All Moderators have been upgraded to have full access in their forums. This includes deleting and hard deleting any posts and threads. If any of the moderators is uncomfortable with this choice and would like the deleting options to be restricted, please advise administration regarding this choice. At present, this notice applies to Jorgelito, the Exchanger, raxnae and fates! Admin
The forum has been updated to 1.4.5. I have added a media gallery similar to what was on spruz. Personal media sites can also be created and maintained - JORGELITO might like this innovation. To access familiarise and CLICK yourself with the media button on the top menu. Feel free to (click) add media of your liking and edit to your customisations. I have added an enhanced search function, as the old one was annoying and repetitive. TonyB
Next to where it says media as SHOUTBOX, Suzy. But it is not used, though functional. I put it there for xeia. But the media gallery can be used like any other forum including facebook. This is mainly for Jorgelito and anyone who would like to store media and pics for safekeepings. I have presently no time to play around with creating categories etc, but you and any mods can do so as you have full access to the media gallery. TonyB