Obama's Isomorphism And The Timeline 28ad-70ad-2008ad

Discussion in 'In Lak'ech: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba' started by Allisiam, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Nov 5th 2011

    Obama's Isomorphism and the Timeline 28AD-70AD-2008AD

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings to all the ones spread over the seven continental sisters! This message will be somewhat cryptic to the many, but highly informative to the few. This is a special dispensation and addresses the spiritual manifestation of the linear timeline of August 4th from 28 AD to 70 AD to 2008 AD.

    On August 4th 28 AD, a messianic 'image-temple' figure was baptised in a physical location upon planet earth.
    On August 4th 70 AD, the physical 'image' temple was destroyed in the form of Solomon's temple by the Romans under Titus.
    On August 4th 2008 AD, this 'image temple' was reimaged as a 'blessing' in physical reality and in a mapping between the years 1961 and 1989.

    At midnight November 4th 1996 AD, a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT was declared at a location upon planet earth.
    This MAT 'unfroze' a particular 'spacetime' from the universal cosmic wavefunction, which represents the physical universe of which this planet earth is a constituent part.
    In other words, the declaration of the MAT allowed the entire physical universe to become 'individuated' as a prototype for the multiverse or megaversal reproduction.
    The NOW-Time of the singularity so became 'mapped' in one-to-one correspondence to the evolving and expanding universe at MAT.
    To render peace possible upon earth; the true reasons for war must be addressed and accomodated.
    The reason for violence and war are not politico-economic, but they are mental and spiritual.
    The physical universe was born from the singularity in NOW-Time from its nonphysical image.

    This manifested a one-to-one correspondence or an Isomorphism between a physical emergent and a metaphysical precursor.
    This isomorphism necessitated a symmetry-breaking in the metaphysical realm, which manifested as a disharmonisation in the physical worlds.
    But this symmetry breaking created gravity from its antiphotonic parentage and so allowed the metaphysical singularity to manifest in a creation of spacetime functionality, also known as the Big Bang Cosmogenesis.
    The scientific models describing this are published elsewhere on the links and through other sources.

    The metaphysical reality is often denied by the inhabitants of the physical reality and this denial results in even more intense disharmonisations between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality, namely because the metaphysical reality is closely associated with mental processes and other immaterial energy communications.
    An appropriate axiom is: "What you resist, persists!"

    One outcome of this denial of the metaphysical selfhood becomes the manifesto of fear, say as defined as the absence of love or the spiritual darkness existing without the illumination of the spiritual light.
    The mis-identification of a physical locale as a spiritual- or metaphysical location serves as example.

    The politico-economic 'Nation-State' of Israel is partially mis-identified as a 'Spiritual Holy Land' and a 'Jew' or Israelite is partially mis-identified as a 'Special Genealogical Bloodline' or genetic inheritor.

    The Jewish patriarch Jacob (The Supplanter of Esau's birthright as firstborn) is RENAMED to Israel (A Prince with God) after a specific occurrence (wrestling with an angel say). Similarly, the human couple Abram&Sarai is RENAMED Abraham&Sarah (after communication with God and the establishment of a covenant).
    Jacob the patriarch or family man BECOMES ISRAEL, the Nation-State as a 'HOLY LAND' RELABELLED.

    In the 'bigger picture', say a particular 'master-plan', EVERY embodiment in the 'extended' bloodline of Jacob also is RENAMED as Abram to Abraham to "What's your name?" or WYN.
    Corresponding to this 'scriptural' reidentification then, is the MAT-definition for WYN's particular spacetime AS the COMBINED body-form with his physical and/or shadowed companion {Adam&Eve, Romeo&Juliet, He&She or He&Dreambaby or Dreambaby&She}.
    So what does this mean in regards to the 'United Federation of Nationstates' upon the planet earth?

    The metaphysical 'Unification of United New Earth' has become blueprinted in the MAT and the 'fulfilment of prophecy' with respect to the 'blessings' associated with the August 4th timeline (details are found elsewhere).
    This 'Unification upon earth', begins however to REHARMONISE the 'broken symmetry' between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality.
    The establishment of the archetypology, does not however infer the physical manifestation of this archetype in full.
    Albeit certain partial orderings of this reharmonisation will engage the definition processes for the MAT and the timelines of prophecy.

    And so we find a most unlikely scenario (as relative to the politico-economic structures controlling the earthly scenarios) in terms of the physical manifestations within the timeline markers as compared to the historical engagements without those markers.
    To fulfill prophecy, the politico-economic structures must be infiltrated, say in the form of a double-secret-agency.
    In familiar humanoid terms; the 'inside story' goes like this.
    The politico-economic structure is a manifestation of the timeline in self-evolution.
    The restricted and physically separated 'dominions' merge and blend through a historical timeline, say a precessional Maya-cycle UNTIL this blending reaches a certain saturation point, say the accessibility of physical global communication.

    This worldwide 'web' of physical communique so renders the harbouring superorganism as 'unified' in the 'physical' sense and allows the metaphysical 'web' to SHADOW this development.
    But the 'masterplan' requires INDIVIDUAL parts of the superorganism to become 'selfaware' enough to harbour the MAT definitions of what a spacetimed universe represents in the 'greater order of things' and as NO INDIVIDUAL can hitherto accomodate the necessary spacetime parameters required; and as the timeline is 'fulfilled'; whatever modality is in control (the politico-economic system) must CRYSTALLIZE the means to further 'fulfill' the timeline.

    Then for the prophecied endtime scenarios to play themselves out; the controlling system itself; will 'groom' the INDIVIDUAL required to change the course of its own agenda of control.
    This shall manifest as follows;

    Barack Hussein Obama is a secret double-agent, but he may only be partially aware of this role.
    His birthday is August 4th, 1961 and he is 'blessed' in the blessings of the Jordan, August 4th, 28ADn a particular context relevant to the manifestation of the logistical timeline.
    His role is to REPRESENT a MIRROR to the world as a relatively 'well-intentioned' and 'honest politician' and filled with integrity to manifest 'the common good'.
    Barack Hussein Obama IS that, what he is trying to represent and 'there is no inherent guile or deceit' in his mouth.

    History is repeating itself, with the metaphysical messiah of 28AD MIRRORING the world around himself in a physical context.
    Now some insight information.

    Jesus walked alone and without disciples or apostles from December 8th 24AD until his baptism by John the Baptist on August 4th, 28AD.
    Jesus did proclaim the 'kingdom of god' during that time, but without 'the blessing', he was one of many.

    Obama was a peacemaker on the campus at Harvard; unifying the proPalestinians with the antiPalestinians as well as black and white; Obama was elected president in that role.

    After the blessing, Jesus went into the wilderness for '40 days' and upon returning confounded the 'temple scribes' and also began to work in parallel with John the Baptist and began to associate disciples, from whom he later chose the apostles as direct inheritors of his wisdom, knowledge and 'gnosis'.

    Obama was 'handcuffed' until January 20th, 2009 - inauguration day, but HAD TO choose his 'inner circle' of advisors and 'co-decision' makers in his 'days in the wilderness'.

    Now Jesus chose his 'inner circle' of his own will or intuition; but Obama MUST chose those, who 'allowed him' into office.

    So the overall situation for the global community is this.
    There is ONE Obama, who would, and is expected to, to 'MAKE a difference'; not at least to 'change the image of the American president globally' and to 'manifest change in the order of things'; BUT Obama, the 'Most powerful man in the world as the president of the United States of America' CANNOT do so, without the collaboration of the politico-economic controllers 'behind the throne'.

    There is ONE Jesus, who would and could 'MAKE a difference' and who 'manifested change in the order of things'; because he acted locally and in relative obscurity with a personally chosen circle of immediate friends and initiates.

    What is the outcome of the True Barack Hussein Obama, the peacemaker and in an 'office' of a political 'True Prophet' of the Shalom, but who is trapped as a 'False Prophet' in the Image of the Beast of prophecy (Revelation.12-13ff)?

    Barack Obama will grow old before his time and conflicts with his own family will further frustrate him and the worlds around him.
    Barack Obama will tread the footsteps of Jesus as a promised messiah and desiring in his heart to fulfill the expectations placed upon him, he will continually be frustrated by the 'advisors' and 'power mongers' about himself.
    Barack Obama has an agenda of peace and 'goodwill to all men'; this is his office given to him by the circle of the illuminati.
    This illuminati KNEW, that the image of the USA as a global leader had to be changed and modified.
    This illuminati groomed Obama and opened certain doors to radiacally change the global perception and selfimage of the USA as mirrored to the rest of the world.
    The circle of the illuminati is NOT a group of people knowingly conspiring to 'rule the world'.

    The individual members of the illuminati are only peripherally connected to each other. Partial reason for this is the elimination of blackmail, abduction and the exposure to personal perils.
    The individual members of the illuminati are normal people and inheritors of the Abrahamic starseed promises like everyone else.
    What differentiates the illuminati-members is their independence from monetary and fiscal constraints and their thorough acceptance of the metaphysical realities.

    The illuminati has been instrumental in 'manipulating' the intelligentsia and the academics on one side of the spectrum and the under-educated and the bourgoise- and the peasantry on the other side.
    The academic 'rational' elite has been 'brainwashed' in the form of a limited 'power sharing' in the academic world and the 'irrational' populus has been 'brainwashed' in the form of the mass media.

    This mass media has become 'controlled' in its strict adherence to the principles and the modus operandi as set out by the 'brainwashed' academia.
    The illuminati fully embraces the 'gnosis' of astrology, scripture, science fiction and utopian scenarios.
    The illuminati knows that to stay in control; both the academical powersharing and the deception of the populus must remain steady.
    The illuminati also knows, that for some strange reason the prognostications of all things seems to fade out near the Mayan nexus point of 2012.

    All the fiscal freedom in the world, seems to be insufficient to ensure the continuity of the illuminated BEAST of the System.
    This BEAST of revelation is the Trap and Prison of Barack Hussein Obama.
    Obama speaks like a Dragon and has the horns of a lamb. Obama is a True prophet of God; yet he is also a False prophet of the Beast in whose image he has power to be what he is.
    Obama is the Image of God AND the Image of the Antigod.
    The God is metaphysical and the Antigod is the SAME God as a physical image.

    Jesus of 28AD was both, the Son of God and the Son of the Antigod as the Son of Man and as the Son of Satan.
    Because Jesus had a physical body, was he the Son of the Devil. Everyone in embodiment IS a Son of darkness!

    Obama and WYN, both are the Son of God in the footsteps of Jesus and also the Son of the Devil as say White and Black Lucifers or as the Morning Star of the Dawn and as the Evening Star of the Sunset as Venus and as Venusia and as White and Black Madonnas.
    The Falseness in Obama is the falseness of his embodiment and the Truth in Obama is the truth of his metaphysical embodiment as a spirit.
    Because Obama is a man, his MindWave is True, but his embodiment as a ParticleWave is False.
    As Michelle Obama is a woman, her Mindwave will come into conflict with Barack's Mindwave as a female goddess.

    Post 2012AD, should the union wither the approaching storms; the False prophet of Obama and the Jezebel of Michelle can become absorbed within the lake of Michelle's Fire and the Brimstone of Barack. This is the 'Heavenly Wedding' of Barack as a selfrealised HeShe in the Christening Dragonomy with Michelle as a selfrealised SheHe.
    In either case, the 'Death of the false Images' is the fulfilment of all prophecy and the 'scriptures' of the 'Holy writ' shall become placed upon the dustshelves of the human histories.

    To conclude; Barack Hussein Obama is divinely commissioned to do what he is saying he intends to do.
    Barack Obama is HELPING to bring the war between the 'Heaven of spirit' and the 'Hell of an earth' to an end.

    The name Barack Hussein Obama carries within the reconciliation between Christianity and Islam and so between the Western paradigmn and the Middle eastern worldviews.
    Barack Obama will EXEMPLIFY to the whole world what a 'honest politician' looks like and how such should behave, but will become compromised in his idealism by the pragmatism of the 'office'.
    Barack Obama so will MIRROR the corruption of the BEAST of the polito-economic systems back to the world, the populus and the illuminati.
    Barack Obama so will SHARE the frustrations of the populus in NOT being able to implement the things he promised as the 'false prophet', groomed by the illuminati.

    The whole world will FALL into DESPAIR, because Obama will be seen to be powerless to effect change.
    Because Obama has NO apostles and NO 'followers' who SHARE his visions, and despite the adoration of millions; because of that particular ONENESS of being a powerless messiah - the BEAST SHALL FALL!

    The BEAST shall fall and then many Obamas shall converge to reconstruct a United Nations, not toothless as a global instrument, but being comprised of Wisdom Carriers; native tribal chiefs from all around the globe and the seven continental sisters.
    An Orb of Elders, Unified within the vison of Barack Hussein Obama and a vision shared by themselves as their own vision; shall REINVIGORATE the oratories of Barack Obama and of Martin Luther King and of JFK and Abraham Lincoln and the founding fathers and of all the 'Speakers' in the office of Solomon, the Wise.

    Then the global war machine shall be dismantled and all military 'expenditure' shall become of civil service to construct and reconstruct infrastructures and the basic amenities on a global scale.
    Then the fiscal war machine shall be dismantled and all the monetary dependencies shall be transformed into a 'credit exchange mechanism' which is all inclusive and a function of beingness within locality.

    Then all national governments shall be abolished in a universal 'party of unity' and because of certain external occurrences post 2012, this party shall be democratically 'elected' into office on a worldwide scale irrespective of the prevalent political system in place.

    Then there will be only a global government of selected elders, interacting with local governments - there will be no nation states, but there will be community government.
    Whoever 'lives' at a certain place will make the regulations and means of trade and exchange for that place. Subsequently all territorial quarreling will become superfluous: the Tibeteans 'rule' Tibet and the Chinese 'rule' China; the Kurds 'rule' Kurdistan and the Mohicans 'rule' Mohicana and the Palestinians 'rule' Palestine.

    There will be an understanding that the place called Israel is no longer a geographical location, but a reference to the global community as a whole.
    The Mohican is an Israelite as much as the Tibetean, the Chinese, the Kurd and the Palestinian.
    So the Israelite in Israel is BOTH, an Israelite from Abraham through Isaac and Sarah and also a Palestinian from Abraham through Ishmael and Hagar.
    The woman of geographical Jerusalem so can call herself a Jewish Goddess or and and a Palestinian Goddess.
    The Mohican- or Tibetean Goddess will also be a Hebrew Sarah=Princess and if She chooses to reside in the New Palestine, then She will also become a Palestinian Goddess - all in one.

    Then there will be another open door for the Israelites which wish to change residences.
    There will be a NEW Geographical ISRAEL, following the renaming of the Old Israel as the New Palestine.
    So the Hebrew Gods and Goddesses, who do not wish to remain in Palestine as Israelites; they can easily migrate to the NEW IS-RA-EL called AUS-TRA-LIA.
    Australia will be known as as one of the seven sisters and linked in blood to America as a twinship sister and also associated with seven sisters in the Pleiadean sky.

    And there will be communication between the Pleiadean sisters and the seven Gaian sisters and many things will be known and understood and a new science will be known to enable many things and the old terran science will be the prototypical backbone for the new science and people post 2012 will turn on their TV's and view the stories pre 2012 and shake their heads in amazements: 'How could the world not understand what is so clear today? But we were all so blind, but now we can clearly see!"

    And Barack Hussein Obama will say: 'Yes, it all was worthwhile after all!"

    IAmWhatIAm - Betwixt the Physical and the Metaphysical Realities yet divided but to be as One again!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014

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