Lost Science - Gerry Vassilatos

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 5, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    • 3150416.

    Lost Science

    Gerry Vassilatos
    35 ratings
    3 reviews

    Gerry Vassilatos writes about the remarkable lives,
    astounding discoveries and incredible inventions
    of such famous people as Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, T. T. Brown,
    and T. Henry Moray.

    Read about the aura research of Baron Karl von Reichenbach,
    the wireless of Antonio Meucci, the controlled fusion devices
    of Philo Farnsworth, the earth battery of Nathan Stubblefield and more.

    What were the twisted intrigues that surrounded the often deliberate attempts
    to stop this technology?

    Vassilatos claims that we are living hundreds of years
    behind our intended level of technology and that we must recapture
    this "lost science."

    Rediscover the legendary names of our suppressed scientific revolution
    and read about the remarkable lives, astounding discoveries
    and incredible inventions that would have produced a world of wonder.

    How did the aura research of Baron Karl von Reichenbach
    prove the vitalistic theory and frighten the greatest minds in Germany?

    How did the physiophone and wireless of Antonio Meucci
    predate both Bell and Marconi by decades?

    How does the earth battery technology of Nathan Stubblefield
    portend an unsuspected energy revolution?

    How did the geoaetheric engines of Nikola Tesla threaten
    the establishment of a fuel-dependent America?

    The microscopes and virus-destroying ray machines of Dr. Royal Rife
    provided the solution for every world-threatening disease.

    Why did the FDA and AMA together condemn this great man to a federal prison?

    The static crashes on telephone lines enabled Dr. Henry T. Moray
    to discover the reality of radiant space energy.

    Was the mysterious "Swedish stone," the powerful mineral
    Dr. Moray discovered, the very first historical instance in which
    stellar power was recognized and secured on earth?

    Why did the Air Force initially fund the gravitational warp research
    and warp-cloaking devices of T. Townsend Brown and then reject them?

    When the controlled fusion devices of Philo Farnsworth
    achieved the "break-even" point in 1967,
    why was the FUSOR project abruptly canceled by ITT?

    What were the twisted intrigues that surrounded
    these deliberate convolutions of history?

    Each chapter is a biographic treasure.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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