Dimensions A dimension is like a tree. There’s just one. The low-down is that there’s but one being, one thing in whose life, body, energy and matter we share. We call it sharing when we forget that we are this being. When we do remember, we just call it being -- being, shinning, pouring out in a million ways . . . Examples when-I’m-with-you-nothing-else-matters how to make a cannon for a boy in 1913 illustrated by The Boy Mechanic having-friends between-heaven-and earth We have many planes of existence and they’re all good. This is an illustration . . . The designaitons of First, Second and Third (and their symbols) refer to Logos. These aspects break out how (the way and the power) life (including human) takes on form. Each aspect takes on different forms as it “clothes itself in the matter” of the various dimensions. So they have different names . . .
Synchronicity energy bleed through What we call synchronicity is being aware of the "bleed through effect" of our souls, group souls, personalities, events things going on at the same time, in different times, different places. Things bleed through because there are no hard and fast boundaries between energies. And there is only one energy going -- the present one -- we're picking up, remembering things -- maybe days ago, years ago, centuries ago. In a construct that all is one energy, events are not separated from each other. In linear time we call it CAUSE AND EFFECT. Outside of time, we just call it NOW -- connected-by-meaning-time.