideal of Oneness. Towards the Beloved.

    Astrology is a mystic’s art (camouflaged as a soft science), as Dennis Ellwell once said — and how I wish I were there to hear him say it to my face: “If mysticism and astrology agree on one thing, it is the seamlesswholeness of the universe…whenever a correlation between terrestrial and celestial happenings is discussed it has … to be borne in mind that it arises as an expression of this wholeness.” See what I mean? Wholeness is not Uranian territory.

    But I’m meandering. Just get rid of the notion that Uranus rules astrology. But do it quick as Neptune is inches away from slipping back into Pisces (next month) — releasing astrological love vibes throughout the atmosphere. Just like in the 60s and 70s, astrology will dominate the Zeitgeist. It’s our time, baby! (What sign are you?)

    Anyway, Mars in Pisces again: For those who do do the Work — you’re in luck! All you need to concentrate on (oh the irony) is pulling your inner critic off of your back so you can lay back and observe. Keenly. (That’s the Mars part of the Mars in Pisces equation). Focused contemplation. Let the dream realm, the hints, the eerie synchronicity, the strange blank walls of Zazen infuse your head. Go deeper (Mars again) and you’ll get to the heart of that wholeness that Ellwell was talking about. Rumi did poems about the Mars in Pisces vibes too, and one of them went like this:

    If you want what visible reality
    can give, you’re an employee.
    If you want the unseen world,
    you’re not living your truth.
    Both wishes are foolish,
    but you’ll be forgiven for forgetting
    that what you really want is
    love’s confusing joy.

    Mars in Pisces wants loves’ confusing joy. So it’s OK right now if you’re confused — that’s part of the joy, it’s how the love is guiding you. Me. All of us. We are the world.


    Stay with the love cloud and you’ll find that you’re instinctively aligning with the direction you’ll be moving when Mars comes up for air in April — and busts into his own sign. Until then we’ve got Jupiter and Mercury there — now — envisioning the visions, stoking our courage. If you’re still, you can sense a buzzing at the top of your head and maybe behind your eyes. That’s Ram juju beginning to gurgle and coalesce (i.e., a direction). Just sense it. Let it do its thing. It’ll serve you once your hoofs hit the ground. An Aries Sun will soon conjunct Uranus, on the Spring equinox no less, and then honey, well, all bets are off. The Genie’s out of the bottle. What exactly does thatportend? Well, if you have a Tarot deck handy pull out the Fool card. He’s ruled by Uranus. What’s over the edge of that precipice? Any idea? See what I mean?

    If Uranus is part of any astrological equation we are always working with zero plus this or that, but always that emptiness of a zero that’s — BOOM! — suddenly filled up with something. So this implies getting comfortable with the unknown. That’s really what Uranus, as a transpersonal planet, relates regarding humankind’s evolution. That we have reached a point in our journey where we surrender the notion of personal doing and align with the dynamism of being. Being just is. Right now. And then something ‘happens’ and then that’s being. Being is always appearing from nothing into something. And then back to nothing and then there’s something. God, I’ve got a headache.

    We must work at nurturing this truth, otherwise Uranus will always waylay us. He’s a wild card. The earth moves and then everything is different. Rocks are cracked open (including your hard head). See what’s inside. How many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Journey to the Center of the Earth (rent that with your new Netflix subscription). You need to track this XXXX for yourself. Don’t rely on astrologers or psychics or Jesus. All that mish-mash of information will do is compound the Mars in Pisces confusion. Learn to stay with the questions yourself. As Rilke said:

    “Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer…”

    With Uranus in Aries, for the next seven years, everyday is about: “God, I didn’t know that could happen.” Or, “Did you see what that seven year old kid created in his science project — that just might save the planet?!” The Uranian Ram isn’t interested in anything that’s come before. Nothing. Just: One. As in singular sensation. Which is to say, you haven’t thought of it yet. We haven’t discovered it yet. It hasn’t finished cooking yet. But still you want clues! (My god, demanding!)

    OK — so: we’re back to Aries’s ruler Mars and following the Red Planet down the whirlpool to Neptune’s liquid radiance — where everything that it nascent within the realm of non-being begins to take shape. This is the most mysterious dimension in life you can visit or contemplate or align with. In quantum physics this ‘realm’ is the blank nothingness of space from which — after a tickle shimmers within the emptiness — out pops a particle. Voilà. The unmanifest made manifest. Aries is in the house, y’all.

    Share what you’ve discovered below. But be specific, Aries has no patience for not naming the cat one she’s out of the bag.

    Oh, and another thing: HURRY UP!



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    • Post n°96
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 4:06 am

    shiloh wrote: And you know how obsessive and antsy the mind can become when emotions are pushed through the Virgin’s Mercurial filters (Ouch!)
    But I’m meandering. Just get rid of the notion that Uranus rules astrology. But do it quick as Neptune is inches away from slipping back into Pisces (next month) — releasing astrological love vibes throughout the atmosphere. Just like in the 60s and 70s, astrology will dominate the Zeitgeist. It’s our time, baby ! (What sign are you?)

    Mercuriel is a Virgo in the Horoscope with 12 Signs and a Leo apparently in the more Ancient Horoscope of 13 Signs which includes Ophiuchus...

    Good choice of Words.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...



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    • Post n°97
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 4:44 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    shiloh wrote:

    And you know how obsessive and antsy the mind can become when emotions are pushed through the Virgin’s Mercurial filters (Ouch!)
    But I’m meandering. Just get rid of the notion that Uranus rules astrology. But do it quick as Neptune is inches away from slipping back into Pisces (next month) — releasing astrological love vibes throughout the atmosphere. Just like in the 60s and 70s, astrology will dominate the Zeitgeist.
    It’s our time, baby ! (What sign are you?)

    Mercuriel is a Virgo in the Horoscope with 12 Signs and a Leo apparently in the more Ancient Horoscope of 13 Signs which includes Ophiuchus...

    Good choice of Words.


    Was this written in the stars?

    Panic swept the world recently as the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that our current astrological system may be off by as much as a month.

    This news spread like wildfire, invoking all sorts of reactions from zodiac followers the world over. But is it true?

    Have we been wrong about our sun signs this whole time? Before you go breaking up with your lover or rushing off to have your Libra tattoo lasered off, let’s take a closer look at this issue.

    Astrological Clock in Prague

    The “problem” with our astrological system, as it was reported, is that the slow wobble of the Earth over the course of 26,000 years (known as Precession of the Equinoxes)

    means that we are no longer aligned to the constellations in the same way as we were say 2,000 years ago.

    1. Yes, this is true. However, it’s not news.
    The ancient astronomers were aware of Precession and took this into account in their observations of the stars. In fact, they probably knew more about this phenomenon than we know today!
    What’s more, this wobble doesn’t even affect Tropical astrology, which is the system used by most Western astrologers.
    Tropical astrology is fixed to the seasons, with the sun rising in each sign at different points in the year.

    2. Sidereal astrology, more commonly used by Eastern astrologers, is based on the exact position of the constellations.
    It takes into account the position of Earth in relation to the galaxy, not just the solar system.

    3. Some say Sidereal astrology is more accurate for this reason, while others stick to the Tropical system that we’ve been so accustomed to these past 3,000 years.
    Still others of course dismiss this issue due to a lack of belief in astrology in the first place.
    Astronomers have chimed in, most often stating something to the effect of “It didn’t matter then, and it doesn’t matter now.”
    Yet many people do believe in astrology, ranging from a simple resonance with their sun sign to consulting their horoscopes on a daily basis and for major life decisions.
    If you’re one of those people, put your mind at ease, there is no need to switch your sign at this time.

    Susan Miller, creator and astrologer behind Astrology Zone had the following to say about the subject:
    Please, don’t believe the hype. This is not a new concept. It’s something astrologers have been looking at for years.
    We have had time to test this, and it doesn’t work.
    Not only are astrologers the world over stating their confidence in the original system from a subjective standpoint, they are also sharing how the Tropical system has had a sound foundation since its birth.

    Dorothy Morgan of Natural Rites & Charms adds:
    In western Astrology we use the zodiac belt a 30 degree division of each section of the space around us, not the constellations.
    So it does not matter where the constellations are, we are using the relevant sections of the sky for which they were named 1000′s of years ago, not the stars themselves, just for this reason.
    In researching this article, we found a number of viewpoints and comments in regards to this topic.
    While a few people do seem to resonate with their “new” signs, the vast majority feel best sticking with their original sign, often in rather comical displays of their true astrological nature.

    Here are a few of our favorites:

    This is unfair. Why must I be a Taurus now?

    – Libra I’ll become a Pisces again someday…somehow…

    – Pisces Leo for life. I’m the only member of my family whose zodiac sign didn’t change


    – Aries This is the saddest day of my life, I don’t want to be a Leo!

    – Cancer If you’re familiar with the qualities of these signs, you can see how the commenters display their original sun signs quite perfectly.
    Perhaps the most important question to ask yourself in all this, is which sign you resonate with?
    Which astrological system works best for you?

    While astrologers will state adamantly that astrology is a science (and it is, a very precise system of measurement and observation), it is also a highly subjective and personal belief system for many people, and one that is open for interpretation.
    So if you have spent your whole life in resonance with your sun sign and/or birth chart according to the Tropical system, there is no need to change now.

    However, if you read the “new chart” and feel more drawn to that sun sign, nobody will stop you from using this interpretation. Moreover, if you’re one of the lucky ones to align with the 13th sign Ophiuchus, you may be even more likely to do so.​

    ◦Aries – April 19 to May 13
    ◦Taurus – May 14 to June 19
    ◦Gemini – June 20 to July 20
    ◦Cancer – July 21 to August 9
    ◦Leo – August 10 to September 15
    ◦Virgo – September 16 to October 30
    ◦Libra – October 31 to November 22
    ◦Scorpio – November 23 to November 29
    ◦Ophiuchus – November 29 to December 17
    ◦Sagittarius – December 18 to January 18
    ◦Capricorn – January 19 to February 15
    ◦Aquarius – February 16 to March 11
    ◦Pisces – March 12 to April 18

    Symbol for Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder

    You might have noticed 13 signs in the chart above.
    Who is this Ophiuchus, and where did he come from?
    Ophiuchus is also known as Serpentarius, the Serpent holder.

    This constellation has also been known for thousands of years,yet was discarded by Babylonian astrologers to make for a tidier 12-sign zodiac.
    While Ophiuchus is no new discovery either, this has been another controversial topic in recent years among astrology enthusiasts.
    Should shifts in the position of heavenly objects change our astrological system, or not?

    Ophiuchus is not commonly included in either astrological system, though some astrologers do include this constellation in their readings.

    It seems those born within the dates of November 29 and December 17 are most open to the idea, given that their sign may have changed to something more exotic.
    Some of the qualities of Ophiuchus the Serpent holder are as follows:

    Ophiuchus: interpreter of dreams, vivid premonitions, attracts good luck and fruitful blessings, lofty ideals, longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man, architect, builder,
    reaches for the stars, receives the favor of those in authority, etc.
    There are a few interpretations as to who Ophiuchus represents, but the most recent and common theory is that it represents a man named Asclepius from Greek mythology. In the myth, Asclepius found the secret to eternal life when he watched one snake revive another with certain healing herbs.
    Zeus struck him down with a lightning bolt to prevent humankind from reaching widespread immortality, but honored his accomplishment by placing his likeness in the stars.

    Due to its close proximity to the constellation Sagittarius however, it is less commonly used as a sign of the zodiac. 4 Perhaps at some point in our distant future we’ll be ready for a new astrological system, by including new constellations or exacting more precise measurements of Earth’s relationship to the cosmos. But for now, the tropical system of astrology works just fine.

    What’s even more certain is that this recent revelation of ancient knowledge most certainly will not change who you are.

    A 13th (and 14th) New Starsign in the Reconfiguration of the Duodecimal Astroanalysis in the Dragon Nodes

    Here (below from the address to Cornelia and astrologer Eric Francis) are some details from Laurie (LibraMoon) Corzett from seerseeker yahoo forum.

    I agree with Laurie and Eric; yet would like to add, that things are a little more than they seem. The Tropical Zodiak is indeed extended in the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus.

    Note the superposition of the Vedic Zodiacial Wheel with the Tropical (Western/Babylonian-Mesopotamian) One.

    It can easily be discerned, that every 780,000 Days or 2135.57 Tropical Years (1 Tropical Year of 365.24219 'Mean Solar Days' is compared to 1 Civil (Gregorian) Year of 365.2425 'Mean Solar Days'), a complete Mayan precession of 26,000 Platonic Great Years of 360 Days each or 9,360,000 Kin in total realigns the two 'Circles of the Mazzaroth'.


    So after one precessional cycle the Vedic (Sidereal starry background) and the Tropical (seasonal) Zodiacal Wheels coincide again.

    Rather the 13th Starsign defines an axis akin the Dragon Nodes of the Northern Head and the Southern Tail in the two transitions between Scorpio and Sagittarius as the 13th sign of Ophiuchus Arachne on November 22nd/23rd and the ingress from Taurus into Gemini on May 20th/21st/22nd as the 14th starsign of Arachne Ophiuchus or 'Dinah Spider-Serpent-Woman'.

    As the 12 starsigns of the mazzaroth represent the duodecimal partitioning of a circle; the 12 starsigns are archetypically mapped as many things and particularly the 12 Sons of Jacob as the 'Tribes of Israel', with Dinah the 11th Child and only named daughter of Jacob becoming the one-to-one shadow mapping for each of the other 12 signs or 'brothers'.

    1. Aries=Reuben for the March Equinox of the Red Chroma under Mars

    2. Taurus=Simeon for the April Ingress of the Orange Chroma and the Point of Arachne after Decan 3 under Venus

    14. Arachne=Shadow of the Cosmic Twinship as the Black Chroma of the Yin or positive polarity

    3. Gemini=Levi for the May Ingress of the Yellow Chroma and the Point of Arachne before Decan 1 under Mercury

    4. Cancer=Dan for the June Solstice of the Lime Chroma under the Full Moon

    5. Leo=Judah for the July Ingress of the Green Chroma under the Sun

    6. Virgo=Gad for the August Ingress of the Aquamarine Chroma under Chiron

    7. Libra=Napthali for the September Equinox of the Cyan Chroma under the (true) Dragon Node of the New Moon

    8. Scorpio=Asher for the October Ingress of the Turquoise Chroma and the Point of Ophis after Decan 3 under Pluto

    13. Ophiuchus=Dinah of the Cosmic Twinship as the White Chroma of the Yang or negative polarity

    9. Sagittarius=Issachar for the November Ingress of the Blue Chroma and the Point of Ophis before Decan 1 under Jupiter

    10. Capricorn=Zebulon for the December Solstice of the Indigo Chroma under Saturn

    11. Aquarius=Joseph for the January Ingress of the Magenta Chroma under Uranus

    12. Pisces=Benjamin for the February Ingress of the Purple Chroma under Neptune

    One can see, that all colour pairings in opposition, that is six signs or 180° apart, will neutralise to either Black in Subtraction (say paint or mass in Einstein's Energy E=mc²) or to White in Addition (say ElectroMagnetic Radiation or EMR in Planck's Quantum Formula Energy E=hf).

    Adding the Primary Colour-Triplet Red-Green-Blue under Addition so yields Pure White and the Secondary Colour-Triplet, (as Anticolours one-to-one to the Primary Colour-Triplet) Cyan-Magenta-Yellow will Subtract to Pure Black under Subtraction. Unequal mixing of the colours then enables the production of all the other colours and shades in the rainbow spectrum of the optical astrophysics.

    Red+Cyan=White under Addition and Red+Cyan=Black under Subtraction as the Aries-Libra Opposition or axis of the Mazzaroth in Houses 1 and 7.

    Similarly the Colour-Couplings Orange+Turquoise/Aquamarine for Houses 2 and 8; Yellow+Blue for Houses 3 and 9; Lime+Indigo for Houses 4 and 10; Green+Magenta for Houses 5 and 11 and Aquamarine/Turquoise+Purple for Houses 6 and 12.

    The Black of Arachne between Orange and Yellow then is harmonized as the 'Axis of the Cusps' with the White of Ophiuchus between Turquoise/Aquamarine and Blue as the superimposition of the colour-anticolour harmonizations in the pure neutrality of the Black under Inertial Subtraction of Matter/Mass and the White under Radiative Addition of EMR.

    The new astroanalysis specifies the Dragon Head as the New Libran Ruler as the New Moon reconfiguration for the Saros cycles for the eclipses, with the Solar Eclipses at New Moon conjunctions harmonising the older Leo-Sun and Cancer Full Moon zodiacal 'parenthood' then replaced in the newer Saturnian Capricorn Father - Full Moon Cancerian Mother opposition.

    The previous North-South oppositions of the Dragon Nodes so become dynamic, with the fixed Northern Head of the Saros transforming into the Ourobos of the Milky Way (as ecliptic plane) as the tail periodically gets 'swallowed' or 'eaten' by the transiting New Moons in the Libran Balance of the Scales of the Mazzaroth in Dinah Ophiuchus or Dinah Arachne. This recurrent revisitation is accented whenever the New Moon conjuncts the Sun through the journey through the starsigns and so the Solar Eclipses.

    This description was made cosmic law on January 4th, 2011 in Capricorn and so the occultation of the Old Fatherhood became revitalised and redefined in the New Moon Dragon of the Arachnisation of the Mazzaroth.

    The 12 starbrothers so become shadowed in 12 starsisters and transmutate the 12 brothers into 12 bothersisters or Heshes and 12 sisterbrothers or Shehes in the 24 Elders of encoded scrolls, say as in Revelation.4 as the two interwoven circles about the Noahic Rainbow Covenant of the 'Coats of Many Colours' (Genesis.9.11-17;37.3). This is termed the Dragonomy of the harmonisation of the sexes in the liberation of Eve as the Mother of all Living in her archetyped descendant Dinah, Daughter of Jacob-Israel and Leah-Heal.

    As Eve is the 'flesh of Adam', she cannot become independent until she, as Lilith or the Succubi of the archetyped 'Heaven' becomes 'real' in the 'Realm of the Earth'.

    This renders the cellular mitosis in geometric progression as the three generations: 1-2-4-... in AdamEve=Adam+Eve=AdamEve+EveAdam in the natural bisexual androgyny aka a Dragonomy as the 'Heavenly Wedding' or the 'Alchemical Matrimony' of Self to Shadow Self.

    It is then the Transformation of the Scorpio of Arachne-Dinah-Ophis into the Eagle of John or the Phönix of the Resurrection/Rebirth, which represents Ophiuchus Dinah Arachne as the Ophis-Dinah-Arachne Black to White Metamorphosis of the 'Tamed Serpent' in the Sagittarian Blueyness of the BiDragon of the Two Moons of the eclipses.

    Dinah Ophiuchus Arachne so represents this 'Archetypical Mirroring' between the Blackness of the Creation in Sophic Wisdom of the (Particular) Body (or Universe) with the Whiteness of the Spirit of the Creator in Gnostic Understanding of the (Waved) Mind (or Metaphysical Spirit) in a form of advanced quantum mechanics of the wave-particle duality of the 'Alive Dead One' being the reflection of the 'Dead Alive One' and in the resolution of Schrödinger's quantum paradox of the 'collapsed wavefunctions' - it is both all of the time and no paradox exists in the physics of the higher dimensional mirrors.


    Cordelia (Cordy) McConnell has sent you a message on - The Social Network for the Occult Community

    Subject: new zodiac/weekend blessings

    OK, people. This is not a NEW sign. The constellation Ophiuchus (also known as Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder), the 13th sign of the zodiac, has been known about since ancient times,
    but it has been ignored.
    It was never added to the Zodiac chart as astrologers said that the Sun went straight from Scorpius into Sagittarius, disregarding the fact that the sun travelled through Ophiuchus for 19 days before entering Sagittarius.
    Basically what that means is that there IS another sign, but it's been lost.

    Western Astrology does not change. Vedic Indian astrology IS effected by this.​
    However, there are all kinds of Zodiacs. For example:

    ARIES: April 19 - May 13 TAURUS: May 14 - June 19 GEMINI: June 20 - July 20 CANCER = July 21 - August 9 LEO: August 10 - September 15 VIRGO: September 16 - October 30 LIBRA: October 31 - November 22 SCORPIO: November 23 - November 29 OPHIUCHUS: November 30 - December 17 SAGITTARIUS: December 18 - January 18 CAPRICORN: January 19 - February 15 AQUARIUS: February 16 - March 11 PISCES: March 12 - April 18
    The following Sidereal Zodiac below is for children born beginning 1990:
    AQUARIUS: March 26 - April 18 PISCES: April 19 - May 26 ARIES: May 27 - June 20 TAURUS: June 21 - July27 GEMINI: July 28 - August 27 CANCER: August 28 - September 17 LEO: September 18 - October 24 VIRGO: October 25 - December 9 LIBRA: December 10 - January 1 SCORPIO: January 2 - January 8 OPHIUCHUS: January 9 - Janury 26 SAGITTARIUS: January 27 - February 27 CAPRICORN: February 28 - March 25

    Attention All Astronomers -- The World is Flat

    Dear Friend and Reader:

    I wish I could put out a press release announcing that the world is flat, and send astronomers scrambling -- to return the favor for when an astronomer sends out a press release announcing that your zodiac sign is wrong. That's what happened this week when the following went viral faster than the dude who got rich dancing around like a dork in 34 countries:
    Astronomer Parke Kunkle says that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed, according to NBC. In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus. Kunkle says that as the Earth and Sun slowly move the signs gradually change, as expected. The change didn't happen over night either. The 12 signs were designated to different periods of the year almost 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the Earth's position in relation to the sun has changed.​

    The tropical zodiac is in the inner wheel, the sidereal zodiac is in the outer wheel. Notice how they are 'out of alignment' by about one whole sign -- to be exact, 23 degrees. This is due to precessional movement, which shifts the two zodiacs by one degree every 70 years.
    Either this is a joke or Parke Kunkle is truly ignorant of his own science. It's probably a bit of both.

    There are two zodiacs in common use. Kunkle is describing what is called the sidereal zodiac: the backdrop of the stars. It's not the zodiac used by most Western astrologers; it's the one used by Vedic astrologers, the kind in India, and a few in our part of the world. The two zodiacs are offset by about 23 degrees. I'll explain why in a moment.

    Here in the West, we use a zodiac that follows the seasons. It's called the tropical zodiac. It's based on the position of the Sun's rays and the tropics -- that's why it's called tropical. There is another one, based on the positions of the stars. It's called the sidereal zodiac. If Kunkle doesn't know this, it's like a race car driver not understanding the concept of a tire. If so, he also doesn't understand a long list of other concepts that must make it very difficult for him to do his work. Well, that's what grad students are for. Notably, the sidereal zodiac is a feature in all astrology software.

    In the Western or tropical zodiac, the Sun enters the tropical sign Aries the day of the vernal equinox each March. That's the day that the Sun's rays meet the equator directly overhead -- the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. (In the prior draft and in the audio I said 'at a right angle'. Same idea.) The Sun enters the tropical sign Cancer when the Sun's rays square the Tropic of Cancer -- the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, or summer solstice. The Sun enters Libra when the Sun's rays square the equator again in September. The Sun enters Capricorn when the Sun's rays square the Tropic of Capricorn each December, which is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere (the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere).

    You then take those four cardinal points and divide them equally and you have the 12 signs of the tropical horoscope. There are no 'extra signs' added -- the tropical zodiac is a division of the 360-degree wheel of the year into 12 equal slices of 30 degrees. This is not rocket science -- but it is science.

    Look! It's already there!

    As mentioned, the Western zodiac begins the day of the vernal equinox. The position of the Sun that day is called the Aries Point -- or the Sidereal Vernal Point. If you read Planet Waves, you read about the Aries Point nearly every week. It's extremely sensitive. The position of the Sidereal Vernal Point or Aries Point moves gradually as the Earth wobbles on its axis. Currently, the SVP is at 5 degrees Pisces on the sidereal zodiac. Hence, the tropical sign Aries begins in the sidereal sign Pisces. And as the Earth wobbles, the SVP is moving backwards toward Aquarius -- hence "the Age of Aquarius." About 2,000 years ago, the tropical signs aligned with the sidereal signs. Now they have precessed backwards by about 23 degrees. And for that matter, so has Christmas.

    We don't adjust Christmas one day every 70 years but sure enough, eventually, Dec. 25 will fall in the middle of Northern Hemisphere summer, with no help from global warming.

    So, hear ye, hear ye! Vedic astrologers use the the sidereal zodiac, and most Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac. They have different purposes, and different philosophies. Both zodiacs work. Most Western astrologers are familiar with their sidereal chart -- it tells a different story, and can reveal deeper tendencies you may have noticed but not named. I'm a Pisces in tropical astrology but an Aquarius in sidereal astrology. If you're curious, cast your sidereal chart and see where the planets show up.

    As for Ophiuchus. This is an old hoax. Historically, Ophiuchus has never been listed as a constellation in the sidereal zodiac. It is a constellation out there, but it's off the ecliptic (that is, it's not along the path of the Sun through the sky). I've read that Ptolemy mentions it in his literature as an off-zodiac constellation, meaning that the Sun never travels through it. In any event, there are some two dozen constellations that touch the ecliptic; but the sidereal zodiac uses just 12 of them.

    The origin of the hoax is a sci-fi author named John Sladek -- a satire writer who died in 2000. Sladek liked to prank astrology, and he has a whole novel about a fictitious 13th sign based on Ophiuchus he called Arachne that was "suppressed by the scientific community." The Ophiuchus hoax first made its rounds in the late 1990s and pops up again like those emails from the guy in Nigeria who wants you to send him your bank account number so he can transfer $15 million your way.

    Yours & truly,


    Post last edited Mar 19th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  10. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 19th 2011



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    • Post n°98
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. Andromeda Today at 6:42 am

    [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    • Post n°99
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 10:45 am
    Mercuriel wrote: Mercuriel is a Virgo in the Horoscope with 12 Signs and a Leo apparently in the more Ancient Horoscope of 13 Signs which includes Ophiuchus...

    Good choice of Words

    So is LORD TRANCOSO...




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    • Post n°100
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Today at 12:46 am

    Another day ends...a new chapter begins...

    I spoke with Kerry today and I am glad to inform everyone that the 7 bans have been lifted, all Thubans...and also arctourist's.
    Tommy even went beyond as to unban Trancoso in case he wishes to post there again.

    What had transpired in the course of that thread was unknown to her, but now she's been made aware of the situation and she decided to resurrect the thread from where Steve had buried it and it is now under the Space, Et's and Ufo's section of the forum.

    As far as the mods who remain...I'm sure her and Tommy will remind them to practice common sense and to always act in accordance with the true Spirit of their mission.

    I am glad to see that Kerry won't let anyone become the next "Richard" at Project Camelot. [​IMG]

    In the Vesica,

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    • Post n°101
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] mudra Today at 2:01 am
    SuiGeneris wrote: Another day ends...a new chapter begins...

    I spoke with Kerry today and I am glad to inform everyone that the 7 bans have been lifted, all Thubans...and also arctourist's.
    Tommy even went beyond as to unban Trancoso in case he wishes to post there again.

    What had transpired in the course of that thread was unknown to her, but now she's been made aware of the situation and she decided to resurrect the thread from where Steve had buried it and it is now under the Space, Et's and Ufo's section of the forum.

    As far as the mods who remain...I'm sure her and Tommy will remind them to practice common sense and to always act in accordance with the true Spirit of their mission.

    I am glad to see that Kerry won't let anyone become the next "Richard" at Project Camelot. [​IMG]

    In the Vesica,

    Sui [​IMG]

    As I saw it so it is.
    Long life to Camelot .
    Blessings on your journey Thubans and Love for you dear Sui.
    Your turned shadows into Light.


    Love from me

    Do not walk behind me; I may not lead.
    Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow.
    Walk beside me, that we may be as One.

    We are Living One Vibrational Energy



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    • Post n°102
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 4:25 am

    Thats good news. We should all be getting along right? After all this should not be about personalities. Now if Bill would just like to unban everyone from the old and the new Avalon, officially label Charles as a trouble causing fool etc etc etc lol.
    Good on yer Camelot.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees


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    • Post n°103
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 6:25 am
    I am glad that you all have found a win win solution! [​IMG]

    Lets just hope that Chakra also see sense and stop promoting St Germain teachings as the only thing. After all Charles says he works for St Germain...I still wonder if Chakra and Charles are connected [​IMG]



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    • Post n°104
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:40 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Tommy even went beyond as to unban Trancoso in case he wishes to post there again.

    I tried to log in but got this message:
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    Posts: 4686
    Join date: 2010-04-08
    Location: Hawaii
    • Post n°105
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 12:52 pm
    Floyd wrote: Thats good news. We should all be getting along right? After all this should not be about personalities. Now if Bill would just like to unban everyone from the old and the new Avalon, officially label Charles as a trouble causing fool etc etc etc lol.
    Good on yer Camelot.

    Bill will still be at Avalon. I'm afraid it is too little to late for me with Avalon.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Post last edited Mar 21st 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015

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