
Discussion in 'Raxnae's Poet Club' started by raxnae, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart


    Legacy I

    ...by draxiss

    The Dream embodies my Hunger, to sate my Desire,
    I crave Worlds Unseen, Stories unfolding,
    Freedom and Adventure, Love and Happiness,
    Great enough to be Myself, Incorruptible and Pure.

    Give me your Temples, so I can Light the Altars,
    Sacrifice for Me, and Feast upon my Heartblood,
    Enter my Storm, and Assimilate into my Mind,
    Merge your Ocean with Mine, joined Soul of the Dream.

    Inside the Jaws of Life, I find Passion,
    Within the Caverns, I find Enlightenment,
    Between the Mountains, I find Peace,
    Covering the Mount, I find Harmony.

    Black Wolf Hunting, Doe Teasing,
    Enwrapped with my Darkness, I am your Cloak,
    Flowing River, Circle of Life,
    Devour you, Devour me.

    Endless Hunger, Feed my Flames,
    Lest my Spirit, Consume the World,
    Conquering King, Plunder the Loot,
    Only one sort of Treasure, gives me Pleasure.


    Legacy II

    ...by draxiss

    Somewhere in the Sacred Silence
    Sleeping in the Void
    There is Truth
    Playing the Rock of Ages
    Grinding an Axe of Black Metal
    I Emerge into the World of Light
    Only to find it Darker than Nothingness
    Reading the Story Book of Life
    Writing my Tome in Blood
    Without Beginning or End
    Trapped within the Middle
    Pulling my Spine from the Sheathe
    Sword of Judgement
    Equalizing the Faults
    Cut my Path to Freedom
    Neverending Adventures of Passion
    Spiritual Resurrection
    That Love Connection
    Kingdom of Hearts
    Bound to my Fiery Convictions
    Dragon of Eternity
    Universal Adventurer


    Legacy III

    Primal Instinct
    ...by draxiss

    Are your eyes open
    Ears receptive
    Heart pure enough to see through
    Mind keen enough to cut illusion
    To understand what I mean
    When I speak?
    When all answers lie within
    Primal beginning
    All inscribed in the dna
    Identity within the pulsing source energy
    Animal spirit
    Even artificially
    Is made of natural truth
    Wheel of balance
    Causing all things to just become different shades
    Of the root core
    The new is but the old with a different face
    Various reflections of the most high light
    Wild and free
    Forever I'll be
    Warden of nature
    Embodiment of the magic
    Red passions
    I chose the greatest treasure
    That makes it worth living
    Through which everything
    Shall fall into place
    Divine wings
    Carry me home
    Away from desolation
    Assimilate the fabric
    Big bang

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