Let's see just how redneck you really are: 10-20 a little redneck 20-30 pretty much redneck 30-40 bonafide redneck Copy. Paste. 1. Owned a pellet/BB gun? 2. Owned a real gun? 3. Shot a gun? 4. Gone bird squirrel or rabbit hunting? 5. Gone fishing? 6. Owned or used a sling shot? 7. Plucked a chicken? 8. Gathered wild ginseng? 9. Eaten deer meat? 10. Eaten frog legs? 11. Fed a baby animal with a bottle? 12. Gathered fresh eggs? 13. Driven a stick shift? 14. Started a vehicle using a manual choke? 15. Rode in the back of a pick-up truck? 16. Shucked corn? 17. Waded barefoot in a creek? 18. Caught fireflies in a jar? 19. Tasted wild honeysuckle? 20. Picked wild blackberries? 21. Used an Outhouse? 22. Rode a horse? 23. Smelled the scent of cured tobacco hanging in a tobacco barn? 24. Taken the ashes out of a wood stove or wood heater? 25. Carried in wood? 26. Walked barefoot down a gravel or dirt road? 27. Slept in a tent? 28. Been attacked by a rooster? 29. Eaten raw apple, potato, or turnip off the blade of a pocket knife? 30. Dipped skoal or chewing tobacco or had it applied to a bee sting? 31. Eaten homemade sw ice cream? 32. Used a pump to draw water from a well? 33. Been on a hay ride? 34. Jumped on a pile of raked leaves? 35. Carved your initials into a tree? 36. Sucked on a piece of water hose to siphon gas out of a gas tank? 37. Been shocked by a electric fence? 38. Split wood with a axe? 39. Hung laundry outside on a clothes line to dry? 40. Eaten fried bologna? My Redneck Total: …...
20 Surprisingly Flattering Photos Of Rednecks (thethings.com) https://www.thethings.com/20-surprisingly-flattering-photos-of-rednecks/