KiwiBlokeDaza @KiwiBlokeDaza 2d··Edited BIGGER than we know Good News & Bad News – here’s the good news Melania Romanov - Queen of Russia Bloodline PDJT – bloodline with Julian Assange https://themarshallreport.wordpress...ed-the-cabal-in-his-work-who-knew-trump-knew/ View: Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey, by Ingersoll Lockwood [Note the 1st published date] FyeSZjmSQEbgYRn66A73xJG3g7wQPHYmmrtD72v6SegpggDOKU Good News & Bad News – here’s the bad news Obama / Hitler bloodline Honos Virtus on Gab: 'Melania Romanov. Anastasia's granddaughter. Que…' Honos Virtus on Gab: 'Melania Romanov. Anastasia's granddaughter. Queen of Russia. Close friend of Diana Stunning. '
Was it President Trump's Uncle John the same Electrical Engineer sent to Tesla's office to evaluate the rumours of a "Way-back Time device" being real or not? Imagine if Project Looking Glass was actually real... not just a fakebook conspiracy theory... Strewth - President Trump would be able to keep 5 steps ahead of the swamp - and they wouldn't even know it... Hey, here's Uncle John here now… with his son... Julian Assange... BIGGER than we know The Best Is Yet To Come https://themarshallreport.wordpress...ed-the-cabal-in-his-work-who-knew-trump-knew/
"The highest eXpression of love, is truth" - susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark The Journey to #The13thBridge
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS PROVE WHO THE BOLSHEVIKS WERE: ~WITNESSES & CABLES from The American Embassy about the Jewish Role in The Bolshevik Revolution VIDEO Historical Documents Prove Who the Bolsheviks Were
JEWS ? or, are they really SATANiSTS PRETENDING TO BE jews/jewish & WHITE as, they push for weaponzied immigration and race-mixing in white christian nations video: Demon Hunter : SkyDome Atlantis Demon Hunter MUST WATCH! ISRAELI AI THOUGHT POLICE COMMAND CENTER. Observer7 "In their synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune. They rob us of our money and goods through their usury, and they play on us every wicked trick they can. . . no one acts thus, except the devil himself, or whomever he possesses, as he has possessed the Jews.” From the Book: On The Jews And Their Lies - Martin Luther (1543) Stuck4612 All them brainwashed girls make me sick. REBUKING THE PUKE - DESTROYING THE WICKED: IN JESUS' NAME! White+USA Its Amazing ..I'm Not even Irish but I care more about the White native Irish population than the White Irish officials running Ireland today . White+USA Its Amazing that the Muslims have 40 or 50 Totally Islamic Muslim countries all of their own to go to .. but they all insist on moving to White countries so that they can Spread Islam . Observer7 Rabbi Wants an Islamic Europe as Jewish Revenge! — With Dr. Duke Commentary – David Observer7 ....." There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity. " - Rabbi Efrati Observer7 Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi: "Goys who believe in Jesus Christ deserve the death penalty." Observer7 Mass Immigration Is Only For White Nations Observer7 10 Minutes Of Jews Talking About Exterminating Amelak (White Christian Europeans In America, Europe, etc.) Observer7 43 Jewish Anti-White Commercials Observer7 "The jew and his bank are now ruling over everything: over Europe, education, civilization, socialism, especially socialism. For he will use it to uproot Christianity and destroy its civilization. And when only anarchy remains, the Yid will be in command of everything. For while the jew goes about preaching socialism, he will stick [show more] Observer7 "If they knew what we jews have planned for them and their children they would surely kill all of us first." Libbre David 37 Observer7 The Jewish Agenda to Destroy the White Christian European Race – Birth of a New Earth Blog Observer7 "A Homogeneous White Europe Is Fundamentally Against The Interests Of We Jews." Rabbi Abarron Haviv Observer7 Rabbi admits Jews destroy America & all White Christian nations. It is commanded of them. Observer7 Jews complain, how dare whites date other whites Observer7 Jewish NYT Writer Admits That Jews Flood The West With Immigrants Observer7 You are with God or you are with Satan. You are with Jesus Christ or you are with the jews.