Let us get right to it. Poem: Revan's Story I by raxnae, Apr 30, 2011, 12:39:54 AM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse Into The Unknown ...by Darth Revan As the Subject of many Plot Twists, the Great Journey Begins, Leaving behind Loyal Cerberus, and the Love of Another, Propelling beyond the Veil, Hurling my Soul through the Wall, Stepping into the Unknown, into Darkness once more. I seek an Answer to a Question, what is the Sum of All Things, Without this Foundation, a Vision cannot Be, My Grand Dream, to Balance the Force, To maintain our Nature, for our Serenity. This Logical Insanity, my Will's Final Effort, Innumerable Paths, Connecting the Middle Road, Understanding the Spirit, with Scientific Mythology, For what can be Truth, that cannot overcome Death? Little did I know, these Past and Future Secrets, Timeless Void, Hallucinations of my Mind, Piercing Infinity, Staring into Blank Nothing, Piecing together the Facts, opening my Third Eye. Life and Adventure, an Image of Beauty, Yet how to Preserve, my Empty Being, Stabilize and Hollowfy, Nobody behind a Mask, Self Suicide, Living Vacuum. Sift through Primal Instinct, Ancient Entries, Where have I been, where will I go, Traveler of a Thousand Lifetimes, Losing Count, What is Real, and what is Fake? Infinite Possibilities, Numberless Variables, Mind Cracking, Pressuring Abyss, Thinking of Home, Lost without Stars, Observe and Remember, the True Lights. Author's Notes: Much is coded in this poem, Revan's journey to the void. Poem: Revan's Story II by raxnae, Apr 30, 2011, 5:47:11 PM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse Doctrine of Loyalty ...for my friend Heed my words Old Friend, before your New Identity Begins, Let us think back to the Simple Days, of our Youth as Trainees, We were both Outcasts, treated with Disregard and Suspicion, I for my Raw Talent, and you for your Origin. In a Micro World of Fools, both Young and Old, We became Brothers, we sought the Truth, Our Journeys to Secret Places, opened our Eyes, These False Builders, and their Evil Ways. You said our Revolution should be made Public, I stayed your hand, We must Speak only to those, with Open Eyes and Hearing Ears, Such Wisdom is neither of Light nor Dark, but the Essence of Both, We may Fall, and should this come to pass Stop one another. Remember us and our Kindred, Fighting to Save our Home, How many Fell, how many Died, Though only the Two of us, knew the True Mission, To Prevent the Resurrection of the Heartless, the True Sith. And we knew we would have to Walk the Dark Side, to find the Balance, Yet we grew Distant, and the Whispers of the Heartless reached your Thoughts, You Betray Me, Forgetting I cannot Die, But my Loyalty Never Fades, and so I end your Life. Remember our Oath of Brotherhood, Remember our Dream, I grant to you a New Beginning, Destroying the Old Identity, Only you have the Power, to Remember the Truth, Reborn in Spirit, Remember your Friend. Author's Notes: For Revan's friend Malak. Poem: Revan's Story III by raxnae, May 1, 2011, 11:01:00 PM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse The True Enemy ...from the last few logs in HK-47's received transmissions after revan began his journey Note: Commentary: Cannot tell if Master has Lost his Mind in the "Void" from here to the final transmission. There was once Balance, where Evil was Controlled, Slowly it Evolved, Unnoticed til it Broke its Chains, Little did I know, a New Foe was Born, The Heartless Behind it All, so Begins the Game. What Happens when we Die, Do we Learn to Fly, High into the Sky, or are we Washed Away by the Rain, Become one with the Grain, so Hard to Explain, When so many Spirits, Utterly Fear it. These Creatures Within, like a Nightmare of Terror, Or a Poisonous Tainted Image, is it Me or Not Me, These Parasites Underneath, Draining us Away, Amplifying our Inner Empty, from Hollow to Heartless. Its like a Twin You, wanting to Steal your Face, Nothing is New under the Sun, save That which is Forgotten, Do you know Who you Are, a Shining Star, Or are you the Hive, of Evil Domain? We are the Enemy, the Enemy of Ourselves, Yet we are of One Love, and One Heart, So even if you Win, that was just a Game, The Final End to this Charade, is Truth Versus Truth. Are you Good, are you Evil, Or Caught in the Middle, Apathy is their Tool, So if you do not Choose, an Enemy you Remain, A Battle Lost to the Self, yet the Nobodies still Fight On. Cut off the Head, to Kill the Roots, Digging Needles Injecting you with Lies, do not Compromise, Your Burning Spirit, or Lose the Identity, Without an Aura, Broken Armor. Author's Notes: Again much is coded in this poem. Poem: Revan's Meditations I by raxnae, Jan 2, 2011, 2:47:41 AM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Songs & Lyrics Light Side Focus the first of three....by Darth Revan Let go of your Anger Let go of your Hate Let go of your Fear These things are the Plague of Self Doubt! Embrace your Zeal Embrace your Truth Embrace your Conviction Through these you blaze your Trail! Unmask the evil Bastards Shed Light where the Dark harbors True Evil Throw an aura of Courage Overcome Death Through Calm I find my Focus Through Patience I make my Plan Through Love I find Serenity With these I fight for my Dream! The Eye of Ra None can deny This I say For I am Justice! Author's Notes: Focus on the "Light" Side. Poem: Revan's Meditations II by raxnae, Jan 4, 2011, 12:30:40 AM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse The Dark Will two of three meditations....by Darth Revan I will master the Force It is my Will I am the Change It is my Passion Through Desire I find my Goal Through Fury my Power shapes Truth Through Victory my Chains are broken Through Freedom is my only Virtue Never Fall for the False Light Never Succumb to Evil's Embrace To Darken the Blinding Glow To Devour and Corrupt Where some are bound by Fool's Law I shall follow my Heart Where some give Life for Power I shall give Power for Life I am Loki Wild and Free! I am Man and Beast Chaotic Fire! Author's Notes: Dark Side Focus. Poem: Revan's Meditations III by raxnae, Jan 5, 2011, 11:42:44 PM Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse The Equalizer last of three....by Darth Revan I am the Balance I am the Force I measure the Scales I am the Sand The Beginning and the End The First and the Last Life and Death Good and Bad Stray far from the Center And be Maintained Abstract and Concrete A matter of Fact I walk with my Feet Walking the Middle Road Carrying one Open Palm and one Closed Fist High and Low This is my Show Dual Natured Reality Is not a Fantasy It is what you Make it The substance of my Dreams What you give will bounce back What you take will be taken back Reap what you Sow Sow what you Reap To walk into the End May only be a Beginning Who is to say When you are the best of both? The Dragon journeys This Lone Sojourn Writing his Epic And singing his Song Author's Notes: And finally the balance.