Mika of The Family Rasila read my my book for free as it should be. SOVEREIGN-TRUTH.COM Sovereign Citizen (book)
Mika Rasila November 15, 2022 · I've decided to make my book free to download from my website since amazon wants government ID I won't be letting them know anything about me and since I don't have any anyway. I will be canceling my amazon account today. Check my site later today for your free pdf copy by clicking on the book cover. It should be done later today or you can just go get a copy tomorrow for sure. I never wanted to charge for it anyway, It's bad karma to profit from the truth. The truth needs to be given freely and what better payment can I get than showing the world how they can be rid of government tyranny for free? If you want to donate something I only ask that the next time you see someone on the street who is hungry buy them a sandwich or something. Love is all we can do anymore. I will never have a bank account again or any ID so my life is determined by what I can provide and if that day ever comes that I can no longer support myself by helping people I will just die but as long as the book is being passed around I have hope that it will help a lot of people even after my time here is over.
Mika Rasila · If for whatever reason I am no longer posting I will have found my fate and it won't be an accident. I will have left this world in various ways. I may have found myself in the woods as a man tired of the system of corruption and greed or I may have made a boat and drifted off to sea or I may have changed my identity entirely and become a guy who works for hollywood and lives on a beach eating caught fish, or I may have gone to my cave, it's possible that I just got tired of being anywhere and moved to nowhere so I could live with the fairies and trolls somewhere in the back of my mind but regardless of where I decide to go even if I am no longer here I will always be here in memory. I may even leave this world by death at some point and that is okay too. No one here gets out alive. But one thing I do know is that I have done my part to awaken as many willing people as I could in the last 30 years that I have been what people call a truther or a conspiracy theorist. But now I am tired, I've seen enough, I've done enough, The world is soon going to become something I can no longer stand to look at. I quit participating a long time ago and hoped others would join me but they kept doing what why were told. You will always remember me as the guy who never did what he was told. That is enough isn't it?