Strawman_-_The_Nature_of_the_Cage_(OFFICIAL)(360p) video Strawman_-_The_Nature_of_the_Cage_(OFFICIAL)(360p) Strawman_-_The_Nature_of_the_Cage_(OFFICIAL)(360p) Login; Password Reset; Username or Email …
Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL) LONDON BRIDGE OFFICIAL! NEW CHRISTIAN 21! FREQUENCY FENCE! FLARE UPDATE! McAllister TV 1,072 Bekeken Queen Elizabeth Dead, Operation Unicorn, Justice Roberts Aide To Retire,
A POEM BY MIKA RASILA Mika Rasila we can fight through their forces or remain here as slaves we can lie to ourselves and say it's okay If you kill you'll be hunted They can never be wrong They'll say you're the problem They'll say you're a threat Their media will hound you They hedge every bet People will frustrate, what does it take? Did you think they will let you correct their mistakes? Your tracked by your papers They know how you hate They care about nothing till you retaliate They lie and they push you Deny and they taunt They do what controls you whatever they want How many keys to the plantation gates will you try till finally sovereignty comes to mind Until you no longer comply and deny your support Their admiralty pirates Can't force you to court You'll always be wanted Their slaves will agree But what they don't know Is what lets you be free. Never inform on yourself, be sovereign, lose the name, be entitled