Pan_Determined @Pan_Determined 7h·...16 Dec 2022 ------- PLEASE SHARE : ------- 2022-24 RAPIDLY DEVELOPING GLOBAL EMERGENCY – CHRISTIANS, HINDU'S, BUDDHISTS, TAOISTS, ISLAM VERSUS LUCIFER GOD ZIONIST (JEWS, FREEMASON CHRISTIANS) GLOBAL WAR ! ---CHRISTIAN PUTIN RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA WAR EXERCISES FOR WAR WITH ZIONIST INFILTRATED, GOVERNED, CONTROLLED USA/30 EU NATIONS/ NATO ---RUSSIA HAS SUPPORT OF ALL BRICS NATIONS --NOW GROWING :4.5 billion people ===== LEVEL ONE : CONVENTIONAL LEVEL TWO : NUCLEAR ==== CONTENT : 1. MAJORITY OF WORLD POPULATION SUPPORT ACTIONS OF CHINA AND RUSSIA 2. RUSSIA MIXED, COORDINATEED AIRFORCE, INFANTRY/CAVALRY/ARTILIERY ATTACK EXERCISE 3. CHRISTIAN PUTIN PUTS NUCLEAR FORCES ON HIGH ALERT 4. CHINA CLEARLY SUPPORTS RUSSIA IN ANTI-ZIONIST JEWS WAR 5. INDIA JOINS CHINA, RUSSIA IN WAR GAMES 6. RUSSIA AIRFORCE/ AIRPOWER EXERCISE 7. RUSSIA INFANTRY/CAVALRY/ARTILIERY POWER 8. RUSSIA NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES 9. RUSSIA NUCLEAR SUBMARINES POWER EXERCISE 10. WHO ARE LUCIFER/SATANIST KIM ZIONIST JEWS THAT HAVE INFILTRATED, COVERTLY GOVERN NATIONS USING "TRUST-BASED" PAPER DOLLARS NOW CRIPPLING USA AND EU 30 NATIONS. ===== 1---- 10/31/22 CAMBRIDGE STUDY SHOWS MAJORITY OF WORLD POPULATION (4.5 billion people) SUPPORT ACTIONS OF CHINA AND RUSSIA ---The US is preparing to station multiple nuclear-capable B-52 bombers in northern Australia in what the mass media are calling a “signal to China,” 2------ RUSSIA MIXED, COORDINATEED AIRFORCE, INFANTRY/CAVALRY/ARTILIERY ATTACK 3----- CHRISTIAN PUTIN PUTS NUCLEAR FORCES ON HIGH ALERT --Citing “aggressive statements” by NATO and tough financial sanctions, Putin issued a directive to increase the readiness of Russia’s nuclear weapons, raising fears that the invasion of ZIONIST jEWISH BANKERS GOVERNED UKRAINE could lead to nuclear war, whether BY DESIGN OR MISTAKE --The Russian leader is “potentially putting in play forces that, if there’s a miscalculation, could LEADTO A CHRISTIAN VERSUS ZIONOIST JEWS NUCLEAR WAR. 4----- CHINA CLEARLY SUPPORTS RUSSIA IN ANTI-ZIONIST JEWS WAR 5---- India joins China, Russia in war games in Russian Far East 6----- RUSSIA AIRFORCE/ AIRPOWER EXERCISE 7----- RUSSIA INFANTRY/CAVALRY/ARTILIERY POWER 8 ----- RUSSIA NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES --largest submarine fleets in the world with an estimated 58 vessels, 11 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines 9---- RUSSIA NUCLEAR SUBMARINES POWER EXERCISE 10---- WHO ARE LUCIFER/SATANIST KIM ZIONIST JEWS THAT HAVE INFILTRATED, COVERTLY GOVERN NATIONS USING "TRUST-BASED" PAPER DOLLARS NOW CRIPPLING USA AND EU 30 NATIONS. --THE MOST RUTHLESS ENEMY OF HUMANITY --NOW SLOWLY TRYING TO DESTROY USA FREEDOMS, FAMILES, ECONOMY, CONSTITUTION. --has hidden history wiped clean from the libraries and history books --experts in dollar manipulation--making money from nothing and charging others huge interest/taxes using collection agencies, courts, prison --a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America. --has gained control over the US Congress --planned, implemented nuclear attack of WTC 9-11-01 3 skyscrapers ====
susan kulculkan @The13thBridge · 7m When you force the involvement of those who do NOT want to be involved, it will be way TOO LATE to say you are sorry ~susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d @The13thBridge #TrumpAnnouncement #$44billion #democrats #republicans #independants
PLEASE SHARE --LUCIFER/SATAN WORSHIP BY ZIONISTS JEWS, FREEMASON CHRISTIANS AND ATHIESTS ----- GinB --Here is info on the Zionist Freemasons : 1. John F Kennedy: Exposing Secret Societies - The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Zionism View: === 2. Freemason - Occult Portraits - The Hidden Hand - Zionist - Talmudic Jew View: === 3. Freemasons, the Third Temple, and the Antichrist Only at the highest levels of his craft does the Mason discover who is the “Great Architect of the Universe” that they so often refer to. Whereas many lower level Masons are led to believe that he must be the Judeo-Christian God, the truth is that they are worshipping Lucifer. ==== 4. Freemasonry Historic Links To Zionism/Judaism --At present, as in the past, Zionist world leaders, and men in influential positions with the various Masonic organisations everywhere, have worked "hand in glove" for a universal world revolution, which will bring in the One-World Church and a One-World Government ==== John F Kennedy: Exposing Secret Societies - The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Zionism article by: Pan_Determined @Pan_Determined Original Gabber