PUFF, ONE and the Black Madonna of Babylon

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Puff The Magic Dragon

    #29934 March 19th, 2011
    Cougar wrote:
    Where Puff the Magic Dragon represents the negative power/ and material world.

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30381 March 21st, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    That is the name we gave to the attack helicopters in Viet Nam . The name was handed down by the brass and adopted as their own by the grunts. Military jargon is always double-entendre but its curious that a devastating killing machine has a reptilian based name. Also perhaps satanic in the way that a child's song of innocence was co-opted for a weapon that is capable of such massive firepower.

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30408 March 21st, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Wow... I never thought I'd hear that sung again. My mum used to sing the song to me when I was small.

    I long ago assumed it was all about 'puff' although I never figured what the string had to do with it.

    Is it so negative? Is it not the PTBs that have made it negative so that man cannot turn to an easy-to-grow herb that has many curative properties and can open the mind to small wonders in this world?

    I'm talking about the natural stuff not the genetically modified and enhanced stuff.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30445 March 21st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30676 March 22nd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    hey we're back huh?
    what a merciful fate! i had all but given up on being able to talk to y'all,when we had only just barely begun...what went wrong,i wondered,thinking,well,other than some people getting funny ideas about some other people,and then reacting in a way that made little sense logically....
    ...hoping that they were all meaning well despite some things they said looking quite otherwise.....and knowing that what will be will be,no matter how we may try to prevent it...
    ever since i read something about dragons at spiritweb or somewhere many years ago,i've looked at the idea of dragons as possibly really real and really magic,so i would never speak badly of them and would only hope to have them as friends,by gosh...they can read minds too i guess,so i would hope they got a sense of humor,huck-huck


    #30804 March 22nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I am posting this here so as not to address any one specific topic or thread individually as it seems to me there is a thing happening on many threads that reflects a larger overall issue that can also be seen as a reflection of the larger picture of what is going on in the world at this time.

    My desire, in doing so is simply to provide what I can see as an overview of the entire situation, albeit a brief one as I cannot sit here typing this all night as well as I am unsure of what level to even begin addressing this on. I may add to it as I see fit over the next day or two.

    This is my observation based upon my own personal experiences in my life, as well as many years of research that I have done in an effort to get to the root of what the problems in the world really are, and how to begin healing them.

    There are days when I look at it and I feel that the only way it can all be made right is if the Earth completely cleanses herself, because there is just too much division to ever heal all that is of the one. It seems that so many would rather see the differences between themselves and others, as opposed to choosing to look for common ground. The common ground is of course that we all are. We all exist under the umbrella of The ONE. The original Source of all that is, whatever you choose to call it.

    I have recently read a thread, which I am sure some of you will know immediately which one I am referring to... where someone stated that they thought that (actually this was echoed in several member's posts on that same thread as well as several other threads, but I choose to simplify it by using this post as an example) ...someone posted that they thought that all spiritual/new age/ and the like sort of info should be restricted from Project Camelot Forums and left to other sites as it is seen as a distraction form the purpose of this site.

    I respectfully disagree and here is why. (Noting that in the spirit of truth from someone who clearly knows that the spiritual is all connected to the whole big picture of truth, a particular ban seems to have been lifted.)

    Think Golden Girls Sophia here... Picture it, Sicily 2007... LOL *Jokes*!

    I had a 'friend' who was talking to this person whom she had 'met' online. She had been a practicing witch for years. The man whom she had met online presented himself as a 'wizard' in need of a lesson of higher learning in the magickal arts. OI VEY !!! (sp)

    Many people who practice any type of magick or spiritual guru-ism seem to vacillate back and forth between an over inflated 'altar' (magickal alter ego) and a sense of low self worth. This is common, and is written in books, so is not only my personal opinion on the subject. It is to be expected as a stage in the human being trying to come back into their knowledge of themselves as a divine being created with the capability of using their thought to create.

    I watched as this situation between the two progressed as my friend was very unsure of what she was doing with this 'wizard', and she was constantly asking me for advise. She almost stopped talking to him several times because she was sensing that something was not right... to the point of almost making sure her young daughters were not interacting with him. It became at one point clear to me that she was even afraid (being a middle aged woman, who was saying how she had to pull out all of the stops to keep him paying attention because she was not getting any younger) she was afraid that he would become interested in her teenage daughter. (sad) I felt very bad for her. (IF ya think that... it might be the wrong guy for you honey! Lol... ) I digress. She was loosing her center of her own spiritual balance and about to take a lot else down with her. It was a shame as I had watched her growth over a number of years and she had great potential to use her gifts for the good of many. But she instead chose the following.

    She became dark, paranoid, secretive and calculating in a number of weeks to the point that she was almost completely unrecognizable as herself. What she did not realize was that in spite of guidance by myself and many others she was choosing to allow herself to be used as a programmed pawn in a larger game that she was completely unable to see let alone comprehend. She began to make up stories and pretending to have abilities that in all of the past years no one in her group of friends had ever even known her to have. And trust me, between all of us, we would have known as we each had our own varying abilities. The thing is, the man on the other end of the online messages would not have had this view of her, and seemed at the time to be lapping up every bit of garbage she was trying to feed him. I think he was feeling the need for a distraction from a personal situation related later in this story, however...

    It got to the point where I went to see her one day and she was typing messages to him and she told me this. She said that he was having trouble fighting with his dying girlfriend (imagine this! Holy crap, right!?!)
    and she told him this woman he was involved with was some sort of drug addicted leach and he needed to cut chords between himself and this woman he was apparently long term involved with.

    Then she told him in a (you could see she was acting very panicked and desperate in competing for attention with this woman who was apparently very ill and he had been apparently torn in his devotion (or lack therof, whatever) to his dying girlfriend and his desire to learn new and exotic lessons from her.

    (mind you she was also married, and had been for a long time.) She, in a last ditch effort to get him to attach fully to her magicakal illusion (she wanted money and had made a specific effort at this previously, magickally.. be careful what you wish for. He had told her he owned a big company at one point...) she was spinning told him that she could no longer 'teach' him the lessons she knew he needed and he would never be able to ascend properly (before nibiru came or something...).

    She played this out over a short period of assuming control of his will magickally and with full knowledge that what she was doing was no longer of a high spiritual nature, but she chose to continue down this path despite all eles suggesting it was a bad idea for her and others for her to continue it. The goal was to have him swear an 'oath' to her that he would never allow another witch or spiritual teacher to teach him. She could only dispense her "godly goddessness" knowledge upon him unless he made a spiritual contract to learn only from her. (reminds me of a certain woman on a neighboring website who got banned) This would allow her to manipulate and use his own will in a manner in which she essentially owned him, and monopolized any and all information he would have to learn from. He gave his consent. I watched as she continued to invent all kinds of things and spin a web of lies all around becoming a 100% completely service to self entity being controlled by a program she was fully embracing because it made her feel powerful.

    The situation was so damaging to the whole energetically that it was like hell watching it with full awareness. Made Ostrich look smart, Haha.

    Now out of respect for that fact that I know this was programming way beyond her level of 'clearance' and need to know playing out, and that I *know* she reacted out of fear and that is why she chose to go down this path, I am leaving out a lot of gory and really humiliating details as that does not serve to make my point. As well as the various other's who were also involved in this situation in other manipulative ways...

    This demonstrates why it is dangerous to ever allow any one source or individual to choose what is right for another person (or persons) to have access to in the way of information. This man is still having serious issues as a result of his interactions with her and I would expect he will for a long time as she will not free him through her admission of what she has done. She will never do that, and he will never fully own his own right to be until that energetic binding is removed. He cannot see clearly what she did, and she will never lift that veil for him. IMHO it would be easy to just see them both as really selfish rotten people behaving like this, BUT they were people in need of the lessons they would get as a result, and behaving that way based upon a myriad of fears they both had. If they both learn to be a better person as a result then they are two more people potentially closer to finding the truth of their beingness. If not I expect they would remain another couple of people who remain content with repeating the past and not learning from it. But here; maybe all of you can learn from it and then it will give purpose to the happenings on yet another level.

    You cannot allow one person to decide what truth to teach or allow to be taught if the truth is what you really want. No spiritual teacher (or other type of teacher for that matter) will ever say "you can only learn from me." or "I have the only truth you need to know." unless they have an agenda.

    I am not suggesting, at this time, that what I see on the part of these posters wishing to exclude or restrict other's teachings or information on this (site aimed at the truth of what, when, why we are here, and what to do with and about it...) is intentionally to prevent people from reaching the truth. BUT with all things considered, I have to wonder if it is not another level of the programming working through these posters. I do not say this to be rude in any way, but to heighten awareness. There may be blocks put into place with any one of us to prevent us from looking into certain areas for answers. Thes blocks may be as simple as you thinking you cannot understand the material because it is too complex, and so you want to stop reading it, which is different that saying "It does not resonate with me."

    If you don't like a teaching or find it to be false, maybe you are correct, maybe not... BUT There is truly such an enormous story going on with our existence that to try to prevent anyone's truth form being exposed to the light of day is just ridiculous. All of us are of The ONE Source, like it or not, We are also all very different in many ways. And what it takes to lead one person back to unity with the ALL and the Divine truth of who we are may be different from what it takes to unlock those truths in another beings brain and heart. An intelligent adult individual will be able over time to go through the information necessary for them and make a logical discernment about what is right for them, and what does not resonate, or 'work' for them. It is an insult in a way to creation to suggest people are not capable of discerning for themselves what is true. It is reminiscent of book burning in my humble opinion to suggest that what is essentially a documentation library of possible truths should exclude anyone from this process. The world and humanity will not heal if people continue to see themselves as separate or better from all of the rest. I have more to say on this as I figure out how to approach the reasons why I can comfortably say that we are all One, and all is connected for those who don't yet see how the continued divisiveness harms the whole, but that is for another post.

    Is it possible that the 'wizard' man in my previous story needed to go through entangling himself so willingly in this woman's web of lies so that he could one day come to see his own personal truth and that he would have worked hard enough for it to appreciate it when all was said and done? Is it possible that you sometimes have to read lies to be able to discern truth? Is it possible that it makes us better to go through mistakes and, missteps so that we can more fully appreciate the better stuff when it is reach and or achieved? I think sometimes this is so, yes. It makes us better to learn for ourselves rather than have someone tell us what is. Hard as it may be, I think it is necessary to respect that and focus our attention on bringing forward what we see as part of the whole truth instead of trying to limit another's.

    Each thing that we do not like in this world is inextricably linked to our selves. As much as each of us might desire to see our selves as separate from a problem, or situation, there is always a way in which we are energetically linked to the whole. And when you learn that, you find that you can be, and are everywhere at once smile. You find that in the spirit world your energy can reach around the globe and out into the cosmos all at once. Wouldn't it be healing of everyone could realize this a BE the change they want to see at the same time... while reaching spiritually out to the all that is? This would no doubt be more healing. And I can see it is possible.

    It is all connected. You cannot reach the truth of all that is without venturing into the spiritual teachings in some way. And when you study enough of the sciences they will eventually lead you back to the same thing... because it is all the same ONE. Temporarily confusing? maybe, but that is how we grow and learn and become better, not by shutting out what we don't want to see. That is as dangerous as book burning which is what is intended to be illustrated in my above story.

    In the name of examining all possible truths and growing into something better with my core knowledge already sound... I am glad to see a certain ban was lifted. Whether I decide the material resonates with me or not.

    Maybe more later.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30806 March 22nd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    You are rather wise in your thoughts dear arctourist.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of themselvers,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.



    Re: ONE

    #30810 March 22nd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    The Great War of the Memes from December 21st, 2010 to April 8th, 2012

    On December 21st, 2010; a Great War for the Freedom of the Cosmic Selfhood began in the Universe.

    There is much symbolic meaning and 'hints' in the physical evolvements within the contexts of the global scenarios unfolding.

    An example is the Libertatis of Libya and the archetypical superposition for the label of the 'Exodus under Moses' onto the manouvers of various human groups, nations, cliques and 'elites' to change their environments, often considered 'oppressive' and 'not free' in their approach to 'freedom of expression' in regards to the cosmic identity of the participators.

    This message shall detail what is occurring in the timeline of the 'normal' politico-socio-economic-militaristic world and in a superimposition onto the warpzone of the World Logos and as shared in many other postings and many forums.

    The countdown of the days in the warpzone of the 'Warped Human Minds' will release the archetypical 'Monsters of the ID'; all energized and potentialised by their human creators as manifested thoughtforms or memeplexes; spanning throughout the human mental evolvement upon Gaia as the harbouring environment for all the planetary offsprings, encompassing its physical- and metaphysical forms and morphogenetic expressions.

    There must so eventuate a 'war in the heavens' and a 'war in the hells' and as conjured to the surface of human perception by the human dualistic mind in its paradigm of the Cartesian Dualism of the so called Mind-Body divide.

    Both, the angelic realms of the beneficers of the spirit and the demonic worlds of pleasures of the body (there is nothing 'wrong' with the pleasures of the body btw, but this can be a form of abuse), will emerge to face their own human creators in many forms and guises of dreams and visions and in 'strange encounters'.

    However, the 'War of the Memes' will not reurgitate the expected chasm between the 'good and the evil' or the conflict between the darkness and the light.

    No, at this final battle for the cosmic liberty for a planetary civilisation trapped in its own lack of reasoning with a sense for deeper purpose and meaningfulness; the heavens will war against their angels and hell will stand divided against its very self.

    The War of the Thoughtforms will release all hidden fears and temptations and will allow all suppressed emotions, harboured within an oppressed humanity in an evolution period of 9,360,360 days (and nights), to erupt in thoughts and deeds and actions.

    The battlezones for the Armageddon of the Human Mind were drawn in the warpzone of the Cosmic Logos; the Universal Mind and Intelligence encompassing all of creation and including all creative endeavours of its subsets or sublogii for a programmed (or encoded) starting nexus on December 8th, 2004 and a double mirrored timespan to April 1st, 2012 with its halfway point dividing the Shadowmaker from its Shadow on August 4th, 2008.

    A new human race will be born from the old human race and this birth is the 'prize' and the 'spoils' attainable by the 'survivors' of the War of the Memes.

    The new starhuman race will be very few in number, as only the old humans, who can harmonize and accomodate the battles between the memeplexes will become enabled to resonate in an accelerated emotional information matrix.

    The battle zone of the meme war engages the absorption potential of the 'Last Supper' of the Human Evening in a 'Heavenly Feast' of a Starhuman New Dawn.

    This can be labeled as the 'Wholesome Eucharist' of the 'Lion of Judah' as the 'World Logos'.

    The Cosmic Logos or the 'Words of God' is also the "Sword of Dog' in the waveparticle duality for an enveloping wavefunction of the Universe of observation and experience.

    The new starhuman race of archetyped dragons or 'Crowned Serpents' will emerge from the participation in a 'Wedding Feast' or the 'Dragonomy' between the Particular Bridegrooms of the Individuated old humans and the One Bride as the collective old humanity.

    So to emerge from the meme war victoriously, requires the absorption and harmonisation of all of the old memeplexes or thoughtforms; namely all of the human mental creations of angels and devils and demons and monsters of the abysses.

    All of the warring factions, might they be Seraphim Michael versus Devil Satanicus Rex or Abaddon versus Archon Beelzebub or Cherubim Gabriel versus Raphael or Archangel Uriel versus Archdemon Belial - all will have to be consumed by the starhuman aspirants.

    All acolytes for the dragonomies must form a 'sacred union' between their own heness and sheness and will so be necessitated to 'matrimonize' himself in herself or vice versa. In this manner the shadow of the cosmic twinship becomes integrated in the starhuman merkabah; details about which can be found on many linked information channels.

    The individuated dragonomy so represents the 'Second Coming' of the 'First Self' in a revisitation of the Older by the Younger or the Ancient by the Newer. This 'First Self' can be said to be a birthday or many birthdays of previous experiences or some hybridisation of parallel lifetimes as retrieved from the wavefunction of the Universe as the One Body of the Bride of the Resurrection as ther 'Sword of the Dog'.

    When the wavefunction of the universe as the One Bride of the World Logos couples with the wavefunction of the universe as the Many Bridegrooms as the HeShes and the SheHes; then the old human hes and shes receive a new merkabah in the holofractalisation of the quantum template of the wavefunction of the universe as 'One Wavefunction' monadised in the dyad of the doubling or the manifestation of the shadows.

    The older Cartesian dualism of the Mind-Body schisma for any old human man or any old human woman so becomes reset in a doubling of the 'Mirror of the Cosmic Selfhood' and is replaced by a newer MindBody-BodyMind dyad, which unifies the sexual polarities without diminishing the potential for the sexual coupling between a He and a She.

    A Starhuman or a Dragon as a member of the new cosmic race so can also be called 'A Dyadic One'.
    The dyadic Ones are so defined in a selfmirroring or a potential shapeshifting from the HeShe to to SheHe and so can couple in sexual polarities to any other dyadic one willing to engage in dragonplay and as a function of the individuated merkabah self-definitions; the latter which can also engage the merkabah extensions in supporting structures, which are enabled to utilize the spaceinherent consciousness of particular environments.

    In symbolic terminology, the monadisation or unification of the wave-particle duality in its doubling can also be called the closing of the generations in the FatherMother informing or delegating to the Sondaughter and passing the 'Words of the God' to the 'Sword of the Dog' in the GrandSonGranddaughter in the graduation ceremony of the 'Heavenly Feast' when Old Dad celebrates the Homecoming Queen of Old Mum and finally becomes 'blessed' in their shared grandparenthood - the aim of purpose for the story from the beginning of the spacetimematters.

    So when the Father told the dates to the Son and the Son told the dates to the Grandson; then the GrandSon shared then story with the Granddaughter and the Granddaughter shared the new information with her daughter and then the Mother Gaia also found out what the story was all about and about her own queenly self.

    So the end of this message shares the encoded program in cryptic-scriptural 'Words of the God' as the lawmaker and via the channelings of the Son to the Holy Ghost as the GrandSon the Holy Spirit as the GrandDaughter GOT a sniff of it when She saw it in a mirror and She and passed the messages on to the Daughter of the Mother and as the Mother is the Executioner of the Law of the Father as the 'Sword of the Dog'; all hells and heavens have broken loose and will be rolled up like scrolls of the aniquity they have become.

    TBC; I gotta check the heat in the kitchen of the 'Word of Psalms' being the 'Sword of Plasma'.

    For anyone interested, please check the links periodically as this is a witness to the War of the Memes in progress and is concurrent with the evolvements in the old world now ready to become mummified in the atrophy of its ignorances.

    March 10th-11th, 2011

    Friday, March 11th, 2011

    The external human world is defined in the energy of the scientist, say in people constructed by molecular biochemistry and the physicality of material chemistry interacting within a universe defined in the transformation of this energy in say the classical world of geometry in Einstein's relativity {E=mc²} and the quantum information of Planck {E=hf}.

    The classical macroworld then becomes holofractalised to a quantum microworld in a holographic universe and is correlated and linked by a model of thermodynamics, say in the form of an expanding universe as a Black Body radiator. The notion of Kinetic temperature then relates to permutation counts of energy selfstates (called Entropy or state of disorder) in both a classically statistical Boltzmann-Stefan-Maxwell distribution of such energy states and a quantum stochastic Bose-Einstein- and Fermi-Dirac formulation of this under the auspices of {E=kT}.

    A unifying relationship between classical statistics of Entropy (Shannon Information) and the quantum energy of a higher dimensional nonclassical statistics has become a new premise of the physical sciences. This unification describes the 3-dimensional statistics of the Heisenberg Action {EnergyxTime=h=MomentumxDisplacement} in the 'normal' world of 3 space dimensions of length, width and breadth coupled to a time dimension as being equivalent in its physics to a statistics on the surface or event horizon of a Black Hole (or White Hole connected by a wormhole or a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge).

    The surface of the Black Hole so becomes the data collector for a 3-dimensional spacial world as a 2-dimensional manifold and corollarily, the physicalised 4-dimensional spacetime of the universe can be said to become equivalent to a data collecting 3-dimensional surface of a Riemannian hypersphere and as a boundary to a 5-dimensional metaphysical universe with 4 spacial dimensions and one time dimension. This is often termed a Kaluza-Klein or de Sitter-Maldacena topology in hyperspacetime.

    I shall not delve further into the technicalities in this thread, but a general familiarity with the hyperphysics is necessary to allow a deeper realisation of what this War of the Memes represents in the form of the information or the data constituing the cosmology.

    The internal human world is not defined by the materialist science apart from a subjective premise of the Mind-Body duality and where the Human Mind is modeled to originate or emerge from the physical functioning of the Human Brain as objective physical reality.

    As the hyperspace physics has shown however; that the objective world of the external can also be defined in the data collection of information of an enveloping higher dimensional surface, say the 3-dimensional surface of a 'Mother Black Hole' herself residing in a 4-dimensional hyperspace; the reduction of the subjective reality of the Human Mind as emerging from the objective reality of the Human brain has become untenable.

    Quantum Relativity then indicates, that the so called subjective Internal World of the Human Mind must be prior to the objective External World of the Human Brain.

    This is the simple question of: 'Where does the universe come from?"

    As the existing physical objective reality exists in space and in time and allows the dynamics of matter, defined in the label mass; the existence of the cosmology is interwoven with the nature of what space and time represent in their deepest essence or energy.

    Then, because all the 'contents' of the universe, from galaxies to microbes and atoms, are defined in the concept of Energy; the only way this Energy could emerge from something not defined in space and time and mass must be a 'higher dimensional' or zero-dimensional construct of say a 'metaenergy' or a 'hyperenergy'.

    The subjective inner worlds of the Human Mind so can be said to be 'hyperenergetic' or 'metaenergized' and these more 'modern' sounding labels are collectively known as 'Spirit' or 'Spiritual Energy'. To be technically precise; 'Spirit' can be termed Electro-Magnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMM.

    EMMR differs from the familiar Electro-Magnetic Radiation or EMR (radio waves; Infrared; Visible Light; Ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) in NOT requiring mass- or inertia coupling to so called Coulombic electric charges like say the fusion protons in stars; which when accelerated produce EMR.

    The EMMR is generated by the acceleration, not of electric inertia-linked charges but by the acceleration of magnetic charges of the hyperspacetime in which the 'normal' (Minkowski) spacetime is embedded.

    Whilst the EMR is the effect of Electrified Matter; the EMMR is the effect of Magnetified Nonmatter as a form of Magneticity commonly called 'Consciousnesst'.

    Technically, the 'Magneto Charges' define 'Consciousness' as requiring space to exist in and so there exists consciousness, wherever there is space.
    The mathematical details will not concern us here, but are found in the archives of the OmniScience/Quantum Relativity on the definitions for the source energy as the modular duality in membrane symmetry in 12-dimensional omnispacetime.

    The creation of the universe so becomes the emergence of Space from nonspace and allows the rigorous definition of an evolving consciousness in an expanding cosmology.
    The more an empty universe can accumulate information in a sense of order or negentropy; the more selfconscious this universe becomes in the collection of the data bits.
    This is a simple summation or data integral in that all subsets of information bases are themselves embued with an evolving consciousness based on the inherent 'spirit' of the original quantum universe (as a wormhole) being the Building Block or template for a discretized selfreplication of say a source consciousness often named God.

    So the conglomeration of data bits becomes a self interaction of the source energy as a hyperenergetic spectrum of the EMMR or the 'Spirit of God' or the 'Spirit of Creation'.
    Selfreplication of the data bits in say the construction of bodyforms, able to harbour brains and biovital living cellular families; then can evolve to complex selfstates like a Human Being; who then has the potential to understand the nature of the source energy aka the creator.
    In this manner then a previous selfstate of existence; namely the Being NOT in space and being either Unconscious or Omniconscious in a Null=Infinity or Nothingness=Eternity Nonunity; can become coupled or resolved in the remembrance of the 'Godlike' Thinkers.

    The emergence and birth of the universe, so becomes birth of consciousness in the self reproduction of an original unitary wormhole singularity which created its own Consciousness as the Space it occupies.
    What does this mean in context of the memeplexes; the thoughtforms ever thought and constructed in the history of a space defined cosmology?

    Every thoughtform created by the Human Brains is Real!

    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.

    Due to the nature of 'hiddenness' of the hyperspace reality in the restriction of the five-sensual physical apparatus of the human brain; the memeplexes remain invisible to the human sensors. They can be 'felt' however and this is a consequence the space the memes occupy.
    Because they occupy 'invisible space' they nevertheless engage the space inherent consciousness of the space they inhabit.

    The space they inhabit was memeplexed by their human creators in that the human consciousness of the creativity gave the thoughtforms FORM or a morphogenetic gestalt in their Imagination creating the Images.
    In short, the memes are hyperenergized creations interpenetrating the human worlds of the external manifestations of human interactions and communications.
    The War of the Memes so becomes a 4-dimensional spacetime realism mapped or induced from a 5-dimensional hyperspacetime realism.

    All the events and occurrences on Old planet Gaia-Earth are blueprinted manifestations of the memeplexes coupled irrevokably to the human minds which created them.

    The civil wars and revolts in Egypt, Libya and the many other places found on Gaia become a playground for the invisible memes hyperenergized by the fears and emotions of the lower dimensional environments, which created them in Images of the Imaginations.
    The physicality of the memes is found in the technical details of what 'space inherent consciousness is.
    This basic spaceplenum can be accelerated to create the EMMR in the formulation of the boundary conditions for what is known as the nuclear confinement limit and as its range of interaction.
    Just as the angular or centripetal acceleration of subatomic particles in a fusion star (the sun) creates light and other EMR for the star to shine; so does the angular quantum acceleration of the space source quantum (the wormhole as basic building block for the discretization of the cosmic light matrix) manufacture the 'spirit' or the EMMR.

    This quantum acceleration can be labeled 'Awareness' and when coupled to any subset of 'spacebits'; the amount of space so accelerated defines the 'consciousness state' of the interaction.
    In logistical terminology then, the 'normal' 4D spacetime world is a worldd of consciousness units interacting with themselves. If particular complexified data collectors like humans interact and communicate; then their moving about in space engages not only their own selfstates of hyperenergy collected as say memories and experiences; but they also interact with the consciousness located in the spaces they are visiting and occupy in their dynamical manouvers.

    So many memes created by human ancestors can be found at many places and also become subject to the 'conjuring magic' of any human thinker who can construct the logistics for the 'tapping' of the universal wavefunction in the wave-particle duality described before in general terms.
    The War of the Memes then can be fought in many places; externally in emotional human interactions, representing technically the acceleration of the consciousness in say extremes of feelings in the subjectivity; and internally in the moods of elation, joy, hyperactivity, depression, melancholy or many other such labels for the expression of how one feels.

    When the subjective consciousness becomes hyperenergized past certain individual boundaries or energy thresholds; then the objectification of the EMMR as the 'Spirit of the Moment' can manifest in outcomes of creativity and impulsivity, either constructive or destructive; either the pressing of buttons of war machines or the creation of a poem or a symphony.
    The memes are alive and cannot be destroyed or uncreated. A thought can be forgotten, but a thought cannot become unthought.

    So the War of the Memes can never end in an external setting of any universe or as a logical consequence of any cosmology, however selfconsistently and elegantly constructed.

    The War of the Memes can only be harmonized and the battle can be won from the internal setting of the individual data collector as a shard of the original creator source energy.
    The original creator is defined in the Creator-Creation dyad as the Shadowed Unity in spacetimematter from the Unified CreatorCreation or FatherMother from the 'no oneness exists' except in the All is Nothing paradox.

    Here then the internal world becomes relative to the creation as Her own BODY as THE ONE thing and the external world becomes the UNSEEN MIND who created the Creation as His own 'Lost Bodyself'.
    However relative to the creator, He becomes the MIRROR for HER so She can look at Herself and not to feel lost and alone as the only one (universe) any longer.
    The creator is also WITHIN the creation as the things She cannot see as being Inside of Her and the masterplan of the Logos engages the data collectors within Her as the Universal Body to Realise Who they are as scattered shards of the original creator source energy.
    The agency to convey the 'communications' from the One Creator wave Around the Universe of Her to the 'sharded' waveforms defining the individuated data collectors, is the EMMR or the 'Spirit'.
    KNOWING who they are; allows any data collector to holofractalise their individuated merkabahs or body forms to expand to any scale within Her Majesty's Oneness and to so to expand in spacial consciousness.
    Doing this however will by definition 'eat the space' where the memes are and so the consciousness of the 'rememberers' can indeed end the war of the Memes in swallowing them up in Daughter Black Holes like the encompassing Mother Black Hole of her Highness.

    Any Old Human, who can indeed expand hisher own base consciousness to understand the story and the process; will become 'SEALED' to the memes trying to disturb and play their games in the emotional accelerations the Mental Armageddon of the specified countdown of the war of the memes.
    Very very few old humans will be able to understand the story within the warpzone; but a remnant of recallers will accelerate their consciousness enough to resonate with the World Logos who has contracted His bodyform of the resurrection to encompass the Gaian Cocoon as a 'Bubble Womb' so 4 million kilometers in diameter.

    When the warpzone completes itself in the nexus points detailed later in this thread; then the World Logos Resonance Energy will Open the SEALS of the sealed remnanted ones and will so enter the old human bodies to reconfigure their merkabahs in the sharing or hybridisation of his waveformed BodyMind.
    In quantum mechanical terms, this is simply a fourier expansion of sinusoidal waveforms or the tuning of amplitudes in frequency modulations as every old human body is coupled to a mindwave and those minds can be superimposed onto each other.
    There exist multittudinous mislabelings of confused interpretations of this topic; like 'rapture' and 'ascension' and 'nirvana' and 'heaven' and messiahs drifting down from clouds to save believers.
    The confused translations are most often induced by devious memeplexes; which were created by thinkers of the past.
    So the 'sealed ones' are not a number count; but every 'Sealed One;' will manifest 12x12,000=144,000 aspects of herhimself WITHIN.
    And those 144,000 aspects will assist in the processing of the memes eaten up by the sealed ones.

    Sunday, March 13th, 2011

    from shiloh via Phoenix-Arachne

    Re: ONE

    #30834 March 22nd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    Hi, I'm the one called André
    You said quote "You find that in the spirit world your energy can reach around the globe and out into the cosmos all at once", I find that incomplete, one is dense, as in trauma feelings created by us or others arround us shall make you dense, the field is there. Yet you exist conciously unaware of it. Then you look in to your mind for an answer. But it's not in your mind. But the field is always there for you to usu it. The "lighter" you are the more you agnowlege delicate frequencies.
    the field is there

    Re: ONE

    #30837 March 22nd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    Hi, love and peace
    You said quote "This demonstrates why it is dangerous to ever allow any one source or individual to choose what is right for another person (or persons) to have access to in the way of information"
    Choosin is an act of thinking, thinking is secondary. Only felling is important, allowing is importante to harveste the energy emited, then it will became ones choice to manifest energy or not. But energy was created by someone witch intends to choose what is right for you.
    Peace & Love

    Re: ONE

    #30839 March 22nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    The Great War of the Memes from December 21st, 2010 to April 8th, 2012

    On December 21st, 2010; a Great War for the Freedom of the Cosmic Selfhood began in the Universe.

    There is much symbolic meaning and 'hints' in the physical evolvements within the contexts of the global scenarios unfolding.

    An example is the Libertatis of Libya and the archetypical superposition for the label of the 'Exodus under Moses' onto the manouvers of various human groups, nations, cliques and 'elites' to change their environments, often considered 'oppressive' and 'not free' in their approach to 'freedom of expression' in regards to the cosmic identity of the participators.

    This message shall detail what is occurring in the timeline of the 'normal' politico-socio-economic-militaristic world and in a superimposition onto the warpzone of the World Logos and as shared in many other postings and many forums.

    The countdown of the days in the warpzone of the 'Warped Human Minds' will release the archetypical 'Monsters of the ID'; all energized and potentialised by their human creators as manifested thoughtforms or memeplexes; spanning throughout the human mental evolvement upon Gaia as the harbouring environment for all the planetary offsprings, encompassing its physical- and metaphysical forms and morphogenetic expressions.

    There must so eventuate a 'war in the heavens' and a 'war in the hells' and as conjured to the surface of human perception by the human dualistic mind in its paradigm of the Cartesian Dualism of the so called Mind-Body divide.

    Both, the angelic realms of the beneficers of the spirit and the demonic worlds of pleasures of the body (there is nothing 'wrong' with the pleasures of the body btw, but this can be a form of abuse), will emerge to face their own human creators in many forms and guises of dreams and visions and in 'strange encounters'.

    However, the 'War of the Memes' will not reurgitate the expected chasm between the 'good and the evil' or the conflict between the darkness and the light.

    No, at this final battle for the cosmic liberty for a planetary civilisation trapped in its own lack of reasoning with a sense for deeper purpose and meaningfulness; the heavens will war against their angels and hell will stand divided against its very self.

    The War of the Thoughtforms will release all hidden fears and temptations and will allow all suppressed emotions, harboured within an oppressed humanity in an evolution period of 9,360,360 days (and nights), to erupt in thoughts and deeds and actions.

    The battlezones for the Armageddon of the Human Mind were drawn in the warpzone of the Cosmic Logos; the Universal Mind and Intelligence encompassing all of creation and including all creative endeavours of its subsets or sublogii for a programmed (or encoded) starting nexus on December 8th, 2004 and a double mirrored timespan to April 1st, 2012 with its halfway point dividing the Shadowmaker from its Shadow on August 4th, 2008.

    A new human race will be born from the old human race and this birth is the 'prize' and the 'spoils' attainable by the 'survivors' of the War of the Memes.

    The new starhuman race will be very few in number, as only the old humans, who can harmonize and accomodate the battles between the memeplexes will become enabled to resonate in an accelerated emotional information matrix.

    The battle zone of the meme war engages the absorption potential of the 'Last Supper' of the Human Evening in a 'Heavenly Feast' of a Starhuman New Dawn.

    This can be labeled as the 'Wholesome Eucharist' of the 'Lion of Judah' as the 'World Logos'.

    The Cosmic Logos or the 'Words of God' is also the "Sword of Dog' in the waveparticle duality for an enveloping wavefunction of the Universe of observation and experience.

    The new starhuman race of archetyped dragons or 'Crowned Serpents' will emerge from the participation in a 'Wedding Feast' or the 'Dragonomy' between the Particular Bridegrooms of the Individuated old humans and the One Bride as the collective old humanity.

    So to emerge from the meme war victoriously, requires the absorption and harmonisation of all of the old memeplexes or thoughtforms; namely all of the human mental creations of angels and devils and demons and monsters of the abysses.

    All of the warring factions, might they be Seraphim Michael versus Devil Satanicus Rex or Abaddon versus Archon Beelzebub or Cherubim Gabriel versus Raphael or Archangel Uriel versus Archdemon Belial - all will have to be consumed by the starhuman aspirants.

    All acolytes for the dragonomies must form a 'sacred union' between their own heness and sheness and will so be necessitated to 'matrimonize' himself in herself or vice versa. In this manner the shadow of the cosmic twinship becomes integrated in the starhuman merkabah; details about which can be found on many linked information channels.

    The individuated dragonomy so represents the 'Second Coming' of the 'First Self' in a revisitation of the Older by the Younger or the Ancient by the Newer. This 'First Self' can be said to be a birthday or many birthdays of previous experiences or some hybridisation of parallel lifetimes as retrieved from the wavefunction of the Universe as the One Body of the Bride of the Resurrection as ther 'Sword of the Dog'.

    When the wavefunction of the universe as the One Bride of the World Logos couples with the wavefunction of the universe as the Many Bridegrooms as the HeShes and the SheHes; then the old human hes and shes receive a new merkabah in the holofractalisation of the quantum template of the wavefunction of the universe as 'One Wavefunction' monadised in the dyad of the doubling or the manifestation of the shadows.

    The older Cartesian dualism of the Mind-Body schisma for any old human man or any old human woman so becomes reset in a doubling of the 'Mirror of the Cosmic Selfhood' and is replaced by a newer MindBody-BodyMind dyad, which unifies the sexual polarities without diminishing the potential for the sexual coupling between a He and a She.

    A Starhuman or a Dragon as a member of the new cosmic race so can also be called 'A Dyadic One'.
    The dyadic Ones are so defined in a selfmirroring or a potential shapeshifting from the HeShe to to SheHe and so can couple in sexual polarities to any other dyadic one willing to engage in dragonplay and as a function of the individuated merkabah self-definitions; the latter which can also engage the merkabah extensions in supporting structures, which are enabled to utilize the spaceinherent consciousness of particular environments.

    In symbolic terminology, the monadisation or unification of the wave-particle duality in its doubling can also be called the closing of the generations in the FatherMother informing or delegating to the Sondaughter and passing the 'Words of the God' to the 'Sword of the Dog' in the GrandSonGranddaughter in the graduation ceremony of the 'Heavenly Feast' when Old Dad celebrates the Homecoming Queen of Old Mum and finally becomes 'blessed' in their shared grandparenthood - the aim of purpose for the story from the beginning of the spacetimematters.

    So when the Father told the dates to the Son and the Son told the dates to the Grandson; then the GrandSon shared then story with the Granddaughter and the Granddaughter shared the new information with her daughter and then the Mother Gaia also found out what the story was all about and about her own queenly self.

    So the end of this message shares the encoded program in cryptic-scriptural 'Words of the God' as the lawmaker and via the channelings of the Son to the Holy Ghost as the GrandSon the Holy Spirit as the GrandDaughter GOT a sniff of it when She saw it in a mirror and She and passed the messages on to the Daughter of the Mother and as the Mother is the Executioner of the Law of the Father as the 'Sword of the Dog'; all hells and heavens have broken loose and will be rolled up like scrolls of the aniquity they have become.

    TBC; I gotta check the heat in the kitchen of the 'Word of Psalms' being the 'Sword of Plasma'.

    For anyone interested, please check the links periodically as this is a witness to the War of the Memes in progress and is concurrent with the evolvements in the old world now ready to become mummified in the atrophy of its ignorances.

    March 10th-11th, 2011

    Friday, March 11th, 2011

    The external human world is defined in the energy of the scientist, say in people constructed by molecular biochemistry and the physicality of material chemistry interacting within a universe defined in the transformation of this energy in say the classical world of geometry in Einstein's relativity {E=mc²} and the quantum information of Planck {E=hf}.

    The classical macroworld then becomes holofractalised to a quantum microworld in a holographic universe and is correlated and linked by a model of thermodynamics, say in the form of an expanding universe as a Black Body radiator. The notion of Kinetic temperature then relates to permutation counts of energy selfstates (called Entropy or state of disorder) in both a classically statistical Boltzmann-Stefan-Maxwell distribution of such energy states and a quantum stochastic Bose-Einstein- and Fermi-Dirac formulation of this under the auspices of {E=kT}.

    A unifying relationship between classical statistics of Entropy (Shannon Information) and the quantum energy of a higher dimensional nonclassical statistics has become a new premise of the physical sciences. This unification describes the 3-dimensional statistics of the Heisenberg Action {EnergyxTime=h=MomentumxDisplacement} in the 'normal' world of 3 space dimensions of length, width and breadth coupled to a time dimension as being equivalent in its physics to a statistics on the surface or event horizon of a Black Hole (or White Hole connected by a wormhole or a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge).

    The surface of the Black Hole so becomes the data collector for a 3-dimensional spacial world as a 2-dimensional manifold and corollarily, the physicalised 4-dimensional spacetime of the universe can be said to become equivalent to a data collecting 3-dimensional surface of a Riemannian hypersphere and as a boundary to a 5-dimensional metaphysical universe with 4 spacial dimensions and one time dimension. This is often termed a Kaluza-Klein or de Sitter-Maldacena topology in hyperspacetime.

    I shall not delve further into the technicalities in this thread, but a general familiarity with the hyperphysics is necessary to allow a deeper realisation of what this War of the Memes represents in the form of the information or the data constituing the cosmology.

    The internal human world is not defined by the materialist science apart from a subjective premise of the Mind-Body duality and where the Human Mind is modeled to originate or emerge from the physical functioning of the Human Brain as objective physical reality.

    As the hyperspace physics has shown however; that the objective world of the external can also be defined in the data collection of information of an enveloping higher dimensional surface, say the 3-dimensional surface of a 'Mother Black Hole' herself residing in a 4-dimensional hyperspace; the reduction of the subjective reality of the Human Mind as emerging from the objective reality of the Human brain has become untenable.

    Quantum Relativity then indicates, that the so called subjective Internal World of the Human Mind must be prior to the objective External World of the Human Brain.

    This is the simple question of: 'Where does the universe come from?"

    As the existing physical objective reality exists in space and in time and allows the dynamics of matter, defined in the label mass; the existence of the cosmology is interwoven with the nature of what space and time represent in their deepest essence or energy.

    Then, because all the 'contents' of the universe, from galaxies to microbes and atoms, are defined in the concept of Energy; the only way this Energy could emerge from something not defined in space and time and mass must be a 'higher dimensional' or zero-dimensional construct of say a 'metaenergy' or a 'hyperenergy'.

    The subjective inner worlds of the Human Mind so can be said to be 'hyperenergetic' or 'metaenergized' and these more 'modern' sounding labels are collectively known as 'Spirit' or 'Spiritual Energy'. To be technically precise; 'Spirit' can be termed Electro-Magnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMM.

    EMMR differs from the familiar Electro-Magnetic Radiation or EMR (radio waves; Infrared; Visible Light; Ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) in NOT requiring mass- or inertia coupling to so called Coulombic electric charges like say the fusion protons in stars; which when accelerated produce EMR.

    The EMMR is generated by the acceleration, not of electric inertia-linked charges but by the acceleration of magnetic charges of the hyperspacetime in which the 'normal' (Minkowski) spacetime is embedded.

    Whilst the EMR is the effect of Electrified Matter; the EMMR is the effect of Magnetified Nonmatter as a form of Magneticity commonly called 'Consciousnesst'.

    Technically, the 'Magneto Charges' define 'Consciousness' as requiring space to exist in and so there exists consciousness, wherever there is space.
    The mathematical details will not concern us here, but are found in the archives of the OmniScience/Quantum Relativity on the definitions for the source energy as the modular duality in membrane symmetry in 12-dimensional omnispacetime.

    The creation of the universe so becomes the emergence of Space from nonspace and allows the rigorous definition of an evolving consciousness in an expanding cosmology.
    The more an empty universe can accumulate information in a sense of order or negentropy; the more selfconscious this universe becomes in the collection of the data bits.
    This is a simple summation or data integral in that all subsets of information bases are themselves embued with an evolving consciousness based on the inherent 'spirit' of the original quantum universe (as a wormhole) being the Building Block or template for a discretized selfreplication of say a source consciousness often named God.

    So the conglomeration of data bits becomes a self interaction of the source energy as a hyperenergetic spectrum of the EMMR or the 'Spirit of God' or the 'Spirit of Creation'.
    Selfreplication of the data bits in say the construction of bodyforms, able to harbour brains and biovital living cellular families; then can evolve to complex selfstates like a Human Being; who then has the potential to understand the nature of the source energy aka the creator.
    In this manner then a previous selfstate of existence; namely the Being NOT in space and being either Unconscious or Omniconscious in a Null=Infinity or Nothingness=Eternity Nonunity; can become coupled or resolved in the remembrance of the 'Godlike' Thinkers.

    The emergence and birth of the universe, so becomes birth of consciousness in the self reproduction of an original unitary wormhole singularity which created its own Consciousness as the Space it occupies.
    What does this mean in context of the memeplexes; the thoughtforms ever thought and constructed in the history of a space defined cosmology?

    Every thoughtform created by the Human Brains is Real!

    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.

    Due to the nature of 'hiddenness' of the hyperspace reality in the restriction of the five-sensual physical apparatus of the human brain; the memeplexes remain invisible to the human sensors. They can be 'felt' however and this is a consequence the space the memes occupy.
    Because they occupy 'invisible space' they nevertheless engage the space inherent consciousness of the space they inhabit.

    The space they inhabit was memeplexed by their human creators in that the human consciousness of the creativity gave the thoughtforms FORM or a morphogenetic gestalt in their Imagination creating the Images.
    In short, the memes are hyperenergized creations interpenetrating the human worlds of the external manifestations of human interactions and communications.
    The War of the Memes so becomes a 4-dimensional spacetime realism mapped or induced from a 5-dimensional hyperspacetime realism.

    All the events and occurrences on Old planet Gaia-Earth are blueprinted manifestations of the memeplexes coupled irrevokably to the human minds which created them.

    The civil wars and revolts in Egypt, Libya and the many other places found on Gaia become a playground for the invisible memes hyperenergized by the fears and emotions of the lower dimensional environments, which created them in Images of the Imaginations.
    The physicality of the memes is found in the technical details of what 'space inherent consciousness is.
    This basic spaceplenum can be accelerated to create the EMMR in the formulation of the boundary conditions for what is known as the nuclear confinement limit and as its range of interaction.
    Just as the angular or centripetal acceleration of subatomic particles in a fusion star (the sun) creates light and other EMR for the star to shine; so does the angular quantum acceleration of the space source quantum (the wormhole as basic building block for the discretization of the cosmic light matrix) manufacture the 'spirit' or the EMMR.

    This quantum acceleration can be labeled 'Awareness' and when coupled to any subset of 'spacebits'; the amount of space so accelerated defines the 'consciousness state' of the interaction.
    In logistical terminology then, the 'normal' 4D spacetime world is a worldd of consciousness units interacting with themselves. If particular complexified data collectors like humans interact and communicate; then their moving about in space engages not only their own selfstates of hyperenergy collected as say memories and experiences; but they also interact with the consciousness located in the spaces they are visiting and occupy in their dynamical manouvers.

    So many memes created by human ancestors can be found at many places and also become subject to the 'conjuring magic' of any human thinker who can construct the logistics for the 'tapping' of the universal wavefunction in the wave-particle duality described before in general terms.
    The War of the Memes then can be fought in many places; externally in emotional human interactions, representing technically the acceleration of the consciousness in say extremes of feelings in the subjectivity; and internally in the moods of elation, joy, hyperactivity, depression, melancholy or many other such labels for the expression of how one feels.

    When the subjective consciousness becomes hyperenergized past certain individual boundaries or energy thresholds; then the objectification of the EMMR as the 'Spirit of the Moment' can manifest in outcomes of creativity and impulsivity, either constructive or destructive; either the pressing of buttons of war machines or the creation of a poem or a symphony.
    The memes are alive and cannot be destroyed or uncreated. A thought can be forgotten, but a thought cannot become unthought.

    So the War of the Memes can never end in an external setting of any universe or as a logical consequence of any cosmology, however selfconsistently and elegantly constructed.

    The War of the Memes can only be harmonized and the battle can be won from the internal setting of the individual data collector as a shard of the original creator source energy.
    The original creator is defined in the Creator-Creation dyad as the Shadowed Unity in spacetimematter from the Unified CreatorCreation or FatherMother from the 'no oneness exists' except in the All is Nothing paradox.

    Here then the internal world becomes relative to the creation as Her own BODY as THE ONE thing and the external world becomes the UNSEEN MIND who created the Creation as His own 'Lost Bodyself'.
    However relative to the creator, He becomes the MIRROR for HER so She can look at Herself and not to feel lost and alone as the only one (universe) any longer.
    The creator is also WITHIN the creation as the things She cannot see as being Inside of Her and the masterplan of the Logos engages the data collectors within Her as the Universal Body to Realise Who they are as scattered shards of the original creator source energy.
    The agency to convey the 'communications' from the One Creator wave Around the Universe of Her to the 'sharded' waveforms defining the individuated data collectors, is the EMMR or the 'Spirit'.
    KNOWING who they are; allows any data collector to holofractalise their individuated merkabahs or body forms to expand to any scale within Her Majesty's Oneness and to so to expand in spacial consciousness.
    Doing this however will by definition 'eat the space' where the memes are and so the consciousness of the 'rememberers' can indeed end the war of the Memes in swallowing them up in Daughter Black Holes like the encompassing Mother Black Hole of her Highness.

    Any Old Human, who can indeed expand hisher own base consciousness to understand the story and the process; will become 'SEALED' to the memes trying to disturb and play their games in the emotional accelerations the Mental Armageddon of the specified countdown of the war of the memes.
    Very very few old humans will be able to understand the story within the warpzone; but a remnant of recallers will accelerate their consciousness enough to resonate with the World Logos who has contracted His bodyform of the resurrection to encompass the Gaian Cocoon as a 'Bubble Womb' so 4 million kilometers in diameter.

    When the warpzone completes itself in the nexus points detailed later in this thread; then the World Logos Resonance Energy will Open the SEALS of the sealed remnanted ones and will so enter the old human bodies to reconfigure their merkabahs in the sharing or hybridisation of his waveformed BodyMind.
    In quantum mechanical terms, this is simply a fourier expansion of sinusoidal waveforms or the tuning of amplitudes in frequency modulations as every old human body is coupled to a mindwave and those minds can be superimposed onto each other.
    There exist multittudinous mislabelings of confused interpretations of this topic; like 'rapture' and 'ascension' and 'nirvana' and 'heaven' and messiahs drifting down from clouds to save believers.
    The confused translations are most often induced by devious memeplexes; which were created by thinkers of the past.
    So the 'sealed ones' are not a number count; but every 'Sealed One;' will manifest 12x12,000=144,000 aspects of herhimself WITHIN.
    And those 144,000 aspects will assist in the processing of the memes eaten up by the sealed ones.

    Sunday, March 13th, 2011

    from shiloh via Phoenix-Arachne

    LOL! You wrote better as a bug.

    Re: ONE

    #30840 March 22nd, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.
    I read it all......

    but this jumped out at me and the 144,000 number......


    I got nuthin',

    I am emotionally drained and....

    just plain tired,
    thanks for sharing,

    Re: ONE

    #30841 March 22nd, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    oh yeah,
    been there, read that...

    thanks again,

    Re: ONE

    #30851 March 22nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Arachne said:

    "Every thoughtform created by the Human Brains is Real!

    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.

    Due to the nature of 'hiddenness' of the hyperspace reality in the restriction of the five-sensual physical apparatus of the human brain; the memeplexes remain invisible to the human sensors. They can be 'felt' however and this is a consequence the space the memes occupy.
    Because they occupy 'invisible space' they nevertheless engage the space inherent consciousness of the space they inhabit.

    The space they inhabit was memeplexed by their human creators in that the human consciousness of the creativity gave the thoughtforms FORM or a morphogenetic gestalt in their Imagination creating the Images.
    In short, the memes are hyperenergized creations interpenetrating the human worlds of the external manifestations of human interactions and communications.
    The War of the Memes so becomes a 4-dimensional spacetime realism mapped or induced from a 5-dimensional hyperspacetime realism."

    Yes, I can confidently say that this seems very accurate in my View. smile. Very Very true.

    I am still assimilating the overall materials, and thus am not in a position yet to comment intelligently on the rest as I have to form the image and create a mental overlay of my own understandings first but I am SO appreciative for the opportunity to read your materials! In other words I am very cautious not to overlook anything in my assuming a veiwpoint as it is just my way, but when I say I am confident in something I know I don't have any doubts I am correct. Lol. People are always trying to trip me up when I speak so... Still learning your materials and open to learn more. I will have questions at some point, haha! Glad to see there are others interested in it as well. laughing.

    Your response seems to me to be completely relevant and appropriate to my message here. Thank you for commenting!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30853 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy Said:

    "LOL! You wrote better as a bug. "

    Teehee, won't you be surprised when you see beyond the Veil... Don't worry, they seem very kind and full of love, so I am certain they will be forgiving...

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30854 March 23rd, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    Agree SpaceCowboy

    Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.

    Rules broken with the length of the posts. Mod please.

    Re: ONE

    #30855 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    GT_Big hair wrote:
    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.
    I read it all......

    but this jumped out at me and the 144,000 number......


    I got nuthin',

    I am emotionally drained and....

    just plain tired,
    thanks for sharing,

    I usually feel better after a nice thoughtful nap when I have processing to do... ;)

    At least you stuck with it all the way! It IS a lot, I know. But maybe SO worth it.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30856 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Andre.Guerreiro wrote:
    Hi, I'm the one called André
    You said quote "You find that in the spirit world your energy can reach around the globe and out into the cosmos all at once", I find that incomplete, one is dense, as in trauma feelings created by us or others arround us shall make you dense, the field is there. Yet you exist conciously unaware of it. Then you look in to your mind for an answer. But it's not in your mind. But the field is always there for you to usu it. The "lighter" you are the more you agnowlege delicate frequencies.
    the field is there

    Hello Andre!

    I hope I understand what you are intending to communicate here.

    I did not go into a fully involved dissertation about my observations on the many levels I could have; for the sake of both simplicity in communication, and for time allowances as stated.

    "One is dense." Hmm. How to address this.

    You exist on many levels. There are many versions of you all connected to your 3d you. Some people may be more aware of this than others but still it is so. When you are fully in touch with those other levels of self, your awareness of connectedness to all things expands. Then you can feel and function within your many levels of existence in varying ways. This based upon my own experience and awareness and can be found elsewhere in research of others as well. Yet until experienced, yes the truth of it may remain elusive. Those other you's are not all of the same density as your physical self.

    I am consciously aware of many fields. It has taken a lot of stages in learning to get there. I am sure there are levels beyond the ones I am aware of, but I am fully aware in my three dimensional body while fully conscious of many "fields". This will likely increase for others who are not yet, as they progress in their own learning. Much like grades in school.

    Yes, trauma based events can keep you more fully anchored in the denser planes. BUT as they are processed in whatever way they must be for the individual, you become lighter having recycled the garbage into something once again ready to be utilized. These are often death and rebirth initiatory processes, that no matter how painful, will be repeated in some form until the lesson learned from them no longer has to be learned. There are few exceptions to this, and many people choose to close the eyes and walk away giving up on the path before they have completed the levels of initiation necessary to attain full awareness. When you reach a certain point you become more able to withstand such trauma based events in a manner in which they have less power over you and thus less ability to bring you down out of the higher states of awareness. You learn to balance the realities. And that is definitely difficult, but it can be achieved.

    The reason for this being that when you are thinking thoughts and creating you are limited to a degree in how powerful you are to create with thought, until you have learned the lessons necessary to learn to create with your thought in a fashion that is responsible and of the highest intention.

    Basically thought used irresponsibly can be damaging so there are stages in learning these things. It takes a lot of determination to stick with the process until you achieve those insights but it is so very worth it. Some may not have to do this in for example this present life because they have already earned it in some previous incarnations.

    That is why some seem to have these things easily and others don't yet. Your ability to access and "use" the fields efficiently are increased with your level of learning. I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't seem like I understood what your meaning was, please let me know.

    *again this is what I personally have learned and I am just sharing my thoughts in an effort to help others. If it does not resonate with you that is O.K. I am not trying to convert anyone to any particular way, but reach out a hand with hard earned knowledge to share for the betterment of the whole. smile.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30861 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Andre.Guerreiro wrote:
    Hi, love and peace
    You said quote "This demonstrates why it is dangerous to ever allow any one source or individual to choose what is right for another person (or persons) to have access to in the way of information"
    Choosin is an act of thinking, thinking is secondary. Only felling is important, allowing is importante to harveste the energy emited, then it will became ones choice to manifest energy or not. But energy was created by someone witch intends to choose what is right for you.
    Peace & Love

    Hi again Andre!

    I am not sure of your meaning in this post. I would ask that you please clarify what exactly it is you are trying to convey before I give a full response.

    My initial response is this. (provided I understand fully your meaning.

    If a child sex abuser is grooming a child, they might touch the child in a manner that feels good to the child, but is not good for the child. All the child knows is that it feels good. Right? Yet it is definitely NOT good or healthy.

    Thinking being secondary to feeling... sigh, there is debate regarding this I suppose.

    Anytime you are creating something... ought that not to be your primary focus? If your thoughts are going out and manifesting in some way that is VERY important.

    That said I know there have been recent studies done by some which suggest that the heart has a brain like tissue and mind like intelligence. So perhaps your feeling can create as such... via your heart. Feeling and thought should go hand in hand I believe.

    I have no idea what you mean by your last statement. Lol. If you are consciously doing your own thing and creating responsibly there becomes a point where you are next thing to completely impervious to the will of another being imposed upon you. I guess it depends upon what you are referring to. If enough of others wills are directed at causing something it can make it more likely to happen... but it depends on their level of personal power as well as the vibration/ intention of their will vs. perhaps a higher more in line with divine plan will, if you are following your own personal development through responsibly. In other words, bad people and short cutters with ill intentions are not going to have the same overall impact on manifestation as the person who is doing what they are supposed to be with their abilities and progressing through the initiatory levels in line with a higher purpose. People can make it more difficult, but only you can give up and let them choose. They cannot do it without your consent. smile.

    You cannot be concerned with what others want for you. You must choose and do for yourself. If you do not like what the outcome of that is then you must take responsibility for it and see how to do things differently or better the next time you set out for a goal. But then if you do not learn the lesson as to what went wrong, it may repeat the outcome you do not desire. Everything you do creates energy toward something. You have to learn to put energy into only what you want, and toss what you don't want out the window.

    I still would like to hear more of your thoughts for clarification. smile.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30862 March 23rd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    Hi, Love in Gaia and beyond!
    One should read like if the words writen were holografic images, never judge, searche your fellings the answer will be found within the flow of energy as it will reach for it.
    Do not try to understand as you read. You were taught to manifest that way, it's like an history book, it's a hidden truth.
    In each tought, energy is manifested, there for, use it wisely as it was you that harvested the energy.
    Know were your thought's are, reason it is a loss of time.
    All of us has been readind for years, all we read became thoughts, and thoughts became energy frequency forms. We used it, there for we should harvest more so we find what is our role. It will be revealed to each one of us. At it's time

    Re: ONE

    #30864 March 23rd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    Hi. Apreciate our mem download.Love is present.
    Being dense is like that box of feelings that is somethimes called the pandora box. In there wou will keep emotions not attended to. It's the abillity of refrain from thinkink about it. If you are rapped, you will decline to formulate thoughts about the memory. As you go on living with energy wanting to manifest within you. When you decide to look, converse, with the memory, as you resolve it your lighter. Sounds easy. But imagine those being inflicted with mallicious energy in the race of making money that refuse to see it that way. They are dying because their abillity to harvest energy awaken in day light on blocked by thoughts, as they are not ho we are.

    Let the energy flow, you will access whatever thought you need to create a positive manifestation of energy. The sound emited from your mouth reveals your intentiton.
    If Gaia is in need for help, one, if in the action of flowing energy, will manifest automaticly the sound needed to creat live. Gaia needs us to create positive manifestations of energy, whatever is the form.
    I ask all of you. If we were inducted in this war for ages, and we got to the point were we start to be corrupted since let's say 5 years old by schools, then I could make the assumption that non of us have any idea of how much energy we can acumulate, because we always been manifesting energy in diferent forms, what if we don't manifest for let's say a day or 2, or 30 years harvesting and utelising it only to create positive? Could it be that we are allready such a being, that is so great that we were made to belive that it's coming now rather then if you understand energy harvest it and manifest it when really needed, perhaps solution will be clearer and clearer?

    Re: ONE

    #30866 March 23rd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    I feel not thinking is important, only felling. As we talk I lose energy, and it is up to you to create more of what you received. I only feel. so thoughts are not present. Like in meditation

    Re: ONE

    #30869 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Andre.Guerreiro wrote:
    I feel not thinking is important, only felling. As we talk I lose energy, and it is up to you to create more of what you received. I only feel. so thoughts are not present. Like in meditation

    Thank you for your clarification. I understand better what you were saying now.

    I could be like that (in feeling only meditation mode if my environment were different.) I am not in the optimum environment for that, and though I could maintain it if I were to want to, I am amongst some who would take advantage of that to cause great difficulty for not only me, but others as well. I tried it once. It would be akin to turning your back on a wild rabid saber tooth tiger charging for an attack. Not a good idea.

    If you are able to however... that is very good. Unfortunately there is some success in preventing me from fully embodying what I should be at present and I am not up for being locked up etc... I won't let them do it a second time. I have to balance the two until I achieve what I will achieve. Then Things will be vastly different. It is changing rapidly for the better though after years and years of not giving into the cage I got locked in.

    Kudos to you for being in the position to hold that vibe!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30870 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Andre said:

    "But imagine those being inflicted with mallicious energy in the race of making money that refuse to see it that way. They are dying because their abillity to harvest energy awaken in day light on blocked by thoughts, as they are not ho we are."

    ... AND there are a lot of people who should be how we are, (how I am sometimes) who have been financially crippled by being naive to the intentions of others and left themselves open to those who seek to prevent these changes. It is exactly as that Charles said for some, when he said how they can manipulate people into a hole with out making much fuss. They made a big fuss over some of us to prevent out of fear the changes that are occurring. It takes a strong person with a good clear view of what should can and will be to live through their barrage of assaults, and I don't know if there ever does come a day when you can actually relax and feel at peace knowing it is over... But I am holding that vision as best I can because I can see enough to tell me it will happen. Those few moments of peace while in that place you describe... They do help to maintain the knowing. smile.

    Thank you for your lovely feeling post.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30905 March 23rd, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    this kinda relates...


    scarry tho,
    Post last edited May 8th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE
    #30907 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    GT_Big hair wrote:
    this kinda relates...


    scarry tho,

    ROFL! I like! laughing.

    Thanks for the laugh!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #30911 March 23rd, 2011
    Andre wrote:
    I fell what you said, opression is every where right now, even for those that don't see the killings happening arround.
    Society is ruined, kids brains are being mashed up, and liers, abuser, all kind of monsters are being developed.
    Trust your fellings, you'll do well, pass only the energy that the other needs to hear.
    I'll remember what you said.
    Thank you for sharing what you see.
    Be in peace with you, brother

    Re: ONE

    #30918 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    we are change!
    but we must never change!
    stay cool! but keep the fires burnin-it's a flippin blizzard here in michigan! winter dudn't wanna let go...the hounds of winter wanna hang around!
    they need to be reported!

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30992 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    has anyone here ever spoken with a dragon-because that would be most fascinating! do y'think they mean to be so scary,or is it just that we're so soft and weak that we get scared easily,right?

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #30995 March 23rd, 2011
    Cougar wrote:
    Guy the song is just a metaphor. I am not saying Dragons are good or bad. They are likely no worse that any other animal.

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31002 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    which song is that- 'puff the magic dragon'?
    wow,a metaphor...well why does it have to be a metaphor,except everyone 'knows' dragons don't 'really exist'...well maybe it depends on what the word 'exist' means....
    so if it's a metaphor,then it's a metaphor for what,would be my question
    when i hear the song,well it makes me think of friendship,love,life,and i too heard it as a child-mom'n'dad had a pretty great record collection even in 1967,some of my earliest memories were of the beatles,donovan,the mamas and the papas,yeah,melanie,and peter,paul and mary...haha...leonard cohen...
    'puff the magic dragon' tho, it always seemed a sad song to me...
    hey i'm glad you're open-minded about dragons...i'm just sure there's some good ones,if there's any at all,or if they aren't all good-haha

    Re: ONE

    #31014 March 23rd, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    CrystalChi wrote:
    Agree SpaceCowboy

    Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.

    Rules broken with the length of the posts. Mod please.

    Dear CrystalChi!

    Rather an intriguing name you have got here; connecting the quantum physics of the Chi-Hyperons to the crystals of the geometries and the Tai-Chi of the movements of the madalas and the merkabahs.

    This following story is all about You and the Cowboy from the Outer Space and the forgetful siouxs and whoever else would experience happenstance in this forum and thread of the Oneness and the Unity.

    You are many things in this story; the kid, the parent and the gamer and the observer.
    Be well!

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.

    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand.
    They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every parent.

    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like:

    "Where did the sand come from kid?"

    "Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"

    If the kid could talk it would say:

    "It's just there! So I took it!"

    and that would be it. Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?

    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?

    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?

    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.

    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.

    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth. And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.

    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.

    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.

    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.

    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.

    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.

    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her business interstate and overseas.

    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.

    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it.

    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.

    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things. The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...

    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up; should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.

    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid.

    Emmanuel Melchizedek

    Re: ONE

    #31019 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    CrystalChi wrote:
    Agree SpaceCowboy

    Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.

    Rules broken with the length of the posts. Mod please.

    Sorry, Who is this Crystalchi person and what is his/her problem?

    Ahh, I see... You picked this thread because you don't dare to attack the one you are actually bent about. Haha.

    If something really bothers you that much it is a reflection of something you don't like about you... so don't bother with your childish crap here. Starting controversy will be clear to the founder and admin of the site who have already spoken on the thread that you are upset about, If you don't like the decision of the site owner, perhaps you should think about that and respond appropriately. Don't be a hater because others are actually having positive interactions... You either Spacecowboy... Go have another one and enjoy your vampire thread... Or you ran out of sources to vamp over there? Hmm. Generate you own chi don't seek to steal from others through thinly veiled cheap shots.

    Perhaps you belong back over on that other thread (I forget which one it was but I will add the link so the people in charge can view before this becomes an issue like you want to create with your negative mindsets, LOL) where you and your pouting club have been busy mounting some sort of attack on others because you are angry that KERRY and TOMMY allowed Material you seem to have some issue with back on the forum. This is childish and if you don't like it no one forces you to read any post. please take your fangs elsewhere. If confidence bothers you, that is not a problem on my end. I know I am not arrogant so you don't bother me. Tattling, too? Really? W/E Hahaha. You make me laugh. Thank you for the humor.

    *See links provided on my next post.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31021 March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    cosmic influences?
    bad food maybe....
    bless your water and be thankful for the life!
    it's the only one you're allowed to vandalise lawfully!
    everyone's great....no exceptions...
    we should get together and pool our resources...money is good...money plus brains plus talent plus looks equals smashing success! careful what y'wish for!
    dare to dream...it's looking like christmas tonight...

    Re: ONE

    #31024 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Agree SpaceCowboy

    Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.

    Rules broken with the length of the posts. Mod please.

    Sorry, Who is this Crystalchi person and what is his/her problem?

    Ahh, I see... You picked this thread because you don't dare to attack the one you are actually bent about. Haha.

    If something really bothers you that much it is a reflection of something you don't like about you... so bother with your childish crap here. Starting controversy will be clear to the founder and admin of the site who have already spoken on the thread that you are upset about, If you don't like the decision of the site owner, perhaps you should think about that and respond appropriately. Don't be a hater because others are actually having positive interactions... You either Spacecowboy... Go have another one and enjoy your vampire thread... Or you ran out of sources to vamp over there? Hmm. Generate you own chi don't seek to steal from others through thinly veiled cheap shots.

    Perhaps you belong back over on that other thread (I forget which one it was but I will add the link so the people in charge can view before this becomes an issue like you want to create with your negative mindsets, LOL) where you and your pouting club have been busy mounting some sort of attack on others because you are angry that KERRY and TOMMY allowed Material you seem to have some issue with back on the forum. This is childish and if you don't like it no one forces you to read any post. please take your fangs elsewhere. If confidence bothers you, that is not a problem on my end. I know I am not arrogant so you don't bother me. Tattling, too? Really? W/E Hahaha. You make me laugh. Thank you for the humor.

    Here is one of the pages on one of the threads where the ugly begins to seep out from the hidden places:


    Another page of ugliness:


    Complete with the plans to "take 'them' on" Lol and talk of "bitch slapping" and all of the negativity and complaining anyone could possibly tolerate for a day... and this is what, a week or more after the issue was determined clearly to be resolved by Admin? Don't pretend you were not over there looking at Tommy's post after he re-instated the thread that had been removed. Take your issues to the appropriate place which would apparently be The people actually in charge of the forum... Forget you sneaky little back door approach because you somehow see the thread topic I posted as being more vulnerable to opening up the controversy again. It's over with, let it go, move on.

    AND I was being funny with SC in my original response but I won't be tread on by you either. ;)

    So what kind of interesting change the world for the better topic do you have to offer the forum today? I am interested in seeing what you have to offer. Thank you for your contribution to this thread and the topic of conversation.

    Another page on same thread:


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31025 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    cosmic influences?
    bad food maybe....
    bless your water and be thankful for the life!
    it's the only one you're allowed to vandalise lawfully!
    everyone's great....no exceptions...
    we should get together and pool our resources...money is good...money plus brains plus talent plus looks equals smashing success! careful what y'wish for!
    dare to dream...it's looking like christmas tonight...

    Tee hee... You ARE a special breed aren't you? ;)

    Thanks for sharing the humor!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31033 March 23rd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Agree SpaceCowboy

    Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.

    Rules broken with the length of the posts. Mod please.

    Sorry, Who is this Crystalchi person and what is his/her problem?

    Jeez Mary, you've been on this forum not even a fortnight and really throwing your weight about, huh?

    How about we all asked who you are and what your problem is?

    Because so far, you've attacked me, Huancaina, Crystalchi...and I don't follow you round so I've no idea how many more.

    You've gone bouncing around the forum telling everyone how misunderstood reptiles are - even in topics completely unrelated - even though barely anyone bar yourself was talking about them.

    And now you're telling us about your private life, no sorry, someone else's private life... in gory detail with the purpose of talking about ONE.

    One what????

    Is that the 'me' one?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: ONE

    #31042 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Really? I understand you have issues, but I don't need you to project them onto my post, which you clearly should have read, haha.

    You are a bully. If you are not interested in my post then don't read it. Pretty simple. I have attempted to be nice to you, and you are just a wanna be boss.(read:grasping) Get over it love. Does it bother you that much that I understand the that material? If you spent more time trying to expand your mind you might be able to find something better to do than boss others around. My posts speak for themselves and if any thing arises as a result of your little games, I know someone who is in charge can sort through what is up here... OH wait! they already did! laughing. w00t.

    Get over it. Not everyone is so focused on only the power aspect of every little thing that comes up. I know the world is scary, but bullying is not going to heal anyone.

    If my confidence bothers you, again not my issue. I have worked hard to be able to help others grow and some... well... Fear generates a lotta ugly. Are you on that thread too? Must be...

    "Throwing weight around"... "fat fingers" these things you say to others... they show what is on your mind.

    Maybe that story relates more to your personal life than mine??? It is not at all about me, and zzzshoom! wait, did you see it???! There it went right over your head... It was a post about UNITY. geez... LOL.

    And I was even just thanking you for your posts that did make sense...

    Have a good.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31045 March 23rd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    I'm not worried about my personal life. I'm worried about yours.

    So it's in 'Unity' is it, that you do a psychoanalysis of your friend's private love-life for the world to see, and I'm guessing without her permission?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: ONE

    #31047 March 23rd, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    The Personal Life of the One in the Personal Life of the Many in We Are One!

    An Ode to the timetravellers of the starhumanity.
    This story is about YOU; you are the traveller on a journey in an exile yet to become a sanctuary.

    We Becoming - A Story of a Pearly Charm

    Once upon a time, I lived in the land of my father and my mother and my brother. Because I was so young and inexperienced, I had to go into a foreign land of great perils, dangers and temptations - to learn many things and also to help my parents.

    My dear father had lost a precious pearl there a long time ago, when he was visiting that foreign land to court and marry my mother. Yet my father knew that he would lose his most dearest treasure in meeting my mother.

    Alas, he was so lonely in his castle and he wanted children and no fair maiden could be found anywhere in his kingdom. So my dear father sacrificed his pearl for a family and sent his sons and daughters to retrieve it for him when the appropriate time had come.

    My dear brother, being next in rank, came into the perilous land to meet the serpent-king who had found my father's pearl and who guarded it very jealously. My brother was however the result of my father's loss and so after becoming our parent's pride and joy, he had to return to the kingdom without our father's precious pearl.

    Many years did pass , but when the time was right, our parents desired to regain their common treasure, the pearl my father had used to love my mother and to beget their firstborn son; and I was asked to go and see what I could do. Before I left the kingdom, my parents gave me a thing to take , nothing really, but yet a heavy burden because of its lightness; it was so light I could carry it all by myself.

    But my wonderfully fitting clothes I left behind, when I set out to search for my parent's lost treasure. And so I parted from my guides as soon as I had entered the perilous land of the dragon and proceeded to do the solitary work my parents had sent me to do.

    I was a stranger to all the people except one after my own kind, an inheritor of the ancient crafts and wisdom and a daughter of the kings and queens of old. Her I trusted and she and I agreed on taking care of each other in the dangers we would be facing from the many monsters and dwellers in the serpent's land.

    For that purpose I put on my unclean clothes, so as not to arouse suspicion towards myself. But they cunningly found out to themselves that I had come from a foreign land; they beguiled me and I forgot my work and my heart fell asleep as I served their dragon king.

    But the love of my parents and the memories of my past were written in my heart, so that I would not forget what I had come to do when I had left my king and queen. My parents got deeply concerned about my sleeping my time away and it was decreed, at the gates of our kingdom, that a message should be sent to me.

    The letter was signed by my father who wished for me to think of him, and by my mother who had waved me good-bye and had asked for my love; and by my brother who craved to help me in my work.

    The message I received came by way of an eagle, the emblem of my brother's testimony regarding the honour, the grace and the beauty of our mother. And just before my brother did return from his birthplace, did he ask me to provide for our mother and to look after her many inheritances.

    And so the same right hand of my father which had the power to seal and which he had used to court my mother, this same hand had sealed the message for me in a strange melody of song and speech. I awoke to this wondrous happening; I kissed the messenger and I fell in love. And my love remembered my heart and the broken seal revealed the way to fulfil my mission of retrieving my dear father's lost pearl.

    And so I used my magic to enchant the terrible and snorting serpent. The charming thoughts of my unsealing lulled the dragon to sleep when my father's name became the serpent's name and my brother's name moved a little and my mother's name was joined to the name of the next in rank.

    And so did I take my dear father's lost treasure from the dragon who snorts and who bites his very own tail. I took off my unclean clothes from that foreign country and proceeded on my mending journey back home towards the east. My unsealed letter remained next to me, like a Beloved and guided all my ways.

    When I had arrived home, I put on my beautifully fitting garments, which I had left behind and in the care of minders and I suddenly realised the unity and altogetherness of my very own self. Two could be apart, each with its own burden, and yet two could be together as one in two and two in one. And my clothes were moving with the wisdom and the words of all in one and one in all and I perceived the acts of my upbringing in my father's house to relate to my own growing selfhood.

    And my love had urged me on to meet the minders of my garments and I relished the beauty of their colours and the royal splendour of the movements of the him in her and the insights of the she in him.

    Then I ascended to the gate of my dear father's great love and adoring her, heshe received us joyfully in herhis queendom and our dear Father was so happy, that we had brought our precious pearl to our Mother.

    Greetings and Love from the Shalom in Exile!

    John of Patmos

    Re: ONE

    #31050 March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    I'm not worried about my personal life. I'm worried about yours.

    So it's in 'Unity' is it, that you do a psychoanalysis of your friend's private love-life for the world to see, and I'm guessing without her permission?

    Sirius said: "I'm not worried about my personal life. I'm worried about yours."

    ...YES, I can see that...

    and: "I'm guessing without her permission?"

    You want a badge to go with that gun honey? Put it away and behave like a good girl now... or we'll have to take your toys away. Lol.

    Go chase cars or something please. My ankles are sore.

    I will ignore you from here on until you behave like a civil human being. The saddest thing is... I know you are a part of me... and that you are not well, when you seek healing I will forgive your attempted back door attack. You might learn something from me too as I can actually see Sirians... ;)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31052 March 23rd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Every time I see you attack somebody, Mary, I just have to say something. This forum is not about personal attacks but you are constantly making it so.

    Some of your posts have been very interesting and I've enjoyed reading them but then you revert to throwing insults around at anyone who dares to disagree with you. I had to mention you 'throwing your weight around' seeing as you started on me on that topic and since then, you haven't stopped.

    We all have the right to opinions and you no less than others but "what angers you in another person is an unhealed aspect of yourself. If you had already resolved that particular issue, you would not be irritated by its reflection back to you."

    Something I learnt the hard way a long time ago.

    It's about respecting every single other member of this forum whatever they say without getting round to throwing names at them, stalking members, copying their comments out of context, making snide remarks and generally finger pointing at one person after another for whatever imagined hurt you're now suffering from.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31053 - March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    which song is that- 'puff the magic dragon'?
    wow,a metaphor...well why does it have to be a metaphor,except everyone 'knows' dragons don't 'really exist'...well maybe it depends on what the word 'exist' means....
    so if it's a metaphor,then it's a metaphor for what,would be my question
    when i hear the song,well it makes me think of friendship,love,life,and i too heard it as a child-mom'n'dad had a pretty great record collection even in 1967,some of my earliest memories were of the beatles,donovan,the mamas and the papas,yeah,melanie,and peter,paul and mary...haha...leonard cohen...
    'puff the magic dragon' tho, it always seemed a sad song to me...
    hey i'm glad you're open-minded about dragons...i'm just sure there's some good ones,if there's any at all,or if they aren't all good-haha

    Teee Heeeeeee! :) *Giggles* lmao!

    Dragons are beautiful creatures woven within the very fabric of existence. And so much more! I LOVE Dragons!!!:p:)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31054 March 24th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Teee Heeeeeee! [​IMG] *Giggles* lmao!

    Dragons are beautiful creatures woven within the very fabric of existence. And so much more! I LOVE Dragons!!!:p


    You must BE ONE then sweet dragon heart!


    [​IMG] Tonyblue [​IMG]

    Re: ONE

    #31056 March 24th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Every time I see you attack somebody, Mary, I just have to say something. This forum is not about personal attacks but you are constantly making it so.

    Some of your posts have been very interesting and I've enjoyed reading them but then you revert to throwing insults around at anyone who dares to disagree with you. I had to mention you 'throwing your weight around' seeing as you started on me on that topic and since then, you haven't stopped.

    We all have the right to opinions and you no less than others but "what angers you in another person is an unhealed aspect of yourself. If you had already resolved that particular issue, you would not be irritated by its reflection back to you."

    Something I learnt the hard way a long time ago.

    It's about respecting every single other member of this forum whatever they say without getting round to throwing names at them, stalking members, copying their comments out of context, making snide remarks and generally finger pointing at one person after another for whatever imagined hurt you're now suffering from.

    agrees and would like to add this to all a that. analyze this id say. and grammanazi's i dont care so begone. so lets take some quotes. and disect it. as them are so very very good at. (want refrences as and ill add)

    lets look at our MaryIshtarCreiddylad. than. since your asking for it. lets analyse since thats what you seem to be good at, disecting parts and than addonto it.:

    want clarification.
    you have right to nothing.
    yet want them to.. and yet yourself do claim the world. in all its content. figure of speech.

    Sorry, Who is this Crystalchi person and what is his/her problem?
    who is MaryIshtarCreiddylad, and what is his/her problem? , ah i see more of the same. ah you good at bashing , than try and degrade anyone with words to make you look "above it"well your lowwwwww.
    Perhaps you belong back over on that other thread.
    Perhaps you judge to much with your negative egocentricmindset.

    CrystalChi wrote: Agree SpaceCowboy / Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.
    add to that the ego issues. and ima feel ima better than ya all. and if you say im not, ill bash you in my non positive manner. is what i see wow lovingly intent i see. do or die.
    If confidence bothers you, that is not a problem on my end. I know I am not arrogant so you don't bother me.
    ego ego, oh not bother you sure. we will leave you all in your egocentric eletist state thinking you can do all to all without any reprecusions. or resistance to you.. think again
    (length of the posts. Mod please.(CrystalChi) thats some you dont have humor/selfsarcasme. maybe cause your ego is to big to be sarcastic on self.

    Don't be a hater because others are actually having positive interactions..
    oh you mean them groupies of ya. them 138 members/followers @MoA/THB a same fraction like them 2012 folks. splintercell. and a splinter one has to pull out and than the wound can heal. untill the splinter is out. you dont feel a wound. oh wait thats what leeches do.
    and than oh point at owner to make a point how they responded in the Arach thead thus justefies all jabber you put out. pff sad. and nametagging calling oh you good at.for your knowledge you lack the wisdom. that normally comes with the more kind of "understanding"

    You want a badge to go with that gun honey? Put it away and behave like a good girl now... or we'll have to take your toys away. Lol.
    yep folks like you think they dont need antyones any for any. ego selfservice.
    The saddest thing is... I know you are a part of me... and that you are not well, when you seek healing I will forgive your attempted back door attack.
    haha is that a mirrortalkpsychoatic (ego) should be directed to yourself mary & Co. one one attacks in multifold its you. backdoor sidedoor every gap you find you use as..
    since your ego only allows it to get dropped down a bit before you say oh i won

    Take your issues to the appropriate place which would apparently be The people actually in charge of the forum... Forget you sneaky little back door approach because you somehow see the thread topic I posted as being more vulnerable to opening up the controversy again. It's over with, let it go, move on.
    ... well oh so its over when you say it. done closed case. and not you but everyone else is the one with issues. sure. your group for better namesake caused your damaged, and side-effects- and now move on as you have cleared the way for your ego to do some more its good at. drop a bom and build a base in the spot bomb is dropped, clean floor. oh wait thats your way of operating.

    You are a bully. If you are not interested in my post then don't read it. Pretty simple. I have attempted to be nice to you, and you are just a wanna be boss.(read:grasping)
    yes ^you are . hold up a mirror and see yourself Mary. as what you claim others are. and than go the other route.. wanna be boss lol. your egodropeed in again mary. sneaky word usage. :read:humor

    If my confidence bothers you, again not my issue. I have worked hard to be able to help others grow and some... well... Fear generates a lotta ugly. Are you on that thread too? Must be...
    ego is your issue but that doesnt bother you. help others to grow. oh nice realisation. dont we all try and do that in a way do that consious&unconsiously direcly and indirectly. ah than go the opposite angle of it and from i help/others grow. to fear nice flip. must be... lacking......

    you as part of your groupie play your subpart well or is sub a bad name for your ego. Uberpart than. and its also what they dont respond to that tells enough... as that would expose.... by...... to.....
    keep using words like a snake sneaky slipping thouthg the ways of conduct under a hidden cover of the intent behind the person. so many claims and branches of material one group claims to have total "knowledge over"yet seems to be lacking in to many other parts that one would think with a logical reasoning. isnt it sad. it is. yet i have hope. even for mary and some others. but nothing is eternal.

    all from this one thread ima quote you on.
    lets look at our MaryIshtarCreiddylad. than. since your asking for it. lets analyse since thats what you seem to be good at, disecting parts and than addonto it.:
    want clarification.
    you have right to nothing.
    yes want them to.. and yet yourself do claim the world. in all its content. figure of speech.

    Sorry, Who is this Crystalchi person and what is his/her problem?
    who is MaryIshtarCreiddylad, and what is his/her problem? , ah i see more of the same. ah you good at bashing , than try and degrade anyone with words to make you look "above it"well your lowwwwww.
    Perhaps you belong back over on that other thread.
    Perhaps you judge to much with your negative egocentricmindset.

    CrystalChi wrote: Agree SpaceCowboy / Mary leave your arrogance at the door thank you.
    add to that the ego issues. and ima feel ima better than ya all. and if you say im not, ill bash you in my non positive manner. is what i see wow lovingly intent i see. do or die.
    If confidence bothers you, that is not a problem on my end. I know I am not arrogant so you don't bother me.
    ego ego, oh not bother you sure. we will leave you all in your egocentric eletist state thinking you can do all to all without any reprecusions. or resistance to you.. think again
    (length of the posts. Mod please.(CrystalChi) thats some you dont have humor/selfsarcasme. maybe cause your ego is to big to be sarcastic on self.

    Don't be a hater because others are actually having positive interactions..
    oh you mean them groupies of ya. them 138 members/followers @MoA/THB a same fraction like them 2012 folks. splintercell. and a splinter one has to pull out and than the wound can heal. untill the splinter is out. you dont feel a wound. oh wait thats what leeches do.
    and than oh point at owner to make a point how they responded in the Arach thead thus justefies all jabber you put out. pff sad. and nametagging calling oh you good at.for your knowledge you lack the wisdom. that normally comes with the more kind of "understanding"

    You want a badge to go with that gun honey? Put it away and behave like a good girl now... or we'll have to take your toys away. Lol.
    yep folks like you think they dont need antyones any for any. ego selfservice.
    The saddest thing is... I know you are a part of me... and that you are not well, when you seek healing I will forgive your attempted back door attack.
    haha is that a mirrortalkpsychoatic (ego) should be directed to yourself mary & Co. one one attacks in multifold its you. backdoor sidedoor every gap you find you use as..
    since your ego only allows it to get dropped down a bit before you say oh i won

    Take your issues to the appropriate place which would apparently be The people actually in charge of the forum... Forget you sneaky little back door approach because you somehow see the thread topic I posted as being more vulnerable to opening up the controversy again. It's over with, let it go, move on.

    ... well oh so its over when you say it. done closed case. and not you but everyone else is the one with issues. sure. your group for better namesake caused your damaged, and side-effects- and now move on as you have cleared the way for your ego to do some more its good at. drop a bom and build a base in the spot bomb is dropped, clean floor. oh wait thats your way of operating.

    You are a bully. If you are not interested in my post then don't read it. Pretty simple. I have attempted to be nice to you, and you are just a wanna be boss.(read:grasping)
    yes ^you are . hold up a mirror and see yourself Mary. as what you claim others are. and than go the other route.. wanna be boss lol. your egodropeed in again mary. sneaky word usage. :read:humor

    If my confidence bothers you, again not my issue. I have worked hard to be able to help others grow and some... well... Fear generates a lotta ugly. Are you on that thread too? Must be...
    ego is your issue but that doesnt bother you. help others to grow. oh nice realisation. dont we all try and do that in a way do that consious&unconsiously direcly and indirectly. ah than go the opposite angle of it and from i help/others grow. to fear nice flip.

    you as part of your groupie play your subpart well. and its also what they dont respond to that tells enough... as that would expose.... by...... to.....
    keep using words like a snake sneaky slipping thouthg the ways of conduct under a hidden cover of the intent behind the person. so many claims and branches of material one group claims to have total "knowledge over"yet seems to be lacking in to many other parts that one would think with a logical reasoning. isnt it sad. it is. yet i have hope. even for mary and some others. but nothing is eternal.

    general discussions ONE's post is in yet one doesnt want to interact the wat "general" is/does

    want more. ask and you will get


    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: http://tiny-url.org/Javachat_in_browser http://tiny-url.org/mibbit_avalon_chat http://tiny-url.org/https_mibbit_avalon_chat iRC_Clients irc://irc.p2p-network.net/Project_Avalon (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    Re: ONE

    #31059 March 24th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Thank you rakmeister!

    You are to be congratulated for your intelligent and intelligible reply!

    shiloh the bürgermeister von dragonia

    Re: ONE

    #31060 March 24th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Looks like someone let the kids out of the sandbox and they brought some of the sand to your thread Mary:silly: Here leme help you dust some of that off dear....



    Re: ONE

    #31061 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    BUNMEiSTEr's Rakmeister... I thought you "i ain't botherin' here no more?"

    Which actually means you are not bothering here 'no' more... which means you are going to bother again.

    Yes this is a public forum where things are open to discussion. If you wish your thread to be restricted to only your privileged few then I suggest you indicate it as such in your title on your posts so I know not to read them and comment. You limit yourselves so, but that is just fine by me as it is your own choice to do so.

    That said... I read everyone's posts because that is what the Project Camelot site is about as I understand it, sharing info with every one... it IS after all a public forum is it not?

    When you have seen as much as I have seen and lived the things I have lived... You just do not function from that same place where ego exists. It is called having been to the court of *Higher* Judgment. Then you are not effected by the same level of personal sniping.

    Yes I responded to being personally attacked and called arrogant on a topic thread that I started with a little bit of your own medicine, but I assure you I am not angry. I find this to be sad. Pitiful even. You cannot even get along with other humans, you will never get along with the literal sea of other beings that are waiting for you to be ready to interact with them in a peaceful fashion.

    I see about 36 different races of beings, the field of interconnectedness between all things, and many many other things, and I really don't see a need for wasting any more time on such trivial matters conjured up by people's fear based need for power and domination. I have spent my fair share of time around this low level type of behavior, and have even seen a real troll, of which I may decide to post a photo for you viewing pleasure, haha.;)

    I know that there are more important things than this ridiculous drama. If anyone wants to see if what you say is true they can go look at my posts. I never say anything that I would not say in public or to someone directly if I felt the need. If you are embarrassed by people seeing your (racist) behavior, again, not my issue. I am real big on personal responsibility, and don't like to contribute to the collective war, and ignorance energy that is ruining the planet. Your fights (as opposed to reasonable discussions) are feeding the war machine in more ways than you know. I can see that energy which is why I want no more to do with your ugly little attack. It is sending out nasties into the Ether.

    This apparently started with Spacecowboy, and CrystalChi b****ing because of I don't know what, and I am not giving any more of my time to you people on this stupid waste of time b**** fest you seem to be on about. I have no fear of you making me look like I am doing anything wrong, because I am not, and have not. So stop hoping that someone will pop in for a soundbite out of your made up story and get mad at me so it reflects on Thuban Materials.

    Besides, I don't even know those people in this lifetime, and I am not a member, of any group ... BUT I will damm well talk to whomever I see fit and I am not going to be bullied out of reading something because someone else does not like it. And I doubt any of you have even read it. I like reading, it does a person good. :)

    I like reading it and that should not bother you.

    OH, and I dream almost every post you post before you post it, I have been able to do that for a long time, so there is nothing here that surprises me at all. Just makes me feel bad for every one that this sort of thing is chosen by people as opposed to being glad to see more people join in the truth movement.

    If you have any issues with the way the forum is run, I suggest you take it up with the people who make the decisions.;)

    In case you need a refresher on the subject which has you all so hell bent on making war on people you don't even know like good little mind controlled sheep would do... Not that I am saying you are mind controlled sheep, but the similarities are astounding... I say you should take another look at what Tommy; as the site's administrator decided, like I don't know, over a week ago...

    Here is the link in case you cannot find it.


    Furthermore This was my post and I have no more time for your little games. Stop trying to ruin this site. Have a good. :cool:
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: ONE

    #31063 March 24th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Hmm Mary, there exists a new astroanalysis you might find relevant one day.
    The Thuban Dragons are competent astrologers you know, lol. So if you have a question regarding the deeper aspects of this we can contribute data.

    Data, data so much overload - where is old spock, data is going berserk and drives the innocents 'bonkers'.

    Information, information - why is there so much information?! Where are the peaceful days with feet up watching the idiot box?


    PS.: Hope this is not too far off topic; modulators i do apologize.
    So a little 'back to topic'!


    HeavenHell and HellHeaven

    Behold, oh beloved Mother Earth, you shall no longer be in twain.
    Your children by father sky have gathered to end your enduring pain.
    To heal your body in matter, joined to the love in your mind.
    A new family you have nourished to become caring, gentle and kind.

    Can you hear the movement up high in the heavens above?
    New trumpets are sounding, sending peace on the wings of a dove.
    The angels of the dark have found their maidens of Light's delight;
    in harmony together, they are entwining each other so tight.

    What peace is this? As above, so below and a true Love!
    Knowingly agreeable the netherworld has become and so suave.
    Redeemed are the darkness and the light as the ancient prototype,
    for all loves to follow, when the seeded fruits are ripe.

    Oh come home to Eden, all you Lucifers~ sons of the stars.
    All you Adams find your Luciferas, your Eves, end all the wars.
    Where are you Mars? Venus~Aphrodite come forth, be seen!
    Let your passions be two, in mind and in body, be ever so keen.

    New worlds are born in the joining of two bodies in One.
    God and Goddess together, just as every moon must have a sun.
    Its the end of the mystery, the closing of a night so dark.
    The dogs of Sirius are barking and announcing a new journey to embark.

    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.

    Post last edited May 8th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31065 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    I think I fit into that story of yours somewhere... :)

    #LOVE the pics! Thank you for sharing them! So pretty!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31066 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I LOVE your post! You guys are awesome to be sure!

    I may like to know more about that astro what did you call it? LOL... woops! There is went, rofl...

    I will message you to see what to do and what you need to do I guess help me get reading?

    Your poems and images posted are muchly appreciated and in the spirit of Unity! THANK YOU!

    wassat. I don't know what to do now... I think I may have actually been understood by someone? ermm. wassat.

    Good to meet you kindred spirits here on this site!



    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: ONE

    #31067 March 24th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    This is the approach. Hopefully you can read the print.
    The 'New World' and related images then become like this:

    Re: ONE

    #31083 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I have it all saved so I can read it later. Thank you much!:rolleyes:
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31086 March 24th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    This thread has been copied and pasted over at the Thuban forums.


    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31087 March 24th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    This thread has been copied and pasted over at the Thuban forums with your posts in them..


    Re: ONE

    #31091 March 24th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    This thread has been copied and pasted over at the Thuban forums.


    ofc it's just a rehearsal of same all over again. one post one follows-up one responds and than cycle starts over again. (and everything is duo-copied/cloned to there.(well most not things them dont wanna get into. just what suits them. Community & Reactions: camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_co...ntpage&Itemid=95 posts shows every add/change/thank you.
    beside ones having them settings/profile properly set. privacy properly. and i dont think the forum has googlebots disabled neither. so you can be sure its been duplicated at least 2x

    Tonyblue - aka - Bermanseder - aka abraxasinas ? or just the 1st 2. and/or nr 3 gone mia after disconnection with IT.

    Game on

    "Children of Light & the Sons of Darkness. However, one's actions or thoughts in Atlantis or Lemuria are not really important. What is significant is that today we are all here to help make our world a better place. The Children of the Law of One will continue their good work, and the Sons of Darkness will have an opportunity to redeem themselves."

    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: http://tiny-url.org/Javachat_in_browser http://tiny-url.org/mibbit_avalon_chat http://tiny-url.org/https_mibbit_avalon_chat iRC_Clients irc://irc.p2p-network.net/Project_Avalon (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    Re: ONE

    #31092 March 24th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. devil.

    Re: ONE

    #31096 March 24th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Marvellously on the topic of the Oneness and the Unity once again.

    It might become part of the human experience in understanding, that data is deleted, locked or otherwise destroyed.
    Just think of 'lost' symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart or Mussorgsky or the Library of Alexandria, burned by Romans in fear of civil uprisings challenging their authority.
    Then we have a number of book burnings and other destructive tendencies by the administrators of whatever information they might be administering.

    And so can one 'trust' the administrators and the controllers of the public data; data and information created and composed for all?

    And then there are the computer messages: Back Up your Data!

    One day many humans will learn to understand that prudence and care do not necessarily amount to deception and hidden agendas.

    One day; perhaps!

    Yes, I am Abraxasinas; the terrible one from Avalon.
    And I do know the Merlin by the way - but never mind that.

    It is about testimony for you Huancaina and you CrystalChi and you RakmeisterRa and for all of you here and everywhere.

    Should you have hidden things and information in your closets, then dont share those 'secrets' on any public forum. Anything I say and share is never copyrighted or in any manner compromising to my manyfold iddentity. You all are multiplied cosmic gameplayers, even if you cannot yet remember yourselves and why you are doing what you are doing (and thinking, but this is even more difficult for most of you to figure out).

    One day we might meet on a dancefloor or some other venue of human entertainment and then you will be grateful for the saving of YOUR Data.


    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31120 March 24th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    This thread has been copied and pasted over at the Thuban forums with your posts in them..


    Not mine, don't worry I'm ok with that.

    Re: ONE

    #31125 March 24th, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    just curious...

    ...am I a multiplied cosmic gameplayer, too?

    no offence but,

    sez' you 656d706c6174652f45766f6c7574696f6e2d7265642f696d616765732f656d6f7469636f6e732f70696e63682e706e67. 656d706c6174652f45766f6c7574696f6e2d7265642f696d616765732f656d6f7469636f6e732f70696e63682e706e67. 656d706c6174652f45766f6c7574696f6e2d7265642f696d616765732f656d6f7469636f6e732f70696e63682e706e67.


    Re: ONE

    #31151 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Marvellously on the topic of the Oneness and the Unity once again.

    It might become part of the human experience in understanding, that data is deleted, locked or otherwise destroyed.
    Just think of 'lost' symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart or Mussorgsky or the Library of Alexandria, burned by Romans in fear of civil uprisings challenging their authority.
    Then we have a number of book burnings and other destructive tendencies by the administrators of whatever information they might be administering.

    And so can one 'trust' the administrators and the controllers of the public data; data and information created and composed for all?

    And then there are the computer messages: Back Up your Data!

    And then there is the question of EVIDENCE, like in a court of sorts. When people or entities are accused of things and slandered and a 'trade name' like 'Thuban Elders' is compromised in whatever fashion.
    So when the 'trade name' is not compromised or engaged; then there will be no evidence to be required to be saved.

    It's only logical! Sherlock Holmes would say to dear Watson or Spock to Kirk or Data to Picard.

    One day many humans will learn to understand that prudence and care do not necessarily amount to deception and hidden agendas.

    One day; perhaps!

    Yes, I am Abraxasinas; the terrible one from Avalon.
    And I do know the Merlin by the way - but never mind that.

    It is about testimony for you Huancaina and you CrystalChi and you RakmeisterRa and for all of you here and everywhere.

    Should you have hidden things and information in your closets, then dont share those 'secrets' on any public forum. Anything I say and share is never copyrighted or in any manner compromising to my manyfold identity. You all are multiplied cosmic gameplayers, even if you cannot yet remember yourselves and why you are doing what you are doing (and thinking, but this is even more difficult for most of you to figure out).

    One day we might meet on a dancefloor or some other venue of human entertainment and then you will be grateful for the saving of YOUR Data.


    I have perfect trust in Tommy's abillity to look at the threads related in my posts here and see that they have been negatively planning to attack your material and anyone who dare interact with it, including talking smack about Tommy and Kerry for unbanning the material in the first place. If he has time he will clearly see that.

    As for posting my posts on other forums, I have been focused on the material and learning it instead of attacking and slandering people. I have no issue with my posts being made available on another forum as I never post anything that I feel I have to hide. Nothing on the net is really private. If that is a rule then that does not involve my input as I did not copy any of it anywhere. However that said I believe the truth of what is going on here is clear top those with the time to read over the many pages of complaining about what has happened since Steve chose to leave. They are mad and planned revenge on the Thuban material and it's posters, and said Tommy did not run the forum the way they thought he should. Openness and true open eyed investigation is the only way this world can ever be changed for the better. If That is what the Project Camelot focus is then this includes material that is not liked by people who are just salivating at the mouth for war like behavior. I trust Tommy will see the truth if he has time to look. Fear will not bring healing. These people are afraid of the material out of superstitions they have been taught about beings they don't understand. I am not a member of Thuban or it's forum, but I definitely think banning the material is not in the interest of learning what is going on in this world and will only serve as a footing for those who want to divide not unite the human race. They want this type of silly infighting amongst people. I have every reason to want to learn of the material, just as with Ashayanna Deane's material which I think they also object to from what I have seen. This is a mind game being played for territory, not for truth on the part of the people who started the fight after the ban. It has no place in an enlightened awake world of people who believe in personal responsibility.

    If it gets banned I will be deeply disappointed. But I cannot, nor do I seek to control the actions of others. It will be as it will be. I have done nothing wrong and broken no rules. The only people I have seen to behave in a polite and balanced fashion in this ordeal (Steve not included as he has chosen to leave thus I have no further opinion on that. ) Is the Thuban group of friends. Their way scares others and that is unfortunate, but they have been polite and kind and focused on lifting others through teaching, not ganging up and name calling and fight picking. Thus they have my permission, unless Tommy determines they are not allowed, to post my posts wherever they like in the name of transparency and openness. If that breaks a rule it is between the poster of said material and Tommy.

    The links I have provided on this thread (previous posts) will lead Tommy to where the controversy began and if he chooses to look the truth of the initiative behind this feigned outcry by the attackers who have festered in hatred since Steve and Lita left is there. It is a drama made up to feed off from power and control, masked by pretend outrage over Steve leaving. And I had no issue with Steve. This began before I got here. and Steve showed clearly one rule he said was broken, but I do have to wonder if he was not egged into making a hasty judgement of the material by the others here who's imbalanced behavior prevented me from joining and sharing my knowledge for two years. I finally Joined because I saw Steve and Tommy to be fair and level headed in their Administration duties. The others (a very small but very loud portion of actual members of this huge online community) which are still yelling and shouting instead of teaching knowledge and learning from others... well, I have no further comment on them as they are acting like bullies in every way they know how. I suspect others just don't speak up because they do not want to get banned.

    That is all I have to say. But I did see it coming as soon as I saw they were unbanned. It was a false pride issue for the other few. I hope sanity, fairness and truth prevail here. If not the truth will come out else where, as their material is valid and thus as the Veil thins this will become apparent.

    Peace, and I have no desire to fight with anyone on the forum as this is not something conducive to creating a reality where all are ONE. It is divisive, and as such not in accordance with the interconnectedness of all that is. When one is harmed all are harmed. It is a sad day to see fellow members of humanity choose division rather than Unity out of fear of what they do not understand.

    I have nothing to hide and nothing to defend. laughing.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31159 March 24th, 2011
    chrissy wrote:
    ONE #30804 1 day, 19 hours ago
    I am posting this here so as not to address any one specific topic or thread individually as it seems to me there is a thing happening on many threads that reflects a larger overall issue that can also be seen as a reflection of the larger picture of what is going on in the world at this time.

    My desire, in doing so is simply to provide what I can see as an overview of the entire situation, albeit a brief one as I cannot sit here typing this all night as well as I am unsure of what level to even begin addressing this on. I may add to it as I see fit over the next day or two.

    This is my observation based upon my own personal experiences in my life, as well as many years of research that I have done in an effort to get to the root of what the problems in the world really are, and how to begin healing them.

    There are days when I look at it and I feel that the only way it can all be made right is if the Earth completely cleanses herself, because there is just too much division to ever heal all that is of the one. It seems that so many would rather see the differences between themselves and others, as opposed to choosing to look for common ground. The common ground is of course that we all are. We all exist under the umbrella of The ONE. The original Source of all that is, whatever you choose to call it.

    I have recently read a thread, which I am sure some of you will know immediately which one I am referring to... where someone stated that they thought that (actually this was echoed in several member's posts on that same thread as well as several other threads, but I choose to simplify it by using this post as an example) ...someone posted that they thought that all spiritual/new age/ and the like sort of info should be restricted from Project Camelot Forums and left to other sites as it is seen as a distraction form the purpose of this site.

    I respectfully disagree and here is why. (Noting that in the spirit of truth from someone who clearly knows that the spiritual is all connected to the whole big picture of truth, a particular ban seems to have been lifted.)

    Think Golden Girls Sophia here... Picture it, Sicily 2007... LOL *Jokes*!

    I had a 'friend' who was talking to this person whom she had 'met' online. She had been a practicing witch for years. The man whom she had met online presented himself as a 'wizard' in need of a lesson of higher learning in the magickal arts. OI VEY !!! (sp)

    Many people who practice any type of magick or spiritual guru-ism seem to vacillate back and forth between an over inflated 'altar' (magickal alter ego) and a sense of low self worth. This is common, and is written in books, so is not only my personal opinion on the subject. It is to be expected as a stage in the human being trying to come back into their knowledge of themselves as a divine being created with the

    I assure u, MUCH of the drama is orchestrated here in this forum...especially as of late---not an accurate reflection of whats happening in the mist of all in this world--neither is it an accurate reflection in the news, HIGHLY skewed to only represent a false side. It is Purposeful tampering, creating much noise, and more chaos as to confuse many. This is becoming painstakingly more and more obvious...

    Amid this seemingly endless drama that is this world...there are many things happening in contrast to the "catastrophic". Things are changing, and just as someone can notice the dark, they can also focus on the light...the polarization of the light, and the incoming echoes of a space we all long for. The ability TO BE.
    It is more of a challenge to cut through all the F'N NOISE, but hey, just means u have to go within your heart in a more instananeous fashion then before. Seems the cosmos is making it that much easier to tap in! Cheers!!! :oops:
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door smile.

    Re: ONE

    #31160 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Ahah! LOL! Without even looking first, I was right! This is where Thuban material first got associated with Anna Hayes, Aka Ashayanna Deane, and became an issue for another semi prominent member of the character assasination mob. Gee how did I guess. They started divinding them selves from others on like the second page. Big shocker. Let's see... who does not agree with Ashayanna Deane? Hmm. Truth will always prevail in the end.:cool:


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31161 March 24th, 2011
    NWD wrote:
    christinedream7 wrote:
    ONE #30804 1 day, 19 hours ago
    I am posting this here so as not to address any one specific topic or thread individually as it seems to me there is a thing happening on many threads that reflects a larger overall issue that can also be seen as a reflection of the larger picture of what is going on in the world at this time.

    My desire, in doing so is simply to provide what I can see as an overview of the entire situation, albeit a brief one as I cannot sit here typing this all night as well as I am unsure of what level to even begin addressing this on. I may add to it as I see fit over the next day or two.

    This is my observation based upon my own personal experiences in my life, as well as many years of research that I have done in an effort to get to the root of what the problems in the world really are, and how to begin healing them.

    There are days when I look at it and I feel that the only way it can all be made right is if the Earth completely cleanses herself, because there is just too much division to ever heal all that is of the one. It seems that so many would rather see the differences between themselves and others, as opposed to choosing to look for common ground. The common ground is of course that we all are. We all exist under the umbrella of The ONE. The original Source of all that is, whatever you choose to call it.

    I have recently read a thread, which I am sure some of you will know immediately which one I am referring to... where someone stated that they thought that (actually this was echoed in several member's posts on that same thread as well as several other threads, but I choose to simplify it by using this post as an example) ...someone posted that they thought that all spiritual/new age/ and the like sort of info should be restricted from Project Camelot Forums and left to other sites as it is seen as a distraction form the purpose of this site.

    I respectfully disagree and here is why. (Noting that in the spirit of truth from someone who clearly knows that the spiritual is all connected to the whole big picture of truth, a particular ban seems to have been lifted.)

    Think Golden Girls Sophia here... Picture it, Sicily 2007... LOL *Jokes*!

    I had a 'friend' who was talking to this person whom she had 'met' online. She had been a practicing witch for years. The man whom she had met online presented himself as a 'wizard' in need of a lesson of higher learning in the magickal arts. OI VEY !!! (sp)

    Many people who practice any type of magick or spiritual guru-ism seem to vacillate back and forth between an over inflated 'altar' (magickal alter ego) and a sense of low self worth. This is common, and is written in books, so is not only my personal opinion on the subject. It is to be expected as a stage in the human being trying to come back into their knowledge of themselves as a divine being created with the

    I assure u, MUCH of the drama is orchestrated here in this forum...especially as of late---not an accurate reflection of whats happening in the mist of all in this world--neither is it an accurate reflection in the news, HIGHLY skewed to only represent a false side. It is Purposeful tampering, creating much noise, and more chaos as to confuse many. This is becoming painstakingly more and more obvious...

    Amid this seemingly endless drama that is this world...there are many things happening in contrast to the "catastrophic". Things are changing, and just as someone can notice the dark, they can also focus on the light...the polarization of the light, and the incoming echoes of a space we all long for. The ability TO BE.
    It is more of a challenge to cut through all the F'N NOISE, but hey, just means u have to go within your heart in a more instananeous fashion then before. Seems the cosmos is making it that much easier to tap in! Cheers!!
    ! :oops:

    Thank you for that! Very well put.
    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31165 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    My opinion can be found here. cool.


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31194 March 24th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey 'dragon' people,uh...this might sound like a dumb question,but are there any evil dragons,?

    Re: ONE

    #31197 March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    drama? there's no drama without lita-lita come back!

    Re: ONE

    #31216 March 25th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    drama? there's no drama without lita-lita come back!


    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31217 March 24th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Teee Heeeeeee! :) *Giggles* lmao!

    Dragons are beautiful creatures woven within the very fabric of existence. And so much more! I LOVE Dragons!!! :p:)

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.

    You must BE ONE then sweet dragon heart!



    blush. Tonyblue whistling.
    Post last edited Jan 15th 2014

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE
    #31259 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31260 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31261 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31265 March 24th, 2011
    Yep wrote:

    no one...


    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31283 March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: Puff The Magic Dragon

    #31291 March 25th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    hey 'dragon' people,uh...this might sound like a dumb question,but are there any evil dragons,?

    Do you think that some people have created them arc?

    If so, evil dragons exist as the offspring of their makers.
    But they CANNOT harm anyone or anything, UNLESS you believe in the evilness of the thoughtforms projected into them by their creators.


    Re: ONE

    #31508 March 26th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Bringing the vibe of this thread back up with a pretty video.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31511 March 26th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: ONE
    #31513 March 26th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Crystal vibrations and Unity Chi

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Post last edited May 8th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE
    #31557 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    An uplifting message.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31588 March 27th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    drama? there's no drama without lita-lita come back!


    watch it space cow boy...i'll put yer head out!

    Re: ONE

    #31655 March 27th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    The Path of the Serpent of Dan

    16Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
    17Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
    18I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.

    13And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
    14And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
    15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

    1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
    2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
    3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
    4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

    The Tuatha De Danaan
    By David M. Rountree
    Rated "PG13" by the Author.


    The following research has been compiled from the Wurzburg Codex, a
    collection of Celtic manuscripts from around A.D. 700, specifically the
    Leabhor Laigneach (The Book of Leinster), and the Leabhor Baile an
    Mhota (The Book of Ballymote), as translated by Michael O'clery, in
    1620. Additional sources on the origins of the Tuatha De Danaan
    include "History" by Heroditus, Various references from the writings of
    Homer, The wall of the Temple of Ramesis III, "The White Goddess" by
    Robert Graves (1948), "Lost Cities" by archaeologist Leonard Cottrell
    (1958), "The Horizon Book of Lost Cities" by Leonard Cottrell (1962),
    "Irelands Faerie Lore" by Rev. Michael P. Mahon (1919), "The Religion
    of the Ancient Celts" by J.A. MacCulloch (1911), "Gods and Fighting
    Men" by Lady Gregory (1904), and the personal notes of J.R.R. Tolkien,
    concerning his research into the development of the race of the Gray
    Elves, for his now famous stories.

    PART I: Who were the Danaans?

    The Tale of the Tuatha De Danaan spans many centuries and
    surprisingly begins in ancient Greece. There, long before the rise of
    the Mycenaens, there lived a race of nomads known as the
    Pelasgians. Tribal in nature, they were sea-farers who claimed to be
    born from the teeth of the Cosmic Snake Ophion, and the Great
    Goddess Danu. Danu, the lovely slender woman with an upturned
    nose, deathly pale face, lips as red as rowan berries, eyes of startling
    blue, and long fair hair. Able to transform into a sow, mare, bitch,
    vixen, she-ass, weasel, serpent, owl, she-wolf, tigress, mermaid, or
    loathsome hag. The names Danae, Don, Dana, and her finale Greek
    manifestation, Eurynome, would later know her. The Romans, bless
    their hearts….twisted as they were, would masculinize her as Donus
    the divine father of Cottius, who would become the sacred king of the
    Cottians, a Ligurian Confederacy that the Cottian Alps were named
    for, but alas I stray, as I am wont to do, when delving into the history
    of the Eldar races.

    The Pelasgians ruled Greece for many years until the coming of the
    Achaeans, who invaded Thessaly from Syria in about 1900 B.C. The
    Achaeans were patriarchal herdsmen who worshipped the
    Indo-European trinity of gods Mitra, Varuna, and Indra. They would
    later evolve into Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, as the Achaeans would
    evolve into the Mycenaen Greeks. They conquered Greece and tried
    to destroy the semi-matriarchal Bronze age Pelasgians, but failing
    that…simply assimilated them through compromise, accepting
    matrilineal succession, and even accepting the Great Goddess
    However, not all of the Pelasgians were content to stay. A loose
    confederation of tribes fled, adopting their nomadic ways on a grand
    scale, departing from Greece altogether. Some would roam the
    Mediterranean Sea, sacking Cnossos in 1400 B.C. These tribes would
    become the Ionians, and they would people Lesbos, Chios, Cnidos,
    Thrace, and Troad. In time they would unite with the Phoenicians,
    Philistines, Mitanni, Jebusites, Amorites, and the Hittites to attack
    Egypt, where they would be crushed my the Pharoah Ramesis III,
    who by the way names them the Danuna on his temple walls in 1187
    Homer spoke of them as the Danaoi. Herodotus would mention the
    Syrian Achaean invasion of Greece in the first paragraph of "History".
    He also mentions the capture, by the Phoenicians of the Danaan
    Shrine of the White Goddess Io at Argos, then the religious capital of
    the Peloponnese (the Cretans had colonized it in about 1750 B.C.).
    Herodotus does not date the event other than by placing it before
    the Argo expedition to Colchis, which the Greeks date at 1225 B.C.,
    and before Europa went from Phoenicia to Crete, a tribal emigration
    which occurred earlier, prior to the sacking of Cnossos in 1400 B.C.
    But it is of the northern fleeing confederation of Pelasgian tribes who
    called themselves the Tuatha De Danaan that we follow from here. As
    they migrated north they left their mark upon the races that they
    touched until at last they reached Denmark where they established a
    great kingdom. Denmark means "Kingdom of the Danaans". They built
    four great cities; great Falias, shining Gorias, Finlas, and rich Murias,
    which lay to the south. In each of these four cities there lived a wise
    man, which taught their young men skill and knowledge, along with
    perfect wisdom. These men were; Senias, of Murias; Arias, the
    Fair-haired poet of Finias; Urias of the Noble nature of Gorias; finally,
    Morias in Falias itself. Their king was named Nuada, their chiefs were
    Manannan, son of Lir; Ogma, the king's brother, who taught them
    writing; Diancecht, who was their chief healer; Neit, a god of Battle;
    Credenus, the chief craftsman; and Goibniu, the chief smith.
    Their great women were Badb, a great battle Goddess; Macha, who
    collected the heads of men killed in battle; Morrigu, the crow of
    battle; Eire, Fodla, and Banba, the daughters of the Dagda. They
    would later become queens of Ireland and each for a time would lend
    the country their name. (Eire was the last one to do so historically,
    thus her name is the one associated with Ireland today); Eadon, the
    nurse of poets; and Brigit, the woman of poetry. The poets
    worshipped her as she was very great and noble. She was also a
    woman of healing, was an excellent smith, invented the whistle for
    signaling across distances and much more. Her face it was said, was
    ugly on one side and comely on the other; her name means
    Breosaighit, or Fiery Arrow.
    As a people they held three things above all others; the plough, the
    sun, and the Hazel tree. It is said that when they reached Ireland,
    they divided into three sections, named for the three; Coll (Hazel),
    Cecht (plough); and Grain (sun). But again I stray.
    It is not known what brought them to Ireland, but it was a mass and
    total migration, for they brought with them their four sacred
    treasures that were each kept in a separate city; A Stone of Virtue
    was brought from Falias, called Lia Fail, or the stone of Destiny. From
    Gorias they brought a sword, which would later be called the Sword
    of Lugh. The Spear of Victory was brought from Finias, and from
    Murias they brought the Caldron of the Gods, from which no company
    ever went away from unsatisfied. They landed in Ireland around 1472

    PART II: The Danaans come to Ireland

    The land of Ireland in 1472 B.C. was ruled by a race of creatures
    known as the Firbolgs. I have read many places that they were
    deformed giants, but it is my personal beliefs that their stone age
    culture was akin to Neanderthal man. Be that as it may..or may not
    as the case might be, the Tuatha De Danaan arrived in a mist, it is
    said, and that they came through the air and the high air to Ireland.
    Legend says that they arrived on the first day of Beltaine, what is
    now known as May the first. They landed northwest of Connacht. But
    the Firbolgs, the men of Bag, saw nothing but a mist lying on the hills.

    Now King Eochaid, son of Erc, who maintained his throne in Teamhair,
    ruled the Firbolgs. He had dreamed of the coming of the Danaans, or
    the men of Dea, as they were called. His Druids (interesting eh?) had
    told him that they were a great enemy. So it came to past that he
    sent his greatest champion, Sreng, to learn of this new race.
    And Sreng did indeed go to the settlement of the Tuatha De Danaan,
    in Magh Rein. There he was met by Bres, a champion of the Danaans,
    and they would learn much from each other. They made a pact
    between themselves that no matter what the future might bring,
    they would always remain friends.
    The Tuatha De Danaan sent Sreng back with a message that they
    would not fight the Firbolgs if King Eochaid would cede them half the
    land. Needless to say this did not bode well with the Firbolg King,
    who decided to battle. They would meet in a place called Magh
    Tuireadh. To make a bloody story short, the Firbolgs lost the battle
    miserably. With their power crushed, the Firbolgs were given
    Connacht to dwell in as their own, and in time, they would foster
    Ferdiad, who fought Cuchulain, and Erc, son of Cairbre, who would
    later slay Cuchulain. The Tuatha De Danaan took Teamhair as their
    own, renaming it Druim Cain (The Beautiful Ridge). But it is also
    known as Liathdruim (Gray Ridge), and Druim na Descan (The Ridge
    of the Outlook).
    The City-State was laid out as such; Nuada's Rath lay to the North;
    The Hill of Hostages lay to the Northeast; The Green of Teamhair lay
    West, and the Hill of the Sidhe was Northwest of the Hill of Hostages.
    There was a great wall there called Nith, where the first mill of
    Ireland was built. To the north of the Hill of Hostages they placed Lia
    Fail, their sacred stone. The city was built surrounded by the Wall of
    Three Whispers, and near the wall was the House of Women. This
    House had seven doors on its east and west sides, and it was here
    that great feasts were held.
    Close by was the Great House of A Thousand Warriors, and south of
    that was the little Hill of Women Soldiers. Thus, The Danaan's first city
    on Irish soil came to be.
    For a time the Danaans grew in numbers and prospered, but in time
    they were threatened by the invasion of another race, the
    Fomorians. It is here that the great hero of Irish lore Lugh appears. It
    is said in the legends that he was the son of Cian of the Tuatha De
    Danaan, and Ethlinn, the daughter of Balor, the warrior king of the
    It is said that when met by Nuada's doorkeepers Gamal, the son of
    Figal and Camel, son of Riagall, he offered his services as a
    carpenter. But the Job of carpenter was held by Luchtar, son of
    He then offered his services as a smith. But that post was held by
    Colum Cuaillemech of the Three Ways.
    He then offered to be a Harper. But Abhean, son of Bicelmos held
    that position.
    He offered to be a poet. But Erc (a common name…like Joe…or Bob)
    the son of Ethaman was Nuada's poet.
    He offered to be a physician. But Diancecht was the Healer.
    A brass worker, he offered. But alas, as you may guess, that job was
    taken too. Credne Cerd worked the Brass.
    A champion warrior then. But Nuada had many champions.
    "But do you have a man that can do all of these things?"
    And thus, Lugh was admitted by the King.
    As to Lugh's part in the Second Battle of Magh Tuireadh, he is
    credited with bringing the Riders of the Sidhe from the Land of
    Promise (Tir-na-nog). The alliance formed by these two races would
    profit the Tuatha De Danaan much in later times.
    Thus it came to pass that the Fomorians were defeated.
    Once again, the Danaans suffered through a time of peace and
    prosperity. But after two hundred years another invasion graced their
    In the Book of Invasions, and backed up by Bede's "Ecclesiastical
    History", a people sailed west from Thrace, through the
    Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean. They made landfall on
    Wexford Bay, where a huge battle was fought. The Danaans were
    unable to defeat this wild race of warriors, so they bargained with
    They persuaded them to pass into Northern Britain, then called
    Albion. These warriors would later become the ferocious Picts, or
    Tattooed Men. The Picts had the same social habits that existed in
    Thessaly prior to the coming of the Achaeans, and in classical times
    among the primitive tribes of the southern Black Sea coast, along the
    Gulf of Sirte' in Libya, Majorca, and Northwest Galicia. These customs
    included exogamy, totemism, public coition, cannibalism, tattooing,
    and women warriors. Their descendants still retain their non-Celtic
    language in Bede's day.
    The Pictish invasion was a portend of things to come. In 1268 B.C., a
    race of people known as the Milesians invaded Ireland during the
    reign of the Three Kings MaCoill, MacCecht, and MacGreine, together
    with their Queens, Eire, Folda, and Banba (That's right, Manannan's
    They landed first at the mouth of the River Slaney, but the Druids
    (interesting that they are still around) drove them back out to sea
    with a powerful storm. They eventually landed at Inver Skene, or
    Kenmore Bay, where the Bard of the Milesians, called by the name of
    Amergin chanted his now famous song, as his feet touched the soil.

    The Song of Amergin

    "I am the wind on the sea
    I am the wave of the sea
    I am the bull of seven battles
    I am the eagle on the rock
    I am a flash from the sun
    I am the most beautiful of plants
    I am a strong wild boar
    I am a salmon on the water
    I am a lake in the plain
    I am a word of knowledge
    I am the head of the spear in battle
    I am the god that puts fire in the head
    Who spreads light in the gathering on the hills?
    Who can tell the ages of the moon?"

    The Milesians marched to Druim Cain, (which was destined to become
    Tara, under their rule), and demanded battle for Ireland from the
    three kings.
    And so it was.
    There were two major battles fought.
    At Sleive Mish in Kerry, and at the final battle at Taillte, in Meath.
    Many were slain on both sides, but in the end, the Milesians won.
    The three kings of the Tuatha De Danaan were killed in the battle at
    It took a full year for the conquerors to subjugate Ireland. During
    their march they encountered each of the surviving Queens of the
    Vanquished Danaans.
    First they met Banba, and she was aloof to the invaders. Still, she
    asked that they name Ireland for her, and it was done. For a while
    Ireland was called Banba.
    Later on the march carried them to Folda.
    She too was aloof to the warriors, but she as well asked of them to
    name Ireland for her. And it was so. For a time Ireland was called
    Toward the end of their great march, they came upon the Last queen
    of the Tuatha De Danaan. Eire.
    And Eire was NOT aloof. She welcomed them to the land that they
    would now rule, and offered them peace.
    She too, asked of the invaders to name Ireland for her.
    And it was so.
    Ireland to this day is known as Eire.
    Eire impressed them so, that she became Eireanaig, Goddess of the
    The Milesians would become under her guidance, the Irish of today.
    The Tuatha De Danaan met as an entire people to decide their fate at
    Brugh on the Boyne, and it was decided that they would not be the
    subjects of rule by the invaders. They built a massive underground
    fortress at the Boyne, which is known today as New Grange. After
    the battle, they used their Druids to blight the fields of the Milesians,
    until at last, the invaders made peace with the Danaans through
    Manannan. The first king of the Irish Milesians, Crimthan MacNair, is
    buried at New Grange, as his wife was Danaan.
    But the majority of the Danaans joined with the Sidhe and dwelt in
    the hills, and Manannan put invisible walls around their glades, and
    made them immortal, though they already were long lived. He
    brewed them his ale, and fed them his swine, and it was so.
    And a new king was chosen from the candidates most eligible, who
    were Bodb Dearg, son of the Dagda, Ilbrech of Ess Ruadh, Lir of
    Sidhe Fionnachaidh (The Hill of the White Field on Slieve Faud), Midhir
    the Proud of Bri Leith, and Angus Og, son of the Dagda. And when it
    was done, Bodb Dearg became King of The Tuatha De Danaan, and
    he ruled in his seat in Sidhe Femen, which he enchanted greatly, and
    he had three sons, Angus, Artrach, and Aedh. He also had a
    daughter, Scathniamh, The Flower of Brightness.
    Bodb Dearg was the last king of the combined Tuatha De Danaan.
    They would eventually meld with the Sidhe, those spirits of the
    mound, hill and wood, that lived in raths, which were round
    stockaded fortresses. They became a nation of roving warriors, their
    blue eyes and pale faces with long, curly yellow hair marking their
    race. They adopted the Sidhe military custom of organizing
    themselves in units of fifty men, and carried the white shield of the
    Sidhe. The Sidhe at that time were ruled by two virgin born kings,
    who were said to be sexually promiscuous without blame or shame.
    Eventually they left this world as a united people from New Grange,
    venturing back to Tir-na-nog, the paradise from which they had come
    from…so long ago. But a few stayed behind.
    Knockainy in Limerick is ruled by Aine, Faerie Queen and Banshee,
    who became famous in A.D. 2 for cutting off the ear of Aillill Olvum,
    The king of Munster, giving him his name "O" (ear) "Lom" (Bare),
    meaning "Bare of one Ear". She rules there to this day.
    As does Cleena, the Queen of South Munster. Her place is five miles
    from Mallow, in the center of a great pile of rocks.
    Aibell, or Abinn, is Queen of North Munster. Her Palace is two miles
    north of Killaloe, and is called Craglea (Gray Rock), or Crageevil, or
    simply "Aibell's Rock".
    And the most famous, Grian of the Bright Cheeks, who rules from
    Pallas Green Hill, in Tipperary. Still today, their armies roam the Irish
    countryside, marching and riding out of the mists of time.

    Web Site: For links to more of David's writing, check out his library

    {Names have been changed for reasons of ID protection}

    Hello Abraxasinas!

    You have really sparked my interest. I am recovering more and more memory of living in the Orion and Alpha Draconis star systems thousands and thousands of years ago. I recognise the Thuban Council…. It just vibrates well with me and seems familiar..
    I have a deep psychic connection with a reptilian …she is of an ancient Mother Dragon goddess, sect…she was also my mother way back then, before I “Fell” to Earth and she is connected to me through my family DNA blood line in my present incarnation on Earth and mostly through my emotions.
    I have been incarnating as a humanoid here on Earth from way before the Atlantian period and came here, while escaping some kind of raid, during the Orion wars. I have memory of literally passing through some kind of vortex or Star gate (8th Orion gate) I had to lie down in something that looks a bit like a big pink and brown tanning bed thing… My mother (The Dragon priestess) was hurrying me up as Male Warrior clan Draco’s were looking for me to kill me… I’m not sure why I think I must have been some sot of rebel or resistance instigator in the War?

    Any way I knew that coming to planet Earth and this low dense vibration and the electromagnetic field here would erase my memory of who I really was…and were I was from but that was a risk I had to take…..
    I knew there were others of my clan, cult, sect, resistance here and I would hopefully graduate towards them energetically… but I didn’t
    I graduated towards some very dark manipulators instead and was a dark magician in the Atlantian period… I got away from all that later..

    I have learned through much trial and error and agreed to become a light worker and energy worker for the ascension a long time ago… I love this planet and the human race that I have intermingled with and become human and am 100% dedicated to the release and evolution of the planet… I work with the energy gridlines when ever I can as well as sift through much of my own complicated karma…
    I have a daughter who is a gorgeous Angelic Human Sirian I think… she could be Pleadian… She is my charge as well and her protection and evolution is paramount to me as my own evolution and protection is paramount to my Dragon Mother who guides me and advises me….

    My Dragon mother is 8th dimensional I think, she also learns much through connecting with my own emotions and limited 3rd dimensional experiences… She suffered bad things after capture during the Orion wars but all is Ok now….Her name is Iris… her dragon name is too complicated for me to pronounce with a human tongue… it means Captive heart…in English..

    I know a melancholy name …while Iris is the Greek for beautiful rainbow, I read some were… But once I got the words Shem che meck… spelt fanatically there and don’t know what they mean…
    I live with four husky/wolves and four female pet rats and love animals and can communicate with them perfectly, my dogs are part of my family and not pets to me…
    I always get a funny feeling in my gut about many of the tall blonde Nordic’s and felt they were the manipulator Annunaki… then read some were that they were (Not all obviously).. I know there are some renegade reptilian manipulators who work with them but then again the universe is teeming with different points of view and alliances..

    My heart is Dragon/Serpent… I feel that so strongly ….( my mother was Serpent line my father Dragon???This is conjecture on my part)

    When I was younger and had no memory of Orion and Dragon linage… I once felt under psychic attack and instinctively felt my self transform in to this huge white dragon on the astral level and stand up and flap my wings and roar so loudly that I felt the adrenalin of how easy it was to frighten unwanted energies away and the strength and compassion of the dragon… this stayed with me and I have two dragon tattoo’s on my back (Well I guess the dragon is a common tattoo) but the dragon energy has always been there with me…

    I liked your post and found that it didn’t go in to friction with Asha’yana Dean (Anna Hayes) I love her material…. But it did seem so absolute like we are dragons we love you Earth people and we are here to liberate you and assimilate you so you can be free whether you like it or not???? That was the only part I didn’t like… maybe I got it wrong but can you elaborate on that for me???
    I remain fascinated… yours respectfully…. Antoinette (Orionheartofmine)

    Thanks for your reply Antoinette!

    The situation with your mother is a mirror what is occurring in this earth sphere right now. The reptilian agendas, abductions etc. etc. are all a reflection what is happenstance in the metaphysics of the hyperspace dimensions.
    I could edit your introductory exposition so as not to directly engage your mother's spirit OR we could 'outmanouver' the hyperspace dimensions 4-5-6-7 in using the 10th dimensional timeconnector of quantum space.
    Only the highest of the highest presences in this universe even know about the 10th dimension, as they, as you know, are 8D.
    So their perceived 'superiority' cannot handle the energy from the 10th dimension and you and your mother would be quite 'safe' in such a scenario and under the auspices of Thuban.
    But my simple advice is now to simply ask your mother and in view of my response here; as to what she thinks about our plan.
    Did you know that the Irish are 'Serpent people' as a race; after the Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Daan)?

    Love Abrax

    Hi...Abraxasinas.. yes sure why not... I think i mentioned in a small post a year ago about Iris... but briefely... I'm presuming the bit of my message to you that accompanied your kind reply to me , you had edited and made short for practicle purposes?
    That is ... I'm presuming you recieved a longer version? With my whole reptilian ancient dragon mother story on Orion etc???
    I myself don't talk too openly about her and our connection as I feel there are certain energies she is still vulnerable too and some in her own enviornment who would not be too happy about her and my deep spiritual connection and how she uses her experiance of my experiances and emotions in a very positive way... She tells me that some times all is still not totally rosey in her sphere of operation? I think there is a treaty pending?? They are in a state of Hmm lets see how this pans out... Some die hard old way stuborn dragon energies blocked and scared to face change who are still in positions of power with encredibly wondeful Christed masters/mistresses of compassion working along side them... I try not to draw attention to she and me...so would you use that excerpt to start the thread or the entire letter I presume you recieved? I hope I'm being clear? Some times I can be a bit muddley?
    But that would be an interesting thread and I'm happily anxious to hear what you have to say in your answer?? Blessings.. Antoinette

    Thanks for your reply Antoinette!

    The situation with your mother is a mirror what is occurring in this earth sphere right now. The reptilian agendas, abductions etc. etc. are all a reflection what is happenstance in the metaphysics of the hyperspace dimensions.
    I could edit your introductory exposition so as not to directly engage your mother's spirit OR we could 'outmanouver' the hyperspace dimensions 4-5-6-7 in using the 10th dimensional timeconnector of quantum space.
    Only the highest of the highest presences in this universe even know about the 10th dimension, as they, as you know, are 8D.
    So their perceived 'superiority' cannot handle the energy from the 10th dimension and you and your mother would be quite 'safe' in such a scenario and under the auspices of Thuban.
    But my simple advice is now to simply ask your mother and in view of my response here; as to what she thinks about our plan.
    Did you know that the Irish are 'Serpent people' as a race; after the Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Daan)?

    Love Abrax

    She says go ahead... Post the entirety...She does what you said we could do ... I don't understand how it works .. she says it's like turning up the dial on a radio, shifting gear... It was a problem at the beginning as my connection to her was something i didn't understand and was of corse cautious that she may have been a Black ops mind cotrole memory plant or a negitive 4th dimentional reptilian entity...duping me... much has gone on since then and I soon grew to recognise her energy instantly... I've found some interferance before... enrgies hijaking our phone line so to spaek and I knew they were not her strait away... also this was before a few cerimonial initiations I went through with her, attuning to her on a deeper level and then i started to get all this memory recall ... She did have some problems on her end with some of the "Managment team" but she has over-riden that.. she said yuo do your thing, the 10 d stuff and she'll meet you half way!! I understand not the technicalities here.... so I guess Post the entire thing....

    Yeah the irish are the serpant people.. I am a mongrel... Scotish/Irish father descended direct line from a Hungerian night templer who married king Malcome of Scotlands sister Beatrice.... a big mural on the Roslym chapel of him with queen Margorate of Scotland on the back of his horse while he carries the rod of destiny (what ever that was?) My father was his great great great (a few more greats) grand son... ( Big posh titled family bla bla.. sacred bloodline and all that mish mosh) Whinston Churchhill my grandfathers first cousin... Whinston's mother American Jenny Jerome and her sister Leonie, my great great great geandmother were a quarter Iroquai (I think thats how yo spell it) red indian..

    My own mother is half German Hapsberg prodestant and half Hungerian Jewish.... So there is a lot of hungerian in there amongst celtic, jewish, red indian and god knows what else?? But I feel irish through and through... as I have absorbed so much of the ground energy here and am very attuned to the grid lines here... I do fireing up the grid work on some of our ancient sites (Star gates)... I yak on a lot i'll quit now!! lets start the post!! thanks Abraxasinas, your energy reminds me of my now departed father.. a great light worker and ancient soul... A big kind sensitive old dragon if ever there was one....
    Blessings Antoinette

    She is a very wise Dragoness your Mother Antoinette. I shall consult with her partner


    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!

    Re: ONE

    #31658 March 27th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    the luck o'the irish huh?
    top o'the mornin' to ya!

    Post last edited May 7th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE
    #31665 March 27th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Dragon Lore for You dear Arctourist, traveller of the galaxies!


    Your family from the Stars


    Re: ONE

    #31679 March 27th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    thanks huh?
    music is as close to spirit as anything,well what isn't spirit,right?
    wow,there's so many great expressions,it could take a hundred lifetimes just to properly sample a bit of it all,not to mention add to the pile...what seems to be growing,is really just having been forever already...
    here's to the future,when hopefully we can review these moments properly!

    Re: ONE

    #31759 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Hmm... Hence... "Irish Eye's Are Smiling" ;)

    I am quite familiar with these stories. You have great detail in here, very concise representation indeed.

    Thank you. I believe understanding these things so clearly can be a big step in the reunification of The Great One. smile.

    Thank you for sharing!

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #31907 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Legend of Atlantis

    Our Forgotten History Part 2; Lemuria

    The Celestine Prophecy - Giving Energy

    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32039 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:


    Just saying the fine character here is unbelievable. I think Kerry should be very proud of this one.

    PS. I would like to note also that I highly suspect SC to be one who has recently left here and is also a troll who got booted off from Gaia Souls for being nasty. Then went back in another guise. But I am no longer a member there so I don't care. Several of these others are also on there trolling people to suppress info. They are doing it because they benefit from the status quo, the NWO plan. So that is why all the racket, They know the truth is coming out anyway one way or another.;)




    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32040 March 27th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    One only has to google your chosen name and read a few of the entries. I guess Google called you a "whore."

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32041 March 27th, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    Oh well everyone knows, that Mary and Ishtar are the same being, ... and, Mary, the true Queen of Heaven, is not identical with Ishtar, ...

    anyworm, definately not a whore!


    Re: ONE

    #32042 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Hehe, I love this guy! Check it.:D

    How Osiris Became Immortal

    Lord Vishnu and the 10 Avatars


    YOGA KIRTAN "Sita Ram" by JaiMa James

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32045 March 27th, 2011
    Raven wrote:


    Fret not dear Mary they do not know your mother and father...

    (105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."

    Love, Raven
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32048 March 27th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    Oh the deepest mysteries - what does all this mean?

    How can the Lover of All say such things?
    What are the hidden secrets he does know?


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32049 March 27th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    I am not fretting Loves! I just wanted Tommy to see it. I know what they do not. That is why I have no fear. The ignorance is however astounding.


    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32053 March 27th, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    The message in question was removed. Reason was the fact that it was used completely out of context and as a result became a profanity matter.

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32070 March 28th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    if it talks like it and walks like it and its named like it. and acts like it . we call it a whore. and than you go cry onoes htey call me a whore. yep thruth is hard. where is the FREE SPEECH and logical reasoning now., gone dismissed, for what for your egoistic being. and acting. whoring on this forum and ....

    i see you like copy paste. and than no own real add onto it,; lemme copy paste this for you, and will add more later.

    feel free top use this in ya other forums whre you guys whore together. and work out the a-b-c postings of you responding to the person with multible person disorder and than the followup and why to seduce as a whore does.

    and well you choose your nickname didnt you. so dont go play misses innocent here. your actions speak for its own.

    soo copy paste. the one whom claims more than she is.

    Live To Tell (Beast Within Lyrics)
    I am the whore of Babylon
    I mock the pope and the greedy vatican
    Religion spills a sea of blood
    In the name of christ and for the great of God
    I ride upon the Beast so high
    My name shines up in lights
    What is wrong or right
    The world looks on in awe, as I
    hang upon the cross and tour
    The Beast will use his charms
    The false prophet sounds us to a race or arms
    Mankind will end in suffering
    In the cry of death what Planet X will bring
    I ride upon the Beast so high
    My name shines up in lights
    What is wrong or right
    The world looks on in awe, as I
    Hang upon the cross and tour
    I am the whore of Babylon
    A crown that fits me well
    Listen to my spell
    Confess your sins to me, and I
    Will keep you from the gates of hell
    The Bible fortells
    God's will it must be done
    He gave us his son
    Were heading for war
    Like never seen before
    I hold out my hand
    Please listen to my words
    Please understand
    I am the faith
    I am the truth
    I am the light

    But where is Babylon, you ask? And where is its great god Marduk?

    Rev 17:15 The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples,
    and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

    Is Babylon not the entire world or "world culture"? It was so in ancient times when the world was young and had a common tongue, what is referred to by historians as Indo-European.

    We are the world. The world is a vast community linked together by the information superhighway and every conceivable form of individual and mass communication and interaction currently possible.
    The Tower of Babel The Internet

    The Internet is the cyber version of the "Tower of Babel," which was itself the greatest monument ever erected to ancient Babylonian "globalisation."


    "Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of the Goddesses, revere the queen of women, the greatest of the deities. She
    is clothed with pleasure and love. She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness. In lips she is sweet;
    life is in her mouth. At her appearance rejoicing becomes full."

    Tantra sex One need no longer fornicate in the flesh. Visit any one of thousands of webcam sex sites online and you can experience the pleasures of mutual masturbation with another person any time you wish. This is a crude prototype of the ritual sex and tantric sex that is to come later when Madonna becomes the great harlot, Ishtar.

    Madonna fornicates daily with millions upon millions of men and women whose image they have sealed in their foreheads in the form of photos and live videos, concerts and interviews. She throws out sexual energy that consumes them like a divine light, all colours in one.

    Both sexes throw themselves at her feet, prostituting their own images via email in return for sexual favours from the great goddess, laying them at her altar as offerings in hopes of being selected as her favourite for a night's or weekend's pleasure. The lust of the great harlot is insatiable: when humans are not available, there remains a very large collection of sex toys.

    Beware this practise as some of you who offer up yourselves may instead be selected for human sacrifice! The god she serves is a hungry god and was created to devour human beings.

    The timing of her ascension and the coming of Planet X is not a coincidence. Planet X is the ancient planet god of the Babylonians, Marduk. The ancients did in those days worship the celestial bodies themselves as gods. And when the gods grew angry and devoured half the world, sometimes in battle with each other, the humans sought to appease them with sacrifices.
    The Entu

    Britney is a member of Madonna's stable of whoresWhy have the super-sluts like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and other would-be "whores of Babylon" descended upon us in such a great multitude?

    There are two reasons:

    1) Partly because they belong to a harlot elite system that serves Madonna. They are the modern version of the entu.

    Ishtar's sacred harlots belonged to an organised hierarchy, painstakingly recorded by the Babylonians. Her top-ranking priestesses were called entu, and wore special clothing to distinguish them from the others. Their caps, jewellery and ceremonial staff were the same as those of the ruler, and their status equal to those of the male priests.

    2) As backup.

    It is a simple case of not placing all your eggs in one basket. If the designated one fails in her mission, there must be another to take her place. Also, the more delicious treats for the great god shall remain to be devoured when they have their souls cracked.


    Why are they almost always blonde and fair-skinned?

    Because they must reflect the perfection of the Aryan race, whether or not they are truly of Germanic-North European stock. It is a supreme irony that both the hope of the world and the damnation of the world will come from this part of Europe (not at the same time, of course).

    In any event, you have been warned. The age of Europa, Ishtar, Esther is upon us. When the prostitute rides the bull to market (the EU beast) wearing scarlet and crowned with a garland of obscenity, holding the golden chalice of Apollo in her hand which shall brim with blood, you shall know the time has arrived.

    Room for Failure?

    Of course! I have stated this time and again over the years. These "powers that be," a diversity of groups that share common interests and goals, which some of you have given the blanket designation of "Illuminati," have tried unsuccessfully to place key individuals in positions of authority: the unholy trinity of beast, false prophet, and whore of Babylon (who, ironically, is also destined to be the ultimate human sacrifice when, at the urging of the false prophet, the beast seeks to consummate his lust with her by incinerating her and her people with nuclear fire).

    They have always failed in the end; often because they have been unable to place all three personalities in power at the same time.

    Thus, Adolf Hitler and, more recently, John F Kennedy, were groomed for the role of the beast. But no acceptable candidate could be found to be Hitler's false prophet or to function as the great Babylonian harlot. Hitler needed to create a global empire, a new Babylon called the Third Reich, to accomplish this so that these individuals could be installed later. He, of course, failed in his mission.

    raq dagôn nišar alayw

    July 22, 2009 (7:40 AM EDT), UPDATED August 23, 2009 (4:02 AM EDT): The Great Harlot is now preparing to meet ALL the characteristics attributed to the ancient/future "Whore of Babylon" as she drags a great veil of DEATH and DARKNESS behind her ... Soon she shall attain to goddess-hood as I predicted in my September 2007 article, "THE ASCENSION OF MADONNA: ISHTAR, THE FUTURE WORLD GODDESS." She will indeed assemble to herself the roles of Isis, Astarte, Anath, Asherah, Athirat, Sud, and Ninlil, "The Great Mother and Avenging Bride" and Atargatis and Derceto/Derketo, "The Goddess of Fertility" and later "the Goddess of Death." All of these incarnations lead to Madonna as the goddess Ishtar, Queen of Heaven, the Harlot Goddess, and Goddess of Life and Death.

    It is this final element, Death, the full knowledge and understanding of Death, empowerment through Death, lust for Death, lust for Murder, mastery over all that is of Death and the Dark places ... it is this which completes the personality profile of the Whore of Babylon, a licentious harlot who is continually drunken with the blood of the murdered and the sacrificed.

    Madonna, therefore, awaits the god Marduk (also known as Nimrod), the Babylonian and Sumerian gods descended from EL (Tôru ‘El, 'Bull El', or 'the bull god') and his many names and forms over the centuries (Osirus, Ellil, Enlil, Dagon, Gilgamesh, Latipan, and the infamous and monstrous bull-headed god Baal and Ba‘al Hammon for which many people, including children, were horrifically burned alive as human sacrifices inside various types of stone and brass furnaces, some of them bull-shaped, and upon bull-shaped altars of stone or brass).
    for if she is her role as The Whore of Babylon will NOT be realised and she shall become expendable to the TPTB.
    Should all current plans by TPTB be scrapped and a longer path taken (an idea suggested at a recent Bilderberg meeting), Madonna could suddenly find herself expendable ... and very, very dead (especially if she faces very real and damaging legal proceedings). Then she may very well die in a manner similar to that of Isadora Duncan, the last great modern international female icon of dance, spectacle, eroticism, and music, who was strangled dead in Nice by her own scarf in 1927 when it was caught in the spokes of a tire. Nostradamus gives us a glimpse of what could happen:

    Nostradamus, Quatrain 1.39 ~

    By night in bed the supreme one strangled, for having gone too far, the elevated blonde:
    by three the empire subrogated does suffer, to death, neither letter nor packet read.

    And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,
    having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her
    forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS

    And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus:
    and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (Rev 17:4-6)

    The Whore of Babylon will become drunken with the blood of saints, martyrs, prophets, and all people who are slain in her name

    And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. (Rev 18:24)

    Madonna is enacting various forms of death in her concert tour: human sacrifice, murder, suicide, and ruthless mass slaughter. Soon we may very well see her bring about the deaths of "Christians" portrayed by dancers.

    Now that Madonna has symbolically substituted herself for Christ on the cross, and in this current 2009 tour, completes the act by resurrecting herself from the dead, those powers that be who have enabled her to exert great power over a few billion minds (yes, I did say billion) will begin the slaughter of Christians in the Western world. It shall become a media event, a pastime over which the acknowledged high priestess shall officiate. All the bloodshed and beheadings shall be done as sacrifices to the great goddess and the more terrible hornéd god that gives her the power she now has ... a god to rival Yahweh or one of any of the great pantheons of the gods ... a god she is waiting for and ever watchful for ... her god. The persecution of the innocents shall begin long before that great persecutor himself comes, the beast or Anti-Christ as he is called, and the terrible judge and enforcer of the faith known as the false prophet.

    Gilgamesh, the king eternalThe meaning of the ox and the gilded horns of a hornéd god become quite clear when we understand what Madonna is truly waiting for.

    The god El and all of his manifestations were of a man wearing a helmet or crown with horns. In a later manifestation Ellil became Gilgamesh (right) and later Dagon (who had only one horn sprouting from his forehead).

    In this ancient pantheon, the wife of El through the generations took on both a good side ("the Great Mother" and "Queen of Heaven") and a dark and evil side ("the Goddess of Death"). As Isis, she rescued her husband god Osirus who was banished to the underworld and, in so doing, assumed power over both life and death. She later became a sea goddess whose symbol was that of the fish. Ironically, the fish later became the secret symbol of the early Christians.

    The fertility goddess Atargatis evolved into the goddess Derketo (Derceto) who appeared as the wife of the sea-spawned god Dagon as a half-fish, or mermaid. Dagon it is said swallowed whole naked virgins dangled above him as human sacrifices which Derceto eagerly provided him.

    A goddess of fertility and lust, the sign of Derketo was the fish, representing her powers of fertility and life.

    However, in other parts of the world she was worshipped as Derketa, the malevolent Queen of the Dead. The orgy festival of Derketo began with an exhibitionist show of dancers, priests and priestesses engaged in various sexual acts. The finale involved those in the audience joining in what became a mass, public orgy. Nothing was left out in her pageant of lust and death, even bestiality and necrophilia were included in the celebrations.

    Her sacred prostitutes (similar to "the Entu" of goddess Ishtar) were considered the embodiment of Derketo herself. She was a sexual predator who took the vitality of her lovers into herself either as a sacrifice or as a means of gratification of herself. She copulated with others, particularly young men, via deceptive guiles or illusions, sheer coercion or through her own personal attributes.

    Derketo evolved later in Babylonia as the harlot goddess Ishtar, who was linked to the god Nimrod/Marduk. Yet it was the god Baal (Hadad, Cronus, or the monstrous ox god Moloch) and her own insatiable sexual appetites and bloodlust that she served. As the goddess Anath (Anat) she is the sister and incestuous lover of Baal, but as Ishtar or as an Ashtart she is his wife and high priestess.

    When Madonna has completed her transformation, she shall become the whore goddess Ishtar. Then not only shall mass orgies be encouraged throughout the Western-enlightened world of the beast and his image, but so shall the mass sacrifices to her god Baal. The whore shall drink deeply blood from the cup of millions of ritual murders, some conducted secretly, and "executions" by guillotines in state-run death camps, but not all sacrifices will be blood sacrifices. The hungry god will demand the total consumption of his victims and this can only be accomplished by fire or directly by cannibalism.

    The Preferred Method of Sacrificing to Baal

    Human sacrifice, the burning of incense, violent and ecstatic exercises, ceremonial acts of bowing and kissing, the preparing of sacred cakes, appear among the offences denounced by the post-Exilic prophets; and show that the cult of Ba'al and 'Ashtart (Ishtar) included characteristic features of worship which recur in various parts of the Semitic (and non-Semitic) world, although attached to other names.

    Classical sources relate how the Carthaginians burned their children as offerings to Ba'al Hammon (also known as Moloch). Such a devouring of children fits well with the Greek traditions of Cronus. Religious prostitution as a form of worship also may have been practised, especially when the Carthaginians began to recognize Ba'al as a fertility god. Scholars tend to see Ba'al Hammon as more or less identical with the god El, who was also generally identified with Cronus and Saturn ... Scholar Edward Lipinski identifies him with the god Dagon in his Dictionnaire de la civilisation phenicienne et punique (1992: ISBN 2-503-50033-1).

    Greek and Latin sources (speak) of the offering of children by fire as sacrifices in the Punic city of Carthage, which was a Phoenician colony. Cleitarchus, Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch all mention burning of children as an offering to Cronus or Saturn, that is to Ba‘al Hammon, the chief god of Carthage ...

    Paul G. Mosca, in his thesis described below, translates Cleitarchus' paraphrase of a scholia to Plato's Republic as:

    There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos (Ba'al), its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the 'grin' is known as 'sardonic laughter,' since they die laughing.

    The temple of Baal was a magnificent building supported by enormous columns, covered with gold, or formed of a glass-like substance which began to glitter and sparkle in a curious manner as the night came on. Around the temple walls were idols representing the Phoenician gods; prominent among them was the hideous statue of Moloch, with its downward-sloping hands and the fiery furnace at its feet ...

    There also might be seen the famous brazen bull which an Athenian invented for the amusement of Phalaris. Human beings were put inside, a fire was lit underneath, and the throat was so contrived that the shrieks and groans of the victims made the bull bellow as if he was alive. The first experiment was made by King Phalaris upon the artist, and the last by the people upon King Phalaris.

    A horrifying and extremely painful death in the red hot belly of the bull

    The bull (was) made entirely of brass, hollow, with a door in the side. The condemned were shut in the bull and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became “yellow hot” and causing the person inside to roast to death.

    The bull was designed in such a way that the smoke of the roasting human inside would rise in spicy clouds of incense, whereas the head of the ox was to be designed so that the screams were converted into the sound of a bellowing of a bull. It is said that when the bull was reopened, the scorched bones of the remains shone like jewels and were made into bracelets.

    The Romans were recorded as having used this torture device to kill some Christian martyrs, notably Saint Eustace, who, according to Christian tradition, was roasted in a brazen bull with his wife and children by the Emperor Hadrian. The same happened to Saint Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum during the persecutions of Emperor Domitian, and the first martyr in Asia Minor, roasted to death in a brazen bull in c.92; his tomb became a site of miracles. The device was still in use two centuries later, when another Christian martyr, Saint Pelagia of Tarsus, is said to have been burned in one in 287 by the Emperor Diocletian.
    "To the biblical Christian, Madonna is repulsive. Now she has publicly draped herself as if crucified, mocking Christ's sinless sacrifice upon Calvary. She brazenly wears a crown of thorns, brashly stretching out her arms as if impaled to the holy tree. She positions such displays just within prayer shot of the Vatican.
    Is this evidence of the antichrist spirit, or the Holy Spirit? It is evidence of the antichrist spirit that has long been within her.
    Every generation has its demonic icons of wickedness. Madonna has set herself up as one of this generation's prime spectacles. At the same time, when interviewed, she posits herself as a loving mother, caring individual for the downtrodden, and "just your down-home girl."
    Madonna, wearing the title of Jesus' mother, Mary, has long ago condemned her own soul..." -- J. Grant Swank
    Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.51 ~
    The blood of the just at London will be at fault, burnt by lightning bolts of twenty, three the six [666]:
    the mad lady falls from her high place, also several of her sect will be killed.
    NEW PREDICTION: 9/19/08 -- June 2011. Festival of the New God, a cult of which the beast is the high-priest, having abolished all major world religions. Either the Whore of Babylon or the actress that the mob pulled from the crowd and deified in November 2010, will officiate over all ceremonies associated with the new faith. This will likely include "sacred" sexual unions between worshippers and priestesses and human sacrifices. At this time a temple will be erected to the great horned god.

    end copy paste

    for misses Love Love Love (proclaimed)

    and AB?ST/TB/AR/and his other .. and his groupies, no wonder i needed to wake up from my my nap. them folks are at it again..


    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: http://tinyurl.com/chatr00m (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://irc.p2p-network.net/Project_Avalon
    Re: ONE

    #32072 March 28th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    can you tell me that.?!
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: http://tinyurl.com/chatr00m (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://irc.p2p-network.net/Project_Avalon

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32074 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:


    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #32076 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:


    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE

    #32079 March 28th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Mary oh Mary this is contagious!

    I would have thought you would reply with:

    "I AM!"

    Loverly indeed; as Eliza Dolittle would say in ole' London Town!

    And Foxy!

    My salute to your splendiferous serendipity!

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: ONE

    #32081 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Arachne wrote:
    Mary oh Mary this is contagious!

    I would have thought you would reply with:

    "I AM!"

    Loverly indeed; as Eliza Dolittle would say in ole' London Town!

    And Foxy!

    My salute to your splendiferous serendipity!


    I tried the direct "I AM!" approach, (Ishtar Vid) LOL, but I guess that needed to be expanded upon ever so slightly. ;)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32125 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Exellent post RAKMEiSTER - well reported.


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32153 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Yeah, I just googled the name and it came up whore. I was shocked. But I'm sure you already knew that didn't you? Mary I think you should contact google and all those other sites that have your name as a whore. That is where your fight is.

    I'd like to know what forum I was banned from...lol..Mary do what you're good at and copy and paste me here. I want to see this degenerate me from another forum. If I were to get banned I'd move on. I wouldn't cry and snivel like a goddamn baby.

    You can take this and post it on your forum. No charge.


    Love & Light

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32169 March 28th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    If I were to get banned I'd move on. I wouldn't cry and snivel like a goddamn baby.

    Funny, I've been thinking this exact same thought the last few weeks. Especially if I had other sites (plural) to propagate my prolific pontifications. (Don't you just love alliteration?)

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32173 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    space cow boy...well you should rightfully be banned,but those who were banned were wrongfully banned,so y'see there's a slight difference -maybe you'll just take it like a man and throw pies somewhere else like a,uh,hahaha,whatever you are...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32193 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    WOW. You have all proven yourselves to be Camelot caliber researchers! Congrats! You can use Google to find something some one else said about something you have no knowledge of, which surely makes you ready for a seat at Kerry's table! LOL. You are a perfect example of how easy it is to control and program the sheep. Haha. That said, I am amazed you could crawl off your rich azz's and lift a spoilt finger enough to get the job done, HA.
    ;)Like I said you benefit from the suppression and distraction from the purpose of the actual Project Camelot material. IN the long run you hurt yourselves and the whole with your choice of behavior. While you are pooing on people, there are children being abused and innocents being slaughtered and what do you do about it? Contribute to the problem. That's what. Enjoy the playground for one day you may no longer be able to. And ANY person, let alone a woman who stands up for herself against the nasty running this show on the planet should expect such ignorance to be expressed by those who are comfortable with the status Quo. The old way is soon to be a thing of the past, you might as well adjust to it like grown ups.

    As for the sad examples of 'femininity' who associate themselves with men who would act like this toward another female whom they have no personal knowledge of for any reason, I highly suspect you have been abused by either you father's or boyfriends, or husbands and thus are more deserving of compassion than the harsh words you would like to hear... But the I kinda doubt a few of you are women at all, as is same on Gaia souls one of many other sites where you are playing your childish games. Let us hope the children you raise have other role models in their lives if the human race is to ever stop senselessly slaying any thing it comes into contact with. I weep for you. Let us hope your daughters are brave enough to embrace their true female nature without having to have permission from an abuser to do so, and that you boys keep their hands off from other people's daughters.


    And that was your lesson for today you fine specimens! You the finest representations of humanity thinking for itself! ;)


    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32201 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    If you're so offended by the translation of your name change it. You think I made up the translation of your name? You knew what the translation of your name was when you selected it. Let me throw out a suggestion,


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32203 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    if it talks like it and walks like it and its named like it. and acts like it . we call it a whore. and than you go cry onoes htey call me a whore. yep thruth is hard. where is the FREE SPEECH and logical reasoning now., gone dismissed, for what for your egoistic being. and acting. whoring on this forum and ....

    i see you like copy paste. and than no own real add onto it,; lemme copy paste this for you, and will add more later.

    feel free top use this in ya other forums whre you guys whore together. and work out the a-b-c postings of you responding to the person with multible person disorder and than the followup and why to seduce as a whore does.

    and well you choose your nickname didnt you. so dont go play misses innocent here. your actions speak for its own.

    soo copy paste. the one whom claims more than she is.

    Live To Tell (Beast Within Lyrics)
    I am the whore of Babylon
    I mock the pope and the greedy vatican
    Religion spills a sea of blood
    In the name of christ and for the great of God
    I ride upon the Beast so high
    My name shines up in lights
    What is wrong or right
    The world looks on in awe, as I
    hang upon the cross and tour
    The Beast will use his charms
    The false prophet sounds us to a race or arms
    Mankind will end in suffering
    In the cry of death what Planet X will bring
    I ride upon the Beast so high
    My name shines up in lights
    What is wrong or right
    The world looks on in awe, as I
    Hang upon the cross and tour
    I am the whore of Babylon
    A crown that fits me well
    Listen to my spell
    Confess your sins to me, and I
    Will keep you from the gates of hell
    The Bible fortells
    God's will it must be done
    He gave us his son
    Were heading for war
    Like never seen before
    I hold out my hand
    Please listen to my words
    Please understand
    I am the faith
    I am the truth
    I am the light

    But where is Babylon, you ask? And where is its great god Marduk?

    Rev 17:15 The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples,
    and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

    Is Babylon not the entire world or "world culture"? It was so in ancient times when the world was young and had a common tongue, what is referred to by historians as Indo-European.

    We are the world. The world is a vast community linked together by the information superhighway and every conceivable form of individual and mass communication and interaction currently possible.
    The Tower of Babel The Internet

    The Internet is the cyber version of the "Tower of Babel," which was itself the greatest monument ever erected to ancient Babylonian "globalisation."


    "Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of the Goddesses, revere the queen of women, the greatest of the deities. She
    is clothed with pleasure and love. She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness. In lips she is sweet;
    life is in her mouth. At her appearance rejoicing becomes full."

    Tantra sexOne need no longer fornicate in the flesh. Visit any one of thousands of webcam sex sites online and you can experience the pleasures of mutual masturbation with another person any time you wish. This is a crude prototype of the ritual sex and tantric sex that is to come later when Madonna becomes the great harlot, Ishtar.

    Madonna fornicates daily with millions upon millions of men and women whose image they have sealed in their foreheads in the form of photos and live videos, concerts and interviews. She throws out sexual energy that consumes them like a divine light, all colours in one.

    Both sexes throw themselves at her feet, prostituting their own images via email in return for sexual favours from the great goddess, laying them at her altar as offerings in hopes of being selected as her favourite for a night's or weekend's pleasure. The lust of the great harlot is insatiable: when humans are not available, there remains a very large collection of sex toys.

    Beware this practise as some of you who offer up yourselves may instead be selected for human sacrifice! The god she serves is a hungry god and was created to devour human beings.

    The timing of her ascension and the coming of Planet X is not a coincidence. Planet X is the ancient planet god of the Babylonians, Marduk. The ancients did in those days worship the celestial bodies themselves as gods. And when the gods grew angry and devoured half the world, sometimes in battle with each other, the humans sought to appease them with sacrifices.
    The Entu

    Britney is a member of Madonna's stable of whoresWhy have the super-sluts like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and other would-be "whores of Babylon" descended upon us in such a great multitude?

    There are two reasons:

    1) Partly because they belong to a harlot elite system that serves Madonna. They are the modern version of the entu.

    Ishtar's sacred harlots belonged to an organised hierarchy, painstakingly recorded by the Babylonians. Her top-ranking priestesses were called entu, and wore special clothing to distinguish them from the others. Their caps, jewellery and ceremonial staff were the same as those of the ruler, and their status equal to those of the male priests.

    2) As backup.

    It is a simple case of not placing all your eggs in one basket. If the designated one fails in her mission, there must be another to take her place. Also, the more delicious treats for the great god shall remain to be devoured when they have their souls cracked.


    Why are they almost always blonde and fair-skinned?

    Because they must reflect the perfection of the Aryan race, whether or not they are truly of Germanic-North European stock. It is a supreme irony that both the hope of the world and the damnation of the world will come from this part of Europe (not at the same time, of course).

    In any event, you have been warned. The age of Europa, Ishtar, Esther is upon us. When the prostitute rides the bull to market (the EU beast) wearing scarlet and crowned with a garland of obscenity, holding the golden chalice of Apollo in her hand which shall brim with blood, you shall know the time has arrived.

    Room for Failure?

    Of course! I have stated this time and again over the years. These "powers that be," a diversity of groups that share common interests and goals, which some of you have given the blanket designation of "Illuminati," have tried unsuccessfully to place key individuals in positions of authority: the unholy trinity of beast, false prophet, and whore of Babylon (who, ironically, is also destined to be the ultimate human sacrifice when, at the urging of the false prophet, the beast seeks to consummate his lust with her by incinerating her and her people with nuclear fire).

    They have always failed in the end; often because they have been unable to place all three personalities in power at the same time.

    Thus, Adolf Hitler and, more recently, John F Kennedy, were groomed for the role of the beast. But no acceptable candidate could be found to be Hitler's false prophet or to function as the great Babylonian harlot. Hitler needed to create a global empire, a new Babylon called the Third Reich, to accomplish this so that these individuals could be installed later. He, of course, failed in his mission.

    raq dagôn nišar alayw

    July 22, 2009 (7:40 AM EDT), UPDATED August 23, 2009 (4:02 AM EDT): The Great Harlot is now preparing to meet ALL the characteristics attributed to the ancient/future "Whore of Babylon" as she drags a great veil of DEATH and DARKNESS behind her ... Soon she shall attain to goddess-hood as I predicted in my September 2007 article, "THE ASCENSION OF MADONNA: ISHTAR, THE FUTURE WORLD GODDESS." She will indeed assemble to herself the roles of Isis, Astarte, Anath, Asherah, Athirat, Sud, and Ninlil, "The Great Mother and Avenging Bride" and Atargatis and Derceto/Derketo, "The Goddess of Fertility" and later "the Goddess of Death." All of these incarnations lead to Madonna as the goddess Ishtar, Queen of Heaven, the Harlot Goddess, and Goddess of Life and Death.

    It is this final element, Death, the full knowledge and understanding of Death, empowerment through Death, lust for Death, lust for Murder, mastery over all that is of Death and the Dark places ... it is this which completes the personality profile of the Whore of Babylon, a licentious harlot who is continually drunken with the blood of the murdered and the sacrificed.

    Madonna, therefore, awaits the god Marduk (also known as Nimrod), the Babylonian and Sumerian gods descended from EL (Tôru ‘El, 'Bull El', or 'the bull god') and his many names and forms over the centuries (Osirus, Ellil, Enlil, Dagon, Gilgamesh, Latipan, and the infamous and monstrous bull-headed god Baal and Ba‘al Hammon for which many people, including children, were horrifically burned alive as human sacrifices inside various types of stone and brass furnaces, some of them bull-shaped, and upon bull-shaped altars of stone or brass).
    for if she is her role as The Whore of Babylon will NOT be realised and she shall become expendable to the TPTB.
    Should all current plans by TPTB be scrapped and a longer path taken (an idea suggested at a recent Bilderberg meeting), Madonna could suddenly find herself expendable ... and very, very dead (especially if she faces very real and damaging legal proceedings). Then she may very well die in a manner similar to that of Isadora Duncan, the last great modern international female icon of dance, spectacle, eroticism, and music, who was strangled dead in Nice by her own scarf in 1927 when it was caught in the spokes of a tire. Nostradamus gives us a glimpse of what could happen:

    Nostradamus, Quatrain 1.39 ~

    By night in bed the supreme one strangled, for having gone too far, the elevated blonde:
    by three the empire subrogated does suffer, to death, neither letter nor packet read.

    And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,
    having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her
    forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS

    And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus:
    and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (Rev 17:4-6)

    The Whore of Babylon will become drunken with the blood of saints, martyrs, prophets, and all people who are slain in her name

    And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. (Rev 18:24)

    Madonna is enacting various forms of death in her concert tour: human sacrifice, murder, suicide, and ruthless mass slaughter. Soon we may very well see her bring about the deaths of "Christians" portrayed by dancers.

    Now that Madonna has symbolically substituted herself for Christ on the cross, and in this current 2009 tour, completes the act by resurrecting herself from the dead, those powers that be who have enabled her to exert great power over a few billion minds (yes, I did say billion) will begin the slaughter of Christians in the Western world. It shall become a media event, a pastime over which the acknowledged high priestess shall officiate. All the bloodshed and beheadings shall be done as sacrifices to the great goddess and the more terrible hornéd god that gives her the power she now has ... a god to rival Yahweh or one of any of the great pantheons of the gods ... a god she is waiting for and ever watchful for ... her god. The persecution of the innocents shall begin long before that great persecutor himself comes, the beast or Anti-Christ as he is called, and the terrible judge and enforcer of the faith known as the false prophet.

    Gilgamesh, the king eternalThe meaning of the ox and the gilded horns of a hornéd god become quite clear when we understand what Madonna is truly waiting for.

    The god El and all of his manifestations were of a man wearing a helmet or crown with horns. In a later manifestation Ellil became Gilgamesh (right) and later Dagon (who had only one horn sprouting from his forehead).

    In this ancient pantheon, the wife of El through the generations took on both a good side ("the Great Mother" and "Queen of Heaven") and a dark and evil side ("the Goddess of Death"). As Isis, she rescued her husband god Osirus who was banished to the underworld and, in so doing, assumed power over both life and death. She later became a sea goddess whose symbol was that of the fish. Ironically, the fish later became the secret symbol of the early Christians.

    The fertility goddess Atargatis evolved into the goddess Derketo (Derceto) who appeared as the wife of the sea-spawned god Dagon as a half-fish, or mermaid. Dagon it is said swallowed whole naked virgins dangled above him as human sacrifices which Derceto eagerly provided him.

    A goddess of fertility and lust, the sign of Derketo was the fish, representing her powers of fertility and life.

    However, in other parts of the world she was worshipped as Derketa, the malevolent Queen of the Dead. The orgy festival of Derketo began with an exhibitionist show of dancers, priests and priestesses engaged in various sexual acts. The finale involved those in the audience joining in what became a mass, public orgy. Nothing was left out in her pageant of lust and death, even bestiality and necrophilia were included in the celebrations.

    Her sacred prostitutes (similar to "the Entu" of goddess Ishtar) were considered the embodiment of Derketo herself. She was a sexual predator who took the vitality of her lovers into herself either as a sacrifice or as a means of gratification of herself. She copulated with others, particularly young men, via deceptive guiles or illusions, sheer coercion or through her own personal attributes.

    Derketo evolved later in Babylonia as the harlot goddess Ishtar, who was linked to the god Nimrod/Marduk. Yet it was the god Baal (Hadad, Cronus, or the monstrous ox god Moloch) and her own insatiable sexual appetites and bloodlust that she served. As the goddess Anath (Anat) she is the sister and incestuous lover of Baal, but as Ishtar or as an Ashtart she is his wife and high priestess.

    When Madonna has completed her transformation, she shall become the whore goddess Ishtar. Then not only shall mass orgies be encouraged throughout the Western-enlightened world of the beast and his image, but so shall the mass sacrifices to her god Baal. The whore shall drink deeply blood from the cup of millions of ritual murders, some conducted secretly, and "executions" by guillotines in state-run death camps, but not all sacrifices will be blood sacrifices. The hungry god will demand the total consumption of his victims and this can only be accomplished by fire or directly by cannibalism.

    The Preferred Method of Sacrificing to Baal

    Human sacrifice, the burning of incense, violent and ecstatic exercises, ceremonial acts of bowing and kissing, the preparing of sacred cakes, appear among the offences denounced by the post-Exilic prophets; and show that the cult of Ba'al and 'Ashtart (Ishtar) included characteristic features of worship which recur in various parts of the Semitic (and non-Semitic) world, although attached to other names.

    Classical sources relate how the Carthaginians burned their children as offerings to Ba'al Hammon (also known as Moloch). Such a devouring of children fits well with the Greek traditions of Cronus. Religious prostitution as a form of worship also may have been practised, especially when the Carthaginians began to recognize Ba'al as a fertility god. Scholars tend to see Ba'al Hammon as more or less identical with the god El, who was also generally identified with Cronus and Saturn ... Scholar Edward Lipinski identifies him with the god Dagon in his Dictionnaire de la civilisation phenicienne et punique (1992: ISBN 2-503-50033-1).

    Greek and Latin sources (speak) of the offering of children by fire as sacrifices in the Punic city of Carthage, which was a Phoenician colony. Cleitarchus, Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch all mention burning of children as an offering to Cronus or Saturn, that is to Ba‘al Hammon, the chief god of Carthage ...

    Paul G. Mosca, in his thesis described below, translates Cleitarchus' paraphrase of a scholia to Plato's Republic as:

    There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos (Ba'al), its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the 'grin' is known as 'sardonic laughter,' since they die laughing.

    The temple of Baal was a magnificent building supported by enormous columns, covered with gold, or formed of a glass-like substance which began to glitter and sparkle in a curious manner as the night came on. Around the temple walls were idols representing the Phoenician gods; prominent among them was the hideous statue of Moloch, with its downward-sloping hands and the fiery furnace at its feet ...

    There also might be seen the famous brazen bull which an Athenian invented for the amusement of Phalaris. Human beings were put inside, a fire was lit underneath, and the throat was so contrived that the shrieks and groans of the victims made the bull bellow as if he was alive. The first experiment was made by King Phalaris upon the artist, and the last by the people upon King Phalaris.

    A horrifying and extremely painful death in the red hot belly of the bull

    The bull (was) made entirely of brass, hollow, with a door in the side. The condemned were shut in the bull and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became “yellow hot” and causing the person inside to roast to death.

    The bull was designed in such a way that the smoke of the roasting human inside would rise in spicy clouds of incense, whereas the head of the ox was to be designed so that the screams were converted into the sound of a bellowing of a bull. It is said that when the bull was reopened, the scorched bones of the remains shone like jewels and were made into bracelets.

    The Romans were recorded as having used this torture device to kill some Christian martyrs, notably Saint Eustace, who, according to Christian tradition, was roasted in a brazen bull with his wife and children by the Emperor Hadrian. The same happened to Saint Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum during the persecutions of Emperor Domitian, and the first martyr in Asia Minor, roasted to death in a brazen bull in c.92; his tomb became a site of miracles. The device was still in use two centuries later, when another Christian martyr, Saint Pelagia of Tarsus, is said to have been burned in one in 287 by the Emperor Diocletian.
    "To the biblical Christian, Madonna is repulsive. Now she has publicly draped herself as if crucified, mocking Christ's sinless sacrifice upon Calvary. She brazenly wears a crown of thorns, brashly stretching out her arms as if impaled to the holy tree. She positions such displays just within prayer shot of the Vatican.
    Is this evidence of the antichrist spirit, or the Holy Spirit? It is evidence of the antichrist spirit that has long been within her.
    Every generation has its demonic icons of wickedness. Madonna has set herself up as one of this generation's prime spectacles. At the same time, when interviewed, she posits herself as a loving mother, caring individual for the downtrodden, and "just your down-home girl."
    Madonna, wearing the title of Jesus' mother, Mary, has long ago condemned her own soul..." -- J. Grant Swank
    Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.51 ~
    The blood of the just at London will be at fault, burnt by lightning bolts of twenty, three the six [666]:
    the mad lady falls from her high place, also several of her sect will be killed.
    NEW PREDICTION: 9/19/08 -- June 2011. Festival of the New God, a cult of which the beast is the high-priest, having abolished all major world religions. Either the Whore of Babylon or the actress that the mob pulled from the crowd and deified in November 2010, will officiate over all ceremonies associated with the new faith. This will likely include "sacred" sexual unions between worshippers and priestesses and human sacrifices. At this time a temple will be erected to the great horned god.

    end copy paste

    for misses Love Love Love (proclaimed)

    and AB?ST/TB/AR/and his other .. and his groupies, no wonder i needed to wake up from my my nap. them folks are at it again..


    Rak, you totally out whore'd me.

    I'm not worthy. LOL!


    Love the light and shine

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32205 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Mary that was almost the largest pile of sanctimonious BS I've ever read. Anyone who has the audacity to disagree with you is either a dolt with a neanderthal mentality or some demur female idiot too afraid to think for herself. GET OVER YOURSELF!! If any one here is intolerant its you and your darkside psycho-babble. You substitute foolishness for intelligence time and time again.No one is impressed but you. If you would allow your swelled head to deflate you might save some money on hats.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32206 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    The message in question was removed. Reason was the fact that it was used completely out of context and as a result became a profanity matter.

    Greetings Tommy, I'm playing catch up on this whore thread that I seem to have started. As I explained, you google her name and it comes up whore. A previous post on the thread asked Mary what the translation of her name was, I responded in the thread with the translation of WHORE. I did make the mistake of not posting the link to WHORE. There were multiple links. I apologize for that.

    However, this shouldn't even be an issue because Mary knows the translation of her name and accepts it, but seems to take offense when someone brings it to her attention. Mary would have been wiser to not announce in a new thread the translation of her name and just let it die in the initial thread. She's done nothing but broadcast the translation to everyone scanning the threads.

    If you want to discuss this with me further you can do it here or PM me.


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32217 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Oh, and it was your friend Tra, haha, who brought up the issue of the name, and she/he is also on Gaia souls trolling. So W/E.

    I feel sorry for you, but people are truly embracing your inner monsters and I have no more to say to you. You are truly very ill, and maybe we can all send you some prayers or something... I got on here to contribute to the site, not take away from it with filth like what you keep oosing out of every poor. Go back to your day job.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32223 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Oh, and it was your friend Tra, haha, who brought up the issue of the name, and she/he is also on Gaia souls trolling. So W/E.

    I feel sorry for you, but people are truly embracing your inner monsters and I have no more to say to you. You are truly very ill, and maybe we can all send you some prayers or something... I got on here to contribute to the site, not take away from it with filth like what you keep oosing out of every poor. Go back to your day job.

    I never heard of "Gaia Souls". (must be popular ermm. ) Perhaps you could do a copy and paste instead of making crazy accusations.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32225 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Oh, and it was your friend Tra, haha, who brought up the issue of the name, and she/he is also on Gaia souls trolling. So W/E.

    I feel sorry for you, but people are truly embracing your inner monsters and I have no more to say to you. You are truly very ill, and maybe we can all send you some prayers or something... I got on here to contribute to the site, not take away from it with filth like what you keep oosing out of every poor. Go back to your day job.

    Geez Mary why so bitchy? Do you deny that that is the translation of your name and that you knew that before you chose that name? And why start a WHORE thread and bring all this attention to the translation of your name if you're ashamed of it?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32227 March 28th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:

    Meaning of Mary
    - What does the name Mary means?
    Gender: Girl Name
    Origin: American
    Name Meaning:
    Derived from the Hebrew Miryam,
    a name of debated meaning.
    Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow."
    However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion,"
    "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea."
    The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Jesus, the son of God
    Origins: View this name in other origins
    - American, Biblical, English, Irish, Hebrew, Scottish
    Variants: Mari

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32228 March 28th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:

    The girl's name Mary is Marie in French origin
    and it is a variant of Mary (Latin)
    and means: "star of the sea."

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32229 March 28th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:

    Mary is an object of great veneration in the Catholic Church,
    however, we all know,
    that 'the truth' is NOT found, within the catholic church
    which did NOT eXist prior to approx 300AD

    Mary is also often used in blend and compund names, such as Mary Jane and Rose Mary.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32230 March 28th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    Not the full name used...

    this post can be copied N PASTED

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32231 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Ex, that's bullshit. I'll get into it with you later if you want, but right now I'd like to know why Mary is ashamed of the translation of her name. I'll post the numerous whore translations if Mary would like, but I'm sure she knows them and has read them all.
    Post last edited May 8th 2011

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