Dragons Principles of Navigation A most interesting thread regarding navigation through Dragons and Minotaurs this is. Dragons and like creatures are guardians of the next level. They do it by responding to energies of fear -- anything based on fear. They can smell it. They are Divine and are good at what they do. Dragon Posts Post 1 Posted by Jorgelito Mar 26th Captivating reading -- dragons speaking their mind and letting their hair down -- letting go of the old patterns from their soul. Dragons respond positively to love, respect and kindness. Just like us. This is natural because all dragons live inside us and are a part of us. Jorgelito - Posted Jun 16th Post 2 You are one of very few old humans, who are actually aware of this Jorgelito. This fact alone and your non dismissal of this information as data in possible outcomes and cosmic potentialities, renders you as as a new starbound human by association. Welcome to a new world in the self making Doug! Tony 74 Post 3 Emeth, you have a knack for cutting to the chase. Jorgelito - Posted Jun 16th Post 4 indeed Post last edited Sep 10th Post 5 The 'Chase' becomes the Navigation of the Mother of all Mothers Jorgelito and Melissa. And she is not to be 'messed with' as many unknowingly often do. She does like to be made a fuss about though. = [5:04:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw that [5:05:01 PM] Sirius 17: very uncanny [5:05:26 PM] Sirius 17: [6/15/2013 7:53:56 PM] julissa279p: Raven you there? [6/15/2013 7:55:38 PM] julissa279p: do you remember when Mary and Bobbie were here and Tony said then that the Blueys were still inside our wombs waiting for us to birth them in the future [6/15/2013 7:55:46 PM] julissa279p: did that time come yet? [6/15/2013 11:43:42 PM] Allisiam: metaphysically it has happened but physically they are still in the womb because this is contact and the physicalization Xeia. [6/15/2013 11:44:12 PM] Allisiam: this is July 8th [6/15/2013 11:45:41 PM] Allisiam: The birth of them is the new merkabbah and the new world in manifestation [6/15/2013 11:46:00 PM] Allisiam: when ABBA finally becomes seen [6/15/2013 11:47:08 PM] Allisiam: according to Tony, the physical birth is not possible until after the 5th of july because of they way the mirrors are set up on the timeline. [6/15/2013 11:51:14 PM] Allisiam: by then the mirror of Ezekiel will complete its entrappment of the old world and the final imprisonment of the Devil within the body and the new world will be released. If i am reading this chart right that is, Tony can clarify. [6/15/2013 11:54:16 PM] Allisiam: Daniels mirror is the forward mirror from Dec 21st and is the continuation of the Ezekial mirror in the short times. [6/15/2013 11:55:29 PM] Allisiam: the temple is being rebuilt now and will be completed on the 5th and released on the 8th after the 3 and 1/2 days. [12:02:04 AM] Allisiam: after that things can physicalize but not before [5:05:42 PM] Sirius 17: this is not sending through on the YYY channel so pasting it here [9:37:45 PM] Emeth: Yes, Raven this is the case. I have edited the Baab=Gate chart now and can see the Armageddon code manifesting as I said in the edit. [9:38:16 PM] Emeth: Armageddon is June 17th, 2013 for the thoughtforms, as old as the human presence on Gaia. [9:40:43 PM] Emeth: Look at my reply to Jorgelito and Melissa. You see there, that the old memeplexes of the Drag(on)King aka the 'Beast' or Yaldebaoth aka Jehovah aka aka and that of the Drag(on)Queen as the 'Old Babylon' aka Barbelo etc are the symbols for the sexual separatedness. This means the potential HeShe manifests as a waveform as a Heshe in the old maleness of Adam and the potential SheHe incarnates in morphology or bodyform as a Shehe. [9:41:13 PM] Emeth: This separation is 'healed' in the JCCJ as the Lake of Fire and Brimstone of the Dragonomy. [9:41:58 PM] Emeth: This brings The old drag(on)s together as a 'doubling' and renders the Heshe a HeShe and the Shehe a SheHe. [9:42:19 PM] Emeth: I have coded this on the Baab chart. [9:43:40 PM] Emeth: But effectively, this means that all DragonQueens as Starhumans have 'confiscated' the 'Great Phallus Symbol' of the Old Devil and vice versa, all 'Blueys' will have received the Vagina-Yoni of Old Baphomet in the metaphorical sexchange-twinning mirror of the cosmos itself. [9:44:52 PM] Emeth: Now this is a template function of course as a new cosmic symbol or archetype and the acceptance or reception of this 'new definition' or harmonisation, is what the Armageddon=Dragon Made= Get Fucked! is all about. Post 6 Navigation through the Dragon of the Mother of all Mothers Emeth, I think I know this Dragon, Mother of all Mothers; she can create Heaven & Hell at a moment's notice (sometimes to our chagrin) -- responds a hundred-fold to love, light and freedom -- best seen and experienced in the love and the light -- a loving friend she is -- able to create whatever at a moments notice -- a dragon we awaken ourselves to be -- I can see -- and one we can love without a bit of fear -- because we and the dragon are one -- and we do enjoy being made a fuss over!! This is I navigate . . . The myth of the Minotaur tells a story similar to that of the Mother of all Mothers; however, this dragon is not so friendly as the one of Shrek. In at least one version, it was being in the love that enabled the hero to navigate past the Minotaur. Thank you Emeth for bringing these memories to me! I could listen to Kenny Ball & His Jazzmen and Lara's Theme for hours and hours. What I can offer is Black & White Tights. Post 7 Emeth141 - Posted 12 Hours Ago A very appropriate and potent message from you Jorgelito. The Minotaur is also the Chiron of the Greeks in the Cosmic Healer and relates to a very ancient but eternal 'Poem of the Gnosis of Universal Truth' - "The Hymn of the Pearl", and an allegorical story, which Thuban adapted as in the below. It likewise relates the story of the cosmic exile experiencing its incarnation and awaiting its universal homecoming. Emeth 141 aka Whynot 1111 aka Tony 4774 Post 8 Jorgelito - Posted 6 Hours Ago These stories take me "home", Emeth141. The feeling is like being with people I love. Something like this . . . ps Love Story was great!
Meeting Minotaurs and boundaries FEELS the same See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minotaur We learn to make boundaries around ourselves, not of brick and stone but of stuff that makes us scared, want to judge, want to unfriend. This keeps the world away for awhile so we can cocoon and get strong. We experience a need for boundaries early in life because just about everybody knows what hurt feels like, what trauma feels like. Sometimes the boundaries have to do with sex, love, relationships, money, religion. You name it. When we're close to one of these boundaries, we feel "uncomfortable" for no reason or for many reasons. Our response, whatever the reason, is automatic, unconscious, unambiguous. When my Mother reached 80, she put this sign on her door. We do this so we can rest and recuperate body and soul. When we become too uncomfortable being comfortable, we can choose to be happy again! Barbara Dad Mother Sister Brother-in-law Nieces Gydnia
Up Close and Touchable a boundary experience It's the feeling we might experience when we approach the boundaries that define who we are, a mixture of dread and relief, adventure and excitement.
Pancake & Griddle - a Boundary Experience We make boundaries for ourselves that define who we are. One of my first was PANCAKE AND GRIDDLE. I wouldn't talk until three, but I loved pancakes. So it was my good fortune my needs were met without having to talk. Both Granny and Mother understood what I wanted. For example, when I wanted pancakes . . . . . . I would drag the pancake griddle out of the pantry and hand it to them. They knew what to do. Later when I was a teenager, my Mother told me in no uncertain terms she was NOT a mind reader! Autumn leaves are falling. And it's time to put the griddle back in the pantry. I love you Mother. I love you Granny.
Love and Freedom A weight is lifted when we let go the boundaries we have so carefully constructed, no longer necessary, allowing others and oursselves to be as we choose.