Stephen Cocconi 14h · More on the cult of celebrity and the pseudo credibility of sport. America Ruined College Football. Now College Football Is Ruining America. - The Atlantic THEATLANTIC.COM America Ruined College Football. Now College Football Is Ruining America. Coaches shouldn’t be senators. 3 Comments Active Susan Lynne Schwenger do you think that people under the spells of cults / sports etc; are even going to grasp the depth of that article ? Like Reply 3h Edited Active Susan Lynne Schwenger sooner or later; people will realize they were given sports 'n entertainment, and, circus to keep them busy/and, distracted Like Reply 3h Active Write a reply… Active Susan Lynne Schwenger my own mother preferred to watch the academy awards then to have a conversation with her own kids - celebrity worship is a huge problem - paying people millions of dollars to play sports / or ; wear running shoes/or labels for track clothes etc.. is a very huge problem - which ironically; people are so dense they don;t realize that is why some brands of foot wear are so expensive - and; yet; kids make them in sweat shops - and; some of the sports people are double digit millionaires - the whole world is a bit of a mess