Secret Letters Sent To Veteran In Usa, From X-pat, Usa Patriot Living Aboard

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 2, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    FOOD FOR THOUGHT – 7/1/2022
    The following was written by an anonymous lunatic patriot that sometimes sends me letters,
    I don't know how he found me; I think he lives in the Caribbean now and just comes to visit America;

    It was interesting so I thought I would post it just for fun!
    What can we do about the obvious attack from the inside, yes the inside,
    on our people and indeed the people of the entire world?

    You know us old soldiers are part of this mess because we followed orders instead of simply saying hell no
    I am not killing innocent people for you. Just like those "policemen" did in Germany during that genocidal act
    that we attempted to put off as the "past" that is now on us once again.
    We have to not only speak up but "demand" this attempted genocide be stopped.

    If we do not we are going to lose millions of people, in fact, we already have.

    We sat back and allowed over 63,459,781 babies to be murdered since 1973,
    did you know that?

    Have we gotten so used to murdering our own that it just doesn't seem to matter anymore?

    We look back in horror at the holocaust
    and we have allowed it to continue with fervor right in front of our eyes and even applauded it
    and so many are this day fighting to continue it,
    not even realizing it is still legal in many, many places touted as legal abortion and now our own government,
    the protector of the "world" is murdering us
    with a known concoction on a daily basis that has already killed thousands of people and kills more every day.
    Slavery and human trafficking are rampant and touted to be one of the largest businesses on the planet,
    a trillion-dollar a year business, and yet it is allowed to take place with little effort to stop it.

    In fact, if you try to expose it you could end up committing suicide.

    Have we become so callous to the evil that it means nothing to us as long as it doesn't affect us?

    Well it is affecting us and we still do nothing about it; so I guess we agree with it?
    It is time we attended every meeting we can and speak out about this genocide and all the other atrocities
    being perpetrated against us/we the people and demand our, so-called, leaders, stop it immediately;

    if you haven't noticed, they control our so-called police, just like they did in Germany and we are just as afraid
    of them now as they were back then. No more killer vaccines, in fact, no vaccines at all and leave our children alone.

    Our bodies are ours, they do not belong to the state or anyone else, they are ours, and we have laws
    that are supposed to protect us from being assaulted and we need to assure they are upheld at all costs but of course,
    those policemen are going to save us, aren't they?

    Perhaps our leaders should actually use "their/our" police to protect us and arrest those trying to kill us,
    like those jabbing us with a killer concoction, oh, that's right, they are protecting those giving the shots
    not those receiving it, how could I make that mistake!

    Have you noticed they have put up large signs in our neighborhoods touting these killers as heroes
    and even trying to get them to believe it?

    Our wonderful nurses are being asked to infect us with killer connections; can you believe that,
    and they will lose their jobs, just like the policemen in Germany so long ago if they don't do it,
    or us soldiers that would be "court marshalled" if we didn't kill our fellow humans, on order?
    I just visited the VA and they made me wear a mask; can you believe that?

    They put us in danger in every way you can imagine and now force us to wear a mask
    that has been proven over and over again
    as useless and in fact does more harm than good in many cases.

    But, we are all old there and useless in their eyes now
    (useless eaters) I suppose so the more of us they can kill the fewer they have to continue benefits for;
    do you think that's the case; who knows what they are thinking.

    It is obvious they are trying their best to get us to take a vaccine / killer shot so who knows...

    Genocide is in the air, literally!
    They teach fear, have you noticed that?

    Fear this, fear that, fear everything and stay in your homes and rot away until it is time to bury you
    and if you don't mind dig a big enough hole in your yard that we can throw you in
    with as little trouble as possible, please.
    This is insane!
    From a crazy Patriot!!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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