Neutrino Discrepancies And Higgs Neutrino Oscillation Masses

Discussion in 'A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions' started by admin, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Neutrino Discrepancies and Higgs Neutrino Oscillation Masses

    A history of neutrino measurements is described as a reply to a published video by Sabine Hossenfelder from September 21st, 2021

    The sterile neutrino can be called a Higgs neutrino, as it derives from the Goldstone boson form of the Higgs Boson also coupled to the dark matter particle here called RMP for RestMass Photon. The problem with the Majorana form of the neutrinos is that they are indeed massless as fist proposed by the Standard Model and so are in fact their own antiparticles in the massless state. They do however assume a mass value as Dirac particles when mixing with the sterile scalar Higgs neutrinos explained by Sabine Hossenfelder in the link above.

    The Dirac forms for the lepton associated neutrinos can be calculated from a Grand Unification Monopole matrix. The weakons so display the bosonic nature of the original X/L bosons but allow a partitioning of the boson integral spin momentum in a sharing between the fermionic kernel and the fermionic outer ring.

    The quantum geometry indicated then allows a decomposition of the weakons into leptonic generations and the Z-Boson to assume the weak interaction energy in the form of massless gluons becoming mass induced by the quantum geometric template of a scalar Higgs field as Majorana neutrinos.

    The analysis then defines a maximum velocity for the electron with a corresponding quantum relative minimum mass in the form of the electron (anti)neutrino in
    ve|max = (1 - 3.282806345x10-17) c and m(νe)=m(ντ)2 = 0.00297104794 eV* (0.002963740541 eV) respectively. At this energy then, no coupling between the electron and its anti-neutrino would be possible and the W- weakon could not exist.

    Subsequently, we shall indicate the effect of the Compton constant and of the quantum relativistic monopolar electron to calculate all of the neutrino masses from first principles in setting
    mν = mneutrino = me.(rneutrino)/Re and where rv naturally applies at the limit of the electron's dynamical self-interaction as indicated, that is the electron's quantum relativistic mass approaches that of the instanton of the Quantum Big Bang qbb.

    This leads to: mνElectronc2 = mvTauon2)c2 = mνMuon2Higgs2)c2
    = μo{Monopole GUT masses ec}2rps/4πRe2 and where vHiggs is a scalar (anti)neutrino for the mass induction of the (anti)neutrinos in tandem with the mass induction of the scalar Higgs boson in the weak Goldstone interaction.

    Details here chapter XIV: The Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron - An extension of the standard model and quantum field theory's...

    (PDF) Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe
    (PDF) Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe

    The Higgsian Scalar-Neutrino

    The (anti)neutrinos are part of the electron mass in a decoupling process between the kernel and the rings. Neutrino mass is so not cosmologically significant and cannot be utilized in 'missing mass' models'.
    We may define the kernel-scale as that of the singular spacetime-quantum unit itself, namely as the wormhole radius rweyl = rps =10-22/2π meters.

    Before the decoupling between kernel and rings, the kernel-energy can be said to be strong-weakly coupled or unified to encompass the gauge-gluon of the strong interaction and the gauge-weakon of the weak interaction defined in a coupling between the leptonic Outer Ring and the Kernel and bypassing the mesonic Inner Ring.

    So for matter, a W-Minus ( weakon) must consist of a coupled lepton part yet linking to the strong interaction via the kernel part. If now the colour-charge of the gluon transmutes into a 'neutrino-colour-charge'; then this decoupling will not only define the mechanics for the strong-weak nuclear unification coupling; but also, the energy transformation of the gauge-colour charge into the gauge-lepton charge.

    There are precisely 8 gluonic transitive energy permutation eigenstates between a 'radiative-additive' Planck energy in W(hite)=E=hf and an 'inertial-subtractive'
    Einstein energy in B(lack)=E=mc2, which describe the baryonic- and hyperonic 'quark-sectors' in: mc2=BBB, BBW, WBB, BWB, WBW, BWW, WWB and WWW=hf.
    The permutations are cyclic and not linearly commutative. For mesons (quark-antiquark eigenstates), the permutations are BB, BW, WB and WW in the SU(2) and SU(3) Unitary Symmetries.

    So generally, we may state, that the gluon is unified with a weakon before decoupling; this decoupling 'materializing' energy in the form of mass, namely the mass of the measured 'weak-interaction-bosons' of the standard model (W- for charged matter; W+ for charged antimatter and Zo for neutral mass-currents say). Experiment shows that a W- decays into spin-aligned electron-antineutrino or muon-antineutrino or tauon-antineutrino pairings under the conservation laws for momentum and energy.

    So, using our quantum geometry, we realize, that the weakly decoupled electron must represent the Outer Ring, and just as shown in the analysis of QED ( Quantum Electro-Dynamics).
    Then it can be inferred, that the Electron's Anti-neutrino represents a transformed and materialized gluon via its colour charge, now decoupled from the kernel and in a way revisiting the transformation of a bosonic ancestry for the fermionic matter structures, discussed further on in the string class transformations of the inflaton era. There exists so a natural and generic supersymmetry in the quark-lepton hierarchy and no additional supersymmetric particles are necessary.

    Then the Outer Ring contracts along its magneto axis defining its asymptotic confinement and in effect 'shrinking the electron' in its inertial and charge- properties to its experimentally measured 'point-particle-size'.
    Here we define this process as a mapping between the electronic wavelength 2πRe and the wormhole perimeter λweyl=2πrweyl.

    But in this process of the 'shrinking' classical electron radius towards the gluonic kernel; the mesonic ring will be encountered and it is there, that any mass inductions should occur to differentiate a massless lepton gauge-eigenstate from that manifested by the weakon precursors.
    {Note: Here the W- inducing a lefthanded neutron to decay weakly into a lefthanded proton, a lefthanded electron and a righthanded antineutrino. Only lefthanded particles decay weakly in CP-parity-symmetry violation, effected by neutrino-gauge definitions from first principles}.

    This then indicates a neutrino-oscillation potential at the Inner Ring-Boundary. Using our proportions and assigning any neutrino-masses mν as part of the electron mass me, gives the following proportionality as the mass eigenvalue of the Tau-(Anti)Neutrino as Higgsian Mass Induction in the Weak Nuclear Interaction at the Mesonic Inner Ring Boundary within the subatomic quantum geometry utilized as the dynamic interaction space:

    mHiggs/Tauon = meλweyl.rE/(2πrMRe) = 5.34587844-36 kg* or 2.9949713 eV*..[Eq.XII-8]

    So we have derived, from first principles, a (anti)neutrino mass eigenstate energy level of 3 eV as the appropriate energy level for any (anti)neutrino matter interaction within the subatomic dynamics of the nuclear interaction.

    This confirms the Mainz, Germany Result (Neutrino 2000), as the upper limit for neutrino masses resulting from ordinary Beta-Decay and indicates the importance of the primordial beta-decay for the cosmogenesis and the isomorphic scale mappings referred to in the above.

    The hypersphere intersection of the G- and F-count of the thermodynamic expansion of the mass-parametric universe so induces a neutrino-mass of 3 eV* at the 2.765931439x10-18 meter marker.
    The more precise G-F differential in terms of eigenenergy is 0.052 eV as the mass-eigenvalue for the Higgs-(Anti)neutrino, which is scalar of 0-spin and constituent of the so called Higgs Boson as the kernel-Eigenstate. This has been experimentally verified in the Super-Kamiokande (Japan) neutrino experiments published in 1998 and in subsequent neutrino experiments around the globe, say Sudbury, KamLAND, Dubna, MinibooNE and MINOS.

    Recalling the Cosmic scale radii for the initial manifestation of the primordial 'Free Neutron
    (Beta-Minus) Decay', we rewrite the Neutrino-Mass-Induction formula:

    rE = 3.435971077x1014 meters and an E-count of (26x6561) = 1.00x10112 spacetime quanta:
    mνHiggs-E = mνelectron = me.rps{rE/rE}/Re = 5.323079952x10-39 kg* or 0.00298219866 eV* as Weak Interaction Higgs Mass induction.

    But in this limiting case the supermembrane modular duality of the instanton identity Eps.e* = 1 applied to the Compton constant will define the limiting neutrino mass for the electron as a modular neutrino mass per displacement quantum defined in the Compton constant meRe = amPlP = ha/2pc and for a modulation displacement factor {Re2/rps} as monopolar displacement current im as mass equivalence, the Planck Length bounce displacement x = √a.lP = e/c2 for finestructure unification keGo = 1 and the Action Law {Action h = ee* Charge2} via mass {m} = h/cx = hc/e = {ec} for {im}monopolar = {ec}monopolar/displacement x

    |mνHiggs-E = mνelectron|mod = me.rps{Re2/rps}/Re = {ah/2πc}|mod = 2.58070199x10-45 kg[m/m]* …[Eq.XII-9]

    rF = 3.451077503x1011 meters for the F-count of (13x6656) = 1.02x10103 spacetime quanta:
    mνHiggs-F = mνmuon=me.rps{rE/rF}/Re = 5.299779196x10-36 kg* or 2.969144661 eV* as Weak Interaction Higgs Mass induction.

    rG = 3.39155805x1011 meters for the G-count of (67x3665) = 9.68x10102 spacetime quanta:
    mνHiggs-G = mνtauon = me.rps{rE/rG}/Re = 5.392786657x10-36 kg* or 3.021251097 eV* as Weak Interaction Higgs Mass Induction.

    The mass difference for the Muon-Tauon-(Anti)Neutrino Oscillation
    then defines the Mesonic Inner Ring Higgs Induction: …………..[Eq.XII-10]

    mνHiggs = me.rps{rE/rG - rE/rF}/Re = 9.3007461x10-38 kg* or 0.05210643614 eV* as the Basic Cosmic (Anti)Neutrino Mass.

    This Higgs-Neutrino-Induction is 'twinned' meaning that this energy can be related to the energy of so termed 'slow- or thermal neutrons' in a coupled energy of so twice 0.0253 eV for a thermal equilibrium at so 20° Celsius and a rms-standard-speed of so 2200 m/s from the Maxwell statistical distributions for the kinematics.

    The (anti)neutrino energy at the RE nexus for RE = rps(26x6561) m* and for
    mνHiggs-E = mνelectron = μoe2c2.rps/4πRe2c2 = 30e2λps/2πcRe2
    or μo{Monopole GUT masses ec}2rps/4πRe2c2 = 2.982198661x10-3 eV* and for:

    mνElectronc2 = mvTauon2)c2 = mνMuon2Higgs2)c2 = μo{Monopole GUT masses ec}2rps/4πRe2 ..[Eq.XII-11]

    This can also be written as mνHiggs-E=mνelectron=mνTauon2 to define the 'squared' Higgs (Anti)Neutrino eigenstate from its templated form of the quantum geometry in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).
    Subsequently, the Muon (Anti)Neutrino Higgs Induction mass becomes defined in the difference between the masses of the Tau-(Anti)Neutrino and the Higgs (Anti)Neutrino.

    mνTauon = B4G4R4[0]+B2G2R2[-½] = B6G6R6[-½] = √(mνelectron) = √(0.002982) = 0.0546... eV*
    mνHiggs = B4G4R4[0] = meλps.rE{1/rG-1/rF}/(2πRe) ~ 9.301x10-38 kg* or 0.0521... eV*
    mνMuon = B2G2R2[-½] = √(mνTauon2 - mνHiggs2) = √(0.00298-0.00271) = √(0.00027) = 0.0164... eV*
    mνElectron = B2G2R2[-½] = (mνTauon)2= (0.054607...)2 = 0.002982... eV*

    This energy self-state for the Electron (Anti)Neutrino then manifests in the Higgs Mass Induction at the Mesonic Inner Ring or IR as the squared mass differential between two (anti)neutrino self-states as:
    (mν3 + mν2).(mν3 - mν2) = mν32 - mν22 = 0.002981...eV*2 to reflect the 'squared' energy self-state of the scalar Higgs (Anti)Neutrino as compared to the singlet energy eigen state of the base (anti)neutrinos for the 3 leptonic families of electron-positron and the muon-antimuon and the tauon-antitauon.

    The Electron-(Anti)Neutrino is massless as base-neutrino weakon eigenstate and inducted at RE at 0.00298 eV*.
    The Muon-(Anti)Neutrino is also massless as base-neutrino weakon eigenstate and inducted at the Mesonic Ring F-Boundary at 2.969 eV* with an effective Higgsian mass induction of 0.0164 eV*.

    All (anti)neutrinos gain mass energy however when they become decoupled from their host weakon; either a W- for matter or a W+ for antimatter. So as constituents of the weakon gauge for the weak interaction the electron- and muon (anti)neutrinos are their own antiparticles and so manifest their Majorana qualities in the weak interaction.

    Once emitted into the energy-momentum spacetime however, the monopolar nature from a self-dual GUT/IIB monopole mass [ec]uimd or their energy
    [ec3=2.7x1016 GeV*]unifiedinmodularduality manifests in their masses. The premise of the older Standard Model for a massless (anti)neutrino so remains valid for them in respect to their Majorana-coupling their lepton partners as the weakon agents in their quantum geometric templates; but is modified for 'free' (anti)neutrinos as Dirac particles.

    The Tauon-(Anti)Neutrino is not massless with inertial eigenstate inducted at the Mesonic Ring G-Boundary at 3.021 eV* and averaged at 3.00 eV*
    as √(0.05212+0.01642) = 0.0546 eV* as the square root value of the ground state of the Higgs inertia induction. The neutrino flavour mechanism, based on the Electron (Anti)Neutrino so becomes identical in the Weakon Tauon-Electron-Neutrino oscillation to the Scalar Muon-Higgs-Neutrino oscillation.

    The weakon kernel-eigenstates are 'squared' or doubled (2x2=2+2) in comparison with the gluonic-eigenstate (one can denote the colour charges as (R²G²B²)[½] and as (RGB)[1] respectively say and with the [] bracket denoting gauge-spin and RGB meaning colours Red-Green-Blue).

    The scalar Higgs-Anti(Neutrino) becomes then defined in: (R4G4B4)[0] and the Tauon Anti(Neutrino) in (R6G6B6)[½] in doubling of the singular R2G2B2 inflexion points in the UfoQR for odd p Gravitational Interaction GI and even p Electromagnetic Interaction EMI. The GI points define BGR color charges, and the EMI points define RGB color charges for (anti)neutrino generation as a function of the 12 interwoven monopolar current loops (see diagram below).

    The reason as to why no right-handed neutrinos and left-handed antineutrinos manifest in the UfoQR crystallizes in the distribution of the odd and even pi-nodes established in the base templates of the QBBS.

    The Dark Matter agent of the RMP manifests in the 0° - 120°- 180°- 200° interval in the UfoQR and so includes an odd p GI monopolar current coordinate; whilst the

    Anti-RMP manifests in the 520° - 540° - 600° - 720° interval with 540° as 3p+p/6 in between the odd p GI at 3p and the even p EMI at 4p.

    The Anti-RMP as an Anti-Dark Matter agent is therefore suppressed in that the B2G2R2[-½] Majorana neutrino at 720° flipping into a R2G2B2[+½] Majorana Anti-neutrino at 600° cannot then flip into a Majorana neutrino at the 540° nexus and remains as a Majorana Anti-neutrino at the 520° coordinate to suppress the manifestation of the
    Anti-RMP M2C2Y2[+1] as the spin induced form of the scalar Anti-Higgs Boson or Anti-HB M2C2Y2[0].

    The right-handed R2G2B2[+½] Majorana Antineutrino so continues to the intersection monopolar current coordinate as the 2p-EMI 3-junction where it meets and merges with a left-handed Majorana Antineutrino which flipped from R2G2B2[+½] Majorana Antineutrino at 0° into a B2G2R2[-½] Majorana Neutrino at 120° before flipping its color charge permutation cyclicity from anticyclic B2G2R2 to cyclic R2G2B2 into a R2G2B2[-½] Majorana Antineutrino at 180° to complete its unified field

    Weak-Nuclear matter-antimatter interaction in conjunction with the manifested dark matter agency of the RMP[-1] and to create the template for the Higgs Anti-neutrino R2G2B2[-½] + R2G2B2[+½] = R4G4B4[0].

    The ‘missing’ left-handed Anti-neutrino so is integrated or absorbed by the scalar or sterile Higgs Anti-neutrino with a natural suppression of the scalar or sterile Higgs neutrino by the not manifested RMP[+1] and Anti-HB[0] templates in the UfoQR.


    The ‘missing’ left-handed Anti-neutrino so is integrated or absorbed by the scalar or sterile Higgs Anti-neutrino with a natural suppression of the scalar or sterile Higgs neutrino by the not manifested RMP[+1] and Anti-HB[0] templates in the UfoQR.

    R2G2B2[+½]-p→B2G2R2[-½]-p→R4G4B4[0]←p-R2G2B2[+½]←p-B2G2R2[-½] across a 4p interval.

    The twinned neutrino state so becomes apparent in a coupling of the scalar Higgs-Neutrino with a massless base neutrino in a (R6G6B6)[0+½]) mass-induction template.

    The Higgs-Neutrino is bosonic and so not subject to the Pauli Exclusion Principle; but quantized in the form of the FG-differential of the 0.0521 Higgs-Restmass Induction.
    Subsequently all experimentally observed neutrino-oscillations should show a stepwise energy induction in units of the Higgs-neutrino mass of 0.0521 eV.

    This was the case in the Super-Kamiokande experiments; and which was interpreted as a mass-differential between the muonic and tauonic neutrino forms.

    mνHiggs + mνelectron = mνHiggs + (mνTauon)2 for the 'squared' ground state of a massless base (anti)neutrino for a perturbation Higgsian (anti)neutrino in
    (mνTauon)2 = (mνHiggs + Δ)2 = mνElectron for a quadratic mνHiggs2 + 2mνHiggsΔ+ Δ2 = 0.002982 from (mνHiggs + Δ) = √(mνelectron)

    and for a Δ = √(mνelectron) - mνHiggs = mνTauon - mνHiggs = 0.0546 eV - 0.0521 eV = 0.0025 eV.
    mνHiggs + Δ = 0.0521 + 0.0025 = (mνHiggs) + (mνelectron) - 0.00048 = mνtauon = 0.0521+0.00298 - 0.00048 + ... = 0.0546 eV* as a perturbation expression for the 'squared' scalar Higgs (Anti)Neutrino.
    (mνMuon - mνElectron){(mνMuon + mνElectron) - (mνMuon - mνElectron)} = 2mνElectron(mνMuon - mνElectron) as the squared mass difference: mνMuon2 - mνElectron2 = 2mνElectron(mνMuon - mνElectron) + (mνMuon - mνElectron)2
    and for mνMuon2 = mνElectron - mνHiggs2 = (0.002982 - 0.00271 = 0.00027) for √(0.00027) = mνMuon = 0.01643 = 5.51 mνElectron .

    {mνMuon2 - mνElectron2} - mνMuon2 + 2mνMuonmνElectron - mνElectron2 = 2mνMuonmνElectron - 2mνElectron2 = 2mνElectron{mνMuon - mνElectron }
    = 2mνElectron2{mνMuon/mνElectron - 1} = 8.892x10-6{11.02-1} = 8.910x10-5, approximating the KamLAND 2005 neutrino mass induction value of 7.997..x10-5 eV2 obtained for a ratio of 11mνElectron = 2mνMuon.

    For 3 (anti)neutrinos then, the cosmological summation lower and upper bounds for (anti)neutrino oscillations are: 0 + mνelectron-muon + mνelectron-tauon + mνmuon-tauon
    = 3(0.002982) = 0.00895 eV* or 0.00893 eV [SI] and 3(0.0030+0.0546) = 3(0.0576) = 0.1728 eV* or 0.1724 eV [SI] respectively.

    Inclusion of the scalar Higgs (anti)neutrino as a fourth (anti)neutrino inertial self-state extends this upper boundary by 0.0521 eV*
    and 0.0520 eV to 0.2249 eV* or 0.2243 eV [SI].

    ∑mν = mνElectron + mνMuon + mνHiggs + mνTauon = 0.00298.+ 0.0164.+ 0.0521..+ 0.0546. = 0.1261 eV*

    In terms of the Higgs Mass Induction and so their inertial states, the Neutrinos are their own antiparticles and then Majorana defined; but in terms of their basic magneto charged nature within the Unified Filed of Quantum Relativity, the Neutrinos are different from their Antineutrino antiparticles in their Dirac definition of R2G2B2[+½] for the Antineutrinos and in B2G2R2[-½] for the Neutrinos.

    Higgs=meλw.rE/(2πrMRe){1/rG-1/rF} ~ 9.3x10-38 kg or 0.052 eV for a scalar blueprint AntiνHiggs = R4G4B4[0] with anti-state νHiggs = B4G4R4[0] and coupling as the Tauon (Anti) Neutrino as
    Antiνtauon = R2G2B2[+½] + R4G4B4[0] = R6G6B6[+½] = Antiνelectron + AntiνHiggs
    and νtauon = B2G2R2[-½] + B4G4R4[0] = B6G6R6[-½] = νelectron + νHiggs


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    Last edited: Jan 16, 2022

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