Principles 24 - Stillness

Discussion in 'Principles' started by Jorgelito, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    It's a space in-between made of stillness (the same stillness of the trees, the ocean and the land) where things are real and true, the light is clear and knowledge is certain. In this center all things come to a stop.

    You can't see it. You can't taste it. But you might feel it when things are quiet. it ripples through everything like wind through the trees and makes tracks in the sand.

    This is my source, refuge and friend no matter what I think feel say or do. Is this that being in the bathroom each morning, 5 '8" and needs a shave? This I don't know, but I imagine / remember / feel I embody a stillness and nothing more.






    Before my sister died, I would visit her everyday. When I touched the wooden gate, it made all my concerns lift. It made for a really good visit!

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016

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