Paying An Artist To Do Art, But, Then The Artist Claims You Can Not Use It ???

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 18, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    September 27, 2022 ·
    Shared with Public

    i'm looking for someone who knows
    the laws of art in ontario

    ~i paid an artist to do a private commission
    BUT, she tells me; that i do NOT actually OWN the art ???

    why would i hire someone for a private commission job…
    and; NOT want to OWN THE ART ???
    I WAS DOING IT FOR MY BUSINESS - not to hang on my wall !!!
    what they produced was a piece to hang on a wall
    NOT something that can be used for my business
    - because it was more important for her to get my money
    - and; start the project - before getting instructions form me on the project
    - are artists always hard to deal with ???

    curious ; susan


    • Deb Reasbeck
      This is why we need clear contracts before paying. If you paid to create what your vision is, it Should be yours. Just copywrite the art first.

    • Jemima Warrick
      If you wanted a logo to use publicly, did you say that?
      Cause seems clear sentence to say.
      Paint logo to be used by my business.
      That's obviously meant to be public, not on a wall

    • Nanette Crist
      In America we had an organization called volunteer lawyers for the arts... Of course this is a reverse situation but you might start there if they have such a thing in canada. It's a pro bono

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