Schwenger Family Tree

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 12, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chas H. Schwenger
    aka Carl Heinrich
    aka Charles Henry Heinrich "Carl Heinrich
    aka Charles Henry Schwenger" Schwenger

    Chas H. Schwenger - was on his HOTEL Building

    Birth: Mar 15 1863 - Stuttgart, Stuttgart, BW, Germany

    Death: Aug 14 1929 - Hamilton, Hamilton Division, ON, Canada

    his mother was: Maria Sophia Schwenger - Hetzinger (NATAL: Schwenger)

    Gender: Female

    Birth: May 24, 1841

    Baden Wurttemberg,, Germany, BW, Germany

    Death: 1870 (28-29)

    Schorndorf, Stuttgart, BW, Germany (childbirth)

    Immediate Family:

    Daughter of Johann Michael Schwenger and
    Elisabetha Catharina Greiner - Schwenger

    Wife of Fridolin Hetzinger
    and {unknown father of Charles Henry Schwenger***}
    *** might be the man she worked for / a person of note

    Mother of
    Fritz Johannes Hezinger - Schwenger
    (important NOTE he might not have legally been using last name schwenger)
    and, half brother:
    Carl Heinrich aka Charles Henry Schwenger

    Maria Sophia Schwenger - Hetzinger (NATAL: Schwenger)
    Sister of Elise Schwenger - Schneider

    • Maria Sophia Schwenger Hetzinger,
      Carl Heinrich aka Charles Henry Schwenger
      , {unknown father of Charles Henry Schwenger}
      August 14, 1929
      Ontario Death Record
      - Charles Henry SCHWENGER
      aka Chas H SCHWENGER
      age 67 born 15/31/1863 Stuttgard, Germany
      49 years in Canada
      father - not known mother
      Marie Sophia SCHWENGER (born Oberurback, Germany)
      Information provided by Barbara Rosina SCHWENGER wife
      Died 14/8/1929
      Cause of death Cirrhosis of the Liver
      Buried 16/8/1929 Hamilton Cemetery

      Uploaded on:
      December 19, 2020 at 8:58 A

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    recordfix1a. recordfix1b.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    if he die
    and, notes say he was 49 years in canada
    then he must of come to canada around 1880 ?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    schwengerhotel_large. \
    left to right
    1 Great Grandfather Karl or Carl Necker
    2 Barbary aka Katherine Barbara Rosine Necker-Schwenger
    from Waldenbuch, near Stuttgart, Germany.
    3 Baby in Arms - Bert aka Bertha Louise Rosine Schwenger - Temple
    4 Albert Heinrich aka Albert Henry Schwenger my youngest brother
    5 Unknown Man in doorway
    6 small body behind post - Judge William Frederick Schwenger later Judge Schwenger
    7 Unknown Man in doorway
    8 man in white uncle August George Gotthilf Fredrick Friedrich Necker, mother's brother. He was our bartender
    9 man in grey hat behind Carl my father, Carl Heinrich aka Charles Henry Schwenger proprietor
    10 karl aka Carl Edward Schwenger aka Charles (aka karl) edward schwenger, became chief engineer of Toronto Hydro
    11 dog foxterrier.. Bob, a great ratter
    12 unknown
    13 unknown
    14 unknown
    all are unknown

    • THE HAMILTON LIBRARY advised that Bertha Louise Temple
      donated pictures of The Schwenger Hotelfamily genelogy was on the back of it
      it said; that 'katherine rosine aka 'barbara' necker* (nicker) had a father visiting
      the bartender of "the Chas schwenger hotel' was her brother,
      known, as "August Necker" which surfaced 2 records (see below)
      record # 1
      #017575-00 : Ernest MAIER, 29, butcher, Germany, Hamilton, s/o Fred MAIER & A. FRUGERLAND, married Maulda SCHULER, 18, Detroit Mich., Hamilton, d/o George SCHULER & Bertha SCHORHENEDE (?), witnesses were August NECKER & Minnie HAY or HAP, both of Hamilton, 4 Sep 1900, at Hamilton
      record # 2
      #017502-00 - August NECKER, 23, tinsmith, Germany, Hamilton, s/o *Carl NECKER & Rosina ECKHARDT, married Louisa DUNEMANN, 22, Canada, Hamilton, d/o Heinrich DUNEMANN & Elizabeth HEINBUCH, witn: Carl HAMAN & Clara DRUMM, both of Hamilton, 29 Sept 1900 at Hamilton (Lutheran)
      *the mother of katherine rosine aka barbara necker - schwenger was Rosina Eckhardt
      and, her husband: was grosvater /grossvater / Großvater = Grandfather Karl or Carl Necker
      The Schwenger hotel was on the west side of McNab Street North…at 41 McNab Street North
      across from the old Market Square.
      The Connaught Hotel was built after the Waldorf was demolished.
      Prior to the Royal Connaught, it was the Waldorf Hotel that was located on the south side of King Street East, between John and Catharine. I have attached an image, taken in 1899 by Charles S Cochran. The Waldorf was opened in 1898 and demolished in
      I will forward a list of names from the back of the Schwenger Hotel picture…
      I received it from the donor of the picture.
      These names were provided by the donor’s mother (Bertha Louise Rosine Schwenger)- Temple in 1973.
      left to right (by Bertha Temple 1973)
      1 elderly man..could be grosvater Grandfather Karl or Carl Necker who was in Canada about that time.
      (Karl Christian Necker)
      he was father of Mrs Chas Schwenger (my mother) Katherine Rosine Necker - Schwenger
      from Waldenbuch, near Stuttgart, Germany.
      2 baby in arms.. myself Bert aka Bertha Louise Rosine Schwenger - Temple
      later married to Alex N. Temple (their son, was Finlay aka Finn Temple)
      3 lady in mother Mrs. Chas Schwenger wife of proprietor = Barbary aka Katherine Barbara Rosine Necker-Schwenger
      4 small boy.. Albert Heinrich aka Albert Henry Schwenger my youngest brother
      5 UNKNOWN
      6 small boy behind post.. Judge William Frederick Schwenger later Judge Schwenger
      7 unknown
      8 man in white uncle August George Gotthilf Fredrick Friedrich Necker, mother's brother. He was our bartender
      9 man in grey hat behind Carl my father, Carl Heinrich aka Charles Henry Schwenger proprietor
      10 boy next to bartender / Carl Edward Schwenger, became chief engineer of Toronto Hydro (STANDS in front of his dad #9)
      11 dog foxterrier.. Bob, a great ratter
      men 12, 13, 14 = NOT known
      and, the picture is missing a family member
      Catherine(Kate) Marie Schwenger... (who was a single lady)
      others in picture unknown to me
      If you have any questions about this response or our service, please respond to this email. Thank you.
      Laura Lamb | Archives Technician | Local History & Archives | Hamilton Public Library |
      (links to photograph in next posting
      Susan Lynne Schwenger February 5, 2013 at 1:51 PM
      Got some photographs of the Schwenger Hotel
      (don't know where to upload them too)
      Details of Hotel & Photograph
      The Schwenger Hotel stood is now part of Gage Park in Hamilton.
      For many years apparently, the name of the hotel was still seen on the sidewalk
      where the name had been engraved into the sidewalk.
      A number of years ago, however they replaced the sidewalk and the slab
      with the name was removed.
      I’ve no idea if it was saved for the local historical museum
      or was just broken up and thrown away.
      (story told by Kathryn Schwenger - great great grandaughter, daughter of Wallace Schwenger)

      properly tagged as to who is who on:
      Geni - Photos in Photos of Carl Heinrich aka Charles Henry Schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    mother birth place
    Waldenbuch, Stuttgart, BW, 71111, Germany

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