Mecury Retroshade, Leading Into Mercury Retrograde 29 Dec 2022 To 18 Jan 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 20, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jane Stevens



    Planet News by Zoe

    On The Energies…

    We are in a Mercury Pre Retrograde Shadow.

    Mercury is Retrograde from Dec 29th, 2022
    to Jan 18th, 2023 in Capricorn.

    That means we are in Mercury Retroshade right now.

    We are also 3 days until the Winter Solstice.

    That means we can expect major energies
    as we are counting down the rest of the year.

    As Mercury is slowing down and shifting into retrograde
    it’s a good time to stop and assess how things are going.

    It’s a great time to be reviewing and clearing the energies of the year.

    What story are you writing for 2023?

    A love story?

    For those of you not already in a Twin Flame Union,
    know this person has been looking for you the whole time
    they have been on Earth.

    Expect Destined Shifts to occur over the course
    of the next 3 months.

    Many Twin Flames will meet, come into a Union,

    or fully recognize their connection if in one now.

    This is why your love life is coming up so strongly right now.

    Many of you that are Twin Flames are in fact incarnated Angels
    here to help the planet in a big way.

    Imagine a connection that you have to be fully healed for.

    This is a soul you’re destined to be with.

    You are meant to ascend into the 5th dimension together.

    When we wake up we first must move through 4D though.

    The majority of the awake spend too long here.

    4D is all about more healing and shadow work.

    It’s the realm of the karmics.

    Your Twin Flame has been waiting for you the whole time.

    You have done so many lifetimes with this person,

    it will feel like home when you meet.

    This is one of the best parts of Ascension and coming to Earth.

    Expect the Energies of the Solstice to be huge for your love life.

    If old wounds, karmas, or blocks are coming up in this area
    allow them to and focus on more healing.

    This is all part of a deeper process we all must go through.

    If you have been trying to manifest this person
    know they are right around the corner.

    Sparks Of Divine Light Healing

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