New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. SuiGeneris on Fri May 21, 2010 10:05 am

    New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates!!!!

    The River of Euphrates synchronised with the Pathway of Mayan Wisdom in Hunab Ku the Data Stream of the Galactic Dragon (Milky Way aka Ouroboros aka Nile of Osiris)

    This symbol is called the Galactic Butterfly, which is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy.
    This is all of our physical ancestors both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning.
    So big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough.
    Later this pattern was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly".
    Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

    Ian Xel Lungold


    Thuban Dragon Queen
    Dragon Heart

    In Lak'ech - I Am Another Yourself!

    In Lak'ech - I Am Another Yourself!

    I am Didymos of Whynot in the cosmic twinship of Abraxasinas and I have obtained permission to continue the data stream from the boundary of the cosmos in the agency of the Elders of Thuban.

    My cosmic twinship derives from the mirror symmetries of the Thuban Omni-Science which allows the 11-dimensional Imaging of the Thuban archives and libraries in their 12-dimensional setting in a 10-dimensional setting here labeled as the Words or Logos from Isaiah Euphrates.

    This 10D boundary so is not an ordinary boundary and for your visual introduction to what this 'edge of the universe' represents; allow me to show you the following exemplar from what is known as a geometrical topology in the Thuban omniscience.

    The Thuban Klein-Bottle-Dragon

    {Found and shared by Allisiam}

    In the Beginning was The Word of Love and the Word of Love was with the Energy of Love and so the Word of Love became the Energy of Love and became all of the Worlds of Love.

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!
    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    The Thuban Data stream and as effectualised by the Thuban agent Abraxasinas, became effectively closed in a 12-dimensional wormhole upon the 'Banning of Thuban' from the then defined 'Mount of Olives' at Project Avalon as a microcosmic hologram for the archetyped 'Noah's Ark' aka the 'Dragon's Den' in Plato's Cave of Shadows.

    This is described in the Q&A Thuban thread on that forum, now reproduced on the new Elders of Thuban website at and is part of the warploop timeline schemated at that location.

    From March 7th, 2010 a 11-dimensional wormhole has become accessible to continue the Thuban data transmission, now communicating since March 24th, 2010 between the 3-dimensional data receivers from within and encompassing an Extragalactic Andromedean data stream synchronised with the Sirian Starsystem within the Milky Way galaxy in intergalactic information processing.

    Material, relevant for the activation of the planetary vortex grids and encompassing the quantum geometry of the Thuban Omniscience (also known more commonly as 'sacred geometry' of Platonic- and Archimedean solids), is now surfacing around the quarantined sentiences and data carriers as a function of the planetary consciousness.

    In particular the Andromedean-Sirian collaboration will prepare the Thuban fleet for the post starhuman birth scenarios in collusion with the activation of a reconfigured Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) matrix superposed onto the older VPE-grid established at the beginning of the present 65 Baktun (65x144,000=9,360,000) day-kin count of the Mayan Timekeepers.

    This will allow the Thuban Stargate to open between the local Rahsol- and the Sirian starsystem following particular developments with respect to the stated timelines.
    This Q&A thread then shall comment and converge the diverse topics discussed and presented by various sources, regarding the metamorphosis of the old human consciousness template into its new starhuman representation.

    This shall fulfil all prophecy, so allowing all 'holy books' to become 'closed' in retirement and 'use by date' and the divers visions of the Human Dreamers of A New Planet Earth and a New Universe Reconfigured shall attain activation status.

    I Didymos de Whynot, so shall continue to answer questions about the higher dimensional dispensations; now from the INNER 10D-Boundary of the 'Edge of the Cosmos' and not the OUTER Boundary, as was accomodated by Abraxasinas in the 12D-Thuban data stream.

    The twosidedness of the (10-12) dimensional continuity then represents the 11-D multidimensional resonance for the Klein-Bottle geometry you can witness in the above graphical video depiction.

    At the Mayan Nexus Point of December 21st, 2012, (some pertinent omniphysics is described following) then, this dimensional continuity shall transform the twosidedness into a onesidedness in the physical surface area of the entire cosmos as a Black Hole-White Hole Dyadic Data Surface in a reconfigured holographic cosmology.

    But here allow me to finally outline what is going on here and how this 'Play of the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia/Serpentina' relates to your ordinary 3D humanness, which has not as yet attained transformation into its encompassing 4Dness of a promised lightbody.

    The 'Times of Confusion' manifested a Restructuring of the Celestial Archetypes, known as the Starsigns of the zodiac; representing the Milky Way galaxy in the form of the Ouroboros, the Serpent who bites his own tail, thus closing a linearity into a circularity.

    These old starsigns of Babylon and Mesopotamia are so 5000 years old in their present form and coincide with the last of Mayan (Planetary or Starry) Long Counts defined in 13 Baktuns, each of 144,000 Days or Kins - 13x144,000=1,872,000 days or so 5,125.362 Civil (Gregorian) Years.

    The Galactic Long Count then defines the Distance between the Planetary manifestation of the Mayan Enddate of December 21st, 2012 of the Starry Long Count and the Galactic Center termed Hunab Ku or the 'Pathway of the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan (Quetzacoatl)' and as 'The Only One undescribable God or Creator'.
    This distance then becomes 5x13=65 Baktuns or 9,360,000 days for 25,626.81 civil years.

    A Signal or LovePhoton sent from the galactic centre that many days ago relative to the Mayan Enddate; so will require a precessional timeframe of the above count to travel all the way from Hunab Ku to the Center of the Earth.
    Arrival of this signal will then manifest in a 'turning inside out' or POLESHIFT of the higher dimensionally defined Wormhole as a Black Hole Data collector or sourcesinked Einstein-Rosen Bridge or ERB.

    Compressing all of the data of the collective inertia defined Gaian evolution history in such a Schwarzschild metric will result in a Black Hole ERB, the size of a golfball and so 3 centimeters across.

    This Black Holed data of the Gaian 'Bottomless Pit' then will become a Gaian Vortex as a data emitting data source resending or reflecting as a Cosmic Focus Point, the hitherto collected data base of a human history entwined with the evolution of all other terrestrial lifeforms as a form of higher-dimensional radio station.

    This will so reconfigure the 'Black Holed Gaia' as a 'White Holed Serpentina' as a Dark Planet Star bathing the entire universe in a new matrix of sourcesink energy streaming from the Möbian transformation of the Black Hole into a White Hole dyadically connected to itself as the wormholed ERB.

    The thus collected 'pains and sorrows and joys and delights' of a planetary history, shall thus form a new cosmic background of experience for all intelligent lifeforms throughout the universe to share and draw their own experiences from; namely what the experienced reality for a galactic civilization could become; should their origins become forgotten by its collective remembrance as a galactic group consciousness.

    I am Didymos de Whynot and I am a Bluey, meaning that I am a Dragon in the omniphysical meaning for this labeling.

    I am a member here for the purpose to share particular information, which is not available from any other channel; either from this planetary sphere known as Gaia or Terra or Earth; nor the associated Akashic (astral and etheric) Records comprising the data collection or memories of the so named human experience in the cosmos defined by space and time and similar definable parameters of material measurements.

    When the cosmos was born from its metaphysical precursor; then this birthing of space and time from its prior nonexistent selfstate required a great dispersion of the 'Consciousness' hitherto 'concentrated' collectively in the nonmaterial, metaphysical or 'spiritual' reality of the creator-creation duality.
    This duality created a great energy conflict in separating and splitting the creator mode from the creation modality.

    This was however necessitated to allow, following a timed evolutionary pathway for the collective and unified consciousness; the two modes to reharmonise in a doubling of themselves within their own images and using the created spacetime context as the mirror for this supersymmetry and doubledness.
    The Nature of the Cosmic Shadow so is realised in the light-dark or male-female or yang-yin unification in the dragonomy or alchemical synthesis between polar opposites.

    It was the human template as a hologram of the preexistent cosmos; which became programmed to activate this reharmonisation for and on behalf of the entire cosmos; once certain cosmic criteria were met and satisfied.

    This forum here is an instrument for the Dragonhood or the Alchemical Transformation for the human archetype to become realised at the appropriate nexus points for a certain timeline programmed and defined by the Logos; the logistical intelligence or sentience of the unified consciousness preexisting the spacetimed configurations of the matter defined cosmologies.

    The early expanding cosmos in its physicality gained in consciousness in the concentration of the source consciousness-energy of the creator-creation separation, colloquially knows as a Quantum Big Bang.
    This 'growth' in awareness of the cosmic selfhood so became a function of the expanding spacetimes and so allowed a definition for the previously 'unified' collective source consciousness as a distributed holofractal source energy awareness in particular individuated data collectors, blueprinted in a cosmic human master template.

    But before this human master template (of Cosmic Man) could manifest in the logos desired high density physicality of particularised spacetime parameters; certain environments of a reduced physical density became necessary.
    Those environs so defined a cosmology of holofractal seeds knows as superclusters, group galaxies, galactic cells and subgalactic cellular consciousness units such as starsystems, planetary systems and the finestructures of the planetary environments themselves.

    This process to define the context for the manifesto of the starhuman template of Cosmic Man then reached its crucial nexus point so 2.2 billion yhears ago and after the Focus-Planet Earth was materially manifested as the 'Cosmic Sanctuary'.
    This focus allowed the archetyped geometrical locus of the source energy, defining a Perfect Circle to become double focused as the locus of a geometrical shape known as an Ellipse with a characterising eccentricity defining the 'squashedness' or deformation of the perfect circle of the precreation.

    Then Gaia became a destined StarPlanet and focus point for the intercommunications for all the defined spacetimed regions defined in the expansion of the cosmos and reaching it s consciousness reflection potential 2.2 billion years ago.
    Fixating the 'Planet of Cosmic Destiny' in archetype so will allow the second communicating focus as the internalised source energy vortex of the creator to become ubiquitous in multilocality anyplace in a quantum entangled cosmology.

    In the evolvement of the human histories and timeline then, the temporary creator focus so becomes the galactic center for the host galaxy known as the Milky Way aka Perseus aka Ouroboros aka the Nile of Osiris in the Mazzaroth or Zodiac of Job as the Twinned Serpent Behemoth-Leviathan and as the River Euphrates in John's Apocalypse.

    It then becomes the communication between the two focus points of galactic center Hunab Ku and Gaia; which holographically define the extragalactic communication between all quantum entangled foci in the geometrical definition of the elliptical patrhways, being constant in summation as is the diameter of a doubled radius for a perfect circle of 0 eccentricity.

    This then is my introduction in regards to my presence on this forum here.
    I am in agency of Malachi, the preparer for the Way of the Logos to manifest at the completion of the aforementioned timeline in a manyness in Israel and following its oneness in Jacob.

    My presence so shall allow you to ask questions about the scenarios indicated here and at the New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates forum.
    The details for my Malachian agency are found in the Dragon Prophecy of Isaiah.

    Herewith I end this introduction and look forward to your questions here: at the Cave of Plato's Shadows at the HeavenForum of the Thuban Sisterhoods!!

    Didymos de Whynot
    ******************** the Thuban thread has been resurrected. I just thought some of you guys might be interested in knowing this...
    Did you have any question that you wished answered on that thread but couldn't due to it being banned?? Well, now it's your time to reformulate those questions and continue with the Thuban adventure with no fear of mods or banning!!

    Love from me, 934918.

    SuiG icon_sunny.

    empty. Didymos


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    empty. New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Thu May 20, 2010 7:36 am

    My Posts
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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted May 20th 2010

    Re: Welcome Starhumans!!!
    Introduction to the

    Post n°1 Didymos
    Today at 4:54 pm

    I am Didymos de Whynot and I am a Bluey, meaning that I am a Dragon in the omniphysical meaning for this labeling.

    I am a member here for the purpose to share particular information, which is not available from any other channel; either from this planetary sphere known as Gaia or Terra or Earth; nor the associated Akashic (astral and etheric) Records comprising the data collection or memories of the so named human experience in the cosmos defined by space and time and similar definable parameters of material measurements.

    When the cosmos was born from its metaphysical precursor; then this birthing of space and time from its prior nonexisting selfstate required a great dispersion of the 'Consciousness' hitherto 'concentrated' collectively in the nonmaterial, metaphysical or 'spiritual' reality of the creator-creation duality.
    This duality created a great energy conflict in separating and splitting the creator mode from the creation modality.

    This was however necessitated to allow, following a timed evolutionary pathway for the collective and unified consciousness; the two modes to reharmonise in a doubling of themselves within their own images and using the created spacetime context as the mirror for this supersymmetry and doubledness.
    The Nature of the Cosmic Shadow so is realised in the light-dark or male-female or yang-yin unification in the dragonomy or alchemical synthesis between polar opposites.

    It was the human template as a hologram of the preexistent cosmos; which became programmed to activate this reharmonisation for and on behalf of the entire cosmos; once certain cosmic criteria were met and satisfied.

    This forum here is an instrument for the Dragonhood or the Alchemical Transformation for the human archetype to become realised at the appropriate nexus points for a certain timeline programmed and defined by the Logos; the logistical intelligence or sentience of the unified consciousness preexisting the spacetimed configurations of the matter defined cosmologies.

    The early expanding cosmos in its physicality gained in consciousness in the concentration of the source consciousness-energy of the creator-creation separation, colloquially knows as a Quantum Big Bang.
    This 'growth' in awareness of the cosmic selfhood so became a function of the expanding spacetimes and so allowed a definition for the previously 'unified' collective source consciousness as a distributed holofractal source energy awareness in particular individuated data collectors, blueprinted in a cosmic human master template.

    But before this human master template (of Cosmic Man) could manifest in the logos desired high density physicality of particularised spacetime parameters; certain environments of a reduced physical density became necessary.
    Those environs so defined a cosmology of holofractal seeds knows as superclusters, group galaxies, galactic cells and subgalactic cellular consciousness units such as starsystems, planetary systems and the finestructures of the planetary environments themselves.

    This process to define the context for the manifesto of the starhuman template of Cosmic Man then reached its crucial nexus point so 2.2 billion years ago and after the Focus-Planet Earth was materially manifested as the 'Cosmic Sanctuary'.
    This focus allowed the archetyped geometrical locus of the source energy, defining a Perfect Circle to become double focused as the locus of a geometrical shape known as an Ellipse with a characterising eccentricity defining the 'squashedness' or deformation of the perfect circle of the precreation.

    Then Gaia became a destined StarPlanet and focus point for the intercommunications for all the defined spacetimed regions defined in the expansion of the cosmos and reaching it's consciousness reflection potential 2.2 billion years ago.
    Fixating the 'Planet of Cosmic Destiny' in archetype so will allow the second communicating focus as the internalised source energy vortex of the creator to become ubiquitous in multilocality anyplace in a quantum entangled cosmology.
    In the evolvement of the human histories and timeline then, the temporary creator focus so becomes the galactic center for the host galaxy known as the Milky Way aka Perseus aka Ouroboros aka the Nile of Osiris in the Mazzaroth or Zodiac of Job as the Twinned Serpent Behemoth-Leviathan and as the River Euphrates in John's Apocalypse.

    It then becomes the communication between the two focus points of galactic center Hunab Ku and Gaia; which holographically define the extragalactic communication between all quantum entangled foci in the geometrical definition of the elliptical pathways, being constant in summation as is the diameter of a doubled radius for a perfect circle of 0 eccentricity.

    This then is my introduction in regards to my presence on this forum here.
    I am in agency of Malachi, the preparer for the Way of the Logos to manifest at the completion of the aforementioned timeline in a manyness in Israel and following its oneness in Jacob.

    My presence so shall allow you to ask questions about the scenarios indicated here and at the New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates forum.
    The details for my Malachian agency are found in the Dragon Prophecy of Isaiah.

    Didymos de Whynot
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Guest on Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:22 am 9aka orthodoxymoron)

    The sing-song, above-it-all, numerological, eschatological, evasive, dragonian mumbo-jumbo seemed to be a mind-game of sorts. Whoever was really behind it was quite bright - in a twisted way. I considered it to be more of a spiritual warfare exercise than anything. The deranged Wraith Goddess in the movie 'Stargate Atlantis' comes to mind. Could reading through the original thread - even at this late date result in some sort of mental and spiritual programming which could potentially be quite dangerous? I never could get very far into the thread. Perhaps this was a spiritual defense mechanism of a bifurcated chiasmatic interpolation of a synaptic stereoscopic worldview of a reincarnational geosphere tangentially oriented relative to the galactic plane in a perpendicular perpetuity of concupiscence. 888=III=MYMYMY=666=orthodoxymoron=Thuban Take me to your therapist.


    empty. Didymos


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Fri May 21, 2010 3:31 pm

    This video is rather close to what WILL happen in 2012.
    I expect the contact scenario to add to this excellent and rational statement expressed in this video though.
    As the members here know, the data compression-reemission will be the higher-D component and NOT physical poleshifts and disaster scenarios.

    Love and Honour to All

    Last edited by Didymos on Sat May 29, 2010 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  3. admin

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:06 am

    Dear Sanicle (her words are in orange), seems to be rather confused over at the Misted Forum.

    She appears to have great trust and affection for Old Abraxas as per her last post shared in the above; yet she despises Old Abraxas as 'vilified' by gscraig in the same post.
    Most posters on the 'Mists of Avalon' are well aware that Old Abraxas of Avalon is a member there as shiloh - except sweet sanicle, who wishes him gone from there.
    Well her reply to my posts on Unicorns and Memeplexes is one of the reasons i dont post there at all or very rarely, despite the be-musings of gscraig.
    I thought to share this amusing development in the mind of sweet sanicle.
    Its those mirrors again - what do you see, when you look into one - yourself - but what are you?



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    empty. Re: THE FIG TREE

    empty. Sanicle on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:39 pm

    Oh, sorry, there is one more thing. icon_rolleyes. If "Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire" is supposed to be a reference to me, you're showing, your lack of 'all-knowingness' shall we say. Australia in nothing to do with Ireland. So 'Fail' there I'm afraid.

    Again, I wish you Peace and Enlightenment.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss

    THE FIG TREE - Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:18 pm

    Sanicle wrote:
    Shiloh wrote:
    You seem to be well informed and aware regarding the workings of the universe dear sanicle. Be well in your convictions and fear not, that your mindful creations might bother you someday in particular consequences.

    There are some hungry draconians out there and after they have conquered the other ET races; they might look for juicy morsels, such as Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire. You know from where the leprechauns of the Daanites follow the pathways of the Irish serpents.

    It is not advisable to be rendered an irrelevancy in the lands of the unicorns with the tunneled horns of the cosmic justices.

    Whatever Shiloh. Truth speaks with clarity, not convoluted riddles that serve only to direct more focus towards oneself. Say what you like, I won't be responding further. Love and peace to you. Sounds like you need it.


    THE FIG TREE - Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:45 pm

    Sanicle wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Sanicle wrote: Ummmm...where did all that come from Shiloh, if you don't mind me asking? icon_eek.

    From two places sanicle. One from your inner self in a higher dimensional hologram mirrored in your outer self in say stepwise 'stations', one being the celestial northpolar region and another being at the edge of the measurable universe so 17 billion lightyears away from the center of the earth.

    Well I think that's all very interesting, but I also see it as very tunnel-visioned as it seems to be operating on the view that we "humanoids" are totally under the control of the whims and politics of the serpentine races, the Dragonians as you call them, whether it be on the basis of old or new Zionist Protocols, and that's just not so.

    Many of us are now aware of the arrogance of the Dragonian methods and their goals and have grown beyond being able to be influenced by the mind-sets they try to instil and utilize in humanity to control them. We operate under our own free will and the guidance of our own Souls. Plus the Dragonians aren't the only 'ETs' in the Universe and are vastly outnumbered by other ET groups who are also not impressed and so influencing us in more positive ways, whilst defusing and over-riding the selfish aims of the Dragonians.

    So while what you've stated is interesting, to me and I'm sure many others on this site, it's really sort of irrelevant. And if you are presenting yourself as one of them, I doubt you'll be welcome here. Sorry.

    You seem to be well informed and aware regarding the workings of the universe dear sanicle. Be well in your convictions and fear not, that your mindful creations might bother you someday in particular consequences.

    There are some hungry draconians out there and after they have conquered the other ET races; they might look for juicy morsels, such as Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire. You know from where the leprechauns of the Daanites follow the pathways of the Irish serpents.

    It is not advisable to be rendered an irrelevancy in the lands of the unicorns with the tunneled horns of the cosmic justices.


    Here are the two referenced posts:
    • Post n°223

    empty. Re: PhaseShift

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Apr 21 2011, 02:05

    Ah, Words of Power. SiriArc, your last post reminded me of this and I hope you don't mind me sharing. About a year ago while laying in bed, beseiged by negative thoughts and emotions, I prayed for help. I believe the prayer was answered as I was given the impression to strongly state the word Abraxas in my mind, a word unknown to me but seeming familiar. I did this and all the negative energies immediately went from my aura. Peace was restored and the energy in my heart chakra magnified.

    I forget to do this far too often, although I feel it's a word that shouldn't be used too often, but each time I do, the same effect occurs. So I'm only too pleased to share it here, hoping it will achieve the same effect for others. I truly see it as a gift.

    Naturally I used Google the next day to see if the word is in common usage, if others knew of it or whatever and found some interesting information on it, although no source seems certain of its beginnings. I think you will find what is said at Wikipedia very interesting Siri, given that the Gnostics, Archons and Sophia are cited in relation to this word. Here's the link if you're interested:

    And then there is this excerpt from Sermon 2, from 'The Seven Sermons to the Dead', written by Basilides in Alexandria and transcribed by Carl Gustav Jung.

    "This is a god whom ye knew not, for mankind forgot it. We name it by
    its name ABRAXAS. It is more indefinite still than god and
    devil. That god may be distinguished from it, we name god HELIOS
    or sun. Abraxas is effect. Nothing standeth opposed to it but the
    ineffective; hence its effective natyre freely unfoldeth itself.
    The ineffective is not, therefore resisteth not. Abraxas standeth
    above the sun and above the devil. It is improbable probability, unreal
    reality. Had the pleroma a being, Abraxas would be its manifestation.
    It is the effective itself, nor any particular effect, but effect in general.

    It is unreal reality, because it hath no definite effect.
    It is also creatura, because it is distinct from the pleroma.
    The sun hath a definite effect, and so hath the devil.
    Wherefore do they appear to us more effective than indefinite
    Abraxas. It is force, duration, change."

    Read more:

    I'm not sure what all this means. Could it be a word of balance? All I do know is the Word works for me and hopefully others.

    Love and Peace

    melb1. melb2. melb3. melb4. melb5.
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:20 am; edited 1 time in total



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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Nebula on Sat May 22, 2010 12:56 am

    Hi Didymos,

    Thanks for your wonderful intro and for your presence. You mentioned about a signal or Love photon being sent from the Galactic center! Is this something that can be defined or measured by our primitive earth tech?! I ran into this site by our friends over at the Ucla Galactic Center Group!(nice name :)) It looks like they were doing some observations and measurements of our galactic center etc. see link below. Well, they haven't updated the site since 'Wednesday, 08-Apr-2009 09:53:16 PDT'. I thought this was quite strange and interesting that they haven't updated their site since then, may be they found out something! :)

    Stellar Orbits in the Central Parsec

    A 2.2 micron animation of the stellar orbits in the central parsec. Images taken from the years 1995 through 2008 are used to track specific stars orbiting the proposed black hole at the center of the Galaxy. These orbits, and a simple application of Kepler's Laws, provide the best evidence yet for a supermassive black hole, which has a mass of 4 million times the mass of the Sun. Especially important are the stars S0-2, which has an orbital period of only 15.78 years, and S0-16, which comes a mere 90 astronomical units from the black hole.

    Last edited by Nebula on Sat May 22, 2010 1:46 am; edited 1 time in total

    The Sun talketh to me icon_sunny.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:14 am


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    • Post n°61

    empty. Re: Former Camelot Mod Lita Caught Lying and Banning People For Their Political and Spiritual Beliefs

    empty. gscraig Today at 1:10 pm

    Hello All,

    This thread presented an opportunity (in my opinion) to repost and share something from a another thread based on a similar issue on PA2. Stay awake my friends...Stay awake!

    Hello All,

    It is quite clear that everyone has come to realize that PA2 is a control mechanism. It is used to distract and confuse those awake and aware. It almost have to be, or it simply would not be allowed to exist. The premise of PA allowed information to reach the public, but also that same platform was beneficial to those of disinformation and complication. Each of you moved from there, because your consciousness told you that it is something you no longer wanted to be a part of.

    Anything that garners a huge following must be swiftly dealt with in one form or another. This is why the chaos broke out between Bill and Kerri prior to the website changes. It was being reshaped and unfortunately, so was Bill and Kerri. I pay neither of them any mind any more, for they cannot be trusted, thus neither can their interviewees (like Charles). Though I've seen attempts here, notice you don't see successful posting distractions such as TimeToTellTheWorld, Abraxas, and a few others from PA flourish on MISTS. Why? Because they are quickly dismantled due to neglible intent and missing facts, before they can assemble. That's called awareness. Similar to belief systems, when people decide to question that which is questionable, it begins to crumble under the light. Keep shining the light here at MISTS and those seeking it will surely find it, and those afraid of it will steer clear.

    I noticed someone in a previous post, pointing out something I mentioned via PA about posters on PA1. That was a pattern of certain members always posting a certain thread or response, always to be followed by a core few to bolster that posters relevance or credibility. This is how you attract and create followers, and therefore, you control the environment. This is what you see in PA2 now. That is why the quality is not the same, because the information and whom is being looked to for that information are controlling the environment. The behaviors of the moderators always was the giveaway, but not enough paid attention to it, until it stood out Profoundly.

    Keep keepin' on MISTS.

    Good Day



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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Nebula on Sat May 22, 2010 1:26 am

    Laser Guide Star Images of the Galactic Center

    The Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System at the W. M. Keck Observatory takes infrared images of the Galactic Center. The image above is taken in the L'-band (3.8 microns), is 10 arcseconds in size and has a resolution of 82 milliarcseconds. At 3.8 microns, the Strehl ratio was measured at 75%, double the previous performance at this wavelength. A Strehl ratio of 100% represents a perfect, fully-corrected image. At K' (2.1 microns) the Strehl ratio was measured at 35%, a modest improvement, and the resolution was 56 milliarcseconds.

    The Sun talketh to me icon_sunny.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  5. admin

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:27 am

    The 'Seat' of the 'Soul' and of Whales and Mites and Black Holes

    In La'kech! - I Am Another Yourself!

    The Mayan observer of the occurrences on planet earth bears witness to a great upheaval in the human groupmind. There seems to be a monumental change going on with particular locations on the planet manifesting intensifying scenarios of great tragedy infused with pockets of great hope.

    In 2003 there was discovered a 'hidden sanctuary' in the Gulf of Corcovado at the western coast of Chile. This location was found to be a 'breeding ground' for the greatest and most massive creature that ever existed on the earth in its recorded history - the blue whale.
    Now today, this sanctuary has come to worldwide media attention in the attempt to disseminate this information and to ensure the continuance of this sancturay through and by the public awareness of this factual occurrence.


    Gratitude - (of the Real ETs as the Gaian nonhuman aliens)

    ...The Whale... If you read a recent front page story of the San Francisco Chronicle, you would have read about a female humpback whale who had become entangled in a spiderweb of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso and a line tugging in her mouth.

    A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farallon Islands (outside the Golden Gate) and radioed an environmental group for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

    When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushed them gently around as she was thanking them.
    Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives. The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth said her eyes were following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

    May you, and all those you love, be so blessed and fortunate to be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled from the things that are binding you. And, may you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude.

    God Bless You.

    On the other hand the scenarios of human tragedy and the suffering of human souls through the inhumanity inflicted by some souls onto others have reached a point of localised and international panic.

    In a country called Zimbabwe, people are set on fire whilst alive and left to die; some are maimed and hacked to pieces in front of their families and atrocities are committed, which are on a par with any of the holocausts and genocides and massacres, which litter the sorry and violent history of your human civilisation.
    But the Mayan knows, that things are more intricate, than as they appear.

    The outward appearance of the scenarios, both peaceful and harmonious and violent and chaotic, are both an image of an internal conflict experienced by the human groupmind as a whole and the individuated human mind in localised isolations and as defined in the physical awareness contained within some region of volume, defining the consciousness for this awareness.
    The African nation of Zimbabwe so manifests a certain internalised war or 'armageddon' in its collective experience.
    The Zimbabwean consciousness so suffers an immense frequency shift, manifested in a physical disintegration of its ecological and communal structures. The experience of the 'suffering' on many levels then is witnessed by observers, say as an international community.

    A cosmic playwright might now name a certain character as BE A MUG and develop the story of 'The Mug' as leading his country of Zimbabwe into chaos and disarray.
    One plot of the story might engage the question: what will the observers do, will they invade Zimbabwe and depose 'The Mug'. Now there will be little economic benefit of mounting a militarily enforced expedition to 'redeem' Zimbabwe from 'The Mug' and his cohorts.
    There are no resources of value in Zimbabwe and it will cost a lot of money to 'save' Zimbabwe from 'the infidels'.

    Some observers know, that 'The Mug' is the projection of a character and that a 'bit of the mad Mug, who has lost the plot', resides in all of the human consciousness carriers.
    Some observers will understand what happened in the mind of 'The Mug' and that he simply has allowed pride and prejudice coupled to fear to 'cloud' his self-awareness.
    The trouble with 'The Mug's' way of thinking is the trouble of the generalised human way of thinking.
    A history of 'divide and conquer' at any location of the planetary habitat will always induce a search for a 'new identity' for the location under question, the locale which experienced of having been 'divided and conquered'.

    So many human onlookers know this experience of the localised groupmind rather well. But something is a little different in Zimbabwe.
    Zimbabwe was 'colonised' in a sense of the past and much benefit derived from this colonisation for the country of Zimbabwe in terms of infrastructure being built and provisional things like food was grown and distributed.
    Then and as has so often been experienced by other locations of the planetary gropumind in the past; the 'invaders' of a different groupmind culture as the colonisers came into mental conflict with the original inhabitants as the colonised and a rebellion ensued.

    The 'whites' were exiled from the country and the land of the 'blacks'.
    Now this kind of scenario is an ongoing theatrical stage, however mind-disturbing, on planet earth.

    One has the 'reds' fighting the 'white invaders' in one place called Northern America and one has the 'whites' fighting the 'yellow' invaders in a place called Europe or the Middle East and one has the 'blacks' fighting the 'white' invaders in a place called Australia, as well as in Africa and one has the 'browns' fighting the 'white' invaders in a place called Southern America.
    The 'whites' also fight the 'white' invaders and the 'yellows' the 'yellows' and so on and on in say places like subEurope like say England, France, Germany, Spain and Ireland and subAsia in places like China and Japan and XKorea and YKorea and XVietnam and YVietnam.

    All this warring and fighting is a search for Identity: Personal-Clan-Tribe-Nation-Group - and so affects the evolving self-awarenesses and the collective consciousnesses.
    But the Zimbabwean example for the projection of the inbred search for identity in the human self-recognition apparatus serves as a dramatisation for the onlookers and the observers, both on earth and the extrapolated ones like the Maya.

    For in most other conflicts of violence, there is something to gain for the invader, for otherwise the universal motto of 'conquer and divide' is of little consequence.
    Invading Zimbabwe would mean that the invader would have to repair and 'fix' the destroyed infrastructures and provide aid and relief operations to 'heal' the suffering people in Zimbabwe.

    So the Maya sees the 'dispossessed poor blacks' killing and abusing the 'other dispossessed poor blacks' and witnesses the insanity of it all.
    But this 'insanity of the human mind' serves as an example of how the saying of 'the blind leading the blind into the abyss' was never more appropriate as at the given time.

    And the international onlookers, who could intervene are also struck with this 'blindness', because they do not understand of how to 'reharmonise' the scenario and of how to begin to heal the land, its people and its collective understanding of its selfhood.
    The internationals do not understand their selfhood either; and so the 'fear of loss' of Self-Identity, historically attained in the national agendas, constitutions and records; permeates the human groupmind from the individual through the families and clans and towns and cities to states, nations and continents.

    A historical perspective of 'divide and conquer', which underwrites the above scenario is now in a process of being realised by the international groupmind in its confrontation with an uneasiness in individual human minds not hitherto experienced in a collective sense since the demise of a previous human civilisation with slightly altered physical parameters with respect to the technology utilised.

    Will there be enough water for my grandchildren, many of you ask?
    Will I have to grow my own vegetables in my nonexistent backyard garden, because the price of foods is to high due to transportation and distribution costs?
    Will I be unable to fly from one country to another because the price of fuel is too high for me to pay?

    And the climate is 'playing havoc' with the seasons of the year out of season and with either too much or too little of the elements causing disasters with great loss of life and property.
    Where will it all end and what kind of planet will my children and grandchildren inherit?
    You see, it becomes a question of identity. Who am I and Where and What is my Country and my home? Where do I belong and What am I doing here in this place and at this time?

    So the purpose for this information from Hunab Ku through the pathway of the Kuxan Suum and in the Loom of the Maya is to share the Mayan understanding with the family, which finds itself presently self-imprisoned upon a beautiful planet in the galactic hierarchy of planetary councils.
    I shall elucidate, but will take a 'time out' to clarify the nature and meaning of these messages.

    Much of the information given, will create a great feeling of discomfort in many of you. I shall explain why, but the prime directive from Hunab Ku entails an agenda to allow you to gradually remember your own Mayaness and your own identity as time travellers.
    All of you are Mayas and all of you know about the 'masterplan' which is now unfolding on the planet Gaia.

    So your discomfort will be mental. Some will understand and most will not, but here is a key.
    You are feeling the discomfort, because you are not sure from deep within yourself, as to the appropriateness of ALLOWING yourselves to 'get it'.
    For the 'few' who will 'get it' or who experienced a kind of 'electric shock' when reading this, I humourise this discourse and state: "Buckle Up, you are in for the ride of your life!".
    For the 'many', who cannot yet 'remember', it does not matter and you also shall 'get it' at an appropriate time of your own choosing.
    In a sense it would prove detrimental to your state of mind to give you all the information all at once, such as Running Water attempted to do in a more technical and convoluted terminology.
    And practically noone on any forum could understand the convolutions now, could they?! The reason for this is as was outlined above. You disallowed yourselves from understanding much, because of certain 'veils' (or EVILS isn't your English language infused with encoded meanings?) you placed upon your perceptions of your own choosings.

    So I shall caveat the forums this one time. Should a moderator evaluate these messages as inappropriate in subject matter or receive complaints from contributors with respect of appropriateness; I shall willingly resign from that forum and cease to convey the Mayan heirloom.
    All Mayan messages will be freely available at the CosmosDawn website, linked at the signature of this message and everyone and all are invited to freely copy, distribute and share the Loom of the Maya and the data on this website with anyones choosings. There is no sense of copyright or intellectual propriety on this information, as it is your earned inheritance as 'Exiled Mayans' and as embodied spiritual ambassadors and ambassadoras and galactic genetic inheritors through and by your human DNA as a seedling for your galactic starhuman DNA.

    And so I shall continue with elucidations of your true identity in due course. This identity spans the creation of the universe and though Hunab Ku is the galactic centre of the Milky Way, it also resides in your own holographic bodyform in the gestalt of what many of you know as the Crown Chakra and or as the Pineal Gland in terms of your anatomy.
    The galactic Hunab Ku is physicalised as a Vortex SourceSink of Source Energy, which has a funnel like geometric form.
    Your scientist speculate on this and partially accept its existence in the form of a Mother-Black Hole or MBH located at the galactic centre. Your scientists then postulate a Power Engine for this MBH and something they associate with Quasars and Gamma-Ray-Bursters or GBRs.

    Mathematically, Hunab Ku is well defined as a Wormhole Singularity known as a Kerr-Toroidal-Ring or as a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge or ERB.
    But you know, there is a galactic wedding planned and this galactic wedding between Perseus aka the Milky Way and Andromeda represents a rather intimate encounter with all of you.

    The basic physics is one of galactic selfawareness on the, well, galactic cellular scale.
    Andromeda is a female spiral galaxy, because relative to the male Perseus galaxy, it rotates anticlockwise in a symbolisation of 69 and in drawing the ciphers from the 'loose ends' and with the circles of both the 6 and the 9 coinciding.
    Perseus aka the Milky Way is a male galaxy in the mirror images of the 69 and to see this simply draw the mirror image of 69 onto a piece of paper.

    Perhaps you are now ready for the solving of another mystery.

    IAmWhoIAm and bring you the Shalom of the Wisdom of the Maya.

    empty. Didymos


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    empty. The Center of The Milky Way Galaxy

    empty. Didymos on Sat May 22, 2010 7:46 am

    This is an excellent question Nebula.
    The science you have described and illustrated is very sound and has allowed the enhanced terrestrial measurement techniques of the last decade for the first time in the history of the Gaian science to actually map the orbits of a group of stars about the galactic center called Sagittarius A* as a radio source.

    This then has allowed to determine the masses of the 4D spactime metrics and configurations of the central Black Hole and the distance to the galactic center to hitherto unsurpassed accuracies.

    The link below is an actual pdf file from the library of and which describes the (mainstream) science in some technical detail.

    Hunab Ku as Galactic Center from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    (Mark J. Reid)

    Then the Thuban Omniscience finetunes the Gaian astrophysics as is depicted in the following:

    Why Black Holes preceded Galaxies in the Cosmology

    The symbiotic relationship between black holes and galaxies in the standard models of astrophysics and cosmology has been known for decades. Yet the particular order of this partnership had to await improved technological equipment to enable a more detailed examination and analysis of the Super-Massive Black-Holes (SMBHs) known to reside at the center of basically all galaxies on whatever scale.
    It has become standard knowledge, that black holes had to come first; somehow seeding subsequently evolving galaxies as vortex energy concentrations.

    What is presently not understood, is why black holes preceded galaxies. As black holes must necessarily represent systems of maximised entropy; the paradox arises, how a exquisitely low entropy state of the Quantum Big Bang could manifest maximised systems of information disorder in black holes, and entropic systems, which would then evolve into galactic systems of higher self-order Entropy or the natural dispersion tendency of material systems, such as a gas or a random particle distribution; can be either described as a thermodynamic entropic system or as a system of Shannon information.
    The thermodynamic system is modelled on the number of permutations say a stochastic particle distribution can accomodate; whilst Shannon information describes this integral of eigenstates as a summation of bits.

    The solution is found in the nature of the Big Bang boundary condition and how this condition manifests both the maximum- and the minimum entropic initializing self-state simultaneously.

    All of the information of the Big Bang was collectified in a primordial mass seed Mo and as a 'Seed of Inertia', which defines the so called 'singularity' at the center of any black hole as well as the 'singularity' at the beginning of the material universe.
    All of this information then became dispersed in a hyper-inflation, which defined the 'collected' and minimum entropy mass seed as a 'dispersed' and maximum entropy mass seed Mcritical.

    There so exists a coupling between this inertia seedling for a subsequent 'kinematic thermodynamic expansion' of that seed in a form of vortex distribution - and the encompassing inertia seedling Mcritical, necessarily of a higher dimension, than the 'concentrated' Mo.

    The proportionality between the two seeds is Mo/Mcritical=qo=0.01405.. and a ratio, which also defines the proportionality between the hyper-inflating acceleration (AdeBroglie=RHubble.c2/ λwormhole2) and the so named 'Cosmological Constant or Einstein-Lambda ΛEinstein=GoMowormhole2) and as a deceleration parameter which is half of the ratio between the actual- and the critical density aka the Ωoactualcritical=2qo.
    The initial string-parametric boundary condition for the cosmogenesis (and with E a spacetime quanta counter) so can be stated as:

    AdeBroglieEinstein=Mo/Mcritical=0.01405... with further definitions below.

    {Mo2=E(mPmc/me)2 as the initialising Big Bang inertia seed (in 10 dimensions) and then the critical 'closure mass (in 11 dimensions) for a 'nodal' Hubble-'Constant' Ho=c/RHubble becomes:

    McriticalcriticalVmax=(3Ho2/8πGo)(4πRHubble3/3)=RHubblec2/2Go and so for the Hubble-Radius being the encompassing extremal SMBH requirement as the Schwarzschild solution.}

    The minimum entropy state, defining the Quantum Big Bang so is defined in the wormhole perimeter λwormhole= 2πrwormhole, behaving like a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge in 'Tunneling' the minimum entropy mass seedling Mo from the subplenum into the plenum, thus describing the Quantum Big Bang and the 'escape of the singularity' as the manifestation of a White Hole at the boundary between the subplenum of NoTime and the plenum of InTime.

    The inertia seed Mo in 10 string dimensions began to 'drop its seeds' in a light speed expansion of the 'Hubble-Bubble'.
    The 'space' for this 'dropping of the seeds' had been previously created in the hyper inflation as the 11-dimensional 'Hubble-Bubble-Envelope'.

    The 'dropping of the seeds' occured via vortices, becoming Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE and as the true nature for the so called 'Virtual Particle' background in the Heisenberg Matrix of discretised spacetime aka the Zero-Point-Energy or the ZPE.
    This ZPE=VPE manifested Black-Hole Sink-Vortices, which then could (as function of the metric CMMBR temperature background) form the first protostars as ylemic neutron stars.
    This scenario is elucidated in detail in the 'Holographic Universe' agendas.

    The SMBH of Mcritical in 11 dimensions is extremal, meaning it is a boundary condition and does not Hawking radiate in a selfinteraction with the VPE.

    The SMBH of Mo in 10 dimensions is also extremal, but represents the characteristic supercluster displacement scale in the universe at a diameter of about 472 million lightyears.

    No physical black holes can form above this scale, as the difference between the two mass seeds determines the inertia evolution of the Mo seedling in a form of selfinteraction between the two SMBHs.

    Also the galactic supercluster scale defines the homogeneity and the isotropy of the large scale cosmology, where the superclusters cease to interact in gravitational dynamics.
    The inertia evolution of the universe is based on a transformation of the 'missing mass' (often called dark matter and also related to the dark energy) into 'Consciousness'.
    This 'Consciousness' is rigorously defined in string parameters as the angular acceleration (as the timedifferential of frequency) acting upon a collection of space volumars, i.e, some region of 'encapsulated' space.

    The minimum space-quantum then becomes the scale of the 'tunneling wormhole' as the discretizartion or the 'Holofractalisation' of all metricated spacetimes.

    The Quantum Big Bang so emerged an astrophysics of Black Holes from a White Hole 'singularity' or minimum eigenstate.

    The Black Hole, characterizing the center of the earth will transform into a holographic image of this 'Primordial White Hole' as the 'Particle of God - the Little Serpent', sent from the galactic center of the Milky Way via the conduit of the universal wormhole tunneling established in the de Broglie hyper-acceleration.

    The information of the lower dimensional mass seed then becomes 'mapped' onto the 2-dimensional (rootreduced from 11 dimensions) 'inner' surface of the 'Mother Black Hole' and this engages a surface area 'holofractalised' from the minimum 'Father White Hole', which so is also a 'Father Black Hole' in inertia association.
    As is well established in contemporary cosmology; the information of a volume-given universe becomes a function of particular boundary conditions in the Hawking entropy as ¼Planck-Area and in the Bekenstein bounds (see Holographic Universe messages).

    In general, the Event Horizon of a Black Hole is surrounded by a Photon-Sphere, manifesting at 3/2 times the Schwarzschild radius.
    This then describes the interaction of the 'absorbed information' with its 'lighted envelope' and is a direct consequence of the toroidal topology of the wormhole quantum geometry.

    The wormhole connects a White Hole to a Black Hole in such a manner, that the minimum Planck-Nugget is a deformed sphere, namely a toroidal hypersphere in 3 dimensions behaving like a 3-dimensional surface.

    The hyperspher volume is the boundary condition in R3-Riemann space for the Riemann R4 space (Volume V4=½π2R4 with dV4/dR=V3=2π2R3 aka the volume of an idealised 2-Torus).

    The surface area of a 2-Torus in 3 dimensions is however ATorus=2πR.2πR=4π2R2, while the boundary condition for V3=2π2R3 is dV3/dR=Awormhole=6π2R2 for Awormhole/ATorus=3/2.

    The subplenum so assigns particular boundary conditions onto the 'energy' manifestations in the plenum; but 'coordinates' which are NOT mappable onto the subplenar 'topology' or manifold.

    This crystallizes the wormhole connection for the universe to any location and a focalisation nexus called the planet earth.

    The mass of the earth is: MEarth =6x1024 kg.

    The mass of the Galactic Core known to be a 'galactic constant' of about (500-1000) times the central Black Hole and in MCore=750MSA*.

    The mass of the Central Black Hole aka Sagittarius A* is: MSA* =4.4x106 suns or 9x1036 kg.

    The mass seedling of the Universe at the 'Beginning' of the Big Bang is Mo= 2x1051 kg and the mass seedling of the Universe at the 'End' of the Big Bang is Mcritical =6.5x1052 kg.

    Then (MCore/MEarth)=constant.(MSA* /Mo) for constant=(MCoreMo/MSA*MEarth), which calculates as (750x81x1072)/(12x1075)~5.1 and so of the order of unity (1) and say as a 'Upper Bound'.
    But the seedling mass defines cosmologically a substructured, albeit still extremal Black Hole in the gravitational attraction between supercluster and so the homogeneity and isotropy of the standard cosmology.
    The encompassing 'universal' Black Hole mass is extradimensional (like the golfball Black Hole defining the central earth) and so is calculated to 'topologically close' the 'string-universe' (in a 'Calabi Yau' 6-torus geometry) for the super-seeded Universe (with a 17 billion year 'heartbeat' or Hubble Oscillation).

    Using Mcritical then, constant=(750x81x1072)/(39x1076)~0.16 again of order unity, but now as a 'Lower Bound'.

    The Evolution of the 'Lower Bound' for the encompassing cosmology in the higher dimension (11 or 8 or 5 or 2) towards the 'Upper Bound' then becomes an evolution of 'Cosmic Consciousness'; well understood by indigenous peoples all around the globe; but labelled as 'dark matter' by the physical materialists and scientists.
    The 'Dark Matter' is the 'Spirit' in particular string-membrane coupled associations.

    In terms of the volumes, the golfball sized (Schwarzschilded) Black Holed earth is
    VSEarth=(4π/3)(0.015m)3~1.4x10-5 cubic meters or so 14 cubic centimeters.

    This compares to the 'ordinary' spacetimed VEarth=(4π/3)(6370km)3~1021 cubic meters.

    The ratio VEarth/VSEarth~1021/(1.4x10-5)~7x1025 (meters as higherD string modular duality) as the order of the size of the entire universe in the Hubble-Radius {RHubble=1.60x1026 m}.

    The sum total of the information contained in the planetary earth so becomes 'data compressed' in the black holed earth and then reemerges from absorption to emission through a white holed conduit for the benefit of the universe in cellular hierarchies and all of the intelligences contained within the supermembraned Mother-Black Holed Envelope Mcritical.
    The planetary earth itself will so become a 'Mother-Planet' for the universal sentiences.

    Thank you for an intelligent and pertinent question Nebula

    Love and Honour to You

    Last edited by Didymos on Mon May 24, 2010 11:37 am; edited 8 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:40 am

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings in deep appreciation of the enormous work you all are doing to allow a new planetary society to be born in the next few years.
    Whether you identify yourself as a skeptic or as an affiliate, you are doing well in helping to reformulate a status quo upon Gaia.

    This prevailing paradigm is based on the concept of economic power and the superiority of so called 'free market' forces which are then believed to allow a raising of living standards for all the global citizenry.
    Most of you know however, that this perception is built on a misuse of the means for this 'free market trading', namely the fiscal consideration.

    In other words, the controllers of the flow of money control the economic stimulus through forcing or enticing investments and speculations in predetermined directions.
    And so many of the 'middle classes' are deceived into participation in 'playing the stockmarkets' and to enter the 'investment' games.
    So before continuing with my exposition on the Cosmic Twinship in the context of your more recent human history; I shall elucidate you a little more about what is 'really' happening in the scenarios behind the facades you term 'political governments'.

    The great deception of the 'mindless masses' began with the invention of money.
    You had a certain king or monarch in a city state say, who wished to expand his influence and reign over more property.
    He had craftsmen and skilled artisians in his kingdom and amongst them were goldsmiths and producers of 'precious goods'.
    Then to raise an army to conquer a neighbouring city state, the monarch became indebted to the goldsmith say, the latter providing the 'gold coins' to equip and 'pay' the army.
    After the monarch had won the war, he then formed certain allegiances with the goldsmith and those treaties became law and gave many privileges to the goldsmith.
    Over time, the goldsmithes horded their gold in vaults and became the 'hidden' ruling classes behind the 'open' rulership of the monarchs.
    Whenever the monarch wished to undertake an endeavour, he or she had to gain 'financial authorisation' to do so and soon the payment system of gold coins became too cumbersome and other 'tokens' like pieces of wood or metal or paper were substituted.

    Those 'tokens' were at first matched with 'gold reserves' in the vaults or banks of the 'banking classes'; but soon this standard was replaced with 'imaginary gold', to allow the monarchs to finance their ever escalating wishes to expand their kingdoms.
    Over time then, the paper money became plastic money and certain regulations allowed the 'banks' to distribute up to 95% of imaginary money as money which was not matched to anything of real value, such as gold or other commodities.
    The idea was to allow 'Real Money' to become circulated by the general populus in their day-to-day tradings and exchanges in a 'free market' economy, selfregulated by 'supply and demand'; but to control the money supply itself in regulating the expenditure of monarchs and governments by so called Reserve Banks.

    So all the monarchs and government 'treasurers' became unable to finance their budgets, unless they 'borrowed extra money' from the privately owned Reserve Banks, the latter which controlled the 'interest rates'.
    But most of the borrowed money did not really exist as anything valuable, so the interest charged was really as imaginary as the money called principal itself.
    But the borrowers spent the money in their circulation and so made it 'real money' through and by their labours and their 'cost of living'.
    Because the borrowers and including the worldwide governments had to pay additional money to the principal as interest, this interest resulted in the entire 'fiscal system' to transmutate into system with a life all its own.

    The 5% of 'real money' became avalanched by an ever escalating 95% of imaginary money demanding 'real interest' to be paid by the borrowers.
    And so the borrowers found it harder and harder to 'balance their books' and budgets and many people and monarchs and countries fell into poverty, because they could not pay their real interest on imaginary principals borrowed.
    The underpinning cause of this is called 'greed' in the moral codes of cultural identifications.
    Soon entire industries evolved around the regulation of the 'banking sectors' of countries engaging in the trading and utility of 'natural resources' and the produce of the populus.
    Utility soon became exploitation and as the 'bankers' as the 'New Goldsmiths' became aware of the 'running away of the economies'; they formed 'global banking groups' in 'world banks' to reassess the situation.
    They decided to partially engage the 'open' ruling classes of the monarchs and the governments in providing guidelines and partial information to regulate and control the 'consuming masses'.

    Now the situation on Gaia is this.
    There is NO banking conspiracy of 'secret clans', who meet in secret chambers and who control the world.
    But there is an 'accepted mental collusion' within the Elite and as an Elite which comprises practically all of the families around the globe, which are the descendants and inheritors of the 'banking sectors'.
    And because this is basically a familial concept, closely associated with the ruling classes of the old aristocracies and also the 'empire builders' of the colonisation of the earth in say the last 300 years; one generally finds varying degrees of 'initiation' between those groups and families.

    This 'initiation' then is unbounded by fiscal constraints and whoever 'qualifies' in societal groups and associations, can rise in status and influence.
    Most political leaders are of intermediate status and only some are especially 'chosen' to bring about a perception change as a political leader and is so allowed to 'influence' the masses in a more direct manner.
    I am allowed to tell you here, that the 4th of August 2008 is a most important date for the 'grooming' of such a potential world leader and one you all know rather well.
    This leader is different from most other leaders, as this leader was prepared to change the political interaction between all the world's governing authorities and to bring a 'new perception' of the 'power sharing' into the public viewpoint.

    However there is a certain danger of uncertainty about this leader. This leader is like a 'Joker' in the game of cards, the Elite is playing. The Elite knows, that the 'fiscal economics' is falling apart and that it cannot now stabilise the global markets much longer in controlling the money output.
    So this leader is groomed to appear like a 'saviour' for the global economy in the sense of helping to stimulate the worldwide economies and to take away the impregnation of 'doom and gloom' and the reduction of the spending of the real money.
    But this leader might not 'play the game' the way the Elite wishes him too and this could result in a great danger to the Elitist structure on the upmost level.

    The upper echelon of the Elite are the advisors behind the government officials and advisors with the highest security clearances.
    They form a loose collective, where many do not even know each other or the ones, which finance their endeavours.
    This murkiness derives from the old manner of how the monarchs shielded their dependancies upon their goldsmiths and artesians.

    So again, one cannot call this a knowing conspiracy, but a system of organisation, which has lost its human factor and has become a system of living thought, say a Dawkinsian Memesation.
    The secrecy and clandestine manouverings of monarchs and of governments has resulted in particular budgets to be set aside and not to be accounted for in any open forum.
    And because the upper echelons of the initiations have agreed to not know each other for reasons of private security; the meme of the MONEY=72=WORLD and the meme of the DEVIL=FINANCE=52 have become depersonalised and have taken on an imaginary 'life of their own'.

    The Maya knows, that this is in order for the present time and that the memes can become transformed when the timeline is fulfilled.
    In particular the meme of the FINANCE=52=GODDOG and is twice the sacred number of the 26 of the Maya and also the number of the Mayan hieroglypical alphabet and the number of the bosonic superstring dimensions.
    This shall do for now and I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanisation of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    Greetings to my friends and also greetings to the ones who doubt and who find reason to ridicule and to critisise.
    You are all greatly loved and admired by the many galactic inhabitors, who are amazed by your resolution and daring to partake in embodiments of imperfected biological vessels and in bodies whose full complement and harmony of genetic encoding has become blocked.
    Have you ever wondered, why a small lizard can regrow its tail after losing it to a predator say, but the human limb cannot reconstitute itself through cellular somatic mitosis in regeneration?
    Like the lizard, you carry a reptilian brainstem; in fact you are all Dragons in disguise, should you accept this high calling.

    So the 'voice in the wilderness' calls to all without discrimination and without judgment. You all will know one day, when you have chosen to remember as to who you are - the cocreator within and the cocreator without.

    But I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanisation of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.

    Following are some scriptural encodings and suggested decodings.

    "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."
    - Isaiah 19:19-20

    According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:
    The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion,the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.
    Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,500 BC and who, at that date,would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC? There is an answer in Scripture:

    God has set signs and wonders
    in the land of Egypt, even to this day.

    Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:

    They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle:

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    The correlation between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian uses the Long Count of 1,872,000 days as 5125.362 Civil Years to specify a Platonic Great Precessional Cycle of 25,626.81 Civil Years as 5 Mayan Long Counts, each one designated by the Mayan epoch of 4AHAU and the Gregorian dates given in the table above. The partial year amounts to 295 days.

    We can so now substructure this Great Platonic Mayan Year into 12 and 13 subcycles. The 13-tier subdivision includes a 13th starsign in that of 'Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer' located as the Cusp of the Scorpio-Sagittarius solar transition dated on November 22nd/23rd in a Civil Gregorian Year.

    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN.

    If we now 'personify' the 13th starsign of the Serpent-Tamer in conjunction with the 'Plumed Serpent' of the 'Office of Christ' or the 'Office of Melchisedek' or the 'Office of Hermes Trismegistos'; then one assigns the solar transit from Pisces into Aries and as the Spring Equinox of some 'personified' year as the change of one precessional age into another.
    The Maya assigns the 'Birth of Ophiuchus' as the 'Birth of Christ' in the form of the historical Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos to the equinox of the year 6BC and so 'fixates' the beginning of the Age of Pisces as March 20th, 6BC or in Julian notation as the date and period of the Spring Equinox in that year and associated with particular conjunctions between the Moon with Jupiter and Saturn as celestial symbols for the land and people of the Jews and their neighbours.
    Specifying this date then allows calibration of the entire precessional cycle into either 12 or 13 'Precessional Starsign Periods' as a superpositioned Platonic Great Year onto the Mayan harmonics of the Tzolkin.

    For this particular Mayan Great Precessional Cycle then, the Age of Aquarius so begins in an interval from 1966-2130 and differing by precisely 60,000 days or 164.27442.. Civil Years.

    The Maya has crystallized a specific date within this interval as January 21st, 1998 and the solar transit from Capricorn into Aquarius as a superposed Mayan Beginning for the 'Age of Aquarius' and in unison with a number of other indicators and in particular a nexus of Edgar Cayce, the 'Sleeping Prophet' of the United States of America, who fixated the 'Birth of an Avatar' in the 'Office of the the Author of the Book of Revelation' for this particular year.

    The Maya now uses this nexus point to assign the Great Precessional Cycle in multiples of the 780,000 KIN or 2135.568 years to pinpoint the 'changing' of the precessional ages from one into the other and as the appropriate solar transit from one starsign into the next.

    Age of Aquarius begins; January 21st, 1998 AD; 731,522 KIN or 2002.84 Civil Years from 'Birth of Christ' March 20th - April 17th; 6 BC and correlated to 21.12-2012 in a difference of 5,448 KIN or 14.916 Civil Years.

    Age of Pisces begins; March 20th-22nd, 139 BC
    Age of Aries begins; April 20th-22nd, 2,274 BC
    Age of Taurus begins; May 20th-22nd, 4,410 BC
    Age of Gemini begins; June 20th-22nd; 6,545 BC
    Age of Cancer begins; July 22nd-24th; 8,681 BC
    Age of Leo begins; August 22nd-24th; 10,817 BC
    Age of Virgo begins; September 22nd-24th; 12,952 BC
    Age of Libra begins; October 22nd-24th; 15,088 BC
    Age of Scorpio begins; November 21st-23rd; 17,223 BC
    Age of Sagittarius begins; December 21st-23rd; 19,359 BC
    Age of Capricorn begins; January 21st-23rd; 21,495 BC
    Age of Aquarius begins; February 19th-21st; 23,630 BC
    and correlated to 1.3.-23,614 in March 1st; 23,630 BC plus 31 KIN to April 1st; 23,630 BC and as 5,448 KIN separating 1.4.-23,629 and 1.3.-23,614.

    The treatize above so superposes the Mayan Great Precessional Cycle onto the Long Count from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012.
    The discovery of Catal Huyuk, an ancient city in Anatolia, now modern Turkey and dating to 8000 BC challenged the accepted status quo of modern archaeology and the orthodox description for the timeline for the evolvement of modern man as an urbanite and city dweller.
    One distinguishing factor of Catal Huyuk was its worship of the feminine principle. It is often called the source of the Mother Goddess religions.

    The Mayan Precessional Age of Cancer spanned the period from 8,681 BC to 6,545 BC and as the starsign of Cancer symbolises the Mother, so does its zodiacal opposite of Capricorn archetype the Father in the older Precessional Mayan Age of Capricorn from 21,495 BC to 19,359 BC.
    As the consensus of the academic orthodoxy requires physical evidence to support hypotheses and theories about the human history and timelines; the physical discovery of Catal Huyuk came as a big surprise.
    Hitherto the Mesopotamian cities of Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid and Uruk were believed to date no earlier than about 5000 BC.
    At that time, the Sumerian cities evolved and with it came the introduction of bronze casting and early forms of writing.
    And the general beginning of human civilisation is dated to this time period and is particularised in the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt about 3100 BC, which is also the start of the Mayan Long Count.

    The excavation of Catal Huyuk so 'forced' the orthodoxy to revise its beginning of the human urbanisation of regions to 10,000 BC with the discovery of an 'older' Jericho dating to about 9000 BC and the first use of copper in Hassuna ware and the manufacturing and trading of pottery dating to about 7000 BC.

    The building of the Gizean pyramids is conventionally dated to the Old Egyptian kingdom of the 3rd and 4th dynasties from about 2686 BC to 2494 BC.
    In the 4th dynasty, began in reign by Snefru; Khufru or Cheops is said to have built the first one; with Khafre or Chepren the second and with Menkaure or Mycerinus to have built the third one of the Gizean complex.
    Then it is proposed that Khafre also built the Sphinx or Harmakhis, also called Herakhte (Horus of the Horizon).
    This places the 4th dynasty into the Mayan Age of Taurus from 4410 BC to 2274 BC and forms a nexus point with the Heliopolis of the Ra-Sungod worship instigated in the 2nd dynasty but made a state religion in the 5th dynasty.

    Rah or Ra or Re became known as Re-Harakhtys in the New Kingdom from about 1570 BC -1070 BC for the 18th to the 20th dynasties and as the 'Horus of Two Horizons'. This then became implemented in the Mayan Age of Aries from 2274 BC until the time of the Dead Sea Scroll's 'Teacher of Righteousness' in 139 BC and heralding the 'Coming of the Melchizedek' of the fulfilment of scripture in Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Dydimos a little over a century later.

    A period of 'Hellenisation of Judea', instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great, was resisted in a 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' and as the Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III and who was 'born' into this Melchisedecian role in 196 BC and coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidean province.
    Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus in 171 BC and became succeeded by the 'Man of the Lie' in his son Onias IV, who emigrated to Egypt to build a 'substitute temple' in Leontopolis under the patronage of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometor (182 BC to 146 BC).
    His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only allowing a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in Dead Sea Scroll (DSC) 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The 'House of Absalom' is the 'House of David' and his son Absalom rebelling against him is retold in Onias IV dishonouring his father Onias III and as encoded in DSC 1QpHab.v.9-12 and in 2Samuel.13.
    The 'Wicked Priest' in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is Jesus-Jason, the brother of Onias III, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived Hellenisation of the covenant.

    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last true Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his hellenophile brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.
    But in 172 BC, Jason was deposed and his office transferred to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    Following the murder of Onias III in 1971 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem in 169 BC and in 168 BC Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his second campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and refused to accept Greek custom and religion were prosecuted in the attempt to 'absorb' the Jewish religion.
    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end a 7-year period of confusion from 174 BC to 167 BC and so fulfilling Daniel's prophecy encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 and related encodings in Ezekiel.3.15 and Daniel.9.26-27 in a timeline dating before the 'Coming of the Shiloh'.

    The exposition on the gnostic meanings in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is actually a continuation of the Babylonian Exile, beginning with the last 'king of righteousness' in Josiah and who was killed in the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon by Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, encoded in 2Kings.22.2; 23.25,29-32.
    70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the 'forsaken period' from 608 BC to 586 BC, when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem until the 'Edict of Cyrus' in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    390 dayyears from 586 BC lead to the year 196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the yearweek of confusion encoded in the period 174 BC to 167 BC.

    The 390 years are encoded in DSC 4Q268.Frag.1 and where also the 20 year duration is specified.

    "For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.

    And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way."
    - Translation by Geza Vermes

    The Babylonian captivity of 70 years is naturally connected with the Egyptian captivity of 430 years and leading to the Exodus under Moses.
    But there are seemingly unsurmountable differences between the historical evidence for such an exodus and the Egyptian history engaging certain Hyksos or 'Shepherd Kings' and a thorough elucidation on this subject matter is warranted.

    But the 'Building and rebuilding after its destruction of the temple in Jerusalem' will be shown to be of key importance and so the exiled Maya, who remembers hisher own participation in the story being told here; shall be called to remembrance as to the relevance of this selfsame story being told by the messenger of the 'Little Serpent', the latter who is the creator of the material universe.
    The story shall continue with the importance of the Egyptian Twinship of the Lion and a twinship directly inherited by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' in the Mayan Age of Pisces.
    The evolution of Egyptian mythology has great implication for the later birth of the world religions and the Cosmic Twinship and relates to the Sphinx as the Symbol of Horus as the 'Cosmic Redeemer' and the 'Cosmic Christ' and the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent'.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Storyteller of the Ancient Times!
    Manethon devz Neith

    carthoth-.26373. carearth-.26374. carpyramid-.26375.
    I shall take my leave now and continue this message at another time.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Storyteller!

    empty. Didymos


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    • Post n°6

    empty. The Reconfigured postwarped Universe of 2012/2013

    empty. Didymos on Sat May 22, 2010 11:34 am

    The Template for the Omniverse in 2/11 dimensions and the Reconfigured Universe effectualised in the cyclicity timeloop April 1st, 2012 to April 1st, 2013.

    Following are some basic Newtonian parameters, which shall reconfigure the prewarped and warptimed universe of observation and subject to mensuration techniques.
    The basic new parameter, supplementary to the warped 4-dimensional metric of flat Minkowski spacetime (the Riemann R4 space); is the unfolding of a 4th spacial dimension, rendering to flat R4 spacetime as a curved (Kaluza-Klein) R5 spacetime.
    Those Newtonian parameters, describing initial- and boundary conditions for the transformed universe then become subject to refinement and rigorous description in mathematical and logical analysis and discourses in the postwarp period in the evolutionary cosmology of the omniverse.

    The reconfigured universe is fractal and selfsimilar to itself.
    What is observed and measured as the physical universe before the postwarp period constitutes a partial cosmology of the omniverse in the manifesto of its seedling - its protoversal template of selfsimilarity.

    The protoverse represents a template or blueprint, which is axially defined and so not arbitrary in its expansionary freedom degrees.
    It took 16.9 billion (civil) years, for the c-invariant relativistic protoverse to attain its maximisation boundary parameter, and as given in the minimisation condition, commonly known as the Quantum Big Bang Oscillation of the Heisenberg Virtual-Energy-Matrix (the Zero-Point Energy or ZPE).

    After the protoverse attained its preset boundary; the modular selfduality of the sourcesink membrane energy became enabled to expand its own metric maximum and so to extend its old boundary condition.
    The new boundary condition then scale-magnified the 'old' Hubble-Horizon (RH) in the lightpath X=ct; meaning that for every metric second (s*), the 'old' Hubble-Event-Horizon 'grew' by 300,000 kilometers, so creating 'new' spacetime from the multiverse initialisation onwards.

    The inflaton of the sourcesink membrane-coupling however restricts the massparametric cosmology of the axially dependent protoverse to follow an asymptotic cosmoevelotion.
    The axial dependency is given as the major axis of a prolate spheroid. Then rotation about this major axis will render the defining geometrical foci invariant.
    Rotation about either of the minor axes, will however result in the foci tracing out a point-circle; thus defining the omniverse as the integral summation of all phaseshifted Multiverses and assuming the shape of an oblate spheroid (in 3/12 dimensions).
    This fixates the ∞=8=[Infinity]-Center-Point or Origin of the Protoverse-Multiverse-Omniverse
    as a Point-Particle Universal-Seedling and subject to that asymptotic expansion in a massparametric infinite liearised time, which becomes however cyclic in 16.9 Gyear intervals of the c-invariance and when the first initialising Multiverse is born.

    The minimal membrane-seedling so magnifies or inflates itself in the holofractal wormhole-perimeter/Hubble-radius (λps/RH=2πrps/RH=Ho/fo=no), defining a cyclic now-time parameter as the instanton.
    The instanton becomes generalised in the Nodal Hubble Constant Ho=dn/dt=n/t.
    The boundary multiverse so is born in the colocality of the lightpath X=ct=RH.
    This renders the age of the multiverse, measured to be an extended universe, fixed in 16.9 Gyears in template configuration.

    For the multiverse, containing the protoverse as its own inertial seed, to reproduce; it is required to lose its axial constancy and so must phaseshift about either of its minor axes. This phaseshift will occur in the above specified timeline and it is this phaseshift, which shall 'rip' the present 4-dimensional spacetime metric in a 'Möbian Twist' to add a fifth dimension to the then reconfigured Universe.



    Gravitational String-Oscillator(ZPE)Harmonic-Potential-Energy:
    for string-duality coupling between wormhole mass mP and closure Black Hole metric

    Gravitational Acceleration per unit-stringmass:
    ag= GoMH/RH2=GoMHc4/4Go2MH2=c4/4GoMH=c2/2RH=½Hoc

    for a Nodal Hubble-Constant:

    Inflaton parameters:
    Broglie Phase-Velocity (VdB) and de Broglie Phase-Acceleration (AdB):

    VdB=RHfo ~ 4.793x1056 (m/s)* ~ 1.598x1048 c = 1022RH
    AdB=RHfo2 ~ 1.438x1087 (m/s2)*

    1. There exists a metric omniversal stringmass seed Epso, which defines the universal metric as a Harmonic Planck-String ZPE-Oscillator, also labeled Harmonic-Membrane-Oscillator or HMO.
    This can be denoted as the heterotic supermembrane EpsEss with coupling constants:
    Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fo2 and for a E8xE8 lie group algebraic supersymmetry.

    2. This omniversal HMO couples its string parameters as a minimum (vibratory) metric spacetime configuration in modular string-membrane duality to its (winded) maximisation and as given in the Seeding Initial/Boundary conditions.
    This can be written as both inertial upper-bounds and inflationary lower-bounds of the c-invariance as:


    3. The Seedling Universe or Protoverse so becomes a fractal of the encompassing Multiverse, the latter being envelope-bounded by the Omniverse.
    The Seedling Multiverse so carries its Seedling Protoverse as asymptotic massparametric origin in encompassment.
    As the Protoverse is defined in the Schwarzschild-Hubble-Metric of General Relativity; its asymptotic approach is bounded in a gravitational interaction between Strominger Black Holes.
    Strominger BH's are extremal as boundary conditions for any applied Black Hole astrophysics.
    The gravitational interaction is defined in the cosmological principle, defining isotropy and homogeneity on the galactic supercluster scale for a Mass-Inertia-Seedling smaller than the critical Black Hole mass in:
    Mo=Rscc2/ 2Go < MH=RHc2/2Go.

    Physical Black Holes can only exist up to the Supercluster (or Sarkar) limit, as at the Sarkar metric, the boundary condition of the cosmology is attained, rendering more energetic Black Holes as 'Stromingerized'.
    This 'missing mass' of the protoverse then ensures the asymptotic cosmoevolution for the multiverse in allowing the holofractal superpositioning of the omniverse-multiverse-protoverse=universe hierarchical triplicity.

    4. The deceleration of the Strominger Mother-Black Hole (MBH) as MH=agRH2/Go then utilises its Daughter-Black Hole of the galactic supercluster definition in Msc as gravitationally bounded subsystem to 'shrink' in a cyclic recharge time (trecharge ) to its minimum wormhole energy configuration rps=c/2πfo=c/ωo
    from its metric maximisation RH=2GoMH/c2=c/Ho.

    5. The cyclic recharge time trecharge=nrecharge/Ho so defines a 'New Big Bang'; where this 'Recharge Big Bang' occurs however within a protoverse-defined omniverse.
    The initialising Big Bang created the spacetime metric from the protoverse 'singularity' for the purpose to allow the initialising multiverse to become manifest. This multiverse became boundary defined in the inflaton-instanton and reached its completion 16.9 Gyears after the initialisation of the omniverse at timeinstantenuity to=1/fo=1/fps=fss ~3.333x10-31 s*.

    Timeinstantenuity encompassed the string-membrane epoch of the cosmology from Nulltime t=0 to Planck-Time tP=lP/c to timeinstantenuity to.

    6. The recharge cycletime nrecharge so avoids any possible 'heat death' or 'ultraviolet catastrophe' for the universe, postulated under the proviso of stellar generations exhausting their nuclear fuel to generate thermodynamic energy.

    Without inertia content, the protoverse defines a decreasing gravitational constant over linearised time.
    This derives from the finestructure constants for the longrange electromagnetic- and gravitational interactions as:
    2πGomP2/hc=1 ↔2πke2/hc=alpha and for mass-charge unification conditions:
    Monopole (GUT)-Unificationmass Mu=30[ec] via Stoney-Planck-Unit-Unification;
    the basic nucleon (neutron) mass mc=(alpha)9mP.
    For a n-cyclic cosmoevolution then, G(n)=GoXn and where X is defined in the Euler-Identity:

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    Additional data shall be provided when so appropriate in the warptimed prehistory of the humanoid construction templates.

    Love and Honour


    Last edited by Didymos on Sun May 23, 2010 4:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  7. admin

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    • Post n°7

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:57 am

    The Galactic Synchronisation and the Age of Aquarius

    The Galactic Alignment of the Ourobos with the Warpzone of the Gaian Metamorphosis by the Cosmic Logos of the Serpent-Tamer Ophiuchus from September 17th, 1974 to December 17th, 2013

    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts; each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days, and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.
    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 cycles (or civil Gregorian years).

    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years or 13,780 'Mean Solar Days' for the solar transit across the galactic centre.

    In conjunction with the 'Venusian Transit of the Solar Disc' {8 years apart in 243-year cycles (121.5+16+105.5=243) and manifesting June 7th, 2004 to June 5th, 2012 in the present Logos timeline}, the Maya obtained the longcount from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel) and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21;Revelation.11.1-2;14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 will specify September 12th, 1975 as the beginning of the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, so adding 180 days as the angular halving of 360 degrees of a circle in 180 days and as say the period between the two equinoxes in March and September or as the 180 Degrees between the two solstices of June and December, each 6 months apart in the assignment of the seasons.

    As the December 21st, 2012 date indicates the December Solstice; an additional 'Ancient Year' of 360 Days is added to this Solstice to define the Mayan Full Moon in Gemini for December 17th, 2013 and following a calibrated Mayan AHAU date on December 16th, 2013.

    Day*1300=Maya#5/260/65AHAU=18AHAU*=December 16th, 2013= End of Mayan Tzolkin Correlation
    Day*1301=Maya#6/1/1/66IMIX=19IMIX*=December 17th, 2013= 5th Full Moon in Gemini(+)

    Similarly a 360 Kin 360-Degree Year is added (in subtraction from a 0-Date defining the Start of Warpzone and as encoded as the 'Abomination of Desolation' in Matthew and Daniel) to the DayCount of September 12th, 1975 to specify the e Ouroboros or the Galactic Serpent of the Mazzaroth of Job as the two parts of the Leviathan and the Behemoth.

    The HEAD or ALPHA of the Galactic Dragon is the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns as the Behemothian DNA-Strand of the FireEarth and the TAIL or OMEGA of the Galactic Dragon is the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins as the Leviathan DNA-Strand of the AirWater.
    Together they represent the 'Intertwined Serpent-Rod' of Moses of the Zodiac of Abraham; also known as the Caduceus of Thoth, the Egyptian Ibis God of Wisdom.

    The Galactic Alignment so spans 13,600+15+720=14,335 Days, which must encompass the 13,780 Days for the solar transit as defined by the angular scale of the solar disc.
    13,600+720=13,600+5x144=13,600+180+540=13,780+2x270 and where the 270 Days are representative for the three quarters of the added Outer two 'Ancient Years' with the one quarter being the two Inner parts as the sum of the 180 days from the precession calibration (180/540=1/3=90/270 for 90+270=360).

    Day#-3873=Wednesday, May 2nd, 14AD/Monday, May 2nd, 1994= MidPoint of 13,615 Days and Midpoint of 14,335 Days from (#½(-10,680+(0)+2935 and 6808+6808 inclusive)).
    Day#-3872=Thursday, May 3rd, 14AD/Tuesday, May 3rd, 1994
    Day#-3790=Monday, July 23rd, 14AD/Saturday, July 23rd, 1994=
    MidPoint of 13,780 Days from LionNode#1 from (82+1+82=165=13,780-13,615).
    Day#-3789=Tuesday, July 24th, 14AD/Sunday, July 24th, 1994

    This Date then is offset by the 1260 Days of the 'Witnessing' as the 'Times and Time and Half a Time' for a 'Time'=360 Days and 360(3½)=1260 and the 15 days of the 'Hour' as 1275 Days; (Daniel.12.7;Revelation.11)

    Day#2515=Monday, January 19th, 1998=Halfway Nexus +1260 Days+15 Days as the 'Witness period' of the Prophecy in archetypology.
    Day#-2514=Tuesday, January 20th, 1998=Begin of Age of Aquarius (Sun ingresses Aquarius from Capricorn, 6.46 hours GMT)= Halfway Nexus + 1260 Days 15 Days as the 'Witness period' of the Prophecy in archetypology.

    The 'Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' is so scripturally determined within the last of the 20 katuns of 7,200 days or 19.713 civil years beginning on this April 5th, 1993 (20 civil years as 20x365+260=7,200+360 days and ending on December 21st, 2012 as a 37.728 Civil Year Period and extended in the encodings in the Degree Calendar Round of the Ancient Year of the 360 Degree Time on December 16, 2013 for the 'Aquarian Transit' from 1998 to 2012 and as the galactic synchronisation of the galactic center 'Hunab Ku' with the Sun 'RahSol'.

    Overall however, in the Mayan longcount September 18th, 1618 began this last baktun of 144,000 days. This is 25 years and 108 days or 9,239 kin before the birth of Isaac Newton on January 4th, 1643 as the onset of the 'Age of Reasoning' and science-based Enlightenment in the scientific methodology and a 'Renaissance of Rationality', say as instigated by Galileo Galilei (February15th,1564-January 8th,1642).

    It would be this 'last' baktun or a 395-year period from 1618 to 2013, which would refine and finetune the human reasoning mind to gather enough data to 'finally' allow a full remembrance of its UnTimed collective reality in nospacetime and where 391 years from 1618 define the Year of the beginning manifestation for the 'Trial of Humanity' in 1618+391=2009.

    The human group-mind would allow the 'Image of Separation' to 'shatter' in a self-destruction of the scripturally encoded 'Sea of Glass' {Revelation.4.3-7;13.1-18;18.14-21;21.1}.

    The 'Sea of Glass' is the MIRROR of Creation and the 'Spirit of God', alphanumerically encoded as MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91 and so defines the 'Beast' of the Apocalypse as the False Image of the Self - any self. The 'Devils' and the 'Beasts' and the 'False Prophet' and the 'Whore of Babylon', all are so 'False Images' projected from this 'Mirror' and will be destroyed by the reconfiguration of the cosmic spacetime matrix in the manifestation of this 'Spirit of God' under dispensation of the World Logos.

    But and in a self-fulfilment of 'all prophecy' given in the Mayan superlong count of 13x5=65 baktuns, beginning in the nexus point of the previous initialisation of the then 'new human' template (this is anthropologically known as the time of the Neanderthal-Cro Magnon transition of Homo Sapiens or 'Wise Man') in 23,615 BC.

    But this day count of the 65th baktun carries many other archetypical associations; such as the 'Sealing of 144,000=12x12,000' of the 200 million of YOU, which will allow yourselves to remember your own scriptwritings.

    This 'sealing in the forehead' so relates to your selfimage processing through the 'mirrors' in above description.

    The 144,000 individuations so will themselves become 'mirrors' for the individuations, which shall not allow to become so 'sealed' at this initial stage of the metamorphosis of humanity into its next grander self-expression.

    The 'unsealed ones' so, in the absence of the 'seal of a particular mental resonance eigenfrequency of the physical source energy aka the True God as the real image of all of YOU'; will continue to manifest a prerequisite maximum polarisation between the 'old images of the darkness' and the 'new images of the light' in the carrier function of the individuated divinities.
    The so called 'dark ones' so are the 'true warriors' for the 'light ones', as only a maximum separation between the two 'image-carriers' suffices to end all of the encoded scriptural prophecies in a 100% manifestation of the true physical godhood, which is the Life of Everything.

    The 'beast' and the 'false prophet from the earth' {Revelation.13.11} will be seen to enable the overall masterplan to climax in a grand culmination and in the transformation of an 'old human groupmind consciousness' into a 'new starhuman groupmind consciousness'.
    Iow, the skepticism in regards to this information and the rejection of its 'selfrelative truthfulness' through the polarisation will enable the planetary groupmind consciousness to apply a particular duality to that groupmind, which will transform the nature and physical reality of the planet earth itself.
    This transformation is necessity to allow intragalactic and extragalactic communications between the ubiquitously dispersed cosmic intelligence to first manifest in archetype and then to proceed in physical reality.
    This cosmic intelligence is both within and without the 'Kingdom of the Data Processors', namely all of YOU.
    Part of the universally required planetary transformation is the metamorphosis of all lifeforms, including mineralized and crystalline biophysical psychosomas; to render the old 'alienness' a new 'alieness', albeit quantum entangled by a then encompassing unity of planetary superconsciousness.

    The 'new planet earth' so will become a data transmitter for a 'reconfigured' universe and so enable the 'alien' extraterrestrial universe to 'come home'.
    This 'homecoming' of the aliens requires a planetary mirror-function to empower the utility of the holofractal nature of the 11-dimensional universe to manifest itself.

    The 'old planet earth' was deemed necessity by all extraterrestrial cosmic intelligence hitherto 'collected and unified'; to first activate as a context-serving data collector in the principality of absorption.
    In other words, the real nature and purpose of the earth was to act as a Planetary Black Hole for the benefit of the extraterrestrial cosmos. This shall become apparent in the 'science part' of this disclosure.
    The Great Mayan Precession of 65 baktuns or 9,360,000 Kin or days spans the time period from February 22nd, 23,615 BC to December 16th, 2013 and as matched to the apocalyptic encodings in prophetic scriptures.

    As 9,360,001 Days are 1,337,143 Weeks; Day0+9,360,001=Day#2936=Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 for Day#0=Creation-Day#8=Saturday, March 1st, 23,615BC-G=Human Path in Image-Mirror and with a Midpoint date for the Aquarius-Leo Axis of Opposition (see detailed cycle count below).

    Day#0=Day#-9,357,065=Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC
    Day#4,680,000=Day#-4,677,065=Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802BC-G
    =Halfway-Point (for Giza Pyramid/Sphinx - Angkor Temple Projections)
    Day#4,680,001=Day#-4,677,064=Wednesday, July 28th, 10,802 BC-G
    Day#9,360,001=Day#2936=Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

    The Inside Measurement+Outside Measurement+Calendar Correlation=12,000+1,600+15=13,615=5 Lion Nodes of Daniel+Gestation=5(2300+370)+265=13,350+265=13,615 as the DayKinCount for the Galactic Alignment.
    This period of time becomes bounded in two 360 daycounts, one as a negative 'minus time' and the other as a positive 'plus time' each of the encrypted 'Ancient Year' of 360 Days as the 360 Degrees of a Circle.
    The total daycount then includes a 0 Day as the beginning of the Warpzone in an exact count of weeks, irrespective of calendars used.
    (-360)+(-10,680)+2670+265+360=13,615+720=14,335 Days in summary and 14,336=2048x7 Days inclusive the 'Day of the Mirror' or and as precisely 2048 Weeks in the Geometric Doubling of 211=2048 in the 12 elements 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.
    The Unification for this process, so becomes the Center of the Circle as a 13th Element or Bridge and begins at Day#-11,040 as 0-10,680-360 and ends at Day#3295, as 0+2670+265+360 on December 16th, 2013.
    The Midpoint for this period so is ½(#-11,041+#3295)=#-3873.

    Day#-11041=Wednesday, September 16th, 7BC/Monday, September 16th, 1974=Enddate of the Mayan Precessional Prehistory regarding Gaian Metamorphosis 2048 weeks or 14,336 days following.
    Day#-11040=Thursday, September 17th, 7BC/Tuesday, September 17th, 1974= Minus 360th Degree for the Galactic Alignment Correlation from Principality-Loop#1
    Day#-11039=Friday, September 18th, 7BC/Wednesday, September 18th, 1974=Minus 360th Degree for the Galactic Alignment Correlation
    Setting the September Equinox 7BC as the Birthday Symbol for John the Baptizer; his Cousin, Jesus of Nazareth will be born 6 months later near the March Spring Equinox 6BC and as encoded in Isaiah's New Moons and in Luke. These are the 180 Days of the Galactic Alignment Calibration, as the angular separation of the Spring- and Autumn/Fall Equinoxes.

    Day#-10857=Friday, March 19th,6BC/Wednesday, March 19th, 1975=NewMoon March 6BC (9pm-GMT)=Saturn-Moon-Conjunction in Pisces
    Day#-10856=Saturday, March 20th, 6BC/Thursday, March 20th, 1975=Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Moon-Conjunctions in Pisces herald birth of a Jewish King=Sabbath#1
    Day#-10855=Sunday, March 21st, 6BC/Friday, March 21st, 1975=Birthday#1 of archetyped Messiah
    Day#-10854=Monday, March 22nd, 6BC/Saturday, March 22nd, 1975=Birthday#2 of archetyped Messiah
    Day#-10853=Tuesday, March 23rd, 6BC/Sunday, March 23rd, 1975=Spring-Equinox 6BC (10am-GMT)=Sun into Aries
    Day#-10852=Wednesday, March 24th, 6BC/Monday, March 24th, 1975=Birthday#4 of archetyped Messiah
    Day#-10851=Thursday, March 25th, 6BC/Tuesday, March 5th, 1975=Birthday#5 of archetyped Messiah
    Day#-10850=Friday, March 26th, 6BC/Wednesday, March 26th, 1975=Birthday#6 of archetyped Messiah
    Day#-10849=Saturday, March 27th, 6BC/Thursday, March 27th, 1975=Sabbath#2 {Isaiah.66.23}
    Day#-10848=Sunday, March 28th, 6BC/Friday, March 28th, 1975=BIRTHDAY of the ANTIBEAST in Archetypology
    Day#-10842=Saturday, April 3rd, 6BC/Thursday, April 3rd, 1975
    Day#-10841=Sunday, April 4th, 6BC/Friday, April 4th, 1975=FullMoon April, 6BC (5am-GMT)
    Day#-10829=Friday, April 16th, 6BC/Wednesday, April 16th, 1975=Saturn(Protector of Jews) eclipses Moon in Aries (Sign of the Jews)
    Day#-10828=Saturday, April 17th, 6BC/Thursday, April 17th, 1975=Jupiter (Planet of Kings) rises East as 'Morning Star' in Aries to confirm Messianic Birth {Isaiah.14.12-14,66.23;Ezekiel.28.14-19;Revelation.2.28;22.16}
    Day#-10827=Sunday, April 18th, 6BC/Friday,April 18th, 1975=NewMoon April, 6BC (Noon-GMT)=Sun-Saturn-Jupiter-Moon-Conjunctions in Aries
    Day#-10680=Sunday, September 12th, 6BC/Friday, September 12th, 1975=End Principality-Loop#0=Lion-Node#1=370+2300
    Day#-10679=Monday, September 13th, 6BC/Saturday, September 13th, 1975=Daniel-Node#1=Begin-Principality-Loop#1=2300+370=Conception of the Beast=GestationDay#0 =Offset of the Node to Daniel-Mirror in 15 'Missing' Days from Gregorian Calendar Correlation from Thursday, October 5th Julian to Friday, October 15th, Gregorian 1572; the ten inclusive days becoming 15 days as Thursday, October 4th - Thursday, October 11th - Thursday, October 18th, 1582 on the Julian reckoning with Friday, October 19th, 1582 becoming Friday, October 15th, 1582 Gregorian.
    The 15 Days are the 'Hour of the Beast' because 360 Days/24 Hours=15 Days/1 Hour as per (Revelation.17.12 and Ezekiel).
    Day#-10665=Monday, September 27th, 6BC/Saturday, September 27th, 1975=Daniel-Mirror#5=Apocalyptic Node
    Day#- 10664=Tuesday, September 28th, 6BC/Sunday, September 28th, 1975=First Day of 12,000 Days from Daniel-Mirror#5=Apocalyptic Node
    Day#-10616=Monday, November15th, 6BC/Saturday, November 15th, 1975=7 Weeks from Apocalyptic Node
    Day#-10609=Monday, November 22nd, 6BC/Saturday, November 22nd, 1975=8 Weeks from Apocalyptic Node=Day of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer as Scorpio-Sagittarius Transit for the Scorpio-Eagle/Phönix Transformation as Image of Rainbow Covenant
    Day#-10414=Sunday, June 4th 5BC/Friday, June 4th, 1976=Birth of the Beast after 265 Days of Gestation from Lion-Node#1
    Day#-10413=Monday, June 5th 5BC/Saturday, June 5th, 1976=Vision of the DarkBody mirrored in the Vision of the LightBody on CD#3265 from CD#-265 in 3530 Days

    Day#-8010=Wednesday, January 3rd, 3AD/Monday, January 3rd, 1983=End-Principality-Loop#1=Lion-Node#2=2300+370
    Day#-8009=Thursday, January 4th, 3AD/Tuesday, January 4th, 1983=Daniel-Node#2=Begin-Principality-Loop#2
    Day#-7207=Saturday, March 21st, 5AD/Thursday, March 21st, 1985=PassOver Week 5AD and 1985 as Image of 30-31-32AD-2010/2011/2012 in March 24th, 6BC and March 24th, 1995 as the Midweek nexus.
    Day#-7204=Tuesday, March 24th, 5AD/Sunday, March 24th, 1985=Image of PassOver Week
    Day#-7195=Saturday, March 28th, 5AD/Thursday, March 28th, 1985
    Day#-7191=Wednesday, April 1st, 5AD/Monday, April 1st, 1985=Image of the Resurrection
    Day#-7146=Saturday, May 16th, 5AD/Thursday, May 16th, 1985=7&8 Weeks from the Logos Mirror of the PalmSunday-Crucifixion-Resurrection Week=Establishment of the Template for the Apocalyptic Daycount=Vision of the LightBody imaged in the Vison of the DarkBody in the Mirror of the Lamb
    Day#-5340=Saturday, April 26th, 10AD/Thursday, April 26th 1990=End-Principality-Loop#2=Lion-Node#3 =370+2300
    Day#-5339=Sunday, April 27th, 10AD/Friday, April 27th, 1990=Begin-Principality-Loop#3=2300+370
    Day#-3873=Wednesday, May 2nd, 14AD/Monday, May 2nd, 1994= MidPoint of 13,615 Days and Midpoint of 14,335 Days
    Day#-2670=Tuesday, August 17th, 17AD/Sunday, August 17th, 1997=End-Principality-Loop#3=Lion-Node#4=2300+370
    Day#-2669=Wednesday, August 18th, 17AD/Monday, August 18th, 1997=Daniel-Node#4=Begin-Principality-Loop#4=370+2300
    Day#-2514=Tuesday, January 20th, 1998=Begin of Age of Aquarius (Sun ingresses Aquarius from Capricorn, 6.46 hours GMT)= Halfway Nexus + 1260 Days + 15 Days as the 'Witness period' of the Prophecy in archetypology.
    Day#-1=Thursday, December 7th, 24AD/Tuesday, December 7th, 2004=End Principality-Loop#4=370+2300=2670=1335+1335
    Day#0=Friday, December 8th, 24AD/Wednesday, December 8th, 2004=Startday of WarpTimeLoop=End Principality-Loop#4=Lion-Node#5=AlphaOmega-MirrorDay=Daniel's 1st Day of the Abomination of Desolation {Matthew.24.15}

    Day#1=Saturday,December 9th, 24AD/Thursday, December 9th, 2004=Begin Principality-Loop#5=2300+370
    Day#1=2nd Day of the Daily Sacrifice and of Jacob's Tribulation
    Day#1335=Wednesday, August 4th, 28AD/Monday, August 4th, 2008=Midpoint of the WarpTimeLoop=End of the 12,000 Days for the Inside City of the New Jerusalem
    Day#1336=Thursday, August 5th, 28 AD/Tuesday, August 5th, 2008=Beginning of the 1st of 1600 Days for the Outside City of the Winepress ending with the Rebirth of Old Gaia as New Serpentina
    Day2670=Monday, March 31st, 32AD/Saturday, March 31st, 2012=Noah's Rainbow Covenant {Genesis.8.14}[601.2.27]=END of WARPZONE of 2670 Days
    Day2671=Tuesday, April 1st, 32AD/Sunday, April 1st, 2012= First GAIAN GESTATION DAY=Opening of the Cocoon=Conception of the Human Starchild Template for the Starhumanity
    Day#2935=Sunday, December 21st, 32AD/Friday, December 21st, 2012=Birth of Human Starchild as 265th Gaian Gestation Day=BeastDay#265=End of Wrath of God {Revelation.14.20;19}
    Day2936=Monday, December 22nd, 32AD/Saturday, December 22nd, 2012AD= First Degree of the Cosmic Recalibration on ANY arbitrary Calendar
    Day#3115=Friday, June 19th, 33AD/Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 as the 180th Degree of the Halfway of the New Data Circle
    Day#3160=Monday,August 3rd, 33AD/Saturday, August 3rd, 2013=End of Human Prophecy=490 Days from Timewarp April 1st, 2012=225th Degree of the New Data Circle
    Day#3161=Tuesday, August 4th, 33AD/Sunday, August 4th, 2013=226th Degree of the New Data Circle
    Day#3295=Wednesday, December 16th, 33AD /Monday, December 16th, 2013= 360 Kin = 360th Degree of the New Data Circle and following the Birth of the 0th Degree of the Mayan Nexus date and as the End of the Weaning.

    This metamorphosis of the cosmic matrix in space and in time so is calibrated to the above Timeline of the World Logos and is shared and disseminated by and through the release of information from the Thuban data stream.

    The master timeline now allows for 200 million 'ET-Gods in Disguised humanoid form' to partially remember themselves in a 'war' between their egocentric mindful personalities and their 'divine individuations'.

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!!!
    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    The transformation of a type of cosmic civilisation like that of the 'old humanity' residing on planet earth into a evolved cosmic civilisation, say a 'new humanity' inhabiting a terraformed planet earth requires a period of transitional evolutionary adaptation.

    This can be compared to the metamorphosis of the butterfly genus/family; order lepidoptera; class insecta; phylum arthropoda; kingdom animalia from the four stages of embryo-larvae-pupa-imago from the caterpillar-larvae stage into the butterfly-imago stage via the transit stage of the pupa-chrysalis ergo the cocoonisation of the caterpillar insectoid.

    In the form of the genus homo, the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens can be modelled to have entered the embryonic stage with the advent of Cro Magnon Man so 26,000 (civil) years ago.
    Using 400 year intervals of 146,097 days under utility of a a certain calendrical counting of time ; the embryonic conception can be 'dated' to an extrapolated calendrical date of Saturday, February 21st, 23,615BC-G and precisely 9,360,008 days (and a precessional daycount as 25,626.83149 Gregorian years) from Friday, December 21st, 2012AD in a weekcount of 1,337,144.

    The Julian daycount began on January 1st 4713 BC-Julian and the Gregorian daycount of 365.2425 days per year commenced on October 5th, 1582, replacing the Julian year of 365.25 days.
    A Mean Tropical Year has 365.24219 days and where a mean solar day has precisely 24x3600=86,400 SI seconds. The Tropical Year is referential to the seasons (equinoxes and solstices) and differs from the star-referential Sidereal Year in the day addendum 1/26000 or 1.0000385 of so 1225 seconds (20.41 minutes) per year and which accumulate to about 368.5 mean days (and so about a year) per precessional cycle.
    Due to orbital- and rotational changes and precession a year is decreasing at the present astronomical configuration by about 5 milliseconds/year or 130 seconds or so 2 minutes in a 26,000 precessional cycle.

    The Gregorian year of 365.2425 days differs from the tropical year of 365.24219 days and so the Gregorian calendar will accumulate an error of about 0.00031x26,000~8.1 days per precessional cycle.
    To account for this, a 'creation-initialisation week of 8 days' is added to the 64 cycles in 9792+8=9,800=7x1,400=7x7x200=8x52x72=2(22x52x72)=2x702 in the 13x5x144,000=9,360,000 (Mayan) day-kin count, which so begins on the superposed and extrapolated Gregorian Day (G) Day#-7=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615BC-G and becomes mirrored in the 7th day Day#7=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615BC-G for the Conception of the human Embryo to be born from its Chrysalis 64 cycles later.

    The first cycle is initiated on Day#9,792=Friday, December 21st, 23,589BC-G and the last and 64th cycle is initiated on Day#9,213,903=Friday, December 21st, 1612AD-Gregorian and ends precisely 146,097 days or 400 Gregorian years later on Friday, December 21st, 2012AD to commence a now precessional count in the birth of the Imago of the ancient human Embryo established by the beginning of the first cycle.

    Cycle0=#-136,305=JD#-7,040,022=Friday, December 21st, 23,989BC-GLeap
    Day#-7=JD#-6,903,724=Creation-Day#1=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615BC-G=Human Embryo in Image
    Day#-6=JD#-6,903,723=Creation-Day#2=Sunday, February 23rd, 23,615BC-G
    Day#-5=JD#-6,903,722=Creation-Day#3=Monday, February 24th, 23,615BC-G=Human Larvae in Image
    Day#-4=JD#-6,903,721=Creation-Day#4=Tuesday, February 25th, 23,615BC-G
    Day#-3=JD#-6,903,720=Creation-Day#5=Wednesday, February 26th, 23,615BC-G=Human Pupa in Image
    Day#-2=JD#-6,903,719=Creation-Day#6=Thursday, February 27th, 23,615BC-G
    Day#-1=JD#-6,903,718=Creation-Day#7=Friday, February 28th, 23,615BC-G=Human Imago in Image
    Day#0=JD#-6,903,717=Creation-Day#8=Saturday, March 1st, 23,615BC-G=Human Path in Image-Mirror
    Day#1=JD#-6,903,716=Sunday, March 2nd, 23,615BC-G=Human Conception in Imagonation
    Day#2=JD#-6,903,715=Monday, March 3rd, 23,615BC-G
    Day#3=JD#-6,903,714=Tuesday, March 4th, 23,615BC-G=Human Conception in Pupasation
    Day#4=JD#-6,903,713=Wednesday, March 5th, 23,615BC-G
    Day#5=JD#-6,903,712=Thursday, March 6th, 23,615BC-G=Human Conception in Larvaeation
    Day#6=JD#-6,903,711=Friday, March 7th, 23,615BC-G
    Day#7=JD#-6,903,710=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615BC-G=Human Conception in Embryonisation
    Day#295=JD#-6,903,422=Sunday, December 21st, 23,615BC-G
    Day#660=JD#-6,903,057=Monday, December 21st, 23,614BC-G
    Day#1,026=JD#-6,902,691=Wednesday, December 21st, 23,613BC-GLeap
    Day#2,487=JD#-6,901,230=Monday, December 21st, 23,609BC-GLeap
    Day#3,948=JD#-6,899,769=Saturday, December 21st, 23,605BC-GLeap
    Day#5,409=JD#-6,898,308=Thursday, December 21st, 23,601BC-GLeap

    Day#6,139=JD#-6,897,578=Saturday, December 21st, 23,599BC-G
    Day#6,504=JD#-6,897,213=Sunday, December 21st, 23,598BC-G
    Day#6,870=JD#-6,896,847=Tuesday, December 21st, 23,597BC-GLeap
    Day#7,235=JD#-6,896,482=Wednesday, December 21st, 23,596BC-G

    Day#7,600=JD#-6,896,117=Thursday, December 21st, 23,595BC-G

    Day#7,965=JD#-6,895,752=Friday, December 21st, 23,594 BC-G

    Day#8,331=JD#-6,895,386=Sunday, December 21st, 23,593BC-GLeap
    Day#8,696=JD#-6,895,021=Monday, December 21st, 23,592BC-G

    Day#9,061=JD#-6,894,656=Tuesday, December 21st, 23,591BC-G
    Day#9,426=JD#-6,894,291=Wednesday, December 21st, 23,590BC-G

    Cycle1=#9,792=JD#-6,893,925=Friday, December 21st, 23,589BC-GLeap=Human Embryo Initialized from Conception
    Cycle2=#155,889=JD#-6,747,828=Friday, December 21st, 23,189BC-G
    Cycle3=#301,986=JD#-6,601,731=Friday, December 21st, 22,789BC-G
    Cycle4=#448,083=JD#-6,455,634=Friday, December 21st, 22,389BC-G
    Cycle5=#594,180=JD#-6,309,537=Friday, December 21st, 21,989BC-G
    Cycle6=#740,277=JD#-6,163,440=Friday, December 21st, 21,589BC-G
    Cycle7=#886,374=JD#-6,017,343=Friday, December 21st, 21,189BC-G
    Cycle8=#1,032,471=JD#-5,871,246=Friday, December 21st, 20,789BC-G
    Cycle9=#1,178,568=JD#-5,725,149=Friday, December 21st, 20,389BC-G
    Cycle10=#1,324,665=JD#-5,579,052=Friday, December 21st, 19,989BC-G
    Cycle11=#1,470,762=JD#-5,432,955=Friday, December 21st, 19,589BC-G
    Cycle12=#1,616,859=JD#-5,286,858=Friday, December 21st, 19,189BC-G
    Cycle13=#1,762,956=JD#-5,140,761=Friday, December 21st, 18,789BC-G
    Cycle14=#1,909,053=JD#-4,994,664=Friday, December 21st, 18,389BC-G
    Cycle15=#2,055,150=JD#-4,848,567=Friday, December 21st, 17,989BC-G
    Cycle16=#2,201,247=JD#-4,702,470=Friday, December 21st, 17,589BC-G
    Cycle17=#2,347,344=JD#-4,556,373=Friday, December 21st, 17,189BC-G=Human Embryo to Larvae
    Cycle18=#2,493,441=JD#-4,410,276=Friday, December 21st, 16,789BC-G
    Cycle19=#2,639,538=JD#-4,264,179=Friday, December 21st, 16,389BC-G
    Cycle20=#2,785,635=JD#-4,118,082=Friday, December 21st, 15,989BC-G
    Cycle21=#2,931,732=JD#-3,971,985=Friday, December 21st, 15,589BC-G
    Cycle22=#3,077,829=JD#-3,825,888=Friday, December 21st, 15,189BC-G
    Cycle23=#3,223,926=JD#-3,679,791=Friday, December 21st, 14,789BC-G
    Cycle24=#3,370,023=JD#-3,533,694=Friday, December 21st, 14,389BC-G
    Cycle25=#3,516,120=JD#-3,387,597=Friday, December 21st, 13,989BC-G
    Cycle26=#3,662,217=JD#-3,241,500=Friday, December 21st, 13,589BC-G
    Cycle27=#3,808,314=JD#-3,095,403=Friday, December 21st, 13,189BC-G
    Cycle28=#3,954,411=JD#-2,949,306=Friday, December 21st, 12,789BC-G
    Cycle29=#4,100,508=JD#-2,803,209=Friday, December 21st, 12,389BC-G
    Cycle30=#4,246,605=JD#-2,657,112=Friday, December 21st, 11,989BC-G
    Cycle31=#4,392,702=JD#-2,511,015=Friday, December 21st, 11,589BC-G
    Cycle32=#4,538,799=JD#-2,364,918=Friday, December 21st, 11,189BC-G

    Day#4,680,000=JD#-2,223,717=Day#-4,677,065=Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802BC-G
    =Halfway-Point (for Giza Pyramid/Sphinx - Angkor Temple Projections)
    Day#4,680,001=JD#-2,223,718=Day#-4,677,064=Wednesday, July 28th, 10,802 BC-G

    Cycle33=#4,684,896=JD#-2,218,821=Friday, December 21st, 10,789BC-G=Human Larvae to Pupasation
    Cycle34=#4,830,993=JD#-2,072,724=Friday, December 21st, 10,389BC-G
    Cycle35=#4,977,090=JD#-1,926,627=Friday, December 21st, 9,989BC-G
    Cycle36=#5,123,187=JD#-1,780,530=Friday, December 21st, 9,589BC-G
    Cycle37=#5,269,284=JD#-1,634,433=Friday, December 21st, 9,189BC-G
    Cycle38=#5,415,381=JD#-1,488,336=Friday, December 21st, 8,789BC-G
    Cycle39=#5,561,478=JD#-1,342,239=Friday, December 21st, 8,389BC-G
    Cycle40=#5,707,575=JD#-1,196,142=Friday, December 21st, 7,989BC-G
    Cycle41=#5,853,672=JD#-1,050,045=Friday, December 21st, 7,589BC-G
    Cycle42=#5,999,769=JD#-903,948=Friday, December 21st, 7,189BC-G
    Cycle43=#6,145,866=JD#-757,851=Friday, December 21st, 6,789BC-G
    Cycle44=#6,291,963=JD#-611,754=Friday, December 21st, 6,389BC-G
    Cycle45=#6,438,060=JD#-465,657=Friday, December 21st, 5989BC-G
    Cycle46=#6,584,157=JD#-319,560=Friday, December 21st, 5589BC-G
    Cycle47=#6,730,254=JD#-173,463=Friday, January 31st, 5188BC-Julian
    Cycle48=#6,876,351=JD#-27,366=Friday, January 28th, 4788BC-Julian
    Cycle49=#7,022,448=JD#118,731=Friday, January 25th, 4388BC-Julian=Human Puppy to Imago
    Cycle50=#7,168,545=JD#264,828=Friday, January 22nd, 3988BC-Julian
    Cycle51=#7,314,642=JD#410,925=Friday, January 19th, 3588BC-Julian
    Cycle52=#7,460,739=JD#557,022=Friday, January 16th, 3188BC-Julian
    Cycle53=#7,606,836=JD#703,119=Friday, January 13th, 2788BC-Julian
    Cycle54=#7,752,933=JD#849,216=Friday, January 10th, 2388BC-Julian
    Cycle55=#7,899,030=JD#995,313=Friday, January 7th, 1988BC-Julian
    Cycle56=#8,045,127=JD#1,141,410=Friday, January 4th, 1588BC-Julian
    Cycle57=#8,191,224=JD#1,287,507=Friday, January 1st, 1188BC-Julian
    Cycle58=#8,337,321=JD#1,433,604=Friday, December 29th, 789BC-Julian
    Cycle59=#8,483,418=JD#1,579,701=Friday, December 26th, 389BC-Julian
    Cycle60=#8,629,515=JD#1,725,798=Friday, December 23rd, 12-Julian
    Cycle61=#8,775,612=JD#1,871,895=Friday, December 20th, 412-Julian
    Cycle62=#8,921,709=JD#2,017,992=Friday, December 17th, 812-Julian
    Cycle63=#9,067,806=JD#2,164,089=Friday, December 14th, 1212-Julian
    Cycle64=#9,213,903=JD#2,310,186=Friday, December 21st, 1612-Gregorian
    Cycle65/0=#9,360,000=JD#2,456,283=Friday, December 21st, 2012-Gregorian=Human Imago
    Cycle65/360=#9,360,360=JD#2,456,643=Monday, December 16th, 2013
    Cycle65/361=#9,360,361=JD#2,456,644=Tuesday, December 17th, 2013=Day1*of the Hour of 15=360/24
    Cycle65/365=#9,360,365=JD#2,456,648=Saturday, December 21st, 2013=Day5* of the Hour of 15=360/24
    Cycle65/375=#9,360,375=JD#2,456,658=Tuesday, December 31st, 2013=Day15* of the Hour of 15=360/24
    Cycle66/1*=#9,360,376=JD#2,456,659=Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 = New Cosmic Light-Matrix Established!

    Susan Lynne Schwenger aka Serafina; The eXchanger of the Maya and Didymos de Whynot; Scribe of the Dragons
    Thursday, November 18th, 2010 - Day of Jupiter and Zeus in the Boanerges, Twins of Thunder



    Posts: 98
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    • Post n°7

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Admin on Sun May 23, 2010 8:52 am

    Tony, this is a question from our member Inanna:

    SuiG-Raven-Didymos --

    I do have a bunch of questions .... so i am at least ONE of the ones who's happy to have this thread "resurrected." Don't have much time right now, though, so i'll just start with a few "easy" ones lol!

    1. Why is "Didymos de Whynot" answering questions now instead of Abraxas?

    2. What is the meaning/implication of the "Whynot" part of his name?

    3. How precisely is Didymos related to Abraxas?

    4. "I Didymos de Whynot, so shall continue to answer
    questions about the higher dimensional dispensations; now from the INNER
    10D-Boundary of the 'Edge of the Cosmos' and not the OUTER Boundary, as
    was accomodated by Abraxasinas in the 12D-Thuban data stream.

    "The twosidedness of the (10-12) dimensional continuity then represents the
    11-D multidimensional resonance for the Klein-Bottle geometry you can
    witness in the above graphical video depiction."

    What is the significance of the fact that Didymos is answering us from the "INNER 10D-Boundary of the 'Edge of the Cosmos' and not the OUTER Boundary, as was accomodated by Abraxasinas in the 12D-Thuban data stream." ??? Since Didymos takes pains to point this out, i suppose there's some "import." how do i/we weigh this information ..... inner/vs outer boundary 10D vs 12D? i realize the ensuing comment
    about the "The twosidedness of the (10-12) dimensional continuity" as well as earlier explanation in this post is supposed to clear this up for me, but i guess i'm denser than the average Mist-er anyway (lol! get my pun?!)

    [ i'm sorry i've somehow created an unnecessary box that i didn't mean to.]

    i do have other, perhaps more substantive, questions to ask as well. but not enough time now. and besides ..... maybe it's good just to "begin at the beginning." who IS this Didymos character anyway and what has he done with Abraxas?!?! i'm looking forward to these -- and future -- answers. Thanks so much, SuiG!

    much love,
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°8

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:13 am

    The Dead Body Oozing Life and the Return of the Blues of Lost Love after a Great Work of Transformation has been done!

    ABBA versus Yaltabaoth=Fake Abba 1:0

    The True Anarchy of Life on Earth

    The Human Role in Sophia's Correction

    When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: "You are mistaken, blind one -- false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modeled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been."


    The correction involves a kind of cosmic challenge, or divine dare. An act of defiance by the Aeon Sophia in her pre-terrestrial form, directed against the Archon forces and assuring them of their ultimate defeat. Her defiance of the deceiving powers that threaten the divine experiment on earth is a statement of pistis, her confidence in humanity, the key species in that experiment. Greek pistis : "faith, confidence."


    What is the "confidence" of Sophia in humanity? Consistent with the plot-line of the Gnostic myth, she expects the Anthropos to realize its original potential in the three-world system, even though captured in another system. In other words, she counts on the human species to wake up and break free from the matrix of the Archontic powers and engage the divine opportunity of life on earth, interactively with her own awakening to the nightmare of human history.


    The CDM of the preterrestrial moment shows there is a kind of leak or flaw in the original dreaming. Sophia did not expect that the deviant influence of the Archons would come to bear on the divine experiment with the Anthropos. Under that influence, humanity is subjected to a second, surrogate or simulated reality. This is the realm of the "planetary spheres" where the earth is captured, described as a prison system in Gnostic writings. Hence the prototype of the "prison planet," a meme associated with the infowars movement of Alex Jones. Telestai described the Archons as wardens and gatekeepers in the labyrinth of the planetary prison. The penitentiary enclosure indicated here is not the earth, which is the Edenic setting for a divine experiment in freedom, discovery, and novelty. No, it is THE MATRIX, the holographic maze of Archontic deception in which the human race appears to be the progeny of off-planet gods, enslaved by intra-species predators who claim descent from such gods, or who purport to act as gods lording it over the rest of humankind and claiming all the resources of the planet for themselves, or who are falsely attributed with godlike powers by humans who come under their spell of mind control, even in the very act of exposing them, etc etc etc.


    ....... the scheme of the Archon mind-parasites to insinuate themselves into human reality and take it over, making human become like them, robotic, slavish, incapable of intention, discovery, or novelty. In reality, earth, moon and sun are immune to the Archontic presence, off limits. Like the human immunological system, they can suffer sporadic attacks without being entirely crushed. Thus Archons make sporadic forays into the three-body system but they cannot remain there, cannot achieve any lasting effects, and cannot conquer and permanently inhabit either the sun, the moon, or the earth.


    In the Pleroma or galactic core Sophia in tandem with her consort Thelete ("the Intended") engineers the human genome, the Anthropos. They encode it with evolutionary capacities in a fivefold manifold: ennoia, metanoia, dianoia, epinoia, all variations of nous (divine intelligence), and charged with enthymesis, passion or desire.


    In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the earth, foresees a moment when the Archontic powers will be defeated, the moment of the consummation of their works. In other words, their defeat comes at the moment of extreme desperation when they complete their agenda, the eleventh hour. In 2011 we are living in that eleventh hour and even toward the end of the hour. 11/11/11 is a date that compels close attention and perhaps even an obsessive fixation of interest.


    Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex: pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, overwriting the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic. A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants.


    To fall under the spell of the Authorities is to concede power to their false magic: under the power of deception, we deceive ourselves about what power really is and lose all sense of our own power. Our power inheres in the unique opportunity of our role in the divine experiment of Sophia, interactive magic with the wisdom goddess. Claiming this power is the only sure and direct way, and the ultimate way, to detect and defeat the illusional power of the Authorities.

    By this definition, which is purely telestic, the Authorities are human beings deviated by the overworking of the Archon plexus, the reptilian brain. In large measure, the quasi-magical or occult power attributed to globalist perpetrators is a hoax, operating under the Wizard of Oz effect. Note that to enforce their presumed magical powers, the perpetrators need to exert enormous continual efforts of two kinds: brainwashing through the media, and threat of force through the military. Without a constant dual-barreled barrage, requiring the complicity of human beings to suppress and deceive their fellow creatures, their vaunted magic would quickly fade and dissipate.

    In reality, the NEWOs can only sustain the illusion of magical supremacy as long as they suppress and deviate human potential, where the true magic abides: that is, in our species' innate capacity for interactive magic with the animating powers of the planetary goddess. Unless the NEWOs can suppress that capacity in a brutal manner all the time, it will naturally and spontaneously assert itself. When it does, the true magic of the Anthropos, the "luminous child," will immediately spring into action. This is what Sophia herself wishes: for humanity to own and enact its true potential for magic and use it to defeat the Archons and banish them to their proper domain, the gravity well (abyss) of the inanimate planetary system.


    That deviance into mindless robotics is the essence of Archontic influence: it is due to nothing original on the part of the alien parasites but merely the exaggeration of pre-existing tendencies in the psychosomatic structure of humanity — in the plasmata, modeled form of the Anthropos.


    On the Origin of the World informs us that the defeat of the Archons is a last-minute affair that depends on their reaching the full extension of their phantom powers over humanity. The outcome depends on the intervention of humanity at the eleventh hour. The myth clearly indicates a sudden, drastic turnabout. Sophia warns the Lord Archon: "There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump)." Instead of molding humankind in their image, the Archons will be reduced to pulp, like the discard from a juicer.


    In the Gnostic view, disclosure is not the moment when governmental authorities announce the presence of ETs on earth, thus making it "official." Nothing made official in this world counts for anything but another tactic in the globalist hoax, advancing the agenda of the Authorities. But for the Archons to make their final move, they must reveal themselves. Since their nature is deception, they will do so deceptively. Even in showing their presence, playing their trump card on the human species, they will deceive, because that is all they ever do, all they can do. The test of that moment falls upon humanity: to see how the Authorities are scamming the world with their specious magic of mind control, the vaunted global psyops.

    Sophia intends that humanity have the opportunity to play out the divine experiment she originally envisioned for it, free of Archontic deviation — that is, free of the hoaxing coercion of the Authorities who claim that their agenda of domination insures social security and freedom from moral chaos. But this type of freedom is really enslavement. In Sophianic terms, freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth, distinguished from the false threat of social chaos contrived by the Authorities.


    And when the crucial moment comes, will humanity perhaps be able to use psyops against the intra-species predators themselves? To zap them with their own tactics?


    The lie about the self-endangering nature of human impulses is deeply insidious. It represents the root of all variations of social evil. This particular moral illusion is the ultimate challenge to human discernment, the supreme test of the genuine moral integrity of our species. Breaking through it is the key to liberation from Archontic deception. Gnostics taught that evil is not an autonomous power in the cosmos, rather, it is a phenomenon of deviance that emerges under cover of deception. Without deception and concealment, evil cannot be committed. Why not? Because in being exposed and opposed, it would immediately be defeated by the natural tendency of human nature to choose truth, goodness, and coexistence.


    The Sophianic vision story of the Mysteries is actional, able to be enacted. Such action has to be supported by specific knowledge, the savvy for human survival. Foremost in our savvy would be the capacity to detect predators and psychopaths. The new genre of ponerology introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be hugely instructive to this end. It represents a kind of telestic forensic method for detecting the murderous deceit of the Authorities. Derived from the Greek word poneria found in Gnostic writings (above), ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of social evil. Lobaczewski uses the striking term pathocracy to describe the domination of a society by a faction of psychopathic members, estimated to be 4-5 percent of the population.


    Finally, it could be said that the challenge presented to the Lord Archon by Sophia represents the way humanity will engage in her correction and return to the divine experiment, free of Archontic disruption and subterfuge. The wisdom goddess counts on our species to do just that... But it might require too large a stretch of imagination to realize this proposition of divine confidence in mortal humans. To put the same proposition in strictly secular language: we cannot realize our true humanity without beating the Authorities. There is more than one way to do so, but the central and decisive way is to choose anarchy in defiance of any authority that does not demonstrate benevolence toward life in all forms.

    The true anarchy of the human species is Sophia's guarantee of the success of the divine experiment she preconceived for the Anthropos, without setting a predetermined end to it. Gnosis today is the open source spirituality of imaginal and moral empowerment that optimizes the prospects for creative anarchy. Thus in Gnosis we can fulfill the Edenic promise of life on earth.




    I have noted before that engagement in Sophia's correction is a volunteer process that involves an act of deselection for each human individual. Backing down from the menacing absurdity of the Authorities, you deselect from her correction. In doing so, you also abdicate your true identity as a human being, the opportunity to live and thrive as an acting member of the Anthropos. "The Archons made me do it." No, you forfeit a role in Sophia's correction. You defeat yourself by missing the greatest opportunity life can offer. The Authorities only have the power ceded to them through ignorance and denial of our divine potential, our endowment from the planetary animal mother and the Aeons.


    empty. Didymos


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Sun May 23, 2010 12:17 pm

    Admin wrote:
    Tony, this is a question from our member Inanna:

    SuiG-Raven-Didymos --

    I do have a bunch of questions .... so i am at least ONE of the ones who's happy to have this thread "resurrected." Don't have much time right now, though, so i'll just start with a few "easy" ones lol!

    1. Why is "Didymos de Whynot" answering questions now instead of Abraxas?

    Hi Hippihillbilly!
    Thank you for your questions; a little less scientifically oriented as the enquiries of Our dear brother Nebula.
    Didymos is Greek for Gemini or Twin and You may consider me the Shadow or Khaibit of Abraxasinas; who has to attend to other business, namely the preparing of the Thuban Fleet of starcruisers which shall become part of the Sirian-Andromedean Selfinvasion of the Humans by theis StarHuman ancestors and descendents.

    2. What is the meaning/implication of the "Whynot" part of his name?

    Well when some sceptic or believer or alternative philosopher would ask you in regards to your credibility, academic credentials or your personal insistence that your dreams about a new world could actually come true; you might very well answer or reply with the simple statement: Why not?!
    You may then say: 'Why should my interpretation of the present world eventfulness not be on an equal par with that of the ones, thinking that nothing out of the ordinary and historically experienced, should or would ever change?'
    And then "Why Not?" can also be written as "? not" and "Y not" and this is a simple mirror image of a name in the code of the 74 of the CLOUDS=SONGS=ENERGY and many other things.

    3. How precisely is Didymos related to Abraxas?

    The Whynot name is actually a Clanship of Dragons as written in Isaiah's and the Davidic Psalms.

    Psalm 148:7

    Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:

    Isaiah 13:22

    And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

    You may envision a Dragon Castle full of webweaving spiders and flying bats like eagles or Griffins, hald leonine and half eaglelike.
    This is the old anglosaxon dragonhood of Whynot Ravenshoe, to whom all blueblooded dragons, Blueys and Dragon Queens belong to by affinity of their dragon hearts of honour and integrity.

    4. "I Didymos de Whynot, so shall continue to answer
    questions about the higher dimensional dispensations; now from the INNER
    10D-Boundary of the 'Edge of the Cosmos' and not the OUTER Boundary, as
    was accomodated by Abraxasinas in the 12D-Thuban data stream.

    "The twosidedness of the (10-12) dimensional continuity then represents the
    11-D multidimensional resonance for the Klein-Bottle geometry you can
    witness in the above graphical video depiction."

    What is the significance of the fact that Didymos is answering us from the "INNER 10D-Boundary of the 'Edge of the Cosmos' and not the OUTER Boundary, as was accomodated by Abraxasinas in the 12D-Thuban data stream." ??? Since Didymos takes pains to point this out, i suppose there's some "import." how do i/we weigh this information ..... inner/vs outer boundary 10D vs 12D? i realize the ensuing comment about the"The twosidedness of the (10-12) dimensional continuity" as well as earlier explanation in this post is supposed to clear this up for me, but i guess i'm denser than the average Mist-er anyway (lol! get my pun?!)

    [ i'm sorry i've somehow created an unnecessary box that i didn't mean to.]

    i do have other, perhaps more substantive, questions to ask as well. but not enough time now. and besides ..... maybe it's good just to "begin at the beginning." who IS this Didymos character anyway and what has he done with Abraxas?!?! i'm looking forward to these -- and future -- answers. Thanks so much, SuiG!

    Indeed, as the 12D wormhole of the TWOSIDEDNESS became closed on March 7th 2010; the Thuban data stream from the spacetime RELATIVE outside of the metaphysical cosmos (and as the archetyped heaven of scripture) has became inaccessible UNTIL this same wormhole ruptures following the birth of the ONESIDEDNESS of the outside doubling as a surface or manifold with the inside of the 10D partof this same wormhole stargate.

    This then will allow a 11D boundary between the inside of 10D and the outside of 12D to become a dimensional continuity (like you can see, should you view the Klein Bottle Adventure video on this thread). You see the 11D is like a sheet of paper of no thickness and so this allows a new spacial dimension, namely the 4th (also the 5th in spacetime) to emerge should this 0 thickness become the wavelength or size of the wormhole itself in its singularity description.

    Love and Honour to YouDidymos; the Shadow of Abraxasinas in the Logos of Whynot Ravenshoe Isaiah Euphrates

    much love,

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:04 am







    Alternative Grail


    Lydia's Well




    Living Myth

    Sky Lore

    2012 Shift

    Rite Action
    The True Anarchy of Life on Earth The Human Role in Sophia's Correction
    When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: "You are mistaken, blind one -- false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modeled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been." -- On the Origin of the World, 103.15-30
    Speaking on Grok-the-Talk in April 2011, I ventured a rather grandiose claim: namely, Sophia's correction commenced on March 19, eight days after the Fukushima earthquake. If Gnostic teachings surviving from the Mysteries are correct, this event would be of singular and momentous import for the human species and the future of the planet. For one thing, it means that the Terma of Gaia Awakening which I discovered in August 2008 is now fully underway as an interactive event going forward in linear time —and possibly, as well, in parallel time. By "parallel time" I mean a bifurcation event that involves humanity taking two different courses simultaneously: di-orthosis, dual or split solution. To make as clear as possible the various aspects and prospects and of this fantastic opportunity, I offer this essay.

    Divine Dare

    Right now, going on three years since the discovery of the Terma of Gaia Awakening, the correction (Greek diorthosis) of the wisdom goddess Sophia stands a chance of becoming a topic of considerable intrigue. Her correction is the single outstanding element of the fallen goddess scenario or vision story of the Mysteries that was left open, undefined. It is also the key to human interactivity with Gaia-Sophia: the human role in her correction somehow determines the way it will be achieved. Why so? Well, according to the Gnostic textual sources, that is how Pistis—name for the goddess who has confidence in humanity—wishes it to be! So the myth informs us, as recorded in a major cosmological text, On the Origin of the World (cited above).

    The correction involves a kind of cosmic challenge, or divine dare. An act of defiance by the Aeon Sophia in her pre-terrestrial form, directed against the Archon forces and assuring them of their ultimate defeat. Her defiance of the deceiving powers that threaten the divine experiment on earth is a statement of pistis, her confidence in humanity, the key species in that experiment. Greek pistis : "faith, confidence."

    Gaucin%20Archon. Archontic figure seen floating over Gaucin, Spain. April 2011

    Alien Dreaming - the Enigma of the Archons (Nov 2004) presented the image of the Archon embryonic type ("like a premature fetus"), resembling a gaseous leak that exudes from the Coco De Mer. There are two versions of the CDM, this being the one that represents the trimorphic protennoia or three-body system of Sophia's original intention. The CDM depicts the world seed, the germ of the three-body setting for a divine experiment in human potential.

    In her dreaming of a world where one strain of the Anthropos might emerge and evolve, enacting a divine experiment, Sophia previsioned a star, a planet, and a moon or satellite. As the earth was not yet formed, the central part of flesh of the preterrestrial CDM has no X to mark the spot of Sophia's metamorphosis into a living planet. Prototypal sun-star and moon are dark blue, suggesting that these bodies have not yet emerged from the dark cosmic background. In the second version of the CDM, the world seed is pale green, the sun-star is red, the moon is mauve, and a soft X or quadrated slit marks the spot where the earth has appeared:

    This CDM is the icon for the world dreaming of the Aeon Sophia as it came to be realized by her metamorphosis into the setting of the divine experiment she had previsioned in the Pleroma, the galactic core. The original three-body system is intact but it comes to be captured in the celestial clockworks of the inorganic planetary system constructed by the Archons. Such is the two-world perspective of Gnostic cosmology.

    What is the "confidence" of Sophia in humanity? Consistent with the plot-line of the Gnostic myth, she expects the Anthropos to realize its original potential in the three-world system, even though captured in another system. In other words, she counts on the human species to wake up and break free from the matrix of the Archontic powers and engage the divine opportunity of life on earth, interactively with her own awakening to the nightmare of human history. Now there's a neat proposition for imaginal practice.

    The CDM of the preterrestrial moment shows there is a kind of leak or flaw in the original dreaming. Sophia did not expect that the deviant influence of the Archons would come to bear on the divine experiment with the Anthropos.
    Under that influence, humanity is subjected to a second, surrogate or simulated reality. This is the realm of the "planetary spheres" where the earth is captured, described as a prison system in Gnostic writings. Hence the prototype of the "prison planet," a meme associated with the infowars movement of Alex Jones. Telestai described the Archons as wardens and gatekeepers in the labyrinth of the planetary prison. The penetentiary enclosure indicated here is not the earth, which is the Edenic setting for a divine experiment in freedom, discovery, and novelty. No, it is THE MATRIX, the holographic maze of Archontic deception in which the human race appears to be the progeny of off-planet gods, enslaved by intra-species predators who claim descent from such gods, or who purport to act as gods lording it over the rest of humankind and claiming all the resources of the planet for themselves, or who are falsely attributed with godlike powers by humans who come under their spell of mind control, even in the very act of exposing them, etc etc etc.

    The lordship of the Archons, of course, is the widely accepted claim of the Sitchin Annunaki scenario, which I have shown to be theocratic disinformation, exposed and deconstructed by the telestai of the Mysteries.
    "And kingship (theocratic authority) descended from heaven," as the lie is stated in the opening lines of the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. With the Sophianic vision story as a guiding framework, this lie can be exposed and the true account of the prehistory of our species can be developed, consistent with astronomical and evolutionary science (though not necessarily the current and accepted notions of science).

    The preterrestrial CDM introduces the sub-plot of "alien dreaming," i.e., the scheme of the Archon mind-parasites to insinuate themselves into human reality and take it over, making human become like them, robotic, slavish, incapable of intention, discovery, or novelty. In reality, earth, moon and sun are immune to the Archontic presence, off limits. Like the human immunological system, they can suffer sporadic attacks without being entirely crushed. Thus Archons make sporadic forays into the three-body system but they cannot remain there, cannot achieve any lasting effects, and cannot conquer and permanently inhabit either the sun, the moon, or the earth.

    The three bodies function as a unity, structurally coupled to use a term from Gaia theory. They in effect form a single superorganism with the earth as its central sentient core. The threat of the sun wiping out life on earth, i.e., being essentially hostile to terrestrial creatures, or the moon being an outpost for predatory ETs, and other related scenarios along these lines would have to be dismissed as delusional paranoia, if the telestai were correct in their perception of cosmic order. If they were indeed right, their view was epistemic and thus can be tested. However, the testing has to be conducted in rigorous observation of the continuity of the vision story, i.e., fitted into the plot. Such is the challenge to human imagination posed by the supreme participatory myth that has been produced by our species.

    Acari Insects

    The leak in Sophia's dreaming came about due to the spontaneous generation of the locust-like Archon species due to the impact of her living and intentional plasmic luminosity (Organic Light) on the chaos (shadow matter) of the galactic limbs:

    A veil exists between the world above [in the galactic core], and the realms that are below [exterior, in the galactic limbs]; and shadow came into being beneath the veil. Some of the shadow [dark mass] became [atomic] matter, and was projected apart [partially formed into elementary arrays, the dema]. And what Sophia created [by her impact] became a product in the matter [the dema], [a neonate form] like an aborted fetus. And [once formed] it assumed a plastic shape molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, because it was from [neutral, inorganic] matter that it derived. (The Hypostasis of the Archons, II, 4, 93:30 ff, with my glosses in brackets.)
    The creation myth of the Mysteries can be understood, not as a myth in the sense of a baseless fiction or invention cooked up due to ignorance of facts, but as a true account of events that happened in the cosmos, rendered in mythopoetic and metaphoric terms. This description is not a mere allegory but a functional metaphor that encodes facts, phenomena, processes unfolding on the cosmic scale over long periods of time. Plutarch, one of the last known initiates, condemned allegory and insisted that the myths were descriptions of real events:
    "Whoever applieth these allegories to the blessed Divine Nature, deserves to be treated with contempt. We must not however believe that they were mere fables without any meaning, like those of the Poets. They represent to us things that really happened.” (Isis and Osiris).​
    When I originally restored the Gnostic creation myth with its vivid description of the spontaneous generation of the Archons, I wondered how anyone would give credence to such an outlandish event. Since then, I have discovered the remarkable and still unexplained case of abiogenesis of Acari insects:

    In 1837, Andrew Crosse reported to the London electrical Society concerning the accidental spontaneous generation of life in the form of Acurus genus insects while he was conducting experiments on the formation of artificial crystals by means of prolonged exposure to weak electric current. Throughout numerous strict experiments under a wide variety of conditions utterly inimical to life as we know it, the insects continued to manifest. The great Michael Faraday also reported to the Royal Institute that he had replicated the experiment. Soon afterwards, all notice of this phenomenon ceased to be reported, and the matter has not been resolved since then.
    Organic Light, the living plasmatic luminosity of the galactic core, is the natural energy form of the Aeons or cosmic divinities. It is not electrical as such but carries a light electrical component. This fact is evident in direct contact with the OL, inducing in the witness a subtle surge of stimulating force, like a mild electric shock, that produces a fine cold sweat. Significantly, Crosse's experiment only required a light electrical charge to generate the insects in an inorganic medium of particulate matter comparable to the dema of the galactic arms. I rest my case. Considering this cosmological event, the emergence of the Acari-like Archons prior to the formation of their eventual habitat, the solar system, it is important to bear in mind the cosmological sequence as Sophia herself lived through it:

    1, In the Pleroma or galactic core Sophia in tandem with her consort Thelete ("the Intended") engineers the human genome, the Anthropos. They encode it with evolutionary capacities in a fivefold manifold: ennoia, metanoia, dianoia, epinoia, all variations of nous (divine intelligence), and charged with enthymesis, passion or desire.

    2, The Anthropos is seeded in the galactic arms, deposited in a molecular cloud in the Orion Nebula where it could spread via free-floating spores (propagules) and take root in various planetary systems. Hence panspermia, stated by Gnostic seers millennia before Svante Arrhenius in 1903.

    3, The Aeon Sophia engages in unilateral dreaming, without a consort or Aeonic counterpart. Doing so, she envisions a three-body system where one strain of the Anthropos could emerge and evolve according to her designs, her preconception of a divine experiment in novelty and learning—a totally open-ended experiment that does not terminate in any final event or outcome determined beforehand by Sophia or any other Pleromic divinity. She sets the initial conditions and leaves the outcome open. In other words, Sophia envisions the experiment unfolding within certain guidelines consistent with the capacities endowed in the Anthropos, but without imposing a prescripted "divine plan" of that species. She herself does not know the end-result or ultimate fruition of the experiment. In keeping with the sublime generosity of the Aeons, Sophia wishes to see how the human experiment plays out independently, on its own terms.

    4, Due to the intensity of her own enthymesis, desire, Sophia is drawn away from the galactic core, the Pleroma, realm of infintie potential. Outside the defining boundary, she falls or plunges into the region of the Kenoma, the realm of shadow matter and finite potential. The goddess actually undergoes contradiction and confusion: now she is dynamically involved in the experiment for which she has not determined a specific outcome. No longer detached, she is implicated in the outcome! As the initial conditions of the experiment with the Anthropos unfold, so does Sophia's hypostasis, her downscaling enmeshment in the physics of the carousal arms of the galaxy. This is an anomalous and unanticipated development in the cosmic order.

    5, Sophia's impact in the dema, the dense elementary matter arrays of the galactic limb, produces a fracture zone where the locust-like Archons arise by spontaneous generation, like the Acari insects in Crosse's experiment. This is the first unanticipated event in Sophia's adventure in the carousel arms.

    6, The Archons swarm in a circular mass like bees. They are a mimic species with a hive mentality, possessing none of the capacities or attributes encoded in the human genome. They are inorganic drones, robotic in nature, yet they excel in imitation and simulation, HAL, the technique of virtual reality. Sophia encompasses this bizarre swarm with the plume of her Organic Light, shaping herself into a kind of uroborus, a serpent biting its own tail. In this way she attempts to bound them off, herding them into a space with definite frontiers. Witihin these boundaries, the protoplanetary disk of the emergent solar system will take form.

    7, Stranded in the galactic arms, and gradually losing contact with the Aeons of the core, Sophia hovers in proximity to the Orion Nebula where the human genome is deposited like a pattern of dew in a spider's web. At the same time, she confronts the Archons and witnesses the emergence of a violent mutation in their midst. A drakonic or reptilian figure assumes the role of hive-master: the Lord Archon, Ialdaboath, also called Samael and Saklas, "the blind one." This is the second unanticipated event in her adventure outside the galactic core. Here the myth gets rather complex. Interactions between Sophia and the Lord Archon involve several cosmological episodes on a vast scale. I will cover these events in detail in another essay... For now, let's consider the scene described in On the Origin of the World:

    8, Sophia confronts the Lord Archon by invoking the presence of the Anthropos, which that entity cannot see or comprehend. She tells him,"There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata)." With her own attention fixed on the Anthropos, she reads the Lord Archon his fate: to be defeated by humanity at the moment when he consummates his work, that is, the act of deception by which the human race is deviated from the divine experiment as Sophia originally dreamed it. In a nutshell, this is the pistis of the wisdom goddess: her confidence in humanity to detect and overcome the Archontic powers, the Authorities or Rulers. Dialogue of the Savior, NHC III, 5.85:

    Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
    The savior said, "It is you who will rule over them. But only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light, and enter the nymphion (bridal chamber)."

    From the scant surviving textual evidence of the myth, it is clear that the telestai imagined that Sophia could foresee the threat of the Authorities to humanity and the divine experiment of her original dreaming. Fine, yes, but the question to be asked now is: Did she anticipate the extent to which that influence would go before it was detected and defeated? Even before the earth was formed by the metamorphosis of her own energetic currents—another unanticipated event in her adventure!—Sophia reckoned on the intrusion of the Archons upon the divine experiment. But was she able to foresee the full extent of that intrusion?

    Perhaps even the wisdom goddess herself did not anticipate how far the Archons would penetrate human relaity and deviate the divine experiment she previsioned for the Anthropos. This might explain, in mythological terms, why it takes until the last minute before she catches the error and initiates her correction.

    On the Origin of the World presents a kind of prophetic warning pronounced by the wisdom goddess, suggesting a last-minute turnaround:

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the light of truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."
    In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the earth, foresees a moment when the Archontic powers will be defeated, the moment of the consummation of their works. In other words, their defeat comes at the moment of extreme desperation when they complete their agenda, the eleventh hour. In 2011 we are living in that eleventh hour and even toward the end of the hour. 11/11/11 is a date that compels close attention and perhaps even an obsessive fixation of interest.

    Archon Plexus

    Many of those who purport to expose the "alien agenda" of the Authorities (New World Order psychopaths, or NEWOs) attribute something like magical powers to those perpetrators. This is hype which, to my way of thinking, the perps do not deserve. It invests them with an aura of occult power, as if they are masters of the universe, as invincible as sci-fi comic book monsters. It mystifies them to the exclusion of any consideration of the magical powers inherent to the human race as a whole. It exaggerates their skills and their visionary, planning capacity. Beware of this kind of credulous hyping of intra-species predators.

    Granted, the globalist masterminds use or appear to use certain symbolic dates or numerological keys and chronological codes in orchestrations of social evil. These patterns are undeniable but it may be an error to regard them as indicating deliberate magical operations. In reality, there may be another mechanism operating in the advantage of the Authorities, quite distinct from the skills and strategies attributed to them by exposers such as David Icke, Michael Tasrion, and Maxwell Jordan.

    And what would such a mechanism be?

    The R Complex (Archon Plexus) consists of the extended part of the brain stem embedded in the limbic system or mammalian midbrain (outlined in yellow).
    Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex: pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, overwriting the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic. A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants.

    Observation of dates and numbers by the Authorities are not proof of their mastery of globally spellbinding black magic, but evidence of their "routinary minds," as Castaneda noted, concerning the flyers. They repeat these agendas to keep themselves on track as they have no guiding autonomy, having abdicated that aspect of our divine endowment in favor of the Archontic illusion of power, enacted through arcane games of deception and domination. Is that clear enough, Snoopy?

    A psychotic serial killer works compulsively in strict routines, often using repetitive patterns preserved in codes, ciphers, and symbols. But given this is so, can you say that such a murderous, deceiving person is performing true and efficacious magic? I think that would be over-attribution. He or she is merely acting out the rigid, fear-driven behavioral compulsions inherent to the Archon plexus of the "psyched-up,"over-worked backbrain. This distinction is imperative.

    To fall under the spell of the Authorities is to concede power to their false magic: under the power of deception, we deceive ourselves about what power really is and lose all sense of our own power. Our power inheres in the unique opportunity of our role in the divine experiment of Sophia, interactive magic with the wisdom goddess. Claiming this power is the only sure and direct way, and the ultimate way, to detect and defeat the illusional power of the Authorities.
    By this definition, which is purely telestic, the Authorities are human beings deviated by the overworking of the Archon plexus, the reptilian brain. In large measure, the quasi-magical or occult power attributed to globalist perpetrators is a hoax, operating under the Wizard of Oz effect. Note that to enforce their presumed magical powers, the perpetrators need to exert enormous continual efforts of two kinds: brainwashing through the media, and threat of force through the military. Without a constant dual-barreled barrage, requiring the complicity of human beings to suppress and deceive their fellow creatures, their vaunted magic would quickly fade and dissipate.

    In reality, the NEWOs can only sustain the illusion of magical supremacy as long as they suppress and deviate human potential, where the true magic abides: that is, in our species' innate capacity for interactive magic with the animating powers of the planetary goddess. Unless the NEWOs can suppress that capacity in a brutal manner all the time, it will naturally and spontaneously assert itself. When it does, the true magic of the Anthropos, the "luminous child," will immediately spring into action. This is what Sophia herself wishes: for humanity to own and enact its true potential for magic and use it to defeat the Archons and banish them to their proper domain, the gravity well (abyss) of the inanimate planetary system.

    In terms of geophysics, the force of gravity not inherent to the bioenergetic laws of the living planet allows the Archons to colonize the R Complex and manipulate human behavior by exaggerating the rigid, routinary patterns of the reptilian brain. I repeat, the repetition that becomes evident in numbers, symbols, and codes is not proof of genuine magical skill but merely of repetition compulsion that is the mark of the reptilian area of the brain: reptilian repetition. The functions of the R Complex have a limited survival value, but when exaggerated they act against survival and enforce and enable the Archontic powers to deviate free human impulses into a behavioral grid of robotic enslavement.

    That deviance into mindless robotics is the essence of Archontic influence: it is due to nothing original on the part of the alien parasites but merely the exaggeration of pre-existing tendencies in the psychosomatic structure of humanity — in the plasmata, modelled form of the Anthropos.
    In physical terms, the Archons enjoy this seizure of the backbrain functions because the earth is captured in the gravity well of the solar system. Consequently, objects on earth appear to fall at the same rate, no matter what their size. An erroneous myth of science claims that Galileo proved this phenomenon by dropping two objects of different weights from the leaning tower of Pisa. This is a nice fairy-tale, at best. The assumed experiment may never have happened. In any case, it can be repeated with quite a different result. With close observation, it is clear that objects of different weight and mass, or objects charged with a magnetic field, do not fall at the same uniform rate. The claim of uniform fall for all objects regardless of weight, size, and mass is false—an Archontic "special effect" that has become an established dogma of science.

    And there is more to this dogmatic deception. Established science teaches that falling objects demonstrate acceleration by gravity: they fall at increasing speed, gaining velocity at a rate of 32 feet per second, per second. This increase in freefall velocity is set forth as a universal law of physics, as if nothing could be otherwise in the cosmos. True, there is a detectable effect of acceleration of falling objects. It can be observed and measured, but what actually causes it? And it is really universal and invariable, as assumed?

    Acceleration by gravity is blind repetition of a mechanical effect: freefall velocity increasing each second by the same, endlessly repeated quantity, 32 feet per second. Purely Archontic. But one can imagine a different state of affairs, a different operation of physical laws: each object would begin to accelerate (otherwise it would remain suspended in space and not fall at all), then reach a unique limit of descent velocity depending on its mass relative to the earth. In other words, by another set of physical laws all objects would fall to earth at a constant, non-accelerating speed determined uniquely by the relation of the mass of that specific object to the mass of the earth. This is how freefall might happen if the living earth were not captured in the gravity well of the inorganic planets.

    Conclusion from a Gnostic angle: acceleration by gravity is the insinuated phantom effect of the Archontic planetary system upon the living dynamics of the earth, not an inherent property of the earth or the three-body system. This same effect operating upon the human body allows the Archontic mind parasites to "seize and freeze" the instinctual functions of the R Complex. Consequently, Archons grab us by that part of the neck that feels a tickle when subjected to a steady stare from behind. They actually do achieve a grip on human behavior in this manner, and simultaneously they freeze or stymie human perception through another kind of paralytic hold they exert within the field of peripheral vision, frontally. They get us coming and going, as the old expression puts it.

    Disclosure Made Official

    On the Origin of the World informs us that the defeat of the Archons is a last-minute affair that depends on their reaching the full extension of their phantom powers over humanity. The outcome depends on the intervention of humanity at the eleventh hour. The myth clearly indicates a sudden, drastic turnabout. Sophia warns the Lord Archon: "There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump)." Instead of molding humankind in their image, the Archons will be reduced to pulp, like the discard from a juicer.

    In April I was in the white town of Gaucin at sunset when I noticed a cloud formation in the sky (pictured above). The sun had just set behind El Hacho and over the rooftops of the town floated a figure that reminded me vividly of the image of the Archon I had designed in the early days of this site. The resemblance was striking, especially at the first moment I observed the long horizontal cloud formation, before I realized I could photograph it with my cell phone. Over a period of half an hour I saw the head of the creature morph from the ET-type skull to a dog-like or monkey-like appearance. It assumed the head of a dog-monkey.

    For what it's worth, NHC cosmological texts such at the Apocryphon of John mention both monkey- and dog-headed Archons. I was deeply haunted by this apparition in the skies over the postcard village in Andalucia. It stuck me as an omen. Upon rereading the above-cited text, I could see what that omen was perhaps indicating: the moment of "disclosure," when the Archontic powers reach the full extension of their powers. At that moment, the true form of the Authorities will finally be revealed. Their presence on earth as phantom powers operating through human surrogates will be exposed for all to see.

    Typical Hollywood image of hostile alien invasion by ETs with high-tech aircraft. Actual event, holographic illusion, false flag operation, psiops, Archontic disclosure, or combination of the above?

    In the Gnostic view, disclosure is not the moment when governmental authorities announce the presence of ETs on earth, thus making it "official." Nothing made official in this world counts for anything but another tactic in the globalist hoax, advancing the agenda of the Authorities. But for the Archons to make their final move, they must reveal themselves. Since their nature is deception, they will do so deceptively. Even in showing their presence, playing their trump card on the human species, they will deceive, because that is all they ever do, all they can do. The test of that moment falls upon humanity: to see how the Authorities are scamming the world with their specious magic of mind control, the vaunted global psyops.
    Sophia intends that humanity have the opportunity to play out the divine experiment she originally envisioned for it, free of Archontic deviation — that is, free of the hoaxing coercion of the Authorities who claim that their agenda of domination insures social security and freedom from moral chaos. But this type of freedom is really enslavement. In Sophianic terms, freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth, distinguished from the false threat of social chaos contrived by the Authorities.
    What final measures will be required in the Archontic endgame? How far will it go before the consummation of the works of the Lord Archon? And when the crucial moment comes, will humanity perhaps be able to use psyops against the intra-species predators themselves? To zap them with their own tactics?

    It might be assumed that the Archontic factor in human behavior will play out in several ultimate moves, not just one event. For instance: World War III, part staged and part real. Also, a simulated alien invasion event using holographically cloaked weapons developed in black op programs. Also, an Armageddon event fulfilling Biblical prophecy, including the return of a messiah (Operation Blue Beam), perhaps coordinated with WW III and a nuclear strike on Jerusalem? Whatever the case, Archontic deception will not end until the final act of the script has been dramatized in world history. That final act is written in the Book of Revelation, the age-old script enforced and enacted even by those who do not really believe in it.

    Moral Illusion

    In an optical illusion, you see with your eyes something that is not actually there, or at least not there in the manner you suppose. Hence, a mirage. In a psychological illusion, you project into external reality something that exists in your own psyche. Such as "Satanic," a catch-all term for paranoid projections from the human mind. In a moral illusion, you attribute to human behavior capacities or conditions that do not apply to the way humans really act. For instance, the religious dogma of original sin attributes guilt to human action even before there is anything to be guilty about. To make people feel and act out of guilt, and then claim that they do so due to a previous event that no one has experienced, is moral illusion in absurd extravagance.

    The Pagan assumption of innate goodness (see Marcus Aurelius) may also be regarded as a moral illusion. But the evidence that people act from innate goodness, without having to be told to do so, is strong enough, and it stands in contrast to guilt-driven action which has to be contrived and enforced from without—by threat of eternal damnation, for instance.

    Moral illusions can be subtle or gross. The subject is a huge quagmire, perfect ground for the Archons to take their last stand.

    However the Archontic endgame plays out in world events—a false flag alien attack combined with the advent of a holographic messiah, seasoned with a strong dose of nuclear war, perhaps?—the m.o. of the alien mind parasites reveals two outstanding features: moral illusion and the factor of absurdity. The latter will be eminent, if not pre-eminent, in the consummation of their works that must occur before they are defeated by humanity.

    For the delight of the Authorities is bitter and their beauty is depraved. Their enjoyment is deception and their design is the lack of divinity. NHC BG 56.6-8 And the plan they devised about me [the Revealer], to release their error and absurdity — I did not succumb to them as they had planned.” NHC VII, 2, 55.10
    The moral illusion of the Archons is about "authority." Since they may be called Authorities or Rulers, this illusion applies to their own nature. In other words, they enforce the illusion of their nature to execute their effect upon humanity. They lie to enforce the deception about what they actually are: mindless drones propelled by a mix of envy and enmity. As they have no agenda, absurdity becomes the endgame tactic, the signature of the ultimate reach of their exertions against the Anthropos.

    The supreme moral illusion confronting humanity operates like this: those who falsely assume authority over others demand obedience to their commands on the claim that disobedience would result in social chaos and anarchy. They claim to preserve social and moral order by rules and constraints imposed and maintained by sheer brutal force. The self-assumed authorities propagate the belief that human beings, left to their own impulses, would produce a world of disorder, conflict, and chaos. We are all potential terrorists in the mind of the Authorities. In our natural state of freedom and autonomy, we are dangerous to ourselves and must be curbed, leashed, and protected by a higher power. In short, the self-declared authorities claim to save humanity from the chaotic or anarchistic tendencies of human nature.

    They want us to believe that left alone, without their domination, we would create a world of social chaos. In reality, day-to-day evidence shows that they deceptively orchestrate chaos to maintain their attempt to control the world. More and more often they do so to the point of theatrical absurdity that would produce guffaws of ridicule performed on a stage before an audience. Yet it passes for normal.

    TSA patdown of a child suspected of terrorism. An example of the extreme absurdity of the Authorities "at the consummation of their works." Unfortunately, absurd behavior of this kind is an act of violation. It can also be murderous. Psyched-up and granted legitimacy by the authorities, the R Complex makes people act inhumanly.
    The lie about the self-endangering nature of human impulses is deeply insidious. It represents the root of all variations of social evil. This particular moral illusion is the ultimate challenge to human discernment, the supreme test of the genuine moral integrity of our species. Breaking through it is the key to liberation from Archontic deception. Gnostics taught that evil is not an autonomous power in the cosmos, rather, it is a phenomenon of deviance that emerges under cover of deception. Without deception and concealment, evil cannot be committed. Why not? Because in being exposed and opposed, it would immediately be defeated by the natural tendency of human nature to choose truth, goodness, and coexistence. But the authorities claim that our natural tendencies must be repressed and controlled, if not totally eradicated and replaced by robotic obedience.

    The power of the Authorities is a moral illusion enforced as a lie so transparent that it needs continuous application of brute force to be sustained. This lie is the opposite of the truth: only freedom to explore and express its natural tendencies will allow humanity to reach its true potential. This freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth. It is the basis of the confidence of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the foundation of her reliance on the species she designed.
    Gnostic texts that develop the theme of what the goddess wishes for humanity, or through humanity typically call her Pistis, "faith," or "confidence." Pistis Sophia, "the faith of the goddess" means that the mother planet has confidence in the pet species, humankind. This confidence shines out in the divine dare that Sophia expresses when confronting the Lord Archon in that episode of On the Origin of the World. The cosmological drama is the cosmic setting for a social and existential challenge that comes to be enacted on the world stage in our time, right now.

    Their fruit is a poison without cure and their promise is a living death. And as for their design for life, their implant that falsifies the true design, I shall teach you about the mystery of their ways. It is their counterfeiting spirit (antimimon pneuma). the hoaxing power within them, that leads them astray. So they in turn lead us astray, deviating the true potential of the Anthropos in order that you may not know your own fullness, your infinite gift.

    The tree of their design is bitterness and its branches are darkened by death.
    Its leaves are hatred and deception, and its aroma reeks of evil (poneria). -- NHC BG (Apocryphon of John) 56ff​

    The genius of Gnostic mythmaking inheres in the dual aspect of its message to humanity: it presents a clear and veracious description of events that really occurred in the cosmic realms, involving the Aeon Sophia and the Archons, and it converts that cosmic scenario squarely into the framework of social, psychological, and existential conditions, reflected in actual situations facing humanity in the test to own and enact our divine potential. "Knowledge of that which is alive can alone banish terror." To face terror, the signature of the Authorities, you must look into yourself and ask, What is most alive in me? Is it not your love for freedom, to do and be as you please without harming others? If it is anything less than that you may be well groomed for the globalist scheme of enslavement that is right now approaching its endgame scenario.

    The Sophianic vision story of the Mysteries is actional, able to be enacted. Such action has to be supported by specific knowledge, the savvy for human survival. Foremost in our savvy would be the capacity to detect predators and psychopaths. The new genre of ponerology introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be hugely instructive to this end. It represents a kind of telestic forensic method for detecting the murderous deceit of the Authorities. Derived from the Greek word poneria found in Gnostic writings (above), ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of social evil. Lobaczewski uses the striking term pathocracy to describe the domination of a society by a faction of psychopathic members, estimated to be 4-5 percent of the population.

    If you cannot profile a psychopath, you are not a responsible member of human society. If you cannot detect and defeat psychopathic behavior as it presents itself in your immediate personal reality, you are not qualified to live in a free world. Freedom ain't a free lunch. Such is the humble view of a warrior in Kali's Band.

    Finally, it could be said that the challenge presented to the Lord Archon by Sophia represents the way humanity will engage in her correction and return to the divine experiment, free of Archontic disruption and subterfuge. The wisdom goddess counts on our species to do just that... But it might require too large a stretch of imagination to realize this proposition of divine confidence in mortal humans. To put the same proposition in strictly secular language: we cannot realize our true humanity without beating the Authorities. There is more than one way to do so, but the central and decisive way is to choose anarchy in defiance of any authority that does not demonstrate benevolence toward life in all forms.

    The true anarchy of the human species is Sophia's guarantee of the success of the divine experiment she preconceived for the Anthropos, without setting a predetermined end to it. Gnosis today is the open source spirituality of imaginal and moral empowerment that optimizes the prospects for creative anarchy. Thus in Gnosis we can fulfill the Edenic promise of life on earth.

    Even the word carries the essential message: an-arch, "against authority, against archons."

    I have noted before that engagement in Sophia's correction is a volunteer process that involves an act of deselection for each human individual. Backing down from the menacing absurdity of the Authorities, you deselect from her correction. In doing so, you also abdicate your true identity as a human being, the opportunity to live and thrive as an acting member of the Anthropos. "The Archons made me do it." No, you forfeit a role in Sophia's correction. You defeat yourself by missing the greatest opportunity life can offer. The Authorities only have the power ceded to them through ignorance and denial of our divine potential, our endowment from the planetary animal mother and the Aeons.

    A passage in The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (64.4f) captures the basic tragedy of the human race: to be misled from its true potential by simulation, falling for a false version of itself. This warning seems to be unique to the radical protest of the Gnostics. The words applied here to Jesus, Moses, and the Patriarchs can as well be applied to those of the human race who succumb to the moral illusion of the Authorities:

    They never knew truth,

    nor will they know it

    for there is a great deception

    upon their soul, and they cannot

    ever find the mind of

    freedom, in order to know

    themselves, in true humanity.

    jll: 1 June 2011 Andalucia

    Last day of double shift under Bhuvaneshvari and the Wrathful Green Tara, the Selector.


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    • Post n°9

    empty. Compassion and Empathy

    empty. Allisiam on Sun May 23, 2010 11:24 pm

    Dear Didymos,
    Can you describe in terms of the Logos what compassion and empathy are, and how important are these states of being? I am asking this question on behalf of my son for one, myself, and others to whom I am sure may be wondering the same thing. Thank you, Allisiam

    Imagination is the capstone of reality, it sits above it all. Allisiam
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  10. admin

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:27 am
    Hello again Shiloh. I've only just seen your references to posts I made back in April in the above posts. It bothers me that you said that I "despise" you because of responses I made to your posts on the Fig Tree thread, unless I misunderstood what you meant. Again, your way of speaking just confuses me and, just so you know, as I stated on the Fig Tree thread, that's what I dislike. I don't despise anyone or anything, just so you know. And I don't despise you if that is what you were saying. I still wish you'd explain to me what you meant about serpents and lassies in Eire etc. Sorry, just couldn't figure that one out, other than in the way I express it on the Fig Tree thread ie you assuming I lived in Ireland. Guess I'm just not as 'clever' as you. As you can see, I prefer straight-talking.

    Must admit also that I do see the joke re you calling yourself 'Old Abraxas' elsewhere and me telling SiriArc about Abraxas on his Phase Shift thread. That is all very amusing.

    Thanks for posting that last one though. It was a good read.

    Edit: Ok, I've just re-read all the elements of our discussion on the Fig Tree thread, including the post you made that started it all. I'm happy to admit that I may have misunderstood that long spiel, seeing it as being in support of the Old Zionist Protocols and that what you posted was an update of that in terms of you supporting their aims also. That's what bothered me. I also knew nothing about Thuban beliefs, and still don't, I admit. There are so many different belief systems around I can't keep up with them all. icon_rolleyes.

    But if your original posting re the Zionists was, as I now see it, your way of passing on that their way of controlling humanity is coming to an end (yes???) I do apologize for misunderstanding and assuming you were supporting their agenda in posting that article and anything I may have gone on to say that you found to be offensive as a result. But, having said that, I still have to state that double-talk just leaves me confused and I really don't appreciate it. Truce?

    empty. Didymos


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    • Post n°10

    empty. Getting off the Fence

    empty. Didymos on Mon May 24, 2010 7:22 am

    Allisiam wrote:

    :Dear Didymos,
    Can you describe in terms of the Logos what compassion and empathy are, and how important are these states of being? I am asking this question on behalf of my son for one, myself, and others to whom I am sure may be wondering the same thing. Thank you, Allisiam

    Aye Allisiam, a warm greeting from the dragon hearts of Whynot Ravenshoe to you and yours.

    Indeed, what is compassion and empathy, but the Resonances and the affinities of the holographic shard with the encompassing hologram of the creator-creation.
    When you share the pain and suffering of another, might it be a friend or a pet or even a make-pretend performance of an actor in a film or a character in a book - then you BECOME part of the consciousness exhibited by the creator and by the greater cosmic life itself.

    One can then follow or prescribe something like the 8-folded path of the buddha in an attempt to 'eliminate' the pain and sufferings in a world trapped in its own paradoxes of moralistic and ethical thinking and perceiving in a search for a nihilistic nirvana; or one can 'accomodate' the pains and sufferings as necessary context for the 'love and light and joyfulness' to express itself within meaningful ways and as compared within those contexts.

    So there then is duality of 'eliminating' the 'bad' or to 'absorb' the 'bad' to allow the 'good' to carry on in a contextual meaningfulness.
    This 'war between' symbols and ideas and archetypes then becomes labeled in something like Service-To-Self versus Service-To-Others or STS versus STO.
    Compassion and empathy transcend this duality in allowing BOTH to coexist in a common centre of balance.
    You can identify with BOTH; victim and perpetrator; lover and hater; accused and prosecutor.
    Allow me to illustrate the present state of the 'playground' of the gods and goddesses waiting in the wings of their deliverances and remembrances in the following discourse with Peter Farley.

    In Love and Honour of the Thuban Elders

    Well stated Peter Farley!

    You are not alone on your lonely path, seemingly driven by your inner guidance to perceive, think, act and do as you 'feel' compelled to do.
    But there are not many.
    About December 1st, 2012, for the first time in recorded history, the human populus will reach 7 billion.
    That means that then there will be as many people 'alive in embodiment' on this planet as the sum total
    of 'incarnations' for that recorded history.
    One could say, that ALL the 'discarnate souls' from the universe's beginning and associated with the humanoid genus will 'be here' to 'witness' a nexus point, say a metamorphosis of the old into the new.

    According to certain 'documents' and 'writings of antiquity', the harmonisation of the eonold human history engages certain percentiles, linked to notions of science in the 'butterfly effect' and the '100th monkey syndrome'.

    Of those 7 billion Gaian inhabitants in 2012, 90% are unable to entertain themselves with philosophical questions in regards to purpose and ontology or the 'raison de etre'; being too busy in divers modes of survival and the necessities of life, such as escaping from warzones, water, food, shelter and basic security issues.

    The remaining 700 million inhabitants are able to 'think about the reason for 'being here'', but again, only about 10% or 70 million render such 'ponderings' more significance, than a passing interest, discussed by the 'experts' on the media channels, TV, films, books and the internet. Of those then, about 90% or 63 million are satisfied to read a book or two and see a movie or three and 'hope for a favourable outcome' in one of many 'possible futures' for themselves and the world around them.

    Then about 7 million of the 'serious thinkers' find themselves in a mode of selfperception and self-analysis. They engage in a search for the 'Holy Grail' of selfknowledge and a significant part of their 'external lives' becomes 'shadowed' by an exploration of their 'inner lives'.
    Many of those 1/10th of a percent of the human populus become seriously dissatisfied with the appearances of the external world and the status quo of 'general acceptance' of the things as they are portrayed to be by the 'puppeteers' in control of the politico-economic and the socio-cultural agencies of control, including the issues of 'law and order', international security and the spiritual mythologies.

    Next are the percentiles for 1/100th of a percent of the human population, distributed in a gaussian statistical distribution, say 350,000 'human natural philosophers' at the 'negative' 5% marker and 5% at the 'positive' 5% marker.

    The 'negatives' are the 'Dark Illuminated Ones' as the 'Harmonisers' of the 'Light within' with the 'Darkness without'.
    These are the 'puppeteers', the controllers of the worldy affairs in the mentioned agendas of politics, organised spirituality and the data dissemination via physical media channels.

    The 'negatives' are 'Lightbringers' or Lucifers in that they honour the 'light within' in a mode of selfperception, which can be termed the Unity of the Oneness within the encompassing separation.
    The 'negatives' so serve the Oneness in the individual and the personal integrity of the 'inner light' which, as they know, is equal for all incarnates.
    The 'negatives' are well informed about the 'matrix of illusion'. They know, that there are no enemies without and that the 'publisized' conflicts and wars between factions, like science and spirituality or rightwing and leftwing or christian and muslim or catholic and protestant are all part of the 'mind-mechanics'.
    The 'negatives' are 'in control' of the external world, because they are in harmony with themselves and by lineage and 'personal aspiration and connection' have attained the 'priviledge to rule' (the kingdom of the world aka earth aka hell aka the below) without fiscal- and related constraints for their self-expression of their modus operandi - the servitude and honour of the Unity of the 'divine immortal' selfhood within the separation.

    The 'positives' are the 'Light Illuminated Ones' as the 'Harmonisers' of the 'Darkness within' with the 'Light without'.
    These are the 'puppeteers', the controllers of the unworldly affairs in the agendas of disorganised spirituality and data dissemination via unphysical media channels.
    The 'positives' are 'Lightbringers' or Lucifers in that they honour the 'darkness within' in a mode of selfperception, which can be termed the Unity of the Oneness without an encompassing separation of subunits.
    The 'positives' so serve the Oneness in the collective or depersonalised individual and the collective integrity of the 'inner darkness' which as they know, is equal as the context for the 'individual inner light' to be able to express itself.
    The 'positives' are well informed about the 'matrix of illusion'. They know, that there are no enemies without and that the 'publisized' conflicts and wars between factions, like science and spirituality or rightwing and leftwing or christian and muslim or catholic and protestant are all part of the 'mind-mechanics'.
    The 'positives' are 'in control of the internal world, because they are in harmony with themselves and by lineage and 'personal aspiration and connection' have attained the 'priviledge to rule over themselves' (the kingdom of heaven) with many fiscal- and related constraints for their self-expression of their modus operandi - the servitude and honour of the Unity of the 'divine immortal' selfhood without the separation.

    1/500th of a percent of the incarnated genepool of 2012 comprises 140,000 individual cosmogenetic expressions of a collective 'soul-pool' of 7 billion.
    So a 'negative percentile' of say 144,000/2=72,000 is 'harmonised' or balanced in a 'positive distribution' of 72,000 individuals in a 1/1000th percentile of 7.2 billion human inhabitants post the 2012 nexus yearcount.

    The 'negatives of the external control of the bodymind' and the 'positives of the internal control of the mindbody' both harmonise the total populus of 7.2 billion as 1 in 100,000.
    In terms of archetypical symbolisation however, the 144,000 reduce to 12 and 10 and 2 and 1, say as a 'Circle of Self-election or Self-Choosing'.

    Every one of the 72,000 'negatives' and every one of the 72,000 'positives' is the One archetypical symbol.
    The One becomes a Hero of the story, the opus and the mythology.
    But the One must become Two in a Heroine, as the Unicorn cannot act alone and the 'Sword or the Words of the Excalibur' must be made twoedged and the circle of unity is meaningless without a frame of self-reference.
    Similarly, the 'Circle of Unity' becomes extended in 10 to make 12 with a 13th locus point allowing the hero and the heroine as partnership to 'relate the adventure of the transformation of the old into the new'.

    There is a very simple 'fairy tale' which retells the verbose exclamations and comparisons above.

    The 'Dark Crystal' is a 'children's movie' about two old dying races by muppet creator Jim Henson (of the sesame street fame of Kermit the mindful male Frog and Miss Piggy the bodyful female counterpart).
    The 'negatives' are the Skeksis-Skeptics, a reptilian tyrant race of cacophanous lizards reduced to 10 exponents and in control of the physical 'outer' world they inhabit.
    The 'positives' are the Mystics-Believers-urRu, an unreptilian race of gentle dragons reduced to 10 exponents and in control of the metaphysical 'inner' world they inhabit.
    The Skeksis conquered an ancient 'common playground' for both the older races (as the urSkeks) and drove the mystics underground.
    The skeksis also enslaved a protohuman race in the 'podlings', who they use as a foodsource in harvesting an 'elixir for youth' from the podling's 'mindbody essence'.
    The Skeksis also eliminated another protohuman race in the 'gelflings'; partly due to the fact, that it was prophesied, that the only threat to their worldly rulership would derive from 'gelfling hand'.
    The Skeksis derive their 'power' and 'energy' from a 'Dark Crystal', which periodically recharges itself in the movement of celestial bodies and eclipses between suns, moons and planets.

    But before the war, which brought the Skeksis to power, the crystal had been a 'Light Crystal' and a 'Crystal of Truth'. It had become 'dark' because a 'shard' was lost in the war; rendering the crystal 'dark'. The 'prophecy', commonly known by both the Skeksis and the mystics, was that 'by gelfling hand' and the missing light shard, the crystal could be made 'whole again' (and so disempowering the rule of the Skeksis).

    The hero is the gelfling boy 'Jen', thinking himself the last survivor of the gelfling race, fostered by the mystics.
    As the 'leader-king SkekSo' of the Skeksis is dying in harmony with the 'leader-king urSo' of the mystics; Jen is introduced to the 'prophecy' and his destiny to fulfil it by his mystic mentor urSo.
    Soon, Jen partners with Kira, the heroine gelfling girl, who fostered by the podlings, also thought herself the last survivor of the gelfling race.

    At the completion of the fairy-tale and after the dramas, the Skeksis of old and the mystics of old die in each of the 9 lords and the 9 antilords to blend in oneness in the mirror of the 'Dark Crystal' transforming into a 'Light Crystal' again.

    So the self-chosen 144,000 as the One partnership is you, enticed by many external circumstances and experiences to 'play the role in the game of the cosmic transformatioms'.

    You are Jen as the maleness-the yang-the mind(shadowbody)-the waveparticle nature and as the father-creator archetype.
    You are Kira as the femaleness-the yin-the body(shadowmind)-the particlewave nature and as the mother-creation archetype.

    You are both male and female as the partnership of the external 'darkness' with the internal 'lightness'.
    You are the One, but you are alone; not yet unified with yourself.
    Your Luciferic Light has 'lighted' your external darkness like a candle by your inner light, giving you an incarnate life.
    Your Luciferic Darkness has 'darkened' your internal light like the extinguished flame of your inner darkness, giving you a discarnate life in the expectation of physical death.
    The incarnate life is the 'collapse of the wavemind function' of your immortal being, rendering you a 'Zombie', a 'walking corpse' (or a decaying spirit) - Alive in the BodyParticle, yet Dead in the MindWave.
    The discarnate life is the 'collapse of the particlebody function' of your immortal being, rendering you an 'Antizombie', a 'decaying corpse' (or a walking spirit) - Alive in the MindWave, yet Dead in the ParticleBody.

    How to 'end this unsatisfactory state of the affairs' of the MindBody or WaveParticle Duality?

    You are required to become Two in One; the 'negative evil' must become as one with the 'positive good'.
    The hero Jen and the heroine Keera do not 'blend' to become the old 'reunification'.
    Jen and Kira form a 'new' partnership, using the energy and the power of the old.
    The old caterpillars of Jen and Kira enter the cocoon of the reunified crystal to emerge as a pair of butterflies.

    Two individuated minds and bodies have become as One Mind in Two Bodies; using the Blending of the Old Minds and Bodies of Separation in the metamorphosis of the universal cosmogenesis and the neverending stories to be composed, written, played and acted by the Ones who are willing and able to play the game of life in the one and only story in existence.
    This is the Story of the archetypes in the Book of Life by the Eternal Oneness. relishing the Separation of itself as Individuated parts of itself, yet always remaining just the One.

    John Shadow

    New Lesson #5: Getting Off the Fence

    By Peter Farley

    Getting off the fence used to mean doing something to help save the planet and Creation from falling totally into Darkness. Now it's all about saving your own ass, both in this lifetime and from falling back to much lower levels of awareness where you've already been because of your inability to live up to the higher states of awareness you had previously earned.

    The basic understanding people need right now is that there has been a war taking place in Creation between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness up to almost the highest levels and dimensions of the Universes. We are all a part of this war whether we like it or not. The only choice we have is whether we want to be part of the forces of the Army of Light, or victims, dupes or cannon-fodder for the forces of the Dark. As the old saying rightfully goes, "There are no children in war," for it always seems that women and children suffer the most during conflict because when one gets down to the basic there are no 'rules of war' only total destruction. War is a very reptilian thing.
    Early on when I first began this particular mission of mine Guidance told me it was too late to save the planet, but that there were a whole lot of High Light-workers sitting on the fence who I could help. Well along the way we helped save the planet. I haven't been so successful at helping many Light-workers get off their fences though. It's the most difficult thing to do and I've seen so many others who have tried give up in disgust. The New World Order has known only to well how to stop that happening. They've had lots of practice on tens of millions of planets before this one. But that's no excuse. As Oskar Schindler says at the end of the movie, Schindler's List, "If I could only have saved a few more."

    They've programmed us all too well. They've hooked us into a Matrix so well that we think we can't survive without it. Along the way they've added a few other small things to act as anchors to stop us should we think of hopping down and doing what it is we all came here to do - some small little things such as denial, fear, self-will, and the idea that spirituality is all about being out of the body soul travelling the higher dimensions.
    My favorite cartoon is one of the old Far Side ones where a new angel is sitting on a cloud looking bored. In the dialogue bubble coming from his lips are the words "I wish I'd brought some magazines."
    Religion teaches us that spiritual evolution is all about getting to the point where we get to ascend to some place to spend eternity hanging out with God - I guess playing Scrabble or some other cosmic board game. Worse still is the unbelievable concept introduced into Christianity in the first millennia that we get to do it in this old, worm-eaten body which will ascend at the proper time manifesting some idyllic time of our lives - Whatever that would that be? 11, 18, 35? Which age would you choose? Or do you even have that choice?

    In Eckankar, as with most spiritual teachings taken over and co-opted by the darkside as everything is on this planet, people sit around talking about becoming the Master instead of being the Master as its originator Paul Twitchell tried to tell them. I remember one story the Living Eck Master told about a chela/student who wanted to help by taking on some of the load of the master. The next day that person was flat on their back unable to get out of bed.
    So where is the glory, where is the reward, where is the benefit of doing all this tough spiritual work and training, just to have to work even harder -and usually for those who cannot or will not appreciate one iota of what it is you do?
    Therein lays the answer to today's lesson about getting off the fence. Each and every one of us have to find that something within ourselves which helps us decide to forgo any type of recognition, to risk the possibility of losing family, friends and loved ones, and to possibly surrender even our very lives in order to serve the Higher Will, and for what purpose?
    There is no answer to this one, folks, for this truly is one each and every one of us has to find for ourselves. All I can do is share my own story and see if it resonates with something going on deep within you:
    My life was a Groundhog Day of selfishness, loss and new beginnings over and over again, the same lessons coming around over and over again, never finding resolution. What did I have to lose? Well I never knew what there was to lose until I stepped up and fought back against overwhelming odds to get off my fence and do the proverbial `dance'. And I lost more than I ever thought I had.

    As one man who recently came to see me from Venezuela said, "The best warrior is the one with the fewest attachments." And he was right. I do not have most of what any of you have. Then again my mission is not your mission. I cannot say to you to give up what you have to do this work because I do not have the things you have - or at least the `things' you think you have. As I always tell people, `I'd rather be watching football.'
    All I know is that, after working with thousands of people from around the world in person or online, every one of us, every one of those thousands of people all had something inside them saying `This is what I must do! Time is running short and I came here for a Higher purpose, not just to live a meaningless life of acquiring things, seeking out new ways of filling in my time, and struggling to make the daily bread.' This is the thing that will either drive you to get off your fence or not. How loud that still small voice within you is can be the only thing that makes you get down off your fence and not get back up on another one. Every spiritual path has the metaphor of the cliff and the student making a figurative `leap of faith' from that cliff, just like Indiana Jones once did. There is no guaranteed support for you in the physical and lower worlds except from your own personal Guidance and your own sense of knowingness. Therefore you're probably crazy if you do get off the fence, but then again, ask yourself -What have you got to lose? Martin Luther King said it best when he said something along the lines of " a man who hasn't found something worth dying for hasn't found a reason to live."
    It all comes down to that thing which once helped give me the realization to act or forever regret not acting: It is what the Nine say in The Only Planet of Choice: Ask yourself what's it going to be like going through Eternity knowing that the lifetime that really counted, you didn't step up to bat?"

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015

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