My Posts Posts: 5 Blake - Posted Nov 1st 2012 Woven through the background (and periodically emerging to the surface) of the recent book, Quantusum, by James, are these benign dragon-like creatures which, naturally, reminded me of Thuban - and thought that members here might like to know about it. I realize that the Thuban & Wingmakers materials are not exactly mapable in a 1:1 correspondence, but it was interesting to see serpentine dragons figuring so intrinsically in this work. Available through Planetwork Press: Here are some excerpts from chapters of the book which feature or speak of a Quantusum: From Chapter 15, Quantusum: Zenith led me to the cavern where I had swum earlier in the day, and then to a hidden corridor behind the pool’s opening that snaked its way downward at a fairly steep decline. After a few minutes the path leveled off, and I could see small chambers that looked manmade; they were too smooth and uniformly shaped to be natural structures. Zenith explained that this place had been an experimental lab at one time, but the equipment had been taken out many years ago, and now it was only used for communication. “The creatures that are left to grace this island are only six in number,” she said with a solemn tone. “They are known as the Quantusum, and they are, as you have witnessed, very large. Their intelligence is… unusual, and it was they who helped our scientists to understand how to build the interface you are about to use.” … From out of this electrical noise, I heard a voice emerge. It was mechanical sounding, but there was a rhythm - a flow - that softened it. “Life has meaning only when it is joined with expanding space that permits wisdom to enter. So let go of any limits that might be within you. Allow us to be limitless. Will you agree?” Some part of me activated that had been dormant for a very long time, and yet I knew it was the part of me that would outlive everything else that I could label with a name. “I agree. I wholeheartedly agree.” I answered. My voice sounded different in the chamber. I hardly recognized it as mine. “What is your name in your world?” “I don’t know my name; I have amnesia.” “As do all humans. You are either a wise man, or you are referring to a medical condition. Which is it?” I smiled. “Regrettably it is the latter. I came to this island without a single memory of the past, including my name. In a vision that I had earlier today, I heard a name that was given to me, but I don’t know, truthfully, if it’s mine.” … “So it is with memory. If one has lost it, they know it still exists. The experience that has drawn them to the place of here and now never acts unjustly. Memory is falsehearted, and do you know why?” “To keep one’s attention on the here and now?” I ventured. “Precisely. If memory is lost completely, as in your case, it enables you to see clearly what is before you without the clutter of a thousand faces and a trillion words. What do you see before you, Solomon?” I opened my mouth to speak, but then waited in stunned silence. I could no longer see Trisiel. She had disappeared. The glowing luminescent outline, the one reality to her body that was visible to me, was gone. “I see empty water. Where did you go?” “I am still here, just like your memories,” Trisiel answered. For a moment I thought she was playing a game with me, but the notion that a creature of her intellect would play games with a stranger, well, it seemed highly suspect. “Do you know how a creature of my size can disappear?” I shook my head. “I have no idea,” I said, squinting to see into the water, but the harder I looked, the more I was convinced that she had truly disappeared. “I am limitless. There is no cage or constraint that can corral me into one constant place. I am limitless. I can change, shift, overcome, transform, because I am not bound to a thing that serves me, and my body serves me. Thus I can change my body to the consistency of water - all of the physical properties of water. In doing this I am completely invisible to your physical senses.” … “How did you discover you were unlimited?” “Like all great discoveries it was the product of experimentation. We tried to find a reason for our being dwellers of the deepest oceans; living in the silent underworld of total darkness. We have many eyes; I personally have two hundred and forty-two, but they are not eyes like yours. They see different frequencies of light, and because of this, we are able to see across dimensions of both time and space, and even non-time and non-space. “This ability to see past the folds of illusion that time and space produce, was our finest capacity, and we experimented as to how we could use this perception. We evolved sophisticated techniques for seeing deeper and deeper into the reality that creates realities. We found layer after layer, and every time we felt we had finally found the meaning of it all, the ‘root of roots,’ as we referred to it, we discovered the endlessness of our journey. “You see, with all of the capacities we had to perceive truth, truth always diverged into deeper, wider, higher spatial realities that were so refined, so tempered in love, that we could not enter. We were excluded by our desire to know. This was our limit - desire. From Chapter 50, Skull: “It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” Uncle nodded with a smile. “And no one’s seen them?” Uncle shook his head. “Only Kohana, Lame Deer and now you have seen this.” Uncle handed me his flashlight. “Take a closer look.” I knelt down and looked inside the skull. Its haunting presence almost took my breath away as I looked deep within the huge cavity that once held a brain the size of a large man. “One thing puzzles me -” I said, “if this is your most sacred site, how come no one knows of it?” “In every culture there are those who know what’s happening - what’s truly happening, and there’re those who don’t. The Unktegila are feared in our Nation to the extent they’re even known anymore. They’re believed to be evil water reptilians that were ultimately destroyed by the thunderbirds.” “How did they get maligned like that?” “The same way the snake in the Garden of Eden was made out to be Satan.” Uncle paused and gently patted the head of the giant Quantusum skull in front of us. “It happens because those in power shape perception; they take the liberators and make them appear evil, immoral and self-serving. This is why we had no choice but to keep the site hidden.” From Chapter 99, Creature: I had about ten match sticks in the box, and I gripped the box tight. I walked up to the wall and looked at the hand-drawn figures that had been painted by someone before me. I held the match in the very tip of my fingers like it was a tiny torch. There were various creatures, none of them earthly, but they looked familiar anyway, the kind you might see in dreams or books about mythology. I reached up and touched one of the pictures, it was depicting a Quantusum, and when I touched it, it glowed. I pulled away for an instant. Was it my imagination? I summoned the courage to touch it again. This time it glowed, but I felt my hand move inside the wall, as if the wall had disappeared, or possibly my hand - I wasn’t sure. And then I felt something pull me inside, and I had no choice but to follow. As I went inside the wall, I could feel the sudden coolness and the deep, inky blackness reminded me to light another match. As I did, the space around me revealed that I was in a huge space, whose walls, if there were any, were too far away for my meager light to reveal. I began to tremble as a presence collected itself in front of me, one light particle at a time. As my match withered, I struck another. The light showed that a creature was being assembled right before me and it was not of physical mass, but rather, of bejeweled lights. As it assembled before my eyes, my match went out, but the light from the creature was more than sufficient now to light the space we shared, and I could begin to see the size of the room. It was three times the size of a domed stadium in every dimension, and the creature that was manifesting needed that space for it was huge. Without thinking I kept moving backwards in small steps, riveted on the spectacle of seeing this enormous creature reveal itself in such a mesmerizing manner. It was difficult to define this creature until it was almost complete, and even then, I’m not sure I saw all of it from the angle that I stood, so whatever description I could provide, it was, I’m afraid, incomplete. The term, dragon, is a pale metaphor for what I saw. I will tell this much, it was a Quantusum of enormous proportions, but it was not of the water. It was of the air. It was pure light, and the structure it held was so intricate, so beautiful, that I felt a wondrous smile flash across my face. The creature, and I’m only using the name for lack of a better one, was similar to a great winged dragon, except for a notable lack of teeth, quick-to-anger eyes and the signiture breath of fire. It looked exquisitely calm and regal. … Are you a Quantusum? The great head nodded. “I am of the air, but as you can see, we are related.” “I have seen the Quantusum. I have even spoken with one of their kind. I have seen their bones, and I have felt their presence. You are majestic in comparison with them, and they are astonishing creatures unto themselves. What I don’t understand is why you are offering me a wish, when they never have. Can you answer me that?” “In a way, every question is a wish,” the creature replied, its voice still thundering with every word. “I will not count this question as your wish, but take care not to ask more questions of me, for the next question I will only accept as your wish.” Post last edited Nov 2nd 2012
My Posts Admin Posts: 2162 Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Nov 2nd 2012 Thank you Blake for this contribution. Yes much of the wingmakers material is very compatible and in harmony with Thuban. The one serious divergence relates to James' source material or better said, his 'quasi allegiance' to the cosmology as found in the Urantia book. The Urantia book was created by the 'PTB' under the guise of 'channeling from unnamed authoritative angelic sources', which are named as a 'Hierarchy of Melchizedeks' and other such misappropriation of the Old Testament-Torah archetype of the 'Prince of Peace' or 'King of Salem'. The Urantia Book utilizes the forefront of the scientific understanding of say the period just preceding and encompassing World War 2 and so results in gross 'mistakes of the scientific nous of that time. It then becomes rather evident, that the 'channelled angelic sources' are privy to the human wisdom of the sciences at that time, rather then occupying some more elevated cherubimic observation venue from which their information is dispersed and shared and given. For example, it is unaware of galaxies as independent cellular cosmic units and identifies them with the then status quo of 'universal nebulae' or 'island universes', a label coined by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. Many more erroneous identifications of the cosmic structure, accepted at that time, but nowadays superceded by observations due to improved technology and by a greater and more encompassing understanding about the things observed; are evident to any reader of the Urantian Cosmology who has a basic understanding of the present scientific models and theory. Now James is more of an artist and gnostic author (the real gnosis and not the New Age hijackers for this philosophy and lexicon); than a scientist and unfortunately, he has accepted much of the Urantian Cosmology and incorporated this into the wingmaker material. He also is rather vague on the 'Christ-Thoth messenger' of what he terms the 'Atlantean times' and this ambiguity also shows his unfamiliarity with a deeper understanding of the gnostic dragon manual, known as the Gospel of Thomas Didymos. In general however, and as stated in this forum, Thuban cosmology finds much in harmony with the works of James Mahu of the wingmakers. I might mention his understanding about the 'Serpent of Eden' being the true Christ messenger for example and something you have shared in the excerpts in the above. Your 'bening dragon' so is this Logos Messenger and you have discerned this very well through your thinking heart and your feeling mind as a much to be desired old human quality remaining very rare in the general populus. Tonyblue Post last edited Nov 2nd 2012
My Posts Posts: 1120 Jorgelito - Posted Nov 2nd 2012 I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing, Blake! Post last edited Nov 2nd 2012
Posts: 1120 Jorgelito - Posted Nov 2nd 2012 I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing, Blake! Post last edited Nov 2nd 2012 My Posts Posts: 8934 SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Nov 2nd 2012 his music is very good, along with his art at different points, we have slipped in, and, out of the wingmaker work The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing: The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days) & Pacha (360 days) Grand Cycle which ends December 16th, 2013 at sunset - and, The Start of The Pacha iNTi (9,360,000 Days) Grand Cycle of December 17th, 2013 at sunrise. Susan Lynne Schwenger was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984, as The Last Full Moon in 2013- 17 DEC 2013, in alignment with The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Ancient Year aka The Calendar Round aka The Thirteen(13) Moon Calendar aka The Six (6) Event Calendar aka The Eight (8) Event Calendar. The Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes also have cycles of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360, 360+5, 360+1+5, 390, 400, 23,400, 24,000, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000, 1,872,000 & 9,360,000 Days, along with yearly Cycles. She was also the first to align The Celtic Calendar, The Metonic Calendar, The Ancient Egyptian Calendar, The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycle, and, an assortment of other chinese calendars etc., The Bermanseder Bible Codes & The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula (which closes the 12 pointed star) can also be aligned to these calendars: THE MAIN CODE of THE DRESDEN CODEX THROUGH THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger -- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe
My Posts Admin Posts: 2162 Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Nov 7th 2012 Just for more evidence, that the Wingmaker group uses or has used the 'Urantia Book' for its cosmology. Quote from the email from Mark Hempel (and no I dont know how Mark Hempel got my contact details here, as I have no communications with him. The one email I sent to him some years ago, he did not reply to, so he might have used this to 'market' his site as this email indicates. As said, I generally like much of the wingmakers cosmology, but thoroughly detest the Urantia Book as ptb disinformation. I so do not endorse the materials below, though I would agree with many generalities, which would be contained in the logistics and gnosis contained therein. "Sign-up is free on, and I’d encourage you to check it out when you have a chance. There are nearly 200 classic literature titles for free, so you can get a good sense of how the platform works. It also has The Urantia Book (yes, all 2,000 pages) and some other esoteric books that are noteworthy." Tonyblue, November 8th, 2012 Hi sirebard, I'm writing to update the WingMakers community that James' books are now available on There're also updates on interviews, and even tee-shirts. Kind regards, Mark Hempel WingMakers web manager James’ on James’ books are now available on the new web-based social reading platform: This platform is an enriched version of SpiritState, and has many new features and capabilities that were made possible by significant external funding. Some of these new features include highlighting, dictionary, thesaurus, word translations, and improved search functions. Many of these features are new to the web. Sumbola was co-founded by Mark Hempel and Ernest Mbenkum, and based on the original vision of James, who had commissioned the development of SpiritState for his books The Ancient Arrow Project, The Dohrman Prophecy, and his latest book: Quantusum. These same books are now available on at the same price as SpiritState. Another difference between Sumbola and SpiritState is that Sumbola will have a much broader variety of books and, in the coming months, enable authors to self-publish directly on the platform. SpiritState will remain focused on the art and writings of James, while Sumbola will be available to all authors and readers. Sign-up is free on, and I’d encourage you to check it out when you have a chance. There are nearly 200 classic literature titles for free, so you can get a good sense of how the platform works. It also has The Urantia Book (yes, all 2,000 pages) and some other esoteric books that are noteworthy. Link to Planetwork Press Update As many of you know, James’ books are also available as physical books through Planetwork Press. I’ve heard from people outside of the U.S. that have sent me email sharing their concern about the shipping cost for James’ book internationally. Please know that we’re aware of this issue, but there’s little we can do about the cost of shipping, since the books—especially Quantusum—are large books, and therefore heavy and expensive to ship. This is in part why you can also buy James’ books through or, and read them as web books. For those of you who love the tangible qualities of holding a physical book, these are truly beautiful books. Planetwork Press has done an amazing job producing them. Soon, James’ books will be available in other electronic formats on other sites as well (like Amazon and Apple’s bookstore), and we’ll keep you posted as the distribution expands. Over the years, requests for tee-shirts related to WingMakers have come to us, and we now have one, courtesy of Planetwork Press. It displays the Sovereign Integral symbol, as designed by James, and disclosed in his new book Quantusum. You can find more information on these new tee-shirts at the Planetwork Press website. Link to Planetwork Press Quantusum Interview Randy Maugan of OffPlanet Radio will be conducting an interview with me (Mark Hempel) and Darlene Berges of Planetwork Press this Friday, November 9, at 2:00 pm ET (New York time). Randy had read Quantusum and loved the book, and felt it needed to be promoted. So he’s kindly suggested an interview. You can tune into the interview at the link below: Link to OffPlanet Radio I'll continue to keep you posted on new releases. Thanks for your support of these materials. Mark
My Posts Posts: 5 Blake - Posted Nov 7th 2012 Thubanis - Posted 3 Hours Ago Just for more evidence, that the Wingmaker group uses or has used the 'Urantia Book' for its cosmology. Quote from the email from Mark Hempel (and no I dont know how Mark Hempel got my contact details here, as I have no communications with him. The one email I sent to him some years ago, he did not reply to, so he might have used this to 'market' his site as this email indicates. As said, I generally like much of the wingmakers cosmology, but thoroughly detest the Urantia Book as ptb disinformation. I so do not endorse the materials below, though I would agree with many generalities, which would be contained in the logistics and gnosis contained therein. "Sign-up is free on, and I’d encourage you to check it out when you have a chance. There are nearly 200 classic literature titles for free, so you can get a good sense of how the platform works. It also has The Urantia Book (yes, all 2,000 pages) and some other esoteric books that are noteworthy." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, I just came in from yard work and was greeted by that same notice from Mark which you received, along with the Thuban notice of your reply on the Quantusum thread. When, in an earlier post, you mentioned James’ allegiance to the Urantia book, I thought to myself that, for all we know, that was just something that interested him at one time which he may well have since distanced himself from - after all, it has been at least 10 years since he mentioned that book on his Q & A page. But I doubt very much that Mark Hemple would go so far as to bring it up as more or less a present endorsement, if it weren’t all right with James for him to do so. I had never looked into the Urantia book myself until I heard it mentioned in that Q & A page. Soon thereafter I spent an hour or two looking through a copy at Barnes & Noble and really, really did not care for it. I can’t exactly remember why, but I seem to recall it had some sort of quasi-militaristic hierarchical thing going on that seemed stilted and darkish. Never so much as referred to it once since then, so I’d say I granted it close to zero authority. And whatever might have been true between its covers seemed more or less unverifiable anyway. As for Quantusum, like yourself, that which has logos-validity and true-ringing edification, I’m only too happy to glean and be blessed by - bearing in mind, that this is a novelistic vehicle by someone who is perhaps, as you’ve said, more the artist than scientist (and, in any case, one cannot help but be impressed by his depth, moved by his good intentions and respectful of his talents) and so one would do well not to take all aspects and ‘beings’ in this work (perhaps primarily meant to ‘inspire’ readers via character identification) too literally. One aspect of Quantusum which, I don’t know, may have a bit of a disempowering effect for some people is the number of characters in it which the main character pretty much has to be in awe of. Some are positive (“good”) and intend to help him onto higher ground and his calling - yet have a sort of condescending manner, set up rules such as “I ask the questions around here,” lack any real sense of humor and, frankly, seem a tad bit full of themselves. Funny, but that’s what also struck me about the guru character in James’ philosophy papers. Interesting to me when people dismiss Jesus, in part because they don’t like the thought of an “intermediary” (while not really, in my opinion, really understanding that as being more of a toggle switch than some sort of religious mid-level bureaucratic role) and yet then go on to posit all these other beings between the individual and ultimate reality/realization. But, I do want to end on a note of appreciation of James’ body of work, his focus on the heart virtues, and all the edifying insights he has shared over the years. He has a gift for helping people to consider fresh positive perspectives with new language and conceptual angles. The Thuban material has likewise served me in this regard. Post last edited Nov 7th 2012
My Posts Posts: 8934 SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Nov 7th 2012 his heart virtues are NOT new material they are a part of the seven grandfather teachings, which are ancient
Posts: 1120 Jorgelito - Posted Nov 7th 2012 Ownership The way I see it no one (from the very high to the very low) owns anything in this universe. Not even the stuff we create or manifest. Just like we do not own our own children. We don't own our body (as many as you can count), or our soul or the shoes we wear. I do grant this is not the prevailing view (especially in matters of copyright law).. I share this with you in the hopes it may afford some peace to a situation that seems to afford only discontent and being ripped apart. Peace and healing, Jorgelito There's nothing new under the sun e Is it true there's nothing new under the sun? My Dad told me this all the time. It irked the hell out of me. He seemed OK with it citing . . . Cicero 55 B.C. The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (1611 King James Bible) The thing that hath beene, it is that which shall be: and that which is done, is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing vnder the sunne. Jorgelito 2012 Everything we create is a manifestation of something that already exists. That something is infinite. That something is That Which Is. That Something is the core of who we are. And that something is the source of everything in the manifest universe. No exception. Post last edited Nov 8th 2012
Blake Blake - 2 Hours Ago Tony, what is the Moabyte Forum? My guess is that it is a Biblical-term euphemism of yours for some Project Camelot forum/spinoff - or so the contexts of its occurrence seem to indicate Also, thanks for your Wingmaker critique thread and your reiteration of James' likely ongoing allegiance to that material. By strange, though not necessarily particularly meaningful coincidence, when some Wingmaker devotees got the okay from James to begin home study groups (beginning last month) one of the few such groups happen to meet just 2 miles from my home (and Planetworks press is so close that I received the book Quantusum the same day it was shipped). So, although It's been quite a while since I had read any of the Wingmakers material, I wondered about the possible "event string" (James' term for Providential coincidence, you might say) and so ordered the book and checked out the very small gathering. But I'm far from buying into the overall cosmology - especially since having Thuban material exposure. I've been working nearly every day at physical labor for the past 4 or 5 months so I haven't had the time to engage/process the Thuban material I would have liked, but will be able to soon as my work is essentially seasonal. Not that I'm imagining that should hold any import to you - just making note of it. Have you ever read the book by Glenda Green entitled Love Without End: Jesus Speaks? It wasn't channeled but rather, according to Glenda Green, Jesus appeared to her a number of times and had engaging conversations - many of which had to do with scientific considerations (sans formulas). I know that whole scenario sounds suspicious but the content doesn't seem to contain much, if any, of what you would call NABS - although I might well imagine you would find statements that you disagreed with. Anyway, just curious if, in your wide reading, you had encountered it and, if so, what your general opinion of it was. Thubanis Thubanis - 18 Minutes Ago Moabytes are the misters, a forum created following our banning from the old Project Avalon alternative website. The 'Mists of Avalon or MOA' have a Thuban section and is here: Regarding the 'Jesus Speaks' material. I have heard of it and might have read some of it. There are as many 'Jesus channellers' as there are 'messianic witness pretenders', both orthodox religious and also alternative; so I would be rather wary of this genre. True, most of the 'Words from 'Jesus'' are full of 'Love and Light', but nevertheless far too general and 'wishy washy' as deriving from a deeper source. As you know, the Logos is in everyone and so everyone, if so inclined or wanting to, can indeed 'channel' or tune into the cosmically divine information. The lack of detail, such as equations and a detailed translation and description of actual orthodox scripture codes (Bible, Torah, Koran ,Bhagavad Gita and Vedas etc) generally indicate the peripheral nature of the 'channelled material' thus received. A typical information such as this and I would say rather similar to your link is the 'Dimensional Shift', transcribed by 'Dorothy'. I have looked at this and there are many good points in it, but the 'source' is a 'filtered Logos' and in no manner carrying the 'cosmic authority' of the post-incarnated World Logos aka the higherD 'individuation' of the 'Cosmic Christ'. I will add this to your quantusum thread, as it carries general relevance regarding the 'channellings'. Thanks for your contribution Blake - and dont work too hard, lol. Tonyblue Post last edited Nov 9th 2012
My Posts Posts: 8934 SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Dec 11th 2013 there is plenty that needs to be re-discover, re-eXchanged & re-disturbed fortunately, there are many in The Mists of Thuban, doing just that !!! I posted a few posts on their site, as, Wingmaker CAN do The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing: The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days) & Pacha (360 days) Grand Cycle which ends December 16th, 2013 at sunset - and, The Start of The Pacha iNTi (9,360,000 Days) Grand Cycle of December 17th, 2013 at sunrise. Susan Lynne Schwenger was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984, as The Last Full Moon in 2013- 17 DEC 2013, in alignment with The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Ancient Year aka The Calendar Round aka The Thirteen(13) Moon Calendar aka The Six (6) Event Calendar aka The Eight (8) Event Calendar. The Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes also have cycles of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360, 360+5, 360+1+5, 390, 400, 23,400, 24,000, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000, 1,872,000 & 9,360,000 Days, along with yearly Cycles. She was also the first to align The Celtic Calendar, The Metonic Calendar, The Ancient Egyptian Calendar, The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycle, and, an assortment of other chinese calendars etc., The Bermanseder Bible Codes & The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula (which closes the 12 pointed star) can also be aligned to these calendars: THE MAIN CODE of THE DRESDEN CODEX THROUGH THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger -- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe