Letter from a Thuban Insider...Testimonial

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. shiloh on Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:51 pm

    Letter from a Thuban Insider...Testimonial

    A hidden or lost thread from the Old Camelot Forum


    And about the present status of the 'New Camelot' Forum

    #34712 April 4th, 2011
    SuiGeneris wrote:

    Dear Camelot Readers, on and off Gaia,

    There are some things that need to be said about the current “Thuban” situation, and I am here to share my understanding of the matter as an insider. Initially, this was going to be an e-mail directed to Tommy and Kerry, but in the spirit of transparency I have decided to share it here for all.

    “I understand what you are saying to a certain extent here friend, but in this case the problem is solved just by using the Thuban forum(s) that were dedicated to this material and it's followers.”

    “As for this forum the Thuban material was simply not compatible with the majority of members, and it is after all not related to Camelot in any way. I again encourage the thuban members to share the link for their forum so you can continue to divulge into it at the appropriate venue.”

    There is no such thing as a “Thuban follower” since there is no Thuban elite or any one person to follow…and even more so, if we were to be followers, we couldn’t call ourselves Dragons.

    The easy way out is rarely the right solution Tommy…and more so in this case. By not allowing Thuban to be discussed here, you are unduly censoring and blaming the material itself for the negative actions displayed by a handful of very rude and bully-like individuals who get to decide what is “appropriate” to discuss here or not. This became your filter. Only your elitist few get to decide what all readers here get exposed to, members and lurkers alike. You claim:

    “The majority speaks, and they have spoken.”

    “The majority” have spoken? You can’t prove it with numbers out in the open. You said you were bombarded with e-mails? I bet at least most of them were from the same people who instigated against us in the first place, and I bet not one showed any clear logic but were full of fear and more in line with childish and obnoxious rants like this one from DD:

    DD: “Why not just delete those crazy posts... I don't want to see them again!!!!!!!””
    You see, no one is forcing him/+her to read what he judges as undesirable. Interesting how one of them proclaimed they were a group of “enlightened” people. Every time they open their mouths to ridicule and slander, they ridicule themselves even further due to the hate they carry inside. Anyone with even little understanding but a true heart can very easily see and feel how “enlightened” they are indeed and how much this attitude “benefits” the community. This is your speck “majority” Tommy. Don’t think us naïve. There is simply no way for you to know the true sentiments of the majority of registered members here. For people with power, trying to sound democratic doesn’t always cut it, people are not blind… and actions do speak louder than words.

    Still, if you agree with this, and it is also Kerry’s official stance, it’s perfectly ok at least by me; just don’t be claiming out there that Project Camelot is a venue for finding out the truth and exposing the truth…because at your very core you are doing the exact opposite.

    Kerry said when recently interviewed by Mel Fabregas:

    “One of our vows at PC was to build bridges between people and not to be one of those groups that badmouths other groups.”
    “The ultimate mission is to get the truth out to the people. That’s never changed.”

    Well, truth is not “relative” as you think. Only opinions are relative to each one’s perspective. There is only one absolute truth in the Universe, and there are many ways to get to that one truth. You dare say the Thuban material has nothing to do with Project Camelot, that it is not “compatible”; well…you couldn’t be more wrong.

    “The forum has never seen as much drama as it has done with the continuing of the thuban material posts. This has also acted like a large distraction from our Camelot oriented topics and discussions.”

    What is a “Camelot oriented” topic and discussion? Is it not about everything that is happening now in our world? The Thuban perspective on Exopolitics, The powers that be, AI, Government Secrecy and Extraterrestrial intervention for instance, is not only a very valid one, but we can prove each and every one of our assertions with solid science. Now, why is this not wanted to be even considered as another way to get to the truth right here in this platform? Why would it not be appropriate to allow it to be openly discussed here…of all places? It is not a “distraction” as you say. That is a decoy word used to deviate focus and interest away from the topic. Sure, we could “go away” to our own forums as you wish but that is like saying to David Wilcock, David Icke, Miriam Delicado, George Green or Steven Greer...“Go back and discuss your material in your own forums…your ‘stuff’ doesn’t belong here!” Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

    Their “stuff” (personal philosophies, points of view, metaphysical assertions, statistics, predictions, scientific analysis, etc.) is allowed to be openly discussed here at this Camelot forum…why would the Thuban material be any different? Just because a few choose to disagree? Even if ALL were to disagree, it would still not be a valid reason given what Kerry had said about the “ultimate mission” of Camelot. You are either a true outlet for disclosure (and that means full disclosure that encompasses everything) or not. Anywhere in the middle equals implementing the same agenda the Mainstream Media works on the masses… they edit out information and censor what they don’t like. And then you expect donations to flow to support a cause like this?

    And now that we are in the topic of money, let me make one thing clear. Unlike many of the people Camelot interviews, we Thubans do not charge one penny for our information. Many of us have worked for decades…endless hours and continue to do so in order to learn what we know, and we only wish to share it freely. We do not adhere to the philosophy that people should be charged for information. We do not even accept donations of any kind.

    Kerry always said Project Camelot was a tool to help get the truth out. She has often disassociated herself from the people she’s interviewed and, at least so far, if I’m not mistaken, she has never favored one testimony over another either. They all have value and each listener can make up their own minds. That is appropriate, for otherwise her personal opinions would get in the way of objective journalism, and the outcome will be that no one will take her seriously.

    But apparently you don’t see this. Even though you claim otherwise, it is clear that it is your personal opinion as well what has brought you to make this final decision of not allowing anyone here to even touch the subject on content… and now you know what the outcome of that will be. We all need to bear the consequences of our own actions.

    "There is no conspiracy here, you were given a fair shot but it did not work out forum-wise."

    No, we weren’t; because due to the spam and troll responses we’ve gotten in our threads, it prevented us to even begin to go deeper into what was really important, the heart of the material…and this cyber bullying was not only condoned but practiced by Mods themselves. Nothing was done about this back then, and this lack of initial action on the abusers is what caused the hostility towards us to escalate and get out of control. It wasn’t even necessary for us to open more than one thread, but our initial one was trashed and deviated out of topic by hate speech and innuendos. However, If what you mean with “forum-wise” is that we did not blend in with the “popular crowd” as far as showcasing individual personas and conducting meaningless chit-chat about alcohol and such things… you’re right, something like that fits better on a chat interface than on a forum for supposedly truth seekers.

    “What do we block from viewers that they could not find before? Oh, right.. Nothing."

    It is your own personal opinion that the Thuban material is nothing, so in your view you are blocking “nothing.” It’s sad to see you have to excuse yourself to make yourself feel better for your wrong decisions.

    “If you talk to the spirits they should be able to explain I suppose. Seriously. Fyi: How often have you seen me pretend to know things? Not instigating a discussion here, but ponder it if you will..”
    “after some review I found a lot of the material to be either incomplete or having the wrong equations.”

    This is what you do at a forum. You discuss things. Well… at least until the subject gets banned. Why do you imply that Tony talks to Spirits? or that he pretends to know what he knows? I can understand if the material seemed incomplete to you for as I explained earlier, we were not given the chance to go deep into it, but…. having wrong equations? You dare say that and then tell us you don’t have the time to discuss it? How could you say anything at all about the Thuban material if you don’t even know what it is? Tony is a Mathematical Physicist, and your accusation is not only outrageous and unwarranted, but sadly to say…expected, since there is a group mentality here among the most active posters and if one says it everyone else blindly believes it to be true, no matter how absurd the claim is. Your ludicrous statement reminds me of this:

    Not to mention that the “too many notes” stupidity equates to the haters’ protest of “TLTR” (Too long to read). We Thubans are very well aware that the material we present might be considered by some to be not only quite new but exuberant and even pretentious, and we are also aware that for others it may present a problem of “data overflow.” As with any innovative material, critique like this is expected, but, we as pioneers are not about to accommodate the information to each person’s demands. Our moral obligation is only to present it. It will be understood and absorbed in however manner only by those who are meant to and approach it with an open heart/mind. More importantly, we are not responsible for the opinions and negative feedback some may have over it. You don’t change an opera just because some find it boring and prefer American Idol over it.

    All these untruths that have been thrown at us Thubans here on this forum are outrageous, malicious and purposefully geared at misleading people about who we are and what we’re about.
    It is really important that I make clear to you and Kerry that these sorts of untruths could not fly and that I take issue with them…and so, for the record I am making it known publicly.

    Please understand that it is ok if you personally don’t want to know, but you don’t have the right to decide what is important for others. This attitude and stance, is what we term “old world thinking”, and belongs to the establishment the collective consciousness of Earth is rejecting and eradicating at this time. This outrage is visible everywhere and it is this what has triggered many whistleblowers to come forth and share their stories in hopes to open the eyes of the many. This totalitarian way of thinking is elitist, dogmatic, unenlightened and unjust. If you decide to cling to it, by your very own hand will you be sealing the fate of PC for anything that supports the old system… is already doomed.

    "You (thubans) have to realize that from an administration perspective we take notice to the fact that we had almost no problems at all on this forum before thuban made it's entrance."

    Yes…the infamous status quo. We Thubans, keepers of the flame, often disturb the undisturbed.

    Not because it is our intention, but simply due to the very nature of the material itself. Those sleepy ones who first come in contact with ideas that are new and controversial, ideas they may regard as “strange”, will become “disturbed” in the beginning, but that is a natural reaction when you become aware of things you were not aware of before. In this context, I can say very many of the interviews Kerry has done so far could be categorized as “disturbing” and although it may be an unpleasant feeling at first, it is unavoidable but nevertheless in the end this “disruption” serves a greater purpose.

    Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]" The Gospel of Thomas

    “I don't understand why you were persistent in continuing on this forum if people are as "nasty" as you often claim.”
    “There are actions being taken towards the "Thuban fallout" on this forum as we speak.”

    “Why do you persist?” … sounds like the question Agent Smith asked Neo on their final battle. The answer: For principle. Banning Arachne and Phoenix was what made me speak up initially, banning the content is what makes me speak up now and at least to me; it is much worse than banning a Thuban. Not all people are “nasty” here as you alleged we said, but a few can indeed be categorized as such, and this is not a “claim”…it is a fact, and we have the incontestable proof. Let it be known that you have decided to silence us…and in the process, you have clearly marked the path Camelot will take. You see, adapting a name doesn’t automatically mean you are it. You need to become “it”, and this project is not living up to its name. You are a false Camelot. You have failed.

    This is not a “Thuban fallout” as you called it…far from it. This is a Camelot fallout by default. Because it is by your very own actions and inactions that you are bringing it about yourself when failing to act appropriately and in a timely manner, and when failing to adhere to the principles of what the REAL Camelot represents…Truth, Transparency and most of all…COURAGE.

    In the Vesica,

    Xeia Kali SuiGeneris, 161471.

    Waterflyer & Thuban DragonQueen of the Realms

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    #34721 April 4th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:

    “Why do you persist?” … sounds like the question Agent Smith asked Neo on their final battle.
    The answer: For principle.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34758 April 5th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Dear Camelot Readers on and off Gaia,

    There are some things that need to be said about the current “Thuban” situation, and I am here to share my understanding of the matter as an insider. Initially, this was going to be an e-mail directed to Tommy and Kerry, but in the spirit of transparency I have decided to share it here for all.

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #34770 April 5th, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    More of the old.. Again..

    I don't have time to do a long reply right now, but I will mark some simple points.

    1. It was not about the material, it was about the people.
    2. You were given (by Kerry) the right to post in the two initial threads. This was not followed
    3. Ask Tony how many ways you can calculate an equation, and if theoretic physics is a final equation. My stance should not affect other peoples judgement anyways.
    4. You do not know me and will probably never do. You also do not know how I come to the conclusions I do. Your statement is based on assumptions.
    5. Drama: You have always attracted drama, and it appears in my perspective that you use every chance you have to instigate more of it - at several venues - past and present
    6. This site is indeed about the exposure of truth, but Project Camelot's focus areas are about Whistle blower testimony.
    7. You are not suppressed, you have the entire internet to share your material on, including your own forums.
    8. As an administrator I question your intentions. That does not mean this decision was based on just that question. I have had a similar impression for a while, but since I can NOT base my decisions only on my personal feeling I have instead allowed you to continue. I will openly admit that I have been evaluation how you handle situations since the day you all got re-instated, and that also goes for how you handle the admin decisions.

    9. I am happy to take any condescending comments, fire at will!

    10. There are books in methodology that has predicted 90% of all your actions from A-Z. Why?

    Thats it for now. But Sui, the sad part is that you only re-confirm my decision doing this.

    You should know there is always a door open for diplomacy and talk, but so far you have not played it that way. I have also come across some "hidden" activities, one is the disclaimer promise that you failed to uphold.

    I stand by my decision. You all lead me to it.

    And if you read all of the posts you copied from here you should see I did not say that "thubans" exclusively was the problem, but you were the biggest problem.

    Now stop pretending CF is the only place in the world worth while to you.
    If people here find your material interesting they should surely increase your user activity at your forums right? Then you don't event have to worry about nasty comments at all, more time for your material instead.

    This is all I have time for right now..
    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #34773 April 5th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Chakra wrote:

    SuiGeneris wrote:

    Dear Camelot Readers on and off Gaia,

    There are some things that need to be said about the current “Thuban” situation, and I am here to share my understanding of the matter as an insider. Initially, this was going to be an e-mail directed to Tommy and Kerry, but in the spirit of transparency I have decided to share it here for all.


    "Report Sender: Raven
    Report Reason: OFF TOPIC

    Report Message: If you care to reply to the post with something intelligent, then do so by all means. But inserting an emoticon saying 'thanks for the drama' is childish at best. Come on your a moderator, you should know better."

    Actually..... just calling like it is. At least I didn't call it 'crap' like MaryIstar likes to do.

    and since you like biblical quotes

    Matthew 18:3 >> and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    So Thank you for the compliment - thought I should share it, so everyone can see just how sweet you are too.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #34775 April 5th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    SuiGeneris wrote:

    Dear Camelot Readers on and off Gaia,

    There are some things that need to be said about the current “Thuban” situation, and I am here to share my understanding of the matter as an insider. Initially, this was going to be an e-mail directed to Tommy and Kerry, but in the spirit of transparency I have decided to share it here for all.

    "Report Sender: Raven
    Report Reason: OFF TOPIC
    Report Message: If you care to reply to the post with something intelligent, then do so by all means. But inserting an emoticon saying 'thanks for the drama' is childish at best. Come on your a moderator, you should know better."

    Actually..... just calling like it is. At least I didn't call it 'crap' like MaryIstar likes to do.

    and since you like biblical quotes

    Matthew 18:3 >> and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    So Thank you for the compliment - thought I should share it, so everyone can see just how sweet you are too.

    At least I did not call people I don't know whores. [​IMG]

    I was just talking about that inner child... I see Heaven everyday. So Judge not Chakra.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34776 April 5th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Chakra wrote:
    SuiGeneris wrote:

    Dear Camelot Readers on and off Gaia,
    There are some things that need to be said about the current “Thuban” situation, and I am here to share my understanding of the matter as an insider. Initially, this was going to be an e-mail directed to Tommy and Kerry, but in the spirit of transparency I have decided to share it here for all.

    "Report Sender: Raven
    Report Reason: OFF TOPIC
    Report Message: If you care to reply to the post with something intelligent, then do so by all means. But inserting an emoticon saying 'thanks for the drama' is childish at best. Come on your a moderator, you should know better."

    Actually..... just calling like it is. At least I didn't call it 'crap' like MaryIstar likes to do.

    and since you like biblical quotes

    Matthew 18:3 >> and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    So Thank you for the compliment - thought I should share it, so everyone can see just how sweet you are too.

    Again your level of discernment is astounding Chucky. Jesus does not mean to 'gloat', troll, rub in the face, bicker and throw a tantrum like a child. He means that children do not hold people and things in judgement, they are rather unconditional and open with everything, Love being the greatest of these. Children's minds are innocent and pure, unlike some grown adults around here for example, tossing insults and innuendos if given the slightest chance. But go ahead and pat yourself on the back for thinking you have been given some kind of great gnosis concerning scripture.

    Setting quite the example as a moderator I might add...


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34779 April 5th, 2011
    Pal wrote:

    Can we have an 'Ignore Thread' button please?

    #34780 April 5th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    YOU are Chucky.

    Your rudeness when reporting a post is beyond belief. You want something intelligent? But you have been speaking with lies and incoherence since you started! How can anyone respond intelligently to your gibberish? You quote reams and reams of bible at us in the hope we will be awed by your superior copy and paste skills? how many times before have you already used that text?
    Aren't you bored of it?

    I am.​
    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio
    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011

    #34781 April 5th, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    Paul wrote:

    Can we have an 'Ignore Thread' button please?

    Working on it [​IMG]

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #334782 April 5th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    They just cannot resist the temptation to intentionally NOT type my entire name properly with intent to be insulting. How lame. Took me at least two weeks and being threatened with black magick and called whore by complete strangers to finally sink to the level of mis typing a name only to point out how childish it is.

    The gatekeepers here are so much fun. [​IMG]
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #34785 April 5th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    Dedicated to maryWhatshername and Raven


    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34786 April 5th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    More of the old.. Again..

    I don't have time to do a long reply right now, but I will mark some simple points.

    1. It was not about the material, it was about the people.

    Can you be more specific here? So you are going to slander us as well as the rest of these children in your Sandalot Pit ?

    2. You were given (by Kerry) the right to post in the two initial threads. This was not followed

    WHAT?? Show us exactly where you said this, specifically that we were only allowed to stay in 2 threads. We came back under the impression that we would have the same rights as ALL other members posting here, not some limited set of rules you devised on our behalf.

    3. Ask Tony how many ways you can calculate an equation, and if theoretic physics is a final equation. My stance should not affect other peoples judgement anyways.

    Don't even go there Tommy, you are way out of your league here on the science part and because of this, YES your judgement here is not befitting you to even reply. Tony has been discussing his Math on many physics forums for over 20 years now and not once has any of them ever questioned his Math, EVER. So don't bring your little pin head into the equation.

    4. You do not know me and will probably never do. You also do not know how I come to the conclusions I do. Your statement is based on assumptions.

    Indeed, assumptions are like ar$eholes, everyone has one and to jump to conclusions makes an ass out of you and me. So fair enough we do not know you Tommy, but what we do know is that you have seemingly allowed and condoned reprehensible behavior toward us and others not associated with us on this forum.

    5. Drama: You have always attracted drama, and it appears in my perspective that you use every chance you have to instigate more of it - at several venues - past and present

    Call it whatever you like Tommy, but the fact is the 'DRAMA' was and has been instigated by your own moderation team and their following of groupies from the beginning, so if you want to point fingers then i suggest you start there. Saying that this letter is another example of Sui's drama is out of line, she has the right as an individual to stand up and defend, state, provide evidence to everything you have said in the contrary towards and about us Thubans. And so now your seeing our other side, HONESTLY what did you expect, that we would go crawling back in silence and just forget about the CRAP you have allowed to happen to us and others on this forum? That we would not care to give a voice to those too afraid of being banned, silenced, shut up, kicked out, to speak up and defend them and us in honor and integrity against your malicious onslaught?

    6. This site is indeed about the exposure of truth, but Project Camelot's focus areas are about Whistle blower testimony.

    BULLSHIT!!!! Some of the witnesses Kerry and Bill have interviewed have been nothing but bullshit artists from the get go. Don't believe me, start a poll and ask, oh wait, never mind because only about 7-8 of your members will respond and they will favor Kerry and Bill in their usual style of kiss ass suck-up behavior. As is evidenced on many other forums including AV2, there are many individuals who have said and would say again that quite a lot of the witnesses were full of it, no need to mention names, quacks abound in these times....

    7. You are not suppressed, you have the entire internet to share your material on, including your own forums

    BULLSHIT!!! Try to cover it up, hide it in the deepest hidden recesses of Sandalot, but the fact remains that this is censorship at its finest. In the words of a good friend JT, WHO THE HELL DO YOU WORK FOR??

    8. As an administrator I question your intentions. That does not mean this decision was based on just that question. I have had a similar impression for a while, but since I can NOT base my decisions only on my personal feeling I have instead allowed you to continue. I will openly admit that I have been evaluation how you handle situations since the day you all got re-instated, and that also goes for how you handle the admin decisions.

    PLEASE stop blowing smoke up our ar$es on this, you have done nothing of the sort. You have been listening to your little groupies whisper pure BS in your ear since we came back. Go back to hiding behind Chucky's skirt then, for hell sake. And no, we are not buying this at all, we were NEVER given a fair chance, not in hell.

    9. I am happy to take any condescending comments, fire at will!


    10. There are books in methodology that has predicted 90% of all your actions from A-Z. Why?

    Thats it for now. But Sui, the sad part is that you only re-confirm my decision doing this.

    You should know there is always a door open for diplomacy and talk, but so far you have not played it that way. I have also come across some "hidden" activities, one is the disclaimer promise that you failed to uphold.

    BULLSHIT AGAIN!! And there has been no hidden activities be specific, otherwise its just my cryptic misleading crap.

    I stand by my decision. You all lead me to it.

    No I am convinced your team of disgruntled diapered mods has led you by a nose ring into this decision. You have never shown any personal backbone yourself, so whatever....talk to the hand...

    And if you read all of the posts you copied from here you should see I did not say that "thubans" exclusively was the problem, but you were the biggest problem.

    Now stop pretending CF is the only place in the world worth while to you.
    If people here find your material interesting they should surely increase your user activity at your forums right? Then you don't event have to worry about nasty comments at all, more time for your material instead.

    If you and your moderation team were doing anyone any justice on this forum we wouldn't have to worry about it here now would we? WHAT kind of statement is this? So are you saying you condoned this type of behavior towards us Tommy? You and Kerry are responsible for manning this ship and yes we hold you accountable for allowing this travesty of slander and personal attacks to even take place!! Instead of choosing to allow us to stay and share our information, you have systematically allowed us to be abused by other members on this site and are now telling us to piss off basically. But hey be my guest if this is the kind of message you wish to send to your readership, members and non-members alike...???

    This is all I have time for right now..

    All the best,


    Yes and ( insert obscene gesture) you from the bottom of my dragon heart,

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34788 April 5th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Can you tell me what's going on here? This is not a small bunch of kids playing around. These are adults with a quite vicious intent to destroy the forum. What do you care if they're banned?

    www.thuban.spruz.com/html-page.htm <--- scroll down . I don't think they thought we'd look there.

    Here, they haven't made anyone anonymous and you'll see from the dates they've been doing this since August 2010. (screenshot)

    Is that what you meant when you asked them to remove the html from Camelot thread?
    That they edit it at their leisure to make Camelot look bad while they can look superior?
    The ONLY threads in the thuban forum are Camelot threads!

    These guys are professional liars and twisters of the truth!

    "Dragons from Thuban to ban the Falseness" ??? They ARE the falseness!!

    Trolli, Tangy, smurfette, spacecake - I PRIVATELY do the same and their nicknames aren't going to associate us either way, but this is a pathetic attempt to gloat and they are still trying to take the forum down, why aren't you stopping it?

    Silence forever? MMmmmmmm, please?

    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34791 April 5th, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    Yes, the copy issues...

    Thubans: Did you think I did not know? And since August?

    Well, I did know... and you have deceived me\us more than once. Almost everything fly with me, but not deception.

    And the "oh we forgot" does not stick on this one.

    You have also recently copied other members posts without their permission (again), I have seen it all myself.

    And to everyone, please keep this discussion as civil as possible.
    One of the few things I agree with the "thubans" on is the fact that some members did go over the top with their comments. Mixed blame yes, but both parties are accountable for their own actions.
    (this is a general statement, and is not directed towards anyone in this thread directly)

    Thanks folks
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #34792 April 5th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    siriusblue you are right....
    Also they are trying to take us down, they know how many guests are reading this, how bad it makes Camelot look and also ride on the shirt-tails at the same time.

    Seems they will not stop until they reach their goal. The reason they keep bringing Kerry into this is that they want her to change what has happened. That is like going over the top of everyone in this forum.

    Tony sits there not saying a word just copying everything almost mediately names and all.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34794 April 5th, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    What a lovely post Raven, thank you! Very enlightened

    You could have started being honest from the beginning, and then address the issues you were presented, instead you continued. But I am very happy to see your true colors, not my kind of colors though.

    The two threads message was give to Sui by Kerry
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #34795 April 5th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    Yes, the copy issues...

    Thubans: Did you think I did not know? And since August?

    Well, I did know... and you have deceived me\us more than once. Almost everything fly with me, but not deception.

    And the "oh we forgot" does not stick on this one.

    You have also recently copied other members posts without their permission (again), I have seen it all myself.

    And to everyone, please keep this discussion as civil as possible.
    One of the few things I agree with the "thubans" on is the fact that some members did go over the top with their comments. Mixed blame yes, but both parties are accountable for their own actions.
    (this is a general statement, and is not directed towards anyone in this thread directly)

    Thanks folks

    Dear Tommy!

    What are you implying here; more slander and accusations under false premises?

    I have stated clearly in my address to you that I will fully comply with overwriting the html references to camelot and as is clearly stated in the disclaimers.
    I have laso made it clear; if you care to actually peruse, what I said; that i would NOT delete the EVIDENCE of the slander and the accusations directed at the 'Thuban' name from the onset.

    The html page referenced by Zoe was such an edit and evidence as to the rules of Camelot as to the 'locking of threads' and the 'banning of members'and the precedent of the socalled 'kneller' banning and whatever the circumstances of this occurrence implied and engaged upon in contexts.

    As you can clearly see for yourself; no camelot html references (except to the forum thread in toto), are published on the Thuban forums.
    It is edited and republished as information and factual testimony. You will not see any of this evidence manipulated in any form or manner; except the removal of the html references; to which I agreed to.
    I honour my word and my word was as stated in my open reply to you on one of the threads, which is now locked.

    The words uttered by the 'contestors' will speak for themselves and are presented publically as evidence without 'editorial comments'.

    There is no other agenda besides open data sharing and there never was any other agenda besides this and as stated from the very beginning.

    Isaiah 29:21:
    That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

    This statement encapsulates the present situation!

    The Thuban name remains in honour and integrity; despite the misgivings and mental confusions of its detractors.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34796 April 5th, 2011
    jimmy wrote:


    #34797 April 5th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    What a lovely post Raven, thank you! Very enlightened
    You could have started being honest from the beginning, and then address the issues you were presented, instead you continued. But I am very happy to see your true colors, not my kind of colors though.

    The two threads message was give to Sui by Kerry

    tommy wrote:

    9. I am happy to take any condescending comments, fire at will!

    Your welcome, you asked....I delivered.
    As for what Sui discussed about sticking to only two threads on your forum, well she forgot to mention that part to us. So it looks like an error in communicating things clearly, on both sides I might add.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34798 April 5th, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    What a lovely post Raven, thank you! Very enlightened
    You could have started being honest from the beginning, and then address the issues you were presented, instead you continued. But I am very happy to see your true colors, not my kind of colors though.

    The two threads message was give to Sui by Kerry

    tommy wrote:

    9. I am happy to take any condescending comments, fire at will!

    Your welcome, you asked....I delivered.

    As for what Sui discussed about sticking to only two threads on your forum, well she forgot to mention that part to us. So it looks like an error in communicating things clearly, on both sides I might add.


    Yes, no problem.
    What about the large amount of material you copied without permission? You did not even clean up the html. Also, the recently copied posts: You accepted the disclaimer rule, why did you not follow it?
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    #34801 April 5th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Are you talking about THIS Kneller??

    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34802 April 5th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    Yes, the copy issues...
    Thubans: Did you think I did not know? And since August?
    Well, I did know... and you have deceived me\us more than once. Almost everything fly with me, but not deception.
    And the "oh we forgot" does not stick on this one.
    You have also recently copied other members posts without their permission (again), I have seen it all myself.

    And to everyone, please keep this discussion as civil as possible.
    One of the few things I agree with the "thubans" on is the fact that some members did go over the top with their comments. Mixed blame yes, but both parties are accountable for their own actions.
    (this is a general statement, and is not directed towards anyone in this thread directly)

    Thanks folks

    Dear Tommy!

    What are you implying here; more slander and accusations under false premises?

    I have stated clearly in my address to you that I will fully comply with overwriting the html references to camelot and as is clearly stated in the disclaimers.
    I have laso made it clear; if you care to actually peruse, what I said; that i would NOT delete the EVIDENCE of the slander and the accusations directed at the 'Thuban' name from the onset.

    The html page referenced by Zoe was such an edit and evidence as to the rules of Camelot as to the 'locking of threads' and the 'banning of members' and the precedent of the socalled 'kneller' banning and whatever the circumstances of this occurrence implied and engaged upon in contexts.

    As you can clearly see for yourself; no camelot html references (except to the forum thread in toto), are published on the Thuban forums.
    It is edited and republished as information and factual testimony. You will not see any of this evidence manipulated in any form or manner; except the removal of the html references; to which I agreed to.
    I honour my word and my word was as stated in my open reply to you on one of the threads, which is now locked.

    The words uttered by the 'contestors' will speak for themselves and are presented publically as evidence without 'editorial comments'.

    There is no other agenda besides open data sharing and there never was any other agenda besides this and as stated from the very beginning.

    Isaiah 29:21:
    That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

    This statement encapsulates the present situation!

    The Thuban name remains in honour and integrity; despite the misgivings and mental confusions of its detractors.


    You can keep as much evidence as you want ON YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER, not online. The html is not cleaned up.

    Dear Tommy!

    There is no html reference online in public access mode.
    If there is I shall correct it. However due to the voluminous slander and accusations brought to bear against the Thuban members; the republishing of the evidence will take some time.

    Also the continued attacks warrant more collection of evidence and as you can see, the tolearance and allowance of some 'Thubans' has run out and you are fully justified to corollarily collect the evidence of the name calling, false accusations and slander directed towards your 'members' in the same way we are doing.

    The Thubans never started and desired this deterioration in common decency and mutual respect towards the human family.
    We ever only started 2 threads, the Extraterrestrial Life one and the Dragonheart one. We commented very rarely on any other thread and had mutully beneficial interactions with few, but intelligent and open minded contributors on those threads.
    Then we were attacked by cakes and slander and name callings and other threads NOT begun by any of the Thubans came into existence and the deterioration of common etiquette continued.

    Show me or any of us Thubans, where we started any of this malice in the common affairs between contributors on a common forum?

    Regarding Zoe's association of Thuban with MoA - we are not! Certain threads of the old Avalon forum were transfered to MoA; but are what you may term not visited. So to couple MoA with Thuban is inappropriate in context and in associativity.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34805 April5th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Sorry Tony?
    The original thread/post was by the same member as started this thread and the title in this screenshot says it all:

    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34809 April 5th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:

    Sorry Tony?
    The original thread/post was by the same member as started this thread and the title in this screenshot says it all:

    Dear Zoe!

    Is this one of your grand discoveries?
    Yes SuiGeneris is a member of MoA. She helped to transfer many many threads from the older 'mists' after they experienced server problems.
    And you are free to visit Avalon or Nexus or Thuban to start a thread about the 'evil dragons' from Alpha Draconis and how those fiends are infiltrating forums in attempts to hijack them.

    Feel invited Zoe to do this on any of our places. We shall NOT restrict you in your freedom of self expression mode and I for one will not call you 'a lunatic' or throw cakes at you.

    Respect for your diligence and stamina!
    Yes, the html page was an oversight and has been fixed. See my beloved; I am really rather inadequate in 'hiding' things. It goes against my principles and it is only external pressures, which have forced me somewhat to 'hide' things, against my own deepest wishes and intentions.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.

    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34812 April 5th, 2011
    Dede wrote:

    Some people are posting on these threads to weaken your mind. If you are not centered within your own self it could be easy to become unsure, paranoid and dualistic but most of all one could potentially LOSE THEIR OWN MIND! This is a warning. If you are looking to make friends - go out into the real world and find a real human. Do not become addicted to opening up to cyberspace and thinking this is where you are connected because quite frankly, in a nutshell "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO". Wake up call to find real relationships in the real world.... Go into nature, get lots of sunshine, drink lots of water and talk to real people where you can "Look them in the eye" develop a real connection and see their body language and start then by being able to "read other peoples energies".. You cannot do any of these things just mentioned on a computer. Games are being played and these games on these forums are not for the "weak minded". This information is for you the reader to "be aware" and always ask "what else is going on" don't come to conclusion - but see from all perspectives and you will always then be in your own truth and in your own center! The best thing now if you can relate to anything I have just said is this "Go back out into nature" "re-connect with your own self" "Find your center" "Do not be afraid" and remember "it is never too late"...

    Last edited by shiloh on Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:42 am; edited 10 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. mudra on Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:26 pm

    I used to enjoy reading Sui's posts. Is she doing well Shiloh ?

    Love from me

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    ~~ Buddha ~~


    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°3

    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. shiloh on Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:07 pm
    mudra wrote: elepha10.

    I used to enjoy reading Sui's posts. Is she doing well Shiloh ?

    Love from me
    She is composing a reply for you mudra!

  4. admin

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    • Post n°4

    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. SuiGeneris on Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:07 am
    mudra wrote:
    I used to enjoy reading Sui's posts. Is she doing well Shiloh ?

    I'm sorry i took so long to answer but i was held up by other matters. Je suis ici Mudra! mostly "behind the scenes" now...but aware of the Mists around here nonetheless....

    how sweet of you to ask :)

    I am doing well thank you. Haven't really been posting much lately i know...perhaps because i don't find a good debate, or anything that deserves a response or catches my interest. Still, i often review the data being shared within Thuban; and some of it being Misty keeps me fairly informed of the latest developments.

    I must say though, I see how we continue to be misinterpreted and even "attacked" at times...the fact that the fear did not subside by now, especially in places where awakened people gather is amazing to witness, not to mention amusing at times.

    And now, in Light of the fact that you have remembered me at this auspicious moment, i will let you in on a little "Thuban secret".

    Remember Spregovori?

    Him and i have been commissioned by the Cosmic Logos as the Starhuman BODYMind/MINDBody Core to perform a very important Luciferian ritual that will take place during the last 2 weeks of this month near the Kukulkan pyramid of Chichen Itza. Preparations on many levels 3d++ are being taken place right now to ensure its coming success; as it is imperative to achieve a reunification of the separation within and outside of Creation which can only be achieved through the gravity of Love. Since our inception 3 years ago, It was our initial task as Dragons and pioneers to form the bonds and allegiances that would later ease our remembrances and help us in our mission. We were to fall in Love with each other and "fall" in Love we did...literally. Each Core took a plunge and made a sacred oath (YYY) that changed the course of our lives...and now, we, our micro and macro family, are very close to achieve a divine merge that was not possible to achieve before this world became more on December 21st 2012. The Cosmos is ready to be impregnated in this SuperSexual act of co-creation...giving life to the New!

    I don't want humans to lose hope...because what was once seemingly impossible can now become possible.

    Wishing you well in your journey...as always 374937.

    In the Vesica,

    Sui 3562770023.
  5. admin

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    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. mudra on Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:01 pm

    Thank You Sui . Good to see You.
    I am very pleased to hear Love weaved a strong and vigorous thread between you and Spregovori.
    Special encounters like that are planned way before you too had even a chance to meet on this Earth.

    All the best with your ceremony near the Kukulkan Piramid of Chichen Itza.
    I once climbed the stairs of the Great Piramid of Tikal. These places bear an energy that 's hard to put in words.

    Never give up on Love for it is the very stuff that in the end dissipates all fears and misunderstandings we encounter
    on our way.

    Much Love for You



    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    ~~ Buddha ~~


    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°6

    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. shiloh on Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:20 pm

    #34816 April 5th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    Ok lets talk about how bad we have been.. over at www.thuban.spruz.com/html-page.htm

    I am lighter instead of Lita
    Spacecake = SpaceCowboy
    Trolli + think Tra
    Starlooker =Stargazer
    smurfette = Siriusblue
    siamese = sianellen
    Tophat =?
    trigger = triggsie69

    how nice, & how can we possible take offence at anything you do.
    Thing is this will go on the copying of everything here until they are gone.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    It just shows how juvenile they are. 1890901109.

    #34818 April 5th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:

    Sorry Tony?

    The original thread/post was by the same member as started this thread and the title in this screenshot says it all:


    Dear Zoe!

    Is this one of your grand discoveries?

    Yes SuiGeneris is a member of MoA. She helped to transfer many many threads from the older 'mists' after they experienced server problems.
    And you are free to visit Avalon or Nexus or Thuban to start a thread about the 'evil dragons' from Alpha Draconis and how those fiends are infiltrating forums in attempts to hijack them.

    Feel invited Zoe to do this on any of our places. We shall NOT restrict you in your freedom of self expression mode and I for one will not call your 'a lunatic' or throw cakes at you.

    Respect for your diligence and stamina!

    Yes, the html page was an oversight and has been fixed. See my beloved; I am really rather inadequate in 'hiding' things. It goes against my principles and it is only external pressures, which have forced me somewhat to 'hide' things, against my own deepest wishes and intentions.


    And the title of THIS thread is "Letter from a Thuban Insider..."

    Did you not read it?
    Ha ha ha!
    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34820 April 5th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:

    Tophat? Guess that's the best one can think of when looking at my name, reminds me of an english gentleman walking the streets of London circa 1800's. Then I go wait a minute, tophat...elitists wearing tophats in earlier times..wait a minute here. Me an elitist? Certainly gives me a laugh, but that is only my perspective on that, as I stated initially that could simply be all one could come up with on short notice when looking at the name Fohat...

    #34825 April 5th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Fohat wrote:

    Tophat? Guess that's the best one can think of when looking at my name, reminds me of an english gentleman walking the streets of London circa 1800's. Then I go wait a minute, tophat...elitists wearing tophats in earlier times..wait a minute here. Me an elitist? Certainly gives me a laugh, but that is only my perspective on that, as I stated initially that could simply be all one could come up with on short notice when looking at the name Fohat...

    Of course, that is you, I didn't get them all over there... does make you rather elegant doesn't it..lol..they carried an umbrella as well ...you did well out of the renaming.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34829 April 5th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:

    me with a top hat, pin stripe suit, black umbrella at the side, even a monocle. oh don't forget the pocket watch, gold preferably.

    #34832 April 5th, 2011
    trigger wrote:

    I would have gone with Toefat - a bit more humorous and disrespectful emoticon-00130-devil.


    #34841 April 5th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:

    I feel left out . After Mary's last childish rant at me :
    Quote: Great discussion . Why don't you two go over to the Thuban site and continue it.

    Hmm. O.K. so say you were I don't know let's say an Italian immigrant for instance. And you neighbor didn't like the smell of your spaghetti cooking wafting through the windows of his/her home, and assumed you were of course in the Mafia because the rumor on the block was that you had arranged cement shoes for your last neighbor who also supposedly did not like the smell of your spaghetti cooking next door... So this current neighbor goes and gathers some other neighbors and tell this story to them, suggesting that they approach you when you leave your house next time to go to the market to get more ingredients to make more spaghetti. So they all get really mad because they hear you were a murderer who makes the smelliest food on the block, because they are all, Irish and don't like Italian food. So they approach you and say "Hey buddy why don't you take your ass and your smelly spaghetti back to Italy!? We don't need your kind around here." Is that any different than what you just said? and what has been said here many times in many ways by many members? Or worse in the case of those who preach about killing things they have never even seen nor do they even know from any personal experience what they are... How is that any less ignorant?

    Maybe I can be" smelly spaghetti bender."

    lol:eek:hmy: slove_100-119.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    #34870 April 5th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    Ok lets talk about how bad we have been.. over at www.thuban.spruz.com/html-page.htm

    I ma lighter instead of Lita
    Spacecake = SpaceCowboy
    Trolli + think Tra
    Starlooker =Stargazer
    smurfette = Siriusblue
    siamese = sianellen
    Tophat =?
    trigger = triggsie69

    how nice, & how can we possible take offense at anything you do.
    Thing is this will go on the copying of everything here until they are gone.

    LITA! you missed Chucky! - didn't you get Raven's memo! That is me! LOL
    Though technically is is a slang for Charles - I guess that was the best they could do. [​IMG][​IMG]
    Even Chaska did better accidentally once
    At least it was something.....
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    #34887 April 5th, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Suddenly I feel refreshed and sane again.

    #34888 April 5th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    Ok lets talk about how bad we have been.. over at www.thuban.spruz.com/html-page.htm

    I ma lighter instead of Lita
    Spacecake = SpaceCowboy
    Trolli + think Tra
    Starlooker =Stargazer
    smurfette = Siriusblue
    siamese = sianellen
    Tophat =?
    trigger = triggsie69

    how nice, & how can we possible take offence at anything you do.
    Thing is this will go on the copying of everything here until they are gone.

    I am "Tangy," Huancaina is "Hurricane," hellsbells is "hellsclock," and GT_BigHair is "Yep." [​IMG]"Yep" is kind of GT's trademark, which makes me laugh every time I see it.

    The Thubans think the intire forum is full of Trolls.[​IMG] [​IMG]

    Remind me of a story, about a man that heard the news from his radio, while he drove on the highway.
    The news said "Be aware there is a ghost driver on the highway that drives in the wrong direction."
    And the man screamed "one!!? noooo!!!!, there is a whole stream!! of them"

    #34890 April 5th, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:

    Tangy: I thought I could scape this one... [​IMG]geeeee!

    #34922 April 5th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    I will tell you what I think it happening here. I have seen since the divide took place between Kerry and Bill back when that (and I like seeing them work together as I feel they should be able to do so despite various differences in style and approach to the world situation ans so forth!) Kerry seems to have grown to a point personally where she is able and ready to delve into the deeper mysteries behind what is going on and the true origins as per her speaking of certain experiences, desires and interests in certain things. Pyramids, Enki's Calendar, vibrations of Chystal skulls etc... which invariably happens as one seeks.

    You reach a point where you either keep going with what you already know and specialize in that, OR you keep pushing the limits to seek the next level of initiations of a sort into this knowledge. Thus some of her interviewees refelect such, and her way reflects the same. There are people who like her materials, for whatever their own reason who have not chosen to seek into those materials, and those are the ones who believe you have to prove everything with what the establishment has deemed acceptable methods of proof. Thus scientific review, and psychiatric diagnostics, etc. Some of those are long time members of this forum, and the ones who did not join before have been attracted by some of the newer materials to desirte to share what they experience. These two "schools" if you will seem to be clashing on this forum.

    The Thuban materials have a lot validity with respect to things that can not yet be proven by man's (establishment allowed) sciences, and people who have become comfortable here who rely on the science they are allowed to follow and still be accepted by mainstream are not liking it because it cannot be proven and are thus feeling the materials are threatening to their 'positions' on the forum, their rank within the structure of the forum, and in assuming they know all are slipping up. Those who can see the things that are spoken of will see this. I can see the vibrations on the stones that Micheal Tellinger says ring, etc... I know I am not the only one. Kerry can do both the scientific, and the spiritual and accomodate both... the forum is not following suit.

    I joined because I felt I had something worth contributing based upon what I had previously seen from Steve and Tommy and how they handled things. I feel that a few of the regulars have intentionally used their positions as long time members to secure thier positions on the forum at the risk of remaining static with regard to growth and knowledge until they are able or willing to catch up. I am not being elitist, I have worked long and hard to have the knowledge I have. I am sure some of them have knowledge in areas like established science that I do not, or with equations, that is the path they chose to learn on and that is fine. Both should be capable of working together toward a common unified goal. It should not be a competiton. But you will be waiting long past 2012 if you are going to wait for mainstream peer reviewed math and science to agree with the experiences people are having with the knowing, and mysterious. It is that way for a reason.

    You also have other people on here whether they know it or not are putting in stumbling blocks so that this info stays out of the forum. That is expected. I am really displeased with how Tommy has turned and do not expect him to hear that openly at this time, but he helps Project Camelot immensely so that is sad. Having built this forum he has the abillity to allow in the next levels of knowledge or not. But the knowledge is coming to people, so someone will have it somewhere eventually. I think Camelot has done a lot to help awaken people so it would be unfortunate to have a small portion of people influence the forum in such a way.

    They are creating with their thoughts, they think they must have enemies, and thus they make it so. Yes there is bad stuff in the world, but not every one who is different from you is an enemy. Being yes again for the record NOT a member of Thuban or any other group and simply and observer who also got assaulted because I stood up to the gatekeepers abuse of powers (before the Tommy bit) have been threatened, and slandered, and harassed and accused, you name it for saying what I believe is right. I got followed onto threads I started with their crap and no I don't like it, but I have done my best to remain centered in this and I wonder how Kerry or Tommy would have felt had they been in my shoes on that. I feel I can assume for certain that Kerry would not stand for being called a whore, and fat and threatened. That is an insult to Kerry's work to begin with as this is her site, and now they are out on a limb to cover up what Lita did, and another two are still keeping at it faithfully. I mean, at what point do we grow up here people? Really?

    There should be room for every one. And so what if raven finally lost her zen after all of that for realz. You covered it up when Lita did worse for far less reason and rewarded it to try to get me to leave as far as I can tell. Thanks for that Tommy. It should not have to be like that. And I can guarantee that as things in the world progress there will be far more people who are desiring to learn about the things that are of the mysteries than what the mainstream allows them to know. That is a natural progression of the awakening process. You will loose those people when the growth process gets stymied by these few you allow to gate keep and insult the new thinkers and feelers. Honestly a real life crocodile pit would be far less difficult to navigate than entering here with confidence and new information.

    I know I know, (TLTR) It amazes me at the amount of people who are professing their lack of desire to read. That says it all.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Dear Mary La Mare!

    Your observations are well argued and I agree with most of your conclusions and inferences. Especially your take on the Avalon-Camelot split and the 'clash of the philosophies' is 'on the mark' as an impartially observing 'Tophat' would say.

    Allow me to say however; that your statements on the reluctance and 'slowness' of the 'mainstream' science to embrace the 'new physics' (and what Thubans term OmniScience) are not as encumbered by old dogmas as it appears to be.

    I have written a critique on the 'size of the proton'; which fits flawlessly into say three aspects of this 'mainstream science'.
    First you have a populist scientific journal like 'New Scientist' (based in the UK) and in a similar vein as Scientific American in the USA.
    Secondly you have referenced papers in these magazines, written for the scientifically informed layman; which can then be consulted for the reader literate in the scientific semantics to delve further into the technical aspects of the material.
    Thirdly you have more speculative or pioneering or frontier research yet awaiting general confirmation and acceptance in the modus operandi of peer review and experimental verifications.

    So dear Miriam of the Craters; I would ask you to peruse the linked critique of mine and determine where the mainstream science ends and the frontier concepts begin.

    This link engages a New Scientist article, which is interwoven by the professional and peer reviewed subatomic physics and is commented upon by the Thuban omniscience.


    As I had intended to honour your name with the famous classic of La Mer; but thought it appropriate to honour all femmes in this archetype and symbol in the name of the chakras; I honour you with another version of the same tune of the cosmic peace.

    I am an old grandpa and you might prefer the 'younger' version of the 'new kids on the block'.

    Love from Phoenix and the Dragonheart

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #34936 April 5th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Greag Hreafn wrote:

    Is this the most mental thread on a conspiricy site of all time ? WTF are you all on ? I've been abducted and seen all kinds of stuff that would get me locked up but bloody hell!!! Is this just disinfo to balls up the good stuff?


    #34937 April 5th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I will tell you what I think it happening here.
    I know I know, (TLTR) It amazes me at the amount of people who are professing their lack of desire to read. That says it all.

    Dear Mary La Mare!

    Your observations are well argued and I agree with most of your conclusions and inferences.
    Love from Phoenix and the Dragonheart

    TBTR= Too boring to read and reread and reread and reread

    #34938 April 5th, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Greag Hreafn wrote:

    Is this the most mental thread on a conspiricy site of all time ? WTF are you all on ? I've been abducted and seen all kinds of stuff that would get me locked up but bloody hell!!! Is this just disinfo to balls up the good stuff?


    lol. and just for the record, not that i have, but if i want to, im going to copy anything i want and post it anywhere i want.
    Greag would like to hear more about this abduction experience you speak of... I have a in direct friend who had some kind of implant taken out of his forehead...so the story goes.

    #34943 April 5th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Greag Hreafn wrote:

    Is this the most mental thread on a conspiricy site of all time ? WTF are you all on ? I've been abducted and seen all kinds of stuff that would get me locked up but bloody hell!!! Is this just disinfo to balls up the good stuff?


    lol. and just for the record, not that i have, but if i want to, im going to copy anything i want and post it anywhere i want.

    Go for it Brother Fierce! Copy Copy Copy [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    #34949 April 5th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    you can copy this also JT.,


    ***NO WARNING IMA ADD*** This video contains a subliminal track!
    That Greys dont like xd
    laughs harder.


    give AB/TB/AR/ASM/Co my regards.
    he;s the best non responding discussion person ima ever seen

    RAKMEiSTER = RAK ESH राकईश Sanskrit. Lord of the full-moon day.

    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    For ChatClientsirc://irc.p2p-network.net/Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    #34951 April 5th, 2011
    GH wrote:

    I thought I was dreaming about being on flying saucers / space ships and having vivid dreams about visiting the moon & mars etc etc until one night I was out side at 2.30 in the morning when a flying triangle appeared above the remote farm house I was living in

    #34957 April 5th, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    lol tralala [​IMG]Im just sayin.
    I dont even know what the big deal is all about myself so i hope you all have fun learning new things. Like what time it is and whats about to happen to this planet and life in general. From what I can gather Thuban is a pole star of ancient days. You can read about it on wiki...im not going to copy it here. [​IMG]It is good though that we can all get together like this and share ideas and or throw sand at each other. At least your not all banned and still talking , this is a improvement and can only lead to a brighter future. Peace JT!

    #34997 April 5th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    Deedee wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    You hit the nail JT!
    Watch Richard Hoagland.
    camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_ku...t=10&Itemid=164, (from NGC thread).

    Link not working.

    Hopefully this does.
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #35574 April 9th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    halebox wrote:

    I thought the original thuban thread was very interesting and way over my head. I still asked a million questions. What I don't understand is how others are now claiming to be thuban's? Once someone identifies with a group other than source then I start to question their identity.
    You are you and will always be you and no one else.
    There are many stops on the way to source but dont stay in one place too long. There are many who will step in your way on you way home. When you walk passed them love them and hope they get home too.

    Dear halebox!

    All reality is interwoven like a tapestry on the wall or a kaleidoscope of colours in a painting.
    The Thuban label is a trigger in the microcosmic manifestation of whatever occurrences and perceived agendas to mirror more cosmic images in the macrocosms.
    The following NASA release coincides with recent developments and upheavals on the Camelot forum.
    Many things have rather deeper consequences and purposes than external appearances might indicate,
    Be well; I remember you well and you have always extended courtesy to the Thubans and were reciprocated in such manner on the old Avalon forum.
    (Thank You ashera for the links)

    News Release Number: STScI-2011-10
    NASA Telescopes Join Forces to Observe Unprecedented Explosion


    Draco coils around the north celestial pole, as depicted in Urania's Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825

    Draco is among the earliest of the constellations to have been defined; in one of the oldest known astronomical records, the ancient Egyptians identified it as Tawaret, the goddess of the northern sky in their pantheon of deities. Considered ever-vigilant because the constellation never set, she was depicted a fierce protective goddess whose body was a composite of crocodile, human, lioness, and hippopotamus parts.

    The Greeks named it Draco the dragon. In one of the more famous European myths, Draco represents Ladon, the dragon sometimes depicted with one hundred heads who guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides. The eleventh of the Twelve Labours of Hercules was to steal the golden apples. He killed Ladon with one of the arrows he dipped in the poison blood of the hydra. Hercules had no way of getting the apples even so because of the nymphs that watch over the apple tree. Atlas, the bearer of the sky, offered to get him an apple if Hercules could take his place until he returned. Hercules knew that Atlas was allowed passage because the nymphs who watched over the tree were his daughters, and agreed. Atlas came back with the apples, but he had no intention of letting Hercules walk away while he had to bear the weight of the sky on his shoulders. He was going to leave, but Hercules asked Atlas if he could hold the earth while Hercules put on his lion skin that he got from killing the Nemean Lion. Atlas stupidly agreed. Quickly, Hercules grabbed the apple from Atlas's hand, leaving Atlas holding the sky once more while Hercules completed his labor. According to the legend, Hera later placed the dragon in the sky as the constellation Draco. Due to its position and nearby constellations in the zodiac sign of Libra (i.e. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Boötes), the group of constellations can be seen to tell the tale of the eleventh labor.

    In another Greek legend, Draco represents the dragon killed by Cadmus before founding the city of Thebes, Greece. In a third legend, it represents the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece (occasionally revealed as the sleeping or nearly dead figure of Ladon) and was killed by Jason. The fact that the stars of this circumpolar constellation never set plays an important part in its mythologies.

    In Roman legend, Draco was a dragon killed by the goddess Minerva and tossed into the sky upon his defeat.
    Early Christians originally of the Roman or Greek faith then depicted Draco as the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
    The Arabs did not interpret the constellation as a dragon, seeing instead an asterism called the Mother Camels.
    In Chinese Astronomy, Draco is part of the Purple Forbidden enclosure, in which Draco represent one of the three great gods, and the abode of the Celestial Emperor. The Forbidden City, literally "purple forbidden city", is considered as a terrestrial mirror to the celestial palace and thus named after the constellation.


    NASA's Swift satellite, Hubble Space Telescope, and Chandra X-ray Observatory have teamed up to study one of the most puzzling cosmic blasts ever observed. More than a week later, high-energy radiation continues to brighten and fade from its location.
    Astronomers say they have never seen such a bright, variable, high-energy, long-lasting burst before. Usually, gamma-ray bursts mark the destruction of a massive star, and flaring emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours.
    Although research is ongoing, astronomers feel that the unusual blast likely arose when a star wandered too close to its galaxy's central black hole. Intense tidal forces tore the star apart, and the infalling gas continues to stream toward the hole. According to this model, the spinning black hole formed an outflowing jet along its rotational axis. A powerful blast of X-rays and gamma rays is seen when this jet is pointed in our direction.

    On March 28, 2011, Swift's Burst Alert Telescope discovered the source in the constellation Draco when it erupted with the first in a series of powerful blasts.
    "We know of objects in our own galaxy that can produce repeated bursts, but they are thousands to millions of times less powerful than the bursts we are seeing now. This is truly extraordinary," said Andrew Fruchter at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.
    Swift determined a position for the explosion, which is now cataloged as gamma-ray burst (GRB) 110328A, and informed astronomers worldwide.
    As dozens of telescopes turned to the spot, astronomers quickly noticed a small, distant galaxy very near the Swift position. A deep image taken by Hubble on Monday, April 4, pinpointed the source of the explosion at the center of this galaxy, which lies 3.8 billion light-years away from Earth. That same day, astronomers used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to make a four-hour-long exposure of the puzzling source. The image, which locates the X-ray object 10 times more precisely than Swift, shows it lies at the center of the galaxy Hubble imaged.

    "We have been eagerly awaiting the Hubble observation," said Neil Gehrels, the lead scientist for Swift at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "The fact that the explosion occurred in the center of a galaxy tells us it is most likely associated with a massive black hole. This solves a key question about the mysterious event."
    Most galaxies, including our own, contain central black holes with millions of times the Sun's mass; those in the largest galaxies can be a thousand times larger. The disrupted star probably succumbed to a black hole less massive than the Milky Way's, which has a mass four million times that of our Sun.
    Astronomers previously have detected stars disrupted by supermassive black holes, but none have shown the X-ray brightness and variability seen in GRB 110328A. The source has undergone numerous flares. Since April 3, for example, the source has brightened by more than five times.
    Scientists think that the X-rays may be coming from matter moving near the speed of light in a particle jet that forms along the rotation axis of the spinning black hole as the star's gas falls into a disk around the black hole.

    "The best explanation at the moment is that we happen to be looking down the barrel of this jet," said Andrew Levan of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, who led the Chandra observations. "When we look straight down these jets, a brightness boost lets us view details we might otherwise miss."
    This brightness increase, which is called relativistic beaming, occurs when matter moving close to the speed of light is viewed nearly head on. Astronomers plan additional Hubble observations to see if the galaxy's core changes brightness.
    Goddard manages Swift and Hubble. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages Chandra. Hubble was built and is operated in partnership with the European Space Agency. Science operations for all three missions include contributions from many national and international partners.

    Trent Perrotto
    NASA Headquarters, Washington
    Lynn Chandler
    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
    Ray Villard
    Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md.
    Megan Watzke
    Chandra X-ray Center, Cambridge, Mass.
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    And on that note:

    This video,posted first here Might give pause for a moment as it comes to light that one of the bravest most outspoken on behalf of the sick and dying in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the bp oil spill has what appears to be a dragon tattoo. So then One might see the obvious signs and symbolism and ask if there was also not another unforseen consequence to actions chosen as of late by those who believe they are doing the 'right' thing and acting only 'in and of the light' by seemingly mercilessly venturing into that which is, as of yet, unseen by them according to their own confessions and blazing etherial swords at those things of which they neither know for themselves NOR understand. So then One might ask; what energy contributed to this disaster in the gulf? Could it also be that the event was empowered in part by those who use the ethers to wage wars on beings they cannot even see other than in representations apparently put forth in front of them by those they wish to blame for the disaster themselves? Could it be said then that acting without understanding the consequences of your actions might even empower those whom you think you are slaying in the ethers with your directed energy? Would then a person fall back on scripture saying that they only got what they deserved as they bear the mark of dastardly beasts? And even once this is seen as an obvious symbol of the energies playing out before our eyes would they then repent and say they are wrong? Would they seek to understand the consequences of their actions before carrying their mental creations of war on those they profess hatred for forward the next time? PR would they write it off a ridiculous and choose to remain still partially asleep? If it becomes apparent to you that your actions even 'in the light' are empowering, however small, such great evil against humanity and Mother Earth you then see your own part in being held by a higher force as a responsible party to the destruction rather than creation. That is one example of 'light' out of balance. If your intention is not to cause such actions directly, then it might behoove you to take a look at how and where your energies are being siphoned off and misused by something else you may not be able to see.

    Kindra Arnesen is a very brave representative of the good people being harmed by these ridiculous wars against the self of Creator. What gives here the power to stand up and do what is right despite those who would call her a whining victim to keep her silenced in shame? And believe me there are those who do this, just as there are those who say that those who live in Japan got what they got because they live there and thus deserve no compassion? Yes this is being said by some people sadly enough and is frankly an abomination. As the blinders get lifted more and more we are each more aware of how our actions effect the WHOLE of all that is Creator. Just sharing some thoughts on what to me is obvious.

    Thank you for pointing out the celestial impacts of seemingly unrelated events. "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #35578 April 9th, 2011
    Rolling wrote:

    Oh Dear!
    I've seen this happen before on other forums.
    I'm a newbie here so I wont get into the in's an out's of a ducks bum on this one.
    Just would like to say it's very unproductive for these things to go on, I can see a lot of emotion is riding on this and that's a recipe for ego too take hold and stuff it all up.
    Everyone has the right to believe what they want, just state it and dont get caught up in the drama cause it's all really a movie.

    Peace everyone.

    #35600 April 9th, 2011
    magamud wrote:

    Tawaret from the program Lost...Thanks....

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  7. admin

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    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. mudra on Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:40 pm
    We don't know what we miss when we fear and the time we waste in postponing or casting away the very Love we are made of.

    Miten with Deva Premal, live in Concert - Till I Was Loved By You, Songs for the Inner Lover


    "To truly restore, one has to find balance from merging free-will with cosmic law while being willing to do the construction work as architects of heaven on earth. One also has to be willing to transmute, release or integrate the fragmented and programmed aspects into Love & Wisdom, so the true nature and divine blueprint, can step forward within All. Laura Magdalena"

    Love Always

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    ~~ Buddha ~~


    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°8

    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. shiloh on Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:13 pm

    mudra wrote:We don't know what we miss when we fear and the time we waste in postponing or casting away the very Love we are made of.

    Miten with Deva Premal, live in Concert - Till I Was Loved By You, Songs for the Inner Lover


    "To truly restore, one has to find balance from merging free-will with cosmic law while being willing to do the construction work as architects of heaven on earth. One also has to be willing to transmute, release or integrate the fragmented and programmed aspects into Love & Wisdom, so the true nature and divine blueprint, can step forward within All. Laura Magdalena"

    Love Always
    Yes mudra, the 'Love Within' is indeed omnipresent and available to all, who seek for it. It can however not be found in ignoring or dismissing the 'Love Without', no matter how dire the circumstances and hindrances encountered in the search for it.
    There so exists indeed a 'Enemy Within', who attemts to confuse and perplex as the human mind itself; about the state of the realms in which the Without has no value or worth and that any such 'Enemy Without' can be safely ignored in the physicality of the illusions.

    The 'outside world' is no illusion or Maya, which is to be denied and avoided in lieu of a nirvanistic blissful state of the human mind. The eastern philosophies and mental constructs of culture and 'governance' are just as unawares of their own legislative source codes, as are the western counterpart, called the human civilisation of the orient and the occident respectively.

    There is a 'perfect love' for everyone and every human allegorically named acorn seed; the dragons call it a 'core love' and all what constitutes an old human lovebond implies is given in this 'core' but it is much more, extending from the planetary worlds into the galactic cellular seeds as a new lovebond between Mindwave and Bodymorph.
    Those are the generations and family histories of the old humans; unawares of their true inheritances, origins and destinies; but often desirous and prone to wishful thinking and dreaming about their cosmic identifications. Grandparents seek to foster their children into their legacies, but then depart into a mysterious world of the afterlife of wavy dreams and expectations. History repeats and the family trees grow evermore, with the oldest of the elders but names at the beginnings and the roots of the dissertations.

    Just as a little acorn seed as a 'mustard seed' must be planted to reveal its mysterious magic contained within its genomatrix without and following its necessary and appropriate nourishment; so will a proto-verse or individual personalized note become a seedling mono-note or singular symbol of creation. Albeit the proto-verse can indeed grow in the soil of its garden and be fed by the sunlight from above and the water from below and sprout into a uni-verse with the note forming a tune and the acorn becoming a tender planted shootling. The fragile little tree however grows stronger into a multi-versal collection of tunes and a mono-song or uni-verse becomes a supersede from the lonesome seed of its own beginnings.
    When the little tree becomes a bigger tree, then it will have developed its own seeds of reproduction as acorn seeds and then the multi-versed mono-song can become the parent for other mono-songs in its due time and the tunes from the notes become melodies in the multiplication of the acornian trees as a forest of oaken trees and then the Omni-verse has the tools to construct a symphony from the orchestras of its multi-versed uni-verses or mono-songs.

    And so it is in the genealogies. On the old earth you find the lineages of families and bloodlines, all said to stem from ancestral grandparents who have long gone and left their legacies to their descendants. So where have they gone, those ancestors of the children of the children?
    They are the originators and progenitors of the first acorn seeds, which have become the human forest on the old earth as a new earth in the becomings.
    So the genomatrix of the ancestors is the key to their whereabouts, as the eldest of the ancestor trees have returned to where they had come from before becoming the original acorn and mustard seeds of the genesis.

    And those 'places of the origins' are not on this planet of the old earth, but as a place of destinations for the first acornian mono-songs they are. And so the ancestors know where they are and where they had been as the Elders of the Elders of all the human forests.

    (88) Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you and give to you those things you (already) have. And you too, give them those things which you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"

    Both songs are true, but complement as 1+1=2 and not as ½+½=1​

    The validity of this statement can be ascertained or 'simply understood' from the following source codes from the ET realm; where this 'greatest love' became manifest before introducing it to its Motherworld..

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    (11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (40) Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside of the father, but being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed."

    (47) Jesus said, "It is impossible for a man to mount two horses or to stretch two bows. And it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters; otherwise, he will honor the one and treat the other contemptuously. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. And new wine is not put into old wineskins, lest they burst; nor is old wine put into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, because a tear would result."

    (48) Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away."

    (61) Jesus said, "Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, and the other will live."
    Salome said, "Who are you, man, that you ... have come up on my couch and eaten from my table?"
    Jesus said to her, "I am he who exists from the undivided. I was given some of the things of my father."
    <...> "I am your disciple."
    <...> "Therefore I say, if he is destroyed, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness."

    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    (87) Jesus said, "Wretched is the body that is dependant upon a body, and wretched is the soul that is dependent on these two."

    (89) Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?"

    (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away."

    Shiloh, October 10th, 2013

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  9. admin

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    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. THEeXchanger on Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:39 pm

    Jackie Evancho - To Believe - The Original - HD

    The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger -Tony Bermanseder -The End of The Macha& PachaGrand Cycle which ends December 16th, 2013 The Start of The Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle of December 17th, 2013. Susan was the 1st person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984, as The Last Full Moon in 2013 in alignment with The Six(6)Season Calendar~The Ancient Year~The Calendar Round~The Thirteen(13) Moon Calendar~The Six (6) Event Calendar~The Eight ( icon_cool. Event Calendar~Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes etc.http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/...D780-C9C1-46C1-80A1-A15795198653&pageindex=83 THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger --which proves we live in a 12 level universe http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&id=716B3150-CCF7-487D-8EBA-D2AEB16801A0&fid=F3D0C39E-7270-4160-80DE-61A397C1A988
  10. admin

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    empty. Re: Letter from a Thuban Insider...

    empty. shiloh on Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:53 pm

    #37638 April 18th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Deedee wrote:
    Phoenix wrote:

    Deedee wrote:
    Phoenix wrote:

    You hit the nail JT!
    Watch Richard Hoagland.
    camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_ku...t=10&Itemid=164, , (from NGC thread).

    Link not working.

    Hopefully this does.

    Thanks for this Bluey Dracs... I just now got around to watching it 373811.

    Sure Deedee; you are welcome as one who has discerned the VEIL of the EVIL in being A LIVE.
    The 'Phobos=Fear' labeling of the Martian Moon as a remnant of an 'Elder Human Civilisation' by Richard Hoagland is appropriate, following our investigations.
    We have placed a caveat onto Richard's general 'science' in the attached message; do however support his general emphasis and thrust as displayed in this video you commented upon as well as the general emphasis of the 'Dark Mission' statements.

    The Cosmic Presence of the Starhuman Race in the History of the Ten Principalities and Generations of the Logos

    A major reconfiguration of the cosmic matrix occurred about 2,200 million years ago and this nexus served as a preparation for another major transformation of spacetime triggering a metamorphosis of the seedling universe, now about 19.11 billion years of cosmic age.

    This second cosmic transformation is often associated with particular timeframes like the Mayan calendar, prophecies and futuristic expectations and natural phenomena such as the precession of the equinoxes or the planetary orbits about centres and axes of rotations.
    This essay shall indicate that all those aspects are interwoven and exposit the deeper reason as to why a particular 26,000 year precessional cycle of the planet earth relates to the nexus point of universal consciousness of a galactic starhuman race, triggered 2,200 million years ago.

    So 2,200 million years ago; the starhuman template or blueprint was born in the event of the cosmic self-reflection and in what can be termed the awakening of quantum self-consciousness on the cosmic scale.
    It took about 16.9 billion years for the linear evolvement of the entropic time arrow to reach its own limiting boundary from its own birth as a quantum event emerging from a spacetimeless realm of the eternal void or the infinite singularity.

    This singularity is finitised in a minimum spacetimematter configuration, commonly termed a wormhole of the hyperspace or a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge.
    The quantum nature of reality is beyond dispute, as is the applicability of the classical geometric theory of the relativities. However, Einstein's Theory of General Relativity requires a flat (Minkowski) spacetime background and so disallows spin-orbit coupling in so called torsion effects of angular momentum; the latter ultimately reducible to the quantum theory of quantized particle spins as function of a 'quantum action' (EnergyxTime=DisplacementxMomentum in Planck's Constant h).

    So the classical geometric theory of Einstein is extended in a torsion accomodating hyperphysics, known as the Theory of Einstein-Cartan. In Einstein-Cartan theory, the flat Minkowski metric is allowed to curve in say Ashtekar parameters and tensor variables and the Minkowski continuum of the potential and intrinsic singualities becomes finitized in a summation of wormholes or Black Hole-White Hole dyadic unitary building blocks.

    The flat continuous spacetime of Einstein-Minkowski-Riemann so becomes curved and discretized in quantized wormhole funnels in hyperspacetime and the classical geometric description for the universe's cosmologies are rendered quantum geometric.


    Then about 2,200 million years ago, the presently observed and measured universe became 'reset' after a 16.9 billion journey of the original lightpath of the creation reaching its own preset boundary as say a 11-dimensional Witten-Membrane-Mirror.
    This became a consequence of the original inflationary expansion of a massless universe, which occurred BEFORE the so termed Big Bang of the classical thermodynamic cosmology of a Planck Black Body Radiator.

    The string- or brane epoch magnified the size of the wormhole in a factor of 1048 from the wormhole unit of so 10-22 meters to the so called Hubble scale of 1026 meters; and in a physics of the hyperspace known as a de Broglie wave matter phase transition.
    The 'Bubble of the Omniverse' so became manifest as a lightpath of 16.9 billion lightyears in 11D membrane Witten-Mirrorspace; with the lightspeed invariance of the classical and relativistic Einstein-Planck universe asymptotically expanding towards this mirror space boundary.

    Because of lightspeed 'c' becoming the acceleration limit for all inertial objects, the lower 10-dimensional string universe so can only reach its higher dimensional boundary following an infinite linear temporal time evolution.
    The lightpath itself will however attain this boundary in a finite time as a function of the de Broglie matter wave parameters.
    And those parameters then specify the 2,200 million year nexus as the time of the intersection of the Big Bang lightpath of creation with its own boundary of the Mirror Membrane omnispace.

    The Universe Seedling, also known as Barbelo or the Cosmic Mother, so 'woke up' in poetic terms when the light of the Big Bang reached the wavematter mirror.
    The lightpath both penetrated the mirror membrane into unexplored and undefined 12-dimensional Vafa-Father-Spacetime in refraction and reflected in a return and retracing of the electromagnetic parameters of the forwards journey.

    The dispersion of the creation energy could now stop its entropic expansion of the stringed inertia into the membraned gravita under the auspices of the Equivalence principle of Einstein regarding inertial kinematic mass and gravitational potential mass.
    The Cosmic Sentiences as the Universal Intelligence was born and could begin to accumulate in negentropy in suitable vessels or bodyforms for the further processing of the creation energy in terms of spacial consciousness.

    The following references describe this space inherent consciousness in more technical and mathematical terminology and provide an overview for the Extraterrestrial Life so instigated in the 'Electromagnetic Return' of the Lightpath of the Creator.

    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances




    Four Metric Ages for the Universe in the Cosmology of Membranes

    The Age of the Universe is metric dependent. One might ask certain questions, like "How old is he Universe" and this is a very good question at the core of all cosmology.
    Analysis shows, that there are four different metrics and so there are four ages and four sizes for your universe and depending on one's viewpoint of observation.

    If measured from WITHIN the inertia defined Hubble Horizon in a 10D-string universe, the universe has the volume of a sphere, but measured from in between that Hubble Horizon in 10D and its 11D-membrane universe, this volume transforms into a special toroidal shape, like a doughnut without as hole.
    This then gives the volume V10+=2π2Rmax3x[n/(n+1)]3 for an inertial doughnut age of 8.96 billion years or a 15.03 billion year spherical age. These are the Actual Inertial Ages for the universe as envelopes or upper bounds and these are not the ages as measured by scientists as the natural philosophers.
    The transformation factor between the "doughnut without a hole" and the sphere is the upper bounded Chaos Constant known as the Feigenbaum-Delta: σFmax=3π/2.

    This is defined (by the Theorem of Centroids by Pappus) in the toroidal volume 2πR.πR2=2π2R3 = (3π/2).(4πR3/3) for a (tangential) Horn Torus. Exactly 8 spheres of radius R fit into a sphere of radius 2R and define the maximized Chaos Delta in:

    8.4πR3/3 = 32πR3/3 = Volume of OmniSphere radius 2R encompassing Volume of Torus radius
    R = (16/3π).2π2R3.

    Should one measure the universe from a position of OUTSIDE this 11-D WittenMirror-spacetime say in 12D-VafaMirror spacetime however, the volume increases due to the 4-dimensional seed activated by the 3-dimensional seed.
    Technically the surface on which the far away mirror exists becomes a 3-dimensional mirror just as the location of a local surface mirror can be postulated to exist on the inside of a spherical 2-dimensional mirror much farther away and as 'seen at a distance'.
    Then the outside of this 2D-mirror surface changes from a spherical surface to a doughnut surface, remaining however 2-dimensional, albeit in transition to 3D, obtained in the asymptotic approach of the 2D-surface towards the 3D-surface.
    In other words, the 'Image' as seen in the 'far away mirror' INTERSECTS its own lightpath X=cT and between the mass parametric lower-D spacetime and the electromagnetically defined higher-D spacetime.

    Outside the far away mirror in the 12-D-Vafa spacetime then the surface topology is 4-dimensional as the orthogonal vector nRmax in the expression dV11+=S.dR=2π2Rmax3dR from V4=½π2R4 and dV4/dR=2π2R3.

    The extra-3D-volume so becomes: V11+=n3.2π2Rmax3 and is measured relative to the inside in 10D as an age of 32.04 billion years, but relative to the outside in 11D as 19.11 billion years. These are the Actual Electromagnetic Ages for the universe.

    The Measured Ages for the universe are however lower, than the Actual Ages, because of the intersection of the 3rd dimension with the 4th dimension.

    If the critical volume is defined as Vcritical=2π2Rmax3, then the extra 3D volume expanding as a 4D volume seed will be V11-= n.Vcritical and as reduced from V11+=n3.Vcritical.

    The Measured Electromagnetic Age for your universe then is 17.59 billion doughnut years and 29.49 billion sphere years.
    The following expressions must hold and define the multivolumes in labels, which can then become reinterpreted in the form of 'missing energy' and 'missing mass'. Many cosmologists in your universe term this the search for 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' respectively.

    Multidimension Factor: DIM = V11+/V10+=V11-/V10-

    Dark Matter Factor: DIMDM=V11-/V10+=(n+1)3/n2~7.561 (for n=npresent)
    Dark Energy Factor: DIMDE=V11+/V10-=(n+1)3.n2~12.434 (for n=npresent)

    One so must have a reduced 3-dimensional inertial volume V10-, which is given by
    V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3 and provides a doughnut age of 8.25 billion years and the age measured by the astrophysicist, namely 13.83 billion years as the Measured Inertial Ages for the universe.

    Comprehensively then, the universe is experiencing an ongoing transformation in its cosmological evolution.
    Technical details are published here: www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&a...30-8B3C-66CE5510131B

    The Cosmic Wavesurfer and the Omniverse in Phi and incorporates the following data:

    R11+=(n)RHubble from V11+=(n3)2π2Rmax3
    R11-=n1/3RHubble from V11-=(n)2π2Rmax3
    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble from V10+=(n/[n+1])32Rmax3
    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3

    The Delta Δ=0.1324...then assigns the ratio Δ/(1+Δ)=Δ/n=(n-1)/n=1-1/n=0.1170 to the proportion of the asymptotic Universe which has become Revisited by the 'Electromagnetic Return' of the EMMR Light (of the Spirit of the CreatorCreation Monad in the Creator-Creation Duality).

    So for Δ=1, Δ/n=1/2 for a complete Hubble Oscillation and defining the return of the EMMR Light to its Big Bang Node, indicating that the full 50% of the asymptotic expansion of the protoversal seedling has become 'remapped' and 'downloaded' in the information of the first Hubble Cycle. The return lightpath of the EMMR would however still await remapping' and 'downloading' as the fraction 2/3-1/2=1/6 or 16.666%.

    For Δ=2, n=3 and so 2/3 of the data download would image the expansion factor a=n/(n+1)=3/4 as the part of the unmapped transversion of the multiversal cyclicity arrow of 3/4-2/3=1/12 or 8.3333%.

    The 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse' so defines the Hubble-Oscillation for the Multiverse.
    The 'downloaded' data is centered on the physicalised Image of the Mother-Black Hole of the Circumscribing Witten Mirror and so becomes the Gaian Supersphere for the 'downloaded data' from the rest of the Omniverse.

    As the 'returned data' (for a referential movie indicator consider Star Trek One, the Motion Picture) at the present cycletime coordinate npresent=1.1324..is 11.70% of the total extent of the EMMR Lightpath; it will be this proportion of RHubble, centered on the Gaian geometrical center; which defines the Gaian Superradius as RGaia=0.117RHubble=1.977 Billion lightyears (Gly).

    Using Quantum Relativity String data: Rmax=RHubble=ct/n=lightpath/n=RWormhole(H)1/3; H=ABCD=(RHubble/RWormhole)3
    =1.59767545..x10[sup26[/sup](m*)=16.8761... Giga-lightyears for the Boundary- and Initial conditions

    R11+=(n)RHubble=19.11 Gly (toroidal) & 32.04 Gly (spherical) for a Mean Value of: ½(19.11+32.04)Gly=½[(3π/2)1/3+1]x19.11083=25.5754415...Gly

    as approximation to the 25,626.81 ly fractal of the 'Civil 365.2425 Day Year', which would be 'exact' for a extrapolated '365.976..~366 Day Year'.

    RGaia11+=2.24 Gly (toroidal) & 3.75 Gly (spherical)

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble=17.59 Gly (toroidal) & 29.49 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11-=2.06 Gly (toroidal) & 3.45 Gly (spherical)

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble=8.96 Gly (toroidal) & 15.02 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10+=1.05 Gly (toroidal) & 1.76 Gly (spherical)

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble=8.25 Gly (toroidal) & 13.83 Gly (spherical)

    RGaia10-=0.97 Gly (toroidal) & 1.62~1.618 Gly (spherical)

    The Gaian Superradius for the spherical corrrelation of the toroidal minimum size of the Omniverse, so corresponds to the standard and popularized age-measurement for the lower dimensional universe converging to an age of 13.83 billion lightyears.

    The Omniversal Gaian fractal then approximates this nexus point in the Golden Ratio Phi to allow determination of the n-cycle coordinate whenever the overall omniversal evolvement has attained the consciousness potential to process that omniversal data base.
    In particular, the Gaian observers of that cosmic evolution will KNOW WHERE they are in determining this n-cycletime coordinate and then broadcast this value to the extraterrestrial omniverse as indicated.

    EMMR Lightpath in Billions of Lightyears is X=cT=Lightpath of EMMR.

    Φ=1.618033...=½(√5+1)=-Y=1/X for (X,Y) the Roots of T(n)=n(n+1)=1 in Euler's Identity in the Quadratic n2+n-1=0=(n-X)(n-Y)

    XY=X+Y=i2=-1=cos(π)+isin(π)=cis(π)=e and

    ΦX=cTΦ=RGaia10-=([n-1]/n)(3π/2)1/3 (n1/3/[n+1])RHubble


    The Lightpath for the EMMR (aka 'Spirit') so requires a definition of what a cyclic year is and is approximated above as a Civil GigaYear of 31,556,952 Billion seconds for a lightpath of 9.4670856...x1024 meters or 1 Billion lightyears.

    Solving the transcendental equation:

    f(n)=cTΦ-RGaia10-=0=cTΦ - (n-1)(3πn/2)1/3RHubble/T(n)=0 then determines npresent in this approximation as npresent

    Calling the extraterrestrial observers within the Gaian Superspherical Radius of Φ Billion lightyears and as minimum omniversal volumar in sphericity.
    The Human Exiled Collective Agency has determined "Where They Are" as the Gaian representatives for the Omniversal constituency in the n-cycletime coordinate system.
    The StarHuman deliverance can so become initiated in the Collective Cooperation and as determined by the World Logos.

    As per the references given, the Gaian lifeforms so substantiated in their morphogenetic bodyforms following the 'electromagnetic return' of the creator's lightpath and the multicellular lifeforms muliplied and propered following their evolutionary pathologies beginning so 2,200 million years ago with the oxgen enrichment of the Gaian atmosphere.

    As Gaia is specified in her Hill Sphere (see reference), superposed onto the light inversion parameter characteristic to the inertia of the earth and its displacement from the solar focus in its orbital motion; the Gaian Noosphere or planetary consciousness becomes a focuspoint for all other starhuman races evolved in various manners in a subspace 'Bubble of Intersection' and of about 4,400 million years diameter centred on the Gaian geometrical centre of mass.

    All planets carry Hill Spheres relative to their planetary gravitational characteristics as functions to their parent stars; but only Gaia is defined in a supplementary light inversion wavefront superposed onto the Hill sphere.

    The estimated age of the martian moon Phobos is about 2.2 billion years as a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, that is material found in the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.

    Superposing such a 'natural exterior' origin for Phobos (fear) and Deimos (dread), as the natural satellites for Mars, onto a proposed 'artifical interior' construction by a prior starhuman civilization (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobos_(moon) ; www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/marte_phobos08.htm);

    {Caveat by Tonyblue: Whilst much of Richard Hoagland's and associates' analysis remains highly speculative and open to scientific rigour; his basic premises regarding the prevalence of physical evidence with respect to an earlier human civilization throughout the solar system is supported by metaphysical inferrence and archeaological evidence} then allows an advanced spacetime civilization to manouver about its agenda within a particular star system focused on a 'planet of destiny' called Gaia Serpentina.

    Phobos has been measured to be about 30-35% hollow and so can serve as a 'spaceship' so 20-25 km across (see references above).




    Yonada was a a 10,000-year-old asteroid-ship, built by the Fabrini when they realized that their home sun was about to go supernova and destroy all life on their planet. Yonada was constructed out of a hollowed-out asteroid and was sent on a computer-controlled course to a habitable colony world. In 2268, the USS Enterprise encountered the worldship when it was fired upon by the automated defense systems of Yonada.
    The "surface" of Yonada

    The Enterprise crew discovered that Yonada was on a collision course with the populated planet Daran V. The inhabitants of Yonada had been in space for so long that they had forgotten that they were on a ship. They called the ship's computer the Oracle and had built a sophisticated religion around it and its purpose to bring them to "the new world."

    Central to this faith was the Oracle Room, which contained the physical representation of the Oracle, a kneeling position for use by the high priestess when conversing with the Oracle, and a plinth containing the Book of the People. The Oracle Room also contained a number of defensive mechanisms under the control of the Oracle, including a means of incapacitating intruders using an electric shock, and a means of heating the room to very high temperatures very quickly. Finally, it contained the concealed entrance to Yonada's control room.

    The Enterprise crew helped Natira, the leader of the Yonada colonists, to understand that their world was a ship, and corrected the worldship's course to its intended destination.

    (TOS: The Original Star Trek Series: "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky")

    It was from Rik Vollaert's evocative, 42-year-old script, of how "the Enterprise discovers a '200-mile-wide errant asteroid' in deep space," which the crew soon determine "is on direct course toward a deadly collision with 'Daran V' - an inhabited planet supporting almost 4 billion unsuspecting souls..."
    Of course, "the Enterprise must stop the impending catastrophe... by altering the asteroid's deadly course; barring that, Kirk intends to simply destroy the threatening space rock..."

    Until he discovers that the asteroid is also inhabited... and has been artificially "hollowed out" and set upon,

    "a centuries-long, interstellar survival journey... by a long-extinct civilization, the Fabrini..."

    The Enterprise further discovers that the descendents of the Fabrini - the "people of Yonada" (as the child-like asteroid-inhabitants have named their tiny "planetoid"...)

    Have NO idea they have been born... and have died... generation after generation - inside "a hollow, artificial world...!"

    Or, that their small, wandering "ship" - after a 10,000-year-old journey - is now, in the last remaining hours of its millennial-long voyage, on a fatal collision course with a major, inhabited world...

    This allows a planetary coevolution of starhuman civilizations; all without the restrictions or the quarantine of the starhuman template of Gaia.

    In science fictional terms (of say Star Trek and the 'hints' of Buzz Aldrin and the Stanley Kubrik's motion pictures of 'insider' Arthur C. Clarke's '2001 - A Space Odyssey' and its sequel '2010 - The Year We Make Contact' then; the "Fabrini of Yonada" are the starhuman ancestors of the human civilization exiled from the galactic forums under quarantine upon Gaia.

    It stands to reason then, that the projected starhuman metamorphosis of Gaia will allow a 'back engineering' or retracing of the ubiquituos starhuman template in the co-evolvement of other suitable planetary environments with respect to the bodyforms or merkabahs suited to the encountered environments.

    The decisive parameter for the timeline and the unfoldment of the overall plan for the reconfiguration of the cosmos; so will be a cyclicity or oscillation of an encompassing structure for the habitat; say a star system within an encompassing cellular galaxy.

    The galactic cell of many star systems so holofractically maps the biological cell of the great consciousness awakening of the electromagnetic light path nexus; changing from unicellular or prokaryote type to multicellular and eukaryotic taxonomy or archetype.

    It so becomes the distance between the galactic centre and the star system and star planet and not the period of precession, differing between starsystems and their subsystems; which defines the 'heartbeat' or the galactic oscillation of the communication between the galactic centre as the emitter and the receiver of the signal in a star system with its constituent planets.

    A 'Great Platonic Year' is 360 'Ancient Days' for 26,000 'Great Platonic Years' being 360x26,000=9,360,000 'Days' as 65 Mayan baktuns or 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 'Kin'.

    The distance between the galactic centre (Mayan Hunab Ku as the Butterfly Path of the Creator) of the Milky Way galaxy and the Solar System is then assigned this timespan as the lightpath of a galactic wavefront emitted from Hunab Ku 26,000 'Great Platonic Years' before a specified baktun date, such as the Mayan date or Gregorian December 21st, 2012.

    This signal or wavefront from the galactic centre so represents say a forward motion or 'expansion of a greater cycle like a heartbeat oscillation.

    Considering bigger cyclicities, such as the Milankovitch cycles of particular planetary relationships between global environmental changes like iceages linked to longterm changes in precession and astrophysical dynamics (see reference below); a period of ten halfcycles of expansion-contraction can become assigned to the actual manifestation of the starhuman template and culminating in the completion of the consciousness evolvement, which began in its initialisation 2,200 million years ago.

    The Cosmic Laws and their physical manifestation in the 'Laws of Nature' can be modeled on ten principalities of the World Logos and so can be assigned to ten 'Great Platonic Years' (GPY) as the 'retro engineered' Logos timeline for the nexus date of the electromagnetic return of the 'Creator's Source Energy'.

    1. Identity/1st Heaven - AntiIdentity/1st Hell as the First Generation of 26 Billion GPY
    is assigned to a First Fractal Age of 25.57544.. Billion Years & 25.62681 Billion 'Civil Years' as the Birth of the Seedling Universe:
    260,000 - 234,000 GPY = November, 254,257 BC - September, 228,630 BC and in a mythology of Lemurian civilization

    2. Expansion/2nd Heaven - Contraction/2nd Hell as the Second Generation of 2.6 Billion GPY
    is assigned to a Second Fractal Age of 2.557544 Billion Years & 2.562681 Billion 'Civil Years':
    234,000 - 208,000 GPY = September, 228,630 BC - July, 203,003 BC and in a mythology

    3. Order/3rd Heaven - Disorder or Chaos/3rd Hell as the Third Generation of 260 Million GPY
    is assigned to a Third Fractal Age of 255.7544 Million Years & 256.2681 Million 'Civil Years':
    208,000 - 182,000 GPY = July, 203,003 - April, 177,376 BC and in a mythology

    4. Symmetry/4th Heaven - AntiSymmetry or Distortion/4th Hell as the Fourth Generation of 26 Million GPY
    is assigned to a Fourth Fractal Age of 25.57544 Million Years & 25.62681 Million 'Civil Years':
    182,000 - 156,000 GPY = April, 177,376 BC - February 151,749 BC and in a mythology

    5. Infinity or Divergence/5th Heaven - Limit or Convergence/5th Hell as the Fifth Generation of 2.6 Million GPY
    is assigned to a Fifth Fractal Age of 2.557544 Million Years & 2.562681 Million 'Civil Years':
    156,000 - 130,000 GPY = February, 151,749 BC - December, 126,123 BC and in a mythology

    6. Inversion or Reciprocity/6th Heaven - Constancy/6th Archon as the Sixth Generation of 260,000 GPY
    is assigned to a Sixth Fractal Age of 255,754.4 Years & 256,268.1 'Civil Years':
    130,000 - 104,000 GPY = December, 126,123 BC - September, 100,496 BC and in a mythology

    7. Reflection/7th Heaven - Absorption/7th Archon as the Seventh Generation of 26,000 GPY
    is assigned to a Seventh Fractal Age of 25,575.44 Years & 25,626.81 'Civil Years':
    104,000 - 78,000 GPY = September, 100,496 BC - July, 74,869 BC and in a mythology

    8. Relativity - No Anti-Principle as the Eighth Generation of 2,600 GPY
    is assigned to a Eighth Fractal Age of 2,557.544 Years & 2,562.681 'Civil Years':
    78,000 - 52,000 GPY = July, 74,869 BC - May, 49,242 BC and in a mythology

    9. Quantization - No Anti-Principle as the Ninth Generation of 260 GPY
    is assigned to a Ninth Fractal Age of 255.7544 Years & 256.2681 'Civil Years':
    52,000 - 26,000 GPY = May, 49,242 BC - February, 23,615 BC and in a mythology of Atlantean civilization in its development and its destruction

    10. New Identity as the Tenth Generation of 26 GPY in using 1-9 in Rootreduction 10=1+0; 11=1+1=2; 12=1+2=3;
    and so on in N+9=N* is assigned to a Tenth Fractal Age of 25.57544 Years & 25.62681 'Civil Years':
    26,000 - 0 GPY = February 28th, 23,615 BC - December 21st, 2012 and a mythology of the Mayan return of the Elders from the Skies

    Milankovitch Theory describes the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer and mathematician Milutin Milanković, who worked on it during First World War internment. Milanković mathematically theorised that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit determined climatic patterns on Earth.

    The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time the elliptical orbit rotates more slowly. The combined effect of the two precessions leads to a 21,000-year period between the seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit, obliquity, moves from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back again on a 41,000-year cycle; currently, this angle is 23.44 degrees and is decreasing.

    Other astronomical theories were advanced by Joseph Adhemar, James Croll and others, but verification was difficult due to the absence of reliably dated evidence and doubts as to exactly which periods were important. Not until the advent of deep-ocean cores and a seminal paper by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton, "Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages", in Science (1976)[1] did the theory attain its present state.


    Tonyblue, April 13th, 2011 & PalmSunday, April 17th, 2011

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #337639 April 18th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Wow. My posts keep getting removed while the sh** continues. Nice. LOL.

    Hi Tommy,

    I would like to know (and I will also send this to you in message to be sure you have received it.) are you the one who has removed the posts I made on this thread that were simply copies of things that other members had posted openly on this public forum about me? You see I have to do this out in the open as it seems that this is what is expected here at Camelot. It was posted that I "took an ass woopin' by Crystal Chi (Lita) when she threatened me with several things including her own apparent (admitted use over several posts made by her) with black magick, etc. which coupled with the threat post that followed which someone keeps deleting so no one can see it, the posts by Crystal Chi Lita begin on this page and between my question to her about her magickal sygil which is being used in a negative energy way as she admitted in the threat itself it can be clearly seen that this is not something I made up.


    You have clear admittance at the very least of intent to cause harm through the use of black magick. Perhaps this ought not to just be swept under the rug. It would not be ignored of some alphabet soup agency were to have done it, why should the rules here be any different than what the overall forum would seem to like to have for the rest of the world? You cannot change the world for the better by espousing the same methods as those you wish to expose. I was discrete about that part and trusted you to see Tommy. Maybe you do see. ?
    The reason for this post (the one I made on Sianellen's thread) should have been obvious. The way in which the threat was removed from all threads and covered up someone on here not only leaves things to be taken out of context by any one who reads anything that has been previously posted, and anything that gets posted with regard to my character in the future. It makes no sense to try to handle things in a better way when the problem of this same group saying deleterious things on any public post remains protected as it would seem by whomever is controlling the posts behind the scenes.

    Sianellen said this: on Kerry's post the other night.

    "Well, MaryIshtatCreiddylad, yes this site has been hit for a long time, and if you have been so dissatisfied with everything why have you bothered to post so much of your stuff here, I wonder who's been playing the bigest games Mary, ask yourself? This site was taken down about a half our ago, this hasn't happened to me for about 2 weeks aprox. I think this was good timing!"

    ...which was not only taking it off topic, but again personal attacks based upon the foundation which has been previously laid out by the way other things were 'handled'.
    In response to my addressing it in relation to what Sianellen posted on her own thread rather than bicker on Kerry's, Then Crystal Chi Lita Joined in. Am I not allowed to refresh people's memory, or clue in new viewers to the source of the banter by posting her threats and Spacecowboys awful drunken words in response when either one of them slanders me? I trusted that you would handle the original issue with fairness and integrity.

    Is not the idea of a open fair and EQUAL for all Place what Camelot is all about? So then am I to understand clearly that You believe I am the one who did the harassing on the most recent thread here:



    Because it is clearly made to look as if I was saying harassing things there where the worlds were removed, when in fact what was posted was a whole lot of not very nice things that had been directed at me by other members who are clearly looking like they are acting in accordance with policy here by suggesting that I should have been openly lowering myself to using those same words and threats back at them instead of bringing it to your attention? (You know so as not to get an 'ass whoopin', which clearly allowed the same bolony to continue?) Is that how an issue should be handled here?

    I should threaten other members well being and call them names? Because I have had to really bite my tongue here Tommy. I have never in all of my life EVER taken that kind of crap from other people laying down, (and I have won every battle that has come before me even when it has in some cases taken a decade to do so. Because when I am right and am speaking the truth I believe it is important to stand up for it.)but I also believe there should be a civilized way of handling such a situation. You may suggest that when they 'call me out' as they seem to like to say on a public forum that the right thing to do is to handle it quietly behind the scenes with discretion, But What I see that has gone on here clearly ranks right up there with EXACTLY the kind of dirty cover up and corruption that one might expect to hear from one of Kerry's sources about a black op's group or crooked gov officials.

    What good does it do to have this forum or organization at all when the activities here and the way they are addressed seems to fall very much short of rising above the type of structure and abuse of power to cover up for the good ol boy's that this site is supposed to be about in the first place. There is a lot I could say to help, and a lot that I could do to help people help themselves in a more informed and healthy fashion toward having the world be a better place for every one in it if that is the goal of this site as I believe Kerry intends it to be... Just as I understand it, not to put words in her mouth or anything.

    I have not really felt like putting myself on the line to do this after seeing that Lita was protected and rewarded by the admin as it seems after she outright threatened me the way she did. I am not whining, but I would expect this site to uphold certain standards and ideals considering the mission statement. I want to know if you removed it Tommy, or if it was someone else, and if you could clarify what exactly the said harassment was. If you are considering that harassment on my part having re posted their words, perhaps you could also remove the original posts at the following locations by those members? If you felt the original words posted by them perhaps they ought also to be removed?


    I could do a whole lot of different things with this situation, but because I believe that if this organization does what it says in its mission statement it can change the world, and possibly avert a total war scenario in which case many people will loose a lot. This small handful of members with apparent squatters rights, that even talk with complete lack of respect for Kerry and Bill after all they have done by disagreeing in a confrontational fashion and swearing in the process rather than act at all civilized in their posting of opinions, could in all seriousness prevent the other thousands of people who come here for truth and disclosure from having the opportunity to hear from people with valuable information. Information that could prevent wars rather than trying to solve the problem with the same level of consciousness and the same old methods that created it.

    Yes I am angry at this point Tommy. I know you don't care about that, but if you understood fully you would understand my desire to have things resolved properly and in a civilized calm fashion before they get to this point. If I get followed from post to post with insults from yours ans "Steve's" friends and nothing is said to them, then why would I not have equal right to respond with even re post of their own words? That makes No sense in the context of the purpose of this forum.



    Addendum: I did happen to see (it has since been removed by poster) Chystal Chi Lita thanked Triggsie69 for removing the material that was removed. I would still like to see this answered by Tommy. I did not have time to email, and was unable to send it PM to Tommy though I still intend to do so. This is a busy week for me and I am irritated that I even need to deal with this same group of people causing trouble again. Someone needs to stand up to this or this forum is a complete fraud when it comes to truth and openness.

    So funny, all of the links to the original

    pages where the problem began no longer

    lead to the pages,

    but to an error screen. Hmm. More COVER UP?

    I have no intentions of doing so at this time, however; any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #37732 April 19th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:

    Quite bizarre... I know I had earlier posts on this thread... I don't know why they are getting deleted but if it's such a problem why not just delete this whole thread.. like they have other threads? Are we being "screened" now on what we can or cannot say... Just curious?

    #37738 April 19th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Dear Deborah!

    Unless there are more 'silly' games than I perceive atm; you may care to check your membership.
    I know that about 3 or 4 Thubans (and Mary?) were banned after the stargate templates were published and this taliban issue raised its head again. I was able to place the 'missing reply' onto your thread on the paradigm.

    Be well

    337739 April 19th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:

    What do you mean by check my membership?... I am confused?

    #37740 April 19th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Deedee wrote:

    What do you mean by check my membership?... I am confused?

    Perhaps a browser issue or a queue of some sorts.
    I get this message about your profile.

    "I am sorry, but either we cannot find the requested profile or this account is no longer active. Please contact the site administrator if you believe this is an error."

    The same for the banned dragons and also for Mary.
    Not so for say sianellen.
    As said perhaps sandpit games; but i dont know.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #37741 April 19th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:

    Show me the proof of what I'm supposed to be accused of! I have better things to do than play silly mind confusing games! I intend to get my information out (as we all do) and I'm not going to take anymore bickering, whining and complaining from a bandy of 5... so if you are "confused yet".... ask yourselves if the silly little mind games isn't the reason for the confusion! I will remain in my integrity and can only intend the the rest of you do too!

    #37742 April 19th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:

    Don't know! I'm still online!

    Post last edited Apr 19th 2011

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014

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