Political Pandemic - Hamburg, Germany, 1979 - Global 2020 Jeanette Rocher On 2020 'pandemic

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 8, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Political Pandemic - Hamburg, Germany, 1979 - Global 2020
    Jeanette Rocher discusses the 2020 'Pandemic' and the PCR test
    with General Practitioner Dr. Stephen Malthouse in a Canadian TV broadcast

    The history and science of Immunology explained by Dr. Andy Kaufmann at the Red Pill Expo Conference 2020

    Andrew Kaufman, MD, addresses the Red Pill Expo 2020
    Jekyll Island and conducts what amounts to a basic course in virology.

    Based on this knowledge, which is taught at all medical schools in the world,
    he identifies five scientific frauds that are part of the official narrative of the coronavirus pandemic.

    They are:

    (1) the virus has been theorized but never identified.

    (2) The PCR test does not reliably identify the presence of the virus.

    (3) The symptoms associated with COVID-19 are common to many other conditions as well.

    (4) The genome sequence within the theoretical virus is unknown, so the missing components have been theorized and then proclaimed to be fact.

    (5) antibodies that are theorized as proof of the virus’ presence are placed into vaccines offered to fight the virus, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy:

    Treat a healthy person with the vaccine and automatically the antibodies injected into them will be proof that the patient has the disease.

    2020 October 10 – Source: Red Pill University/BitTube

    Political Pandemic
    Political Pandemic (bitchute.com)
    Political Pandemic - Hamburg, Germany, 1979 - Global 2020 Jeanette Rocher


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