Light Therapy - Shine A Light On Your Health

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 27, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Louise Saldanha
    In the past few days I've seen several posts on FB on Light Therapy!

    I wrote this article for those that don't understand
    how Light Therapy can be used for Healing!

    Shine A Light On Your Health

    How does Light Therapy help the immune system?

    Believed to work in several ways:

    Activation of cells that target bacteria.

    Activation of cells that digest microbes.

    Activation of cells that attack viruses and tumours.

    The immune system consists of specialized cells and organs that protect the human body
    against attacks by ‘invaders’ from outside the body.

    These invaders, also called microbes (or ‘germs’), include bacteria, viruses,
    parasites and fungi.

    The immune system also monitors cells inside the human body
    and removes any that are damaged (e.g. infected cells, cancer cells, etc.).

    There are many different types of immune cell; the cells are divided into groups
    and each group has a slightly different function.

    The immune cells ‘talk’ to each other by releasing special chemicals that can activate other
    immune cells and direct them to where they are needed.

    When invading microbes enter the body, such as particles of influenza virus
    inhaled into the throat, they meet special types of immune cells that ‘patrol’ the tissues.

    These cells identify the invading microbes as being ‘foreign’ (or ‘non-self’)
    and destroy as many as they can.

    Meanwhile, another type of immune cell ‘reports’ what is happening
    and ‘recruits’ other groups of immune cells to come and fight the invading microbes.

    Eventually, the microbes are destroyed and their remains are removed.

    if the immune system did not react in this way, the microbes would cause a massive infection
    which would be fatal within a few days.

    Immune cells can recognize and remember millions of different microbes;
    a particular group of immune cells (called B-cells)
    produces special proteins (called antibodies) that target known microbes.

    Each antibody is specific to one type of microbe (e.g. common cold virus).

    Many immune cells are made in an organ in the neck called the thymus.

    The thymus is most active in babies and children, and starts to degenerate after puberty.

    Other important sites of immune cell production are the
    bone marrow, lymph nodes and the spleen.

    What is light therapy?

    Light is a form of energy and has ‘wave-like’ properties;
    the difference between the various colours of light is
    determined by their wavelength.

    Light has been used as a healing tool since ancient times.

    Scientists now have a better understanding of which components
    of natural light are useful in the stimulation of healing.

    This has led to the development of optical devices to produce various types
    of ‘medically useful’ light.

    What effect does light therapy have on the human body?

    Light Therapy devices emit light containing a range of wavelengths that correspond
    to visible light plus infrared radiation, both of which have been reported
    to stimulate biological reactions.

    Importantly, no harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation is present in LT.

    When the LT device is held over the skin surface, energy from the emitted light
    penetrates the underlying tissues.

    This produces a biological response, called photo-biostimulation,
    causing various reactions within these tissues that may result in the promotion of healing.

    Louise Saldanha, RHN

    Medical Consultant for Light Therapy (2015)

    I've been using this Modality for many Health Issues in my Practice for several years

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ultraviolet Light

    Uses in Medicine, Research & Daily life

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    6 Ultraviolet Light Uses In medicine research and daily life (

    Last Updated On May 23, 2020 by

    Ultraviolet light (UV) is a part of normal electromagnetic radiation.
    But it cannot be seen with naked eyes unlike visible light.
    UV is light energy with the wavelengths in the range of 10 to 400nm.
    It is present in sunlight and can also be produced by electric arc lamps.
    It has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than visible light.
    This means this radiation has greater energy than normal visible light.

    It can cause chemical reactions and make other substances to a florescence.
    Hence UV light is a bit harsh on the skin and eyes when directly exposed.

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    Uses or Simple Applications of Electromagnetism in Technology and Life
    The ozone layer on the surface of the earth prevents them from reaching the earth to a large extent. This saves us from the harmful effect of UV light from the sun.
    But Ultraviolet light has been found to have many applications to man.
    Ultraviolet Light Uses

    1. Analytical research
    2. Medicine as photo-therapy
    3. Vitamin D formation and strengthen bones
    4. Sterilization of substances
    5. Air purification

    6. To trap insects
    Analytical research: UV light is widely used in the analysis of substances. The spectrophotometers employ UV light to detect and measure the concentration of a given sample in liquid form. These spectrometers are used individually or in combination with other techniques like chromatography.
    Besides these certain plant extracts and chemicals are stained or have inherent dyes that make them detectable when kept in the UV environment. For this, the sample is put in a UV chamber and observed.
    Thus UV light helps in the analysis and research of many chemical and biological substances.
    In Medicine: For certain skin diseases like psoriasis and other skin conditions, the prolonged exposure to UV light is better therapy.
    The exposure to UV light is called as photo-therapy. Here the patient will be relieved of the problems even without the use of medicines but just by exposure to the light.
    By:Shannon patrik/flickr

    Even newborn babies can have jaundice due to the break down of hemoglobin. Then doctors treat them by phototherapy by using bright light or UV light.
    When the skin of a baby is exposed to light for long periods, the bilirubin in the skin breaks down to water-soluble form and gets out of the body through urine.
    Vitamin D formation: Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that needs not to be consumed from food. It is synthesized in the skin due to the irradiation of ergosterol by sunlight. UV light in the sun is key for the formation of Vitamin D. Thus the formed Vitamin-D helps the storage of calcium in the bones and thereby strengthen them.
    Sterilization of substances: UV radiation is a type of dry heat method of sterilization. For details go through sterilization methods. UV when falls on the cells, it can destroy the DNA and other essential molecules due to its energy. Hence when the substances are exposed to UV light at predefined wavelength and time, there will be effective sterilization.
    This method of sterilization can be used for bulk process and also for keeping a specific room or chamber sterile.

    You would have notice presence of UV ray screen on the door entrances in hospitals and other sterile areas. This UV stream kills microbes present on human surfaces while entering the concerned rooms.
    Air purification: Air is composed of organic debris, carbon monoxide, and even some microbes.
    This air can be purified by UV radiation.
    UV radiation has enough energy to kill the microbes and also destroys the organic debris and carbon monoxide.
    So employing a UV light source can help purify the air around.[​IMG]
    To trap insects: Insect trap instruments have UV light emitters.
    This UV light produces enough heat to attract insects and trap them.
    Thus these instruments can keep insects away from us.

    Leave a comment

    1. Morty
      April 24, 2020 at 5:45 pm
      In 1945 my parents had a floor lamp that had a ultra violet bulb and a timer and you wore sunglasses. I can not remember what it was used for. My parent used it on my sister and me. Would any one like to guess?
    2. Eric Bertram
      March 24, 2020 at 7:47 pm
      Could they be used on cruise ships on incoming bags to stop viruses from entering the ships? What about airport baggage also? I saw a unit being used down the aisle of an airliner to cleanse the inside of the plane instead of spraying.
      Thanks for asking eh ! Eric Bertram
    3. Denise R. Myles,
      July 29, 2019 at 11:19 am
      Thank You for the refresher of information in microbiology and ultraviolet.
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