New Derek Johnson Interview! Is Donald Trump Still The President-! The Answer Will Blow Your Minds!

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Rosie Neal says:
    So Now the Movie is Finally Playing the Final Chapter & will Soon END.
    You are going to LOVE the Ending after You get Pissed Off first.
    Everything Played out in Full View but Nothing was as it Appeared.
    The Signs were Everywhere even though the Actors did Not even Begin to Resemble the Original Characters most just Somehow just Justified it as in their Own Mind & was Willing to Fight for the Illusion.
    Boggled my Mind than & Still does. It is Scary when the Mind takes on the Illusion as being a Solid Reality. Whereas the Perfect Discernment?
    Many Families & Friendships were Ruined, Abandoned & Broken because of the Play which was not even Real.
    But One thing for Sure is It Forced each of You to Bearwitness & take a Solid Stand in Your Power while the Illusions were being Played Out in Front of You. Day in & Day Out. How quickly the People Jumped into Separation & fought each Other.
    It Shows just how easily a World can be Manipulated & One can become Enslaved to a Lie.
    When You 100% got Wrapped up in the Illusion & the Media Play into it BiG Time to help bring You into Separation & Division this is What was Reallyyyyy taking Place.
    It Allowed for everyone to take a Stroll down the Yellow Brick Road so One Day You will have Perfect Discernment to See [​IMG] the the Curtain be Pulled back from behind the Scenes as the Illusion of the Wizard behind the Scenes is Finally Witnessed.
    Everyone needs to Think about this!!!
    We should have Unified & came together as One.
    But Chose to Drop farther into Density & Separation.
    You are the Creator of Your Reality & so Easily You Chose to Give your Power Away.
    Your Determination to be Right at All Cost when Everything was so Very Wrong.
    Even as You were Witnessing the Movies Sets You still Didn't Awaken.
    Time to Reallyyyyy Understand what was Happening behind the Scenes.
    Derek Johnson brings You a Simple Play by Play to help bring in Clarity which will Allow You to See what was Reallyyyyy taking Place right before Your eyes as the Final Chapter is Coming to a Ending.
    Enjoy the Video:

    @realdonaldtrump @dacase
    @ilDonaldoTrumpo @KashPatel @MikeLindell2024
    @KiwiBlokeDaza #nz @13LiNESofSPiRiT #canada #usa #america
    NEW DEREK JOHNSON INTERVIEW! Is Donald Trump STILL The President-! The Answer Will BLOW YOUR MINDS! | NEW DEREK JOHNSON INTERVIEW! Is Donald Trump STILL The President-! The Answer Will BLOW YOUR MINDS! | By artbyyanilee | Facebook
    30K views, 841 likes, 205 loves, 296 comments, 754 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from artbyyanilee: NEW DEREK JOHNSON INTERVIEW! Is Donald Trump STILL The President-!…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



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