Please take a moment to visit Mike O'Mara's page, and learn about what he has endured. Pray that this man would have peace, comfort and rest.. No one should have to suffer this way. Mike, thank you for sharing your story. God Bless you. Below is Mike's update (HOWEVER, i think NOW, he has crossed into other worlds) "Thank you so very very much from the bottom of my heart and with all of my soul to those who have been praying for me. It is all that is left as everything has failed. I am rapidly fading and approaching my end. I sincerely don’t think it is in heaven’s will to save me from this, but I truly do appreciate the efforts. If I live through this night and somehow live through the trip to the testing tomorrow, I will be given my official fatal diagnosis then - incredibly ironic and tragic that I should have to get this close to death and be so weak and wasted away it will be a miracle just to survive the trip to where I will be formerly fatally diagnosed. There is no way on earth that this is anything other than fatal. My entire body knows it. My entire being is screaming every moment at me that I am soon to die.  I love you, friends. I love the music I made, I love the stories I got to write, I love the work I did, I loved life and I wanted it to continue for a long long while longer. Just wasn’t in the cards for me. Keep fighting for the truth and keep trying to help those injured left behind with chances to survive what has been done to them. Never, ever let those who perpetrate evil in the world get away with it. Those in power, who believe they are above all humanity, have done immeasurable harm to the world under the guise of government, of corporations, of the medical establishment. Keep digging. Keep exposing them. Let the light of truth win in the end. Millions, including me, have been murdered. Remember us. When the truth is finally accepted by all, trumpet it in our names. My name is Mike. I was a son, a friend, a sibling, a partner. I was a teacher, a mentor, a father and older brother figure. I wrote scripts and stories, poems and songs. I made art and loved animals, a good walk and a good sandwich. There was more in there. More art I wanted to make. More stories to share, many more people to teach and mentor and practice and perform with. There was so much more I could have, should have been able to be. Here’s one of my songs, about the end of innocence and where listening to the powers that be can get us. Maybe some folks will find it useful, or timely. Maybe some people who knew me before my life was taken will keep my other songs and stories alive, too. Or, maybe it’s best to just let what’s past be past. I leave it to the world. View: Thank you for praying for me and for thinking of me . I hope I leave some good. I hope this doesn’t hurt too much and goes swiftly. I hope you all have wonderful, wonderful lives for the rest of your story. All my love. Amen. ‘Eulogy’ by: Mike O’Mara *************************************************************************************** ‘Eulogy’ by: Mike O’Mara A quick little playthrough of my song ‘Eulogy" ‘Eulogy’ by: Mike O’Mara A quick little playthrough of my song ‘Eulogy’. Thanks for listening! View: SAY iT OUT LOUD !!! collection by Mike O'Mara View: