List 202004052150 Potentially Dangerous Infected Areas To Avoid

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 24, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    • Ummenhofen Jagst River Ellwangen, Crailsheim, Kirchberg an der Jagst, Langenburg, Krautheim, Möckmühl and Neudenau.Near Bad Wimpfen the Jagst
      flows into the Neckar

      Swabian Jura (German: Schwäbische Alb) is a plateau
      in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
      The Swabian Jura is situated between the Black Forest (West),

      Stuttgart (North), Bavaria (East) and Lake Constance (South).
      A lot of fossils are found here.
      The highest mountain is the Lemberg (1015 m).

    1. Balingen
    2. Hechingen
    3. Münsingen
    4. Reutlingen (the "gateway" to the Swabian Jura)
    5. Sigmaringen
    6. Tübingen
    7. Ulm

    • Important towns are (from north to south): Pforzheim, Calw, Baden-Baden, Offenburg, Freudenstadt, Horb, Villingen-Schwenningen, Titisee-Neustadt and Waldshut-Tiengen.
      The highest mountain is the Feldberg (1492m).
    • The Black Forest is quite popular for hiking, skiing and Nordic walking. In Triberg,
      at the lake Titisee and in other places you can buy the famous
      cuckoo clocks.
      A good way to get known to the Black Forest is to travel on the
      Deutsche Uhrenstraße,
      a "National Scenic Byway."
    • ---> Baden-Baden is a spa town with around 50,000 inhabitants
      Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is at the border of the Rhine valley and the Black Forest.
      The town is well known as a spa town, as a place for rich people and for many cultural offers.
      In the 19th century the town played an important role as a meeting place for the nobles, rich
      and other important people.
      A rich cultural heritage from that time can still be found at Baden-Baden.
    • The springs of Baden-Baden were known to the Romans, and the foundation of the town
      is referred to the emperor
      Hadrian by an inscription of somewhat doubtful authenticity.
      The name of Aurelia Aquensis was given to it in honour of
      Aurelius Severus,
      in whose reign it would seem to have been well known.
      Fragments of its ancient sculptures are still to be seen,
      and in
      1847 remains of Roman vapour baths, well preserved,
      were discovered just below the New Castle.
    • In 1931, the town of Baden-Baden was officially given its double name
      (a short form for "Baden in Baden", i.e. Baden in the state of Baden).
      In both World Wars, the town escaped destruction.
      After World War II, Baden-Baden became the headquarters of the
      French forces
      in Germany and the site of a
      displaced persons camp.

    1. Novaesium Neuss Germany
    2. Augusta Treverorum Triern Germany
    3. Castra Vetera Colonia Ulpia Traiana Xanten Germany
    4. Augusta Vindelicorum Augsburg Germany
    5. Borbetomagus Worms Germany
    6. Sorviodurum Straubing Germany
    7. Mogontiacum Mainz Germany
    8. Colonia Ulpia Traiana Castra Ventra Xanten Germany
    9. Bonna Bonn Germany
    10. Noviomagus Speyer Germany
    11. Castellum apud Confluentes Koblenz Germany
    12. Rigomagus Remagen Germany
    13. Aquae Mattiacorum Wiesbaden Germany
    14. Colonia Agrippina Cologne Germany
    15. Arae Flaviae Rottweil Germany
    16. Bonames Frankfurt am Main Germany
    17. Biriciana Weißenburg in Bayern Germany
    18. Cannstatt Castrum Stuttgart Germany
    19. Sumelocenna Rottenburg am Neckar Germany
    20. Lopodunum Ladenburg Germany
    21. Traiectum ad Nicrem Heidelberg Germany
    22. Castra Batavar Passau Germany
    23. Nida Frankfurt Germany
    24. Aquae Granni Aachen Germany
    25. Ala Aalen Germany
    26. Castra Regina Regensburg Germany
    27. Aurelia Aquensis Baden-Baden Germany
    28. Traben-Trarbach, Germany

    1. Italy - Bergamo Province
    2. AFR - Djibouti
    3. UK - Rotherham, South Yorkshire, Northern England
    4. USA - Arizona, Civano
    5. USA - Kansas, Overland Park

    1. USA - Washington - Whitney
    2. USA - Washington - Spokane
    3. USA - Washington - Bellingham
    4. USA - Washington, - Everette
    5. USA - California - Bohemian Grove
    6. USA - California - Laurel Canyon
    7. USA - Nebraska - Omaha
    8. USA - Lake Michigan - Oakland County
    9. USA - Lake Michigan - North Fox Island
    10. USA - Florida - Marianna
    11. USA - Florida - Miami
    12. USA - Florida - Naples
    13. USA - Florida - Fort Meyers
    14. USA - Florida - West Palm Beach
    15. USA - Florida - Orlando
    16. USA - Florida -

    1. Barendrecht, The Netherlands
    2. Polizzi
    3. Forino
    4. Piedmonte
    5. Termini
    6. Borgetto
    7. Port Au Prince

    1. Pattaya
    2. Sri Lanka
    3. Philippines
    4. India
    5. Nepal
    6. Thailand
    7. Cambodia
    8. Colombia
    9. Moscow
    10. Northern Ireland
    11. Bonn
    12. Cologne
    13. Chile - Villa Baviera
    14. UK New South Wales

    1. Amsterdam
    2. Canada, British Columbia - Kamloops
    3. UK - Cheshire
    4. UK - Warrington
    5. UK Scotland - Edinburgh
    6. UK Scotland - Coatbridge
    7. UK Scotland - Glasgow
    8. United Grand Lodge of England
    9. UK - Calder

    1. South Africa
    2. Namibia
    3. Poland
    4. Czech Republic
    5. Islington
    6. Surrey
    7. Island of Jersey
    8. Bexhill
    9. Guatemala City, Vietnam
    10. Belfast

    1. Ciminna

    1. Palermo, Italy

    1. Xinjiang Province - China
    2. Hubei Province - China

    1. Ascrivium Kotor Montenegro

    1. Dyrrachium Durrës Albania
    2. Artaxata Artashat Armenia
    3. Theranda Prizren Kosovo
    4. Atuatuca Tungrorum Tongeren Belgium
    5. Berytus Beirut Lebanon

    1. Colonia Claudia Caesarea Cherchell Algeria
    2. Pomaria Tlemcen Algeria

    1. Volubilis Meknes Morocco
    2. Tingi Tangier Morocco

    1. Thessalonica Thessaloniki Greece
    2. Colonia Augusta Achaica Patrensis Patras Greece

    1. Naissus Niš Serbia
    2. Sirmium Sremska Mitrovica Serbia
    3. Viminacium Kostolac Serbia

    1. Emona Ljubljana Slovenia
    2. Poetovio Ptuj Slovenia
    3. Neviodunum Drnovo Slovenia
    4. Celeia Celje Slovenia
    5. Nauportus Vrhnika Slovenia
    6. Gerulata Bratislava Slovakia

    1. Ulpia Serdica Sofia Bulgaria

    1. Ad Flexum Mosonmagyaróvár Hungary
    2. Aquincum Budapest Hungary
    3. Partiscum Szeged Hungary

    1. Caesarea Caesarea Israel
    2. Aelia Capitolina Jerusalem (part of) Israel / State of Palestine

    1. Ovilava Wels Austria
    2. Iuvavum Salzburg Austria
    3. Vindobona Vienna Austria
    4. Lentia Linz Austria

    1. Scalabis Santarém Portugal
    2. Villa Euracini Póvoa de Varzim Portugal
    3. Bracara Augusta Braga Portugal
    4. Aeminium Conimbriga Coimbra Portugal

    1. Turicum Zurich Switzerland
    2. Vindonissa Windisch Switzerland
    3. Aventicum Avenches Switzerland
    4. Augusta Raurica Augst Switzerland
    5. Noviodunum Nyon Switzerland
    6. Lousonna Lausanne Switzerland
    7. Aquae Helveticae Baden Switzerland

    1. Antiochia Antakya Turkey
    2. Attalia Antalya Turkey
    3. Nicomedia Izmit Turkey
    4. Nicaea Iznik Turkey
    5. Tarsus Tarsus Turkey
    6. Trapezus Trabzon Turkey
    7. Constantinopolis Istanbul Turkey

    1. Siscia Sisak Croatia
    2. Marsonia Slavonski Brod Croatia
    3. Mursa Osijek Croatia
    4. Aequum Čitluk Croatia
    5. Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola Pollentia Herculanea Pula Croatia
    6. Andautonia Zagreb Croatia
    7. Salona Solin Croatia
    8. Cibalae Vinkovci Croatia
    9. Ragusium Dubrovnik Croatia
    10. Spalatum Split Croatia

    1. Colonia Narbo Martius Narbonne France
    2. Vesontio Besançon France
    3. Lutetia Parisiorum Paris France
    4. Lugdunum Lyon France
    5. Divodurum Metz France
    6. Caesaromagus Beauvais France
    7. Ambianum Amiens France
    8. Argentoratum Strasbourg France
    9. Gesoriacum Boulogne-sur-Mer France
    10. Urbs Aurelianorum Orléans France

    1. Praetorium Agrippinae Valkenburg Netherlands
    2. Lugdunum Batavorum Katwijk Netherlands
    3. Albanianis Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
    4. Lauri Woerden Netherlands
    5. Traiectum Utrecht Netherlands
    6. Matilo Leiden Netherlands
    7. Forum Hadriani Voorburg Netherlands
    8. Nigrum Pullum Zwammerdam Netherlands
    9. Ulpia Noviomagus Batavorum Nijmegen Netherlands
    10. Traiectum ad Mosam Maastricht Netherlands
    11. Coriovallum Heerlen Netherlands

    1. Tarraco Tarragona Spain
    2. Italica Santiponce Spain
    3. Palma Palma de Mallorca Spain
    4. Segovia Segovia Spain
    5. Gerunda Girona Spain
    6. Pompaelo Pamplona Spain
    7. Valentia Edetanorum Valencia Spain
    8. Brigantium A Coruña Spain
    9. Iulia Romula Hispalis Seville Spain
    10. Emerita Augusta Mérida Spain
    11. Norba Caesarina Cáceres Spain
    12. Lucus Augusta Lugo Spain
    13. Castra Legionis León Spain
    14. Asturica Augusta Astorga Spain
    15. Caesaraugusta Zaragoza Spain
    16. Faventia Paterna Barcino Barcelona Spain
    17. Abila Avila Spain
    18. Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium Santander Spain
    19. Complutum Alcalá de Henares Spain

    1. Roma Rome Italy
    2. Ariminum Rimini Italy
    3. Belum Belluno Italy
    4. Placentia Piacenza Italy
    5. Mod Monza Italy
    6. Salernum Salerno Italy
    7. Bononia Bologna Italy
    8. Forum Livii Forlì Italy
    9. Regium Lepidi Reggio Emilia Italy
    10. Aquileia Aquileia Italy
    11. Massa Massa Italy
    12. Pistoria Pistoia Italy
    13. Italy - Florentia Florence
    14. HTrento
    15. Udine
    16. Vicenza
    17. Savigliano
    18. Pisa
    19. Ravenna
    20. Sicily
    21. Augusta Taurinorum Turin Italy
    22. Augusta Praetoria Salassorum Aosta Italy
    23. Pons Drusi Bolzano Italy
    24. Venetiae Venice Italy
    25. Pompeii Pompeii Italy
    26. Capua Capua Italy
    27. Barium Bari Italy
    28. Asculum Ascoli Piceno Italy
    29. Brixia Brescia Italy
    30. Mediolanum Milan Italy
    31. Barium Bari Italy
    32. Comum Como Italy
    33. Patavium Padua Italy

    1. Londinium London UK
    2. Durovernum Cantiacorum Canterbury UK
    3. Regulbium Reculver UK
    4. Rutupiae Richborough UK
    5. Camulodunum Colchester UK
    6. Lindum Colonia Lincoln UK
    7. Ratae Corieltauvorum Leicester UK
    8. Durocobrivis Dunstable UK
    9. Durocornovium Swindon UK
    10. Verulamium St. Albans UK
    11. Letocetum Wall UK
    12. Dubris Dover UK
    13. Danum Doncaster UK
    14. Mediolanum Whitchurch UK
    15. UIsca Dumnoniorum Exeter UK
    16. Blestium Monmouth UK
    17. Viroconium Cornoviorum Wroxeter UK
    18. Aquae Sulis Bath UK
    19. Durnovaria Dorchester UK
    20. Lindinis Ilchester UK
    21. Clausentum Southampton UK
    22. Venta Belgarum Winchester UK
    23. Calleva Atrebatum Silchester UK
    24. Duroliponte Cambridge UK
    25. Concangis Chester-le-Street UK
    26. Condate Northwich UK
    27. Corinium Dobunnorum Cirencester UK
    28. Eboracum York UK
    29. Luguvalium Carlisle UK
    30. Isca Augusta Caerleon UK
    31. Lagentium Castleford UK
    32. Lopodunum Ladenburg UK
    33. Moridunum Carmarthen UK
    34. Venta Silurum Caerwent UK
    35. Deva Victrix Chester UK
    36. Mamucium Manchester UK
    37. Olicana Ilkley UK
    38. Vinovia Binchester UK
    39. Inveresk Roman Fort Musselburgh UK
    40. Coria Corbridge UK
    41. Colonia Nervia Glevensium Gloucester UK
    42. Lactodurum Towcester UK
    43. Bovium Cowbridge UK
    44. Burgodunum Leeds UK
    45. Portus Lemanis Lympne UK

    1. Apulum Alba Iulia Romania

    1. Pons Aelius Newcastle upon Tyne UK
    2. Durovigutum Godmanchester UK


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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