Myth Of The Golden Egg

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Myth of the GOLDEN EGG

    In Hindu mythology, Brahman, the infinite divine
    and creative energy threw a seed into the water to provoke its creation.

    This seed transformed into an enormous golden egg
    on the surface of the waters for a thousand years,
    opening revealing the god Brahma,
    represented with four faces and four arms
    symbolizing the four cardinal points.

    Brahma: the seven floors of the upper world
    with one half of the egg, and the seven floors of lower world
    with the other half.

    The cosmic egg, called Hiranyagarbha,
    is described in the Bhagavad Gita
    and the Upanishads as a universal nucleus
    immersed in darkness from which Lord Brahma
    made it manifest, through Aum,
    a syllable that allows the emission of r exhaling
    and which in Hinduism represents the original breath of life.

    From this first creation of Hindu cosmology the Universe has developed,
    until its conclusion in maximum decay and then at the end
    in a series of cycles, called kalpa.

    In Mitraism, the god Mitra, also known as Phanes,
    is often depicted appearing inside a golden egg.

    In Finnish mythology: Luonnotar,
    the virgin of the air, descended into the sea,
    fertilized by the wind and the wave becomes the mother of the waters.

    Submerged in the water all she has left is a knee on which a folage is placed, exchanging it for a mountain submerged by the water.

    The folage, or seagull, lays 6 golden eggs and one iron eggs.

    The goddess feels great heat at her knee and she is shaking.

    Eggs slip out of the nest breaking and the earth, sky, sun, moon
    and clouds form from the fragments.

    The lower half of the shell became the earth,
    the upper half, the lap of the sky and the firmament.

    The yellow yolk became the sun, the egg white the shining moon.

    What was crushed inside the egg spreads around creating stars.

    Finally, the dark side of the egg was forming the dense air clouds,
    In the ancient Buddhist mythology:

    Humidity and wind are the first two primordial forces of nature
    that were created spontaneously.

    From them six rays of light emerge that give birth to the five eggs,
    each of a different color.

    -the first dark red egg breaks and came wind matter and infernal beings.

    -the second red egg, made of copper, broke and fire came out
    like a red mountain and generated the hunger demon.

    -the third blue egg, made of iron, breaks and water comes out
    like a blue matter, generating animals.

    -the fourth yellow egg is golden, it breaks and comes out of the earth
    like a yellow matter giving life to the seed of man.

    -the fifth white egg, made of shell, breaks and from the inside
    descends the clarity of the sky, similar to a rainbow,
    forming the seed of the semi-gods.

    -above these five eggs a ray of light was created that gave birth
    to the seed of the “deva”, (kind spirit, of angelic nature).

    Thus the foundation of the five elements was created:
    wind, fire, water, earth, space and then luminosity.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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