Prayers For Dr. Zelenko & Prayers For Dr. Kerrie Madej ~ 27 June 2022 At 6;30pm Es

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Prayers for Dr. Zelenko &

    Prayers for Dr. Kerrie Madej

    ~ 27 June 2022 at 6;30PM est

    i_icon16. THEeXchanger

    Posts : 5440
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth
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    [​IMG] Prayers for Dr. Zelenko & Prayers for Dr. Kerrie Madej ~ 27 June 2022 at 6;30PM est

    [​IMG] THEeXchanger Today at 5:37 pm
    My dear friends and heroes, Dr Vladimir Zelenko
    (Velvel Wolf Zev ben Leah) and Dr Carrie Madej,
    are BOTH in need of immediate prayers.

    Dr Zelenko (who’s been fighting terminal cancer for 4 years)
    has just undergone a surgery to remove a blood clot on a tumor
    around a chamber of his heart and (separate incident)
    Dr Madej was just in a plane crash and Is also undergoing surgery.
    I will update with additional and forthcoming info below.
    UPDATE: Dr Zelenko survived surgery.
    The doctors said it was a miracle.
    He hasn’t woken up yet, G-d willing tomorrow.
    Continued prayers that the surgery is successful are requested.
    UPDATE: Dr. Madej’s website is hosting a zoom prayer
    this evening at 6:30 PM EST.
    There are 100 spaces open to anyone who would like to pray.
    They are also streaming it on Instagram.
    Instagram stream:
    @kiwiblokedaza @love17andyahweh
    @drcarriemadej @drzelenko

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    @13LiNESofSPiRiT @dacase @love17andyahweh

    Hero’s! All of you behind the scenes, in the Armed Services and on the front lines…

    The world will forever be Eternally Grateful to all the Patriots risking and sacrificing so much, sometimes all.

    ANZUS Allies in New Zealand sending prayers for God’s Blessings, Protection, Love, Wisdom, Guidance and Grace to you all.

    Your countless, unseen heroic deeds will forever serve Free Humanity.

    History will prove all your combined bravery, an active part with Witnessing Biblical Prophecy being fulfilled before the eyes of the world.

    Eternal Gratitude for your service. Thank you indeed.

    Pray Patriots… our combined Prayer weapons are needed in this battle – we all make a difference at this time in Humanity.
    The Truth Sets us all Free.

    Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
    against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Invisible enemy)
    Psalms 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
    thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

    Remember Digital Patriots - Dis-info is necessary in Art of War at strategic times.
    Including Patriot outrage = *Optics
    Marathon not Sprint = catch them ALL. Help Freshly Awake Human - BE kind (to Self the most).
    We ALL are “mushroom / jigsaw pieces” in this Global Drama playing out like a horrid,
    evil mash-up between a Mad Max & Wrestle-Mania movie… and Ground Hog Day. Strewth!

    Pray for Almighty God’s Love to rid our Mother Earth of this “lower-Dimensional” Vibe of satanic evil.

    Defeat evil by Raising th’ Vibe Patriots – Sing, Dance, Laugh ya Booty
    – YES! Now great time! Laughter = Best Medicine. Sing & Play National Anthem & Pray Psalms 23:4 for a start…

    Transcend the Rage into stored fuel [calisthenics], Trust President Trump & the Military…
    Hold the Line Patriots = (keep out of Military Op’s way - & don’t take “frustrations” out on anyone - Meditate)
    Timing is everythinQ… do NOT start a battle that loses the Global WAR
    [5D Global Chess Board Irregular Warfare - Game Theory - One move unlocks another]
    Political Establishment Swamp + BIG Tech + MSM + Hollywood + BIG Pharma, BIG Finance
    - swamp Pay Masters = (invisible enemy) x Global x Decades] V Almighty God + Team President Trump + Proud Patriots Globally
    It’s already Biblical… and it’s gonna get MOAR BIBLICAL
    The Best is Yet to Come [1/1000 = NESARA/GESARA]
    Praise Almighty God for Team President Trump [Q+ especially]

    #GodWins #MAGAA #MEGA #Patriots #FREEDOM [Psalms 23:4]
    My pinned gabs have MOAR info

    #MilitaryDevolutionPlan to Save the Constitution & We The People Globally Deployed

    The Best Is Yet To Come - Trump 2020
    Very easily the president's finest and most inspiring speech to date. Get ready for a LANDSLIDE in 2020!!
    Here's to the FUTURE! #TRUMP2020

    I'm on Twitter. @StormIsUponUs


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    We have received credible reports that Dr. Carrie Madej, famous for her brave work
    exposing the contents of the bioweapon shots, was involved in a serious plane crash on Sunday afternoon.

    We have heard several claims about her current state of health, but out of respect to the family,
    we simply ask for prayers for Dr. Madej and her loved ones in this hour of need.


    join in prayers
    at 6;30pm est
    on 27 june 2022
    (see post #1 for details)
    thank you

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