Louis Bourgeois ~the Sun King ~ The Tao And The Way Of Mastery: Part 1

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 25, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Louis Bourgeois
    The Sun King
    The Tao and the Way of Mastery: Part 1

    The Tao refers to the essential universal principle,
    the Oneness that embraces our universe and all that arises within it.

    This universal Oneness is further represented by the division of energies
    into what we sometimes call masculine and feminine.

    Hence we can refer to the representative power behind these energies

    The Great Father and the Great Mother.

    Here in Taoist terms is the holy trinity, and fully understanding
    and embracing this holy trinity is the Way of Mastery.

    Modern humans have lost most of the awareness of essence,
    becoming trapped into mental confusion.

    The rational mind is a useful tool, but it has no ability to grasp something
    as intangible as essence and wholeness.

    In our evolution as a species we experienced our simple animal nature,
    our tribal mind.

    This level of consciousness is rooted in fear, superstition,
    a full denial of personal power.

    In modern times a relatively new consciousness arose,
    the result of education, especially as it describes human psychology.

    This more advanced level of consciousness can be described
    as the egoic mind.

    Sigmund Freud was the first to delineate the 3 mechanisms
    of the modern psychology.

    Freud named these the id, ego and superego.

    Carl Jung would add much to this Freudian understanding
    of human psychology.

    But the fundamental process of the egoic mind is rooted
    in the ego and its defenses.

    This rational or egoic mind was keen on defense,
    using two basic weapons, denial and projection.

    The ego sees the world with clear divisions, and each child is taught,
    socialized, conditioned to believe in clear "rules of life."

    What these rules rely upon is the consistent use of the defenses of the ego,
    denial and projection.

    Most of the problems of our modern world are extensions
    of this way of thinking.

    So the solution to all of the problems of the world rest
    upon the advanced of human consciousness beyond the lo=imitations
    of the egoic mind.

    It is that simple.

    And the Way of Mastery offers the possibility
    for any individual to overcome the limits,
    the conditioning, of the world.

    And this process is being supported by the natural breakdown
    of old structures in our current time of transformation.

    So I would end this opening segment with the clear and simple understanding
    that everything we see around us in the world today is evidence
    of our global human evolution.

    A core principle to accept is that the Tao,
    the essential universal principle,
    manifesting through The Great Father and The Gr
    eat Mother,
    is fully supporting our evolutionary thrust.
    Sun King /aka Louis Bourgeois


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Part 2

    The Tao and the Way of Mastery: Part 2

    Repeating our core premise, that the universe (or the Tao) is always supporting our highest expression and evolution,
    how do we understand and accept the dramatic condition of our world today?

    Simply put we are experiencing a very accelerated breakdown of old forms.

    For those familiar with the Mayan system we experienced time wave zero on Dec 21, 2012.

    The intense acceleration that preceded time wave zero
    is equaled by the same acceleration as we begin our new cycle.

    The first 20 years of the current cycle, as we are birthing a new earth,
    is by necessity a time of great upheaval and chaos.

    Such is the birthing matrix at all levels.

    Our mastery demands that we trust in The Great Mother as she endures this cleansing and birthing process.

    A key building block of our new earth is a quote from Buckminster Fuller when he said (I paraphrase),

    "Do not spend any of your resources fighting against the old forms; rather put all of your resources,

    your time, your money, your creative enthusiasm, into building something new."

    It is consistent with Taoist principles that we flow with the river of change,

    letting go of any sense of control, any need for comfort.

    Death is a requirement for new birth; this is the balance of opposites.

    Likewise we are called to embrace all that appears as "evil,"

    knowing that this luciferic principle is our promise of "salvation."

    In other words what appears to be leading most of humanity into enslavement and extinction is the very thing
    that is setting a new earth free.

    Paradox is critical to embrace, even if it is impossible to understand.

    Remember that the egoic rational mind is not functional in our new earth.

    While tribal and egoic consciousness has been vital to the protection of the body and the person,
    as we awaken into our new paradigm, a new consciousness, we see our body and our person
    simply as a communication device.

    Our identity is fully spiritual, fully divine.

    Our mastery arises from our awareness of our function,
    that we serve as the conduit through which the Tao,
    represented by The Great Mother and The Great Father,
    expresses itself in our space-time world.

    Eckhart Tolle described this energetic principle (what is also called god)
    as "the unmanifested."

    When we give ourselves fully to our highest creative expression we are on the Way of Mastery,
    and here we know true joy and infinite peace.

    Sun King /aka Louis Bourgeois

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Tao and the Way of Mastery: Part 3

    "Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists;
    Herein lies the peace of God." ACIM introduction

    We are always pointed toward nature in order to understand what is real, eternal.

    If you contemplate the fact that over the thousands of years of human existence the elements of nature
    have never changed you come to know the true meaning of life.

    In these very challenging times we are encourage more than ever to ground ourselves in the shimmering reality of nature.

    I have been "fortunate" to experience little but the unstoppable beauty and power of nature over these past 3 1/2 years.

    The events of "the world" have had little or zero effect upon my experience of life.

    The beauty and power of my paradise overshadow the vagaries of our human transformation,

    showing me the reality of what is changeless.

    Since the ancient Taoist masters first expressed their wisdom around 8,000 years ago

    the world of humans (homo erectus and homo sapiens) has seen dramatic changes.

    But the ground of being, as evidenced in nature, has not changed at all.

    Our natural world is exactly the same as it was 8,000 years ago.

    One can take great comfort in knowing what is real and what is temporal and illusory.

    Most humans living today have lost all sense of deep connection with the power and beauty of nature,

    the unstoppable power of creation/evolution.

    For those who are drawn to this process of birthing a new earth the foundation

    of this new earth rests of what is timeless and therefore reality.

    I encourage any and all who choose to know this "peace of God" to deepen their commitment

    to their relationship with nature and reality.

    In this way we can accept and allow the drama of human transformation to unfold as it will.

    As Eckhart Tolle would offer, by bringing acceptance, appreciation and enthusiasm to the unfolding transformation,

    which currently mostly looks like a collapse of old forms, we are a part of birthing this new earth.

    Sun King /aka Louis Bourgeois

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    PART 4

    The Tao and the Way of Mastery: Part 4

    This morning I was enjoying the short podcast with Jordan Peterson,

    being interviewed by Joe Rogan.

    The essence of what Peterson was sharing was very profound.

    He was referring to a basic spiritual principle, very Taoist,

    that refers to the simple actions of our day,

    and how the repetition of simple actions, done with certain consciousness,

    can have profound effects over time.

    In our relationships we often witness how our best efforts to "change them" or "instruct them" is met

    with powerful resistance and often even resentment.

    This is because such actions arise from our judgement of their "lacking."

    If we go deeper on our path of awareness and listen to the wisdom of true masters

    we come to understand that the best advice we can follow is to bring acceptance,

    appreciation and even enthusiasm to our relationship.

    As Byron Katie would say, "learning to love what is."

    This is how we step out of tribal and egoic consciousness.

    which is always judgmental, into our spiritual mind, the foundation of our new earth.

    The Taoist perspective is wholly integrative, embracing the dance of opposites,

    delighting in this creative conflict of life.

    All of nature reflects this lovely harmony, a harmony that comes of the great spiritual wisdom "

    seek not to change the world; seek rather to change your mind about the world."

    Be thankful for that which supports us, but be even more thankful for that which challenges us to "be better."

    The world today is calling each of us to shine our brightest light.

    It is only our light which will become a part of the world's "solution."

    Never will our judgment, our condemnation, do anything to improve the condition of human suffering.

    This is an extraordinarily opportune time for anyone who might be "paying attention."

    The "call for love" in our world is reaching a monumental "tipping point."

    We are called to bring our brightest light; collectively we are the new dawn of our new earth.

    The smallest acts, done with the consciousness of creative enthusiasm, will do more to lift up humanity

    out of the darkness than any imagined "miracle."

    We are the miracle; we are the "second coming."

    We, each of us who join together in Oneness, are that!

    Sun King/aka Louis Bourgeois


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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