Nutritower - A Canadian Made Product From Canada

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Nutritower INC.

    Save on veggie costs & grow them for yourself & your family (without the use of harmful chemicals) with the Nutritower! 1f62e. Pay back the whole price of the Nutritower in less than 14 months with the money saved from not having to buy veggies from the grocery store!
    Using $3.00 as a conservative retail price for a head of lettuce or some herbs, you could save up to $1,150 in the first year alone!
    Financing available with PayBright for just $62/month - less than the cost of a grocery bill!
    2705. Produce over $1000 worth of fresh produce every year, all in less space than a fridge, while saving on grocery costs over the long haul 1f917.
    2705. Grow exactly what you want, when you want, naturally, without the use of pesticides or herbicides 1f64c. 1f331. 2764. Never again stress about where your food comes from or what goes into it!
    2b50. 2b50. 2b50. 2b50. 2b50. "Our Nutritower has allowed us to enjoy fresh greens every day without visiting a grocery store. Really fantastic. Here's to healthy eating when our immune systems need all the help they can get!'" - Sharon D. - Calgary
    2b50. 2b50. 2b50. 2b50. 2b50. "I love gardening when it's dark & snowy out...definitely helping shake off those 'winter blues'" - Patrick M. - Toronto

    Better Food for your Family.
    As low as $62/month

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