Song For The Earth

Discussion in 'GAIA-MOTHER EARTH, PLANT & MINERAL KINGDOM' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 18, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Song for the Earth;
    May peace be upon the Earth
    May Her beauty
    Be within me and radiate from me
    May I shine with Her light
    May She shine from my eyes
    May I speak from out of Her silence
    May She resonate from within my voice
    May I merge with Her lands
    May She flow without ceasing through my body and my hands
    May I never be separate from Her:
    From Her forest and Her mountains,
    From Her lakes, Her rivers, Her seas,
    From her silence and Her mysteries.
    May every breath take me deeper within Her wisdom
    And may I always share in joyful Celebration
    With all those who are close to Her.
    This is an extract from "Twenty-Five Earthzone Spirits"
    By William R. Mistele

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