Small Rafts

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 9, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    On this day in 1947, 07 aug 1947

    Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl
    completed his 101-day journey
    approximately 4,300 miles
    across the Pacific from Peru to French Polynesia
    on a homemade raft built only with balsa logs and hemp rope
    — proving that ancient peoples could have made the same astonishing voyage.

    Fascinated by the similarities between Indigenous South American
    and French Polynesian cultures, Heyerdahl theorized that
    long before anyone from the West had managed to contact
    the inhabitants of the islands in the South Pacific,
    seafarers from South America used primitive rafts
    to travel all the way there.

    But despite Heyerdahl's accomplishment,
    the scientific establishment remained unconvinced by his theory,
    though various versions of his ideas are widely accepted today.

    Learn more about the daring adventures of Thor Heyerdahl:


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