Mike And Holly's Thriving In Life's 2nd Half

Discussion in 'Susan's Kitchen and How To Threads' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 18, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mike and Holly's Thriving in Life's 2nd Half

    1914 WW1 CHRISTMAS MIRACLE FOLLOW UP: As a follow up to my previous video regarding the 1914 WW1 Christmas miracle, I’m struck by how much of an impact that story has on me, especially as some of you have commented that you had grandfather’s who were there, bringing it even closer to home. I’m reminded of the feelings I experienced when I was putting together the video, as I was viewing the photos of the young soldiers from both sides visiting with each other in no-man’s land.
    As I looked at their faces it appears that they were feeling a glimmer of hope as they experienced their shared humanity. In addition to feeling compassion for them and what they were going through in the midst of horrific trench warfare and being away from home at Christmas, it occurred to me that many of them were gone within a few days of the photos being taken and many more of them didn’t survive the war, never having the opportunity to experience the second half of life.
    As I think about myself and the people I serve, we’re primarily baby boomers, many of us are the children of those who went through WW2, referred to as the greatest generation and we’re blessed to have made it into the second half of life carrying on their legacy. However, many of us are experiencing regret regarding how things went for us in our first half of life, wondering how did we so quickly arrive at the second half and not really knowing what to do differently to get unstuck to make our second half go much better on this one-way journey that we call life.
    As we're in the early stage of the new year when it’s typical to make hopeful resolutions for our lives, many of us are feeling stuck and overwhelmed not knowing what to do differently to turn things around. We know what we want to change, and likely know some actions we can take to make thing better, but many have tried so many times with small progress only to fall back into old habits, not able to get any real traction toward lasting, positive change. It can be difficult to get motivated to try again for fear that we’re just getting your hopes up only to be let down yet again.
    I have a process that’s brought success to my clients that follows a specific roadmap for getting people unstuck and moving forward in the second half of life. My process helps people create an amazing life of adventure, deep connection and significance so that they feel more alive and connected than ever. I'm so grateful and excited to guide people on what I refer to as the 2nd-Half Hero's Journey to experience powerful life transformation.
    Based on this, I’m providing my free 1-page Hero’s Journey Basecamp Blueprint which includes 3 key steps that enable people to establish the foundation for progressing into the new year with inspiration, clarity and a daily plan helping them to get real traction to get unstuck and moving forward toward the life they’ve always dreamed of. Click the button below to get my free 1-page Hero’s Journey Basecamp Blueprint…


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    1914 Christmas Miracle Follow Up
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Thriving in Life's 2nd Half
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