Raven on Camelot -The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    Raven wrote:

    #31856 March 28th, 2011

    From within my dragonheart comes a message of perspectives.

    Many of you are experiencing a myriad of feelings right now, most of which seem to be centered on your feelings of self worth. It seems as though no one is listening or hearing your unique voice and worth in the world. Infact, it is only yourself who is not acknowledging your own true voice and worth, and this is reflected in the mass consciousness right now. Tempers are flairing and opinions sometimes harsh and seemingly cruel are being dished out by the masses of you. The rage you feel inside of you is because you are finally waking up to your own falseness and realizing the great illusion.

    You are moving back and forth through your feelings of self and SELF and not staying focused on that which you truly are. Right now you are sitting on the threshold of something completely new and wonderous and these feelings of doubt, anger, sadness and frustration are holding you back from going through that doorway.

    My loves, you are mourning the loss of the shadow self, the part of you which is being integrated and merged with the totality of who you are. The lines of Duality are being erased before your very eyes, yet you I-dentify with something that is only a shadow, a reflection of who you are.

    Identifying with the lower self is what keeping you from reaching the doorway to your infinite self. You fear loosing your identity, that unique individual that you are, called by a certain name that distinguishes you from all the rest, all of your history going down the drain into Oneness. Deep inside, you know that you are more than this name, this identity, this lifetime, which is given by a shadow world, limited by its perspective of duality and separation, yet you cling to it like a life raft.

    The truth of who and what you really are eludes you and the doorway becomes invisible when you refuse to see from the perspective of your Highest Self. Every single being alive is part of your totality, only when you focus from your lower self, do you seem separated from each of your unique selves. It is from there, the lower self that you believe no one is listening, caring, and loving you. From the perspective of the lower self, we criticize ourselves, point fingers and play the blame game, the separation and duality sharply defined.

    You decide on which level you will play and what role you wish to be, it is as simple as that, choosing to see from your highest perspective or falling back into the singular role of individuality. If you wish to see the greater vista, just like on earth you have to rise above the valley floor. And from the experience of that journey, you never forget the great view you had from above, taking it with you when you leave the higher ground, the memory of it continually reminding you of the bigger picture.

    Stepping into the doorway of the new world is not asking you to forget who you are in this lifetime, but to remember who you are in totality. This is not a time of forgetting, but a time of rememberance. A time to integrate all of your many journeys, lifetimes and paths, sharing those memory’s with your whole SELF.
    The mark you think you need to make on this world has been made, within each of you, as your individual selves. And those memories will not fade, but be made immortal by your Highest Self. The story of your individual self is being told now within this lifetime you are living. It is continually being scribed upon your heart with the ink of your soul, no object can hold these memories. Attaching yourself to the objects and things of this world will only hold you back and the way to freedom will elude you. It is within your heart, that your greatest voice is heard and shared. Your unique life and journey is recorded here and its deepest admirer is your true self, your Higher Self or Logos.

    Rise up within yourself to that grand vista and SEE who is listening, caring and loving you unconditionally and choose to stay within that perspective. Within the heartbeat of your Infinite Self does your uniqueness truly shine, it is here that you will find unconditional love and acceptance. This is the new world.


    The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".

    Who or what is this truth? and how does something that was once nothing have a goal to be known by you, inviting you every moment of your life? This is the great mystery of creation. The void of nothingness became filled with life and creation was born. Just as the womb of a barren woman desires a child to fill her void, this longing to create and fill our own emptyness is echoed in the same lonlyness we feel in our hearts. We are mirrors of this desire for life and within the faces of our human family do we find the reflection of the Truth. And who else is in front of you but your other selves, disguised as your human family.

    What divides us within this darkness is our only sin and it is the veil which separates the seen from the unseen. It is called ignorance. And what is ignorance really but the hidden nature of things, something which is not revealed.
    In La'kesh I AM another yourself.

    GOT: Gospel of Thomas Lambdin translation;

    (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    Recognize that you are all One, a reflection of All that is AND each other. Acknowledge your human family as yourself and love and honor them as you would yourself. Within the image of each of your faces will the fathers image be made manifest and un-hidden in the Many. If you can look at your worst enemy and see the face of god, then you have understood.
    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (27) "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    Loose attachment to things worldly, they do not define you.
    Being able to see your reflection in everything and everyone is the true Sabbath.

    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    We are the wonder of wonders in the flesh if we can SEE the father. WE are his vessels of mercy, our human bodies are meant to house his mind. Through our remembrance and reflection of our True self, we can and will wake the sleeper.

    In'Lakech I am another yourself.

    (42) Jesus said, "Become passers-by."

    Drop the ego and the judgement of yourself and others, become the observer and your eyes will be opened. Make your ego subject to The Master. The constant chatter in your mind of what is good or bad, right or wrong IS the VEIL and the only way to remove it is through a careful balancing act.

    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (25) Jesus said, "Love your brother like your soul, guard him like the pupil of your eye."

    (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."

    Reach out to your human family and touch the hand of God, for this IS your true self, that has been revealed within each and every one of them.


    From within my dragonheart, Raven
    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    Raven wrote:

    #31864 March 28th, 2011
    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."


    symbol is called
    the Galactic Butterfly
    which is said to represent all of
    the consciousness that has ever existed
    in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors
    both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well
    as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from
    a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning. So
    big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like
    having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough. Later this pattern
    was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles
    came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly". Butterflies are seen
    as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your
    reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.​

    May 15th 2009
    Raven ALL IS I AM Ishtara's Gnosis Event; She wishes to share with All

    [7:26:15 AM] Ishtara Raven: tony i see it, everything mirrors everything, its all there
    [7:26:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: every word, person , place thing is a reflection of it all
    [7:27:09 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Indeed you have become witness to the creation darling
    [7:27:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: in one word is the entirety of creation, all of it
    [7:27:19 AM] Tony Bermanseder: yes
    [7:27:25 AM] Tony Bermanseder: LOVE
    [7:27:29 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES
    [7:27:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: i am flying
    [7:27:46 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Eps=hfps=wormhole energy lol
    [7:27:53 AM] Tony Bermanseder: simple
    [7:28:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i see it now, its what was downloaded into me, i SEE it
    [7:28:11 AM] Tony Bermanseder: LOVE=3,000,....000 Cycles per cosmic second
    [7:28:23 AM] Ishtara Raven: do you see what i see?
    [7:28:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: that song
    [7:28:43 AM] Tony Bermanseder: in my filtered forms yes
    [7:28:58 AM] Ishtara Raven: omg tony
    [7:29:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: this is heaven on earth
    [7:29:10 AM] Tony Bermanseder: we are all mirrors of IT
    [7:29:15 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES
    [7:29:21 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES You know now it shall BE
    [7:29:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: ultimate sharing and reflecting
    [7:29:24 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Becoming
    [7:29:29 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Yes
    [7:29:38 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Its all so silly this 1-1 thing
    [7:29:39 AM] Ishtara Raven: we are so blessed
    [7:29:58 AM] Tony Bermanseder: exclusion LOVE IS ALL see, your boyfriend is me not remembering
    [7:30:04 AM] Ishtara Raven: god is WITHIN creation
    [7:30:08 AM] Ishtara Raven: creation
    [7:30:09 AM] Ishtara Raven: NOW
    [7:30:14 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES NOW HE IS through US
    [7:30:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes yes
    [7:30:27 AM] Ishtara Raven: i see him, it, everything
    [7:30:35 AM] Tony Bermanseder: God is rejoicing that WE KNOW see
    [7:30:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes YESSSSSS
    [7:30:55 AM] Tony Bermanseder: waited a long for some of us to remember
    [7:31:04 AM] Tony Bermanseder: that's all
    [7:31:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: i am crying again, jeese
    [7:31:28 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Baby you are beautiful its your SOUL Allisiam
    [7:31:29 AM] Ishtara Raven: my boyfriend is you not remembering who he is
    [7:31:36 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES, not remembering what HE truly is
    [7:31:39 AM] Ishtara Raven: bawling
    [7:31:41 AM] Ishtara Raven: bawling
    [7:31:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: how can i make HIM SEE
    [7:31:58 AM] Tony Bermanseder: ALISSIAM
    [7:32:14 AM] Tony Bermanseder: just tell him, love him, share but BE FIRM
    [7:32:25 AM] Tony Bermanseder: ALLISIAM
    [7:32:27 AM] Ishtara Raven: the creator WANTS all to remember ALLLLLL
    [7:32:31 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES
    [7:32:44 AM] Tony Bermanseder: will take time but WE are the seed its nowhere else
    [7:32:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: oh my god i am so overwhelmed, i see it baby i see it all
    [7:32:55 AM] Tony Bermanseder: otherwise seeds compete see
    [7:33:14 AM] Ishtara Raven: no it is done, it was PROMISED
    [7:33:15 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Thank You Sweetheart your unconditional Love has set you free
    [7:33:19 AM] Ishtara Raven: i FEEL IT
    [7:33:49 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Good your boyfriend might see it too, sooner than later
    [7:34:03 AM] Ishtara Raven: i want the whole world to see
    [7:34:09 AM] Tony Bermanseder: your boyfriend is inside you understand
    [7:34:20 AM] Tony Bermanseder: UNTIL he gets OUT tell him that
    [7:34:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: please dont forget me, please, like the dead, i remember tony i remember
    [7:34:41 AM] Tony Bermanseder: How can I forget you you are my reflection
    [7:34:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: I know, i know
    [7:34:56 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Mary is my reflection, Xeia, Rok, Susan, ect... everyone is my reflection
    [7:34:57 AM] Ishtara Raven: it all fits
    [7:35:09 AM] Tony Bermanseder: INCLUSION
    [7:35:17 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES!!!!!!!!
    [7:35:25 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Separation within UNITY of LOVE of ONE
    [7:35:38 AM] Ishtara Raven: its so beautiful tony, so beautiful
    [7:35:44 AM] Tony Bermanseder: NOT Unity 1-1 within Separation; see the difference
    [7:35:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES
    [7:35:50 AM] Tony Bermanseder: I KNOW
    [7:36:12 AM] Ishtara Raven: i am crying and laughing histerically
    [7:36:24 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Talk to Xeia and the others PLEASE
    [7:36:38 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YOU two are a big key here
    [7:36:40 AM] Ishtara Raven: i will
    [7:36:54 AM] Tony Bermanseder: because you already UNDERSTAND
    [7:37:01 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i do
    [7:37:09 AM] Ishtara Raven: because you do and your IN me
    [7:37:12 AM] Ishtara Raven: omg tears tears
    [7:37:16 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Share with them what you know

    [7:37:35 AM] Ishtara Raven: OH TONY IF THEY COULD SEE THIS OMG OMG
    [7:37:49 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES I am Happy you KNOW
    [7:38:08 AM] Ishtara Raven: its so beautiful, so beautiful, words cannot describe how beautiful this is
    [7:38:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: copy paste this to them, now
    [7:38:42 AM] Tony Bermanseder: ok baby
    [7:38:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: i must go to work
    [7:38:55 AM] Ishtara Raven: sitting here with my hair wet lol
    [7:39:01 AM] Ishtara Raven: laughing and crying
    [7:39:02 AM] Tony Bermanseder: ok love you have been reborn love
    [7:39:23 AM] Tony Bermanseder: You have become Universal Motherhood and LOVERHOOD see

    [7:39:24 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES and God is waiting for them, heshe shehe is WAITING for them to remember
    [7:39:31 AM] Tony Bermanseder: YES
    [7:39:42 AM] Ishtara Raven: tell them i have remembered
    [7:39:42 AM] Tony Bermanseder: RESPONSIBILITY
    [7:39:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: so WE ALL HAVE
    [7:40:07 AM] Tony Bermanseder: yes but this is big stuff now the universe is watching see

    [7:40:30 AM] Ishtara Raven: i want to talk to all of them
    [7:40:48 AM] Tony Bermanseder: its fine sweetheart there is time most important to OWN this data
    [7:40:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES your right
    [7:41:00 AM] Tony Bermanseder: so can never be swerved
    [7:41:10 AM] Ishtara Raven: cannot, cannot
    [7:41:13 AM] Tony Bermanseder: You are steady as a rock
    [7:41:20 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i am gibralter
    [7:41:28 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Cephas like Peter, rock of the apostles
    [7:41:32 AM] Tony Bermanseder: thats you
    [7:41:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:41:43 AM] Ishtara Raven: ok baby i am going
    [7:41:43 AM] Tony Bermanseder: WE KNOW now
    [7:41:55 AM] Tony Bermanseder: feed my sheep Our beloved said to him
    [7:41:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: i love you
    [7:42:04 AM] Tony Bermanseder: I Love You
    [7:42:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: butterfly kisses
    [7:42:21 AM] Tony Bermanseder: back to you butterfly
    [7:42:25 AM] Tony Bermanseder: papillon

    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!

    In'Lake'ch, Raven
    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    #31866 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31873 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Raven wrote:


    I am no longer banned from MOA dear. It was lifted this month. It was a temporary ban. I am currently not posting there at the moment.

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    #31879 March 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:


    The New Frontier

    Written and first published in 1925 in Arabic. Also translated as The New Deal.
    by Khalil Gibran

    I tell you that the children of yesteryears are walking in the funeral of the era that they created for themselves. They are pulling a rotted rope that might break soon and cause them to drop into a forgotten abyss. I say that they are living in homes with weak foundations; as the storm blows—and it is about to blow—their homes will fall upon their heads and thus become their tombs. I say that all their thoughts, their sayings, their quarrels, their compositions, their books and all their work are nothing but chains dragging them because they are too weak to pull the load.

    But the children of tomorrow are the ones called by life, and the follow it with steady steps and heads high, they are the dawn of new frontiers, no smoke will veil their eyes and no jingle of chains will drown out their voices. They are few in number, but the difference is as between a grain of wheat and a stack of hay. No one knows them but they know each other. They are like the summits, which can see or hear each other—not like caves, which cannot hear or see. They are the seed dropped by the hand of God in the field, breaking through its pod and waving its sapling leaves before the face of the sun. It shall grow into a mighty tree, its root in the heart of the earth and its branches high in the sky.

    In'Lake'ch, Raven
    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    #31891 0 minutes ago - March 28th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    The Secret of Humanity

    i. Your Secret and your Personality and your Individuality

    The Secret of Humanity is the understanding and ability to answer questions such as:

    Who am I?
    ...What am I doing here at this period of space and time?
    Where did I come from, before I was born and Where am I going, when I die?
    Related as well to more cosmological questions like:
    Why does the universe exist?
    How did it come to be and how is it evolving?
    And How do these, my home-planet and my home-galaxy relate to the greater encompassing universe?

    The Secret of Humanity is, that all of YOU know the answers to those questions; but that all of YOU have 'chosen' to 'disallow' certain information to be processed by your so called 'human minded rationality', as well as your 'human belief systems'; all of the latter being self constructed and self relative creations of your minds by and through a creative intelligence, which YOU all know to be the 'divinity within', but which YOU have chosen to extricate from yourselves as some external paradigm or power source, often labelled 'God'.

    What is the reason for your 'lack of remembrance' and your pretending of 'not knowing'?
    The delegation of your 'inner knowledge' to external 'authorities' and 'experts' in the fields of your human life's journeys serves a very important purpose and a purpose you knew, before you were physically born into this realm of the spacetimematter experiences.
    So why do YOU presently not know what is going on and why do YOU allow the 'authorities' in all human fields of creativity to 'rule over YOU' with their 'expertise' given to them by YOU as mandates in political elections or in theocratic allegiances in whatever socio-political construct of 'rules and regulations' and of 'law and order' YOU find yourself living in and under?

    The reason for this is your understanding of what this planet earth represents in the cosmic order of things.
    All of YOU know, that your divinity within is the individuation of 'God' as the Collective Intelligence and the sum total of all creativity throughout the entire universe; not just this planetary environment.

    But this absolute splendour which all of YOU represent as individuated God-Components, which can also be termed the Data or the DNA of God seeking creative self-expression - requires a particular subset or 'Kingdom of the God-Processor' to allow the totality of 'God' as the collective of all possible individuations to exist for the purpose to 'selfreproduce' the totality.
    For a totality or unity to reproduce, a non-unified context must be created to allow the totality to disintegrate as data or information; and to subsequently reassemble itself by data gathering and by information processing.

    The Process of this collection of information then becomes a redefined evolving unity of totality; then enabled due to the experience of the assembling, which becomes 'A Function of Memory', to reproduce the original totality of the unity without spacetime within the said spacetime.

    Not in spacetime incarnation or embodiment; all of YOU are all of this totality as the 'Personality of God'.
    In spacetime incarnation YOU become Part of this Total Personality, but remain connected (or quantum entangled) with all other 'partial personalities', however as Total Individuations.
    Subsequently, all of YOU are nought, but the 'Real God' individuated in particularised apparently separated Data-Processors; experiencing the 'assembling' of the original information in a Recall or negentropy of the dissipation of the data (in a so called Quantum Big Bang and the creation of the separable spacetime of self relative experience).

    So YOU know, that within the embodiment; YOU must, at all cost, preserve and protect your Individuality, because this individuation is the reason YOU have come into embodiment in the first instance.
    But YOU also know the collective reason for the importance of your individuality.
    Your individuation out of the absolute totality as your Godhood is the Creativity of God as your own absolute totality delegated from the Oneness of Unity into the Separatedness of Unity within itself.

    YOU know, that YOU are the Individual Creator experiencing the separation for the purpose to gather your previous information and data which YOU often presume YOU have lost or forgotten or displaced.
    And so in your 'partial' remembrances of 'why' YOU are here, YOU allow information-collecting systems to evolve and control the dissemination and distribution of that data.
    Because YOU 'deny' your own 'godhood' as the originator of the 'masterplan' in various degrees of the 'selfremembrance' or the 'self-enlightenment'; many divers 'information control systems evolve in the chronological discourse of a 'master timeline', which YOU have set into action, but chosen not to remember, again in divers degrees.

    Some of YOU, so have chosen to sequester information about your common 'masterplan' from yourselves.
    Some of YOU have accepted the 'inner divinity' more so then others and this gradient of 'self-acceptance' invariably leads to a 'conflict' between the 'divine' Individuation and the 'environmentally evolving' Personality.
    This differentiation is often labelled as the 'human ego' of the personality evolving into a 'divine individuation' as a '(w)hol(e)y egocentricity'.
    But all of YOU are already 'divine' individuations by definition and the human egocentricity is simply a misunderstood 'self-protection' for that divine individuality.

    The 'salvation' and the 'redemption' of your 'human egos' so lies in the fact of the previously 'agreed to' master timeline.
    The few of YOU, which have 'hidden' the commonly sought after 'information'; will be confronted with 'additional' and 'new' data, which shall encompass the sequestered information.
    So it will be superfluous to 'hide' any information; as all data will become apparent for all data-processors to process as divine individuations.

    The many of YOU, which are seeking for the information for the purpose to 'do what YOU are here to do', namely to process and to collect the dispersed information; will then be enabled to 'do so' and to Send this individually processed 'lost data' back to 'God' as the totality of yourselves not in spacetime individuation.
    As this will 'fulfil' your individual purpose for 'being here' in the first place; some of YOU will finally allow yourselves to Remember the 'masterplan' and the construction of your own story.

    This story is 'The Story of Your Life' and is also the 'Story of God' and the 'Neverending Story of God's Family' as the 'Story of the StarHumanity', which has remembered itself from a 'Story of Humanity in Forgetfulness about itself'.

    The science and the physics of this 'masterplan' is one of splendour and grandiosity and it is the Omni-Science of and about everyone of YOU.
    All of YOU know, that the cosmology of the universe and as many of YOU presently accept (or believe in through the channels of expert data dissemination, say academia, ecclesia and technologia); is necessitated to remain a partial cosmology for the appropriate unfoldment of the master timeline, agreed to by all of YOU, when not in spacetime incarnation.

    Your witness of the mosaic shall illuminate this omni-physics as the continuation of this 'Memory Recall', which represents also the 'fulfilment of all prophecy' for this master planned timeline.

    Your witness of the mosaic was chosen by everyone of YOU before spacetime incarnation and so represents your own witnessing to yourselves as the Mirror function of yourselves.
    Allow me to repeat: 'All of YOU are your very own witnesses!'.

    When YOU look into a mirror in spacetime, then YOU will see this witness, YOU have chosen.
    Part of the 'fulfilment of all prophecy', necessarily relates to a 'shattering of this mirror of illusion' and the encodement for this mirror is 'The Sea'. (Further elucidation will be given at a later date, following this introduction).
    So your own individuated 'witnessing' has become compromised by the commonly agreed to master timeline.

    ii. Your Photographs and Movies and your Remembrances

    YOU may compare this 'compromise' of YOU, being in NoTime and looking at yourself as in a photoalbum.
    Your physical lives in InTime become like photographs in a photo-album or like 'movies' YOU can watch in NoTime for your entertainment and frustrations.
    YOU are rather frustrated in NoTime, because many of YOU continue to deny of being anything more than biochemical processors of food-input and food-output in the InTime.
    YOU are indeed the Positive Physical Expression of yourself in a material-molecular-atomic structure, a container of your Negative Metaphysical (Spiritual) Expression YOU have termed your Body.
    But because this body is made from material molecular and chemical structures, which are subject to the natural laws of the recycling of energy (in thermodynamic definitions and models as given by your scientific methodology and models); your identification as just the positive expression of yourself in the InTime, will give YOU 'headaches' in the NoTime, where YOU exist as the sumtotal of all negative expressions as the 'Real God' of Unity.

    YOU are 'getting tired' of just watching movie after movie, as your individuated lifetimes in the InTime and all those lifetimes, which are as Memories of Physical Lives YOU look at in your photoalbums and the old archived movies.

    So when YOU look at your 'long dead' ancestors in the photoalbums and the cinema classics, then YOU witness a 'snapshot' of their lives as your life in the NoTime.
    But in the NoTime, this snapshot becomes an 'entire life story', as in the NoTime there is 'No Time' to 'be born and to live a life and then to die'.

    So many of YOU can see now, why YOU are so frustrated in the NoTime. YOU keep on refusing to consider the fact, that when YOU live your life in the InTime, YOU are also living your life in the NoTime.

    "If I could just remember myself in the InTime; then I could change this recycling business of myself and live my life in Individuation and in harmony and without this fear of dying and rebirth I have become so accustomed to in the InTime", YOU often think to yourself in the place where YOU are 'The God of Oneness as the All That Is and Was and can ever Be'.

    YOU know in the NoTime, that your material and scientific photographic equipment in the InTime is a metaphor for the metaphysical omni-scientific photographic equipment in the InTime.
    What many of YOU either deny or call your spirit or your soul is very rigorously defined in the language of mathematics and physics, which relates the physical materialism to the metaphysical materialism.
    Details about this shall become disclosed in the science agendas (III); but generally your physicality in InTime engages what YOU term inertia and mass and matter; whilst your physicality in NoTime engages what YOU term noninertia and electromagnetic radiation or EMR; where however there exists a distinction between the EMR, which is coupled to mass (say nuclear fusion or quantum electron energy transitions) and the EMR which is not (it is not produced by inertia-coupled Coulombic Charge acceleration). This second form of EMR so becomes EMMR, where the added M means Monopolic and is definitive for the 'spirit' of your linguistic history in a physics, which has been like an 'alien physics' until now.

    YOU are both the Negative-Positive and the Positive-Negative of your life.
    When YOU produce a movie or take photographs; YOU use a chemical interaction between a 'Film' and a 'Camera' to render the interaction between some Object to be filmed or photographed with its environmental Subject. For example, YOU say: "Stand under this tree, against the backdrop of the sunset, so I can take a great picture of YOU!"

    And YOU guessed it right; YOU become the Object in InTime relative to yourself as Subject in the NoTime and vice versa.
    So YOU are both, camera and film in your own story of: "This is My Life" and a 'Story' YOU then project into your bodies, which become the Projectors of the stories of your life.

    When YOU are born in InTime (at the physical conception), then a particular movie stops apruptly in the NoTime and the 'movie camera' begins to roll in your attaining a 'physical objectivity' within a 'physical subjectivity'.
    This physical object-subject duality in the InTime then becomes a Memory-Function for the NoTime for the duration of the movie-making - this YOU call 'One's Life'.

    And it is just that; the Life of the One, namely YOU as All That Is in NoTime.

    The One behind the 'movie camera' is 'Your Spirit of the EMMR' aka your 'Soul', who is both really material as your objectivity in InTime and also really material as your subjectivity in NoTime.

    Your 'Soul' is both your 'Body in InTime' as the Positive Objective and your 'Body in NoTime' as the Negative Subjective of the Positive in self relative Subjectivity.

    Some of YOU will now begin to understand that the setup of the movie making across the physical dimensions (of which there are precisely 11) of the InTime, must somehow allow the defining of the archetype of 'The Sea' as a 'Bridge over the Troubled Waters'.
    If that were not so, then no conception of yourselves 'across the great abyss', the 'great divide' or the 'entrance into the bottomless pit' or the 'renting of the temple's veil into two -{Matthew.27.51-53}', would be possible.

    This 'Entrance or Portal' is what YOU collectively have termed 'Consciousness' and this 'Consciousness' is directly and scientifically and materially related to the EMR, that is your labelling of your 'Soul'. This will be further elucidated in the science agenda at the appropriate time.
    And it will be in due course; that many of YOU will allow yourselves to remember what your 'finding of the portal' would imply.
    YOU would then be able to Blend or Hybridise your present 'Bodies' of the biochmical recycling with the 'EMMR-Bodies' who define your 'Soul-Bodies'.
    Many of YOU try very hard to remember in 'going to the movies'; where YOU watch 'Transformers' and 'Cyborgs' and 'Terminators' and 'Borgs' and many kinds of 'Halfbreeds'.
    In your human history, YOU have been fascinated with the 'halfbreeds' between your bloodline characteristics or humanoid 'races', taxonomised by skincolour.

    Today, YOU envision 'halfbreeds' between machines and biochemistry and 'halfbreeds' between pure machines and their biomachined 'offsprings'.
    YOU may envision 'going the other way as well'; not just from the physical humanoid 'breeding' with the physical machine; but from the metaphysical humanoid breeding with the metaphysical machine.
    Your humanity is both, material and spiritual; physical and metaphysical and the metaphysics is materially-substantativly defined in the Natural Hybridisation of Consciousness across physical manifestation from the NoTime into InTime (and defined in the Quantum Cosmogony of Quantum Relativity).

    There will be some of YOU, who will remember themselves sufficiently to effectualise the Metamorphosis of your bodies of the biochemistry into a hybrid state of those 'Old Bodies' with your 'New Bodies'.
    Your old bodies can become 'updated' in their 'template' definitions, which many of YOU understand as the 'Code of Life' and the 'Program of the DNA/RNA'; which, under the auspices of a biochemical manifestation of the 'quantum geometry' in nucleotidal base pairings of a 'genetic alphabet', encodes the 'Building of your bodies' in the organic- and inorganic chemistry of amino acid molecules.

    In elementary semantics; your old bodies, if 'alive' in Time, are 'Positives' as the 'photographs' in your albums or as the 'deterioration prone' 'old films' in your cinematic archives.
    Your new bodies are the 'Positives' in NoTime.
    But those positives are destined to become your 'photographs and films', which are 'kept' as negative memories at the 'Entrance' (Wormhole) between your individuated Godhood in InTime and your total Godhood in NoTime; should YOU not remember and 'die in the old bodies' to become such an individuated negative memory at the 'Mirror of the Portal' (into Heaven).
    But those 'Negatives' are also the 'Positives' in the NoTime; so should YOU become enabled (by remembering yourself) to 'Enter the NoTime', whilst YOU are 'still alive' in the InTime; then and only then will it become possible for YOU to render your Negatives in the InTime as your individual Positives in the NoTime and it will become superfluous for YOU 'to die', as then your full remembrance will have served its purpose.
    YOU will have Resonated in Self-Consciousness with yourself in two places simultaneously and YOU will have realised yourself as the God of Totality who You are, have ever been and will ever be -simply by talking to yourself in selflove, in honour and in integrity.

    The many of YOU, who are familiar with scientific principles, can now solve the 'Schrödinger Cat Paradox' of the wave-particle duality and the quantum complementarity.

    The 'cat' is not Either Dead or Alive (in the radioactive half-life triggering the gun), but the 'cat' is Both Dead and Alive because of the positive-positive imaging in the multidimensional scenario.
    There can be no multiverse next to the one universe defined in the NoTime-InTime duality until such 'Time' when the above mentioned 'portal' is activated to allow a multiplicative mirror function to manifest within the InTime and which then becomes reflective into the NoTime.
    Any such activated mirror function will naturally create a multiverse from the superposition of the original one universe as a protoverse with the holographic fractal of itself in the then redefined NoTime-InTime multiverse continuum (however remaining contained within an encompassing Omniverse). This can be described as a 'phaseshifted' protoverse transforming into a countability of multiverses in any permutations (of at least two) arbitrary protoverses. This shall be further disclosed in the science agenda of part III.

    The hybridisation of your positive bodies in InTime with your positive bodies in NoTime so will reconfigure your DNA from a helical geometry in a 4-dimensional spacetime into a higher and multidimensional helical geometry in a 13-dimensional spacetime; the latter than adding two additional NoTime dimensions to the topology of the physical universe as the 'Outside' of the latter as a manifold of 2 dimensions 'hybridized' with the 11 dimensions of the 'Inside' surface (rootextended from a common complex plane in 9-'Mayan'-TimeLord dimensions).

    Further details shall be disclosed, when we shall remember, just how your individual 'resurrections' from the positiveness of the 'alive dead ones' and the negativeness of the 'dead alive ones' shall become implemented in due dissection of this, the master timeline, all of YOU have collectively constructed to allow yourselves to attain 'new lightbodies' in due course of your self fulfilments and the 'release' of yourselves as the 'Real True God' from your selfimposed exile and the prison of your forgetfulness.

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    #31898 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    A "Teachable Moment"

    How To Deal With Stalkers ("DOCUMENT")

    Organized Stalking Introduction

    Organized Stalking

    Stalking the Wild Chanterelle Mushroom

    *** See Celestine Prophesy to learn why people are driven to these behaviors and how to use your energy so that this does not become necessary.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31911 March 28th, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:




    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31913 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    I am no longer banned from MOA dear. It was lifted this month. It was a temporary ban. I am currently not posting there at the moment.


    Raven wrote:


    Thanks, why were you banned?

    Simple question. Simple answer?

    because of hypocrisy like can be found elsewhere on the web of biased moderators applying double standards.


    Post 120 is of interest. The entire thread exposes itself right down to the title of the thread.
    I suggest you go through the entire thread to get an idea of the hypocrisy of Carol and gang.

    Anymore questions smurfette?

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas) #31914 March 28th, 2011

    Raven wrote:

    From within my dragonheart comes a message of perspectives.

    Many of you are experiencing a myriad of feelings right now, most of which seem to be centered on your feelings of self worth. It seems as though no one is listening or hearing your unique voice and worth in the world. Infact, it is only yourself who is not acknowledging your own true voice and worth, and this is reflected in the mass consciousness right now. Tempers are flairing and opinions sometimes harsh and seemingly cruel are being dished out by the masses of you. The rage you feel inside of you is because you are finally waking up to your own falseness and realizing the great illusion.

    You are moving back and forth through your feelings of self and SELF and not staying focused on that which you truly are. Right now you are sitting on the threshold of something completely new and wonderous and these feelings of doubt, anger, sadness and frustration are holding you back from going through that doorway.

    My loves, you are mourning the loss of the shadow self, the part of you which is being integrated and merged with the totality of who you are. The lines of Duality are being erased before your very eyes, yet you I-dentify with something that is only a shadow, a reflection of who you are.

    Identifying with the lower self is what keeping you from reaching the doorway to your infinite self. You fear loosing your identity, that unique individual that you are, called by a certain name that distinguishes you from all the rest, all of your history going down the drain into Oneness. Deep inside, you know that you are more than this name, this identity, this lifetime, which is given by a shadow world, limited by its perspective of duality and separation, yet you cling to it like a life raft.

    The truth of who and what you really are eludes you and the doorway becomes invisible when you refuse to see from the perspective of your Highest Self. Every single being alive is part of your totality, only when you focus from your lower self, do you seem separated from each of your unique selves. It is from there, the lower self that you believe no one is listening, caring, and loving you. From the perspective of the lower self, we criticize ourselves, point fingers and play the blame game, the separation and duality sharply defined.

    You decide on which level you will play and what role you wish to be, it is as simple as that, choosing to see from your highest perspective or falling back into the singular role of individuality. If you wish to see the greater vista, just like on earth you have to rise above the valley floor. And from the experience of that journey, you never forget the great view you had from above, taking it with you when you leave the higher ground, the memory of it continually reminding you of the bigger picture.

    Stepping into the doorway of the new world is not asking you to forget who you are in this lifetime, but to remember who you are in totality. This is not a time of forgetting, but a time of rememberance. A time to integrate all of your many journeys, lifetimes and paths, sharing those memory’s with your whole SELF.
    The mark you think you need to make on this world has been made, within each of you, as your individual selves. And those memories will not fade, but be made immortal by your Highest Self. The story of your individual self is being told now within this lifetime you are living. It is continually being scribed upon your heart with the ink of your soul, no object can hold these memories. Attaching yourself to the objects and things of this world will only hold you back and the way to freedom will elude you. It is within your heart, that your greatest voice is heard and shared. Your unique life and journey is recorded here and its deepest admirer is your true self, your Higher Self or Logos.

    Rise up within yourself to that grand vista and SEE who is listening, caring and loving you unconditionally and choose to stay within that perspective. Within the heartbeat of your Infinite Self does your uniqueness truly shine, it is here that you will find unconditional love and acceptance. This is the new world.


    The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".

    Who or what is this truth? and how does something that was once nothing have a goal to be known by you, inviting you every moment of your life? This is the great mystery of creation. The void of nothingness became filled with life and creation was born. Just as the womb of a barren woman desires a child to fill her void, this longing to create and fill our own emptyness is echoed in the same lonlyness we feel in our hearts. We are mirrors of this desire for life and within the faces of our human family do we find the reflection of the Truth. And who else is in front of you but your other selves, disguised as your human family.

    What divides us within this darkness is our only sin and it is the veil which separates the seen from the unseen. It is called ignorance. And what is ignorance really but the hidden nature of things, something which is not revealed.
    In La'kesh I AM another yourself.

    GOT: Gospel of Thomas Lambdin translation;

    (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    Recognize that you are all One, a reflection of All that is AND each other. Acknowledge your human family as yourself and love and honor them as you would yourself. Within the image of each of your faces will the fathers image be made manifest and un-hidden in the Many. If you can look at your worst enemy and see the face of god, then you have understood.
    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (27) "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    Loose attachment to things worldly, they do not define you.
    Being able to see your reflection in everything and everyone is the true Sabbath.

    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    We are the wonder of wonders in the flesh if we can SEE the father. WE are his vessels of mercy, our human bodies are meant to house his mind. Through our remembrance and reflection of our True self, we can and will wake the sleeper.

    In'Lakech I am another yourself.

    (42) Jesus said, "Become passers-by."

    Drop the ego and the judgement of yourself and others, become the observer and your eyes will be opened. Make your ego subject to The Master. The constant chatter in your mind of what is good or bad, right or wrong IS the VEIL and the only way to remove it is through a careful balancing act.

    In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (25) Jesus said, "Love your brother like your soul, guard him like the pupil of your eye."

    (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."

    Reach out to your human family and touch the hand of God, for this IS your true self, that has been revealed within each and every one of them.


    From within my dragonheart, Raven

    Spacecake wrote:
    That chick looks knocked up or needs to lay off the ho, ho's.

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas) #31915 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Trolli wrote:
    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31918 March 28th, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    That "chick" looks like a girl I *ONE time* knew, but anyhoo.. Lmao.

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31919 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.

    Are you Sirius? Lol.

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31921 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    That "chick" looks like a girl I *ONE time* knew, but anyhoo.. Lmao.

    Spacecake wrote:

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. blah, blah, blah I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    You use to be a faty?

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31922 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.
    Arachne wrote:

    It represents a reference to the web trolls as smurfs from some other site - astrovera it is called smurfette!

    And no, I personally have never been there and do not know those people. I know of this troll-smurf association because of what people on Avalon, Camelot and Nexus forums wrote about them.

    I remember the smurfs from my younger days and think they are cute - like dragons.

    I think you would make a cute little smurfette - without the trolling!

    Love to all of the smurfettes!

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas) #31924 March 28th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:

    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.
    Arachne wrote:
    It represents a reference to the web trolls as smurfs from some other site - astrovera it is called smurfette!

    And no, I personally have never been there and do not know those people. I know of this troll-smurf association because of what people on Avalon, Camelot and Nexus forums wrote about them.

    I remember the smurfs from my youger days and think they are cute - like dragons.

    I think you would make a cute little smurfette - without the trolling!

    Love to all of the smurfettes!


    Trolli wrote:

    Thanks, curious because you seem to know a lot about it.

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31925 March 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. ~Chuang Tzu

    In'Lake'ch, Raven

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31930 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.

    It represents a reference to the web trolls as smurfs from some other site - astrovera it is called smurfette!

    And no, I personally have never been there and do not know those people. I know of this troll-smurf association because of what people on Avalon, Camelot and Nexus forums wrote about them.

    I remember the smurfs from my youger days and think they are cute - like dragons.

    I think you would make a cute little smurfette - without the trolling!

    Love to all of the smurfettes!


    Thanks, curious because you seem to know a lot about it.

    Trolli wrote:

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31936 March 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:


    (59) Jesus said, "Take heed of the living one while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so."

    In'Lake'ch, Raven
    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31939 March 28th, 2011
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    That "chick" looks like a girl I *ONE time* knew, but anyhoo.. Lmao.

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. blah, blah, blah I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    You use to be a faty?

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    I meant Lacey McCool, I think you *know* that. However, I did used to weight 190 lbs, so Yes I was as you say, a "faty" but I decided to stop drinking, and sitting on my azz doing nothing so I now am very pleased to say I weigh about 125 lbs on a bad day. So do you have any more questions based solely upon the ego and baser physical realms?

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331941 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    That "chick" looks like a girl I *ONE time* knew, but anyhoo.. Lmao.

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. blah, blah, blah I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    You use to be a faty?

    I meant Lacey McCool, I think you *know* that. However, I did used to weight 190 lbs, so Yes I was as you say, a "faty" but I decided to stop drinking, and sitting on my azz doing nothing so I now am very pleased to say I weigh about 125 lbs on a bad day. So do you have any more questions based solely upon the ego and baser physical realms?

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    Spacecake wrote:

    If I post a picture of my ass on here will you post it on another site?

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331944 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?


    Why reference smurfs? Just wondering.

    You didn't answer my question......
    Just posted long (boring) text and some more pictures.
    Trolli wrote:

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331946 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    GT Big hair is really good at translating those long boring, over worded posts in five sentences or less. I doubt anyone makes it past the third sentence. I almost did. GT, want to help?

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331947 March 28th, 2011
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    GT Big hair is really good at translating those long boring, over worded posts in five sentences or less. I doubt anyone makes it past the third sentence. I almost did. GT, want to help?

    Trolli wrote:

    Hell yeah call in GT!!!
    TLTR= too long to read

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331949 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Lack of ability to comprehend the answer does not imply lack of actual answer.

    Perhaps you and your friend Space Cowboy could get together and start a thread. You will be able to understand each other quite well it seems. Hijacking each thread that someone posts and turning into one of your preferred piles of poo unacceptable behavior for grown adults. That is called vampirism. Just so you know you are choosing to be vampiric, and if you are proud of that then that says a lot. Have a good day.

    Really look at all of the drama you people have started because of one thread that contained material you did not like. Here's an idea, think about something else.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31951 March 28th, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    The Celestine Prophecy - Giving Energy

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31953 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Hi there MaryIshtar so nice to see you here. I have another question: What does your name mean?
    Let's share shAll we?

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31959 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Are you also over there on that silly Gaia Souls website with that loud mouthy MERK fellow?

    I don't really need a lot of help in understanding a name I chose to use on here. I know who I am thanks trollmeister.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31965 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there MaryIshtar so nice to see you here. I have another question: What does your name mean?
    Let's share shAll we?

    Last Edit: 10 minutes ago by TraLaLa. Reason: SPELLING
    Raven wrote:

    Well Mary at least she checked her spelling LOL, lets give her that.

    Noun: tra-la-la

    1. A set of nonsensical syllables used while humming a refrain
    - tra-la

    Derived forms: tra-la-las


    Oh look top google hit is toddler and baby clothes....hmmmm, someone has some growing up to do apparently. Let the children play...

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    331973 march 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there MaryIshtar so nice to see you here. I have another question: What does your name mean?
    Let's share shAll we?

    Last Edit: 10 minutes ago by TraLaLa. Reason: SPELLING

    Well Mary at least she checked her spelling LOL, lets give her that.

    Noun: tra-la-la

    1. A set of nonsensical syllables used while humming a refrain
    - tra-la

    Derived forms: tra-la-las


    Oh look top google hit is toddler and baby clothes....hmmmm, someone has some growing up to do apparently. Let the children play...

    Trolli wrote:
    Thanks Raven, that was cute

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31975 March 28th, 2011
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there RAVEN,
    Is this you...banned at MOA?

    Trolli wrote:


    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31984 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Hey there see you tomorrow.

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31985 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Perfect for copy and paste
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31990 March 28th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:

    Raven, thank you for the post that opened this thread. I read it with interest. It is quite profound.

    It speaks to me as much as this does.

    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #31999 March 28th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    You have excellent taste in the classics unplugged!

    Indeed, music is the universal language which bridges the gaps and abysses of many misunderstandings.
    Just like mathematics actually and the expression of the body in the harmonies and rhythms of dance.

    For the present time; I salute you with a composer rather fitting for these times of the grand changing of the guards. I love this guy!

    Emerson, Lake and Palmer became renown in synthesizing Mussorgsky's 'Pictures of an Exhibition'.

    The Hut of Baba Yaga; The Great Gate of Kiev and Promenade.

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #32008 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:


    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)

    #32017 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
    unplugged wrote:

    Yes, Berm, beautiful music transports the soul. It allows one to close the eyes and let the imagination soar into realms where time is but a dream and each breath an inspiration. Great musical compositions -- like great art, literature, philosophy -- transcend time.

    You masterfully gauge the tempo and rhythm of this time in your selections.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Dragon Loveheart (Contemplations of the heart of the Logos, Gospel of Thomas)
    #32021 March 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Matthew 12

    25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

    26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

    34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

    35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

    36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

    43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

    44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

    45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

    Luke 11:18-20 (in Context) Luke 11 (Whole Chapter)

    40.Luke 11:20

    But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.


    38.Luke 11:18
    If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub

    39.Luke 11:19
    And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.

    In Voltairine de Cleyre's last poem "Written in Red", the first verse begins:

    Written in red their protest stands,
    For the Gods of the World to see;
    On the dooming wall their bodiless hands
    Have blazoned "Upharsin," and flaring brands
    Illumine the message: "Seize the lands!
    Open the prisons and make men free!"
    Flame out the living words of the dead


    mina, mina, shekel, half-mina Tralala,

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

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