Marc Caverly I would suggest that, if possible, and desired, to repeat the Gayatri mantra, a minimum of 11 times, while intending the vibrations to enter the water. This will infuse the water with LIGHT and the vibrations of the mantra. Water has memory, or at least the capacity to have memory. Water needs to be 'structured' to contain the memory. It is simple to do. Make a water tornado in the bottle (we all know how to do this), this creates a vortex and allows some of the water molecules to create structure, and this is how it holds memory. Nature does this naturally, whenever you see swirls, whether be a water fall, stream, or the ocean, or any other type of water in motion, it is naturally creating structure
Marc Caverly Also, I would like to suggest this beautiful book, as it relates to water. The Water of Life: Bringing Healing to People and Spirits with Heavenly Forces (Angelic Magick) The Water of Life: Bringing Healing to People and Spirits with Heavenly Forces (Angelic Magick)