Humpty D Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses and all the king's men Could not put Humpty Dumpty together again I have done it again! I've gone out and broken myself up into parts -- into parts good and bad. Something like Humpty Dumpty. I know I'm in pieces by the finger pointing going on inside me. At one time it seemed like a good thing to do. I thought it would make me feel better if I was better. It didn't work out. I'd rather be alive in one piece than be better in a million pieces! Can We Repair Humpty D? Light gets through to us through the cracks. By opening these cracks even more, we allow even more light to come through -- and so eventually the entire egg glows with light from the inside out. We create a model of the world that makes obsolete a world of good and bad. Just one world. What kind of world might this be? How do we do this? Putting Humpty D Together Again Does it need to be complicated? Love unites and pulls things together. Exactly what we need here! It's too complicated for me to figure out, so I'm putting everything down as well as I can -- and gift wrapping it for Heart to do as It will. It helps if you think dog . . . You never know how these things work out. We will see! SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jan 2nd 2013 why don't you put all of these HD posts on one thread ??? (instead of 3 separate threads) Post last edited May 27th SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jan 2nd 2013 could i also ask...what does this have to do with THUBAN - and, General Forum : General Preparatory Indicators your chosen category to place this in ? A Beautiful Thread Pursued it looks like this . . . everything included; nothing excluded Susan, I did select General Preparatory Indicators as the homeof Humpty D with some thought . . . THE WATERS (Humpty D joins all the broken shells I am), SUN (Presence being IAM andWE ARE), WIND (The Force that gives life with the breath we breathe) and EARTH (in progress) are required to be fully operating in a man's soul (at least in this man's soul) to be fully alive and conscious. My goal is be fully conscious in this body in this lifetime. Thuban space (this includes all those attracted to Thuban) is assisting in this process. The time is ideal right now. It's an exciting time! Humpty D and all my posts in General Preparatory Indicators are to assist me and to co-create with others a path of waking up. The posts on Thuban (not just mine) help me get unlost, but as I see it, they all refer to ONLY one thing that I need to prepare for. Thuban is remarkable; it has so much loving creative energy as wide as the ocean. Thank you Thuban! If you want to move my posts, you have my consent. --- Hmmmm. I think I just wrote my soul contract!