Latest News The Kissinger Continuum: The Illicit History Of The Wef's Young Global Leaders Program

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    The Kissinger Continuum: The Illicit History of the WEF's Young Global Leaders Program

    The Kissinger Continuum: The Illicit History of The WEF's Young Global Leaders Program (

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    22 minutes ago
    October 17, 2022
    Editors SDB
    The World Economic Forum's (WEF) Young Global Leaders program, the alleged brainchild of Klaus Schwab, is actually an almost exact replica of Henry Kissinger's International Seminar that was originally led from Harvard and funded by the CIA.

    In this article, our investigative journalist Erich Brink examines the people behind Kissinger's International Seminar, the CIA leaders who funded the program, and Kissinger's key role in establishing the WEF's own Young Global Leaders program.
    The World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Initiative (YGL) has been responsible for seeding many of the ruling elite into positions of power and influence in business, civil society and, most importantly, politics. The fall of the Soviet Union soon became the apparent catalyst for the creation of the Global Leaders for Tom orrow program, which more than a decade later was the forerunner of the Young Global Leaders initiative.
    However, the alleged mastermind behind the project, Klaus Schwab, the leader of the WEF, had already been helped into his own position of influence by a very similar program from Harvard University that was heavily funded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Harvard initiative in question, often referred to as Henry Kissinger's International Seminar, was one of many programs established by leading members of organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the newly established CIA.
    In fact, during the post-World War II era, the United States was proactively setting up many such programs with the intention of preparing potential young foreign leaders and installing them in positions of power.
    Originally, the United States established these secret youth organizations with the goal of targeting potential future European leadership candidates. But soon, no country in the world would be safe from possible CIA-sponsored political infiltration. In this article, we will examine one of the front organizations that used huge amounts of CIA money to fund various Harvard projects, including Kissinger's International Seminar.

    We will learn who the people were who created these funding platforms, and we will also look at other such educational initiatives, some of which still exist, that have helped U.S. intelligence infiltrate governments around the world.The American Friends of the Middle East
    In 1967, it was Harvard's Humphrey Doermann himself who revealed that certain Harvard Summer School courses and initiatives were actually funded through CIA channels. Although nearly a decade of funding in the fifties was not indicated, it was revealed that Kissinger's International Seminar received funding from three CIA leaders between 1960 and 1966: The Asian Foundation, The Farfield Foundation and The American Friend's of the Middle East, the latter being one of the more well-known, influential and successful CIA channels of the era.
    The CIA funded the Harvard-based International Seminar, and the channels the Central Intelligence Agency used to provide the forum with the necessary funds to run the program are of great historical importance.
    The American Friends of the Middle East (AFME) was not only a simple front organization used to pump secret CIA money into their various projects, in fact there were some very big names associated with this prominent postwar organization. The AFME was considered an "international educational organization" and was founded in the same year that Henry Kissinger launched the International Seminar at Harvard, in 1951.
    There were 27 men and women who were part of the AFME, which was led by Kermit "Kim Roosevelt, Jr., the grandson of former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. The CIA was formed in 1947 from what was originally the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and Kermit Roosevelt Jr. was extremely influential in the early years of both organizations.

    Kermit Roosevelt was recruited in 1941 by the mastermind behind the OSS, General William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan, and he was soon placed in the newly established Office of the Co-ordinator of Information — the forerunner of the OSS — as a special assistant to Dean Acheson. Acheson, who was then assistant secretary of state, worked from the State Department and had been tasked during World War II to implement President Franklin Roosevelt's policy of undermining the Axis powers while providing economic aid to Britain.
    Kermit Roosevelt, who was distantly related to the president, had an affinity for the Middle East from a very young age with the Daily Mail of Hagerstown in Maryland reporting in September 1948that: "Mr. [Kermit] Roosevelt's career as a writer began when he was a child writing a prophetic poem, 'The Lure of the East,', for the magazine 'American Boy'. He was eleven at the time." Kermit's father, also called Kermit, was in "shipping," as mentioned in the last article. This had led to Kermit Jr. traveling the world at a young age.
    A 1950 photo of Kermit Roosevelt Jr., grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, and a former Central Intelligence Agency official, Source: National Security Archive, GWU
    Kermit spent the war years in the Middle East and Italy, traveled extensively during the war and is said to have traveled to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Iran and Ethiopia. His father had fought the war mainly in Norway and Finland, but also served briefly in Egypt and tragically died in Alaska in 1943. The Abilene Reporter newspaper reported on Sunday, June 6, 1943, that Kermit Sr. had died in Alaska the day before the article was published, noting, "Usually, the phrase 'killed in action' is used to report a death in combat." It was later confirmed that he had actually committed suicide.
    By this time, Kermit Jr. had already been recruited by the OSS. Kermit Jr. continued to work for the OSS as an expert in the Middle East after the war ended, and he also began writing and editing the history of the secret organization. By 1947, the OSS had become the CIA, and Kermit was at the forefront of designing projects and programs for the newly established intelligence agency. He also seemed genuinely concerned about the situation in the Middle East and soon took part in a lecture tour. That tour, whether or not sponsored by the CIA, saw Kermit argue passionately on behalf of those who suffered in Palestine.
    In December 1947, Kermit embarked on a lecture tour on a paper he had written on the Middle East, titled, "The Arabs live there too," which discussed the "Palestinian problem" and the fundamental problems between the Arabs and the Jews living in the region. The report, which was published in the Evening Post, warned that the situation "deserves more than a cursory glance from Americans."
    Kermit described Palestine as "the baby of the UN" and declared that America had taken over the role of "nurse and governess" of the region. The lecture tour was advertised in the Waukesha Daily Freeman on December 22, 1947, with Roosevelt stating in the articles, "By applying the principle of one of their proverbs, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' the Arabs could get closer to the Soviet Union," and then warning that "Arabs will not blame Russia (which voted for partition in the UN) half as much as they did Britain and the United States. will blame."

    Kermit Roosevelt believed that the Arab League would no longer wage war, and described an official declaration of war by one of the seven Arab nations as "extremely unlikely."
    Roosevelt was ultimately right that the Arab nations did not immediately declare war and instead predicted, "Every time the Arabs felt strong enough, they would certainly try to restore Palestine." Before Kermit began his first covert operation in an Arab country, he had initially been sent to Tibet by then-President Harry Truman to ward off communist influence. The Delta Democrat Times of Mississippi reported on April 9, 1950 that: "Kermit Roosevelt, son of a GOP president, is also being used on a confidential mission to block communism in Tibet."
    Kermit Roosevelt believed that entering into alliances with Arab countries, as they emerged from British and French rule, would bring benefits to America while preventing Soviet infiltration of Arab countries. That strategy, however, would depend on the western powers' ability to keep Arab nationalism at bay, either through diplomacy or subterfuge.
    In 1943, Kermit worked for the State Department in Cairo and this was one of the first countries in the Middle East in the post-war years to experience a CIA-backed coup. At the same time that Kissinger began the pilot of Harvard International Seminar in the early fifties, Kermit Roosevelt was closely involved in overthrowing the ruling Egyptian regime, conducting a special covert operation carefully called "Operation Fat Fucker," normally referred to as simply "Operation FF."
    Egypt was ruled in the early 50s by King Farouk, a notorious ruler who was already considered corrupt in the eyes of most Egyptians. The project to depose him was led by then-CIA Director Allen Dulles, alongside CIA station chief in Cairo, Miles Copeland, Jr.; State Secretary, Dean of Acheson; and Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. — who was officially a CIA agent at the time — with the original purpose of putting pressure on Farouk to implement certain political reforms in his country.

    When the initial "pressure" phase had failed, causing Farouk to reject the U.S. proposals, Kermit Roosevelt came up with an idea of how to orchestrate a peaceful revolution, both making the required reforms and making the country more open to "American control," as historian Matthew F. Holland puts it.
    Roosevelt secretly met with the Free Officers Movement, a nationalist revolutionary group led by Gamal Abdel Nasser and Mohamed Naguib, which was already planning to overthrow the government. On July 23, 1952, the coup d'état, which had been Roosevelt's brainchild, forced Farouk to relinquish power and was sent into exile in Italy. The CIA-led coup had successfully installed a new administration, which they said would be more susceptible to further U.S. infiltration. The CIA would then help the newly installed Egyptian government establish the General Intelligence Agency, Egypt's own CIA cloning organization.
    The following year, in March 1953, then-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles ordered the CIA, still led by his brother, Allen Dulles, to prepare a similar coup in Iran. The same people who successfully installed Nasser in Egypt were given $1 million in funds — equivalent to $12,128,464.73 in 2022 — that would be used to bring about the fall of Iranian leader Mohammed Mosaddegh. Mosaddegh was successfully deposed on August 19, 1953 in a coup orchestrated by both the CIA and MI6, again led by AFME's Kermit Roosevelt Jr., in a project titled "Operation Ajax."
    The successful coups in Egypt and Iran were not spontaneous events, but were well-executed and intricately planned operations. However, the Americans would soon learn that, if they continued to overthrow governments, they must first have effective American leaders who were already trained and ready to settle in their target countries.
    Before the newly established CIA had begun carrying out the aforementioned coups in Egypt and Iran, Roosevelt had established the Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land with many of the same people who would later form the American Friends of the Middle East. The Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land was founded in February 1948 by Roosevelt and a woman named Virginia Gildersleeve whose sympathy, according to historian Robert Moats Miller, "indeed lay for the most part with the Arabs," and was a leading figure in Christian resistance to the establishment of the State of Israel.

    Gildersleeve had long been dean of Barnard College, but by 1947 she had resigned from her position to focus on other activities. In February 1948, the New York Times reported that she led a group opposed to the creation of a UN police force in Palestine.
    The article, titled 7 Leaders Propose Truce in Palestine, also stated that the members of the group: "Call the current conflict in Palestine far more dangerous to world peace than most Americans realize," with the group declaring, "We feel a moral and civic obligation to insist that the most serious attention be paid to our national policies regarding Palestine," and that declaration was also co-signed by Kermit Roosevelt.
    Also prominent alongside Gildersleeve and Roosevelt at the founding of the AFME wasHarry Emerson Fosdick, an American preacher described as an "active anti-Zionist" and who later became a major influence for Martin Luther King Jr.
    Another notable member of the AFME was the controversial Dorothy Thompson. Thompson was an American journalist and radio announcer who had the honor of being the first American journalist to be expelled from Nazi Germany in 1934. Thompson was described in a 1939 Time Magazine piece as as influential as Eleanor Roosevelt and was often referred to as the "First Lady of American journalism."
    However, Thompson also had extreme views of black voters in America, describing them as: "Notorious for being corrupt. Ignorant and illiterate, the vast mass of Negroes is like the lower layers of the early industrial immigrants, and like them they are 'manned' in blocks and 'supplied' by corrupt leaders, white and black."

    Thompson was an outspoken anti-Zionist and came to the conclusion that Zionism was a recipe for eternal war. But while Roosevelt, Gildersleeve, and Thompson all publicly opposed Zionism, the CIA in general would benefit greatly from creating a world that, if not in a state of eternal war, was almost always on the verge of eternal war. The AFME included some of the most important people who shaped and influenced the postwar intelligence service.
    While we were able to find many interesting facts when studying all 27 members of the AFME, we now know that their interests were focused on education and ultimately resulted in the funding of a specific Harvard project that would create frameworks of future international leaders who were receptive to America's political interests and desires, including Klaus Schwab.
    Just after World War II, there were many different opinions within the U.S. political establishment about what to do about the "Palestinian problem." While many of afme's members were publicly anti-Zionist, a resurgence of Arab nationalism was caused by the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians after Israel's founding in 1948. This initially led to a division in public opinion, with many Americans eventually siding with the newly established Israeli state and their occupying forces.
    Public opinion in the Arab countries was much less divided. The Arab League closed its offices in Washington DC – called the Arab Office – in 1947 and publicly stated that the United States had shown a "complete and arrogant disregard for Arab rights, Arab interests and Arab sentiments.". At that time, the United States was still heavily dependent on Arab oil, and the supply of this oil also depended on America having good relations with the Arab world.
    The U.S. oil consortium ARAMCO could only continue to benefit from Arab oil if the U.S. remained on good terms with Saudi King Ibn Saud, who was an extreme anti-Zionist. ARAMCOsoon set up an office in Washington to lobby the government on behalf of the Arabs while putting money into educational institutions such as the Middle East Institute. Yet it wasn't just the Arab contingent of the American population that was concerned about the rise of Zionism, with the American Council for Judaism (ACJ) objecting to Zionism because they believed it confused religion and nationality.

    Rabbi Elmer Berger of Michigan, who was an ACJ leader at the time, campaigned for American Jews to stop supporting the establishment of the State of Israel. At the time, the State Department had also been concerned about joining the Zionists. They were particularly concerned about the potential for the growth of communist influence in Arab countries if the U.S. showed too much support for the newly established state of Israel.
    According to historian Hugh Wilford, it was the Cairo-based former OSS members who acted as "the nexus of the network that would become the American Friends of the Middle East," as he notes in his paper titled American Friends of the Middle East: The CIA, U.S. Citizens, and the Secret Battle for Public Opinion in the Arab-Israeli conflict. 1947-1967 . Wilford also points out that Kermit Roosevelt was associated with many anti-Zionists of the period.
    For example, he was under the command of an anti-Zionist descendant of missionaries named Stephen BL Penrose Jr. Roosevelt had also shared a room with George L. Levison, a State Department official of Jewish descent who Roosevelt later introduced to leaders such as the aforementioned Elmer Berger. Roosevelt, Levison, and Berger all became good friends, and Levison eventually became godparents to one of Roosevelt's children.
    Roosevelt was not only vital in establishing the original version of the AFME, the Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land, he also led the organization from his home in Washington, along with the organization's secretary, Garland Evans Hopkins. Ultimately, the anti-Zionist activists within the government failed in their attempts to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel when President Harry Truman officially recognized Israel's sovereignty.
    Roosevelt continued to undermine future support for Israel, and a year after Truman's recognition of the country, Roosevelt and others formed the Holy Land Emergency Liaison Program (HELP), which was to coordinate and work toward aid to displaced Arabs in the region, as Hugh Wilford puts it: "Reducing U.S. support for Israel." It is also around this time that Dorothy Thompson and others began to raise the profile of Roosevelt's organization.

    The battle for the hearts, minds and souls of future world leaders

    Harvard Summer School had been running for more than 75 years by the time Henry Kissinger finished his studies at the university. In 1950, Kissinger earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, and during his studies he received much attention from some very powerful greats at Harvard. In 1951, Kissinger launched the Harvard journal "Confluence", which would run alongside the International Seminar, and became the editor of the publication.
    This quarterly magazine was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and received contributions from others who were described as "various celebrities who had previously been teachers or students at the Summer School."
    The International Seminar was later boosted by additional funding totaling at least $135,000 — $1,637,342.74 in 2022 — by the Central Intelligence Agency alone between 1960 and 1966, with previous CIA funding not indicated since the seminar's inception in 1950. The Harvard Summer School's International Seminar Forum was originally the brainchild of William Yandell Elliott, an important mentor of Kissinger who remained in the background and out of the public eye.
    After the pilot event for the International Seminar Forum in 1951, the young Kissinger wrote to William Yandell Elliott, in which he said, "I was very embarrassed to hear myself described as the leading genius of the seminar," and continued, "I, don't be under any illusions at this point." Then, the majority of participants recalled kissinger's influence rather than Elliott,
    The CIA money for what was described as the "foreign seminar" came through a well-known CIA channel, the aforementioned Kermit Roosevelt's American Friends of the Middle East. Kissinger and his biographers would claim that he was unaware of the links to the organization's intelligence agencies, describing Kissinger as "flying in rage" when they heard that the AFME was actually a cover for the CIA. Kissinger's letters to H. Gates Lloydduring this period told a different story. They show that Kissinger had carefully specified the cost of the Summer School.

    Other documents in William Yandell Elliott's papers also revealed that Kissinger may even have acted as a contract advisor for the Office for Policy Coordination (OPC), the secret operations wing of the Central Intelligence Agency. In fact, Elliott had written a letter to Lloyd on November 15, 1950, urging progress on the proposal for the Summer School and the establishment of Kissinger's International Seminar. With that letter came certain papers addressed to Kissinger himself, which showed that he had made the proposals with Cleveland Cram . had discussed, an infamous and powerful early member of the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Cram had originally sought a career in academia, but was recruited by the CIA in 1949. He soon maintained contact with Yandell Elliott and Kissinger about the Harvard Summer School project and after it was launched, Cram was sent to London to serve as the deputy head of the station and the official liaison between the CIA, MI5 and MI6. In this CIA/Harvard connection of the late 1940s and early 1950s, came the formation of what would grow a generation later into the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader initiative.
    One of the original reasons for the creation of the CIA was to counter Soviet influence abroad, and they used multiple attack strategies to achieve their goals. While Allen Dulles, Kermit Roosevelt Jr., and their secret army organized and carried out coups in country after country, other CIA-affiliated organizers and associates began to create the infrastructure that would allow them to recruit, train, and install.
    young European leaders in positions of power, leaders who they thought were probably not susceptible to potential Soviet influence. Harvard wasn't the only one funding such projects. In fact, as Hugh Wilford noted in his fascinating and informative book The Mighty Wurlitzer, Yale was, "The most fruitful recruiting ground for the Agency in its early years, which included Cord Meyer and two of the brightest stars of the 'Golden Age' of covert operations, Richard Bissell and Tracy Barnes."
    Also noticed by Wilford are Yale's James J. Angleton and Norman Holmes Pearson. The latter, Wilford notes, had graduated from Yale before serving in the OSS and returned to college after the war to establish his "American Studies" program. The CIA was essentially trying to win the hearts and minds of young foreigners in direct competition with the Soviet Union.

    Communists had been targeting the impressionable youth for more than 25 years before the end of World War II with Wilhelm "Willi" Münzenberg, a German-born communist activist, who was the first leader of the Young Communist International (Comintern) as early as 1919. In 1945, a conference took place in London where the anti-imperialist World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) was launched.
    The following year, other groups were formed, some of whose members sympathized with communist ideals, such as the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the International Union of Students (IUS). The latter was founded in Prague and saw a 25-member American delegation attached to the intelligence service present.
    When these entities were created, they each became virtual battlefields for the ideology of East and West and the clash of Rhodesian imperialist capitalism and Soviet communism. In fact, the World Federation of Democratic Youth saw that cold war breaks in their organizations were soon raging, and by 1949 the non-communists had publicly withdrawn from the group and instead established the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
    These types of organizations were valuable tools for spreading communist propaganda and were defined by Lenin as "levers" or "transmission belts" because of the way they can connect the Communist Party with the masses and were often called "democratic" or "democratic". mass" organizations in communist jargon, such as a pamphlet titled Facts About International Communist Front Organizationsdescribed in April 1957.
    In that particular pamphlet there is a quote from Lenin, which also appeared in Lawrence and Wishart's 1947 book, The Essentials of Lenin, volume II: "Every sacrifice must be made, the greatest obstacles must be overcome, in order to conduct systematic, persistent and patient agitation and propaganda, precisely in those institutions, societies and associations – even the most reactionary ones – to which the proletarian or semi-proletarian masses belong." In essence, the creation and funding of youth organizations by the CIA and their broader infiltration of American universities was a strategy that essentially came directly from Lenin's own playbook.

    Before the involvement of the CIA, it was the British who took the initiative by targeting the youth of Europe with the aim of countering the infiltration of the Communist Party. The Department of Cultural Relations was tasked with developing strategies relevant to Western youth groups, organizations, and conferences. The first such groups was the World Assembly of Youth (WAY), which had received a draft charter in England in February 1949.
    All youth-related member organisations of the United Nations were invited to attend an international conference at Westminster Hall in August of the same year. Here they officially founded WAY and elected their first president, Mr Maurice Sauvé from Canada. It was around this time that Americans began organizing their own efforts to "educate the youth," which eventually led to initiatives like Henry Kissinger's International Seminar.
    At Harvard, the International Affairs Committee (HIACOM) began to gather a group of young veterans who had worked in intelligence during World War II, in an attempt to rival the much more advanced communist propaganda efforts.
    In December 1946, HIACOM officers were involved in organizing a meeting in Chicago where the idea of establishing a national body to represent American students and broader U.S. interests at international events was discussed. As a result, the National Student Association of the United States was born in the summer of 1947.
    During the two years prior to the launch of Kissinger's International Seminar, Harvard students had researched the views of international students to identify potential anti-communist allies abroad while poaching potential members of rival organizations such as the International Union of Students.

    The National Student Association has had its second research funded by two very interesting private donors through the Policy Coordination Office. The Chicago lawyer and chairman of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Laird Bell, and a Wilmington industrialist named Thomas Brittingham, who each provided the princely sum of $6,000 to the organization specifically to conduct the investigation.
    Laird Bell was an extraordinarily influential, well-connected lawyer who regularly visited Nazi Germany just before World War II to represent the interests of U.S. bondholders who had lost more than $1 billion to the German Reichsbank.
    Bell would not be alone while working in pre-war Nazi Germany, as his co-advisor for these cases was John Foster Dulles, who represented the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. By 1945, Bell was officially serving in postwar occupied Germany, and Eisenhower soon appointed him a delegate to the United Nations. In 1948, Laird Bell became an Overseer of Harvard College, where he remained until 1954, during the founding of the International Seminar.
    Thomas Brittingham was extremely important in the development of America's attempt to win over skeptical foreign youth, especially in northern Europe. He founded The Brittingham Scholarships just after the war and focused on youth in Scandinavian countries. Also called the "Viking Students," he would attract young men to his collection of scholarship programs that would eventually become the Brittingham Viking Scholarships and were administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many of "Tom's Vikings" — as they were also called — would become successful in organizations described on the program's current website as : "their various industries, academic fields, and politics."
    Although there were many different youth groups in the various educational institutions in the United States, Kissinger's International Seminar at Harvard's Summer School was a very unique project. It was a focused event with a limited number of participants who were carefully chosen by a select few.

    The Harvard Crimson reported on February 1, 1956that: "A group of about 50 men and a few women from the East, the Middle East, and Europe, including members of various parliaments, editors, artists, writers, and other cultural leaders, will once again come together to form the International Seminar, a regular part of the Summer School."
    This was a special elite group, selected, groomed and trained for powerful positions, with their loyalty forever tied to the interests of the United States government, and those interests would quickly start to fluctuate wildly in the coming decades.
    The Kissinger Continuum

    In 1992, the Berlin Wall had fallen, and the training of Schwab's specially selected globalist politicians of the future was about to begin. At this time of great political change, Schwab's World Economic Forum had become a powerful globalist entity, and Schwab was ready to follow the model first established by Kissinger's CIA-funded international seminar.
    As Herman Kahn and his colleagues at the Hudson Institute had mapped out in a 1967 paper titled Ancillary Pilot Study for the Educational Policy Research Center Program. The final report was the highest priority for the training of an extensive future leadership group outside the normal educational frameworks. As previously reported, Kahn was yet another mentor to Klaus Schwab.
    The first iteration of the WEF's Young Global Leader program, called "Global Leaders for Tomorrow", was launched in 1992 and was described as " a new community ", where the first meeting of future leadership candidates took place in 1993. those who attended this first event were soon placed in the highest positions of power in their respective countries.

    For example, Tony Blair took part in the first event and just 4 years later he began his ten-year reign over the UK. Gordon Brown was also present in 1993 and served with Tony Blair, eventually becoming Prime Minister immediately afterwards.This first group was packed to the brim with other future leaderswith many members destined to soon become heads of state in their respective countries. Well-known leaders who attended include Angela Merkel [Germany], Victor Orban [Hungary], Nicholas Sarkozy [France], Guy Verhofstadt [Belgium], Lee Hsien Loong [Singapore], Cyril Ramaphosa [South Africa] and José Maria Aznar [Spain]. In addition to the politicians in this first group, prominent business leaders were also present, such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Larry Summers and Edgar Bronfman.
    In total, the first year of the Global Leaders for Tomorrow program consisted of 200 potential candidates who were all under the age of 43 at the time. For more than a decade, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow program trained several leaders who then often found themselves in various positions of power, including many elected officials.
    The Harvard Kennedy Magazine of the summer of 2009begins their editorial by stating: "Through Alumni and Education, Harvard Kennedy School plays a central role in the Forum of Young Global Leaders Program," writes the author, Steve Nadis: "In 2004, Klaus Schwab MC/MPA 1967, a Harvard Graduate of the Kennedy School who founded the World Economic Forum (WEF), won a $1 million award from the Dan David Foundation and tried to figure out how best to use that money.
    Schwab decided to start a WEF-affiliated program, the Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL), which, as the name implies, would bring together a new generation of leaders from around the world and release them from the biggest issues of the day." Amazingly, the Tel Aviv-based Dan David Foundation, which awarded Schwab the $1 million used directly to create the Young Global Leaders program, had an extraordinarilyimportant member of the board of directors, Henry A. Kissinger.

    Harvard's International Seminar and the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders initiative were created to be extremely powerful tools for educating and installing world leaders who would be sympathetic to a Kissinger-style globalist government. They were also both made possible by organizing help and funding from Kissinger himself.'s no surprise that Schwab's ties to Kissinger prevailed throughout their lives. Schwab was a pupil of Henry Kissinger, and the two men also seemed to share many similar views.
    But what really stands out about Harvard's Summer School, and Kissinger's International Seminar in particular, is that the programs, conferences, and the basic elements that were involved were very similar to what the World Economic Forum presents to their members annually to this day. They are very similar projects aimed at achieving similar agendas.
    When the World Economic Forum began the Global Leaders for Tomorrow initiative in the early nineties, Klaus Schwab's organization implemented a recruitment and training program for world leaders that was almost indistinguishable from Kissinger's CIA-funded International Seminar. Schwab followed in the footsteps of his mentor, Henry Kissinger, and it was the Dan David Foundation, while Kissinger sat on their board,
    Klaus Schwab and others board a flight to Ukraine for the 1993 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, Source: WEF
    The World Economic Forum, through their Global Leaders for Tomorrow and Young Global Leaders initiatives, has produced many globalist heads of state, ministers, business leaders, entrepreneurs and other powerful actors. Schwab has even spoken openly about how his organization has continued to " penetrate the cabinets " of supposedly sovereign states, and we should not be naïve, since he has been planning to do just this for at least three decades.
    However, it's not the thousands of participants who have completed these programs that we should be most concerned about. Our real concern should be with the billions of Democratic voters who have been tricked into believing that one of the leaders produced by Schwab or Kissinger has his best interests at heart.

    Klaus Schwab became the heir to Henry Kissinger's most important project, the infiltration of individuals and organizations into countries around the world with the aim of creating globalization-oriented governments, built within the framework of an outdated and soulless conceptualization of US imperialism.
    Klaus Schwab's activities since his time at Harvard can be seen as a direct continuation of Kissinger's work in the fifties and sixties, and it would be naïve of us to believe that there is not anyone else, who has already been educated and trained, who is ready and willing to take over the political baton from Kissinger from Schwab and continue with their joint mission of globalist governance.

    The Kissinger Continuum: The Illicit History of The WEF's Young Global Leaders Program (

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