SpaceCowboy - Posted Mar 31st 2011 Greetings dragon wannabees, I've spent 5 minutes looking around your forum and I must say not a bad cave, or at least from the outside it looks nice. But what makes everyone here want to go there? Based on the views it doesn't appear there are very many people here. Translation....the place is a goddamn bore. Post last edited May 3rd 2011
My Posts Posts: 91 Allisiam - Posted Apr 1st 2011 Looks like you have pie on your face there SC. *giggles*
Posts: 91 Allisiam - Posted Apr 1st 2011 My Posts Posts: 1 ziazian - Posted Apr 1st 2011 Welcome Cowboy , Post last edited Apr 1st 2011
My Posts Posts: 13 Jonah - Posted Apr 1st 2011 tsk tsk Mr. Boy. Welcome to the mirror. Now take a good look. And tell all what you see.
Posts: 13 Jonah - Posted Apr 1st 2011 tsk tsk Mr. Boy. Welcome to the mirror. Now take a good look. And tell all what you see. My Posts Posts: 91 Allisiam - Posted Apr 2nd 2011 Have Some Succubus Pie Sweety 1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. Welcome to my harem, Raven Post last edited Apr 2nd 2011
Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 3rd 2011 WITH ABRAXASINA - ANUBIS ------ ANUBIA - ABRAXASINAS Howdy SpaceCowboy and Welcome in the Cave of the Dragons from Alpha Draconis! WHO is the Grave dug for in the Necropolis of the Great Pyramid? Or is it for a tomb in the Pyramidal Chambers! Could it be for the SpaceCake Baker Maker!? Phoenix SpaceCowboy wrote: You can kill my account on your forum. I created a bogus email when signing up and won't ever go back to it so I'll never see any replies. And it's just too lame. My offer is open if you want the traffic. Saturday, 02 April 2011 02:59 Arachne wrote: Dear SpaceCowboy! Why would i kill your account? You are a registered member there and can do as you please. Your offer is appreciated and again you can do as you please in this regard. You do not need to ask for permissions. All 'Thubans' are sovereign individuals and can do as they please. There are three levels of consciousness dear friend and in 343 parts. These parts are distributed in 7+49+287 and so in 2% and 14.3% and in 83.7%. You might call these as Super(Christ) Consciousness and Super Consciousness and Waking Consciousness respectively. Your interaction here cannot atm discern the lower percentages, but they exist within you. Therefore can i call you a friend; even as the waking states of mind make it appear otherwise. Thank You SpaceCowboy for your email Phoenix Saturday, 02 April 2011 13:44 SpaceCowboy wrote: Keep it open then I don't really care. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be going back thus I wouldn't see any replies to respond to. Dude what the hells wrong with your forum? It's embarrassing. You've had it open a long time and you're 3 and 1/2 dragons strong. That's f ucking pathetic. Dump the dragon thing it isn't working for you. Sunday, 03 April 2011 00:06 Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011