Sabian Symbols

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 13, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    This Oracle uses the original Sabian symbols as created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler in 1925.

    The simplicity and poetic nature of the symbols' word images can be very useful in helping one to tap into the universal consciousness providing guidance on day to day matters and current situations.


    Take a moment to centre yourself and formulate your question.

    Clarity is key.

    Steer away from phrasing your question so as to receive a "yes" or "no" answer,
    but rather, and for best results, request insight or wisdom into the situation
    or circumstance that you are asking about.

    An example of how to choose to word your question might be:

    "All things being considered and for the highest
    and best good please show me what I need to know about ___________
    (the situation about which you are inquiring)."

    As you hold your question click the "Get Sabian Symbol" button below.

    The immediate impression of the word images is important.

    Allow the images to work with your own intuitive and creative imagination,

    and with gratitude in advance, lead you to the answer and understanding you seek.

    The added appended commentary may also help you discover new and useful insight to your query.

    Blain Bovee Sabian Symbols - Bovee Astrology

    be sure to visit his site at:

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Capricorn Symbols

    Capricorn 1
    Sabian Symbol: An Indian chief is standing before the assembled powwow of tribes and demands recognition coldly and regally.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man, armed , rising out of the earth.

    Capricorn 2
    Sabian Symbol: Three stained glass windows in an old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by bombardment.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A revolving disc of light, red centre surrounded by a black rim. The colours are pure and distinct.

    Capricorn 3
    Sabian Symbol: The human soul is visualized as a hovering spirit eager and receptive to the lessons to be learned from life.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old man seated on a throne in the clouds with his right foot on a sword. A large bright star is above his head and two pillars of light are on either side.

    Capricorn 4
    Sabian Symbol: A group of merry-makers are embarking in a large canoe on the magic little lantern-lit lake at the resort.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Persephone rising gracefully from the under to the upper world. The sun is shining, and the surrounding country is rich in fields of corn, fruits, birds, and flowers, whilst butterflies are sporting round her head.

    Capricorn 5
    Sabian Symbol: An American Indian encampment rests by the side of a canoe-filled stream and on shore the war dance commences.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A winged urn from which water is pouring on to the parched earth. Where the water falls vegetation springs forth luxuriantly.

    Capricorn 6
    Sabian Symbol: A dark archway in the forest leads to greater depths and darkness beyond, in its shade lie an even ten logs.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A traveler walking up a long forest rise, the path surrounded by dense gnarled trees. It is approaching evening, and the way is long and gloomy, but at the top can be seen a star within a wreath of fine clouds illuminating a beautiful blue sky.

    Capricorn 7
    Sabian Symbol: A highly sophisticated magic ritual is displayed with the central figure is a heavily veiled prophet of power.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A harp with broken strings, a scowling face above it.

    Capricorn 8
    Sabian Symbol: A huge living room in an old fashioned mansion is flooded with sunlight and the canaries are singing loudly.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman looking on an empty cradle in an attitude of deep grief, the figure of a child near her, surrounded by a bright light, striving to pierce the gloom of her atmosphere.

    Capricorn 9
    Sabian Symbol: There is a vast stretch of heavenly realm and across it an angel carrying a harp comes leisurely but surely.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man lying half asleep in a field, a veiled figure behind him with upraised hand.

    Capricorn 10
    Sabian Symbol: On the deck of an old fashioned sailing ship seamen are taming an albatross that feeds from their hands.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A glimmering light stealing into an armory, on the walls of which hang polished implements of war.

    Capricorn 11
    Sabian Symbol: In a quiet and landscaped portion of a vast private estate a group of pheasants display their brilliant colors.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An armed man riding on a lion, below him a scarabaeus; above, a mailed hand grasping an iron rod
    Capricorn 12
    Sabian Symbol: A student of nature is lecturing and conjures up dancing pictures of distant wonders before each listener.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man in full armour, visor up, holding his two hands on the hilt of his sword, the point of which pierces the ground.

    Capricorn 13
    Sabian Symbol: Back against the mountains towards the East that fringe the roof of the world a fire-worshipper is meditating.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A sublime spirit of female form holding by the hand a poorly attired child coming from the darkness into the mists and ascending from the mists into the light.

    Capricorn 14
    Sabian Symbol: A vast pile of Mayan ruins in tropical America discloses a perfectly preserved bas-relief carved in the granite.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman in a drapery establishment, the table crowded with articles of dress, none of which please her.

    Capricorn 15
    Sabian Symbol: It is the children's ward in the hospital with an abundance of toys, books and gifts for the youngsters.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hand extended, on which is resting a triangle, from which rays of light are issuing.

    Capricorn 16
    Sabian Symbol: The high school grounds are alive with fresh new vitality as the boys appear in their gymnasium suits.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A number of books floating near a coast land rich in vegetation and floral charm, with beautiful grottos rising from the blue sea.

    Capricorn 17
    Sabian Symbol: A mature but long repressed young woman is bathing surreptitiously in the nude and finding a release in spirit.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A flood of deep blue light which, gradually becoming more and more refined, fades away altogether.

    Capricorn 18
    Sabian Symbol: From the proud new warship of Britannia in token of her maritime power flies the Union Jack in calm dignity.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A silver-hued garment lying in the mud. Overhead are the dark clouds of an approaching storm.

    Capricorn 19
    Sabian Symbol: A little miss of about five has gone to the market with a huge shopping bag and is quite as adult as anybody.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A large crab with its claws imbedded in a seal.

    Capricorn 20
    Sabian Symbol: There is no service in the church but rising full and clear come the voices of a hidden choir in rehearsal.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A girl carrying a bowl of water into which are reflected the rays of the setting sun. All around is darkness
    Capricorn 21
    Sabian Symbol: Excitement fills the grandstands during the relay race as each runner springs to his place with eagerness.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The head of a goat with the solar disc between its horns.

    Capricorn 22
    Sabian Symbol: The defeated general yields up his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is real success.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hawk standing on a square black rock bathed in the rays of the rising sun.

    Capricorn 23
    Sabian Symbol: The army is erect in a long faultless line as resplendent officers confer upon a private two awards for bravery.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A dog, holding a bird in his mouth, running across a field of daisies.

    Capricorn 24
    Sabian Symbol: The convent lies between gnarled old trees as a very picture of peace and a woman approaches this sure haven.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Three quivering arrows speeding towards a kneeling maiden, but before they reach her they crumble to atoms against a mighty hand which suddenly descends from the heavens.

    Capricorn 25
    Sabian Symbol: The little boys are welcomed to the store of the genial Oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man, gaudily attired, opening a document in the centre of which is a dagger.

    Capricorn 26
    Sabian Symbol: In a little glade never trod by the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a carefree water-sprite.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman lifting from the ground an injured child.

    Capricorn 27
    Sabian Symbol: A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and quiet way ahead.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman, neatly dressed, seated on an old-fashioned chair, looking out of a cottage window on to a pretty little garden. Her face expresses pleasant contemplation.

    Capricorn 28
    Sabian Symbol: A large aviary built as a wing of a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contented feathered citizens.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An athlete throwing a large iron quoit and disregarding a wild, ill-conditioned dog who is barking at him.

    Capricorn 29
    Sabian Symbol: Afternoon tea is served in a gypsy parlor patronized by socialites and here a young lady reads the tea leaves.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A dismantled fortress in ruins; near-by, an old man sitting on the ground, his back resting against a rock, with a sacred book beside him. His face expresses great sadness.

    Capricorn 30
    Sabian Symbol: In the mahogany-paneled and magnificently furnished directors' room a secret business conference has begun.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A meteorite falling on a mountain-top.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Aries Symbols

    Aries 1
    Sabian Symbol: A woman has risen from the water, a seal has emerged also, and is embracing her.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A ball of fire bursting across a rainbow.

    Aries 2
    Sabian Symbol: A comedian is entertaining a group of friends.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man with a sword in his hand falling through a skylight of coloured glass.

    Aries 3
    Sabian Symbol: A cameo profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A prince saving a child from a burning castle.

    Aries 4
    Sabian Symbol: Two lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A mailed hand holding a dagger with a bent point.

    Aries 5
    Sabian Symbol: A white triangle with golden wings.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A feudal knight in full armor standing on the walls of his castle defying a multitude of armed people. A mysterious figure at the back of the crowd strikes a note on a curious six-stringed harp, the massive walls crumble and fall, and the defier is at the mercy of the defied.

    Aries 6
    Sabian Symbol: A black square stands firmly, illumined red on one side.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A metalsmith in his workshop fixing a silver caduceus of Mercury in a base of copper. Around are scattered various metals and instruments.

    Aries 7
    Sabian Symbol: A man comes forward flushed with the successful and simultaneous expression of himself in two separate realms.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man saving himself from falling into a deep cavern by clutching a wild rose-tree. The thorns cut into his flesh but the plant supports him.

    Aries 8
    Sabian Symbol: A large old-fashioned woman's hat with streamers flying in a stiff breeze from the east.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A silver axe shattering a shield of iron.

    Aries 9
    Sabian Symbol: A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A Roman general gaudily appareled receiving a wreath of flowers from an empress.

    Aries 10
    Sabian Symbol: A savant is revealed, a man who has created new forms for old symbols that have lost their meanings.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A ship illumined with the rosy rays of morning sailing towards the rising sun.

    Aries 11
    Sabian Symbol: The president of the republic or ruler of his country is presented.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A little child tying a ribbon round a lamb's neck, the flock playfully frolicking around.

    Aries 12
    Sabian Symbol: A flock of white geese in flight overhead.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A druid cutting the acorn from the sacred oak with a sickle of silver.

    Aries 13
    Sabian Symbol: A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A bright steel cross-sword with a handle of gleaming copper, above it a heart of gold from which stream shafts of golden light.

    Aries 14
    Sabian Symbol: A serpent is circling a man and woman who are very engrossed in each other.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man standing on a mountain gazing sadly on the valley below, where some men are fighting for a bag of gold whilst a monkey is eating their food. On his right is the spirit of Truth; on his left the spirit of Love; behind him, holding on to his garment, is the spirit of Hate.

    Aries 15
    Sabian Symbol: An Indian is silently but deftly weaving a basket in the light of the setting sun.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A Crusading knight with red cross on white corselet sinking in the quicksands, an Arab mocking at him from the safe ground he has left

    Aries 16
    Sabian Symbol: Brightly clad brownies are seen dancing in the warm dying light.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Wild flowers growing amidst the corn in a sunlit field.

    Aries 17
    Sabian Symbol: Two prim spinsters are sitting together quietly.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A beautiful woman, richly dressed, reclining on a couch, with fruits and golden vessels around her. At her hand, on an ornate table of white marble, lies an opened book.

    Aries 18
    Sabian Symbol: An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The goddess Venus holding out her hands to a wounded soldier, who is painfully trying to reach her.

    Aries 19
    Sabian Symbol: A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of everyday life in an industrial area.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A harp resting against an altar, from which a volume of smoke arises.

    Aries 20
    Sabian Symbol: A young girl is seen feeding the swans in a sheltered public park.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A blacksmith hammering a piece of red-hot iron on an anvil.

    Aries 21
    Sabian Symbol: A pugilist flushed with life and strength is entering the ring.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man struggling with a fierce serpent whilst others armed with large knives are hurrying to aid him.

    Aries 22
    Sabian Symbol: A handsome grilled gateway opens to the garden of all desired things.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A pilgrim crossing himself in front of an ancient temple, an overdressed official and a soldier mocking him.

    Aries 23
    Sabian Symbol: A woman clothed in the delicate tints of early spring is seen carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled burden.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A king absorbed in the flatteries of a courtier whose mistress is stealing important documents from a drawer.

    Aries 24
    Sabian Symbol: An open window of an old-fashioned room is seen, the net curtain blowing inward into the shape of a cornucopia
    Kozminsky Symbol: A youth grasping a beautiful woman, who turns into a skeleton in his arms.

    Aries 25
    Sabian Symbol: A double promise is revealed by some suggestive event of both immediate or literal and sentimental significance.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old man with a scythe cutting down a field of nettles.

    Aries 26
    Sabian Symbol: A man is seen burning to incandescent heat with the wealth of that which he has to give.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The governor of a city surrendering the keys to a dark frowning conqueror.

    Aries 27
    Sabian Symbol: A panorama of blending events out of the past shows the regaining of lost opportunity through the imagination.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A huge hour-glass, the sands in which are running low.

    Aries 28
    Sabian Symbol: A large audience is seen rejoicing in some disillusionment to which it has just been subjected.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lapidary holding in his hand a magnificent amethyst, at which he gazes admiringly.

    Aries 29
    Sabian Symbol: A celestial choir has arisen to sing.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An artist laying a mosaic pavement in a large public building. He works slowly and with great patience.

    Aries 30
    Sabian Symbol: A duck pond is revealed, on which a young brood of ducklings are disporting themselves.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man endeavoring to subdue a raging forest fire with a pail of water.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Taurus Symbols

    Taurus 1
    Sabian Symbol: A clear mountain stream flows steadily through a rocky defile.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A grey vapour surrounding a bush of red roses upon which is a brilliantly coloured butterfly.
    Taurus 2
    Sabian Symbol: A brilliant electrical display illuminates the heavens and the forests beneath.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A heart crowned on the summit of a barren rock jutting out of the ocean--a bevy of white sea-birds speeding towards it from the east in crescent form.
    Taurus 3
    Sabian Symbol: A beautiful expanse shows natural steps leading upward to a lawn of clover in full bloom.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man tossing handfuls of seed to the earth, which, as soon as they touch, fructify and incline towards him.
    Taurus 4
    Sabian Symbol: The rainbow's pot of gold is revealed in the midst of a shower of sparkling and flashing colors.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The arena of a circus during a night performance, the ringmaster in the centre urging forward the movements of a large white horse galloping round the ring, a lady gymnast standing on the animal's back holding a hoop of fire.
    Taurus 5
    Sabian Symbol: A youthful widow, fresh and soul-cleansed from grief, kneels at a grave to receive the secret of eternal life.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two young men carrying huge bunches of large grapes on a pole between them, giving freely of the fruit to troops of children.
    Taurus 6
    Sabian Symbol: A delicate cantilever bridge is in process of construction across a high narrow gorge.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A judge in his robes of office handing a book to a student, who is stretching out his hands to receive it.
    Taurus 7
    Sabian Symbol: Out of the past comes the woman of Samaria to draw water from Jacob's well.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A beautiful white swan swimming on a smooth lake edged by lilies and grasses and pretty little wild flowers.
    Taurus 8
    Sabian Symbol: A sleigh with all the suggestive warmth of the winter season speeds over ground on which the snow is yet to fall.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A leafless tree, on a plain, bending before a violent gale of wind, which whistles wildly through the branches.
    Taurus 9
    Sabian Symbol: A Christmas tree, bending with its weight of gifts, is illuminated at the end of a vast darkened hall.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A farmer driving a cart filled with fruit, at which birds are pecking.
    Taurus 10
    Sabian Symbol: A pretty lass in Red Cross uniform is hurrying about the duties that a warm sympathy has dictated.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A daintily dressed woman sitting by a placid lake, gazing intently at a man's face reflected in the water.
    Taurus 11
    Sabian Symbol: A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A monk on a rocky road giving drink and food to a poor traveler who has fallen by the way. A rayed anchor above his head.
    Taurus 12
    Sabian Symbol: A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two diggers working on a mountain-slope unearth a large mass of glittering gold.
    Taurus 13
    Sabian Symbol: A man very cheerful in his working clothes is handling a mountain of baggage the best he can.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A judge in a court of law frowning at a man holding up a document.
    Taurus 14
    Sabian Symbol: Several children are splashing with delight in a receding tide, and at their feet are shellfish groping for shelter.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A virgin clothed in white, with a bright star above her head, joining the hands of two men about to quarrel.
    Taurus 15
    Sabian Symbol: A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his tophat rakishly.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A student with lamp in hand, standing at the entrance of a cavern from which issue clouds of soft, light,, rosy vapour.
    Taurus 16
    Sabian Symbol: An old man is attempting with a degree of success unsuspected by him to reveal the Mysteries to a motley group.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A white dove, adorned with a rose-coloured ribbon to which is attached a little bell, standing on the right shoulder of a man drinking wine.
    Taurus 17
    Sabian Symbol: An imaginative battle is under way between swords, the disciples of might, and torches, the disciples of enlightenment.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A sea-gull flying over the waters of the ocean.
    Taurus 18
    Sabian Symbol: A woman is holding a linen bag out of her window to give it fresh air and sunshine.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A gaudily dressed herald blowing a trumpet, at the sound of which two knights, one on a white charger, the other on a black, rush towards each other with set spears.
    Taurus 19
    Sabian Symbol: A newly formed continent is seen, fresh and green within its setting of interminable ocean.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An archer, dressed in red, firing arrows at the Moon.
    Taurus 20
    Sabian Symbol: Light scurrying wisps of clouds are streaming in rapid movement across the sky.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A flight of white eagles.
    Taurus 21
    Sabian Symbol: A moving finger points to the significant passages in a large open book.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A race-horse with the number 3 on his saddle-cloth entering a course.
    Taurus 22
    Sabian Symbol: A white homing pigeon flies straight and fearlessly over a broad body of troubled water.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Hand holding a torch amidst the darkness.
    Taurus 23
    Sabian Symbol: A magnificent jewelry shop is revealed, containing every conceivable article of value and or beauty.
    Kozminsky Symbol: St. Michael slaying the Dragon in a shower of black rain.
    Taurus 24
    Sabian Symbol: A mounted Indian brave rides proudly with human scalps as trophies at his belt.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A prisoner having escaped from his prison is endeavoring to break his fetters with the aid of some large flinty stones.
    Taurus 25
    Sabian Symbol: A magnificent public park spreads its charm before the eye in a vista that awes the loftiest spirit.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A dense column of smoke from which issue flashes of lightning.
    Taurus 26
    Sabian Symbol: A Spanish gallant stands at the window grill of his love, serenading her with the softer melodies of night.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A giant of benevolent aspect, with his foot on a broken sword, tearing up the laws of the world by which men have been governed for centuries. Behind him are broken bags of golden coins, which are falling in a shower over a precipice.
    Taurus 27
    Sabian Symbol: A hopelessly withered old Indian squaw, with a clear light persisting in beady eyes, is selling trinkets.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An inventor having risen from his bench gazes admiringly at a remarkable engine which he has just completed.
    Taurus 28
    Sabian Symbol: A woman in middle life stands in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, in unexpected recovery of romance.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman looking into a crystal ball in which confused images are reflected.
    Taurus 29
    Sabian Symbol: Two garrulous old cobblers are working side by side on their ancient bench.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man at a cross-road. Above him are two spirits, one black and the other white. Each strives to impress him, but his mind is too perplexed to understand either.
    Taurus 30
    Sabian Symbol: A peacock parades its splendor on the quiet lawn of an old palace garden in dignified solitude.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A huge ironstone rolling down a mountain-side strikes a clump of hard flint, causing a bright fiery flash.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Gemini Symbols

    Gemini 1
    Sabian Symbol: A glass-bottomed boat drifts silently and easily over a constantly shifting panorama of marine wonder.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two Ionic columns adorned with globes--a burst of flame issuing out of clouds behind.

    Gemini 2
    Sabian Symbol: A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Claus costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A military officer seated on a heap of arms studying a map which he holds in his hands.

    Gemini 3
    Sabian Symbol: An etching of rare beauty displays a charming vista of court life at the garden of the Tuileries under Louis XIV.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A composer standing before a large organ, with a scroll of music in his hand.

    Gemini 4
    Sabian Symbol: A series of rooms in a hospitable house, opening one into the other, are decorated gaily with holly and mistletoe.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A human face, the expression calm and serene, a silvery triangle pointing upwards below, a dark square above.

    Gemini 5
    Sabian Symbol: A publication devoted to some vital movement for human welfare flaunts an attention-compelling cover.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Little children playing near an old wrecked ship on the seashore.

    Gemini 6
    Sabian Symbol: In flaring artificial light, amidst ghostly steam escaping through the rigging, grimy workmen are drilling for oil.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An analytical chemist holding up to the light a test-tube in which is a dull green liquid.

    Gemini 7
    Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A white ship with sails set on a peaceful ocean, over which the full moon is throwing a silvery light.

    Gemini 8
    Sabian Symbol: A great industrial plant is closed down and around it mills a crowd of agitators and striking workmen.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A winged horse in mid-air with the Sun above its head.

    Gemini 9
    Sabian Symbol: A medieval archer stands with the ease of one wholly sure of himself, bow in hand and quiver filled with arrows.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hand holding a document on which is a crown and royal seal.

    Gemini 10
    Sabian Symbol: An airplane dives towards the earth as though falling, but rights and recovers itself with smooth gracefulness.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hospital nurse whose face expresses sympathy and sacrifice, tending a sick man.

    Gemini 11
    Sabian Symbol: A new real-estate subdivision is revealed with wide paved streets, ornamental lights and a few newly-built houses.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Interior of a stock exchange, a number of men shouting, jostling each other, & holding up papers.

    Gemini 12
    Sabian Symbol: A little black slave girl of antebellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An accountant puzzling over a ledger, which he is struggling to balance.

    Gemini 13
    Sabian Symbol: The great artist, a world-famous pianist, sits at his instrument on the stage of a huge auditorium.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two men playing at cards, a man standing behind one player making signs to his opponent.

    Gemini 14
    Sabian Symbol: Two people at widely different points are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man in a forest handing to another an open box full of jewels which he has just stolen form an adjacent castle.

    Gemini 15
    Sabian Symbol: Two Dutch children in their immaculate native costumes are studying their lessons together.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A wounded soldier drawing an arrow from his arm. A dog is howling near-by.

    Gemini 16
    Sabian Symbol: A woman agitator stands upon a platform making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group of men.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A sword lying shattered before a cross of stone.

    Gemini 17
    Sabian Symbol: The head of a handsome youthful athlete slowly changes into a different type of beauty, the mature thinker.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A blind giant in full armour hitting out wildly with a huge battle-axe at nothing.

    Gemini 18
    Sabian Symbol: Standing apart from the passing stream of well-dressed shoppers, two Chinamen in San Francisco are talking Chinese.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An eagle wounded in flight swoops to a mountain ridge, where a brood of young ones rise from the drops of blood.

    Gemini 19
    Sabian Symbol: In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A mountaineer, climbing in the darkness in a violent storm which has blown away his cloak and hat, saved from falling down a precipice by a flash of lightning.

    Gemini 20
    Sabian Symbol: A self-service restaurant, the cafeteria such as originated in Los Angeles, displays its inviting steam table.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A drunken reveler holding a skull in his hands.

    Gemini 21
    Sabian Symbol: A throbbing mass of humanity have packed the confines of a city square; it is a labor demonstration.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old man in a graveyard, standing under a cypress-tree, watching a form rising from a tomb.

    Gemini 22
    Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned harvest home festival is at its height with flashing dancing couples crowding the barn floor.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A heap of stones over which ivy is growing.

    Gemini 23
    Sabian Symbol: Three fledglings, secure in their nest high in the tree, already reveal the deep pride of their heritage.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A triangular-shaped hill. On one side the sun is shining on pleasant paths and beautiful foliage--the other side is dark and gloomy.

    Gemini 24
    Sabian Symbol: A group of carefree children, gaily dressed for their sport, are skating about a smoothly frozen backwoods pond.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A beautiful woman giving bread to a crowd of starving people. From behind her, showing dimly through a haze of white light, is a high Intelligence placing a crown of a bright strange metal on her head.

    Gemini 25
    Sabian Symbol: A gardener, with all of a mother's care for her child, is trimming a magnificent row of tropical palms.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hand issuing from the heavens holding a great scroll on which is shining a pentagram.

    Gemini 26
    Sabian Symbol: The winter frost has stolen through the woods, and given to the trees and underbrush a witching cosmic lacery.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A broken trident falling into the sea.

    Gemini 27
    Sabian Symbol: A young gypsy youth comes springing out of the forest, regarding the spreading vista before him with deep interest.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man seated at a table, gloomily looking at a violin with broken strings before him.

    Gemini 28
    Sabian Symbol: A man is leaving a courtroom with mixed feelings of relief and determination; he has just passed through bankruptcy.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A number of workmen building a railway track through barren country.

    Gemini 29
    Sabian Symbol: High in a tree that has given only the faintest evidence of returning spring, a mocking bird delivers its repertoire.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A child blowing a steel glove from a cube of stone.

    Gemini 30
    Sabian Symbol: A typically American conceit is seen; a parade of bathing beauties before the judges and crowd at a seaside resort.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A maiden bound to a stake smiling at an angel. Near-by lie three dead bats.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cancer Symbols

    Cancer 1
    Sabian Symbol: A man upon a ship stands impatiently with a flag in his hands, ready to run it up in place of the one now flown.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A curious ring set with a large heart of white onyx.

    Cancer 2
    Sabian Symbol: An alert and eager individual rests upon a magic carpet, observing a vast level vista over which he hovers motionless.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A labourer leaning against a tree watching a number of others digging in a neighboring field.

    Cancer 3
    Sabian Symbol: Through the cold darkening depths of a Northern canyon a man all bundled up in furs leads a shaggy reindeer.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A creeping plant, worms eating at the root, growing over a rustic summer-house.

    Cancer 4
    Sabian Symbol: In an imaginative tableau a hungry cat is seen arguing earnestly with the mouse who is to be her victim.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A drunken reveler in fancy costume asleep at a table, the contents of his overturned cup of red wine pouring on to the floor.

    Cancer 5
    Sabian Symbol: A man in an automobile, maddened by the lust for speed, races with a fast train and loses; he is killed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man seated on a rock on a newly boomed goldfield, a new pick and shovel beside him, looking gloomily at a newspaper containing reports of rich finds in the locality.

    Cancer 6
    Sabian Symbol: It is in the flush of spring, and innumerable wild or game birds are seen feathering their nests.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man spending money lavishly entertaining his friends, a clown hidden behind a curtain laughing at him.

    Cancer 7
    Sabian Symbol: In a fairy glade, in a quiet circle of moonlight, two of the little people are executing a fanciful dance.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An antique, gold-capped Corinthian column of white marble, slightly crumbling at its base.

    Cancer 8
    Sabian Symbol: An imaginary land of rabbits is revealed, with its citizens faultlessly dressed, and on dignified parade.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A newspaper editor at his desk-a mass of proofs before him-parleying with a man who averts his face.

    Cancer 9
    Sabian Symbol: A little miss, innocently devoid of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a sparkling pond.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An acrobat performing before a large audience.

    Cancer 10
    Sabian Symbol: A large and beautiful diamond, in the hand of the lapidary, is now to be cut to its full perfection.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A painter at his easel in a graceful forest glade. It is the hour of sunset, and strange shadows of unearthly grandeur are falling.

    Cancer 11
    Sabian Symbol: A clown is making merry, gently caricaturing all manners of human traits with his grimaces and pantomime.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A number of maidens, crowned with garlands of wild flowers, dancing on a green lawn.

    Cancer 12
    Sabian Symbol: A slant-eyed Chinese woman is nursing a baby, and about the child is the glorious nimbus of divine incarnation.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An avenue of trees bending before a destructive wind-storm, the rich golden leaves of autumn falling thickly.

    Cancer 13
    Sabian Symbol: A hand, which is held out receptively, is remarkable for the suggestion of character in its prominent thumb.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A volcano in active eruption devastating the country for miles around, whilst groups of peasants cling to their little homes.

    Cancer 14
    Sabian Symbol: A very old man, whose feebleness adds strangely to his dignity, stands alone, facing the darkness in the northeast.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A crab climbing up an upright iron spear, above which is a circlet of seven stars.

    Cancer 15
    Sabian Symbol: A group of merry sluggish individuals are resting; they have overeaten most indiscreetly and enjoyed it.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An auctioneer's hammer lying on a heap of gold money and bank-notes.

    Cancer 16
    Sabian Symbol: A futuristic editorial office provides unconscious symbolism; table, manuscript, martial visitor, all are square.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A young man standing on the top of a high mountain, the world stretched out below him, grasping a sword which comes from the heavens to his hand.

    Cancer 17
    Sabian Symbol: A huge precious stone is so cut that its principal facet mirrors the whole scene before it in sparkling miniature.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A band of merchants on camels traveling through the wilderness.

    Cancer 18
    Sabian Symbol: On all sides is the bustle of the barnyard, and in its old-fashioned and natural life a hen clucks among her chicks.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A hand grasping gold pieces, some of which are falling through the fingers.

    Cancer 19
    Sabian Symbol: A fragile miss, representative of proud old blood, is wed by a pompous priest to an eager youth of the new order.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old man sitting alone in semi-darkness with an old book before him, from which emanate bright rays of light.

    Cancer 20
    Sabian Symbol: During the celebration of some fete the canals of Venice are crowded ; in a gondola are serenaders merry- making.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A wounded Bedouin mounted on his horse in the desert.

    Cancer 21
    Sabian Symbol: The magnificent opera house with its glittering audience rests in silence; the prima donna is singing.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man having jumped over a fence falls into a ditch on the other side of it.

    Cancer 22
    Sabian Symbol: A young woman, neatly attired in outing clothes, with eyes softened by dreaming, awaits a sailboat headed for her.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A jeweled crown falling from a height into mud.

    Cancer 23
    Sabian Symbol: A serious little study group, a literary club, has met for social and intellectual fellowship in some member's home.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Fishermen pulling in their nets in calm weather.

    Cancer 24
    Sabian Symbol: Three castaways, a woman and two men, stand on a bit of glorious sunlit land facing the broad southern ocean.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A graceful dancer smilingly receiving applause and floral tributes.

    Cancer 25
    Sabian Symbol: A leader of men erect and fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an invisible mantle of power.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The setting Sun reflected from the sea in such a manner that the reflected rays interlace with the solar rays.

    Cancer 26
    Sabian Symbol: The magnificent, luxurious library of some wealthy home is revealed; among the cushions several guests are reading.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A marksman having failed to hit the bull's-eye in eight shots strikes it in the ninth.

    Cancer 27
    Sabian Symbol: In a normally peaceful canyon, with wealthy secluded ranches, a furious storm seems to multiply its terrors.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A moth circling a flame.

    Cancer 28
    Sabian Symbol: An American Indian girl, college trained but returned to her people, seeks to win their friendship for her lover.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old mill-wheel lying on the bank of a lily pond, with pretty creepers growing over it.

    Cancer 29
    Sabian Symbol: A Grecian pastoral allegory is seen; a peasant lass is mother of twins and these a Muse now weighs in golden scales.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man in a prison cell, a ray of light flowing through the bars, on which a little bird stands singing.

    Cancer 30
    Sabian Symbol: A Daughter of the American Revolution walks proudly to the rostrum; it is the meeting of some women's society.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A winged wheel flying across a green field.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Leo Symbols

    Leo 1
    Sabian Symbol: A fat and normally good-natured little man of affairs is red to bursting with determination to have his own way.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A king stepping from his carriage receiving a document from a group of citizens.

    Leo 2
    Sabian Symbol: Several children are having holiday together; an epidemic of the mumps has given them new, not unpleasant fellowship.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A roll of papers having dropped from the hand of a dying scholar is eagerly caught up by an eminent professor on whose face there is a look of triumph.

    Leo 3
    Sabian Symbol: A woman of middle years is bobbing her hair for the first time; a look of rebellion melts to surprised anticipation.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A huge human head. From the left eye emanates a ray of black vapour, from the right a ray of yellow, and from the centre of the forehead a ray of white.

    Leo 4
    Sabian Symbol: An elderly man in evening clothes, of poised and military bearing, stands alone before a lovely mounted moose head.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An ambassador leaving the presence of a prince who is smiling significantly to his chancellor.

    Leo 5
    Sabian Symbol: Overhanging a vast canyon, but giving evidence of thousands of years of survival, are suggestive masses of granite.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lawyer placing a document before a client, who signs it. His eyes are bandaged.

    Leo 6
    Sabian Symbol: A sweet old-fashioned belle, and a pert and attractive modern flapper, stand in mutual envy of each other.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lion crouching in a jungle with a large bird of the eagle type in his mouth.

    Leo 7
    Sabian Symbol: The night heavens are seen in their wonder as on the desert when the moon is dark; the constellations are at play.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A book, on which is a crown, resting on a golden throne.

    Leo 8
    Sabian Symbol: A man of mean and low appearance, but with the burning fire of a great cause in his eyes, is stirring up discontent.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two lovers walking in a forest glade. Before them are two doves and a brilliantly coloured butterfly.

    Leo 9
    Sabian Symbol: In a scene of weird display and brilliant colors glass-blowers produce one by one the marvels of their craft.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lady, elegantly dressed and bedecked with many jewels, standing before a mirror.

    Leo 10
    Sabian Symbol: Everywhere there is a sparkle and nature is revealed in pastel colors; the early morning dew salutes the sunlight.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A soldier rescuing a wounded comrade on a field of battle-a dark, sinister figure rising behind him.

    Leo 11
    Sabian Symbol: Beneath a huge oak, which holds back the rising heat of noon, some children potter at their games in a great swing.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A troop of old barbarian soldiers carrying off struggling women.

    Leo 12
    Sabian Symbol: Japanese lanterns, music from a string ensemble and an animated interweaving of colorful figures mark a garden party.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man of martial and distinguished bearing giving alms to the poor.

    Leo 13
    Sabian Symbol: A bit of green grass before a neatly flowered cottage by the sea supports a chair in which an old sea- captain rocks.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old oak-tree over which shines the noonday sun in a clear sky.

    Leo 14
    Sabian Symbol: Seen in the form of a cherub, whispering soft coaxing words into every receptive ear, a human soul seeks expression.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two men tossing coins whilst another looks on.

    Leo 15
    Sabian Symbol: The great American carnival, the Mardi Gras at New Orleans, is seen with a wealth of floats, decorations and merriment.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A mass of black rock in the centre of which is a large diamond.

    Leo 16
    Sabian Symbol: The sunshine floods the sleepy village street, a storm has left everything drenched, and wondrously refreshed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A pyramid in the midst of a sand waste, with lowering black clouds about it.

    Leo 17
    Sabian Symbol: A volunteer church choir is seen during rehearsal, far more interested in social, than musical elements.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An architect standing by a desk with the plans of a building before him.

    Leo 18
    Sabian Symbol: An instructor in chemistry is conducting an experiment before his class, in the midst of a maze of apparatus.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two gold-miners seated near mining machinery examining a strange metal unknown to modern science, which they have found amongst the quartz.

    Leo 19
    Sabian Symbol: A clubhouse built on a floating barge is gaily decorated, and crowded with revelers; the water reflects its lights.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A giant holding a number of bleeding hearts pierced on his sword.

    Leo 20
    Sabian Symbol: A group of prehistoric American Indians are seen in the course of an elaborate and impressive invocation to the sun.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A violin and bow lying on some sheets of music.

    Leo 21
    Sabian Symbol: An unwitting allegory is enacted by a few chickens who have gotten at some fermented feed, and are happily intoxicated.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man in the robes of a magician tracing mystic signs on the sands of the seashore in the silence of night..

    Leo 22
    Sabian Symbol: A carrier pigeon comes swiftly through the early light of morning and flutters to the feet of a group of fanciers.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man carrying a bird in a golden cage.

    Leo 23
    Sabian Symbol: The scene is a circus-crowded with spectators, and in a moment of hush a bareback rider performs extraordinarily.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A trumpet made from a ram's horn bathed in the sun's rays.

    Leo 24
    Sabian Symbol: A strange figure is revealed, outwardly unprepossessing, untidy, unkempt; he is a yogi of transcendent powers.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old rusty sword, over which grass is growing, outside a rustic cottage.

    Leo 25
    Sabian Symbol: A solitary camel crosses the desert with his rider; he is indifferent to the hazards of storm and lack of supplies.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A poet reading his verses to a group of ladies in an old castle garden.

    Leo 26
    Sabian Symbol: A perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Two hands clasped under a floral crown.

    Leo 27
    Sabian Symbol: Over at the eastern edge of night the streaks of dawn appear; gradually the mounting light wipes out the stars.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A bleeding hand holding a thorny orange branch on which the fruit is growing.

    Leo 28
    Sabian Symbol: Innumerable little birds have settled down upon one large tree; they chirp happily to each other in endless rows.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A stream of oil falling from mid-air upon the troubled waters beneath.

    Leo 29
    Sabian Symbol: A mermaiden has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits the -prince who will bring her immortality.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man climbing a ladder and helping others who strive behind him. At the top, a veiled figure holds out to him a wreath of stars.

    Leo 30
    Sabian Symbol: Into a letter is poured vital and confidential information; it is folded carefully, but the envelope is not sealed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A ship's steward carrying a bowl of enchanting white lilies.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Virgo Symbols

    Virgo 1
    Sabian Symbol: A man's head is revealed. It is a portrait in which the artist has sought to idealize the best in human character.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A traveling pilgrim leaning on his staff, which he holds in his left hand, addressing a small band of men & women.

    Virgo 2
    Sabian Symbol: A simple but impressively large white cross has been set up in splendid isolation on top of a commanding eminence.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A waning moon in a sky, half of which is clear and studded with stars, and half of which is covered with dark clouds which herald an approaching storm.

    Virgo 3
    Sabian Symbol: A glorious vision unfolds over a little struggling family in the wilderness; two mighty angels bringing protection.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A young woman working at a spinning-wheel by a cottage window, which opens on a smiling garden in which bees are flying amongst the flowers.

    Virgo 4
    Sabian Symbol: A little chocolate pickaninny is playing with white children; neither he nor they aware of the racial difference.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A bookbinder fastening covers on a number of unbound books.

    Virgo 5
    Sabian Symbol: A man lies dreaming in the shade of an Irish countryside; his dream brings to him the playful little people.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An artist working at a large piece of tapestry of charming design, which he has almost completed.

    Virgo 6
    Sabian Symbol: Children's voices and the smiles of elders; it is a merry go round with blatant music and unrestrained joyousness.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A large ballroom in which men and women are dancing.

    Virgo 7
    Sabian Symbol: The women's quarters of an Oriental palace are revealed; here are the bright and unafraid eyes of cloistered souls.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man in ceremonial robes, with a circlet about his brow, holding the emblem of life--the Crux ansata--in the air.

    Virgo 8
    Sabian Symbol: A poor little rich girl, not above five years of age, is given with much attendance a first dancing lesson.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man, holding a pen in his right hand and a sword in his left, standing at the entrance to a palace.

    Virgo 9
    Sabian Symbol: An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A sack of corn, from a hole in which the grain is falling out.

    Virgo 10
    Sabian Symbol: As if in a moment of vision a man is seen possessed of two heads; both of these look out and beyond the shadows.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A sibyl in a cave, seated on a tripod beneath which is a cloud of smoke. The leaves of fate are flying into the open air through the mouth of the cavern.

    Virgo 11
    Sabian Symbol: A beautiful boy is revealed; he is all boy in every way, but in him lives too the idealization of the wise mother.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A king, seated in a chariot drawn by two stags, throwing coins to some peasants who are singing on the roadside.

    Virgo 12
    Sabian Symbol: A bride rises laughing, youthfully radiant in her white, wishing to scold the groom who has snatched away her veil.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A horseman holding with difficulty a rearing horse.

    Virgo 13
    Sabian Symbol: A statesman stands before the mob; his strong hand can be seen in a transforming of hysteria into new enthusiasm.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A large black cloud, around which are bright silver lights.

    Virgo 14
    Sabian Symbol: A large sheet of parchment is covered with finely lettered names and mysterious lines; it is a splendid family tree.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A torn document, old and crinkled, on which is a large black seal.

    Virgo 15
    Sabian Symbol: A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies folded near milady's mirror by a bottle of rare perfume.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A radiant rainbow, in the centre of which is the sun in its brightness.

    Virgo 16
    Sabian Symbol: The delighted children are crowded about a cage in the zoo; an orang-outang is sitting in a spot of afternoon sun.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A fire emitting flames of beautiful colour-blends.

    Virgo 17
    Sabian Symbol: A vast display of cosmic force is seen in the eruption of a volcano with dust clouds, flowing lava, earth rumblings.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An astrologer seated at a desk, his head resting on his left hand, judging a nativity.

    Virgo 18
    Sabian Symbol: Two giggling young girls are sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working an ouija board on their laps.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man, supporting a little girl, swimming towards the shore in a rough sea.

    Virgo 19
    Sabian Symbol: There is a colorful gallery on the warm summer day; in the clear blue water a swimming race nears its decision.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A rough fire mountain, from several parts of which smoke is rising. On one of the slopes laborers are working.

    Virgo 20
    Sabian Symbol: A group of old-fashioned automobiles comprise a caravan of settlers on the move; a fresh enthusiasm marks the party.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A great grey warship with her decks cleared ready for action.

    Virgo 21
    Sabian Symbol: A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing contest of basketball.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man burning a will as he triumphantly looks towards another lying on a table.

    Virgo 22
    Sabian Symbol: Upon rich velvet in a case, at an exhibition, is an exquisitely wrought miniature; a jewel-set royal coat-of-arms.
    Kozminsky Symbol: Nymphs and fauns in the midst of Bacchanalian orgies in the woods.

    Virgo 23
    Sabian Symbol: A man clad in gay colors of the circus rushes into the barred arena where unwilling animals await his bidding.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The Virgin Astraea, with bandaged eyes, being led away by the angels from the world flooded with blood, misery, injustice, and crime.

    Virgo 24
    Sabian Symbol: A large book for children is open at a colored page; here Mary with her yellow curls leads an immaculate white lamb.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A colossal giant holding a woman in his hand.

    Virgo 25
    Sabian Symbol: A large glorious public building is seen set in a spacious part(k); before it a flag moves with the breeze at half-mast.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man, from whose forehead streams a dazzling white light, passing through a fiery valley, at the end of which are beautiful lawns, flowers, and trees bathed in brilliant sunlight.

    Virgo 26
    Sabian Symbol: A highly ritualistic service is in process; officiating priests are automatons, a boy with a censer is rapt-eyed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An antique temple of the Muses built on a rock, over which flows an enchanting fall of clear sparkling water.

    Virgo 27
    Sabian Symbol: In the luxurious quarters of a home furnished in delicate period style, elderly ladies are enjoying afternoon tea.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A newspaper critic seated in a theater watching a performance.

    Virgo 28
    Sabian Symbol: A bald-headed man in uniform completely dominates an assembly of men: diplomats, scientists and industrialists.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A gang of stevedores loading a vessel with product.

    Virgo 29
    Sabian Symbol: A scholar has just succeeded in deciphering an archaic manuscript; it holds an idea for which he has long sought.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A crescent moon shining with especial brightness in a blue, star-crowded sky.

    Virgo 30
    Sabian Symbol: A suburbanite grins; an emergency call to the house of a neighbor frees him from some item of household drudgery.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A heap of bright yellow oranges blown from the tree by the wind.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Libra Symbols

    Libra 1
    Sabian Symbol: A symbolical painting is seen; a beautiful butterfly meeting sacrificial death through an impaling dart of wisdom.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lion with his paw upon a heart, above a square.

    Libra 2
    Sabian Symbol: A new symphony is played by the orchestra; the music dramatizes racial progress from aspiration to realization.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A gold-covered book, on which is cut a Crux ansata crowned, floating in the misty air.

    Libra 3
    Sabian Symbol: A new day dawns and when the light permits the recognition of detail it can be seen that all things are changed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl striving to escape from immaterial, but visible cords which surround her; the more she struggles the more they increase.

    Libra 4
    Sabian Symbol: A group of students of higher truth in summer conference are seated about a camp fire in unconscious meditation.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A broken wedding-ring lying on a table.

    Libra 5
    Sabian Symbol: A teacher of the occult betrays his possession of the real knowledge by the inspiration of his gathered students.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A naked arm and hand, from which blood is flowing. Above, a sword.

    Libra 6
    Sabian Symbol: A pilgrim sits on a rustic bench and one by one his ideals in a sort of trance-vision take form before him.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A traction engine traveling along a newly made road in very charming country.

    Libra 7
    Sabian Symbol: An eccentric old witch is feeding her chickens and seeking to allay their fear of a hawk whom she has just tamed.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A winged globe on the back of a sporting dolphin.

    Libra 8
    Sabian Symbol: In the depths of the wood is an abandoned farm; in the deserted house a fireplace blazes merrily and mysteriously.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A group of people standing dejectedly outside the closed doors of a big financial institution.

    Libra 9
    Sabian Symbol: Three Old Masters hang together in an art gallery; they have a room to themselves and seem to hold converse.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A large pair of scales. Two men quarreling behind.

    Libra 10
    Sabian Symbol: Placid waters are revealed at the bottom of a narrow rapids; a canoe is rapidly and surely approaching safety.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An old hermit, in a cave, grasping a crucifix.

    Libra 11
    Sabian Symbol: A kindly old professor from his battered desk looks out over his eyeglasses at a class eagerly awaiting his words.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A crow with a large rat in its beak.

    Libra 12
    Sabian Symbol: A worker's shift is finished and the miners emerge from their grimy hole into daylight and life above ground.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man falling from an insecure and broken bridge into a dark pit below.

    Libra 13
    Sabian Symbol: A children's birthday party is in progress; on a side porch a group of youngsters are blowing soap bubbles.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman in a dark blue costume entering a convent door; her head is erect, her arms raised, and she heeds not a handsome cavalier who is offering her fruits and flowers.

    Libra 14
    Sabian Symbol: The courtyard of a Spanish hacienda in a tropical country is revealed; in its shade the master takes a noon siesta.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A brilliantly plumaged peacock strutting towards a wall, behind which are two men unwinding a net.

    Libra 15
    Sabian Symbol: An odd looking collection of machinery parts lie together; all are new and ready for use, and all are circular.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A man who has just left the banquet table in a dazed condition, holding his hand to his head as if trying to remember something.

    Libra 16
    Sabian Symbol: The storms of the winter have washed away the boat-landing; some happy souls at the beach resort are building one.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A large hole out of which gases are rising. A number of birds seeking to cross are overcome by the fumes and are falling into the gap, over which only one has passed safely.

    Libra 17
    Sabian Symbol: A retired sea-captain, still resplendent in his uniform, frequents the docks from which the world's commerce departs.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A beautifully formed foot rising from a haze of colour-waves.

    Libra 18
    Sabian Symbol: Two men are placed under arrest and taken away to give an accounting for their acts before the tribunal of society.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A fireman rescuing a little child from a burning house.

    Libra 19
    Sabian Symbol: A gang of robbers are seen in hiding, ready and anxious to attack the heavily armed caravan just coming into sight.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A lion rising from the blood of a wounded soldier.

    Libra 20
    Sabian Symbol: In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl amidst the flowers in the sunlight wearing a garland of roses and weaving others.

    Libra 21
    Sabian Symbol: It is a hot Sunday afternoon in summer and upon the beach is a milling crowd enjoying precious ocean freshness.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A flashily dressed woman singing, with a glass of wine raised in her right hand. On one side of her is the spirit of Mirth, on the other the spirit of Sorrow.

    Libra 22
    Sabian Symbol: A little child is laughing as the water is turned into an artistic little fountain and as the birds hurry to drink.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A youth searching for a jeweled ring which he has on his finger.

    Libra 23
    Sabian Symbol: Chanticleer mounts the corner post of the fence; never will the day again be greeted with the enthusiasm now born.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A pair of compasses lying on a map of the world.

    Libra 24
    Sabian Symbol: A marvelously colored and figured butterfly is spread before the eyes; on its left side is an extra and third wing.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A whirlwind scattering a mass of papers into the air.

    Libra 25
    Sabian Symbol: A little boy, rebellious against school, watches a fluttering autumn leaf that seems to spell out his lesson for him.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A woman naked standing on a crescent moon, the stars glittering behind her in a sky of blue.

    Libra 26
    Sabian Symbol: In an allegorical representation an eagle and a dove are revealed constantly changing into each other.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A successful candidate for Parliament addressing the people after an election.

    Libra 27
    Sabian Symbol: Like a great soaring bird, a single brilliant spot in a bright sky, an airplane far overhead sails about calmly.
    Kozminsky Symbol: The moon throwing its beams on a little bush hut amidst forest trees. A storm has just passed.

    Libra 28
    Sabian Symbol: A man stands alone in surrounding gloom. Were his eyes open to spirit things he would see helping angels arriving.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A mass of quartz through which veins of fine gold can be traced.

    Libra 29
    Sabian Symbol: It is a seer's dream. Vast masses of humanity push forward in frantic effort to cross the black chasm to knowledge.
    Kozminsky Symbol: An eclipse of the sun.

    Libra 30
    Sabian Symbol: The phrenologist is reading bumps for his clients; he explains three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A boy moping over his book in a schoolroom.

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