Russell Brand & His Breadcrumbs - Man In Red ? Crystal Ball In Hotel Room ? Beyond Weird !!!

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 23, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    • RUSSELL BRAND - MAN in RED ??? Crystal Ball in Hotel Room ??? Beyond Weird !!!
      Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

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      empty. Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night


      The revolution itself may not be televised, but on last night's edition of the BBC's Newsnight, viewers may have witnessed the start of one.

      Actor-slash-comedian-slash-Messiah Russell Brand, in his capacity as guest editor of the New Statesman's just-published revolution-themed issue, was invited to explain to Jeremy Paxman why anyone should listen to a man who has never voted in his life.

      "I don't get my authority from this preexisting paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people," Russell responded. "I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity."

      And with that, the first shots of Russell's revolutionary interview were fired.


      Love Always

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time. THEeXchanger
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      empty. Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      empty. THE eXchanger on Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:04 pm
    • THIS IS NOT GOOD !!!
    • Red Scarf :( (not good)

      i've never been in a hotel room
      that ever had a 'red crystal' ball, have you ??? (not good)

      he is worth $15,000,000 - but, what does he really do to make change ?

      he doesn't vote; etc.,

      in fact, this is almost like an advertisement for

      let THE NWO - new world order take over !!!

      - i wonder how many people will really see this,
      for, what it really is ???

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      empty. Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      empty. mudra on Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:22 am
      I don't know the man nor the actor Susan.
      I agree he did'nt come up with anything substantial.
      It reminded me of the 70's when in the Hippie movement I was part of
      we had our heads full of dreams to change the world our parents had built
      by rejecting every bit of it .Most of us were quick to reintegrate the ranks
      when all the hype was over.We were full of hope but immature at the same time.
      But I think we nonetheless created a breach in the ongoing system and or some of us
      the hope goes on which is a good thing.
      What caught my attention is that this was posted on facebook
      by someone that usually does'nt post anything controversial at all.
      So apparently this video goes round and is seen by the least expected people.

      Love from me

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time. Sanicle

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      empty. Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      empty. Sanicle on Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:17 am
      And it never hurts to wake some people up that there are problems in the way our world is working, even if they don't know the solution. I'm sure many of those who would be fans of his may not have thought along these lines before, so kudos for him if he opens their minds a bit more.

      I was taught many years ago that one has to teach others according to their state of being at the time so they will be able to relate and then, hopefully, move beyond that state. In this particular case I was told that some men can only relate to and, they believe, express love in terms of sex. So that had to be the starting or initial meeting point in order to then go on to show them that love can go far beyond just that expression.


      We create boundaries all around us on every level to protect ourselves and maintain control.
      When based on fear, the boundaries can become prisons for our Soul
      Beliefs can become a mental prison if too strictly held to, shutting out the Light

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:26 am

      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      he;s a 1% - if he did that, he'd never work again - his red scarf; and the red crystal ball in the hotel room; were kind of a give away

      the masses who watch TV just think he's stupid - and, the rest of the world - well; a lot of them are still hood-winked - times are changing

      Steve Budge No they don't - they like him - a lot

      Susan Lynne Schwenger well steve; it's a 1% vs 1% - 98% of this world dont' give a XXXX

      Susan Lynne Schwenger funny how hollywood - makes people believe; that an actor is actually a 'real' character

      Steve Budge Something is happening - I think the earth has grown a new nervous system - the internet

      Susan Lynne Schwenger this guy couldn't even keep his ass in a chair - while he was interviewed - most people in TV LA-LA land, will side with the host - and, think he and the rest of anyone who wants any real change is nuts - and; the do NOT vote - THAT is like an automatic shoe-in for NWO - new world order to take over

      Susan Lynne Schwenger the internet; was around - when i was in my 20's - now; i am 54 - you could get on the irc way back then - and, it was interesting way back then too

      Doni Marz whoever did this critical slam/post seems selfishly impatient, demanding of Russell's time and presumptuous of what he may decide to if he were a member of congress or not even a fan of his, just find it odd he's being raked over the coals... he's not even close to being a 1% wage earner so that's off the table...
      ( Please..not into a back & forth debate here..just my 2 cents..) ... guess is that people are so angry & wanting justice, that him or anyone else giving their take become a good target as any...btw, I care very much about the problems asked too, especially the friggin chemtrails... much peace

      Steve Budge
      Russell Brand Net Worth
      What is Russell Brand's net worth?

      Susan Lynne Schwenger he said; in the video he is worth now 15,000,000 - what average man is worth that kind of money ???

      Doni Marz That's good money, but still not 1%

      Susan Lynne Schwenger Russell Brand Net Worth
      Russell Brand is an actor, stand up comedian, and radio host with a net worth of $15 million. Russell Brand earned his net worth through his many roles in television, movies and animated films, his stand up comedy routines, as well as co-hosting a radio show called The Russell Brand Show. He was born in Grays, Essex, ...

      Susan Lynne Schwenger at this point; if never works again
      - it was real, but, if he works again, it is definitely NOT real

      Doni Marz yes aware of those things... The real acid test of someone's integrity should be what they do right? like take George Cloony...he makes plenty but has never struck me as greedy

      Steve Budge Russell Brand works for Rothschild

      Doni Marz is that verified?

      Susan Lynne Schwenger and, the hand held phones
      - that some copied the video from TV;
      was VERY VERY likely never intended to hit the internet
      - in the eyes of the TV station who owns the rights to the interview
      - they hoped only their coach potatoes would watch it

      Doni Marz maybe ... it could be speculative

      Steve Budge Doni - I haven't seen copy of his pay check, but he's close to the family
      Russell Brand reveals it's all over with Jemima Khan
      What a different a month makes in the romantic life of heart-breaker comedian Russell Brand!

      Steve Budge
      Jemima Khan and Kate Rothschild compare notes on racist Twitter abuse - Telegraph
      Jemima Khan would have been forgiven for keeping her distance from her brother’s estranged wife, Kate Goldsmith, the banking heiress, following her alleged infidelity and the couple’s bitter public spat on Twitter.

      Doni Marz will read now..



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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:06 am
      "Ok im sick of this topic!
      Russell Brand is in the Illuminati! Hes not here to help us! Ok!?
      he is part of this controlled opposition from the Illuminati
      to gain more support.
      Look at the animated drawing of him with the MC on his forehead.
      If you didnt know that is where your 3rd eye chakra is.
      The enlightened know its important.
      MC in the military is also called Mind Control.
      In Hollywood it is MK'd.
      Russell Brand was Katy Perry's handler. H
      ere are several pictures of him one with the Dalai Lama
      who is a known member of the Illuminati.
      There also is a picture of him with a nyc politician
      saying we should vote for him! When
      in his last interview he says he doesnt believe in voting!
      WTF seriously?
      Hes wearing a swastika, a cross a star of david, a crescent moon with a star,
      a mcdonalds symbol and a male symbol all on the same necklace.
      And what is this messiah complex about?
      he thinks hes Xxxxxxxx Jesus now?
      He is here to lead us to the slaughter!"
      The Eloquent Truth
      Wake the XXXX up!


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:31 am
      russell is NOT the 'right' brand LOL


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:37 am
      Peter Fotis Kapnistos says:
      "All these Brand posters did not spring up overnight....
      they were planned well in advance....
      an MI5 plot to incite violence (Brand revolution)
      it will not happen...
      civilized people are too intelligent...
      go back to standup comedy Mr Brand"

      Susan says...yup, mr. russell brand, is going to find himself to be, a 'NO' Brand LOL


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] mudra on Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:16 am
      Thanks for your insight Susan.

      Russell Brand Calls For “Massive Redistribution of Wealth”, “Socialist Egalitarianism”

      Comedian Calls For Socialism, And He’s Not Joking

      “The plans may differ, the planners are all alike.” -Frederic Bastiat

      Famed comedian Russell Brand has taken a step into the political sphere and become an editor at The New Statesman magazine. His new political agenda he says is a ”socialist egalitarian system” involving a “massive redistribution of wealth”, “heavy taxation of corporations”, and adds that we must address the problem of “profits”. Brand believes that governments need massive centralization, while simultaneously calling for a revolution.

      The New Statesman is a British political magazine published weekly in London. It was founded in 1913, and connected with leading members of the socialist Fabian Society.

      Of course socialism is not revolutionary. Advocating for social safety nets and redistribution of wealth is more about risk aversion. True revolutionaries are risk-takers, and are people who are willing to take risks and accept hardships. Not so with socialism, which creates a nanny state to make decisions for the people. Socialism is central planning. It means central control of your life.

      Brand will likely crush the hopes of many libertarians who see this video and have enjoyed some of his previous TV appearances talking politics. Many people were stirred by Brand’s unwillingness to bend to the narrow political spectrum that the main stream media projects. That’s refreshing no matter what your politics. But his calls for socialism and for taxation show he is clearly not a revolutionary, nor a particularly original thinker. After all, we’ve had despotism for centuries.

      The only truly radical philosophy today is the one that dares to claim that individuals own their own bodies and the fruits of their labors. It is the philosophy centered on economic freedom and personal liberty. It is the philosophy of natural rights and free markets. It is classical liberalism, the true laissez-faire. THAT is revolutionary, my dear friend. Socialism would be a step back.

      [​IMG] read on:

      Love Always

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Floyd on Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:37 am
      Russel brand is to thick to work for the illuminati. He is not even a good comic.
      Those who follow politcal utopias that are opposite to socialism are not particularly intelligent either.
      In fact in many ways they are worse.
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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] mudra on Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:29 am
      Floyd wrote:Russel brand is to thick to work for the illuminati. He is not even a good comic.
      Those who follow politcal utopias that are opposite to socialism are not particularly intelligent either.
      In fact in many ways they are worse.
      Each time we work in opposition we loose I believe for what has been won by persuasion or force will sooner or later be lost and it's opposite return.

      Love from me

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:53 am
      and, If say you Mudra,
      you have an apple
      and, if say i have an apple
      and,if we exchange these so-called apples
      then, you, Dear mudra, will still have an apple
      and, then I too, will still have an apple !!!

      But, if you have an idea
      and, i have an idea
      and, we exchange the ideas
      then, we shall both have two ideas.

      There are, and, there will be
      times, where two is much better than one !!!

      ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:09 pm
      Tya Jenyce: I am neutral on the subject
      although I like a few things he stated.
      However, I was wondering why every where I looked
      I was seeing something about Russell Brand.

      Peter Fotis Kapnistos:

      see here:

      see here:

      see here:
      Russell Brand Says a Socialist Revolution is Coming
      Via John Podhoretz on Twitter comes this glimpse
      into the mind of a socialist multimillionaire.

      Robert Goyim: He thinks hes che Guevara. what a joke!!

      Susan Lynne Schwenger: He is very soon to be a NO-BRAND

      Post last edited Dec 20th

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Dec 20th


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] mudra on Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:55 pm
      THEeXchanger wrote:and, If say you Mudra,
      you have an apple
      and, if say i have an apple
      and,if we exchange these so-called apples
      then, you, Dear mudra, will still have an apple
      and, then I too, will still have an apple !!!

      But, if you have an idea
      and, i have an idea
      and, we exchange the ideas
      then, we shall both have two ideas.

      There are, and, there will be
      times, where two is much better than one !!!

      ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

      Yes this is great Susan.
      With the seeds of that apple we may grow an apple tree
      and create abundance for many.How is that for an idea ?

      I have been thinking lately about the day of my departure
      and that I should tell my family and friends not to bring flowers along
      but rather plant a tree in memory of my passage here.
      That would be a nice way of mine to leave
      something usefull to Mother and all of her children.
      Imagine now for a moment every one does this ....
      Do you see it ? ... WOW wonderfull isn't it [​IMG]

      Love for You

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:14 pm
      Rock Star Doctor says:

      "" says Russell Brand has assets
      of $15 million.
      He is rumoured to have received a settlement of $22 million from Katy Perry
      for his divorce.
      I think that sounds like Mr. Brand is practising Capitalism in a very successful way.
      Ignore what he says and watch how he lives.
      Remember... he's an actor.
      Anything he utters is calculated to keep him in the public eye.

    • THEeXchanger

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:34 pm
      Concerned Citizen ETown

      Yawn... Ironic that she mentioned Mick Jagger,
      because a few years later he left Britain due to punitive income taxes (70-80%)
      on the very wealthy.
      Bono moved his music library from Ireland a few years back for the same reason,
      to lower the taxes he paid.

      Russell Brand's hefty bank account also puts paid to the idea
      that he's somehow "above the fray" and not part of the problem?

      Wouldn't it be nice if Hollywood millionaires
      would stop telling normal people how to live?


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:40 pm
      Elizabeth Renzetti
      ‘Revolution’ may be a tired word, but Russell Brand has struck a chord

      Elizabeth Renzetti

      The Globe and Mail

      Published Saturday, Oct. 26 2013, 12:00 AM EDT

      If you haven’t seen comedian Russell Brand’s call to revolution, don’t worry – it probably means you’re over 30, which can’t be helped. Before you know it, some wise young person in your sphere will forward it with the subject line “This!”

      Mr. Brand appeared this week on BBC Newsnight, interviewed by Jeremy Paxman, the vinegary elder statesman of British broadcasting. The comedian had just guest-edited a copy of the British political magazine The New Statesman on the subject of revolution and was invited to expand on his views.

      What transpired was an incendiary confrontation that will be shown repeatedly when they make a program called Take That, Old Man: Golden Moments in Inter-Generational Conflict. Think of the Sex Pistols’ Olympian feat of swearing on the Today show in 1976, or Mick Jagger on World in Action in 1967, telling a bunch of sour-faced pillars of the community that young people had been screwed over, which is why they were angry: “The system has done them no good at all, otherwise they wouldn’t be looting and burning.”

      Mr. Brand, who is a modern, meditating, vegan, recovering-junkie kind of rock star, echoed those sentiments 50 years later. He doesn’t vote, he told a baffled Mr. Paxman, because voting would legitimize a corrupt system; the revolution is on the way, “I ain’t got a flicker of a doubt.” And while he doesn’t know what will replace the current bankrupt hierarchies, it “shouldn’t destroy the planet, shouldn’t create massive economic disparity, shouldn’t ignore the needs of the people.”

      He used the word “paradigm” a distressing amount. He had an unfortunate tendency to sound like Dennis the revolutionary peasant in Monty Python and the Holy Grail – “We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune!” – when he said he wanted “a socialist egalitarian system based on the massive redistribution of wealth, heavy taxation of corporations and massive responsibilities for energy companies and any companies exploiting the environment.” He did not address the contradictions presented by his own Hollywood-fattened bank account (although he writes about this tension in his New Statesman essay, which is worth a read).

      You could dismiss him for those reasons, but it would be a mistake. Mr. Brand’s rant struck a big, brassy chord; he’s given shape to an inchoate sense of anger and frustration, especially among the have-not generation. The clip of his appearance was forwarded to me by a talented, ambitious and politically disengaged 21-year-old with the words “All of my beliefs were verbalized by an unlikely fellow yesterday. All of my friends/colleagues and I agree wholehearted with it.”

      It’s true: A man who rose to fame on the catchphrase “I’m pulling down my trousers and my pants” while hosting a chat show about Big Brother (the annoying television one, not Orwell’s) might seem an unusual Pied Piper for social change. But when the political system looks increasingly absurd – and you need only look to the kindergarten-style scrapping in Canada’s Senate or the tumbleweeds that recently rolled past the monuments in Washington – the absurdists look rational. In his interview, Mr. Brand pointed to the fact that the British government is suing the European Union to remove a cap on bankers’ bonuses on the fifth anniversary of the financial crisis – if that isn’t head-spinning farce, what is?

      The web of trust and civic engagement meant to bind a society is fraying. You could choose any number of indicators pointing to this, but here’s just one from south of the border: Just 19 per cent of Americans trust their federal government most of the time, compared with 75 per cent 50 years ago, according to Pew Research.

      It’s hardly surprising that equal-opportunity arch-mocker Jon Stewart won a poll as the most respected news source in America, or that Italian comedian Beppe Grillo’s upstart political party, which operates on a populist, nose-thumbing, anti-austerity platform, garnered a quarter of the votes in the Italian elections this year.

      “Revolution” is a tired word, as John Lennon knew, and we all want to see the plan. Mr. Brand, more heart than head, was slammed for a lack of specific ideas – and for wanting to burn the whole house down when a medium-sized reno would do. He may be a useful pamphleteer, but other people are doing the hard graft of creating alternatives.

      The seeds are there, if not for revolution then at least for change: The same day Mr. Brand’s interview ricocheted around in-boxes, there was a business story in The Guardian newspaper about a bunch of economics students at the University of Manchester who got tired of being taught only one, free-market-based set of theories and principles. They have created something called the Post-Crash Economics Society to expand their knowledge of economics history and the different models that have arisen over the years. Their slogan: “The world has changed, the syllabus hasn’t – isn’t it time to do something about it?”

      That’s pretty good, although you could always give it a twist: “The world has changed, and the comedians are the only ones making sense.” Now that’s a funny thought.



      Yes, Russel Brand is the most revolutionary force since Jesus
      and quite possibly the Second Coming of jesus,
      invisible to all but those in the know like the cognoscenti of Entertainment Tonight.
      Beside Russel Brandname, Marx, Mao and Einstein are but lightweights.
      Can we now hire some serious writers for this rag?

      Luca Riffer

      As an old fart who has nonetheless changed to way
      I bank, shop, read the news etc because of disruptive technology,
      Mr. Brand and his young horde needs to mobilize the internet
      as the obvious new replacement for western democracy's creaky old polling booth set-up. Imagine this scenario in October 2015 (next Federal election in Canada):
      rather than 14 million voters participating "old style"
      as we would expect, a youth movement convinced 5 million of those to shift
      their vote via a new "open" democracy voting platform,
      and attracted another 5 million who never vote to also login on that day . .
      PRESTO you have 10 million Canadian electing their own slate versus 9 million Canadians voting Conservative, Liberal or NDP . .
      tell me that result wouldn't carry some weight.
      I'm not a software geek, but a popular voting app can't be that complicated.
      Come on Mr. Brand, let the revolution begin . .

      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      I guess, Mr. Luca Riffer,
      old fart, that he claims to be,
      missed the part,
      about Mr. Russel no - Brand leading a group; that is NOT to vote ???


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:57 am
      Alexis Yau Marina
      any idea of his Rising sign? I know he is Sun Gemini, Moon Aries
      which will account for his quick silver tongue and punch...
      would be interested to know his AC though...
      Im seeing scorpio in those eyes! Or could he be saggy Rising??

      Karen Mankoo He is nevertheless talking about issues on mainstream media
      that don't get talked about EVER...Saville, being one.
      The fact he is getting lamestream time is very odd...

      Nathan Mitchell Quote is out of context. Eloquent speech.
      He's undergoing Uranus conjunct Mars. That's what's in his eyes.
      A fantastic voice for the Uranus side of the Uranus Pluto Square.

      Curtis Manwaring The key to knowing where he stands is where he uses that 15M.

      Evelyn Roberts He simply gets paid that much, he isn't a corporation!
      Not his fault that we as a society consider entertainers that much more valuable
      than educators, etc. Look to where he spends his money rather
      than how much he makes, he is a huge supporter of charities.
      He's a very bad boy, but a very brave and candid human being
      (in my very personal opinion) who voices what a lot of people are feeling.
      Let's not fall into that old trap of killing the messenger,
      because when it comes down to it, it is only about the message.
      The sole reason he is getting all this airplay is because he is speaking
      for so many people, and his fame and notoriety are why he has the platform.
      His eyes are very intense, but when he is laughing they are incredibly bright.
      Perhaps late Scorpio MC, and late Cap rising...
      although there is no absolutely confirmed birth time (he claims midnight).
      He was born the same day and year as Angelina Jolie,
      and both epitomize that Moon/Mars in Aries,
      wild and passionate emotional drives, sometimes extreme and shocking.

      Dia Herndon Uranus conjunct Mars-Moon conjunction!
      Really Marina he's using his fame to give a voice to
      what untold millions of us are thinking.
      You can't hold it against him that he's become successful,
      you heard him describe where he came from.

      Sangeeta Kawatra Hello people....
      just in case there is anyone out there who does not know
      what controlled opposition looks like, here is an example.
      Its Russel Brand, the Che Guava of our time,
      the new Messiah who is going to take the disenfranchised
      through the revolution!
      Will he XXXX!
      he is an Xxxxxxx, and he is 100% controlled,
      he is crying for a revolution, begging people to take to the streets...
      his puppet masters like to control every eventuality,
      they know people are starting to cotton on,
      and so they are providing "Leaders" to steer the sheeple in a direction
      they are prepared for!
      they have at their disposal the military and police,
      taking to the streets will achieve diddly twat.
      Brand will not be steering people towards NON-COMPLIENCE,
      people on mass saying no to vaccines, bucking the TV out the window, stopping their education/indoctrination etc etc.
      That is their worst fear, that we all just stop playing their game!
      And in case anyone dont know,
      Brand's ex wife was MK Ultra,
      and I am sure that if I was to devote the least bit of time to the Xxxxxxx,
      I would find that the common working class roots he claims to have sprung from,
      are probably not so common!
      He may be spouting an awful lot of truth, but thats how they work,
      how else would he appeal to the audience he is hoping to attract.
      This interview looks like it was scripted and rehearsed!
      via Sandra Barr.
      Evelyn Roberts Check out his eyes on this interview,
      Russell Brand on drugs, Savile and yoga - video

      Marina E Partridge Sorry folks.
      There are lots of things he could talk about that would make me think he was more genuine. He doesn't feel right to me. So he's an ex drug addict..
      yeah, yeah all the things that make us think he's a redeemed messiah.
      I personally don't think profit is a dirty word if you come up from the working classes
      and have made good. Yes it IS what you do with it.
      I haven't seen him talk about what he does with it!!
      Its the top 1% I'm pissed off about. We should switch off our tvs,
      stop taking in this garbage and get reading.
      Anything worth knowing is occult, if you go through history all the real revolutionaries
      were harassed or killed. Easy for him to condemn Saville now.
      He did loads of charity work too... I had the same feeling about Saville
      as I have about Brand.
      They say Bob Geldof is also "controlled opposition", but at least he did go out and do something for the Ethiopians. What do I know tho,
      I don't have time for tv, just going by gut feeling.

      Lynda Hill He's having both Uranus and Pluto transits. I think he's the real deal myself.

      Lynda Hill He has major Aries energy - I think that's what you're seeing in his eyes.

      Susan Lynne Schwenger $15 million plus another $22 from his xwife = he's a 37 million dollar man

      Marina E Partridge
      What was all the fuss about? Brand standing up to Paxman? What?!!.Brand just kept repeated himself. I wasn't convinced, sorry. Yes, he is witty and clever, a fast thinking jester. But look into his eyes, odd...


      • Post n°19

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:21 pm

      Russell Brand is dating Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith).

      Jemima's father was Sir James Michael "Jimmy" Goldsmith
      a billionaire financier and tycoon.

      Jemima has two brothers; Zac Goldsmith Tory MP
      who is married to Alice ROTHSCHILD,
      and another brother called Ben Goldsmith,
      who up until last year was married to Kate ROTHSCHILD.

      Enlarge this image
      Nice Masonic handshake with Queen Lizzy


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:30 pm
      Reirani Taurima says:
      And so begins the Re-Branding of the Russell,
      one of the only people to articulately step forward
      from within the illuminated halls of Hollywood and attempt to incite a Revolution,
      cause we all know how much the PTB love a Revolution
      As conspiracy theorists, who are ultimately just as likely to fall for cointelpro ops as anyone, begin to share pictures of him shaking the Queens hand (gasp!),
      or wearing the "Eye" on a t-shirt,
      or Xxxxxxxx a Rothschild (he's Xxxxxx just about everything else already),
      I realize we still have so far to go. We may be awake, but can we critically THINK?
      Because this is like waking up in a lucid nightmare and shooting the first thing you see,
      you're so damn traumatized you cant tell who's who so you pull the trigger on the one person who might have led you to your escape pod.

      Yes, cointelpro is earning their keep as the Master says "No, No, No Mr Brand,
      you may NOT wake a sleeping sheeple so publicly,
      you may NOT speak these truths too loudly, and you may NOT start a Revolution.

      And though we haven't devised a decent way to off you without inciting said Revolution,
      we too can play at the social media game, trusting that even the weary awakened ones
      are still too lost in the fog to figure out where North is".

      And it works, and the sheeple share and shake their heads around the fire,
      passing captioned still photographs amongst themselves that prove this mans in-validity and render years of his articulate heartcall to action inert.

      And as they do the fire slowly dies out, and there they are, still stuck in the mud,
      in the middle of nowhere, just like they supposed to be.

      Remember this as you walk the media minefields of the coming days my friends,
      days in which our world begins to turn upside down and your compass reads "WTF?".


      Post last edited Dec 20th

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:41 pm
      and, this...

      Posted: October 27, 2013 in Who do you Trust?

      The New World Order is a political ideology
      which aims to unite the world under a single tyrannical government., the truth movement aims to inform the masses
      of the malevolent New World Order agenda.

      An ever-increasing number of people have un-plugged from this ‘pseudo-reality matrix’
      and have awoken to the conspiracy which has enslaved mankind.
      People have lost faith in the mainstream media,
      there is an abundance of ‘alternative media’ outlets
      and truth movement ‘celebrities’ (the ‘pied-pipers’)
      for which the ‘awakened’ seek their information.

      This article is a part of the “Who do you Trust?” series.

      I do enjoy Russell Brand as a comedian and his general ‘occupy Wall Street’
      inequality rhetoric is somewhat refreshing to hear in the mainstream.
      However, he will pose no threat to the establishment (and neither will anybody else)
      until he begins to talk of oligarchy and names those elite families
      of inter-generational Satanists with the aim of exposing their worldwide pedophile networks
      & ritualistic tendencies.

      Brand has recently started calling for a political and philosophical revolution
      and he states: “I don’t get my authority from this preexisting paradigm,
      which is quite narrow and only serves a few people”.

      As blogger Thomas Sheridan states, Brand’s recent interview on the BBC
      with Jeremy Paxman is a classic example of show-business
      being used as a social engineering tool.

      As stated on Red Ice Creation: “His new political agenda he says
      is a ‘socialist egalitarian system’ involving a “massive redistribution of wealth”,
      “heavy taxation of corporations”, and adds that we must address the problem of profits.”

      So many people have been wooed by the hypnotic quality of Brand’s “revolutionary proposal”
      yet many fail to see the problems with his political ideology:
      he is calling for socialism!

      What is socialism? Socialism advocates either severe limitation
      or total ownership and regulation of property, production, distribution
      and trade by the community or state.

      Karl Marx is regarded as the father of modern communism and the Marxist theory states: “Socialism is merely a transitional state between the end of capitalism 935138_10151956542197145_152115628_n and the start of communism.”

      Communist nations generally require the removal or complete regulation of religion
      – the state replaces God.

      National Socialism blended with fascism was the political\economic ideology of Hitler and the Nazi’s. Typically monarchs and oligarchs favor systems such as socialism and communism or fascism and totalitarianism – the “isms”,
      where taxes are high and individual freedoms are limited
      or where individuals are entirely subject to the state!

      Who is Russell Brand?

      Russell Brand (born 1975) is an English comedian, actor, radio host, and author.

      According to Wikipedia: “He dresses in a flamboyant bohemian fashion…
      He has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder…

      Brand cites his practice of Transcendental Meditation as a significant factor
      in his recovery from drug addiction.”

      Of course, it is always a great testimony, to hear somebody beating a drug addiction
      and at present, I don’t believe Brand to be a shill
      or somebody who is deliberately trying to deceive the masses.

      However, both his political and spiritual outlook are tenets of the New World Order.

      His political stance is well summarized on Red Ice Creation:
      ”Despite Brand’s refreshing candor and undeniable “charm,”
      his misunderstanding of the true nature of centralization of government power
      is unforgivable.
      It’s intellectually lazy and in truth, dangerous…
      Communism and socialism have been responsible for the death of
      possibly hundreds of millions of people in eastern Europe and Asia
      in the last century.

      The butchery of despotic socialist dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung,
      Che Guevera, Fidel Castro and Pol-Pot are historic testimonies
      as to the eventual endgame of the centralization of government power”

      What does he Believe?

      Brand believes in God.
      From what I gather, he believes in and an impersonal god (a force)
      an eternal universe.

      He is influenced by Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism
      (and seems to share the beliefs of David Icke) and clearly believes in the ‘New Age’.

      Brand states: ”It’s difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an artificial construction. You are, in fact, part of the glorious oneness of the universe.”

      Although the words “New Age” could cause one to assume that these beliefs are new,
      little is new in the New Age Movement.

      The words “New Age” are derived from the idea that the world
      is about to enter a utopian age of Aquarius. Douglas R. Groothuis,
      research associate with Probe Ministries (Seattle, Wash.),
      identifies six distinctives of New Age thinking:

      All is One
      All is God
      Humanity is God
      A change in consciousness
      All religions are one
      Cosmic evolutionary optimism

      So why do I believe the New Age religion is dangerous?

      It promotes inter-faith, unity and compromise (compromise of absolute truth),
      it claims we must all embrace our “oneness” to reach a higher state of consciousness

      – and this is exactly what is required for a New World Order to be successful

      – a population who will unite and compromise on truth.

      The New Age is riddled with Freemasonic philosophy and pseudo-intellectual claims.

      As David Stewart rightfully states, mass-marketed false spiritualism,
      also known as the New Age movement is: “…an expansive idea cantered around
      the birth of a new world ‘consciousness.’

      As a religion of monism (all is one), New Agers aim to accomplish what the builders
      of the Tower of Babel failed to do

      — unify the masses of the world under a single religious umbrella, and, at the macro level, harmonically converge the world’s energies with the power of Gaia.

      To promote such goals, New Agers claim that God is pantheistic
      (God is all and all is God) and that humans are divine members of the whole ‘that God is’.”

      The false spiritual movement is appealing for those who wish to find meaning
      in whatever suits their taste, rather than searching out truth.

      In my book, Quantum Prophecies: Babylon Resurrected, I state that:
      “Mystery Babylon is a universal religion…
      it is manifesting in a way like never before and as the modern-day globalists
      work towards a “common purpose”…
      we are witnessing the rise of eastern mysticism and the New Age
      – this is the resurrection of Babylon.” I believe there are three aspects to the resurrection of Babylon (a.k.a the New World Order):

      Temporal or physical – a literal rebuilding of the ancient city.

      Spiritual and religious – Mystery Babylon, in all its variety, is the universal religion of fallen man.

      Ideological or political – this is the building of one-world fascist government which has been centuries in the making (it is driven by the spiritual realm).

      As previously mentioned, the New World Order is a political ideology
      which aims to unite the world under a single tyrannical government.

      However, it is actually more than a simple political ideology, it is spiritually driven. The pied-pipers of the truth movement such as David Icke, David Wilcock and now Russell Brand, along with documentaries such as Thrive and Zeitgeist, all promote the New Age religion.

      I don’t believe Brand is a “disinformation agent” but I do believe he is serving a function.

      I do believe David Icke to be a disinformation agent and I also believe Thrive and Zeitgeist
      are used to deceive the masses.

      As Frank Garvey states: “The New Age focuses so much on a myth of individual and social transformation through “Unstoppable Love” and disapproves (so obliquely but fiercely) of any expression of anger and therefore actual rebellion.

      Obliquely, so as to prevent any feedback or critique.”

      - I will be adding more content to this article at a later date but until then
      “peace, love and light-bulbs be with you”.
      Oh, and don’t think any negative thoughts or they might manifest within
      your eternal oneness of self-being consciousness…

      This article was composed by: Benjamin Nehemiah, author of Quantum Prophecies:
      Babylon Resurrected


      Mike says:
      October 27, 2013 at 10:50 pm

      This article is so negative and bias. It does not reflect the realities of modern slavery in the current system of Governance. It plays on the mystical model.
      Liking socialism to communism is absolute deceit and bringing back the stories of communism from the past to scare mongering people in believing that the current system is God \and there will not be another day after the fall of the current political western system
      if absolute fabrication and wrong.
      The author must be an agent paid by the system to deplore change.

      bencoates11 says:
      October 28, 2013 at 7:20 pm

      No, the author is not a paid agent. I just dont put my faith into solutions proposed by Russell Brand.

      JOHN says:
      October 28, 2013 at 9:23 am

      Russel Brand is 1. an actor, with
      2. a bipolar disorder in a hypomanic phase.
      3. An ego maniac, and
      4. an opportunist using his celebrity status (during a hypomanic phase)
      to ride the wave of protest that WE have been building.

      All the energy of the various Occupy movements will be drained and lead into the desert (by design) and the structural heart torn out. (Divide et Impera).

      Ride the wave with him, out of the muddy puddle, but do not follow the hypomanic Jesus Christ actor.



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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:49 pm


      Russel Brand Busted as Katy Perry's Illuminati Handler


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:53 pm
      on a side note;
      it is always a good thing
      when you are about to watch, or have watched something like that the video above,
      that, you:

      "command and demand...
      that only those things,
      that are in 100% alignment
      with your missions, your purposes and your tasks
      can have any access to you,
      all other connections,
      are to be electrocuted, ended, and, expired immediately.
      and, simply sign it off, with your soul sigil aka your soul signature"
      ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Dec 20th

      • Post n°24

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:59 pm
      By Becca Longmire On September 30, 2013
      'I'm Currently Single': Russell Brand Isn't Dating Anyone Despite Jemima Khan Romance Rumours

      Russell then went on to kiss members of the audience at Saturday night's show


      Russell Brand and Jemima Khan may have been spotted looking cosy a couple of weeks ago, but the comedian has now revealed that he is officially single once again, before then going on to "make out" with a bunch of girls in the front row of one of his shows over the weekend.

      It was just two weeks ago that Russell was snapped walking arm in arm with millionaireness Jemima, but it seems like the relationship may have been over before it had even begun, as the Brit confirmed his single status to an excited crowd on Saturday night in Atlanta, according to the Mail Online.

      "I'm currently single," declared Brand, who was finishing up the US leg of his Messiah Complex world tour.


      Russell poses after wrapping his legs ladies' underwear (Photo: Splash News)

      The 38-year-old was back to his womanising ways, it seems, as he took a pair of pink ladies underwear that had been thrown at him on stage, before promptly wrapping them around his legs and falling to the floor.

      This is when he started to grab screaming fans and allegedly "make out with them", with pictures showing Brand getting rather up, close and personal with one lady in particular.


      Brand's single announcement comes after The Daily Star recently reported
      that things had been far from well between the pair,
      with insiders claiming that Jemima is freaked out by Russell's overbearing behaviour.

      "Jemima’s started to get a bit freaked out by Russell’s relentless affection,"
      the source revealed to the paper.

      The Get Him to Greek star recently hinted that he had found a special lady in his life,
      telling The Guardian that he was smitten with a mystery woman
      and officially off the dating scene.

      The comedian confided to the paper: "I normally fancy lots of girls but right now
      I really like another one, and I'm not interested in anybody else.
      It's a bit like finding a surprise ballroom in your house."


      Enlarge this image

      Russell and Jemima were snapped taking a stroll in NYC just 2 weeks ago (Photo: Splash News)

      However, Jemima, who was married to former cricketer Imran Khan for nine years, has allegedly been telling her inner circle that while she likes Russell, she's concerned that the comedian has become addicted to her.

      The source added: "She’s described him as compulsive and obsessive. It’s like he’s addicted to her. She likes him but it’s still too much.

      "Jemima fears Russell’s obsession is more about his demons than it is about her."



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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Sanicle on Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:01 am
      mudra wrote:

      I have been thinking lately about the day of my departure
      and that I should tell my family and friends not to bring flowers along
      but rather plant a tree in memory of my passage here.
      That would be a nice way of mine to leave
      something usefull to Mother and all of her children.
      Imagine now for a moment every one does this ....
      Do you see it ? ... WOW wonderfull isn't it [​IMG]

      Love for You
      That's a truly wonderful idea Mudra. Think I might pinch it if you don't mind. "Imagine now for a moment every one does this ....
      Do you see it ? ... WOW wonderfull isn't it?" YES YES YES YES YES!!



      We create boundaries all around us on every level to protect ourselves and maintain control.
      When based on fear, the boundaries can become prisons for our Soul
      Beliefs can become a mental prison if too strictly held to, shutting out the Light
    • THEeXchanger

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:48 am

      Question 1:
      If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally handicapped, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

      Question 2:
      It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.

      Candidate A.
      Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

      Candidate B.
      He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

      Candidate C.
      He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

      Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down
      for the response.


      Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
      Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
      Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
      And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

      Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading...

      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember: Amateurs...built the ark.
      Professionals...built the Titanic

      And Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

      * 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
      * 7 have been arrested for fraud
      * 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
      * 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
      * 3 have done time for assault
      * 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
      * 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
      * 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
      * 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
      * 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...
      Can you guess which organization this is?

      Give up yet?
      It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.
      The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year
      designed to keep the rest of us in line.

      You gotta pass this on.....



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      • Post n°27

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] mudra on Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:52 am
      Sanicle wrote:That's a truly wonderful idea Mudra. Think I might pinch it if you don't mind. "Imagine now for a moment every one does this ....
      Do you see it ? ... WOW wonderfull isn't it?" YES YES YES YES YES!!

      By all means pinch it from me dear Sanicle [​IMG]


      Love from me

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] mudra on Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:10 am
      THEeXchanger wrote:2 TOUGH QUESTIONS

      Question 1:
      If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally handicapped, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

      Question 2:
      It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.

      Candidate A.
      Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

      Candidate B.
      He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

      Candidate C.
      He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

      Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down
      for the response.


      Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
      Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
      Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
      And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

      Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading...

      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember: Amateurs...built the ark.
      Professionals...built the Titanic

      We are living in a designer's universe.
      Balance is the will
      Out of chaos the choice.
      EVOLve is the flow.

      Love from me

      Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
      ~~ Buddha ~~


      In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]

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      • Post n°29

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:14 am

      40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don’t Know
      BLOG, conspiracy theories, News November 12, 2012 21 Comments
      Share This Article With Others


      Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will discover things that most people don’t know. Here are 40 outrageous facts that most people are clueless about.

      1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

      2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

      3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

      4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

      5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the "US Government" held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

      6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

      7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 42 2.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)

      8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

      9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178)

      10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

      11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.

      12. The UN is a One World Super Government.

      13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.

      14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

      15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

      16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

      17. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

      The Revolutionary War was a fraud.18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

      19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24)

      20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

      …and as history repeats itself, Prescott Bush, as history repeats itself, Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II. The Bush family have been traitors to the American citizens for decades. father of George HW Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II. The Bush family have been traitors to the American citizens for decades.

      “Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.”

      George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992

      21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

      22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, TheBritain is owned by the Vatican.Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

      23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

      24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 620953-54)

      25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

      26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

      27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

      28. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

      29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children. (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

      30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, " The People" does not include you and me. pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

      31. ” The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)

      32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

      33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

      34. Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

      35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

      36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple.

      37. The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation.

      38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930′s including the Railroads was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves “Kings,” “Prime Ministers,” and “Furor.”etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries which didn’t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn’t it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the “Bank of International Settlements”is located.Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of “Government” in place.

      39. The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britian or King George.

      40. The etymology of government means to control the mind. From Latinised Greek gubernatio ”management, government”, from Ancient Greek κυβερνισμός, κυβέρνησις (kybernismos, kybernesis) “steering, pilotage, guiding”, from κυβερνάω (kybernao) “to steer, to drive, to guide, to act as a pilot” plus Latin mente ”mind”




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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:55 pm
      Cash Snowden says:
      What Russell Brand said has the smartest people I know taking it as seriously as I do. Him saying we could give it a different name is meaningless. 260 million murdered in just a century. "What happens when someone refuses to cooperate and refuses to be punished" is the most important question whenever anyone discusses change. He essentially just issued a death threat against me and every other voluntaryist in the world.~Cash
      The part people take issue with starts 5 minutes into the vid.


      Russell Brand vs. Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight 2013 [Full Interview]

      Tina Babcock WOW! I haven't really been following this Russell Brand thing but he sure has been in my feed a lot. Holy crap!

      Liberty Smith


      Russell Brand, Get a Clue!

      After people nagging me about it, I finally watched the "controversial" interview with Russell Brand. Here is my response.

      Onemore Agorist Freeman i copy-paste this under every post of his video i see:

      while i sympathize with the vast majority of what Russel have said, he calls for the wrong thing at the crux of the issue: he calls for even bigger (read: bloodier) governments.

      he is either mindbogglingly naive (too intelligent for that), or he's a tool of controlled opposition. given his recent raise in the mainstream media, i suspect it's unfortunately the second.

      when the economy will fall apart (doubtless) then people will be angry and desperate, and they will call for saviors. the rulers know this all too well, they manufactured most of what lead to this. he is just one of the baits waiting for the angry mob to swallow.

      but i hope i'm wrong!

      either way, here are two reasonable answers to this interview, that i very much recommend:

      Stefan Molyneux - An Open Letter to Russell Brand - Let's Start a Revolution!


      Russell Brand I love you but you're wrong
      - Topher VBlog 009 response to Paxman vs Brand interview


      Larken Rose - Russell Brand, Get a Clue!


      An Open Letter to Russell Brand - Let's Start a Revolution!

      Russell Brand recently spoke with Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman about economic inequality, how voting doesn't change anything, political apathy and revolution.

      Cash Snowden Did you watch Red Ice's response?


      Russell Brand's Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - Red Ice Commentary

      In a recent diatribe on BBC, Hollywood actor Russell Brand with Jeremy Paxman spoke candidly about his desire to create a "Socialist egalitarian system based...

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Dec 20th


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Floyd on Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:57 pm
      Brand is a self promoter. Used to watch him on Kilburn High Road years ago
      U got it all wrong baby
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Floyd on Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:01 pm
      mudra wrote:
      Floyd wrote:Russel brand is to thick to work for the illuminati. He is not even a good comic.
      Those who follow politcal utopias that are opposite to socialism are not particularly intelligent either.
      In fact in many ways they are worse.
      Each time we work in opposition we loose I believe for what has been won by persuasion or force will sooner or later be lost and it's opposite return.

      Love from me
      Extremes are for the unwise. Both collective or individualist utopias.
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]
      • [​IMG]

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:35 pm
      Robert Webb takes on Russell Brand, urges him to read George Orwell,
      stop telling young people not to vote and that his idea of a glorious revolution
      will only end in violence


      Terry Cooley says: marxists too?


      susan lynne schwenger says:
      these people should have their assets frozen
      - and, the wealth should be redistrubuted equally to all the poor people on earth

      Enlarge this image


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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:26 am

      Enlarge this image
      Russel Brand exposed!
      Illuminati fingerprints all over this pic.
      Obviously he's a Freemason.
      And so is his handler the giraffe
      (7th degree: one for every neck vertebrae).
      I heard the giraffe is actually a reptilian in disguise,
      and so is everyone on earth who ever did (or will do)
      the "Devil's horns" gesture.
      You're all so busted right now.
      XXXX, I just thought of some photos I need to take off the net...

      Art by: Nevets Enutrof

      Ok, for the slow learners out there:
      this meme is SATIRICAL - it's not meant to be taken literally,
      as it is merely a joke
      (as you should be able to see if you actually read the blurb accompanying it)

      as, for the giraffe
      it has something to do with getting a question wrong
      and if you do you have to make your profile pic a giraffe for 3 days...
      (Apparently a British idea...)


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      • Post n°35

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Floyd on Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:03 pm
      If you actually listen to his solution it was as useless as libertarianism or its opposite. He was just talking bollocks. He had no remedy. There is no utopia.magamud

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      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] magamud on Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:42 pm
      He's trying to get people to think.
    • You are under a complete Kleptocracy anyway.
    • Can people just identify that first?

      Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
    • [​IMG]THE eXchangeR

      Posts: 3751

      Age: 54
      • Post n°37

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] THEeXchanger on Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:48 pm
      Jeremy Paxman admits he agrees with Russell Brand
      on The Graham Norton Show

      By Christopher Hooton Friday 1 Nov 2013 11:33 pm

      Paxman: I agree with Russell BrandJeremy Paxman agreed that politicians need more real world experience (Picture: BBC)

      During a rare chat show appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Newsnight host Jeremy Paxman said he thinks Russell Brand is ‘absolutely right’ about people being fed up with politicians.

      Fellow guest John Bishop broached the topic of politicians being out of touch, at which point Paxman brought up Brand’s recent comments to him.

      Paxman seemed a little incredulous towards Brand’s calls for revolution
      in the already infamous Newsnight interview, but apparently shares his frustrations.

      The broadcaster told Norton how he disagrees with Brand on many things,
      but that on the subject of apathy toward politics in the UK:
      ‘I think he is absolutely right, I think people are fed up with posturing politicians.’

      Brand became embroiled in a war of words with actor and commentator Robert Webb
      earlier this week, who dismissed his calls for revolution telling Brand
      to ‘read some f*cking Orwell’.

      Elsewhere during the Graham Norton interview,
      Paxman discussed his controversial new beard,
      admitted that the thought of calling irksome interviewees a d*ckhead
      ‘had crossed his mind’ and played a mini game of University Challenge.

      Quizzing Norton, Bishop and the show’s other guests Sir Elton John
      and Dame Judi Dench on the sofa,
      Paxman at one particularly surreal moment wound up shouting
      ‘worms worms worms worms worms!’ at the Skyfall actress,
      in reference to her scoleciphobia.
      Graham Norton, Jeremy Paxman, Russell Brand

      "in the end, the inner circles will turn on the innermost circle"
      ~ susan lynne schwenger



      Posts: 1420
      Location: Melbourne, Australia
      • Post n°38

      [​IMG] Re: Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

      [​IMG] Sanicle on Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:38 pm
      Floyd wrote:Brand is a self promoter. Used to watch him on Kilburn High Road years ago
      U got it all wrong baby
      Yep, and you've fallen right into his game too eXchanger, unable to let it go. His career thrives on the controversy he sets out to create. [​IMG]


      We create boundaries all around us on every level to protect ourselves and maintain control.
      When based on fear, the boundaries can become prisons for our Soul
      Beliefs can become a mental prison if too strictly held to, shutting out the Light




    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Russell brand is a man in red - and; NOT telling anyone anything that is unique, or NOT KNOWN,
    he made his money from being involved with a Rothschild woman - and, she helped him get gigs
    - she sure isn't helping him NOW
    AND, HE WILL never work FOR HOLLYWOOD ever again
    - they will KNOCK HIM OFF !!!
    what do they NOT want you to pay attention to
    as, this is nothing more than a distraction !!!
    • 31 oct 2014 9:56 am est

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    'Revolutionary' Russell Brand leaves Buckingham Palace demonstrations early to hobnob with celebrities enjoying freebie at the theatre

    • Brand joined thousands of masked demonstrators in London last night
    • But he later went to celebrity-filled press night of new theatre musical
    • The comedian was at event alongside Jimmy Carr and David Walliams
    • Riot police lined streets as protesters donned sinister Guy Fawkes masks
    • Officers drew batons as missiles, road signs and fireworks were launched
    • Crowd kicked over railings while chanting 'one solution, revolution'
    PUBLISHED: 12:02 GMT, 6 November 2014 | UPDATED: 14:37 GMT, 6 November 2014

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    Russell Brand's revolutionary credentials took another hit last night after it emerged he enjoyed a free night out at the theatre after marching with masked demonstrators who brought chaos to the capital.
    Self-styled anti-establishment figure Brand was at a Bonfire Night protest which later saw riot police draw their batons as rebel protesters threw missiles on the Mall.
    But, it emerged today, the star then took his place alongside a host of celebrities invited to the Made In Dagenham press night at the Adelphi Theatre later in the evening.
    Scroll down for videos

    Russell Brand started the evening marching on the streets of London with anti-capitalist demonstrators




    But as the protests continued - and turned violent - Brand slipped away and was seen entering a celebrity-filled press night for a new musical

    Russell Brand took part in the protest outside Parliament which was orchestrated by activists who said they intended to cause chaos throughout London
    Early last night, Brand joined the crowd as thousands of masked anti-capitalist demonstrators descended on Westminster for a protest which saw scuffles with police.
    The star - who quit drink and drugs ahead of writing his Revolution book - was spotted donning one of the Guy Fawkes masks widely used by members of radical groups.
    Officers in riot gear were on stand-by amid threats from campaign group Anonymous that the demonstration would create a blockade throughout London.
    Brand said he wanted to see a 'loving, peaceful protest' and told activists: 'Stay cool, stay cool. I think you should be careful. Don't get beaten up and arrested tonight.'


    He then left the protest early to join celebrities including fellow comedians Jimmy Carr and David Walliams in the West End for the press night of Made In Dagenham.
    The musical comedy, which is based on the 2010 film about women workers at a Ford car factory, stars Gemma Arterton, Isla Blair and David Cardy.
    But as Brand enjoyed the party, police officers at the protest he had just left were forced to draw their batons as missiles, plastic cones and road signs were launched along the Mall, while fireworks were let off in Trafalgar Square.

    Russell Brand criticises Boris Johnson at Million Mask March



    The anti-capitalist protest saw hundreds of activists wear masks depicting the sinister face of Guy Fawkes



    Brand was seen donning a Guy Fawkes mask popular with anti-capitalist demonstrators and radical groups


    Barricades erected in anticipation of the protest were later lifted by demonstrators as police attempted to control scenes in Parliament Square
    The masked demonstrators - some as young as 14 - also kicked and dragged over security railings while chanting 'one solution, revolution', as others daubed graffiti on riot vans.
    During the march, protesters also let off fireworks and threw firecrackers at police who were guarding the Victoria Memorial, hurling abuse at them.
    The crowd surged through central London, pushing over bins, shouting at bemused shoppers and commuters and hitting cars and people with yellow flexible tubes.
    At one point, they surrounded a man driving a new Mercedes car and sprayed the back of it with an aerosol, pushing their tubes at him as he opened windows to remonstrate with them.

    The protest, known as the Million Mask March, was one of hundreds organised at the same time in cities around the world.




    Officers were forced to draw their batons as missiles, plastic cones and road signs were launched

    A police officer ducks to avoid the pushing and shoving which surged through the crowd during the protest


    British fashion designer Vivienne Westwood was also spotted at the march in central London

    Police arrested a man on suspicion of headbutting a woman police officer outside Buckingham Palace during the protest

    Officers were forced to draw their batons as missiles, plastic cones and road signs were launched along the Mall

    See protestors BATTLE police at London Million Mask March


    Demonstrators wearing sinister Guy Fawkes masks - made famous in the film V for Vendetta - descended on Trafalgar Square, waving banners and placards, before marching towards Parliament Square at 6.30pm.
    As they milled around the square, they chanted anti-establishment slogans before climbing on to the base of Nelson's Column and letting off fireworks.
    They then moved onto Buckingham Palace before hundreds of protesters made their way through central London, going to Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street and Oxford Circus.
    They then marched to the BBC's headquarters at Broadcasting House on nearby Portland Place and going along Oxford Street to Hyde Park and Park Lane.
    As of around midnight, ten people had been arrested, including three on suspicion of assaulting police officers, one of a firework offence, three for public order crimes and one of attempted GBH.


    The heightened security measures come as the Metropolitan Police attempted to contact Anonymous, but no one came forward with any details

    Protesters argued with riot police as they formed human barriers against the huge crowd of demonstrators

    Riot police were put on high alert after warnings from the protest group that it would cause chaos in London

    'WHOSE STREETS? OUR STREETS!' Protestors chant in London


    The group said in its manifesto that it fights against mass surveillance, austerity and infringement of human rights.
    Russell Brand also joined the London arm of the worldwide Million Mask March last year.
    During that march, energy bills were burned, fireworks were shot at Buckingham Palace and there were 15 arrests, following scuffles with police.
    He later wrote an article saying that riots are sparked 'when dialogue fails, when they feel unrepresented and bored by the illusion'.

    Today, it seemed the group were hoping for a similar result. On its website before the march, one of the group members wrote: 'What I'd like to see is a MASSIVE Anonymous blockade of London City.
    'Complete physical GRIDLOCK. Only thing that gets through are Fire & Rescue and ambulances. NOTHING ELSE MOVES.'



    Fireworks and smoke were seen rising out of Trafalgar Square as the protest got underway this evening

    The crowd tried its best to carry out the wishes of the organisers, which asked for a massive blockade of London City

    The group - which uses the Guy Fawkes masks as its trademark - said it fights against mass surveillance, austerity and infringement of human rights

    The protest was held on the night of Britain's Guy Fawkes Night, and many of the marchers wore the white masks of the man who plotted to blow up parliament in 1605

    Protesters chanted anti-establishment slogans as they milled around, while others climbed on to the base of Nelson's Column let off fireworks

    The group also warned it would have 'bigger banners, louder voices, more people and a louder system'.
    The London march is part of a day of global demonstrations, which include rallies across Europe, the Americas and Asia.
    The protest has led to officers from the Metropolitan Police, British Transport Police and the City of London Police Force being on stand-by.
    The heightened security measures came as the Metropolitan Police attempted to contact Anonymous, but no one came forward with any details.
    In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said they had attempted to contact organisers of the event 'without success'.


    Graffiti was daubed on a police van, while a masked protester stood nearby waving a placard

    Most people protested peacefully, but some ten arrests were made, Metropolitan Police said

    The group warned it would have 'bigger banners, louder voices, more people and a louder system' than last year's protest



    Writing on its website before the march, the group said: 'What I'd like to see is a MASSIVE Anonymous blockade of London City'. Protesters waved banners and placards during the march

    The protesters came up with a number of creative ways to express their messages of discontent

    The group said in its manifesto that it fights again mass surveillance, austerity and infringement of human rights

    Anti-capitalist protesters held up signs saying 'Expect Us' 'We Are Anonymous' and 'We Are Everyone'

    Rather than communicate directly with local authorities, Anonymous sent a message to the government

    The protesters made their way through central London, going to Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street and Oxford Circus
    And it added that they have imposed Section 60AA of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 across Westminster between 5pm today and 2am tomorrow, which provides powers to remove masks when police fear a crime will be committed.
    Scotland Yard said: 'The Met Police deals with around 4,500 protests and events every year. These can range from a single protester to hundreds of thousands of people walking through the capital's streets.
    'Officers work with organisers to ensure that people are able to carry out their right to peaceful protest whilst ensuring Londoners can go about their daily business.'
    Last year's London march saw more than 2,500 protesters take to the streets, in a rally which saw fireworks thrown at Buckingham Palace and a total of 15 arrests.
    Rather than communicate directly with local authorities, Anonymous sent a message to the government, and to global world leaders: 'To oppressive governments, we say this: we do not expect our campaign to be completed in a short time frame. However, you will not prevail against the angry masses of the body politic.'



    Brand later joined fellow comedians including Jimmy Carr, David Walliams (left) and Graham Norton (right)



    Actress Kate Fleetwood (left), director Rupert Gould and Strictly judge Craig Revell-Horwood (right) were also at the gala West End night

    The celebrity-filled event was put on for the opening of Made in Dagenham, starring Gemma Arterton (centre)

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    How does this fit into your revolution? Anti-capitalist Russell Brand's film company is being 'bankrolled by City bankers in tax relief scheme'

    • Comedian has repeatedly hit out at the City and called for debt to be illegal
    • But it emerged today his film company was handed a huge sum by bankers
    • It is believed the money is being ploughed into a new movie, Brand the Film
    • A clip of the film shows Brand urging followers not to 'comply' with system
    • One City investor has now hit out at the star's bashing of 'cartoon bankers'
    PUBLISHED: 10:32 GMT, 30 October 2014 | UPDATED: 09:23 GMT, 31 October 2014

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    Russell Brand has certainly not held back since becoming a crusader against global capitalism.
    He has called for an ‘orgy’ of banker bashing, urged people to refuse to pay taxes and called profit a ‘filthy word’.
    But he appears to have no problem with raising nearly £1million from wealthy capitalists including investment bankers and a Premier League footballer to make a documentary about himself.


    Russell Brand has launched repeated attacks on bankers and called for debt to be abolished in his new book

    But it emerged today that the company behind his new film has been bankrolled by city financiers. File photo
    Investors were enticed with generous tax breaks to support the film, portraying Brand, 39, as a ‘troubled visionary’ seeking to change the world.
    The entertainer-turned-campaigner – said to be worth £15million – faced charges of hypocrisy after details of the funding arrangements emerged yesterday.



    His public pronouncements on bankers – whom he wants to be punished for their role in the financial crisis – have been rather more outspoken.
    ‘I think an orgy of any kind would be great, but one that focuses on banker bashing would be the best kind,’ he told BBC One’s Question Time last year.
    He has also declared on Newsnight: ‘David Cameron says profit isn’t a dirty word. Well I say profit is a filthy word.’ These trenchant positions are at odds with his use of venture capital to finance the upcoming film.

    The film funded by investors is a documentary in which Brand calls on fans not to 'comply' with the system

    Russell Brand walks in the Occupy Wall Street Protest



    Company documents list Russell Edward Brand as a director of Mayfair Film Partnership Limited since his 'appointment' in July 2010.
    Other directors are listed as Brand's manager, Andrew Antonio, the best man at his wedding, Nicholas Linnen and John Linnen.
    The company is registered at an accountants firm in Burnham on Sea, Somerset, whose offices are opposite a tattoo parlour and a junk shop in the seaside town.
    Investors are believed to include city financial director Una Lodge, Sunderland and former England footballer Wes Brown, and an estimated 17 other shareholders.
    Called Brand, it is co-produced by Mayfair Film Partnership, of which he is a director. Shares in the firm worth £973,000 were sold to 21 outside investors, including an executive with bank giant JPMorgan Chase.
    The largest stake went to Sunderland defender Wes Brown.
    The shares were bought under the Government’s Enterprise Investment Scheme, which provides tax incentives for people to invest in risky new businesses.
    One leading accountant, who asked not to be named, said: ‘He’s being a capitalist, but he then goes on Newsnight and rants about how terrible capitalism is. I would challenge his hypocrisy.’
    A source said Brand did not benefit from any tax relief because he is not an investor in the company.

    Brand hit out at bankers during an appearance on the BBC's Question Time, calling for them to 'go down'

    The BBC gave Brand many platforms to publicise his book Revolution – but rarely challenged his claims. It took website Buzzfeed to find a professor, Chandran Kukathas of the London School of Economics, to assess his work.
    BRAND ON INTERNATIONAL CAR SALES: ‘I wouldn’t worry too much about exporting them, as other countries have their own f***ing cars.’
    PROF KUKATHAS: ‘It’s hard to see how one could come up with a sillier thought. A 30-second search on Wikipedia will tell you fewer than 50 countries make cars.’
    ON THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY: ‘If my vacuum cleaner went nuts and forced me to live in economic slavery, I wouldn’t roll my eyes and say “Oh well” and humbly do its bidding. I’d turn it off and f*** it out the window.’
    THE PROFESSOR: ‘Is the industry really like a vacuum cleaner? How does one turn it off? Or throw it out the window?
    ON DEBT: ‘Cancelling personal debt would stimulate the economy more than any “too big to fail” bank quantitative easing.’
    THE PROFESSOR: ‘Mr Brand is quite confused. Quantitative easing is neither necessary nor sufficient for stopping a bank or any other corporation from failing.’
    ON CORPORATIONS: ‘If they don’t pay tax, we’ll reclaim their assets and give them to the people who work there to run.’
    THE PROFESSOR: ‘What does he mean? Most corporations are owned by shareholders. If you take the assets away from them … you will deprive millions of their income, and perhaps their livelihood.’
    ON THE NATION STATE: ‘It may have served its purpose and have to be dissolved – it’s not a big deal.’
    THE PROFESSOR: ‘I have no idea what he means here. How is this to be done?’
    ON REVOLUTION: ‘The spiritual Revolution, the Revolution we are about to realise, will be fast because the organisms are in place.’
    THE PROFESSOR: ‘If the revolution advocated is a spiritual transformation, what is one to make of the authoritarian element of the manifesto? It sounds like the new society is going to have an awful lot of confiscating, and forbidding – stopping people from exporting, or fracking, or building up capital.’

    Russell Brand was mocked this weekend after he appeared in a corporate box at a West Ham match.
    Rather than sit among fellow fans, the comedian was seen standing among suited businessman behind the glass of a hospitality suite.
    Footballer Joey Barton joked about Brand on Twitter, posting: 'Russell Brand. Man of the people. Starting his revolution from the executive boxes. Very Che Guevara.'
    Another website user added: 'The cost of one executive box for a day at Upton Park could pay for an NHS nurse for a month. Disgusted.'
    Brand was later filmed kissing West Ham manager Sam Allardyce after his team beat league champions Manchester City 2-1.

    Brand was criticised after appearing in a hospitality suite during a visit to watch his team,
    West Ham United
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    I'm SURE NOT GOING TO FOLLOW his type of revolution
    ~he looks like Charles Manson
    or, has those crazy AOC eyes :(
    • Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Yuval Harari, Top Advisor to Klaus Schwab - WEF - world economic forum with Russell Brand

    Russell Brand & His Breadcrumbs - Man In Red ? Crystal Ball In Hotel Room ? Beyond Weird !!!
    3 pages of info

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    yeap! why ?
    "because he is one of them"
    Nicole Hadfield
    and, if you notice he also has those unbalanced eyes !!!


    " Those that are really exposing 'The System' for what it REALLY is
    - and there are many now
    don't get within a hundred miles of Question Time, Newsnight, Channel Four News, etc. etc

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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