My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

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    empty. My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 7:45 am


    Dear forum,

    I am happy to announce that I am no longer a Thuban.

    Oh yes it feels so good saying that now. Six years ago I made the decision to help build a group to see what this new cryptic sounding Thuban sensation was all about, and I did, I jumped right in; and just like everything I do in life, I went all the way in and put all my passion into it. And this is something that I had decided to do since day one. When I became hypnotized by the dragon archetype. I knew it had risks, but I wanted to go down that rabbit hole anyway to see what was at the bottom. I thought I was putting my energy into building a new online community where I could not only help myself on my spiritual development, but also help others as well and well...years passed and...let me just tell you that I came so close to becoming so completely overtaken by the experience that right now even remembering certain things gives me chills...

    I opened this thread sort of like a New Year's gift from me to the world, not with the intention to further aimless 'drama', but rather to SEE once and for all how drama is used as a tool to further confusion and much needed distraction by invisible entities so that our souls would continue to remain spellbinded and disoriented. I am here to tell you all that I have a story to tell, the problem is that it is so huge that I don't know where to start; and my life is so busy right now that I just can't write a book about it. I began writing a small post 3 days ago, because that is the day that I had my final confrontation with the Thuban papadragon cult leader Tony bermanseder, and I just couldn't stop writing. I wrote and wrote and the next thing I knew I had written 4 pages! Wow..just thinking back, really, what happened to me is just so much, and most importantly, what I realized over the years is so big and so complex that it just doesn't fit into a single post. Nevertheless I do feel that due to what has transpired recently and because of comments made by members about "the Thubans" (plural), I feel under a moral obligation to clarify things in efforts to bring Light to what has been deliberately hidden and obscured for far too long.

    The current decadence and violence of Thuban mirrors exactly the same thing that is happening in and to the world on a much bigger scale; and understanding its trajectory will help you understand an important piece of the puzzle concerning reptilians and the forces that keep mankind enslaved. Perhaps I could do it in stages...and post a little bit at a time according to questions, if questions arise? I don't know. let's see how it goes...but in the meantime I will make some simple points about these two comments:

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Are Shiloh and Raven the same persons who've been around here for such a long time?
    If so: shame on you!

    mudra wrote:
    We have lived peacefully with the dragons for several years when we kindly offered them a new home here in the Mists. And I believe most of us showed much patience and tolerance with them although we weren't able to always understand the language they used.
    How things can change in the blink of an eye and balance lost to a point of no return.
    I don't think it was fair to have spammed the Mists with so many posts on multiple threads.
    A desperate measure for sure from someone who lost their poise.
    I would have expected from Shiloh a better and more sensible choice no matter how right he must have felt for doing so.
    Lets remember banning in the Mists is the very last measure taken when everything else failed.

    1. Carol made the right decision about the bans. Tony made a fool out of all of you when he came to this forum impersonating a woman first as Olivia Brandis and then lately as Shenan. What none of you know is that they never really respected this forum or the members at all. They always insulted and ridiculed each and every active poster at any given time and then they would come here and pretend to be civil just to make use of the spotlight or better said, the traffic and exposure they wanted for their 'material' in order to reach more people and gain more followers.
    2. Mudra brought up the issue of not many being able to understand the language they used. This point is VERY important, as the use and manipulation of WORDS by "Dragons" is at the core of the modus operandi Tony follows from the other dimensions.
    3. Things did not change in the blink of an eye. "Thuban" as a group has been gradually dying...especially in the last two years; about the same time when I decided to keep my distance along with a friend of mine and mostly just observe. Still throughout all this time, every time I would read their Skype chats I would find mocking, ridiculization of the members of this forum.
    4. The spamming that happened on multiple threads was Tony's idea backed up by Raven, just as everything in Thuban has been operating for years now. I was always against it and whenever i raised my voice in opposition I would be ignored and ridiculed for not being 'in tuned' with their new 'Logos dispensation'.
    5.The apparent 'desperate measure' was not just because he 'lost his poise'. It had more to do with the timing of his precious timeline for the 'last days', and as such, it was well prepared in advanced and calculated...iow, it was all premeditated.

    Tony alienated me for years in hopes to get rid of me just as he had getting rid of Ashera. Of course, people who think for themselves are not allowed. I was only able to sustain all the years of mental abuse because I never lost my individuality and always held on to what my own Spirit tells me. I was never a follower, as I told him so at the end:

    [12/28/2015 3:14:51 AM] Tony: Because Tony and Raven 'LOVE" and fully accept this Logos THROUGH its recorded WORDS and nothing else, except to be retranslated commentary, say historical contexts, timelines and science; a REAL THUBAN is a a FOLLOWER and FAMILY of THAT Logos and that Logos alone.


    [12/28/2015 3:30:05 AM] Xeia: you want to turn Thuban into a cult
    [12/28/2015 3:30:19 AM] Xeia: and it was never supposed to be one
    [12/28/2015 3:30:46 AM] Xeia: you never told us that we needed to agree with you in order to qualify as a Thuban
    [12/28/2015 3:31:11 AM] Xeia: now you have turned into a whole different person

    [12/28/2015 2:36:09 AM] Tony: And indeed we shall and the reason for this isolation and split from you are the WORDS of the Logos, which both you and Rok despise or not take seriously. And this in a matter of fact becomes decisive and why i questioned your Thubanness It is, again, NOTHING personal live and let live follow your own logos to your heart's desire. But whatever YOUR logos then might be and entail iy is NOT the same as the Logos of Thuban.
    [12/28/2015 3:31:53 AM] Xeia: This is the heart of the matter right here

    Tony said "Anyone not in agreement with the Logos as per the scriptures, cannot be trusted!" The heart of the matter is that Thuban was never supposed to be a one man show. Thuban as an idea, was sold to us in a very different way. You really would've had to be there and experience it first hand in order to understand the scope of how things were. I would have to start at the beginning.
    Why go to the past and not look at the present instead? Because if you do not look back into your true origins, you will not be able to understand where you came from, how you came to be, and ultimately who you truly are. Likewise, if you do not understand the beginning of Thuban, you will never be able to understand how it came about and why, much less how it has transformed itself into what it is now. Not to mention that I always liked to turn my attention exactly where everyone else says not to the origin of things.

    Remember Abraxasinas? Perfect timing, perfect place...and it worked; it attracted many really fast. And how could it not? It had all the perfect components: science and religion mixed together, popular New Age terms and concepts plus the never failing awe-inspiring mathematical equation. The “dark side” or shadow, mirrors, tests of “Fire” to see if you were strong enough to actually be a Thuban; but the cherry on top was of guessed it...the SEX. We were to "fall in love with each other" in a glorious polyamorous HAREM of androgynous HeShe’s and SheHe’s, we were to find our "Core" (twin flame), we were to "fuck our way into the New World"...quite literally. Tony met Mary (TruthWillSetYouFree), and for a while they were the ‘exemplary couple’ who was going to show us how the new ‘starhuman relationships’ are to be. No jealousy, and Mary ‘sharing’ Tony with the rest of us girl “DragonQueens”. Whilst immersed in all this exotic language with highly sexual undertones, we were treated with respect however, and Tony had a very light and nonjudgmental attitude towards everyone all the time. He would call us "beloveds", and very carefully chose to use words like ‘brotherhood’ and ‘sisterhood’, ‘Dragon's den’, ‘Star family’, etc, etc, to lure us in. Main values to uphold were loyalty, honor, honesty, courage, camaraderie, compassion, and so on. We not only felt like the ‘knights of the round table’, we were told we were them in a way. And like them, we all had ‘equal rights of opinion’, were to “battle” for the values lost and begin not only to understand “The Logos”; but most importantly live our lives according to the dispensations befell upon us by “it”, in order to be able to act as “bridges” and anchor the 'energies' unseen, to this physical plane, as to help quicken the coming of the ever closer and much desired ‘New World.’

    So when he was banned from Avalon at the start of 2010, a good bunch of us on that thread were eager to keep communications with him and very happy to continue with this very new 'Thuban' enterprise on our very own virtual space because we thought we were somehow ‘doing our part’ bringing in that utopia everyone dreamed of. Some were way more intrigued than others by then, but we were all curious as to what this ‘proposal’ would entail. You have to understand the warm cozy feeling you get when suddenly you find people who apparently ‘think like you’ (I will get to this later) and welcome you into a new virtual “home”. Most people will feel relieved and happy to finally have found some apparent solace from the busy hustle and bustle of everyday concerns, in a place where you can exchange freely certain feelings that some may not feel comfortable sharing with family members for fear of becoming alienated or worse. It is virtual, it feels particularly “safe” for you to engage your thoughts and emotions in a gradual manner, until little by little members begin to open up to one another and more and more you begin to build something called trust. Now all of these feelings and emotions are of course natural and innocent and your unsuspecting Self wouldn’t think they could ever turn into something negative, but they can and they do; when they are being monitored, encouraged and guided by a greater force behind the scenes that you cannot see, or for some others…can’t even fathom exist.

    Soon the ‘sexy chat orgies’ began, and by this point the few who remained after that were already hooked. I guess it was back to the free love years of the 60’s, although I wasn’t even born at that time, it was Tony’s prime years, so he definitely had more experience than some of us on what those hippie communities were about. Happiness was short lived, as Mary left Thuban, and Tony was left with no marriage and no community. But no worries, there was still the virtual harem to consider which was growing with new people coming in and peeking into what we were all about. The ‘Eye of Sauron’ was ever watchful looking for new horizons…and perhaps possible new ‘mates’, so it turned to the female aspect of Avalon…Project Camelot.

    Up to today, continues to keep count on how many women remain...only difference that now in his 'logos inspired' war against Islam, he would not even dare using the word HAREM.


    The most important aspect of this “Arthurian battle” of which I spoke earlier, had to do with “banning the falseness”. And as we grew in confidence because our ‘alter egos’ were being fed, and he was sure of our loyalty to him, he began evangelizing the “Word” of the “Logos” to other forums. When it would reach the climax of argumentation, I and other Thubans would come to the rescue trying to defend Tony and Raven on whatever their view was. Ultimately, the banning was actually a good thing, as Tony would always say it is a sign that ‘The Dragons’ are not wanted in the mainstream alternative community and if anything, it vindicates the position of “The Logos” and its data as being from ‘out of this world’. At which point the exact date and even time of the ban would be introduced into a chart that would explain how it fits with mathematical precision into a timeline that encompasses all events associated with ‘the last days’.

    To be continued...

    In The Vesica,



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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Today at 8:39 am

    Well dear Sui I am glad you raised your voice.
    I always appreciated you for who you are.
    To me any belief system is a trap when is becomes so fixed one isn't even able to remain open to new ideas.
    This builds walls between people instead of bridges and one does'nt even realize the walls built are around themselves in the first place.
    I believe this is a time where every trap we fell into through our lives on this planet springs back into full view as a last attempt to pin us down.
    Being able to disentangle oneself from these and bring them to awareness is a sign that freedom of Being has gained momentum and that from a state of effect we are becoming cause. Well done of you for Seeing and hence let these walls crumble to pieces around you.

    You bear your name Sui Generis well " Unique , not like anything else , One "
    Your Heart is strong 719788.

    Much Love for You

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Spregovori Today at 9:22 am

    Do not argue in front of the kids or wash dirty laundry in the public...or how that goes.

    You are stating some quite personal things in here and this can be two edged.

    I am not so overly enthusiastic about this post being here. People (those who heard or read about it) are already confused and this will confuse them further.

    Will try to fill in some gaps from my point of view. I am the one mentioned as Rok.

    Origins go back to old Avalon where forum admin GaiaLove (after Anchor recused himself) under the silent dictate of Bill Ryan, demonstrated "everything that is wrong today in the world". Yes the same GaiaLove who later "unknowingly to anyone else" installed a module to read private messages on Avalon2 and had a bit of a fallout with its "founder". The details of either story seek out yourself if u care to.

    It made me very grim seeing the actual thriving community of the old Avalon forum being taken apart (it worked best as long as the founders kept their distance) by its "leader" and one of the two (Bill) "most prominent" (at least at that time) people in the alternative UFO expose community. Kerry was never around much unless when she came to "bark orders", as one of the former moderators of that forum put it.

    Thuban was a group of ideas which to me at the very start formed a philosophy. Something i saw as a solid platform to build upon and eventually bypass the human mind frame i was seeing all around me among all those "awakened folk".
    It later, very unfortunately in my view, became "evangelized". For me personally that was a huge setback (in various ways) but i decided to stick around, most notably, i decided to do so due to Xeia also being there. Not so much later thuban was upgraded with sexual under and over tones. To me that was confusing and seemed unnecessary.

    I would not say people became hooked as Xeia put it. Those most eager to partake were actually the very first to leave. I know i simply held myself back and was not present on the "ning scene". After which the whole "sexy chat" thing actually subsided. I recall rejecting attempts or even demolishing some with my "hang-ups" as others called it.

    There ofc is "energy" tied to the sexual thought. I still stand at what i once said on Avalon1 which was something like "sex is the greatest kept secret of all times".

    Things later evolved in many forms and ways, which anyone could ever look into via various forum posts (here and other places). Cryptic? Yes "somewhat". Confrontational? Aha. Extroverted? Pretty much. Controversial? All the way. Provocative? Mhm. Asked for? Never. Bannable? Most of the time.
    There is too much of it all to go into the details.

    Xeia, you also mention Mary left, u did not state why, you should if you are bringing it up. Be clear on such things, considerate and if possible - impartial

    Also Tony referring to thuban as "sex cult" in the posted chat picture is meant as sarcasm (from his end). Things like that should be pointed out for objectivity as it can also be seen as him confirming or agreeing to the label.

    Another problem is that Tony (and Raven) can not respond to this. Whatever their response, if even any, it should be possible.

    More than that, what i miss in the post is the actual fallout reason. While there can be many or as to say "things piling up" you did not state it (clearly enough), but you should have. Also since you are doing this, tell us why you are doing it or why do you think it has to be done??
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 9:51 am
    Sui, first let me say Bravo to you! icon_cheers.

    And I say this mostly because, out of curiosity, I took the time to read this post: yesterday. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are Kali666 in the conversation, yes?

    I have to say that while reading your comments as you took on Raven and then Tony, I was cheering for you all the way, ending up in tears on your behalf when I saw how you words were constantly and deliberately twisted and turned against you. It really was quite painful to read, but I was so proud that you continued on bravely regardless to get your (what I thought were) insightful points across as best you could. It was also made clear in that post how both Tony and Raven look down on anyone who does not agree with them ... even their own members ......... and see them as the only valid mouthpieces of 'the Logos', the only ones capable of interpreting his/her words in this reality. icon_rolleyes. Mind you, it became obvious many months ago that Raven will 'bend the knee to' Tony regardless of what pronouncement he makes.

    And reading that thread sort of answers your comments about Tony and Raven not being able to respond to what Sui has written here also Spregovori, IMO. They most certainly made their feelings plain to all Sui/Kali666 had to say there, which is much the same as she has here. And they've often 'washed their dirty laundry' here as well in the past, reposting their insulting conversations about various people, believing they are 'oh so superior' in their condemnation of the rest of us. As I've said before, they have their own forum and really didn't need to trash this ones as they tried to, although it's obvious they were able to reach a lot more readers here. Their loss.

    So WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME SuiGeneris. I applaud you in all you've done and tried to do in the past.

    374937. 3562770023. 934918.
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    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 12:29 pm

    Congratulations Sui. An unbiased-observer and experienced-journalist should write a book covering the history and details of the Thuban-Phenomenon. I've used some of the Thuban-Material in "My" Threads, mostly because they are so different and colorful -- and because they added another dimension to my "Moot Holy-War". I am troubled by the following post by rich288 (who only made this one post).

    rich228 wrote:​
    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)? Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?

    I continue to think that New and Cutting-Edge Developments (of all varieties) should be viewed with Extreme-Suspicion. I strongly lean toward a Recent-Historical Approach, wherein one studies the last 100 years -- which would mean studying 1915 to 2015 presently -- in a Multidisciplinary-Manner -- so as to avoid getting sucked-into various schemes and hysteria. I haven't gotten involved in ANYTHING other than my Online Tempest in a Teapot -- and I have been rather badly-burned even by that passive and vicarious exposure to the madness. I'm presently trying to not post at all -- and just review what I've already done (with shame and regret). I keep getting the sinking-feeling that all-options are somehow bad (in various ways). Our "civilization" seems to be in the process of facing-reality -- and simultaneously embracing new-delusions. I think everyone wants things to be better -- yet few of us know how to actually make things better (individually or collectively). I've been attempting to avoid the Bad-Aspects of Biblical-Prophecy -- while seeking a High Moral and Spiritual Road -- and things aren't going so well (personally or collectively). But Hope Springs Eternal. Will a Human-Collective combined with Advanced-Technology save-us or destroy-us?? Time Will Tell (as it always does).
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
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    empty. I am Gorean

    empty. Ashera Today at 11:59 am

    I was there before Tony came, I had been Kajira in role play for long. I was trained in cybersex. When he called me Ashera Barbelo it did not wonder me, but the scheme he elaborated surprised me. I was attracted by it. And even a birth horoscope Raven and he did verified his initial assumptions with their own means. Alone they do not care because it is me, a Jewess Muslimah, a Jüdin of the Tribe of Asher.

    Yes, I deny the LORD, ya Allah Elohim! Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh!

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SophiasChoice Today at 4:05 pm

    Years ago I posted about my experiences of being an unwilling member of what had become a cult.
    Not Thuban, but some ascension group that turned into a cult.
    Lo and behold, amongst the support very quickly posts arrived from people I have never met saying how I was taking out the garbage where it shouldn't belong..

    Thank you for taking your steps towards your freedom.
    You don't owe anyone anything unless you want to.
    Keep breathing, don't let yourself be intimidated..
    Keep walking. And when it's time to look back. remember what lessons you learned.
    Don't hold grudges, but don't start making excuses for anyone but yourself either..

    With Love
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. MCJosiah Today at 6:39 pm

    This cult just proves that any believe system or ideas can be used for control. This man is taking metaphysical science, elements of "true love" ideas(I say it that way cause I can't come up with words), elements of various religions, & mashing them together into a crazy sex polygamy harem cult. That does sound like something a hippy would definitely do(since you said he was one in his prime). Let me start by breaking each of these downs. This man uses Science & elements of religions(specifically metaphysical Science & elements of Eastern Religions & New Age), to channel various entities & control the various energy's of people around him for selfish & terrible reasons. While metaphysical Science & Science in general is obviously not bad & is much needed to understand this multiverse we live in, it is a tool that can be used for good or bad. It can also be used as a tool of control, just like any organized Religion or Religious text, & just like almost any ideology or idea can be. A good example of this is mainstream Orthodox Science with Darwinism. Despite not being fully proven, & even been disproven in many cases it claims, Darwinism has become the major element in mainstream Orthodox Science.

    Darwinism is pushed like a religion by the state in many public school systems & from late elementary school all the way to collage is forced down the minds of late children, teenagers, & young adults. Many first world governments across the word who are controlled by the PTB(either directly or indirectly) force Darwinism in a similar way, brain washing people all over the world into believing it & locking mainstream Orthodox Science into a cage, forcing scientists in it too trying to describe the origins of man & life in completely terrestrial & a "naturalistic" & "3-D" terms. Scientists or anybody for the matter who trys to question it or comes with an Theory that's much more reasonable but does not describe human origins in completely "terrestrial", " Natural ", or " 3-D" will get labeled as crazy, conspiracy theorists, or some other nasty terms. Any Theory that someone comes up with that might even seem "Supernatural", even if its much more plausible & has much more backing, will get called crazy & people will automatically reject it without actually thinking about it. You see what's going on here? Because of this thinking created by Darwinism, people completely reject any form or anything that might seem " metaphysical " or "Supernatural" or even Spiritual. Allowing the PTB to stay in power & keeps there puppet masters, the AIF from being detected by humans, or being miss interpreted if detected by some(organised Religion can also be responsible for this part too), keeping us humans enslaved. In a similar way, this man is taking metaphysics & twisting them to his own selfish agenda & using them to fool people & steal there energy.

    Now with the whole elements of "true love", what I'm talking about here is erotic sex. What this man does is takes the idea of "erotic sex" & twist it for his own selfish desires. While I do believe sex should be erotic, I believe it is something that should be between 2 individuals who truly love each other, individuals who love each other for the connection they have soul wise, that's what makes it erotic. What this man is doing is taking just straight up sex & labeling it "erotic sex". Using this twisted false form of " erotic sex" & mixing it with his twisted form of "metaphysics", he can bring in & trick various people, manly woman, into his sex cult, building a huge polygamy harem. This guy is a genius, but very corrupted & is using metaphysics, & lies for his own selfish desires. It's good you left & your exposing him. If you wanna know how I know about you, its cause I've been lurking around your sites(not too sound like a stalker) manly cause I love reading & studying things on the PTB(Powers That Be), the AIF(Alien Invader Force), Aliens & space in general, Science & metaphysics, history & things on the world, & also Supernatural stuff. The people I manly study are Wes Penre, the LPG-C, the Pleadians, & other various sources. But I've been lurking around studying what you have to say.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Aquaries1111 Today at 7:30 pm

    Hi J....

    Who Can You Trust? Can You Read Truth From Deceit?
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    empty. Dear Mudra

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 7:30 pm
    mudra wrote:Well dear Sui I am glad you raised your voice. I always appreciated you for who you are. To me any belief system is a trap when it becomes so fixed one isn't even able to remain open to new ideas. This builds walls between people instead of bridges and one does'nt even realize the walls built are around themselves in the first place. I believe this is a time where every trap we fell into through our lives on this planet springs back into full view as a last attempt to pin us down. Being able to disentangle oneself from these and bring them to awareness is a sign that freedom of Being has gained momentum and that from a state of effect we are becoming cause. Well done of you for Seeing and hence let these walls crumble to pieces around you.
    You bear your name Sui Generis well " Unique , not like anything else , One "
    Your Heart is strong 719788.

    Much Love for You
    ThanXs Mudra!

    And you’re right, anything becomes a trap when the world refuses the one main feminine characteristic of being “open to…” and that goes not only for females but for males as well. Being open to listen, and to receive the new. New ideas mostly. That’s transmutation. How? By taking everything into consideration because you keep yourself "open". Then you can overcome archetypical roles, figures and archetypical arguments and senseless directives. The millennia old battle with cultural superstructures! To me the idea was never to serve as an anchor for these archetypical forces to root themselves over here on Earth with a vengeance so we would be further subjected to them just in a ‘new way’. That would be more of the same. No, the idea is to see them first…being able to recognize them where they hide in our everyday lives. The problem is that the preeminences in 'high places' (and low places for that matter) know souls are naturally opened to ideas; like children are, why they are this way. And so they abuse it with illusions.

    Walls are not all bad in my view. Specially in this age that we're still living in. I know we are in the Kali Yuga and that things are about to change but until they do...i still need walls. The point for me is to be able to use these walls in a strategic manner, to allow me to use them in my own journey towards freedom. Not having them would be a great error for me, because it would put greater strain on me mentally and emotionally when i am right smack in the middle of the labyrinth with its full entropic power. In my experience i've seen that i needed to build not just a mere wall but a fortress around me (beautifully and personally decorated inside) my own personal stone castle, in order to live protected from all those ugly things out there that i dislike but keeping myself open only to those things that i allow entrance and know will help me. And this place i consecrate mentally and take it OFF the Matrix's reach. This is where my SPIRIT resides. I know many do exactly this. We each have our own way of doing it and that's awesome! Keep doing it, even if others want to downplay you by telling you live in your own "little dreamworld". Yes we are! and do it proudly! Own it! And know, that is exactly what it means "being in this world but not being of it". The Cathars of Southern France for instance knew this and used this method of 'strategic enclosure' on their stone made physical structures. This mental barrier is already inherent in those who are guided by their Spirit or "double" as Jean Pierre Garnier Malet calls it. Now, having said this, do I need to be spammed with pictures of dismembered children so that i would open my eyes to "reality"? Do I need to be shown a graphic film about how the illuminati tortures children and ends up killing them? Yes, Tony linked it to us recently, i watched the first ten minutes of it and i had to stop it right away it was so offensive to my being. When i raised my voice in opposition i was told "I didn't get it". I told him that was not the way and not to ever put that on the forums because i didn't want any part of it to be associated with Thuban. He said he wasn't planing to anyway...that it was material only suited for those who could "take it". Well i couldn't take it. There are just some things that i rather not let my eyes look upon. And as far as me "not getting it", oh i did get something. I understood back then that the purpose for this was to raise my emotional response to a high level only to then re-direct my mental energy, by 'another' (outside of me), to where they want, according to their own agenda. But that has nothing to do with me. Awakened people already know how it is out there and what is or may be happening...we have a sixth sense and something called imagination, and so by MISSION our Spirit chooses to look the other way. Not because we ignore it or belittle it, or think it is not important, but because we know where not to put our energy into. Nothing can be forced or imposed onto an awakened soul...nothing, much to the detriment to those beings —incarnated or not— who lack this energy force called Vril. This is another issue i wish to talk about later. So Taking Dragons as an example, I say the idea is not to become Dragons; the idea is to ride them...a world of difference don’t you think?

    Don’t you guys feel it is about time for the world to learn to listen to the new? We can give a whole new definition of the phrase ‘New Age’…and why not? Everything I’ve seen so far have been attempts to use it as nothing but ridicule, but if you really think about it, a new age is needed, and maybe that’s why it is already here…in us. Culture wants to label us? fine, let them try. In that case we can all be 'New Agers' then but in our own unique way. The bs part we leave to them which is nothing but a projection of themselves anyway. If not then point blank refuse it and name yourself whatever you want. New life? New name, or at least possess a clear definition of who you are inside. Remember the name your parents gave you is something given TO you. Whatever you do...know yourself and reconnect your link to your Spirit first. I can also play with words in my head, i do it all the time. I look around me and I see how ‘the order of things’ is, and then I say ok, if this is order, then I’m gonna be disorder! 998440. If going right is the norm and it’s not conducive to life, then I’m gonna go left, it’s that simple. And yes, everything is springing back, and that’s because WE pushed the spring in the first place, and that’s great...if it needs more pushing you, me, all of us are here ready to push harder!
    This ‘disentanglement’ you are speaking about is so important! It is actually the KEY to regaining our freedom! Truly worth looking at it further and in greater detail.

    Big hug, and for you and everyone else here Happy New Year 2016!!

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